
What We Know About Quentin Tarantino's New Movie

Veteran film director Quentin Tarantino has made some modern day classics. He has directed Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Tarantino has announced that his 10th movie will be his last movie. So what is the film about?


2 weeks ago

[Music] Quinton Tarantino is widely regarded as one of the most influential and Innovative filmmakers in the Contemporary film industry Tarantino's work is characterized by nonlinear storytelling sharp dialogue electric soundtracks and a mix of genres often combining elements of crime violence and pop culture references Tarantino gained widespread recognition with his debut film Reservoir vs which he wrote and directed the film's sharp dialogue and unconventional approach to storytelling marked
Tarantino as a filmmaker with a distinct voice Tarantino's second film Pulp Fiction became a cultural phenomenon its blend of crime humor and nonline narrative solidified Tarantino's reputation as a Visionary filmmaker he completed his unofficial crime Trilogy with Jackie Brown and then moved on to the wild Kill Bill duology before giving us entertaining films like in glorious bastards Jango Unchained and the hateful eight though he's made several films including a credit as a special guest dire
ctor of Sin City his most recent film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is build as Tarantino's ninth film this is because Tarantino considers Kill Bill as one movie this is significant because Tarantino has repeatedly stated his desire to retire after making 10 films which means the next film by Tarantino which is currently in pre-prod production will be the last film by Quinton Tarantino sure he might Renegade on that promise or as he has teased he might move on to television or film criticism but
a desire to not get burnt out and continue making movies after he's lost his talent as he claims others have done Tarantino has expressed a desire to retire instead before it gets to that stage personally I don't see the point in arbitrarily limiting yourself to 10 films but it sure will put bum and seats when it's advertised as the final film of Quinton Tarantino and then in 5 years we might get the comeback of Quinton Tarantino when he gets an idea that he can't resist so what's his new movie
about what do we know about it Tarantino has toed with the idea of making a whole bunch of different films from a Star Trek movie A James Bond movie A 1930s gangster film and a Kill Bill spin-off but his last movie will be none of those it's actually a film called the a movie critic according to reports It Centers on an irreverent critic in 1970s California who reviews mainstream movies for a porno magazine called the pop star pages so it seems Tarantino may be sticking with the world of the bi
rth of New Wave Hollywood and the death of 60s Studio dominated Hollywood from his last movie with this one centered on an obscure film critic apparently the film critic was actually a real person so this is a biopic though of course Tarantino will be making it his own thing there's potential with this project and given the way Tarantino started his career in a pretty Grassroots way starting off working in a video store writing scripts maybe this is the man's most personal project it might be di
sappointing for some especially those who want Tarantino to visit his crime movie Roots before bowing out but it is quite an interesting concept sure what I'm going to say here might sound typically self-indulgent from Tarantino but he's bought the rights to several obscure films of the' 70s films he loves with the intention of filming and recreating scenes from these films in his new movie so we'll be seeing these scenes play out and if Tarantino really wants to go all out really wants to do so
mething special we could potentially see multiple movies within this movie maybe the main character goes to a screening and we watch 10 minutes worth of a horror film directed by either Tarantino himself or he brings someone along like Robert Rodriguez to film it then the next one is an action film the next is a sci-fi flick etc etc maybe what I'm saying is more ambitious than what he has planned but he could actually quench his desire to make a Star Trek film a period gangster film and all thes
e things by making short versions of these films if he's simply recreating scenes from already existing movies as Paul Strader has said well that's a little duller for me to be honest and in these mini movies tarantina could AB absolutely break the bank and bring in all his regular actors Harvey kitel Samuel L Jackson Steve Bashi he could try and NAB some of the big current day actors and give roles to some of the greats who haven't made a decent film in a while something he is known to do you c
ould pack half of Hollywood in this movie if you wanted to at the moment at the time of the making of this video Brad Pit is the only actor cost in the movie reuniting with Tarantino From the Duo's previous film unless Tarantino has changed his opinion pit won't be in the lead role because he did say the main character would be played by a leading man he hasn't used yet there's a deadline article on the film where Tarantino offered some details and I quote one of Tarantino's Jobs when he was a t
een was loading porn magazines into a vending machine and emptying quarters out of the cash dispenser he says all the other stuff was too skanky to read but then there was this porno rag that had a really interesting movie page the filmmaker did not want to reveal the name of the magazine but for the movie critic it'll be called the pop star pages I ask if the critic in question was known Tarantino throws his head back well he was known if you read the Pop Star Pages he explained he wrote about
mainstream movies and he was the second string critic I think he was a very good critic he was cynical as hell his reviews were across between early Howard Stern and what Travis ble might be if he were a film critic sipping his juice he added think about Travis's diary entries but the porno rag critic was very very funny he was very rude you know he cursed he used racial scars but his was really funny he was rude as hell Tarantino did Research into the reviewer's life he wrote like he was 55 but
he was only in his early to mid-30s he died in his late 30s it wasn't clear for a while but now I've done some more research and I think it was complications due to alcoholism you know pit played a stunt man in' 60s Hollywood in Tarantino's previous film given the man's filmography all takes place in the same universe is it possible pit could be playing the same character in some novelization or something of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Pit's character actually ends up a film director after hi
s stuntman career so what do you think of this project are you looking forward to Tarantino's new film what and who do you want to see in it let me know in the the comments below subscribe to the channel and thanks for watching before we finish I'd just like to thank my patrons Stefan macalis Alex Vasquez Chris star Countess Von zarovich Daniel P and Nicholas Curtis and also my channel members Michael awe Rikers Joe grossberg the new onam 24 lone wander Stefan Q Le pink pools sniff this rooster
Tristian Foss Ross Miller and bloody C saw



