
When Karens Abuse Their Kids

When Karens Are Bad Parents When Shoplifters Realize They've Been Caught - We are dedicated to exploring the legal system and providing educational content about the court process and various legal topics. We want to bring a high level of transparency and accountability to the legal system. Subscribe for more content! Inspired by Courtroom moments, Videos of Court Camera, Best Moments, Court Cam, 60 Days In, Detective Williams, Audit the Audit, LackLuster, DrInsanity and JCS. If you are or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video and have a problem with the use of said material, please contact me and we can sort it out. #truecrime #crime #court 00:00 - Samantha Sanchez 10:02 - Shelia Bingham 15:51 - April 29:56 - Veronica Roxanne Belle 40:09 - Donna


5 days ago

I will be suing the police office for this  arrest there are a lot of bad mothers out in the world and those moms don't tend to do the  smartest things according to the law either this is what happens when bad mothers become  Karens and are caught by the police how's it going how are you doing pretty well just the  girls already the little girls already crying okay hello police department on October 19th 2021  alberquerque police officers were called out to the Four Hills studio apartment comple
x after  receiving a 911 call about two very young kids being left alone their mother whom they supposedly  lived with was nowhere to be found the daughter was about 7 years old while the son was only 9  months old to protect their identity the next clip will be Audio Only what's going on guys is  everything okay over here we got called out here to check up on you guys it's okay nobody's in  trouble yeah nobody's in trouble at all we're just got to talk to your mom when she comes  back home that
's all it's okay the children are terrified having the police come into their  home while they're all by themselves is something that would scare any child especially when  they're this young hello this is Officer sha Delaney with the albuque police department is  this Samantha Sanchez well I'm trying to get a hold of you because uh I'm at your apartment with  your unattended children and I was wondering where you were at okay we'll see you shortly how far  out are you we'll see you when you get
here the disdain in the officer's voice is obvious these  are two incredibly young children who should not be left unattended it took Samantha about  20 minutes to get there after this phone call what's that what do you want what do you mean  what do I want yeah why are you here because you actually your children un attended they're  fine yeah if they're a little young and so my daughter knows the drill she knows to stay home  and you can mind your business and yeah I could mind my business if
there wasn't a violation of  there's not a violation of a law you just need to mind your business no 7 so who the [ __ ]  who the [ __ ] you know what weing get away from my house okay there's an officer inside  your apartment is yes ma'am did you call on me 5 the for excuse me you can like take your Tong  down in my house so you don't need to yell at your kids because you left them here do you understand  that they're taking care of they know better they know better than what they know they the
y always  stay home can you and I talk outside please no you can mind your business okay I have the right this  this is a child abuse investigation it's not an abuse investigation they're not even been abused  leaving children this young alone for almost any length of time can constitute child abandonment  or child endangerment and both of those fall under the abuse umbrella she shouldn't be as flippant  as she is right now if she really cares about her kids because these are severe charges that
could  have them taken away from her this is a they're not abused can you like come out go in go inside  I would like her to stay inside and I don't want to see I want her to see her mom upset like this  can you come on cuz I want to talk did you call the cops on me talk she didn't all right cops  on me first off I want to know who called the cops on first of all there's a few things we need  to work out before you decide who which of your neighbors ratted on you yes who snitched on me  I want
to know who it was first and then second of all so you don't see a problem with leaving  your children in they've been here all the time do this all the time and they're taking care of  so you're upsetting her and making her cry just walking down no you can close my door and get  out of my house that's what you can a criminal investigation no it's not it's not nothing's been  criminally done actually this is a crime no it's not okay well I'm going to leave sir so um you  can like so are are you
requesting that uh cfd takes your children is that what you're requesting  and if cfd takes my [ __ ] um children I will be suing the officers and everything so right now  this is child abuse what you've done here is child AB take the lawsuit take the lawsuit okay  then get so are you wanting to go to jail is that what you wanting I'm not even doing anything  wrong to my kids my kids are taking care of everything's F so here's the thing you're making  her upset right now okay you can talk to her
for a second but we need to we need to sort this out  and leave them out of the no you left your kids alone that's why fine they have everything they  are fine officer she keeps bringing up the fact that her kids are fine but there was every  opportunity for something to happen to them while she was gone she doesn't seem to realize  that a crime has already been committed by her and she's going to need to answer for it along  with that she's using the fact that her young daughter is upset to tr
y to guilt the police  into leaving which is absolutely despicable even after this case she did something awful  to her children which I'll tell you about at the end why are you picking on us then or what  do you want to do she's not going to cooperate what is wrong no I don't want to be under AR  we can either have a conversation about this civil or you can go in the back of a police car  do you understand how that works okay well let's talk and you need to dock your you so you're not  upsettin
