
Why is there a casino in a state where casinos are illegal?

The title says it all. In this video I will explain why there is a casino in Texas. A state where gambling is illegal. We will also look into the history of gambling in Texas. pls subscribe and always remember that 99% of gamblers quit before their big win! Here are some xdd tags Sam O'nella, Sam Onella, weird history, oversimpflified, history memes, wtfhistory, funny history y are u reading dis u weirdo watch my other vidz

the dank historian

2 weeks ago

Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen, I am currently in a Casino here in Texas. Now You may think to yourself: okay so what? whats the big deal? first of all Casinos are illegal in Texas and more importantly, "I have a severe gambling problem" You see, Texas has many laws. For example, you are not allowed to eat your neighbors garbage. "Or" You can't shoot buffalos from the second story of a hotel No really, these are actual laws in Texas. However, Among the numerous random laws in Texas, there is on
e that stands out as particularly strict - the gaming law. No Poker. No dice games. No sports betting. No slots and especially "no Casinos!" The only somewhat legal forms of gambling include, "parimutuel wagering on horse and greyhound racing" "charitable Bingo" and "The texas lottery" but didn't you say you were in a casino in Texas? Yes I did. So why is there a Casino in a State where Casinos are illegal? The answer is a bit complicated and has to do with U.S history. Here Take a seat at the p
oker table and let me explain. "Oh come on! Don't worry I will only play one round" Welcome to the Wild West of Texas, a land filled with cowboys, outlaws and these things randomly rolling through the streets. If you've ever seen a classic western movie or played a cowboy-themed video game, you'll probably recognize this place. the frontier town. small in the middle of nowhere. They were often found near railroads, cattle drive routes, or mining districts and served as recreational spots for har
dworking men striving for a better life for themselves and their families. Now what do these devoted fathers need after a long day of labor? Exactly... Wis ski, Opera , Gambling and Pro skater all of which can be found in the saloon. the predecessor of the modern casino. It was a gamblers paradise All types of men came here to get drunk, duck women and make a fortune playing cards & dice games. Everybody gambled and it get's even better! being a professional gambler was an actual job. If i was t
elling my family i wanted to play roulette for a living they would hold an intervention and call me an addict. But back then being a professional gambler was just as legit as being a doctor! The saloons played a significant role in the local economy, and the number of professional gamblers in a town was often seen as an indicator of its prosperity. What a time to be alive! Near the end of the twentieth century, public opinion towards gambling began to change. Social reform movements, often led b
y religious groups and a bunch of Karens... "Uhm excuse me can i talk to your manager?" pushed for tougher gaming regulations and prohibitions. But let's be honest. Some wife probably just discovered what her husband was doing in the saloon..."You are such an arse hole gerald" Eventually, due to public pressure, the Texas government decided to completely ban all forms of gambling. This decision marked the end of an era... or so it seemed. What the religious movement pushing for this ban failed t
o realize was that the story of Adam and Eve taught us one thing... Forbidden fruits always taste the sweetest. Did they really think a stupid law would stop people from risking their life savings on a game of chance? Some people are literally sweating right now, just thinking about gambling. "That's called an addiction" "shut up Karen! That's called dedication!" You see passing a gambling law doesn't mean that people magically lose interest in playing poker or shit like i don't know betting you
r sons college fund on a 5th division women's cricket match in fcking Bangladesh. Even after the ban in 1903, people continued to gamble. However, they had to go to underground gambling establishments. "Whats the secret password?" "skibidi toilet ohio rizz w kai cenat" During the progressive era these underground gambling operation were often run by organized crime and especially by one man benny "the cowboy" binion. Now this is what a texan gangster should look like with his slick cowboy hat an
d a fcking fur coat. I mean look at this dude; this guy is a baller. If someone told me he got that coat by throwing his hat like a ninja shuriken and decapitating a fcking bison, I wouldn't even question it Don't be fooled by this cheeky smile. Binion was a ruthless gangster who became the kingpin of illegal gambling by eliminating his competitors and bribing the police. Everybody knew about his underground casinos, but during the 1930s he seemed to be untouchable. Eventually the Texan governme
nt couldn't turn a blind eye any longer and started taking action against his illegal empire, causing Binion to flee to Las Vegas by 1946. The cowboy was gone at it seemed like texas has finally won the war on gambling. To this day, no one has been able to open a casino within the borders of the lone star state. with 1 exception Although casinos remain banned in Texas as of the creation of this video, there are currently three operating Casinos in the state. "how is this possible?" Well they are
n't technically in Texas. "the Kickapoo lucky eagle", "the speaking Rock" and "the Naskila casino", which we are currently at are all located on native American Reservations. Now please note that I am not a lawyer so take this explanation with a grain of salt. but The U.S supreme court recognizes these reservations as sovereign nations meaning that they have their own government, their own tribal courts and they can make their own laws. State laws basically don't apply to these territories. So a
s long as these casinos operate under the so called "Indian Gaming Regulatory Act" Texas can't do shit about them. So yeah that's the reason why there are.. "Sir your credit card got declined and you owe the casino 69420 dollars" "What?" "I TOLD YOU I HAD A FCKING PROBLEM" Now please subscribe and watch my other videos so I can maybe pay off my gambling debt
