
What Teachers Get Wrong About Equivalence

Get Nebula for 40% off with my link: The Equivalence Principle is considered the major turning point in our understanding of gravity (General Relativity). But, if you think about it for more than a second, it doesn't hold up. Why is it so important if it isn't true? Nick Lucid - Host, Writer Em Lucid - Producer Viki Lewis - Editor Mikaila Blackburn - Animator ________________________________ SUPPORT THE SCIENCE ASYLUM Patreon: YouTube Membership: Advanced Theoretical Physics (Paperback): Advanced Theoretical Physics (eBook): Merchandise: ________________________________ HUGE THANK YOU TO THESE SUPPORTERS Asylum Orderlies: Dhruv Singhal, Medec Hurtz Einsteinium Crazies: Benjamin Sharef, Eoin O'Sullivan, Jonathan Lima, Joseph Salomone, Kevin Flanagan, Sean K, YouTubeviewer2014 Plutonium Crazies: Al Davis, Compuart, Ellis Hall, Fabio Manzini, Kevin MacLean, Rick Myers, Vid Icarus Platinum Crazies: Clayton Bruckert, David Johnston, Jonathan Reel, Joshua Gallagher, Marino Hernandez, Mikayla Eckel Cifrese, Mr. Orn Jonasar, Olga Cooperman, Thomas V Lohmeier ________________________________ SOURCES ________________________________ LINKS TO COMMENTS ________________________________ IMAGE/VIDEO CREDITS Eclipses: People: ________________________________ TIME CODES 00:00 Cold Open 00:23 What is the Equivalence Principle? 02:01 What if weight doesn't exist? 03:01 Thought Experiment 1 03:36 Thought Experiment 2 04:11 Thought Experiment 3 04:37 Uniform Gravitational Fields 05:34 Why does the Equivalence Principle exist? 06:21 Solar Eclipse Experiment 07:28 Summary 08:03 Nebula Ad 09:21 Featured Comments