g her so much I don't need to walk away from my doorway sir so let's talk go ahead and put  your hands your back I want to talk put your hands don't pull away from us go to my car hurry go to  my car and tell Thurman to come get in the van baby I need another cup this is ridiculous you're ridiculous why  don't you bu your business stop pulling away from us stop fighting get off  me correct get off buing your stomach oh my get off man this is child abuse by  leaving him in there like that get off
me stop it get off let me up cooperate with this let me  up now the officers had to take her down to the ground because she began physically resisting them  and because of her size it was difficult to get the handcuffs onto her while she was resisting  in the meantime another unit was called in to assist why are you guys so mean hurt L breath kick us  take deep breaths and try to relax let me up off this nasty hang tight why are you pulling it off  of me stop piing up you have to listen oh why
is this hurting me this one hurting my arm that's  not mov relax Hey listen to me okay listen to me I'm going to loosen it you better you better  comply okay or force will be used against you okay you guys are roong this is so unnecessary  no what you did was unnecessary no he came at me the wrong way let me go this not too tight  her behavior in this situation matches exactly what everyone suspects of somebody who leaves  their young children alone for hours at a time she is acting petulant and
trying to squirm her  way out of a situation that she created simply because she doesn't like the outcome it shows just  how much of a Karen she is well just let me get up we'll get your phone don't worry about that I  want my baby daddy to have my phone and you guys need to stop minding your business tell this  to go away oh these things are too tight I'm not walking until they're looser well we can't  do until we get the C okay I can't walk they're too painful Samantha your daughter wants to 
know if she can have her phone would that be okay for me to get that for her I didn't even  do anything wrong go ahead just get my keys in my phone and go give it to my baby daddy I  can't do anything how are you going to expect somebody to jump no you want that later get my  [ __ ] dismissed anyways there's no evidence besides battery officer [ __ ] fighting that's  it fact that you weren't tears no there isn't they'll they'll be dismissed my cases are always  dismissed I'm sure the judge will
love to hear you say that Samantha was transported and  booked on charges of battery on an officer assault on an officer abandonment of a child  and no driver's license she ultimately took a plea deal where the charges of battery on an  officer and no driver's license were dropped in exchange for pleading guilty to the assault and  abandonment charges astonishingly 6 months later she was arrested after she shot her son's toe off  during an argument with her boyfriend in that case she was charge
d with two counts of child abuse  to which she pleaded guilty she faced up to 9 years behind bars but was given a suspended  sentence of 1 year in jail and 5 years of probation plent plenty of people believe that she  got off too easy I need driver license insurance please I can't hear you I need to window  down you're speeding on October 26th 2023 an Oklahoma woman was pulled over  for speeding with her young child in the car normally this would result in a  ticket and she would be on her way S
helia bam unfortunately would make things much  worse for herself do what okay you got an idea on you okay I need you to step out  of the vehicle then do what I can't hear you I can't hear you man can you roll the window down can you open your door so I can hear you camera I do have my camera on can I have  grab lights and insurance you don't have it on I do have it on can I dver I'll call myor  can you can I have driver light an insurance okay I'll get one out here for you driving hry  I get th
at but the quicker I get your LIC the quicker we can get out of here the quicker I  get your information quicker we can get out of here thank you I'll be right back the woman  claims that her daughter is low which is likely referring to her blood sugar levels that could  be a genuine medical emergency but there is no record of her daughter having any sort of diab  abetes or hypoglycemia and it's more than likely just an attempt to get out of a ticket that  will not be happening because of her fo
llowing actions yes ma'am do you want me call an  ambulance for you would you like me call an ambulance for you no I need to get  my super would you like my supervisor is still on the way okay would you like  me to call an ambulance for you okay zra 7 dispatch my driver's taking off from  me we're going northbound h on the turn bike your has who's the  next closest unit to vacuum we're going northbound EAS she's following all  traffic laws it's ironic that a woman who is currently running from t
he police bothered to  stop at a red light she's already going to be in much more trouble than a simple traffic  violation eluding the police is a serious crime they offered to call an ambulance if her  daughter really was having a medical emergency and she said no that being said said however  medical attention can be very expensive and it's understandable the hesitation when something  as cheap and simple as food with sugar can fix the problem eastbound BR pulling into the gas station you're F
around no he's trying to pull me out of my own  vehicle and I go let go of me man let go of me no let let go of me I'm not get out of my car  get out of the car I'm not going to get out I'm not getting out of the car I don't have to she is  required by law to get out of her car she already has a lot of charges piling up against her and  this is just another resisting arrest charged to add to the pile that being said however we have  the foresight to know that the daughter has no known diabetic
