
Why Do I Still Have a CRT TV?

When people see my CRT TV they very often think that this is the primary way that I play retro games, however it's actually quite rare that I use this over my modern TV. The real reason I have the CRT is because you can't use original lightgun hardware with modern displays, so if you're trying to play these games as authentically as possible, having a CRT is the only way to go!

Retro Dodo

6 months ago

as someone who's enthusiastic about retro gaming it might not come as much of a surprise that I have a CRT TV sat in the corner of my game room the reason that I have this as part of my setup though probably isn't the normal reason that everyone jumps to so many people say that old games look better on a CRT than on a Modern Display and while I do get where they're coming from at the same time I don't actually think the difference impacts your experience with the game all that much no the reason
that I have a CRT is because you can't play light gun games on Modern TVs this means you're missing out on stuff like duck hunt on the NES or Time Crisis on the PS1 my favorite light gun game though has to be Point Blank and without my trusty CRT I wouldn't be able to experience this in the way it was intended



Jesus christ im like 90% sure i used to have that exact beko tv many years ago. I remember those buttons exactly like that. You just unlocked old memories in my brain wow


It's the same reason I still have a CRT. I also really like the light gun games on PS3 using PS Move.


Crt image quality is usually preferred for two main reasons. 1. Aspect ratio being 4:3 by default, no stretched image or black space on the screen. 2. Minimal or non existence input latency.


Some LCD solutions are getting better now, and close to feeling identical to CRT Lightguns. The Sinden is pretty good if you get it set up properly, and the Gun4IR is even better, al beit both can be pretty expensive


Retro lizard released a 128gb batocera light gun build that works for sinden and gun4ir with no setup. About half the games on the build work which is roughly 75-100 working. The others wont seem to start but may need tweaking inside the settings. Over half will work from jump street on any lcd display. I use my sinden


I think the NES games don't actually require a CRT (you could just point the gun at a bulb and register a hit). For other systems you're right.


Beko is a Turkish major appliance and consumer electronics brand. As a Turk, I'm kind of surprised to see an old Beko TV in a British guy's room.


I have a CRT specifically for some games use some trickery for shadows it comes out all wrong on a LCD or OLED.


I always thought those guns were placebo and they didn't work 😂😂 and I had one


It’s just facts that retro games from say the 80s or late 90s those tvs were built for those games


Old school games also don't have input lag on CRTs, unlike modern flat screens.


crt's also last way longer and are cooler


I still have my CRT, solely for retrogaming.


Mostly nostalgia but it does have some uses compared to flatscreens


Also this: Many consoles connect via scart cable and most modern TVs don't even have one such connector.


you can buy lightgun adaptors to convert them to newer screens


I never got a Light Gun for these games.


exactly, lightgun games need a crt tv or crt monitor to work, I heard that some crt monitor are not comparible with lightguns, oh, where can I fin a multi lightgun for ps1/xbox/saturn? the one I had was madkatz but the trigger just broke playing house of the dead III for the first xbox


I have seen your CRT on eBay for £50


Even ps2 games look better or some Xbox 360 game titles. Like even guitar hero 2 looks better on crt especially able to hit notes correctly