
What's Your Point? March 3, 2024

Greg Groogan and this week's panel Bill King, Sue Lovell, Marcus Davis, Gary Polland, and Holly Hansen talk about the HPD suspended cases scandal, the resolution of the Houston FireFighters pay controversy, the continuing border crisis, and a look forward to the Texas Primary

FOX 26 Houston

2 days ago

[Music] uncontrolled uncontained and too often deadly the near constant flow of undocumented people and lethal drugs draws both presidential candidates to the Texas border here at home Shock deepens and critical questions emerge over the quarter million crimes Hedon police simply did not investigate will Chief Troy finner lose his job over a crisis he clearly allowed def fester and after eight years of retaliatory abuse by a vindictive former mayor Houston firefighters finally get the labor deal
back wages and benefits they've long [Music] sought I'm Greg Gran and welcome to watch your point where our panelist call it like they see it let's greet them starting us off Houston attorney and conservative commentator Gary Polland next up former Houston city council member Sue level in the three spot well-known businessman and columnist for Real Clear Politics Bill King batting cleanup Holly Hansen political writer for the Texan and closing us out Marcus Davis acclaimed restaurant tour and h
ost of fish grits and politics let's begin at least 264,000 criminal cases kicked to the curb and simply abandoned over the course of eight years at least a quarter million victims seeking accountability for criminals for injury and loss where apparently never even told that zero effort was made by Houston Police to deliver them a measure of Justice this fundamental dereliction of Duty is genuinely breathtaking in scope and has rattled and already tattered faith that peace officers in our city a
re delivering an acceptable level of Public Safety among those most shocked and aggrieved survivors of sexual assault it's going to tell the abuser what what he tells his victim because I heard those voices all the time you know I was told nobody believes you nobody cares you can go to the police as many times as you want and they're not going to do anything it was almost exponentially traumatizing to to not only experience that and know that this is the right thing to do is to report and then u
h be treated as if you didn't matter none of it mattered as we wait for police chief Troy fer to deliver the ugly specifics many in the nation's fourth largest city are feeling the same sense of betrayal expressed by councilman Julian Ramirez Police Department painted a Rosy picture last year of our crime r rate and our clearance rates and so I want to know how does this Revelation affect the crime rate that they had reported and the clearance rate that they' reported I think there's a strong su
spicion on the part of a lot of people that we've been misled and uh we don't appreciate it what a colossal mess left for mayor John whtm by his predecessor Sylvester Turner and had my colleague Jeremy rowski not unearth this wholesale shelving of criminal cases it's my belief it would still be going on how about you Gary pollen let's call it what it is it was a cover up they did not release information to the public if there was a problem in the police department short not enough people which p
robably is the case why didn't anybody ask for more Personnel to clear cases especially these sexual assault cases think about that if you're a victim you you're you're sitting thinking oh they're working my case they're working my case and it's one year two years three years four years at some point you become almost a victim again this confirms my belief that Sylvester Turner was the worst mayor in modern Houston history where's he talking to the people and explaining what he did wrong and Tro
y finner why didn't he go public with the problem well he seems like a good guy but you didn't say anything and so we have these victims out there wondering what happened it's not the DA's office fault they never got the cases Bill King this could have been your problem although I suspect it wouldn't have happened if you were mayor but I want to ask you I know you did into the numbers so look this is just statistical confirmation for something we've actually known about for a long time I went an
d looked at the clearance R some major crimes uh for last year for hbd murder 61% rape 19% robbery 15% assault 28% burglar and auto theft 5% if you're out there stealing cars you got a 95% chance of getting away with it by the way these stats have been like this for at least the last two decades and these are about the Statewide averages so this is not just an hbd problem this is a law enforcement problem that we do not prioritize investigation and actually solving crimes look folks You've Got A
system that number one you're probably going to get arrested and then if you get arrested and go down in the court they're probably going to let you out if there is not a consequence to committing these crimes guess what people are going to commit more of them Sue LEL you've been in those council chambers council's getting you know blind inited by this uh how do they react you think how should they react well I think first they react by getting all the facts at first and making comment about th
e facts not not going off let me say something 10 years ago this month we had home invasion at my house my son was shot four times almost killed his girlfriend who was pregnant with my granddaughter was shot twice in the head I'm still waiting for the call about who did this Marcus Davis you have criticized the police when you felt it was necessary what do you make of this I I think Bill is absolutely correct this reveals something that we've known and that we've been in denial I mean come on gu