history the cop doesn't whilst  she clearly broke the law and should be dealt with accordingly he could have accompanied the  woman to get the daughter what could have been medically required food before carrying out  the arrest helping I'm trying to get her food and was driving the same speed L as everyone else  exp it to you you took my license citation you'd be good to go not doing that I was going to write  a quick citation and you were going to be good to go dude my daughter and I understan
d that and I  offered to call MSA for you I don't want MSA we don't contract with Hima I don't have money fora  was it wasn't it was just to check on her to make sure she was okay I have been doing this since  she was five I would like you to let go of my arm I'm not going to let go of your arm ma okay  well I guess we'll just remain here because I'm not getting out of my car and you're not jerking  me out so you can go write your citation and I'm gonna get my daughter we're pass that now so you
  decided to run I didn't run man I don't contract with you I gave you what you asked for and I  asked you to come on because I have to get her food I wasn't speeding what's up man oh you know  you know trying to get people that we actually traffic with you're a trafficker and you've  got me here breaking my arm cuz you probably traffic all the dope in here don't you Shelia  Bingham would eventually be pulled from the car but unfortunately it wasn't captured on body  cam footage her charges aren
't available for the public yet as her trial is still ongoing  but hopefully her daughter is all right in all of these cases we've seen innocent young  children being hurt by their mothers in this next one however we'll see what it's like when  a child grows up to be just like her mom what's your name are the other people gone already no  okay where are the other people yeah I just want to know your name so I know who I'm talking my  name is Bean I'm sorry Bean okay the last name so where are th
e other people um she's inside  okay you're the one that called your I'm sorry are you no that's okay is the owner of okay you  know the arold right right okay I'm just trying to figure out who called because on August 28th  2020 officers were called because a mother and her 28-year-old daughter went to a family member's  job in order to address statements they made about each other on social media things were not  proceeding in a very calm manner but it's what happened was yesterday it's been o
ngoing with the  just do you have a mask oh yeah sorry you need to put it on please and um so it started yesterday  April called my daughter's job she didn't know I evidently she didn't know a work there so she was  asking about 100 alignment or some stuff and um so April started going on there's witnesses that  heard the whole conversation at her job then goes while she's working and cyber bullying my daughter  talking about a n do you know what cyber bullying is now okay that's my kid okay I w
ill go to  all links to protect my kid okay and so today she how many posts did she put she made like five  posts job about daughter this and that why she's working okay I come here I didn't know she worked  for front desk I came here to ask for the editor because I'm tired of this I'm sick of my daughter  being bullied okay by somebody that doesn't even back up their words okay so she goes no I guess  her boss is the one that called the other girls inside the citizen there the one that did it i
s in  there okay the bottom line is do I have any way to where we can file a restraining order court for  bullying I don't know what the law is this woman doesn't Express what's happening very clearly and  talks around the point quite a bit but the gist of the situation is that the daughter and another  girl who works at this location have been arguing on social media of course in this Mother's Eyes  her daughter is doing no wrong we'll see in a moment why that isn't the case how old are you  I'
m 28 okay so you're an adult and this is your mom and she's texting or putting stuff on social  media about you an adult okay adult 28 years old not not like 17 or 18 she's she's 28 I understand  okay so but is the type of person that she will succumb to it okay like I can go like she tells  me to go kill myself okay we're going to look at all that stuff what was your intention of coming  here today to her job talk to the to the editor without calling the police to say hey what's your  phone pol
icy because you got an employee you got an employee here okay that is cyber bullying  somebody while she's on the job okay I didn't know she answered the phone then she opens the  door and what do you want and I said I want to speak to the other editor or something like that  and she says all kinds of just lady should have and then she says well meet me at your parents  house after I get off work and she hides behind the door that's how bullies do wait a minute you  saw a glimpse into the Karen
Behavior there for a moment where she tries to deflect from the fact  that she showed up at somebody's workplace simply for something they posted on social media also  this is a 28-year-old woman who had her mother come to deal with her problems that shows an  unhealthy codependency and then she opened the door looked at me she's like you fat nasty like  literally I've been dealing with this girl she's called my job at the public defender office any  job I've had just because she just doesn't li
ke me like because this is my aunt's I just don't  know why what is what is the background to all of this why the background is she just comes for  me and she wrote my mom not too long ago randomly out of nowhere threatening to beat my mom's like  enough's enough I want a restraining order she claims that she works at the public defender  office but doesn't know the process for getting a restraining order that seems strange and also  makes it looked like they came to this woman's job for retalia
