
WordPress Late Night Show - EP2

Bienvenida/o a la segunda sesión del WordPress Late Night Show, presentado por Nora Ferreirós y Nahuai Badiola. Un programa de entretenimiento para vivir desde el sofá de tu casa todo el espíritu de WordCamp España Online 2021 y todo el sabor de la comunidad WordPress española, sus usuarios. ¿Vendrá Matt Mullenweg, cofundador de WordPress, a visitarnos?

WordCamp España Online 2021 SALA A

2 years ago

Pablo, I need you to confirm me about Matt now, because if Matt doesn't come, people are going to throw themselves at my neck, my neck, you know? my blood. I ... do you understand me? I don't know if you understand me. You know? because I need to know if Matt is coming , or Matt is not coming, because if Matt does not come I do not have a plan B and who will you tell me that I put a Matt mask on him and this people are not going to believe it, you know? I don't know if you understand me. Yes. Bu
t are you going to give me the answer before finishing the program? Okay, well, it helps me, being like this ... Let's start! Hey! how are you? What's the matter? second day, they haven't kicked us out yet. Well no, no, we are still here. And now comes the moment ... ... that you are waiting to talk about the talks? But ... a little thing happened. When I went to ask about the DeLorean to see if I could go a little further, watch the talks and comment on them. That it was rented. Well, I have no
t got a sad door from the Ministry of Time for them to leave me. And the damn Loki who doesn't drop the "Time Pad" either. So that part of commenting on all the wonderful talks that there have been for sure! Well, today is not going to be, okay? another day if that already. But we are going to tell you ... let's see, what are we going to tell you. This "late" thing has been kind of crazy, okay? Everyone is like a little, "but what is it like and tell me and I don't know what." Well, how do you g
et to make a "beat"? Well in case you haven't noticed ... because maybe they haven't noticed, eh? I'm going to tell you, I'll tell you, okay? We are not professionals of this. Mmmmm… You have broken the magic. You had been deceived for a day, but then aren't you going to tell us about when El Terrat came to propose this to us? Well, I don't know if you could tell. Yeah, well, we have two versions, one that is more embellished and the other that is reality. So, to sum up a lot, Nora and I are her
e, basically because this is recorded in Barcelona and there was no one else in this area who was as buzzed as we are. Yes, willing to ... well, we are the last to be called. And you will think And who has called us? Well, behind all this that you see there is a lot of other hungry who are also volunteers from the community. Everyone is part of the community. We have the technicians ... Hello technicians! We have the people who have made the graphics, the people who support us through Telegram,
the people who meet with us a lot. All that kind of stuff. And there are more people also behind there. Yes? Yes. But hey, it must be that they are liking what they are seeing. So, well, maybe someone says: "How do I get to be the next or the next Nora? What is your secret?" Wow, but that is going to take me a long time now, but the point is, how did I end up being here? well look how does this start? Thus, without frills and without being too romantic. In the end it begins as the one who enters
a Meetup, a Meetup from there in your town or from the place where you live, you feel at the last, because we have all done it, well I don't know about you, because you are such a guy, outgoing. I've done. You go there to Meetup, you sit in the last row and so kind of like here they give beer, right? and i don't know. There is a wave, you are talking to people, pim, pam, you give a presentation and one day they call you to present this or to volunteer to know what. Basically ... In fact, you ha
ve listened to both David and Rosa who had very similar experiences as well . That they went to a WordCamp. It is true that you can start with a Meetup, as Nora commented, but that this hooks you and in the end you end up here only if you let yourself get involved and there is no one else willing to do it, but you can also end up doing very cool things and a very good day to contribute and make contact with people. It's the ... Contributor. Let's see, let's go see the truth, okay? There are many
people who go, I am the first, eh, we go there to work, to work at the Contributor, but if for whatever reason you decide ... well no I know that. Go to the Contributor to meet people because people meet, even the online part we are always there in the Zoom and if you want well, see if you end up organizing a WordCamp, organizing a Meetup or here doing a little clown, you know that basically it starts like this. So we encourage you to go to the Contributor tomorrow. But first you have a program
ahead. Besides, we still don't know if Matt is coming or not, that I'm still there ... You know I'm optimistic, I think he's coming anyway. Yes? Well, since you are the optimist, I trust you. Come on. Let's see what awaits us in today's program and nothing, welcome. Inside video! How do you like the inside video. WordPress backups are like Treasury letters. Whenever you see one you know that something bad has happened. Well, here we are, second day of "Late". And I haven't seen Matt stick his p
aw out yet. Here. Nothing has been seen. I don't know how it goes. Do you think we have freaked out very hard beyond our possibilities? Let's see, we have been very freaked out regardless of Matt, I already tell you that we are, but I think that we are going a little freaks out. Since I am an optimist, I am going to think that Matt will end up coming and the good part is that we have a beautiful interview right now. So we are going to introduce Violeta Bru! Oh, the music has finished before. How
