
why i'll never do a FÜM sponsorship

So Fum tried to sponsor me. And then I came to SXSW in Austin, Texas and guess who had a booth in the expo hall? FUM! So welcome to a totally unpaid review that I in fact didn't even pay money for the product to review it. Only an Instagram story post. Check me out over on Twitch! Use code SWELL to get 10% off on GamerSupps! Check out Swell Entertainment on Spotify! ✅Want to take your Youtube channel to the next level? Get your first month of VidIQ Boost for just $1!✅ My links! website: Twitter: Instagram: Patreon: Podcast: amazon store: merch: If there are any products you would like me to try, topics you would want me to cover, or films, or series you would like me to review feel free to reach out to me! Like, comment, subscribe, and share this video! Thank you for watching and a special thanks to my patrons for supporting me! My P.O. Box- Swell Entertainment P.O. Box 714 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 My Gear (I earn a commission from purchases) Current subscriber count: 443,695 #fum #itrieditsoyoudonthaveto #swellentertainment

Swell Entertainment

3 hours ago

welcome to another episode of instead of letting a company pay me I'm doing a review instead that's it that's my intro hi I'm Amanda you're watching s entertainment and today we are talking about fume a company that did in fact try to sponsor me and my management was like do you want to do a fume deal and I was like not really for no particular well no I shouldn't say no particular reason there was a couple of reasons as to why I said no predominantly I'm not really their Target demographic and
so there for I didn't really think it was a good idea for me to sponsor them I'm not someone that Vapes I'm not someone that smokes I am a social if even that weed smoker it's too early in the video for me to say that it normally I don't allow myself to smoke anything alone and that's because I have an addictive personality and a history of addiction in my family so there's a lot of things that I just don't let myself even do at all let alone alone now some of you can be like uh well Amanda weed
isn't um addictive to you maybe not um I know quite a few people who I can say I disagree with that statement but at the very least for myself it's a choice I've made for myself okay so other than that though I'm not someone who has a problem with smoking at all and so I didn't think it was a good idea for me to promote a company that is designed to uh you know Target the things that could potentially be leading to you having difficulties quitting smoking that was just that I just didn't think
I was a Target demographic and so it was going to be hard for me to pitch the company in that way and then a bunch of my mutuals started promoting it and I I've been seeing the ads everywhere and so like always um once something gets talked about a lot I start having questions again nothing particularly bad I was just like this budget's fun and so I am currently if you can't tell in a hotel room uh in Austin Texas for South by Southwest and guess who is a booth here fume so guess what I got for
posting to my Instagram stories for free so not only do you guys get a review you get one that was free for the low cost of a few seconds on my Instagram story CU I'm going to be honest I immediately deleted it basically what it is is it's an inhalent but it's not an inhalent okay it's flavored air which that in and of itself I was like what are you smoking cuz what do you mean it's flavored air because my brain immediately goes to Vapes when I hear flavored air which we can go back and forth ok
ay but if you're if you're inhaling nicotine you're going to have an addiction issue okay also everyone's going to think I hate Vapors and smokers and all this by the end of this video I just know it you guys are very weird when someone just says they don't do something I get weird comments it's like sounds like you're judging me no it sounds like you're projecting I don't do a thing I really don't give a [ __ ] if you do that so yeah they had these around they had um orange vanilla and what was
the other flavor they had flavor sounds weird but it is what they called it um but their whole thing is goodbye bad habit this is from their actual website natural flavored air device which sounds crazy so this is the prominent style and then there's Solano which is Solano is the black metal piece with the like dark wood looks nicer frankly I'm going to be honest it looks sus I was trying to test this out all day today cuz I got it yesterday I was playing around with it yesterday um but I'm goi
ng to be honest I'm not someone who used to like pulling up my vape and like taking a taking a hit or take doing a dab while I'm talking to people so it was very weird to like pull this out it feels weird to pull out randomly okay also as you can see as I'm talking to you will you make sure there's no Cuts in this section uh there's no smoke so the smoke part is real there is no smoke cuz it's you're not really inhaling something you're inhaling air through the core we'll talk Maple pepper was t
he other sample they had I believe so this is the orange vanilla core and there's three cores in a pack okay uh they gave me this and then this was in the Box the world's first diffusive device in 2018 from a humble basement in Calgary Canada we set out to help Humanity create better habits we believe the best way to do that is to make switching to positive habits simple easy and dare we say enjoyable we've innovated the world's first diffusive device a product that functions with diffusion inst
ead of vaporization is not addictive and uses natural plants instead of harmful chemicals for flavor we've since helped thousands of people switch naturally and we're privileged to see you have a part of your journey as well Bren Paul's co-founder and CEO now the one thing that I also have an issue with with something like fume doing so much marketing brand-wise is that I it's not a bad thing to Market over I shouldn't say that I just have questions when that's all I see is marketing and people
that are being paid to talk about it I don't know anyone considering in my life I'm in Southern California I know a lot of weed smokers I know a lot of regular smokers a lot of Vape users okay I'm in Los Angeles everyone Vapes to some degree so to see that and to know a lot of people who have desires to quit but have never themselves used a fume device or I've never heard of anyone being like Oh my gosh yeah my buddy totally quit because of a fume device I have questions uh and that's just it it
's just it's questions Curiosities now again I don't want it to sound like that whole gen Z to Boomer pipeline where it's like if I haven't heard about it it doesn't exist okay or if I don't know who they are they're irrelevant cuz that's happening a lot but I would just feel like in a place where I would consider it was a hub essentially of smoking and vaping and all of that I figured I would have at least heard of at least someone or seen any form of an actual review or people who use it who a