tion rather than to talk I know that  you have to go to the court restraining order no I didn't know how it how to apprach that's why I  do you have the messages and stuff on your phone can we see them but um in other words like she  didn't just pick you out of thin air to start like they had to she picked her out of thin air  y let me talk to her because because your mom she's an adult Technically she's the victim you  can't even file a report on her behalf okay okay so I need to hear what's go
ing on from her I'm  sorry okay so and then she's riding my friend threatening my friend to beat my friend's my  friend is she's like who is this grown I was like I have no idea um all right you've heard the  events from This Woman's perspective next we'll look at the supposed harasser yes today I'm on my  day off and I call which this history goes back a long ways that one in the great in the shorts the  mother MH is my sister's sister-in-law they don't like me so I called yesterday to get an a
lignment  on my car um when I first called it was some girl named who answered no problem whatever well I  get somebody to come look at my car they tell me you got to call Cooper's back tell them you  need this make a long story short I called back she answers she gave me attitude hung up the thumb  on me and all so I I know the owner which is and I called well they didn't like that so then I  went on Facebook and I made a post and it said Cooper need to really evaluate um the rub they got  answ
ered on the phone their phone never one said a name never one said anything the daughter then  goes and calls me from and made oh whatever okay hung up it is what it is this morning the mother  callused my job to try to get me in trouble with my boss which how can you get me in trouble at  my work like I never threatened you I never did any of that whatever next you know they pull up  here she comes to the door I didn't even recognize who it was because I sit behind this glass so I  come to I'm
like what do you want open the door when I opened the door her daughter tried to  attack her and the daughter try to attack me so the daughter stands like this on the door  and the mom's pulling look at my elbow so as I'm pulling the door the mom gets it and slams  The Elbow my the door on my elbow my coworker that was here Misty she was a witness she'll tell  you what she's seen and it's just been an ongoing thing so they thought they were going to try me  at my job is what they thought because
they know that I'm here and they know I have restrictions  so that's what that stems from notice how calm collected and sure of her story this woman is  it's like light and day compared to the other woman and her mother and that's because this is  how the story actually went down the other two thought that they could influence the police by  speaking with them first first when the reality of the situation is that they came and attacked  this woman at her workplace simply for leaving a review of
how she was treated by the daughter  over the phone daughter's yelling so um I she opened the door and she said what do you what  do you want and I said I'm here to speak to the editor can I come in she said you can't come in  here and I said okay then she cussed at me and I cussed back and then she goes and hides behind  the door she goes and puts she goes and puts all this stuff on Facebook you know no I'm talking  about I'm talking about the balls to even step out the door and um she said so
mething to me and  I said you know she opened the door and she said that she told you that you're not allowed because  public is not allowed to come inside there's a sign right there I know but when I came here I  didn't know that okay but I knocked on the door because there's got to be somebody you could talk  to you know so um she rambled on me I rambled off to her she told me to meet me meet her at my dad's  house so she could beat beat my and I said oh go ahead and hide behind the door then
she's doing  this all while she's at work and what happened after she went inside I don't know the lady has it  on film it went too quick notice how the mother is specifically leaving out the fact that she slammed  the door on the other woman's elbow because she knows it'll make her story look bad she went to a  private business which is allowed to refuse entry to anybody and then assaulted the woman working  because she wouldn't let her inside that's when I called you all because I wanted to sp
eak to  the editor because she's going to my daughter's job she's calling my daughter why that point  you called the cops because I wanted to see if we um if I could get her if it's cyberbullying if  somebody could talk to her and get her to stop I don't I need some help here because this girl does  this to everybody she did it to her brother her sister-in-law she's a miserable Soul did did did  you push the door when she was trying to close it you didn't push the door at all no I pull the door 
Push the door anything I don't believe so now it's on film you can check I don't know somebody was  filming but um not that I'm aw I don't know who she is some chick that's in here no she rode off  on a bike keeps bringing up the fact that this was recorded but then has no idea who was recording  or if they're even still around the police can't check a recording that they don't have and this  Karen is using this to her advantage to try to make her story sound more credible okay cuz I  have a wi
tness that she works here too says that you push you push the door closed you shut it no  hard I no no you said you didn't recall at first I no I don't cuz she was trying to close the door  I knew this would come back me okay but and then she was like in the middle trying to make make it  not shut and then she said I you slam the door I know I didn't I don't recall I I know I didn't but  if I say I did you know what I'm saying cuz that things were going quick there and I'm pissed off  okay she's