about Violeta, how's that going? How is the rodeo going to the couch? Well, how's that organization of the Meetup going ... Tarrasa was going to say, sorry, that's not yours. You sweeping home. Sweeping for home, yeah. The organization of the Tarragona Meetup and above all, how those tickets are going in WP Rocket. Well, first, thank you for inviting me and at WP Tarragona we are very happy because really the issue of all this of going online and such, well we get along quite well and we have n
ot failed a single month, so ... And that that you did double before. You did one with talk and beers and another that was just beers, right? Exactly. Oh yeah? We do not do this in Barcelona. The truth is that these people are very professional. Very well, we'll talk to the Tarragona organizers to give them ideas for Barcelona. But you have one there. Yes, yes, we share. We are very much to share in the WordPress community. And the tickets. Well right now. Well the truth is that quite well. We h
ad a pretty big spike in work a few weeks ago and we've gotten through it. Back to school. The return no, it was in summer, really. It was in the middle of summer that the issue was triggered and little by little we have been coping with it and now we are fine. Well I think that all of us who dedicate ourselves to making websites in general have had a peak of everything lately in these months I have noticed something in September, September and probably October, which will be when this is broadc
ast, is that there are time travel that You still don't notice, but we notice it a little more. In general, with the pandemic, everything has been quite full of the webs. Yes, digitization ... Well, let's talk about WordPress and things that we like. Do you remember what was your first WordCamp? Yes, yes, yes, it was in Barcelona in 2016. Good, I was wondering if I can say that it is the same as David Peralvarez, and they tell me by the earpiece that yes, that since David's interview goes before
we can say that David has also answered the same. And do you remember anything that particularly caught your attention from that first ...? One thing that caught my attention was that there was sushi. That was like, spectacular. In other words, I went to my first WordCamp, and found sushi there, it was like… This is my place Well , thank goodness I did not go there, because I don't like it. But you didn't find David Peralvarez ? I didn't know him then. We will no longer be able to know it and y
ou will not know it yet either. He wasn't famous yet, now already. Oh yeah? is famous? Well he will be famous after this show just like all of us. I mean how it comes out in the first episode…. And some person you remember was alone or or ... I was alone, I was alone and. Well, the first person who spoke to me was Ibon who was volunteering and then he took me and a boy who was there and said Hello, I'm Ibon, what's your name? He introduced us and says well this is what to do. Good Ibon of arrang
er. Yes, how good! Yes, yes, very good. And then me there after, of course, with that rush and good vibes. There I introduced myself to Ramón, who is one, one of the guys who organized WordPress Tarragona with us, but now for work reasons and he has gotten off the car a bit. It is an institution, you always have it in your heart and it goes, it goes, it appears in all the goals and such. And then I introduced myself to Juanca… .How many things happened in that WordCamp. And there he gave a talk
and I went to him and saw him so close and so entertaining that I went and told him because I loved your talk. As he says once you get over tattoos and shaving, he is a very good person, he is not a good person, but on top of that he is very nice. He says so, but he's good people. Because if it is even nice. Do you remember what he was talking about? Why were they already talking about ñapas? Because there is one of the talks that I like the most about hers, which is also evolving, which is ñapa
s as a service. Yes, yes, I believe. Well, I think it was the importance of the content of your website, which did. I do not know if there are any say about ñapas but hey, it is that he made so many jokes and was so close that it was like this one I present myself there and it is yes, and from there it arose. In fact, that's where Tarragona came from. Excellent! Months later you were already organizing in April. Excellent! Hey watch out! Have you seen? You see a Wordcamp and you don't know what
can happen next. Yes, yes, this is that we have already said this and that you sign up for everything. So, since you've been to wordcamps and such, tell us are you more of going to see the talks or are you one of those who stays in the hallways and is seen later? I combine the truth a bit. In other words, when I have the program I look to see the talks that interest me and such, but then I love meeting people and talking to people in the hallways, I think that's the best thing about WordCamp. Ye
s we can attest. In fact David also commented on exactly the same and well, in fact a bit of the grace to talk about these things is that people who have not yet launched to go to a WordCamp, that supposedly we will be able to return to the physical version in a few months, well That they even dare to go alone because there are nice people who will get you together and if not, well, you end up talking to someone almost always. Very well, now already in the workplace. What is the most surreal sit
uation you have ever experienced? In addition, you who have provided support for several years, you can be supportive or not, but something that you say, what am I living? What's going on? Well, you can count on a clarification. If not, I can tell you about this, because the business itself no longer exists. It is legal, if it is illegal. Well, then we can, the web does not exist, I made the web for a cinema, a family cinema, one of those lifelong leads and…. And of course, over time they had to
modernize and they wanted to make a website, so they had a worker. In fact, I think there were only two workers there. It was one of the workers. He had set up a website that they didn't quite like and so they wanted to do a little more. And we went to the meeting. Only the worker spoke there because he also introduced himself and we explained to him, We can do this such a bang and it seemed that everything was perfect and everything was ok. So we launched the web, of course, with the cinema in