re not getting paid to talk about it and I just haven't seen that there's a diagram inside of everything which I do like easy snap and core I wouldn't say the core snaps in it slides in then you kind of have to push it down and slide it in made with real wood which is nice I would say a Twist Barrel to adjust flow so at the back here if it shows up let me hide my face hold on so that is your air flow so you can open and close that based on how much air flow you want the guy at the booth said oh
yeah for some people who want that actual feel of like smoking on a cigarette where it's like they have to suck through the actual filter that's typically what that's there for Barrel slides close slid to open and close like that a magnet holds the brow shut that's the magnet perfectly balanced for hand Comfort I mean sure I don't know how much that would affect things it's still going to feel like a weight it's definitely depends on which type of Vape you have but it's definitely heavier than l
ike say a cigarette 30-day little habit tracker in there that's kind of a nice little touch so this is a little cute pipe cleaner a little pipe cleaner and a little cloth to clean things out and it suggests um wipe the outside of the mouthpiece and inside the core slot use the pipe cleaner to clean out the mouthpiece that's good and I'm sure someone's going be like why do you to clean it uh because you're inhaling air and it's like condensation from your mouth condensation from out side I'm assu
ming it's the same way to wash your water bottles they get gross over a certain amount of time they also describe that the whole thing itself is actually designed also as kind of a fidget which for me as someone who deals with you guys my comment section you guys hate when I fidget in videos um to the point that I'm literally working on a fidget toy layout of sorts that is silent so you guys are not mean to me in comments anymore when you hear me fidgeting with things so I'm going to be honest m
ore than I've been sucking on this thing I've been playing with the magnet play with the twist a little bit but I also feel like if I was doing this during videos you guys would literally reach through the screen and come and beat my ass he was explaining it to me as like oh it's designed to also help with like the people who do just have used to having something in their hand the weight is so that you kind of memorize it a little bit more um kind of you know make up for the feel of not having a
ny things in your hands the fidget is just to like give you something to do so you're not reaching for you know holding a vape or a cigarette or anything like that as far as the taste goes okay it's definitely mild and I've been doing this for about a day or so now so I'm running out of time on this core the cores don't last particularly long I'm assuming that's because of the natural fibers that they are actually using in the fume device itself so let me pull out and show you the I dropped it s
o this is the core I assume it's charcoal it's just a tiny little core obviously definitely a more pungent scent to it it's got a little Hollow fit to it okay and then you just wedge it in pop it down oops Yeah I found I had to kind of push it down a little bit to get it to fit inside the chamber itself orange vanilla was inspired by the nostalgic flavor of a creamsicle the smooth flavor of vanilla combined with zesty fresh orange gives us the simple sweet and citrusy core that it's sh to like a
nd I would say that this is probably like the most subtle one I didn't I definitely didn't want to try pepper just because that doesn't sound appealing frankly the maple does the pepper does not for an inhalent I know it's not actually an inhalent I'm just saying like it's it I want to blow something out I will say that I'm not even someone who smokes much and it's like like that's the natural movement of things there is really no smoke there's nothing you can see as I'm here no Cuts there's not
hing nothing at all which is not a bad thing I'm just noticing that it's weird okay it's a it's a note I would say the flavor is less on my tongue and more on like my chest that sounds weird but like that's where I feel it more so it's definitely feeling I'm feeling it in my lungs because I'm inhaling something obviously and they said that it goes through about one a day to about 18 hours based on how long the scent feels but obviously if you're someone who wants something stronger probably when
you're starting to like work towards quitting if you're really just looking for some form of flavor in your throat and chest okay you're probably going to go through them much faster because you want that stronger taste as trying to break the habit of vaping or probably I'm going to be honest I don't know well I guess the pepper one might be better for smoking I'd really be interested to see in like actual focal groups like who this works better for okay like cuz logically in my brain I would a
ssume that vaping would probably be better than smoking but then I also feel like the smoking might be better I don't know I I would be interested to see what actual data you guys have or what what research you guys have done with like actual focus groups of like who this has worked with the Journey pack which is one of these and then six packs would be about $89.50 okay so it's a chunk of money but this is reusable you just buy the refill packs and then you know it comes down to how often you e
nd up you know needing refills the fume Solano is $98 why this one if you just buy this is$ 6775 why is this more a premium Walnut barrel and smooth coating on the honest M it's just the materials to use so so it's Walnut and onx coded mouthpiece more money I love the poses on their website of people with this like oh yeah this is this is so cool this is Elite I like it more as a fidget than than an inhaler I'm going to be honest but I know I'm not your Target demographic which is why I didn't t
ake your money really you should be thanking me for a review instead of doing a brand deal so this is for their learn science and Safety Products claiming to be a safe alternative haven't always been accurate anyone looking to use a new product or technology should first look at the research and safety behind it our goal is to create a concise list all in the place of all the documentation research done on the inhalation and digestion of the natural plant compounds essential oils used in fumes c
ores a couple of things to note when doing your research it's important to look for research done by a third party uh scientific journals and studies published by repeatable organizations are ideal know what to look for while research may show a product is safe it is still important especially if you're experiencing bad side effects to consult your physician and I think that's a good thing to have on their website this is from December of 2022 but obviously they've been a company for a while now