in the wrong and now we're going to be ridiculed for it leaving messages on social media  no matter how bad does not give someone the right right to go to their workplace and assault them  it's absurd that this woman thinks she's in the right you got to understand you're coming to  her workplace that's not the the way to do it okay so how would I have done it if you like you  said you want to restrain any order you go to the courthouse and you know she'll get sered and she  will know not to con
tact you or come near you but you don't come to her workplace cuz that's going  to cause more problems okay all right I'll take the law on my own hands so it's fine okay well she  got heard in the process of you pushing the door okay no no no come come over here I'm not done  talking no she did not well she has a cut from when allegedly beinged you push the door and they  have a witness that you pushed the door causing her to strike the corner there and cut herself  when she was pushed I swear t
o God I did not push her you push her I swear to God I wasn't here  to hurt nobody I was not here to hurt nobody okay I'm here to solve something that has been ongoing  my daughter's being bullied on the internet and I can't I didn't know she worked for front door  even if all of this was true and even if she didn't mean to hurt anyone she still did actions  matter more than intentions in the eye of the law we have a witness she's claiming that she was hurt  when you push the door and she I saw
the cut on the elbow and she does wants to press charges okay  okay so what I'm going to jail yes ma'am all right okay turn come here turn around Dad Dad going to  jail what because I pushed the door so you could go ahead and leave me there can you I got it  I'll take care of that hey can you zip that yes ma' stop stop godam it stop you your goddamn can I  get my stop give me your hand can I please get my Kee you're not going to do this do you understand  me she's arresting my mom he didn't do a
nything I promise he didn't do anything and she's recording  me right now the whole thing's been recorded okay this is enough you are a grown adult I can't  handle something things is on my own I'm sorry your mom does not need to be here involved  in all of this and I understand that this is an ongoing family issue whether you consider her  family or not it's family the woman's mother was indeed arrested and taken in but because names  were censored there isn't any information online about what
happened after the fact it's likely  that she got off with a slap on the wrist which is unfortunate but it's the way these things seem  to go sometimes with this next case there is no debate about it the woman is just a terrible  parent so we've got a little girl inside her mom was here earlier she looks just like her  mom she was immediately welcome cuz like why is there a little kid here cuz I I actually got  on my seat and I was like brought their kid to a bar this thing and I realized she's
just missing  she just doesn't know her mom is mom's name is Victoria um I've tried calling her mom several  times I've actually tried asking her last names and going on Facebook and finding maybe trying  to find mutual friends I've tried everything guys what's the how'd you get the phone number  she's actually a regular here she actually used to work here a long time ago the girl mom mhm  um but that's that's that's it I mean I I have I have tried everything you have an address for  her I don't
okay um you don't have her last name no okay I think probably the L girl does I I  think I I had the the dad's last name I have a a solid phone number so I didn't ask for the  last name in October of 2023 a Florida bar called the police when an unaccompanied little girl  walked into the bar without any idea where her mother was the young girl said that her mom had  left her in the car and then gone off somewhere though she didn't know where this was at around  2:00 in the morning way past the b
edtime for a 7-year-old my friends they're Heroes  Chris how you doing I like a little pumpkin yeah okay where'd you walk from um I walk  from my car over there right this on you guys out right it's okay and tell us where you came from  okay you want to sit in that comfy Booth with them you want to sit with them it's okay where's  ice cre it it melted you let it you let it just melt all the way what's your mom's name um her  name is Veronica Rox Veronica what was the last name Ro Roxy B Belle ok
ay you're awesome at  this where's your mommy at sit next to me if you need to okay you don't know you said you walk  from your car yeah because um she I fell asleep during it and then she hasn't been there ever  since my mom said it wouldn't be long and then she um after like 5 to 10 minutes she she just  haven't came back okay where is your car around here somewhere um yeah it's over there I can show  you it yeah let's do that easy way to solve this run the tag on the car get mom's name get Mo
m's  address this little girl is lucky that the people working at the bar that night were Vigilant and  friendly there are some rough areas of Florida and it's incredibly unsafe for a little girl to  be walking around that late at night now around here it's okay you show us wherever it is okay  these guys are just helping us okay okay in any of these buildings okay she walked off to one  but I can't see where because she turned the lights off okay does this ever happened before  um no she never
leaves the car without me no she saided something really important and she said  it will be a real quick when it hasn't because it like was like 5 to 10 minutes which way did  you say she walked um I couldn't see because she turned the the lights off every single one  there's quite a bit of controversy on line over whether or not this was indeed a firsttime thing  most people don't think so because of the girl's calm demeanor and the fact that she isn't scared  whatsoever it could be a condition
ed or taught response or the girl could just think that the  other situations were different because her mom did come back quickly um she has a purse that  goes around here and it's like um to here and then she wears it right mostly around here or  here and then she has her phone in it but she didn't bring her phone right it was her shirt  maybe you know what what was it like pink purple like long sleeved white long sleeve white longle  white was she wearing pants um no no what was she wearing u