my neighborhood or whatever, not dotcom. And after a while we realized that doing a search, I do not know, in a silly way on the internet another web of these appeared, and it was like ummm .. but the same company, the same, the same, but instead of have the domain that they had, because it was me who was cin and it was like this, because this guy, the worker had made a shabby copy of the web that we had made because he was offended that he had not done it he and. ..And th
en chest out of spite. This story is magnificent, it is very good because in addition the cinema was something very emblematic and it had the letters of the cinema, as they were very characteristic. Then we found them, we found the typeface, and the headline would start. I started with that of the web and he found a pseudo typeface that had nothing to do with it, but that was a bit like that and put it there. It was like this what is it? I mean, why are you telling me to make a site for you if t
hen you can't control your worker that he's doing you ... of course that 's a brownie. I do not know if the company could have freaked out ,,, it is also that this boy did not have them as abductees or something and they were unable to tell him anything. They would be able to tell you hey, take that away. Yes, yes, yes that strong. In any case, you did a good job because he decided to copy the website that was there. So you as creators can be proud of your work, well seen well seen. Wow! I love
this very good story and it had never occurred to me. Of course, it is that it had never occurred to me to look for the very company for which I am building a website just in case you don't know. It was like, I don't know we were looking for what you say, looking for casual, it was casual, that is, it was the roll, looking for something that had nothing to do with it. It did not come out of that and it was like and this where did it come from. well a very valuable advice doing a project, because
whatever it is to look for the project, it is not going to be that someone is making a copy out there. Wow, I love it, people love it. Well, let's talk a little more about the community that you have also been in since 2016, at least participating in things. So here a little double question is worth, first. To begin with, why after so long are you still in the WordPress community? Man, is that there is a good vibes that like to leave. No, for the party. Ok Not for the people, for the people, fo
r the lates. Okay, the other question is why? Why organize a meetup? Why did you decide or want to continue or have you decided to continue being an organizer? Well, firstly because in the first place you decided to organize a meetup and in this case Tarragona, and then because you are still doing it too. Well, I think that when we started… the meetup actually first came up with Ramón, we had arranged to do Mastermind and things like that. Well, there were two of us and then I was like a little,
right? So I said I'm going to tell this boy who also knew him, let's see if, because it also happened that we were all from the area . In other words, we met in Barcelona, ​​but closer to Tarragona and of course, Juanca came and of course Juanca is a revolutionary. Then he said a meetup comes out of here and it went out. Realization put me here that Juanca is a revolutionary. I think it's not surprising, and no, but of course, he had been in the community for some time, of course, when I met hi
m he was already giving a talk, so there were three of us. And it was how we are going to make this grow. And it went well too. In other words, it is a small group, that is, we are not really like Barcelona, ​​which is that it looks like a volcano directly, but. But it is a well-matched group. Sometimes I have come to give some talk and faithful people who then most of them go to beers. People, serious people, no wonder you're still there. Well, nothing, let's go to the minced test, the idea is
that you say very quickly. one of the two options that we are going to offer you. We start with you are more than dinners of speakers / attendees or afterparty. I think of dinners. It is very good, for merchandising, you are more than clothes. T-shirts and socks or you are more than stickers and notebooks. Damn, I like socks a lot, you know ... very good, but this one has a trap and you will understand why, you are from Super Caché or W3 Caché. I'm wearing the shirt and I can't answer. Wildcard
of the public. Ok, let's go to the next one. What do you prefer, that WordPress is multi-language in the core or that they come to cook for you at home every day? It's difficult huh. Of course, the idea was to put one there ... I think, I think, since you can buy ready-made food, I think they put Multilingual. This is strong here we push, we must look for the good of the community. Wonderful! This should be easy. Classic or block editor. Not of blocks? almost better And the last one in a contrib
utor. What do you add to the support before? Or will you come to design with me? Well, the truth is, I have always been in translations, there are many points in common with David, by the way, I was also in amm, in transcribing. Ah yes it is true we were in a traslation day, because I stay very lonely in the design one, nobody comes with me to the design one. Matt is encouraged, because I have in mind that he is accompanying me. If you come when you come we will tell you. So come another questio
n here. Also, travel to a parallel world, imagine a violet in a parallel world, and that in this parallel world WordPress does not exist nor has it ever existed . What are you doing in that parallel world? Joomla? All right then that's it. Of course, Juanca is also a bit involved with the Open Source issue. I also really like Open Source people. Well this is easy. Great, great. Very well, now we are going to make a game. We have here that realization has prepared us. What realization, no? If we
