
When My Rapist Showed Up In "People You May Know"

“It felt like the closest to investigating a crime scene I’ve ever been.” Trigger warning for sexual assault. Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos! MUSIC Indigo Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. SFX provided by Audioblocks.  ( Made by BFMP + Kevin Kantor Twitter: @Kevin_Kantor Kevin’s Poetry chapbook: STILLS Stills by Thinkstock GET MORE BUZZFEED BUZZFEED YELLOW More fun, inspiring, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed crew. New videos posted daily! Subscribe for more BuzzFeedYellow!


8 years ago

- When my rapist showed up under the people you may know tab on Facebook. It felt like the closest to investigating a crime scene that I've been. That is if I don't count the clock work murder that I make of my own memory every time that I drive down Colfax Avenue. Still I sit in my living room and I sift for clues. Click. He is smiling and I see myself caught in his teeth. He's dancing in some club in a city that I've never been to. Click. He is eating sushi over a few beers with friends and I
am under his fingernails. Click. I know that alley. Click. I killed the memory of that T-shirt. Click. This is an old photograph. A baby picture. There's also an older man, presumably his father. They're both round and bright and still smiling. Click. He is shirtless and I see my reflection in the weight room mirror. #Beast mode selfie. I call him the wolf, when I write about him. The wolf so as to make him as storybook as possible. The wolf when I write about him, Which is to say when my memory
escapes the murder, when the internet suggests it. Facebook informs me that we have three mutual friends. Which is to say that he is people you may know and that I am people you may know and there are people that know and people that don't know. People that don't know, I want to know but I'm afraid to let know. And probably people that know him, that know of me. That know the word no. No! No! No is a flock of sleeping sheep sitting in my mouth and now... Now I know the wolfs middle name and wha
t he listens to on spotify and the all to familiar company that he keeps, and he can no longer be a wolf. But the nameless grave that I dig for myself on bad days. We have three mutual friends on Facebook and now it feels as if they are holding the shovel. 64 people liked the shirtless gym pic. Four people have told me that they'd rather I said nothing. Two police officers told me that I must give his act a name or it didn't happen. That obviously I could have fought back. Which is to say no one
comes running for young boys who cry rape. When I told my brother he also asked me why I didn't fight back. Adam, I am right now, I promise everyday I write a poem titled tomorrow. It is a hand written list of the people that I know that love me and I make sure to put my own name at the top. (sad music playing)



And people say that guys can't be sexually harassed. It's terrible.


I just recited this poem to the class and did an entire project on Kevin and i got the highest grade in the class.


So powerful. It must've been so hard so him to make this video.


It’s not always girls. Respect.

@caliseck5371 what gets to people. This is what people need to see. When i watch this, i feel his pain.


Those police officers... How can they be so horrible?


The fact that i assumed this video was about a woman that had been raped quite horribly disgusts me, thank you for putting yourself out there and letting people know that boys and men can be victims of sexual harassment as well.


The cops who said "you could have fought back" have no knowledge of phycology and biological functions when under great stress


it honestly disgusts me to know that people think that men cannot be raped or sexually assaulted. it's also dissapointing to know that police couldn't care less if this happens. I am disgusted, dissaponted, and extremely angry that this can happen.


Males: "I got raped" Society: "Why didnt you fight back?" Females: "I got raped" Society: "Well what were you wearing?"


This is honestly so heartbreaking. It's so sad that people think that just because it's a guy he is supposed to fight back in that type of situation.


I’m a victim. My dad did it. Several times. I’ve been raped, abused (sexually and physically ), I’ve been almost murdered. I know how you feel. We have to stay strong.


I hope this man never reads the comments on this video because the comments are filled with hate, ignorance, and just plain stupidity. He's sharing his experience that unfortunately many people can relate to, what's wrong with him making this video? Why do people feel the need to make fun of him for something he obviously didn't ask for? People make me fucking sick.


I love how people are hating on this video, and honestly. Maybe this isn't the same person, but at some point someone did go through this. All you can say is. "cringy" or. "It's annoying." What's annoying is the fact you're too blind to see the message he's trying to point out.


Its called freezing....a third reaction a person could take when facing danger...we always hear about fight or flight but freezing occurs as well... great poem.


No means no. Everyone should know that.


😭😭 this video is powerful


This went pretty deep I cried


"why didnt you fight back?" "why didnt you leave?" "well you were drunk, so..." "why didnt you call the cops?" "weren't you guys dating though?" "Well he's my friend." "You just want attention." I love the victim shaming I have received. I have been raped, sexually assaulted, and molested multiple times now. starting at the age of 3. Last time I went to the police nothing happened. My biggest question is WHY.


Reading the comments are just so sickening. People think this is funny or a joke or not a big deal. Once something like this happens to you, or you are sexually assaulted; comment what you think then. It's not okay and it's stick with you forever, the littlest things make you think of it. It may seem like any other thing to some, but it's not. It hurts.