m she was wearing a long sleeve shirt  and then she wore um she wore some shorts wore some shorts shorts like shorts like me um yeah  like this like little shorts tight shorts yeah found her she uh was head back to her car to get  her daughter where from um another car which car um over there okay you realize it's 6:30 in the  morning right I I do now and you realize that your daughter seven yes 7 years old has been  by herself with us for four for 4 hours I do now you know you understand my fru
stration with  this whole situation right what on God's green earth were you doing that your daughter is here by  herself at 7 years old where she's terrified and goes into the bar and asks random bar people to  help and call the police I have no idea I'm sorry sorry ain't going to cut it she said she was in  a car somewhere over there can you show us yes a I'm in that car and go hang out can  you guys just kind of keep an eye reading the car alone so wait you were in the car a while yes  whose
car is it I have no idea why were you in someone's car you don't even know I have I have  no idea you understand how this looks right I do what's your drug of choice my my Dr choice  is alcohol but like I I I don't know how I ended up in the car I just woke up in the car the  police here suspect that a worse drug than alcohol is being used because this has the Hallmarks  of something like narcotics she woke up in a random car that she didn't know after leaving her  daughter alone for more than 4
hours the story is suspect at the very least so like all I all I  know is I I came here to meet friends um and then I I woke up in the car yeah ran I came here  to meet my friend ran and then I woke up in that car that's all I know I I I really didn't mean to  me leave my seven-year-old alone in in the car I would never do such a thing I mean her her dad  died last year he was murdered he was stabbed in in in the in the heart um like I would never try  to leave my seveny old alone so when you m
et your friends here ran yes when you met ran here did you  go into the bar yes absolutely okay did you have a drink yes what was the last thing you remember  the last thing I remember is me and my friend run on here and then having a drink and that's it  but like I mean I'm not alcoholic you know what I mean like I I it shouldn't have knocked me out  but do you I don't know why I was in that car do you feel like maybe you were violated in any way  I don't know like I woke up in a car that wasn'
t mine I woke up in a situation where I I didn't  know where I was at um were your clothes on my clothes were on yes um my clothes were buttoned  yes um but um I don't know how I ended up like this it should be noted that Veronica was tested  for the most common rofy type drugs and all of the tests came back negative unfortunately her drug  tests have not been released publicly online okay three drinks have no idea trying to give you the  benefit of the doubt yes sir all right because me as a pa
rent I have a son and I would never in my  right mind do anything like that I mean I have a GCF case you know what I mean like I I would never  you know what I mean but I I honestly officer I I have no idea how I got to this point literally you  know like what woke me up is girl's Bright Lights you know like I I've never been like I mean all  I drink was beer I had three beers so I remember getting here I remember having a beer and then  that's it I don't know how to look up in a car that looks
like M and it's very similar to mine um  and leaving my daughter you know it was supposed to be just a very brief interaction and supposed  to and then I have to hat yes sir not wearing any shoes which is fine I mean people don't but your  flip stops are in your car so did you go into the bar with no shoes on uh I mean I had to have um  but like I said it was supposed to be a very brief interaction and I was supposed Veronica Elliot was  charged with child neglect without great bodily harm which
is a third degree felony she faces up  to 5 years in prison in a $5,000 fine if she is convicted her trial is still ongoing so if you'd  like to be kept up to date with it subscribe to my channel I'll make sure to keep you guys informed  on the events of all of these cases there is some debate over whether Veronica truly meant to leave  her daughter alone for so long we're conducting an investigation need you to step out of the car  you're not going anywhere okay you understand back up to my ga
rage nope you're going to you're  going to step out of the vehicle right now please thank you on July 8th 2023 police officers  in Illinois responded to a call involving a mother engaged in an argument with her son that was  all the information they were provided over the phone tell me you're going inside don't just  start walking your house you're being completely ridiculous you one officer went off to talk with  the son to see what happened and during that period Donna began to get agitated an
d eventually  became uncooperative she walked away from the officer towards her house intending to leave the  situation with answering any questions why don't you have a seat on the ground you asked for me'  you asked me for some ID yes or no well because you have your person I went to go get you some  ID I've got enough for I was not I was I go get him some ID I don't need an ID right now ma'am  I'd really appreciate it though if you could hang tight for a second can we do that please I  would
really appreciate that asked me for some ID I understand I am trying to comply with the person  who has threatened to arrest me if I do not comply Well ma'am I'm here now and I can I get my ID no  ma'am I'm asking you nicely to please just take a minute right here um I've got a video he wants  me injury to get my ID if this is going to go south we can just uh he wants me to get some ID  may I get some ID yes or no he do you have that on your video Contin do you have that on your  video that he a