have a cool game. Well look, we are going to give you a material that we always like to give there, material, tangible. Take it, this is for you. Thank you. This also for Nahuai, and the Videogame is called, does this meetup exist and you tell us true or false? Or yes or no? Let's see what this is about. We are just as lost as you, so calm down, we are going to make a fool of ourselves. Let's go there. Alcarria, first meetup for Alcarria. An invention like, oh God and whatever, let's see. No, no
, we do not condition that I am set that it is true. Well, well, well, let's see, let's see what you think. You are Violeta. Let's see if he's going to think it's a lie and we do know the answer to this ... also if you say it's a lie and it exists, you look like the ass. So I will not repeat. Sparta Meetup? Hopefully yes, I don't know. Uff, this because we want it to be. It is not true, it is hopefully, hopefully so. Ohhhhhh! Look, the WordPress world is wonderful but it still hasn't. Alharuín d
e la Torre. Alharuín de la Torre, let's see, you guys had a good time here, team, eh, team? Well, let's see, do you have it? Sounds like yes to me, I don't know where I heard it. Come see. Ostia! well yes, well yes. It sounded like it to me. It sounded to me that they wanted to sneak a real one that sounded very strange. Bengaluru. But Bengaluru. I want to believe. No, this sounds a little weird to me. Well nothing. Bengaluru from India, if you want to look for it I have no idea where it is. Rey
kjavik? Icelanders are good people. And they don't have Reykjavik Meetup. I have not hit a single one. Oh my gosh. Ah, okay, this one I know. Well, as I see you and I very sure that I do not mind copying. We are going to finish in style. Very good very good. Hey, well nothing, we have done very well or we have done it worthy, which is pretty good. So nothing, up to here ... We are missing the confetti, but in the end we could not bring them to make Pouf! For the next realization ... we want conf
etti. Well Violeta. a pleasure to have you here. Thank you. Thank you very much for coming. Long time for the thanks that you have been. Very good Nahuai, very good. I'm letting go ... Yes, yes, we hope you had a good time with us and we hope to see you soon. Thank you very much. Bye. Bye bye. What's your name? Well, they call me Jose Luis. I don't know why I put the accent on it. Well, if I know why, because when I was little they sent me to write my name on the blackboard, I put it with an acc
ent and they told me very well, one who knows that José is written with an accent, but really everyone calls me José Luis stuck, no, not with an accent. But hey, whatever you want to call me. I am from David Pérez. What WordPress Meetup are you into? Pontevedra. Grenade. When did you start organizing it? Well, look, I appeared in Pontevedra four years ago as a paratrooper, I got a taste of it the first time and I continued from there. Then I went to Orense. We continue with Lugo. All those that
were leaving and the last thing we did was the joint Galicia, which was with the pandemic. We take advantage and instead of each one doing something on their own, well, look, we all get together and put together a joint. February 2016. Yes, I think so, because after two years we did the 2018 WordCamp and then 2019, yes February 2016. How many of you are in the organization? Well, they will have to be counted. This Wahari, Juan Hernando, Jorge and I are four, I think. If anyone wants to sign up,
it is welcome. If we are currently about 10 or around there is Jesús Yesares, Sacra Jaime, there is Fran Torre, Ángel Moreno, Guillermo and good guys and from time to time someone else out there. Juanma Cívico. And well, there are a few out there, the truth is that those of us who squeeze the most are the first ones that I have named more or less. What has been the Meetup that fewer people have attended? Well, less people. Look who asks tough questions. I don't know how to tell you the truth. In
summer it is true that nobody comes, but we manage and do them in places where there is beer and air conditioning and people sign up the same way. But normally the summer ones always have the July ones. Not in August, we no longer do anything. The Meetup that fewer people. The one with the fewest people was a technique, I think it was from ... Well, actually the ones who come the least to now lately after the pandemic is where we've noticed a downturn and now we're kind of picking up again and
starting from scratch, because we had It is true that in the Meetup we had 30, 40 people. We have reached up to 70. But the least it has been now lately, because it gave us the stick there to change from online to face-to-face and there is still a lot of reservations and people are disconnected. And if I had to say it it would be the last Meetup. And what else? The most. The one in September, because it is the preparatory school for WordCamp. We start with a Meetup at the university, at the Facu
lty of Fine Arts and we usually fill the classroom. The most one that we did for WordPress initiation , that we did it in a technology park and that the stage was very good. There were also snacks, they liked it a lot and we were also explaining how to get started in WordPress and the comparison between and How many WordCamps have you attended? Complicated. When the pandemic started, it caught me in Las Palmas and I think I was 21 or 22. And from then on. Well, the t
hree or four online that there have been. The one from Spain, the one from Galicia, Venezuela, look more, five or six. In total they must be like 26 or more or less. Less than ten. The truth is, I have been with WordCamp for a short time, but I have taken a few, Seville, to Madrid and well, there are some more that were there. Especially Andalusia. Which is where I have been able to move better, mostly due to physical proximity, of course. What would you say to someone who is going for the first