we see this also with like say dotera and other companies that deal with essential oils or um mlms or some more woow woo sorts of essential oil companies and all of that just because it's good for some people does not mean that you will not have adverse side effects essential oils affect everyone differently different essential oils in different dilutions can affect everyone differently if you do try a fume and you find that you are having a poor reaction immediately stop consult a doctor okay
because at the end of the day you may not be inhaling smoke but you're inh inhaling some form of vapor even if it's like just very minimal uh contact of the essential oil it could have potentially affect your your health poorly now that's not a fault of fume it's not a fault of anyone it's just a matter of your body could react poorly to something if you ever try this or you try anything and you have a poor reaction please go to a doctor don't go to Google the doctor okay cuz your lungs got to t
ake care of those so let's see research and studies fume essential oils view here the purpose of the study was to confirm that the exposure of essential oils consumed through a fume device was within the safety standard for essential oil consumption by Health Canada and other regulatory bodies the effects of aroma therapy on nicotine craving on a US campus a small comparison study this is from 2013 March 28 abstract I know I'm not inhaling anything I know it's just the SC I think just because it
's just the flavor that's a really weird feeling where it almost feels like my stomach is empty you know I'm really curious on what the effects would be if someone says um has disordered eating okay um and then also has like nicotine or vape uh addiction of some sort um and they try to use this to cut back on that would that affect their dietary habits cuz it almost feels like I'm hungry but I just had dinner you know like cuz it's like I'm getting that flavor but then there's nothing in my stom
ach you know what I'm saying like nothing's hitting my stomach so I'm not getting that amount would this make me hungrier I would assume yes this definitely would not cut my Cravings I would say that both black pepper and Angelic could reduce the level of nicotine craving and allowing and allowing a longer delay before next use of tobacco however black pepper reduced the level of craving more than did Angelica and Angelica allowed for a longer delay than did back pepper so the result of this one
particular thing is saying that black pepper essentially cut down the craving for uh nicotine but Angelica made the delay longer so it's like yeah you still have the craving but like they were able to wait longer before they smoked again so that's an argument I guess for the Maple and pepper um one see my one question is with aroma therapy cuz like something being you know consented for or like tested for aroma therapy is different than something being tested for inhaling you know or like consu
mption cuz like it's one thing to smell something it's another thing to like physically breathe it in I think that's really going to be it to wrap this up as far as like potential again I am not the person to give a full review of like oh yes this is going to help you quit smoking cuz I'm not that person okay that's just not what I am I can tell you about the product I can tell you about my experience with it but I cannot tell you if this is going to help you stop smoking the flavor is nice um C
hris mint sounds like it would be really good wait white crab chair Berry no cranberry I'm so dyslexic I'm sorry I definitely want to try and recommend this to some of my friends that I know are vapors and smokers and see what they would be interested in most of them have no desire to quit like it all so I don't know how how open they would be to it in that regard I like the fidget function more than I like the inhalent function like even when you see me like taking a a hit it's because I'm acti
vely making the decision to do that because I'm doing a video review on it it's not so much like I'm thinking like oh I'm doing other things you know cuz I'm I'm used to that feeling because I'm just not you know so it's like the fidget though I do that a lot I know different people like different fidgets for different things I feel like this would be more annoying for most of the people that are used to it if they have to work and say an office setting or things like that but again I I don't kn
ow how often are you guys vaping in office settings I I shouldn't say that I'm around a lot of jenzy tech people a lot of them don't care the flavor is still pretty strong again I haven't been sucking on it all day it's just been like here and there when I remember to so it definitely could probably this will probably last me longer than it would say someone who's actively trying to quit like I said I don't think there's anything wrong with it per se unless every single YouTuber that I've seen t
alk about this has secretly had just a very severe Vape situation in secret like I don't know how you're all cool with promoting a flavored air thing don't worry the the air up flavored water thing that's next why must everything be flavored why can't we like get rid of the trash on the planet let's do that the price is a lot but I mean it's this is the reasonable part as far as the refill goes like original core bundles to get a pack of three essentially getting nine cores uh it's $21.75 that's
a decent deal for the refill so like you just buy one of these you just buy the refill packs and then you know hopefully it cuts down your need for nicotine hopefully some people have very severe nicotine addictions and things like that so again I don't know what level of your nicotine dependency would this be best for that would be something I'd be interested to see like is this someone who's like oh I'm only a casual casual nicotine user and I'm trying to stop or is this targeting specificall
y people who have very severe smoking vape nicotine addiction what have you and want to try to break up with that have you ever tried fume have you seen fume have you seen YouTubers talk about fume um are you annoyed that I didn't just take the money let me know comment down below reminder I now stream on Twitch reminder that entainment is now available on Spotify reminder to get 10% off of your order on gamer Subs with code swell shout out to my patrons thank you so much for patreon if you also
that will list down below like on social media that'll be up here and that's for me to have a Lely day goodbye I should have said that's going to be a h the day instead of goodbye that would have been funnier thank you Oz Eva aana Abby Angel goth Glenn Palace pink Jasmine Lauren Amy alen medic Rosie Victor Andrew tenzen Sam May West Michael Ryan adira Nathan zwin literal Jeffrey Randy querty Nomad Thomas Tasha Donnie winter Kenny Robert Cameron Elliot