ys this is a cover up this is a cover up happening with the Houston Police Department and why is Houston so surprised we already knew that there were problems in HPD when the FBI came down and investigated after the Grimes case or the in the Grimes case they found out that there were layers and layers and layers of corruption and I shouted to the rooftop on this program how corrupt police departments are starting with ours but no we love our cops and we won want to blame them for doing anything
dirty this is dirty and let's not just start with Chief fin this goes back to the peacock I said here flat footed that art activator was a peacock and was strutting around national news when Houston had its own issues all right Holly let's look at the numbers here 2.3 million people 5,000 cops the concept of denial has been here can 5,000 cops police two and a half million people well no and I think common uh Common Sense people uh recognize that and they recognize we do need a larger police for
ce but however to Marcus's point we have to hold police accountable as well cops are neither good nor bad inherently but they're just people and uh so you have to have the accountability measures my heartbreaks for the sexual assault victims in this uh scenario it's very hard to come forward with those kinds of charges they're hard to prove and often those women are very afraid of the retaliation and consequences of trying to prosecute their abuser in some cases um you know mayor whitmyer has a
lot of work on his hands he's going to have to hold somebody accountable for this I know that uh I I believe that there were two officers or higher ups who were relieved this week uh but I think we haven't heard the end of this I'd also like to point out that there was some attempt to downplay the numbers as you know some of these were just property crimes just property crimes have victims many of them are poor and cannot afford to deal with the consequences of these crimes we're talking more ab
out this in overtime everybody still to come with eight months to go until the November election the Border crisis draws both White House and cbass and his a likely Challenger to the real grand on the very same day and in our Sunday survey we are asking viewers if illegal immigration and border security will be the top issue in this year's race for the presidency tell us what you think vote on our web page fox26 just click on poll at the top of the page or till 26 using our news app
but up next an historic labor deal finally achieved for thousands of long-suffering Houston firefighters we're talking with Union president Marty lankton live here in the studio on the other side of this short break welcome back for the past eight years and without hesitation they have run into burning buildings plowed into flood waters to rescue the vulnerable tended to Legions sickened by deadly pandemic and preserve the failing heartbeats of those struck by bullets or mangled in collisions Ho
uston firefighters have done all of that and much more without a contract and the negotiated pay and benefit hikes to which the law says they are entitled on Thursday that calculated mistreatment of selfless First Responders officially came to an end joining me to discuss the newly crafted long-term labor deal as firefighter Union president Marty lankton hey Marty first of all congratulations thank you very much Greg I appreciate it all right you're calling this a win-win deal win for the firefi
ghters win for the citizens of Houston explain that well listen when you have eight years of attacking First Responders firefighters paramedics that go out there every day and put their lives on the line and when you ignore the law you ignore the voters you ignore the Supreme Court it's not good for anybody we need a good robust worldclass fire department and we cannot do that when we're losing 500 firefighters to go to other departments we have been attacked for eight years and this is a resolu
tion it is a solution and in seven weeks this mayor has done what the previous administration could not do in eight years okay look independent analysis has the liability for back pay which the courts have said you're owed anywhere from a half billion to over a billion dollars I know you can't talk specifics yet but uh are your firefighters going to be okay with what's brought to the table I think when the firefighters and the details come out they're going to look at this and realize it's truly
historic and I think that what you all have reported on for years uh is is is accurate uh when it comes to what the city has not done to ensure that they're paying their firefighters you can't not pay your bill uh for seven years and then pretend somehow uh you know that bill is going away the courts have ruled everybody's ruled so I think uh you guys have been spot-on with it and I'm glad that we're able to come to a resolution a solution in working with this mayor two points I want to make nu
mber one you came on this program after Pro be passed and said look we want to go back to the table multiple off ramps offered the previous May mayor number two when we're talking about um you know the will of the people twice for collective bargaining and for prop B the city of Houston said they wanted higher wages and pay uh and benefits for firefighters 30 seconds well I'll tell you this when the voters of Houston speak clearly when the state legislature speaks clearly and when the Supreme Co
urt uh speaks clearly I I don't know who else was confused other than the last mayor but we appreciate this mayor's leadership we want to get the details to our Members First we'll be doing that as soon as we get this resolution done and I just want to thank all houstonians for standing by their brave men and women and they're out there at the stations listening to this and they want to say thank you all right this could have gone to trial but this avoids a trial this deal yes it does and and pe