time? Well, see someone out there, talk to him and maybe you will get a sympathetic response . You are going to have a good time. As an example, I can give you José Ramón Bernabéu, who says that at the first Meetup he went to, he found a guy with a beard and some walking sticks and asked him what was being done there and told him that he did not know that he had gone because once They told him they gave spikes. Well, don't be ashamed, there are really some really great people here in the commun
ity, who are very open to meeting new people, who can learn a lot. I think that if we go with an open mind, I think it is the main thing, because we always go with how with qualms about ... And if I say that I am from this or that I do this, it will feel bad or not like it. Or of course, it is that if they are developers or maybe they will not understand what I am saying well. That is, there is no real problem from the point of view of the community that I see more open, closer especially. And t
he truth is that when you go to a WordCamp we give hugs, although the truth is that with COVID we will have to be more careful. But yes, it is true that there is a lot of closeness and you meet really very very good people and I am really delighted. And the truth is that there is a lot of professional and personal quality , of course. Who in the community do you think is the person that WordCamps has attended the most? Well, I would tell you Fernando Tellado. As a speaker. Who do I believe? Well
, I think it is between Nilo, Fernando Tellado and the people of the first who have been around the longest. I also think Rafa Poveda is one of those who have been there the longest and who have participated the most. It is true that the oldest ones, those that were in the first WordCamp ... well, in the last Wordcamp they have not been. I think Fernando Tellado and Rafa Poveda y Nilo. What was the best meal you've had at a WordCamp? The best food? They say the octopus. Wherever there is an octo
pus, everything else should be removed. Then Pontevedra. Well, the Chiclana speaker dinner was very good. The truth is that Uncle Roberto put us there a tribute of seafood and white wine and the truth is that they talked about WordPress and they talked about how well they ate that night. So very well, very well, the truth is that they took good care of us. What talk have you seen that you liked the most? Phew! There are many, indeed there are many. I better keep that question to myself. I'm not
going to say anything there. Well, I think that among the community of developers, those of us who have talked the most and I was not in that WordCamp, but it is referenced a lot and Adrián also refers to it a lot, it was Fernando Puente's in WordCamp Zaragoza, about how Plugins are deactivated from a way ... that is, WPO deactivating Plugins and the truth is that it is masterful in a presentation that I highly recommend. What is development. And on the subject of marketing at WordCamp Madrid, Á
lvaro Sánchez made only one slide and with that he threw a presentation of almost an hour and the truth was that it was very good. He got dressed and it was funny and I liked it a lot, so if I had to refer to those two they are the ones that caught my attention the most. Yes! Hi everyone! Here we are at last, in this moment that we were all waiting for. We have a fantastic guest in this interview. His name is Matt Mullenweg. He is from Houston, Texas. He writes music, loves taking photos, and su
pports many non-profit organizations that make this world better in many ways. And, he is the founder-developer of WordPress and the CEO of Automattic. Welcome Matt. We are delighted that you are here. How's it going? How's it going? Oh welcome! I am so happy to be here. Yes, we know that you have a very tight schedule and we are very happy that you are here with us in this first Late Night Show of WordCamp Spain and, first, we want to know what you have thought when you have heard about this La
te Night Show of WordPress Spain. Oh! I think it's a great idea and I hope that in the future you will have guests who can speak in Spanish. Well, I think it's great for us to practice English too ... Yes, yes, sure! I mean, I couldn't imagine a better way to start these kinds of Late Night Shows. You know that the pandemic has changed a little - or a lot - the way the WordPress community participates and connects, so do you have any idea how we can take advantage or do better when these types o
f times come? That is a good question. I think the beautiful thing about the evolution of WordPress over time is that it is driven by local communities, by the best people in the world, you know, to improve WordPress in Spain, and probably in other Spanish- speaking countries, they are people Like you, so the beauty of WordPress is that everyone has the ability to contribute and influence the direction. I'm not the one on the mountain deciding everything. It's, you know, people like all of us on
Slack channels , on p2s, on Trac, in translation, on forums, learning from users, iterating, and also just sharing their point of view, and so on. it's what moves WordPress forward , and that's what has made it so successful, I guess, in the last 18 years. I agree, totally agree. We know that you are a travel lover and a little bird has told us that you did the Camino in Spain a few years ago. How was the experience? And, do you have any anecdote that you remember and want to share? The Camino
was amazing and I found that the long walks were very meditative and also very humble. And the funny thing for me on that particular hike was that I tried to wear that kind of shoe that is ultra thin, yeah, I thought it would be a good idea. The route we took was probably about 100 kilometers or 110 and maybe about 40 kilometers or 30 kilometers away, I stepped on a rock and bruised my foot. This is not so bad, you know, but then what started to happen was that, to compensate for that concussion