The Science Asylum

3 months ago

Are these two situations equivalent? On the left, you're sitting on the Earth. On the right, you're inside an accelerating rocket. Either way, you feel your body pushing against the floor as if there's gravity. It's impossible for you to tell the difference. Or is it? [Intro Music] Hey Crazies. What we're talking about here is something called the “equivalence principle.” If you're accelerating uniformly, any measurements you take will be physically equivalent to measurements taken in a uniform
gravitational field of appropriate strength. It's one of the founding principles of general relativity. But is it true? And if it's not, does that make relativity invalid? We'll come back to both of these questions a little later. For now, I just want you to imagine you've woken up, locked in a room. This room has no windows. You hear no sound. You don't feel any vibrations. You're completely isolated from the world outside. This is exactly the situation I've put one of my expendable clones in.
Great. Here we go again. This is going to be hilarious. Where do you think you are, man? Well, I can't tell exactly you, but I feel my weight against the floor, so I'm going to guess this room is somewhere on Earth. Interesting. Interesting. What if I told you you weren't on Earth? Oh, so I'm on another planet with the same gravity? Nope. You're inside a rocket accelerating at exactly 9.8 meters per second squared. Weird. I can't tell the difference. That's exactly the point. The 9.8 meters per
second squared is what we call the “acceleration due to gravity,” on Earth at least. It's a gain of 9.8 meters per second for every second to travel. For some perspective, 9.8 meters per second is about 22 miles per hour or 35 kilometers per hour. Without air resistance, that's how much a falling object speeds up every second. For Expendable Clone to feel his weight against the floor, his rocket must share that acceleration. It's accelerating through deep space at the same rate that things fall
toward Earth. What most of us call “weight” is just the feeling of weight, not the weight itself. Right now, you're feeling an upward push from the ground or your chair or both. You also have a weight pulling you down, something you never feel. Sure, that upward push only exists because the Earth is already pulling you down with gravity, but what if there was another reason for that upward push? Like a rocket you happen to be inside, accelerating forward. You would feel a weight even though you
don't have one. But, just because one situation is indistinguishable from another, that doesn't necessarily make them equivalent. There may be an upward push in both situations, but only one has a weight. Right? We're not saying his contact with the floor is gravity, are we? The equivalence principle seems to say so, but that's kind of sus. And a huge part of science is tearing ideas to shreds for the benefit of all humankind. Whatever survives is the truth, or at least approximately the truth.
So let's see if we can find an exception to this rule. What if we bring in another object, say, a squirrel? From the comfort of our space station, we see a squirrel floating stationary in space. As the rocket accelerates upward, the squirrel slips through a hole and into the rocket. From Expendable Clone’s point of view, it would be as if a squirrel fell from the sky into his room. It's a perfectly reasonable conclusion. Not only does the squirrel fall, but it falls in exactly the same way that
it would if it were falling on Earth. It's as if there's a gravity acting on the squirrel, even though we know there's no source of gravity nearby. The equivalence principle still seems to hold up. Hmm. What if we have the squirrel come in from the side instead? Let's say the squirrel is moving in a straight line sideways. As the rocket accelerates upward, the squirrel slips through a hole in the side of the rocket. Expendable clone will see the squirrel enter his room from the wall and then fal
l to the floor in an arc as if there was gravity. If we could see inside his room, we'd see the squirrel still moving in a straight line. It would be the floor accelerating upward. But, according to my clone, it's the squirrel that accelerates downward like a projectile. To him, it looks like there's gravity. The equivalence principle still holds. I think it's time for something a little more extreme. Let's say his rocket is like, 20 miles long, and he's running up the stairs. Every ten floors o
r so, he stops to measure his weight with a bathroom scale. No matter what floor he's on, his weight will always be the same. That wouldn't be true with a 20 mile tall building. In that case, your weight would gradually decrease as you went up floors. Your weight on the top floor would be 1% less than your weight on the bottom floor. Bingo Bango! Equivalence Principle broken. (Off Camera Voice) Wait a minute. That's not a uniform gravitational field. Oh, crap. This principle does require that gr
avity be uniform. And that's only approximately true near the surface of the earth. If you get far enough away, we stop being able to make that approximation. Not only does gravity get weaker with distance, it can also turn. Down is toward the center of the earth, which isn't always the same direction. Earth is round and sometimes we have to account for that. Really long bridges are a good example. If we were to drop two squirrels a mile apart and from a mile high, they'd be 1.3 feet or 40 centi
meters closer together by the time they hit the ground, which is yet another situation where the equivalence principle does not apply. If the accelerating rocket was a one mile cube, the two squirrels would stay exactly one mile apart the entire fall. The equivalence principle only compares uniform acceleration with uniform gravitational fields, but it was never meant to be a universal law. Its purpose is to help us design thought experiments, so we can ask the right questions. The experiments i
n this video seem to suggest that gravity is simply acceleration we can't see. Since they only happen in our minds, they can't tell us if that conclusion is true. But if it is true, it can tell us what consequences we might see. Remember when we had a squirrel enter Expendable Clone’s room through a wall? Well, what would happen if a pulse of light entered the room instead? It would also bend toward the floor like the squirrels path did, just not nearly as much. The bend would be subtle because
light is fast. Fast Fast! If we believe the equivalence principle, and we haven't found any reason not to, then that means light should be affected by gravity, just like squirrels. Which seems absolutely bonkers. There's a reason people didn't believe Einstein and Hilbert when they published this in 1915. They had to actually prove it, which means they had to wait for a total solar eclipse and for a World War 1 to end. Europe was leading science at the time, and they were understandably kind of
a mess. Anyway, the idea is that if light from a star passes close enough to the Sun on its way to Earth, then the Sun will bend its path, making it appear in a slightly different location in the sky. And I mean slightly. They estimated the deflection angle to be less than two arcseconds. That's less than an 1800th of a degree. The U.S. tried to do the experiment in June of 1918 in Baker City, Oregon. That was near the end of the war. But, alas, it was cloudy with a 100% chance of failure. The n
ext total solar eclipse wouldn't happen until May of 1919. European scientists planned out two expeditions: one for several Brazil in South America and the other for Príncipe in Africa. The hope was that at least one of them would get decent images. And, after some technical difficulties, both teams managed it. Here's one of the images from Brazil. The results of this experiment confirmed that prediction from general relativity. Light is, in fact, affected by gravity, just like squirrels. As far
as we can tell, gravity is just acceleration we can't see. The equivalence principle might not apply to solar eclipses. But it did present us with a thought experiment, which led us to conduct a real one. A real experiment we never would have thought to do otherwise. So is the equivalence principle true? Yes. Is it universal? No. But that doesn't mean it hasn't been extremely useful. And until next time, remember, it's okay to be a little crazy. Let's talk about Nebula, a different kind of stre
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for another day. Anyway, thanks for watching.



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Today, I said "Fast, Fast!" at exactly the same time and cadence as you did. I'm gonna count this as a win.


Gravity being acceleration through time suddenly makes sense now. This is where the 'missing time' comes from when objects age slower in a gravitational field. They age slower in time, but move faster in space by an equivalent acceleration to compensate. It's conservation of energy in action.