Swell saying no to a bag to be honest to her viewers is what we need from more influencers


I honestly don't trust any of the companies that aggressively promote their products/services through sponsored ads across social media like YouTube.


selling "flavored air" like farts don't already exist


"it sounds like you're judging me" "it sounds like you're projecting" i swear amanda is the common sense influencer that the internet needs right now


Its the AirUp of cigarettes.


4:11 can i just say that "natural plants" create the "harmful chemicals" ? so that's a really weird selling point that really means nothing because any plant can make harmful chemicals 🤔


i absolutely have an addiction to weed because the world is physically too sharp without it. you're much smarter than I, Amanda.


Just because the substance isn’t addictive doesn’t make the habit any less addictive


I think it's a good product for people quitting nicotine but the fact that it's being advertised on channels that primarily have teenage audiences is very strange. Personally, I started smoking hemp cigarettes socially a few months ago because I can't always smoke weed and need to drive after a party (they are also known to be aids in quitting smoking). But then I started smoking cigs socially. The hemp cigs were almost a gateway into smoking the real thing. It was almost like they made me develop that oral fixation habit that smokers have. I could see this doing the same thing for teenagers who get their hands on it. "Well I already like the pull and the feel in my mouth, so why don't I try the real thing?" and the rest is history. Just a weird marketing tactic. It's the same as the juul being so heavily marketed as an alternative to smoking cigs that people started smoking cigs because they started with a juul.


Same. They made me an offer as well and I could not get comfortable with the idea of promoting anything that involves smoking. I just doubt it’s as safe as they claim.


thank you - really glad i didn't do this sponsorship lol


This is so pedantic but I hate it when people say weed inst addictive. Its LESS addictive. You have a reduced CHANCE of it being addictive. Its not NOT addictive. So yeah- Swell you're not wrong the more you know theme


As someone who also believes that I have a “addictive personality” I appreciate you mentioning how you chose to abstain from some stuff!


Not smoking alone is a great protective protocol—one of mine is I never gamble locally.


Mad respect for avoiding things when you're not in a social setting. I have an addictive personality too and I broke my rule of "don't use nicotine" and I've been addicted for ~3 years. It's not worth it at all. Stay strong


Between this and air up I am fascinated with products that are basically the ghost of a thing that is bad in excess, and so are increasingly absurd amounts of nothing at a premium. I assumed these were expensive but 90 dollars to suck air through a tube. Incredible


you can always 100% have a dependency on a substance even if its not technically addictive


I tried it because of Philip Defranco, and I had a smoking issue. I no longer have a smoking issue, but that’s because I spent all the money for cigarettes on this god-awful product, and by the time I had stuck out the 30 days to get my money back, I never wanted to be put into that situation again. The only decent flavor was Mint, and it still sucked. Edit: I can't respond to anyone, and I want to note it didn't help with the OTHER thing I smoke. If anything, THAT is worse because I am no longer smoking cigarettes.


As someone who uses peppermint essential oils for migraines. Putting essential oils straight into my lungs scsresxme slightly.


This is giving a fancy Vick’s Vapoinhaler.