ople need to remember estonians need to remember what the last mayor did was push this so far down and the trial was on March 25th so working together and finding a solution that is the be best path for everybody and we're looking forward to getting this done and moving forward Marty thanks for being here okay up next Justice Long delayed Now set to be rectified The Watcher Point crew is prepared to unpack the ramifications of the firefighters long overdue deal with the city they serve welcome b
ack promise made promise kept Houston Mayor John whtm pledged to in the 8-year ordeal of firefighters and on the last day of his second month of office he did just that no question it will not be cheap by stiffing firefighters for eight consecutive years former mayor Sylvester Turner left what amounts to a balloon note for his successor as he and his city council spent the funding that should have gone to collectively bargained annual pay raises on other things panel what's your point sue you kn
ow all about this uh not all about it lot it yeah I know the mayor kept his promise and and I think he's glad it was a leap here that he had one more day in the month to get it done it's appropriate day but no look this mayor kept his promises the past mayor did not and truthfully having been uh you know in in the middle of all this um the last mayor the things that were done were actually very cruel and the things that um our firefighters suffered along the lines were cruel I mean he you know h
e tried to fire the head of the Union um and which would affect his family it affected all our firefighters fames what they had to go through no raises very unstable you know situation they had to work um overtime in shifts and not knowing what was in sight they were made promises promises were broken those are hard conditions and I'll say through the whole time they performed there was never any kind of Scandal the whole eight years that they were there and did their jobs day in and day out lik
e like they're supposed to do so congratulations to them and congratulations to the mayor and I'll say elections count and good leadership counts and to the head of the Union Marty Langton congratulations to him Bill the force is much smaller than it was I mean it's Shrunk the amount of work hasn't uh what's your take here there's a lot of speculation this will probably go to a public safety Bond uh we'll pay it off over time the the big liability so let me just sort of go back and make sure eve
rybody understands in in Texas Public Safety workers do not have the right to strike and so the statute provides a we we have a law that provides a mechanism for settling pay disputes and if you can't reach an agreement then you go to court to decide that and so what what Sylvester did was he did a number of delaying tactics to push that case off for the entire time that he was mayor years and so as a result we are now going having to go back and deal with potential raises over about a six or se
vene period actually um back about three years ago I sat down and looked at this I estimated the liability would be be between a half a billion dollars and a billion dollars John down and out at Rice looked at it he came to about the same conclusion I did so there's going to be some sh sticker shock when this is announced next week but understand this is a direct result of not dealing with this issue for the last six or s s years by the previous administration Marcus what do you have to add uh c
ongrats to the firefighters and congrats to the city of Houston now we can move on you know um and I think I think it's time for us to to to move forward that that was that was a saying uh in the 19th or practice in the 19th century where um you know hares were beat to go faster and out of that came a saying uh beating a dead horse you're going nowhere I think it's time for us to move forward and not beat this dead horse anymore congrats to the firefighters congrats to houstonians but Houston's
got to move forward all right Gary pollen there is actually a lesson here and the lesson is we need to have honest politicians in office making decisions because what happened it's not just we're going to take care of the firefighters finally after 68 years it's that during that 68 years the money that was supposed to go to them was spent in other ways that we couldn't afford because we've all said Public Safety is number one that is the problem who's going to account for all that money that was
spent on things that were not core items for the budget I guess nobody we haven't heard Sylvester Turner say anything which again reinforces my comment worst mayor of modern times all right Holly you know I know you know about democracy and and for me the will of the people was was clear when they approved collective bargaining and when they for the firefighters and when they approved prop B which was we want these guys to have better pay better benefits make it happen absolutely you know and a
nd those are the core purposes of your local government right Public Safety infrastructure making sure the roads are passable and uh which we also have to Grapple with going forward too um and so yes the people of Houston recognized how important their firefighters were uh they'd like a police force that they can rely on um and I think this is a big win but the price tag is is going to be Hefty and we're going to have to have some tough conversations about budget and how we handle pensions going
