
Will Smith, Michael B Jordan, Alice Braga | I Am Legend 2 Trailer (2024)

Trailer for the movie "I Am Legend 2" (2024) starring Will Smith, Michael B. Jordan, Alice Braga | Warner Bros. Hey, guys! This video is 100% FAKE, fan-made, a conceptual trailer. ► Is the real movie coming out? As of the making of this video, there's no official announcement for the real movie. This trailer is purely a conceptual project created as a fan idea. Editing Details: The last trailer for "I Am Legend" that I created was one of the most challenging trailers I've worked on, and the hard work paid off because it was a huge success on the channel. Finally, I got inspired once again to create a dream trailer for a Michael Jackson biopic film because recently they released a first look at Jaafar Jackson transformed into the look of MJ. This excited me, and I wanted to give it another try to make a Michael dream trailer. I started the trailer similarly to trailer 2, but this time I connected the scenes. Showing New York, then people cheering, then we see Michael show up on the stage with the largest crowd I can find (from Kevin Hart's comedy show) made the scene look realistic. In Act 2, I gave Samuel L. Jackson some lines to indicate that his role would be MJ’s father (my personal choice). "Michael has a God-given talent, and I’m gonna do everything I can to help him use it." Since his father was not easy on him, training him to be the best singer. The challenge, likewise, is the music. Since this trailer doesn’t follow the traditional trailer flow, I wanted to add his popular songs too. It was challenging, but since I had experience, it went better than last time. To wrap the trailer, with the magic of editing, I once again sent Tom Cruise to space, this time using clips from "Top Gun 2" with Tom Cruise in a halo suit. I changed the background to space to connect a scene from "Moonfall." For the slow scenes with Tom Cruise, I got them from "American Made" and connected them with scenes from other cast members. The music I got from the MI7 trailer, which was perfect because it makes the trailer feel like it's the real "Mission Impossible 8: Dead Reckoning Part 2."

ScreenSculpt Official

9 days ago

[掌声] 我们需要去医院 医院已经人满为患了,你可以相信我 [音乐] 我的名字是罗伯特·内维尔 一场疫情已经消灭了整个 [音乐]人口三年了 我以为我是 唯一的幸存者在纽约,当我遇到 [音乐] 安娜时,情况发生了变化,自从我失去家人的那天起,我 对上帝失去了信心,慈爱的上帝怎么可能让这种[音乐] 发生呢空白 [音乐]向上 安娜说上帝有一个计划你我现在知道我相信她什么了,因为事实[音乐] 是上帝没有这样做,我们 做到 了