, I started walking differently, so my gait was different. And then the opposite knee… so I bruised this foot, this knee started to hurt because, essentially, I was walking crooked. I guess what I got from there is that even a very small problem, if it unbalances you, can cause bigger problems elsewhere, and that's why the end of the Camino was really hard, because I had this foot, my knee hurt and I thought I was always going to wear shoes with more padding in the future. Yes! Well, it's a wise
conclusion you came to. Yes! How one little thing can make a big difference if you try to make up for it in a bad way. Yes, it is a great experience, and we also want to know what you have learned from that experience, so we want to know what you have learned in all that time and, if you could pick up a DeLorean and go back in time, what would you say to yourself at 18 years about your spiritual life or whatever you wanted to say to yourself. That is a good question. Si pudiera volver a los 18
años, justo cuando a los 18 años yo era colaborador de b2/Cafelog, lo que precedió a WordPress, yo era voluntario en los foros..., un montón de cosas que la gente hace en las WordCamps, traer amigos, voluntario en los foros, crear sitios para la gente. Y las cosas que probablemente me diría entonces a mí mismo para la vida, yo diría que prestar más atención a mi cuerpo y mi salud, porque en ese momento yo estaba en frente de un ordenador durante 18 o 20 horas al día, comiendo pizza, bebiendo coc
a-cola... Me diría que no soy solo un cerebro, que el cuerpo también. Dos, me animaría a meditar. No lo descubrí hasta mucho más tarde, a los 20 años o, realmente, al principio de los 30. Y, tres, me diría que construyera a largo plazo, que las semillas de las cosas que estás plantando en ese momento seguirán creciendo en las próximas décadas, por lo que sería una buena oportunidad, por ejemplo, para cambiar el nombre de todos esos molestos campos de la base de datos y del contenido de WP y todo
lo que no te gusta, y simplemente quitarlo del camino desde el principio, porque WordPress va a ser mucho más grande después y será más difícil renombrar las cosas. ¡Genial! Ahora llevaremos el DeLorean de vuelta al futuro, y queremos hablar del futuro. ¿Qué es lo más emocionante que ves en el futuro de WordPress? ¡Gutenberg, con diferencia!. Y más allá con las cuatro caras de Gutenberg. Sabes que estamos en la fase dos ahora mismo. Las fases tres y cuatro de Gutenberg, que son la colaboración
en tiempo real y luego el multilingüismo, son tan emocionantes como los propios bloques de Gutenberg. Matías, obviamente, ha sido un gran impulsor de eso y espero que podáis hablar con él en español o tenerlo como futuro invitado en el programa. Pero la idea de WordPress es democratizar la publicación y, lo que eso significa para nosotros, es que cogemos cosas que solían ser muy difíciles de hacer o muy costosas de hacer y las ponemos en manos de la gente, haciéndolas tan ampliamente accesibles
como sea posible, sin importar cuánto dinero tienes, tu habilidad técnica, qué idioma hablas. No queremos que nada de eso sea una barrera, porque creemos que todo el mundo debería tener un hogar en la web que realmente le pertenezca, y que se parezca a él, no una página genérica en TikTok o Facebook o algo así, sino algo que realmente le represente. Así que, Gutenberg permite tanta creatividad, que no dejo de sorprenderme cuando otras plataformas te hacen colorear dentro de las líneas. Con Guten
berg puedes crear, es simplemente un lienzo, y puedes crear casi cualquier cosa que imagines, cualquier tipo de sitio que quieras. Así que, en el futuro, lo que espero ver es, bueno, todos vosotros estáis en una WordCamp, tal vez virtualmente, la que es genial sobre reunirse con otros en la comunidad WordPress, es lo diferente y lo creativo que es todo el mundo, tienen una gran imaginación, es tan emocionante, por lo que, en el futuro, me encantaría ver que la imaginación de todo el mundo se ref
leja en su sitio web, y su singularidad y la creatividad reflejada en el sitio de WordPress gracias a cosas como Gutenberg. Sí, bien, es un gran futuro, nos gusta y coincidimos contigo. Yendo un poco al grano, ¿tienes alguna característica favorita en WordPress, en el próximo WordPress 5.9, vienen grandes cosas, pero solo, quizá, una pequeña o la que es más emocionante para ti. Probablemente, lo que más me entusiasma ahora es el tema 2022, que está preparado por todas estas características que e
stamos incorporando en Gutenberg y la funcionalidad de la edición completa del sitio de la versión 5.9, pero parece que vamos a ser capaces de incorporar múltiples temas. Veremos si eso se convierte en la versión final. Pero también los temas serán básicamente un archivo «theme.json», por lo que permitirán una personalización increíble. Ya sabes, acabamos de hablar de sitios que sean únicos. Anteriormente, los sitios con el tema por defecto, tenían un aspecto similar. Si permitimos un gran contr
ol de los esquemas de color, la tipografía, los diseños, el uso de patrones de bloques, la gente será capaz de crear sitios que sean realmente diferentes y realmente emocionantes, solo con el tema por defecto, y me encanta la idea de este futuro, que diferentes estéticas o diferentes tipos de estilos visuales puedan ser fácilmente accesibles por defecto en WordPress, listo para usar. Me encanta lo que viene con la edición completa del sitio. He estado jugando con JSON, con el archivo JSON, pero
quería llevarte a otra de las cosas muy emocionantes que, con suerte, llegará pronto a WordPress. Es el proyecto Openverse. Estoy muy emocionado de ver que llega al núcleo de WordPress. Para aquellos que nos están viendo y no tienen idea de lo que es Openverse y, tal vez, piensan que es algo relacionado con un multiverso alternativo o algo parecido, ¿podrías explicar en pocas palabras qué es, por qué es tan genial y cuándo se puede ser implementado en el núcleo, si hay alguna fecha? ¡Seguro! Inc