forward all right welcome back the controversial new Texas law empowering local and State Police to detain arrest and transport migrants simply uh for being here without legal permission has been invalidated by a federal judge in granting a preliminary injunction Judge David Ezra said Senate Bill 4 violates the supremacy clause and quote threatens the fundamental notion that the United States must regulate immigration with one voice as expected panel Governor Greg Abbott vowing to appeal and in
sisting Texas has a right to defend itself from Invasion when the federal government refuses to do the job I'm going to go back to a few shows ago bill King said this is clearly unconstitutional because it violates the supremacy clause yeah I wish we had a little will outt take a Gomer pile going surprise surprise surprise um you know listen this was absolutely predictable it'll be upheld all the way through by the way all my law enforcement friends said they never had any intention of enforcing
it because you know they're solving 60% of the murder cases and 20% of the rape cases who's got time to run around and chase down illegal immigrants this was always for show look there's there's all this virtue signaling on both parties about the immigration issue nobody gives a damn about actually solving the problem all right political theater was That's before political theater Holly I you know I don't know if it's political theater I think it was a a sincere attempt to try to do something a
nd I have to agree with Bill I mean it doesn't look like this law is going to hold up under legal challenges and I wish I were wrong about that because something must be done we're talking about approximately 8 million people coming across the border unve Ed unscreened uh since Biden took office uh for many of these people we don't know where they are we don't know what they're up to uh we provide lots of incentives and no deterrence and this is a crisis that must be addressed I know we're going
to talk about it more later in the show but there was a Gallop poll last week uh illegal immigration has surged to the number one issue that Americans are worried about going into this election and it's not just all political I mean you have to give kudos to Governor Abbott and the state of Texas for at least drawing a lot of attention to the problem whereas now we are seeing people in other parts of the country uh realize what Texas and other border states have been grappling with for years al
l right Marcus Pile in here so uh uh I agree with Hol and parts um I don't believe that something must be done I believe the right thing must be done and given police officers who I've debated um do not have the training to uh govern themselves with the unlimited Authority on the streets giving them even more authority over any citizen not just illegal immigrants because this law allowed them to stop you you you and you and prove your citizenship um and that that and that's an ugly place to be i
n but this law came as a result of the federal government not doing the right thing right so yes it is political theater on both sides the the the Republicans are the iCal because the Democrats are just dumb asses 25 seconds I like I agree with Marcus on the last comment well I mean I'm just serious you you don't just leave the board sitting wide open Gary you had to argue this before the fifth circuit what would your argument you got 15 seconds I looked at the opinion I read the opinion of the
judge and he used words like could and might in talking about how this would create problems but he didn't say it was going to happen for sure I actually think there's a shot that the fist circuit will take away the temporary injunction it'll go through litigation purpose of the legislation Greg quickly is to let them do this at the border that's what it is not to do it in the streets of Houston we'll talk more about it when we come back proof positive the Border crisis is now front and center i
n the race for the White House as both likely contenders travel to Texas on the very same day welcome back both contenders for the White House the current president and his predecessor visiting the Texas border this week almost simultaneously must be an election coming up this is a Joe Biden Invasion this is a Biden Invasion over the past three years it's time to act it's long past time to act they desperately need more resources need more agents more officers more judges I've got to say that's
pretty rich Mr President given the 8 or nine million people who've already crossed without permission panel this was Joe Biden's second trip to Texas uh border as president and he called on Congress to resurrect that failed Senate deal which offered additional enforcement resources but barely any policy change uh holla you've spoken on that issue before I mean is there anything that can be done by Congress prior to November 5th well there is but it's not the bill that everybody is touting that s
upposedly Republicans wrecked that is what we call a faux border solution bill um you said there's little policy change in it but some of the policy changes would have exacerbated the problem it limited or allowed the president to declare closing the Border after 5,000 a day entered the country but then even then the president's action would have been temporary he had the power to lift that in no time um you know something has to be done and I don't think there's a will in Congress I think the A
merican people uh for the most part are insulted by what was advertised as a border Bill and really wasn't um they see the crimes and yes some of these cases are anecdotal but the young woman murdered in Georgia by an illegal immigrant who had already had interactions with the law enforcement uh being here is is going to be a catalyst and that's why the American people are so worried about it now that story made national news but we've had plenty of stories locally here one of the roadway Shoote
