
Why are people mad at IISuperwomanII ? #DramaAlert PewDiePie Hackers DESTROY T-Series!

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5 years ago

What is up Drama Alert Nation. I'm your host, Killer Keemstar. Leeet's get riiiiiiiiight into the neeeeeews!! Lilly Singh, everybody is starting to hate Superwoman. I mean hate her! But before we get into that, we need to talk about YouTube Rewind 2018. Four Days ago, YouTube uploaded YouTube Rewind 2018. With your favorite YouTuber, Will Smith. Lol, now listen. Guys, I know you've already seen YouTube Rewind. But I just want to like talk about, uhm... History, that's about to be made. On May 2n
d, 2016, the Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Reveal Trailer. Showed up on YouTube and it received 3.7 million dislikes! That's right Ladies and Gentlemen, Call of Duty fans were sick of their Call of Duty games... Getting more futuristic and more futuristic. And...and in 2016, they sent a strong message to Activision... That they were sick of it. 3.7 million dislikes! However, that was surpassed, by a Man that you probably know... Known as... Jake Paul! On May 30th, 2017, Jake Paul uploaded a vide
o titled... Jake Paul - It's Everyday Bro, official music video. And this horrendous song got 4 million dislikes! That's right. In 2017, Jake Paul's song got so many dislikes... That it surpassed the Call of Duty infinite Warfare Trailer. Making it the 2nd most disliked video on all of YouTube. But what's number one? Number one is Justin Bieber - Baby... With 9.7 million dislikes! That was uploaded over 8 years ago. 9.7 million dislikes. Now why did I say history was gonna be made? Well you prob
ably figured it out. This year's YouTube Rewind in 4 days... Has 7.3 million dislikes! In 4 days! Meaning, in a couple days... YouTube Rewind 2018 will be the most disliked video on all of YouTube. From...YouTube. Lol. Like I've said before guys I know you've all seen it but... The reason why people are disliking it is cuz... It's bad... YouTube is just tone deaf, alright. The biggest events that happened in 2018... Were...TanaCon. The stuff with Fouseytube. And the boxing event. Those are the b
iggest things that happened. And there's no reference to them... At all. There's no Shane Dawson. There's no Pewdiepie. I mean, it's just... YouTube Rewind is supposed to represent the year. And the main events and the main things that happened that year. And it just, it's... No. Also, in the news... The battle goes on between Pewdiepie and T-Series, and some fans... Have attacked T-Series big-time! For the last 72 hours straight... T-Series website, ''... Has been offline. Yikes! Als
o, in the news... Noah J. Fortnite superstar... Had his house burnt down! Couple days ago Noah tweeted out, "My house is on fire. Just got struck by lightning". Then he tweeted out videos of the fire department there. And then he showed the damage inside. That's right Ladies and Gentlemen, it was a total loss because like... The electricity destroyed all the electronics. And then there was a fire. Then there was a hole in the roof and the firemen had to put water in there to put the fire out. So
basically, his whole house was ruined. He uploaded YouTube video titled... "there was a fire..." Where he basically explained not only did he lose everything in his house... Kinda lost his job, too because... He doesn't have a computer, he can't play Fortnite, he can't stream... Sigh... right before the holidays, too. Really super-sorry that this horrible thing happened to you Noah. I'm going to put the link to your merch... In the description below, if you want to help him out. Buy a T-shirt f
rom Noah. And now it's time for our final story... Why does everybody hate Superwoman?! It all started 3 weeks ago... Three weeks ago, Lilly Singh uploaded a video titled, "I'm taking a break a from YouTube". She then changed it to, "I'll see you soon". Now in this video she said she's taking a break from YouTube... To uh, address her mental health. And well, here's some of what she had to say... Roll it. K, straight up, I don't want this to be a dramatic video. I don't want to take myself too s
eriously and take things too seriously... There are way more important things happening in the world... Than this YouTube video. I just want to openly communicate with y'all. This is not click-bait. I'm not trying to get on the Trending Page. I'm not trying to make a dramatic thumbnail to get views. It's none of... I genuinely mean everything I'm saying in this video. And the title is not a lie... I am planning to take a break from YouTube. Straight up, I was too scared to do this, and I've been
living vicariously through Creators like this... Who have taken breaks and have been like, "oh, they're so brave". And their content has really helped me make this video, so shout-outs to all of you... For prioritizing your mental health. You are a great example for not only myself, but everyone else. First and foremost, my mental health. I'm gonna be real with y'all, I am mentally... Physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. Happiness is the most important thing you will ever fight f
or. Relevance is not. Honestly, there's good way people found something that works on YouTube and hopefully it makes them happy... But whatever currently works on YouTube does not make me happy. And I think the underlying issue there is that whatever works... I'm literally saying whatever works... What is works? Works is subjective. Just because something's not on the Trending Page and doesn't have millions of views... Does that mean it doesn't work? Is 100,000 people not valid? Is 200,000 peopl
e not valid? All of these questions or things that flow around my in my brain and drive me crazy... And that's why I need to take a little bit of a break. To truly re-evaluate what I define success as... And what I want my legacy to be because right now, it's not something that I'm proud of. Okay, the description of the video said this... "Mental health is importan y'all. Loving yourself is a priority. "I'm taking a break from YouTube, but I promise I'll be back happier and healthier". So there
you have it, what's the problem? She's taking a break from YouTube because she's, you know... She's got some mental issues. She needs to address them. Well... She came back to YouTube and it turns out on her break... She was making YouTube videos. When she came back she announced that she was doing '12 collabs of xmas'. The first one was a music video with James Charles. And the second one came out with uh, Dr. Phil. So well, this made a lot of people upset because... That she wasn't taking a br
eak from YouTube to focus on her mental health... She was taking a break to focus on doing these 12 collabs with other people... To put on her YouTube channel. But then things got even worse for Lilly Singh. Because Forbes came out with a list of the top paid YouTubers. At number 10, they had Logan Paul making $14.5 million. Pewdiepie at $15.5 million. Jacksepticeye at $16 million. VanossGaming at $17 million. Markiplier at 17.5 million. Jeffree Star at $18 million. DanTDM at $18.5 mllion. Jake
Paul at $21 million. And then apparently some little kid named Ryan that does toy reviews... Well he makes more money than all of them. According to Forbes. But guys, this is just speculation, okay. You gotta understand that Forbes has no idea what anyone's making. In fact... Jake and Logan Paul make way more than what they said. And Jeffree Star makes way more than anyone on that list. Regardless... The list really triggered... Lilly Singh. She tweeted out, "2 years ago it was almost even betwe
en male and female. Last year, it was just me. And this year, there are no females at all. Something I predicted on my instagram caption last year. I'm concerned the digital space is going to repeat the mistakes of ancient industries. I hope I'm wrong. Lmao! I mean, Forbes is making a list based on like... How many views YouTubers Cuz so, the fact that there isn't like any Women there... Pretty much suggests that, well, the guys got more views this year. I mean, there's no sexist t
hing about it. I mean basically, this came across as Lilly Singh trying to use sexism... Because she's mad that she wasn't on the list. So now we have her using mental health. Now we have her using sexism. I mean people are just mad. She got so much hate from other YouTubers and just people online... She addressed it by saying this... "I tweeted about seeing no Women on the YouTubers Forbes list... "And as a result, I received some angry tweets from Men". "Remind me why you are all made again? I
'm not playing the 'gender card'". Lmfao! "I'm not playing the "gender card", I'm literally stating facts about the results in an article". "Let's do better. I'm not your enemy". Lol, listen, Lilly Singh, if you're watching this right now. Cuz I don't think you're the type of person to watch Drama Alert, but if you are... Uhm, you know, I know views are down. I know your channel's like... I mean, you're not dead, I mean you still get like a million views here and there. Like, you're not dead. Bu
t... You're definitely are not getting the views you were getting 2 years ago when YouTube was... Promoting you and pushing you. And... Jamming you down our throats for... For so long. I mean... The channel is kind of uh, it's kind of in a decline and your career is kind of in a decline. And this happens. You can't be on top forever. But just try not to blame everyone and everything for, for these issues. I mean this is gonna happen to everyone. One day, I'm gonna be irrelevant, too. *Singing "A
ll around me are familiar faces... "Worn out places, worn out faces". Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed this video, if you did... Make sure you take the time to slap a like on it... If you're new here. If this is the first time you're seeing Drama Alert. Make sure you subscribe with those notifications on. Cuz as soon as I get the scoop, I'm gonna keep you in the loop. Drama Alert Nation now over 4 million, 5 hundred thousand... Subscribers. *Singing "All around me are familiar faces... "
Worn out places, worn out faces".