sked me for some ID no ma'am I was not present ma' what's your name this Karen  is showing just how much she refuses to listen to anybody telling her anything she clung to  the fact that the officer asked her if she had her ID on her and instead of following the new  instructions given to her she continually asked to leave to get her ID because she knew that it  would make her look like she has some control over the situation well she doesn't and the behavior  just comes off as annoying I'm comf
ortable with the video I just watched and with the obvious  signs of injury turn you're under arrest right now why you're under arrest for domestic battery  I need you to stop tensing up I need you to stop tensing up your ma'am I need you to stop domestic  battery because why I need you to stop Char for resisting please tell me why I am please tell me  why I I ad domestic battery are you taping this of course we are are you taping this you told  me you were taping this are you taping this yes we
are but go why am I under arrest for domestic  battery I have asked multiple times I have asked multiple times why I am under arrest going to Hur  yourself ma'am I don't want could someone tell me anyone child I have a video and obvious signs  of injury ma'am that's why you're under arrest right now please give your names for the video  a lot of people have pointed out online that her speech and Cadence match exactly what an angry  abusive parent would sound like when talking to their kids her
son is the one who called in  the dispute which likely took a lot of Bravery considering it was his mother who injured him I'm  like holding your body up over here not tensing there she keeps there we go okay ma'am do you have  anything on you that I need to be concerned about any knives needles um I would just get her ID or  something wall out of there cuz they're not going to accept the whole Pur counting most likely no  yeah she was starting to walk inside for her ID so I doubt it's in here b
ut are you able to stand  up without me supporting you just bring that whole thing cuz if she needs a credit card to bond  out no okay we're not going to play the game listen recovery position here we go here we go ma'am are you okay get a bus oh one second stand open  yep okay are you going to walk like an adult like P I mean she's breathing she's  fine yeah come on up let's get her in the car what's her name don't no never got was  that ID oh that was oh I have her yeah I do have her ID let he
r take a rest Donna I  can see moving Donna we know you're okay cuz you're breathing and your eyes keep opening  so let's get you stood up let's get you the car it's a pretty common theme for these Karens  to act like a petulant child whenever they don't get their way this is a woman who  has probably never been told no in her life okay come on Donna we're walking  moving your Fe you're fine there we go good job we can both carry your shoulders if  you carry your feet yep boss yep you want to gr
ab her feet yeah I'll grab her feet  can you just circle around maybe or you know I can do the feet if you wanted the go  this way and then I'll take oh I definitely don't feel comfortable having it be down that  way I'm going to make that not that way all right there there you go hold on hold  on hold on I'm going to stretch her move M make this a little easier got it  oh she keeps moving her leg away this is like one of those bad videos for soccer  when they can't carry a player off the field
are well I want to support both of her  shoulders yeah okay she's not very helpful here did you tell I still need uh need him  yeah I just told them the hang tight bring your purse oh purse got it okay the  officers are being quite nicer than most would be in a situation like this  she's being deliberately uncooperative and will absolutely be charged with resisting  arrest but most would not have carried her that nicely you're walking you're  walking all right want sh Donna you're adding charges
here you're resisting passive resisting  is the same Donna you need to Robert 22 I just need one more person because  she's twice my size just need one person to help me 22 I'm in rout to the jail could you please  tell me why I'm under arrest could you please tell me why I'm under arrest not one single  person has told me why I am under arrest well she's definitely wrong there in fact three  officers have told her why she's under arrest you're under arrest for domestic battery she  just electe
d to not listen to them and is now repeating the same question over and over again  in the hopes that it'll get her somewhere classic Karen Behavior what is your name officer the one  who has arrested me and who is driving me to jail please provide your name for the tape okay we  all know that everything in this car is taped and now we know that this female officer  who has blonde hair in a bun and who has earrings that hang down to her shoulders and I  do not know her name but we all know that
this officer is not willing to provide her name  even though she is driving me to the police station on a Friday afternoon in July and she  is saying that I am under arrest but there is absolutely no record of an arrest and I will be  suing the naal police office for this arrest and this officer is part and parcel of that there is  absolutely no grounds for my arrest dear God tell me again why I'm in your car Donna was arrested  but unfortunately there isn't any record of her exact charges onlin
e yet this only happened about  half a year ago so it's likely that the trial is still ongoing what isn't ongoing is that lawsuit  she promised because because there is no record of a suit being filed against the officer or the  station this is a woman who beat her son and was finally arrested for it hopefully he's doing  all right there are plenty of bad parents out there and seeing them act like Karen in front  of the police just shows even further how bad they are at their jobs it's always go
od to see  them get arrested for their ridiculous Behavior