4:14 in rindler coordinates (uniformly accelerating reference frame, what a rocket would experience), proper acceleration is inversely proportional to distance from the rindler horizon rather than constant (although the weight as a function of height would be different with that and gravity)


i'm so used to your videos that when this one has no music i cant stop "looking" at it. kind of makes me realize how good the use of music is your videos


Great video as always, Nick! I have consistently employed the equivalence principle to elucidate phenomena in classical physics that may not intuitively make sense, such as the less dense air above and the occasional perception of weightlessness in certain objects. However, when explaining this concept to individuals unfamiliar with the equivalence principle, comprehension is often elusive. Nevertheless, it provides a personal sense of satisfaction. In positive news, recent experiments substantiate that antimatter falls down just like ordinary matter. This finding serves as compelling evidence that the equivalence principle remains valid even in the realm of matter-antimatter interactions, thereby demonstrating that all objects follow the same geodesics in curved spacetime. General relativity for the win!


TY so much for this, I tried to present the same points online , admittedly not as eloquent as you just did, Without exception I was shot down and told I didn't understand the equiveillance principle.


Another brilliant video from science, asylum, and Nick Thanks for all the work and dedication you put into your videos


this also reminds me of when we used to talk about gravity, acceleration and perspective on the physics class on high-school. we used to have fun doing the math and experiments to prove and test the theory.


I really like all the minutiae you go into in this video, which probably covers a lot of questions or qualms people had with the previous one! Another part I usually don't see addressed is that the rocket would have to be pressurized to 1 atmosphere for it to feel like Earth (at sea level, at least), although I guess that part's usually just assumed. I've always found the part about light bending interesting as well, because light is considered massless, so it shouldn't technically be affected by gravity! The reasoning behind it is that gravity warps the space-time around the massive object, so it's not that the light is getting bent, but rather that the light is traveling in a straight line on a curved path, if that makes more sense.


So at 3:01 this only works if you just started accelerating. If you have been accelerating for a hour you'd be hitting a squirrel (not the squirrel hitting you, remember you're the moving object) at approximately mach 102.857 or twice the speed of Voyager 1 probe. 🤯 The only way I could find out that I'm in a rocket I think is time. I just ran the numbers and you be aproaching lightspeed after 354 days of accelerating at 9.8 meters every second. (Although this would probably feel much longer to me since I'd be undergoing the effects of time dialation.) But eventually the rocket couldn't accelerate more since the energy requirements would be infinity at that point. Then you'd become weightless. I'm not sure how long it would take from the perspective of the passenger inside the rocket. But I'd have to guess it'd be a long time...


Nick, I know you’re a physicist but can you make a video on math concepts, like calculus with real life examples, its history etc? Because you make people understand hard concepts easily and I want to understand advanced math, too!


Nick I really wish you already had a million subscribers. Man I love your channel, all the way from South Africa!!


A plumb bob will hang at a slightly different angle from one side of the room than the other if you are on a round body whereas in an accelerating rocket, there is no “down” for the plumb bob to point towards, so the plumb bob will point perpendicular to the floor at any point in the “room”. Same principle as when the circumference of the earth was calculated by measuring shadow angles.


Great to see you pop up within my algorithm Nick.... Brilliant video as usual 👍


I'm really psyched you brought up the example of how a really long ship wouldn't have the same gravitational expression as a planet. This is something been wondering about for awhile and how you could use it show if you were accelerating or in a gravitational field. I figured there would be some science-y mumbo jumbo to explain it away like how we can't measure the one-way speed of light (like if you were to synchronize the clocks but then move one there would be time dilation which would invalidate the experiment). There are also more pragmatic solutions like how no ship could keep accelerating forever because it would (probably pretty quickly) run out of fuel and gravity would "switch off" which would never happen to a planet. Good video!


* I opened the YouTube app, * One of my favourite channels had released a video about gravity. * I clicked the video before the thumbnail even loaded😂 As expected, the video didn't disappoint. Thank You Very Much!


As always, more great nuttiness from the asylum! Another excellent video, thanks! I have had one question about this for a while now and I honestly can't tell if you answered it, or not. The only way I can think to phrase it is: IF they worked out a theory of quantum gravity, would that theory also need to adhere to the equivalence principle? In other words, are they truly, deep-down equivalent? Like, wouldn't regular acceleration necessarily be different than the interactions of gravitons (if they existed)? Or is it just at the level of thought-experiment and description?


Can you do a video on how laser rust removal works scientifically? I find it fascinating how light can interact with the physical environment without being in a sense a physical thing.


I had a lightbulb moment when he said "Gravity is acceleration we just can't see". I think unravelling gravity/quantum gravity is going to be crazy difficult to work out, kind of like the actual mechanism of light "slowing down" in a transparent medium (glass or water for example). I wish I could thumbs-up this video multiple times :)