Have been a fan of Tarantino for decades, never disappointed by any of his past offerings, however I always hoped that before he retired he would have gotten to make "Jules Winfield Walks The Earth".


All I know is whenever this movie is released I will watch in theaters


1930s gangster epic by Tarantino would be unreal!


It should star Steve Buscemi.


I feel like this will definitely be a dialogue heavy movie and that may disappoint people but I think his dialogue is what really makes him as great as he is. It’s very smart without being over the top witty/whimsical like a lot of modern movies try to do (aka most Marvel movies post GOTG)


I hope they get Jon Lovitz as the lead.


I am waiting patiently for his "last" movie, but I'm positive that his love of movies and his work ethic will draw him back to making more movies. He's just too enthusiastic to not make more.


I'd also like to add to this that Tarantino is currently in early talks with Tom Cruise trying to convince him to re-unite with Brad Pitt...Tom Cruise's potential involvement in it is among the most exciting because it can redeem a previously missed opportunity. Although Brad Pitt has already been cast in The Movie Critic in an as-yet undisclosed role, the prospect of Cruise also appearing in this and starring alongside Pitt has the potential to be one of the best onscreen pairings in a major Hollywood movie.


"With great shower, comes great water bill. Pay your bills and the shower will come to you."


You definitely made the film sound more interesting to me than I had imagined it would be when I first heard about about the film's subject.


“This will be my final movie……until the next one”


It’s going to be hard to top Inglorious Basterds as his current magnum opus, but one thing is for certain, this is going to be one of the movies of all time.


QT likes Chris Pine. His career needs a big bump ❤


i would have loved to see a horror film from Tarantino, he's genius at creating suspense.


The anime cut in kill bill was a movie in its own


Wow...your ideas are sincerely phenomenal, hope Tarantino would hear you! 😍


I really hope he casts Nick Cage and Adam Sandler because they'd absolutely killed it in whatever role he'd give them!!


Tarantino films tend to build on lessons from previous ones. Once Upon built upon Inglorious’s “film in a film” and alternate history elements. There’s no doubt this next one will have plenty of those elements along with some new ideas.


Before Willis got sick, I was hoping for a Pulp Fiction sequel.


I would like something that is set in the modern day.