rs recently arrested who murdered a woman in Houston traffic uh was twice deported have a serious problem with these people coming through it hurts people who want to come here for legitimate reasons as well as those already here all right so our Sunday survey probably to No One surprise 93% of those who've uh dialed in uh say this is going to be the number one issue and this is not a winning issue for Joe Biden your thoughts that's why there'll be no resolution because it's the number one issue
that both sides can use and no no nobody's going to come to agreement on this because it is the number one issue but let me just say we just in Livingston Texas had a little girl who came in contact with somebody with multiple felonies and she ended up dead so I think we have U issues here um that that that are related here the people need to take care of I I know the immigration issue is serious I know we want to do something about it but I also think we have serious issues here we have little
girls being killed by by coming in contact with bad people here and and I'd like to take care of that bill King 30 seconds to point out the obvious that neither side appears really to want to get this solved for November 5th anyway so look the cartels have outsmarted us uh they figured out how to use the Asylum laws to make a claim for these people to stay here we don't have nearly the judges or the resources or detention areas to hold all these people so Biden's been letting them in the countr
y Trump had the advantage that he was president during the pandemic which gave him certain special powers which don't exist now that we we don't have a pandemic anymore look Trump had four years to amend the immigration laws he hadn't done it Biden said three years to it he hadn't done it neither side wants to solve this problem because they want to demagogue the issue to try to get your vote Marcus we talked last week about 40% of Texas Democrats in recent polling saying they now favor border b
arriers including a wall that's where we're at now I this would have been more productive this this Grand standing that took it would have been more productive this happened in Texas right so it would have been more productive if the two of them had agreed to a draw if if Biden and Trump had just gone back to back took 10 spaces and both uh uh consumed an enormous amount of fent and you know and we we we we'd have a different story today Demarcus doesn't like the choice okay final word to Gary u
h look there are things that Biden can do and I anticipate he will announce I don't apologize the American people they try they wanted to be humanitarians and it didn't work we've been taken advantage of so we're going to change our policy we're going to Institute these by executive order and he has to Hope it'll make the Border better before the election if not the Border issue is going to sink him and the Democrats you know there is another proposal to deal with immigration the house passed a
bill which Chuck Schumer Democratic leader never brought up in the Senate so attacking the House Republicans and they're not they're they're not doing a good job yeah the Senate's not doing a good job either get anything done in Washington we have open borders and our enemies are using it to import U military AED Chinese who somehow come in and look clean and have don't have any issues uh it may be we've now put a fifth column in the United States if there's a war with Taiwan that we have Chines
e military in our country it's that scary it's unbelievable all right still to come the ongoing Civil War among Texas Republicans likely to produce plenty of casualties come super Tuesday we're predicting who will prevail and who will falter but up next Texas Senator John Corin with a rare opportunity to elevate to a prime position of congressional power it's come the next generation of leadership with that Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell announced he would relinquish the role he's long h
eld creating an opportunity for the Lone Star State senior lawmaker in the upper ch chamber John cornin Corin who some had speculated might be considering retirement has announced he will seek the leadership a message which triggered a shot from one Ken Paxton who tweeted it will be difficult for Corin to Be an Effective leader since he is anti-trump anti-gun and will be focused on his highly competitive primary campaign in 2026 to which Corin replied simply quote hard to run from prison Ken a r
eference to the attorney General's upcoming trial on felony Security fraud charges panel fair to say shots fired I'm going to go to you Holly oh goodness put me on the spot first um yeah shots fired for sure you know Corin he has his detractors and uh there are plenty people within the Republican Party especially in this very strange primary season uh who seem to be single issue voters over the impeachment of Ken Paxton uh who don't like cornin very much but the reality is he remains popular wit
h a lot of Voters he won his last primary by 76% of the vote and uh you know the the head of the party in the Senate is a vote counter he's not necessarily an ideological purist or anything like that but he's got to have the job of hurting cats and trying to get to that 51 number and sometimes that involves some compromise uh a lot of people don't like McConnell but he's actually done a pretty good job as the minority leader and uh kudos to him for getting Trump's Supreme Court nominees in place