luso cuando WordPress se inició, había una organización llamada Creative Commons, que básicamente dice que el código abierto es increíble, ¿verdad?, el código es de libre acceso, la gente puede reutilizarlo o mezclarlo. Pero la licencia se creó para el código, con la GPL, bajo la que está WordPress, o la MBL, bajo la que creo que tendremos a Gutenberg, oa la que se moverá, y no funciona bien para contenidos como fotos, música, diferentes tipos de lo que podríamos llamar medios dentro de WordPres
s, así que crearon Creative commons y, básicamente, dijeron «esta fotografía que he hecho, la gente puede usarla de diferentes maneras» y hay algunas variaciones en esas licencias, como que puedes usarla, pero tienes que dar atribución, o puedes usarla sin atribución, o puedes usarla y luego remezclarla o modificarla, puedes usarla y venderla, así que lo que hace Openverse es un motor de búsqueda de Creative Commons que indexa toda la web y busca todo el contenido creativo con licencia Creative
Commons. Así que piensa en un rastreador multimedia de código abierto o en un Google multimedia de código abierto y lo hace de forma que si escribes, por ejemplo, «veleros», te mostrará veleros, te mostrará un montón de fotos de veleros, que son completamente gratis, para que las uses en tu sitio. Por lo que no es diferente a un sitio stock de fotografías, excepto que todo es de código abierto bajo esa licencia Creative Commons. Estamos entusiasmados con esto, porque significa que en el núcleo d
e WordPress podremos proporcionar una rica y enorme biblioteca multimedia que la gente puede usar para personalizar su sitio y que será totalmente gratis, así que proporcionará las mismas libertades y derechos que hace el resto de WordPress, ligeramente diferente, porque se trata de contenido en lugar de código, pero con la misma filosofía. ¡Es muy emocionante! La otra cosa que vamos a hacer en la segunda fase, es facilitar que todo el mundo que use WordPress pueda compartir sus fotos o sus imág
enes o sus medios bajo licencia Creative Commons, lo que aumentará enormemente el número de cosas con licencia Creative Commons en la web. Por ejemplo, en mis sitios. Parte de la razón por la que empecé a desarrollar WordPress fue porque me encanta la fotografía. Mi nombre de usuario es Photomatt, «photomatt», en Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Y en mi WordPress,, he subido más de 30.000 fotos en mis galerías y tengo unas 10.000 en mi lista de tareas pendientes, incluyendo lugares como el
Camino y la Antártida y algunos lugares realmente geniales en los que he estado... Obviamente, estoy muy interesado en el código abierto y me encantaría licenciar todas ellas bajo Creative Commons, lo que permitiría a cualquier persona de la comunidad WordPress, o de fuera de ella, usarlas para cualquier propósito que quisiera. Herramientas no solo para WordPress, sino que estamos creando cosas que cualquier CMS en el mundo podría usar en cualquier plataforma de publicación y la idea es que, de
nuevo, queremos democratizar la publicación, incluso para la gente que está usando cosas diferentes a WordPress. Así que si estás usando Drupal o Joomla o, incluso, Wix o Squarespace, podrás acceder a estas imágenes y usarlas para mejorar tu sitio. ¡Fantástico! Como diseñadora, también estoy muy emocionada con esto como tú. Nos has hablado de tu experiencia, de tu vida, de tus 18 años, del futuro de WordPress… ¿Ya ha contactado contigo Netflix sobre el documental de WordPress? Disculpa, ¿qué es
eso? ¿Te ha contactado Netflix? Para hacer un documental sobre WordPress. Puedo ver «WordPress: El documental». Puedo imaginarlo, quiero decir, está ahí… Eso molaría mucho, pero todavía no. Sin embargo, ha habido algunas excelentes películas de la comunidad. Sería divertido verlo. Volviendo a cosas más serias y más comerciales. En los últimos meses ha habido muchas adquisiciones en el área de WordPress. De hecho, recientemente, Automattic compró una startup española, Frontity. Por cierto, tengo
una pequeña empresa que, tal vez, no sé, podrías… Bromas aparte, ¿cómo ves o cuál es tu opinión sobre la consolidación del mercado de WordPress? ¿Cómo lo ves? Creo que esta es una tendencia que no es específica de WordPress, por lo que si te alejas y observas la tecnología más ampliamente, existe la mayor actividad de fusiones y adquisiciones y, a veces, en algunas medidas, en décadas, así que creo que, en general, en tecnología hay mucho crecimiento, hay mucha liquidez y financiación y la gent
e está tomando decisiones estratégicas a largo plazo, así que este es, probablemente, un momento en el que se están produciendo más estas transacciones y se ralentizará después de esto, pero por ahora creo que es un gran momento para que las personas evalúen lo que quieren hacer con su empresa en los próximos cinco o diez años. Mi empresa, Automattic, está diseñada para funcionar durante muchas décadas, así que nosotros pensamos en una adquisición potencial en cómo contribuirá o acelerará nuestr
as metas para la próxima década, es con esta gente o producto con el que podríamos imaginarnos trabajando dentro de 10 o 20 años y, si es así, seamos parte de la misma familia, trabajemos en el mismo equipo, pero también está bien si no lo hacemos, así que también estamos tratando de ser muy colaborativos, por lo que trabajamos con cada proveedor de alojamiento web que quiera trabajar con nosotros, sabes que Yoast ha comprado una nueva empresa, ¡genial!, seguimos apoyándo a Yoast y vamos a integ
rar sus cosas, todavía creo que son grandes colaboradores de la comunidad, así que creo que la otra cosa a tener en cuenta es que, independientemente de quién sea el propietario de qué, la comunidad WordPress siempre ha sido espíritu de colaboración, sabiendo que lo que estamos creando juntos y nuestra misión más grande de democ ratizar la publicación, es más grande ya más largo plazo que el próximo trimestre o dentro de seis meses que cualquier empresa o persona, así que eso es lo que realmente
me encanta de ser parte de la comunidad WordPress, sí, tal vez haya algunas fusiones y adquisiciones, pero todavía estamos trabajando juntos y eso es realmente poderoso. Nuestros enemigos no están dentro de WordPress, nuestros grandes competidores no están dentro de WordPress, son los sistemas propietarios, aquellos que intentan hacer la web menos libre o dar menos control a los usuarios, y eso es lo que tenemos que tener en mente como que cualquier WordPress en el mundo, sin importar qué plugi
