
What's Trending: OMSI Sci-Fi Festival returns

What's Trending: OMSI Sci-Fi Festival returns Subscribe to KOIN 6's YouTube channel: Go to for the latest headlines: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram:


4 days ago

good morning good morning this is fun uh you know we in the te's we described you as our resident nerds and we say that lovingly um and this is because omy is bringing back their science fiction Film Festival y'all are going to be there what are we nerding out about with this Film Festival well uh first of all thank you for the compliment I am happy to be your nerd uh in fact I'm currently wearing a Back to the Future shirt to promote the fact that back to the future is going to be playing aty I
'm so excited for this nice okay so what how many different films are going into this what are you looking forward to the most out of it well it's going to be a bunch of different movies I'm not even sure how many it's going to run all the way through miday so think about that that's probably like 20 25 movies I know that we're going to be there opening night because uh The Fifth Element is going to be playing and that's one of our favorite Sci-Fi movies of all time mostly because there's a radi
o DJ in it so feel very seen in um but there's so many good movies like there's Interstellar gravity obviously like Nick said Back to the Future ET Starship Troopers there's really something for any Big Nerd out there you're going to see something that you want to like see on the big screen yeah I love that what would your choice be Travis if you wanted to see your pick here this is recency bias is for sure you know in in my brain but I Back to the Future is forever a staple right and so to see
that I I never saw that on the big screen you know I had I remember renting it it from Blockbuster um but uh I never saw it in theaters and that's what's so neat to see these kinds of movies on the on the big screen and of course omy just uh piling all the knowledge on you can go to the movie theater you can leak in and do some of the other stuff at omy to it's it's a cool setup yeah that's how it was I saw Back to the Future a couple years ago in theaters but um yeah there's a lot of the movies
that I haven't seen um I'm disappointed they didn't have a couple of my favorite Sci-Fi movies in there but that's okay I'll still go and see you know some of the ones that no Star Wars Nick's not going to be a to dress dress up you still can dress up SciFi that's comic book that is that's true that is still sci-fi that's still SFI yeah to Emily's or to Emma's Point yeah you can you can dress up I mean why not you can still dress up in Jedi gear if you like I'm dressing up it's just I want to w
atch the movie Superman like so I am going to dress up as like Doc Brown or something you want to be my Marty McFly oh yeah put me on a skateboard I'll start in the back of the Jeep I'll just I'll be there I'll be ready I'll be ready to rock fun oh my gosh all right guys well have so much fun maybe maybe I I need to go to opening night cuz admittedly I've not seen The Fifth Element I need to put that to my I know a dager sci-fi movie you're going to love we'll drag you with us okay that's great
I mean it doesn't get any better than seeing it on the big screen oh man have a ton of fun you guys we'll see you tomorrow all right bye see you and again for more trending topics catch Nick and Kristen on 995 the wolf should I not have admitted that is that a bad admission hey that's all up to you and you have to wrestle those demons yourself Travis all right it's 820 keep