so uh you know this will be an interesting fight uh we'll keep watching in 20126 for sure Bill King has cast his Intel net what are you hearing I hear he's highly likely to get the majority leader um position or minority leader position maybe majority leader after the next election um look this is a hugely important thing for the State of Texas the last time we had a majority leader I think was Lyndon Johnson right exactly and if you want things like the ike Dy to be built for example you know
it would really be nice to have a majority leader from the state of Texas but Holly's right I Paxton's clearly going to challenge him he'll have a tough time in the primary and can you imagine this let's just assume that Republican primary voters vote him out and vote Paxton in and then assume Paxton wins which I think is questionable then you go and you trade a person who's the majority leader who can influence incredible uh policy outcomes from state of Texas for somebody who will be a back be
nch you know rocker guy from that would be the worst thing possible in Texas but I could easily see the Republican primary voters doing it okay you know which makes what's happening on Tuesday pretty important you know it's it's it's if if if one side wins uh the Corin side of the Republican Party certainly uh takes a backseat if uh speaker feeling survives if if a number of our state reps have been attacked survive then that doesn't say much about the influence that Ken Paxton had one very auth
oritative Republican told me she's not voting for anybody that Ken Paxton endorses yeah okay hey somebody you know 10 seconds I got 10 seconds hello yeah very quickly I'm disturbed by uh M McConnell saying it's time for the new generation of leadership and then we're talking about the same generation of leadership H there's a few years of ahead Tuesday's primary just hours away we are tapping the collective Insight of our Watcher Point crew and trying to handicap some of the key races welcome ba
ck decision time Tuesday here in Harris County with both Democratic and Republican primaries the Democratic race that's drawn the most money airtime and attention is the battle between incumbent District Attorney Kim a and Challenger sha tier recent polling had a trailing by a substantial margin going into the early vote well turnout turnout has been pretty low on the GOP side there is an interesting and hardfought contest underway for chairmanship of the Harris County Republican party between i
ncumbent Cindy seagull and Challenger Bobby or panel I'm looking for insight and predictions ahead of the election so Stand and Deliver well not figuratively but uh I'm going to ask you about the uh the tier uh Aug race thoughts yeah I think the tier a Grace will come to a conclusion on Tuesday that's it that's it that's it okay Sue take it you know I know the poll showed that that tier was was head but I don't know I believe that poll only 6% of early voters have gone out to vote is really dism
al I think that when you have a lower um um amount of Voters going and we'll see what happens election day I tend to think that at least closes that Gap in that Poll for Kim and she's stepped up her campaign over the last 10 days um a lot so I don't I think it'll be a close race I agree with Marcus of course it'll be over with that night but I think it may tighten um as we go along Bill uh you've been watching The Campaign uh a has gone negative pretty hard with some decent arguments talking abo
ut tears money does that is that going to strike a bell with with with with primary voters um I don't know of course the problem is it's she started way too late that's the biggest problem but I saw some polling on that race for um for Democratic primary voters and their biggest concern was violent crime and I think she should have stuck to that message over and over and over and run that tape of him saying he was going to you know let everybody loose and as long as you commit to be a better per
son I'll you know I'll let you out and I think that that would would but that's not what they stuck with and and they started way too late so I'm worried about that race I think seagull probably survives the the Republican chair race I know Gary you probably would know better than me but in talking some of the the precinct chairs it sounds like to me they're going to stick with her um so um you there's some other there's Tax Assessor Collector Marx's brothers and that race we got the Senate um d
istrict 15 race got a lot of local race I'm interest watch that yeah that Senate race is going to be in a run off former Harris County Republican chair what's going to happen in that race yeah you give the fact you always give the the the lean to the incumbent because she they've already been there uh and Cindy's done okay one of my only major criticism of her she did not recruit candidates for judge in races where the Democratic incumbent sucked okay basically that and you don't do that instead
we ran some people in races where the Democratic judge was really good and my advice to the party had been leave them alone and go after the bad judges I mean you want to have a good courthouse so but Bobby or's got his case and he's making his case and we and we'll see what happens in the DA's race I think it's a pickup uh because I think shantier has gone totally crazy left Pro crime agenda like New York like Philadelphia like Chicago like San Francisco that is not what the people of Harris C
ounty want and and Kim has done I think generally a good job not perfect but a good job I think she's worthy of consideration but the choice terrible you should money matter you should vote for all right we're going to leave it there when we come back the vicious Civil War among Texas Republicans set for a bloody Reckoning at The Ballot Box Tuesday we're talking stakes and consequences on the other side of this break fact Republicans run the state of Texas and have for nearly three decades also
