
Why Words Matter: The Strength of Will Over Should

Do you have a will to greater things? A grand strategy will help... A brief exploration of language, the modal 'Could' and the decay of Wills, following in the examples of Odin in the HΓ‘mavΓ‘l. --- A bridge to greener pastures... Join my Newsletter here! --- Adapted from a blog post: My Book Store: Twitter: Site:

Aaron Leonard

2 months ago

Odin had great power over his words his rues they spoken in the H Mall how Odin claimed the runes the words that controlled his Destiny and with these runes claimed he carved out a destiny in His image and will I know that I hung on that weird and windy tree nine whole nights with a spear wounded and Olden offered myself to myself on that tree of which no one knows from what root it Springs bread no one gave me no a horn of drink downward I appeared the Run applied myself wailing learned them th
en fell down Z potent songs nine from the famed son I learned of Bor best life and a drought of obtained of the precious meat drawn from Ultra area then I began to bear fruit and to know many things to grow and Thrive well word by word I thought out words fact by fact I thought out facts and so Odin upon that weird tree sought the Rune sought the words and began to Bear the fruit of his will every day in our lives we say I could read that book we say to our friends we should play some video game
s sometimes even most recently to me when a forarm some folks were talking about playing some games as a gaming night hey guys we should play some games sometime what you think a PN here would could should there is no will well is the life force that brings ideas to fruition that brings us forward the goal Setter of Life whatever form will take the world to power the world to truth the world to have a good time with friend the world to waste away all these are worlds of people and they all happe
n it is no surprise then that the origin of the English word word stems from the north word weird which translate the destiny your words establish your fate your destiny your future without a well your habit your default way of acting is your will and to many this is a will to death a will for Life to Live them and be swept in the C of times and the herds Odin himself fora his death at the hand of Ragnarok and in seeing this he turned to the depths of the world tree he sunk to its deepest root c
onversed with Mia and suffered and bled for days to the torment of himself to the torment of his very life this God of friendly so he could sip of the Waters of wisdom and learn the words that could change his Destiny change his fate death at the end of the world and just after the pass Our Fate we have suffered too if we could go back we could say things differently we all have our regrets and our words and our words have been willed and our worlds have soed regrets knowing what to will is diff
icult teacher excellently observed the abys of values to which we think now the story I just told you of Odin attempt to a change his Fate by learning the words underpins the importance of words The Virtue and Power in them and how Destiny is inter link with them but there was a problem with stories we don't all share the same stories anymore no common Heil myth no common virtues no common ideas of Good and Evil no common Gods we've all been divided conquered divided conquered again as conquered
peoples so it is down to us to become the gods to become our stories to find Our Heroes and our virtues so that they may not and chave and that we may will Something Beautiful into creation but willing with our words comes against the Obstacle of itself he who controls language controls the speaker he who controls speakers controls rhetoric he who controls rhetoric controls politics education writing reading ideas criticism and in all ways power this is one of the principal points of George ore
ll's seminal work 1984 new speak is a language for of mything words mything ideas mything Notions and ways of expression as a result speaking of these ideas become clunky jogging obscure a joke I do not subscribe to the views of the political left but observing The Way languages exells clunk your expression to not offend anyone holy words that will render you digitally crucified even religion in all of it Holiness could not have better zeich a taking God's name in vain will not bind you to a cro
ss ultimately the point is this your words are powerful if you use correctly avoid English modor words like could and should and will what you want into being will it by words so the golden seed of your future thank you very much for watching this video so far a transcript of this video can be found on my website you can support this channel by subscribing liking leaving a comment sharing this video to others and financially in my patreon thank you very much and have a good evening



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