
Women take action of sexual abuse incidents in music industry

Women working in the music industry are sounding the alarm over what they say is a rampant rape culture within the industry. They're naming artists, musicians and executives accused of sexual abuse as they call for reforms to ensure women's safety, demand an end to nondisclosure agreements, and the creation of a survivor bill of rights. Subscribe to FOX 11 on YouTube: Watch more FOX 11 on YouTube: Police Chases: Brazen Crime: Homeless Crisis:

FOX 11 Los Angeles

17 hours ago

all right women working in music are sounding off over what they say is a rampant rape culture within the industry they're naming artists musicians and Executives accused of sexual abuse as they call for reforms to ensure women's safety demand an end to non-disclosure agreements and the creation of a Survivor Bill of Rights Sam Maloney is one of the musicians leading the charge and she's here now with more and I also want to identify you as excuse me a longtime drummer yeah you drum for mle crew
yep and Hull Hull Eagles of Death Metal peaches Billy Ray Cyrus wow then I became a music executive and that was where I saw the problems Within the Music Industry is that the these labels are not held accountable for all of the sexual assaults that are going on inside the industry and Beyond why now why did this all culminate in today's news conference enough is enough we've seen all of these cases filed recently in the last couple of years I was behind the legislation that opened up a one-yea
r window in California there were other women that helped to the legislation in New York and that was a focus because the record industry is in New York and it is in California and that is where the problem has started and that's where we're taking action let me follow up a one-year window of the California adult sexual abuse and cover up act okay well so today you brought it here too and we have one in The Newsroom that we're looking through this is 200 Pages if I'm not mistaken over 200 pages
over 200 pages and within that there are five demands and we want to put that up on the screen here so you're demanding no ndas non-disclosure agreements protocols independent organization publish names of credibly accused and then a Survivor Bill of Rights who are these demands targeted for they're targeted for for the three companies Warner Music Sony music and Universal Music they need to make a change in the industry right now I mean this this shows seven decades of sexual abuse and cover up
in the music industry and we are just done we are over it they have not made any changes we made those demands today at that press conference and we are also demanding that Senate take action they open up in investigations against these labels these artists these Executives these agents these managers they've all been hiding in plain sight H how do you make these Demands a reality have you been in touch with legislators we just made the announcement today okay we sent the letter out today and w
e sent this report as well youve said seven decades Worth right seven decades I think of the fact that we've gone through a change uh with the me too movement or have we meaning meaning have things gotten better they have not gotten better they've just been exposed and we've only just begun this is the beginning of this movement you will see more survivors coming forward and then coming M months coming weeks and coming years this is just the beginning you know you use your platform for this and
then also you started a nonprofit it's called the punk rock therapist what's that all about yeah me and my um friend we started the punk rock therapist because we needed to uh provide therapy we provide free therapy to victims of sexual assault in the music industry because it is necessary I've spoken to hundreds and hundreds of survivors of sexual assault in this music industry and most of them have never told their story you said today uh at the press conference that unfortunately you're overw
helmed with clients yeah yeah it's an a global epidemic from all over over the world what's next what's next Senate needs to read this unfortunately this was not made for the music industry they've known about this for years for decades you will find a lot of your famous rock stars have been problematic for a long time this research was done by one of the top research firms in DC it's all their credibly accountable accounts of uh sexual misconduct well obviously uh any anything that you've gone
through uh my heart breaks for that and uh thank you for using your voice and your platform to be heard and to sound off thank you for having me Sam Maloney will obviously follow up with this and her nonprofit is the punk rock therapist thanks again thank you



It's incredibly empowering to see women taking action against sexual abuse in the music industry. Their courage to speak out and demand change not only sheds light on these serious issues but also paves the way for a safer and more equitable environment for everyone. By standing together and supporting each other, significant strides can be made towards eradicating abuse and ensuring that talent, respect, and integrity are the core values of the industry. Let's continue to amplify their voices and contribute to creating a world where everyone is respected and safe.


This is going to kill jobs for women in the music industry. The male artists are responsible for 80% of the music. Of course you will get some inequality, and injustice when one group completely dominates that talent pool.


And the poster he had on his stupid wall upstairs of herπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Good luck with that adjustment because their to work not be taking out of community views to be misused


It's incredibly important and brave for women to take action against sexual abuse, especially within industries like music where such issues have been hidden for far too long. Their courage in speaking out not only sheds light on these grave injustices but also paves the way for a safer, more respectful environment for everyone. Their strength inspires change and emphasizes the importance of listening to and supporting survivors. Let's continue to advocate for environments where everyone is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.


Fantastic I know exactly where I placed the fork.😊


As a survivor or religious cult abuse, I stand with survivors of the music industry. The blacklisting, the coercive and violent tactics against women and children for decades has been exposed. The victims of the music industry have reported 7 Decades of Sexual misconduct, Enough is Enough. NO MORE COVER UPS.


We need "Music Industry Reform!"


It's incredibly empowering to see women taking action against sexual abuse in the music industry. Their bravery in standing up and speaking out is not only a step towards personal healing but also paves the way for a safer, more respectful environment for everyone. Change often starts with difficult conversations and actions, and these courageous individuals are at the forefront, challenging norms and demanding better standards. Their strength and resilience are truly inspiring, reminding us all of the importance of supporting one another and fighting for what is right.


It's incredibly empowering to see women standing up against sexual abuse in the music industry. Their courage to speak out not only sheds light on issues that have been hidden for too long but also paves the way for a safer and more equitable environment for everyone. This action represents a significant step towards holding those accountable and ensuring that the music industry, and all workplaces, are spaces where respect and dignity are non-negotiable. The bravery of these women is truly inspiring, highlighting the importance of solidarity and the impact of collective voices in driving change. Let's continue to support and amplify their efforts, showing that such behavior has no place in any industry.