Shooting a baby and only getting a year in jail is crazy 💀


So her 7-year-old knows what to do in a home invasion? If a fire broke out? If the baby choked? What an asshole!


hearing grown ass adults refer to the other parent as "baby mommy/daddy" always makes me wince


The first woman makes my blood boil. She should never be allowed to have custody of any children EVER!


Imagine telling the police you don’t contract with them 😂


I love when criminals tell the police to mind their own business. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s literally their job to NOT mind their own business.




man that little girl is insanely mature


Diabetic child? Mums always have something in their bag for low sugar.


God… the mother in the first one should have lost her children permanently after leaving them. Maybe if she was like “yeah, I really shouldn’t do that, and I won’t do it again” she shouldn’t, but the fact that she was like “I didn’t do anything wrong” shows that she’s almost certainly going to do it again.


Wtf she shot her son's toe and get 1 year... I get 1 year jail and 3 year probation for protesting by the sidewalk of the courthouse because 3 grown ass police officers brutally cut and beat up my son and laugh at him.... Freaking justice system get your act together


“ My cases have always been dismissed.” Excuse me? Cases?? Plural?


Why does the lady in the last video talk like a terminator robot 😂


Would a man get only 1 year in jail for multiple child abuses and making one the children lose a toe? I don't think so.


"Because they always (!) stay home.." The fact that she believed this would be a positive thing to say in her situation..


I lost it when the camera man panned over to Donna lying on her driveway. Could you imagine what the officers were thinking?


"who snitched on me" = admission of guilt


"why are you guys so mean?" and why are you, a terrible mother?


The little girl in the bar is calm and "mature" because she's neglected. She has basically had to grow up and fend for herself at 7. Not a chance this hasn't happened multiple times. The Mom is clearly a drug addict and I hope she gets the help she needs and the little girl gets help for the trauma as well.


"This is like one of those bad videos for soccer when they can't carry a player off the field" hahaha, and we all know exactly which one she's talking about!🤣