It's amazing how disconnected YouTube is from their users...


i hated YouTube rewind because it went political like it felt like I was watching a propaganda video


Now theres 2 most trusted news on the internet 1. Drama alert 2. Pewnews


My channel is Dying "I am going to take a break because of my mental condition" "Also BUY MY MERCH"


Keem: "You can't be on top forever" Pewdiepie: "Hold my lasagna"


Haha, keemstar disliked "Its Everyday Bro"


I fear that Lilly Singh's overconfidence is her weakness...


Who else disliked YouTube rewind? 🙌


I love how keem disliked every day bro


YouTube rewind has more dislikes then keem has subs


I love the way that Keem has disliked “It’s Everyday Bro” himself


Never liked Lily Singh. Too hyper overacting cringe


Keem: "You cant be on top forever" Pewds: "Hold my beer"


JaidenAnimations was the real MVP of YouTube Rewind


who's here wondering why the video got taken down?


Protip: if you double click on the right side of the screen you can skip the intro and jump right in to the news.


I bet everyone is wondering what Noah did to piss my DAD off so bad... he saves lightning strikes for SERIOUS sins.


She said she was taking a break then plugged her merch. Wtf


Keem I see that dislike on jake Paul’s video 😂😂


Lol. Lilly Singh is getting her own Late Night Show on NBC. So now its Jimmy Fallon, Lilly Singh and Seth Myers. Going down ya said. haha