a fact the Republican party is embroiled in a nasty and full-blown Civil War which may yield a water loose scale defeat for some come Tuesday angry that his Crusade for school choice was derailed by a handful of rural Republicans Governor Greg Abbott has set missile lock on 10 of them who are seeking reelection also on the war path attorney general Ken Paxton looking to oust any house Republican who voted in favor of his impeachment including house Speaker Dade felin whose opponent has drawn end
orsements from both Donald Trump and Dan Patrick bottom line the forces of moderation within the Texas GOP are being carpet bombed by hard right billionaire activists and Tuesday has the potential to produce political excommunication via The Ballot Box panel thoughts and predictions oh yeah Holly I'm coming to you of course of course you know at least on Greg Abbott's defense he is uh supporting candidates based on policy on a policy proposal that is supported by the majority of Republicans and
also by many minority communities it's a great crossover issue it's an important policy discussion and a lot of these other races I'm not seeing any policy discussion all I see is we want to vote you out because you voted to send the impeachment uh charges to the Senate um some of these cases they're not even really vetting the Challenger and they have got some some interesting Challengers um I I don't know how effective it'll be um in some cases you have Abbot and Paxton on opposite sides with
these candidates I think in most cases Abbott's candidate wins out but you know we'll find out Tuesday that's when the the only poll that matters takes place um you know what that means going forward it it doesn't bode well for the Republican party to have this kind of Civil War does Dave feel and survive Tuesday I believe he does and I believe most of the the the people targeted by the Attorney General are going to win too which I think also blows a hole through his balloon that he's going to t
ake cornin out look this kind of circular firing squad stuff is not helpful I mean as as as Bill said many times the Republicans are lucky because the Democrats are more inep than we are they can't nominate moderate people to run for office Statewide and so they can't win but this whole attack and we're coming out because of the P the Paxon in in impeachment is crazy I mean if you look at these candidates they've gone off in Harris County our our reps they're 85 or 90% Republicans remember what
Ronald Reagan said 11th commandment thou sh not speak ill of a fellow Republican it absolutely makes sense this is stupid and I agree with Holly this is personality based it's not policy base that is a big difference we're going to leave it there up next who best to take on Ted a strong favorite emerging from the Democratic field of [Music] contenders on tonight's edition of Texas the issue is airing right here on Fox 26 at 9:45 we're taking an even deeper dive into the considerable Stakes on th
e table during this week's super Tuesday election including the Democratic scramble to choose a challenger capable of defeating Ted Cruz for National Democrats the only Senate race where they're actually going to be able to go on the offensive this year in 2024 is in Texas really I think alred is going to win on March 5th the only question is does he win with 55 60 65 or 70% of the vote all right hey we didn't talk about uh congressional district 18 that's Sheila Jackson Lee versus Amanda Edward
s what are you hearing out there Marcus about that race man I I fresh off the presses I heard that that race will be voted on on the 5th ofch all right all right all right um Bill King do you think that feelin's going to survive um so I've been talking to my friends in Austin my lobbyist friends in Austin who are the ones that really have Intel in all this because it affects their livelihood um they generally think there's not going to be a lot of changes in the house but they say the failing ra
ce is right on the razor blade wow wow as as is the 18 race it it's it's it's right on the on the razor blade that district has changed significantly that stronghold that used to uh have everybody you know frightful is is is not there anymore so look forward to something different happening possibly runov who knows I don't know this is one of the ugliest primaries I've ever witnessed even you know some of the the crazy mailers like uh mono diala uh you know saying that that some of those Reps fo
r for Sharia law because they welcomed Muslim Texas in to for Muslim day I mean that's just crazy town just smar is all it was I mean who's behind all this Holly D yeah there's a there's a pack funding a lot of this and and it has been an excess of Silly Season that we've seen in the past um we've seen some really dishonest mailers and uh there was an incident last week in the Harris County Republican chair race uh where uh some Precinct chairs who knew better you used a county letterhead to sen
d out letters supporting the Challenger to Cindy seagull um yeah you know I don't know how many ethics complaints we'll get out of this particular season I will say I think that uh one one incumbent we will see probably toss is Ernest Bales up in Liberty County his district is the home to the Colony Ridge and he voted against school choice he's got uh uh Abbot Cruz Trump everybody against we'll talking we'll talking over time thanks to this week's panel and thank you for joining us the conversat
ion continues on a national level next on Fox News Sunday with Shannon bream and we'll keep talking here with what's your point overtime streaming live on our website and on Fox local so be sure to download the free app for your smart TV that said from all of us here have a safe and healthy week