n esté ejecutando o en qué alojamiento esté, está haciendo que la web sea un lugar más libre y luchando por esa libertad, por esa es la autonomía y entidad que tienen los usuarios, es nuestro objetivo más importante. Muy bien, eso es una buena toma de contacto con el tema. Matt, sabes que hay una pregunta recurrente en cada WordCamp europea y es si hay alguna noticia sobre la implementación multilingüe en el núcleo de WordPress. Sí, volvemos a lo dicho anteriormente sobre el trabajo en las cuatr
o fases, así que como recordatorio para la gente, la primera fase fue el editor de bloques, la segunda fase es la edición completa del sitio, lo que permite que el editor de bloques cambie todo el sitio: las cabeceras, los pies de página, la barra lateral, los patrones de bloques, son parte de esa fase, y la tres es la colaboración, así que imagina compartir borradores de páginas o sitios web o algo así, permitiendo a las personas coeditar en tiempo real, algo como un documento de Google, y así
conoces el tipo de flujos de trabajo en torno a la colaboración y, después, la fase cuatro es multilingüe, por lo que coge todo lo que hemos hecho en las fases anteriores y los hace funcionar bien en varios idiomas. Creo que es importante que hagamos la fase tres antes de la fase cuatro porque una parte tan importante de la traducción es el flujo de trabajo y era algo que comenzaba en español y luego se traducía al inglés y cómo se estaba gestionando eso o viceversa. Eso es realmente importante,
así que quiero tener todas las partes del flujo de trabajo en su lugar antes de que decidamos abordar el multilingüe y el núcleo, por lo que creo que eso también garantizará sitios multilingües de la más alta calidad, porque luego algunas herramientas integradas en WordPress para mostrar el tipo del estado de las diferentes páginas y verificar la calidad y que las personas pueden dar su opinión, pueden colaborar en las traducciones solo para hacer el producto de la más alta calidad. Cuándo lleg
aremos a la fase cuatro no es 100 % seguro, ahora mismo creo que probablemente será en 2024, así que aún faltan unos años, pero mientras tanto hay algunos fantásticos plugins en el mundo WordPress si necesitas traducir hoy tu sitio, lo que estoy seguro de que muchos de vosotros hacéis. De acuerdo, muchas gracias por la información. Creo que todos estaban esperando tus noticias. Nuestro equipo técnico nos ha preparado un juego rápido. No sabemos de qué se trata. Han dicho que es fácil y que podem
os hacerlo, así que, si no te importa, lo haremos ahora antes de que te vayas, ¿está bien? ¡Claro! Vamos a jugar juntos. Veamos de qué se trata. Tenemos aquí una pizarra… De acuerdo, empecemos. Tenemos varias preguntas, tenemos que decir la respuesta correcta, tenemos varias opciones. Creo que tenemos que adivinar la versión de WordPress mirando la imagen del músico del que toma el nombre, creo que es así, ¿no? Bien, empecemos. Vamos a la primera foto: Nina Simone. Y ahora tenemos tres opciones,
si no me equivoco. Tenemos que adivinar si es la versión 3.1, la 5.6 o la 6.2. Lo escribimos en la pizarra y luego lo dirás tú. Entonces, ¿qué piensas Matt? ¿Cuál es tu opinión? 5.6, es decir, la B. Bien, veamos. He perdido. Vale, esto es totalmente real, esta es la prueba. La 6.2 saldrá en realidad el año que viene, así que estará ahí en 2022. Efectivamente. Vale, pues vamos a por la siguiente. Es Bebo Valdés. Vamos con las tres opciones: 2.7, 4.3 o 5.0.0, la grande con Gutenberg en el núcleo.
Así que creo que es... Bien Matt, adelante. Esto es realmente muy emocionante, porque hace apenas dos días vi tocar a Chucho Valdés, que era hijo de Bebo, también uno de los grandes pianistas de jazz de todos los tiempos. Si alguna vez tenéis la oportunidad de escuchar su música, os la recomiendo mucho y, de hecho, Chucho hizo un disco con su padre Bebo, ambos son pianistas increíbles, y para mí es uno de los abuelos del jazz, y es cubano. Creo que es increíble, así que quisimos publicar Gutenb
erg para honrarlo, por lo que sería la 5.0.0. Veamos… ¡La C! ¡Correcto! Esta vez hemos acertado los tres. La 5.0 es muy importante, ¡incluso para mi! ¡Grande, grande! De acuerdo… Django Reinhardt, o algo así. Vamos con las opciones… Tenemos la 2.0, la 3.1 o la 4.2. Está bien, adelante Matt. Voy a ser aleatoria aquí. Matt, ¿lo recuerdas? ¡Dios! Está bien, voy a adivinar... No lo recuerdo, así que voy a decir C, que podría ser la 4.2. Está bien, está bien, vamos a ver… ¡Correcto! ¡Lo he adivinado!
Pero esto ha sido pura casualidad. Eso fue hace 10 años. ¿Era este el último o queda el último? Bien, bien. Gracias por jugar. Era el último. He tenido tres de tres. ¡Felicidades! ¡Gracias! Gracias Matt. Muchas gracias por compartir tu tiempo con nosotros. ¿Algo más que te gustaría compartir con la comunidad de España, con la comunidad WordPress? Desde el fondo de mi corazón, aprecio mucho lo que hace la comunidad española, cómo contribuyen a WordPress, cómo expanden WordPress a través del mund
o de habla hispana, y no puedo esperar nuevamente para volver a España, Argentina, México, todos los lugares hermosos alrededor del mundo, para compartir una buena comida y bebida y conocernos y conversar con todos vosotros. ¡Te esperamos! Aprovecharemos esto para decir que cuando esto termine, la pandemia y las restricciones hayan acabado, estás invitado a estar aquí en persona, en ese sofá, no sé si puedes ver el sofá que vemos nosotros, y nos encantaría tenerte en persona y disfrutar haciendo
preguntas. Así que, gracias, muchas gracias y esperamos verte lo antes posible. ¡Adiós! ¡Hasta la próxima! Bye. Vaya pedazo de WordCamp, Nora, ¿qué te parece? Sí, sí espectacular. O sea, increíble. No sé a ti, pero a mí se me ha pasado volando especialmente me ha impresionado el nivel de las charlas y el engagement de los asistentes. ¿Engagement? ¿Lo del engagement no habíamos dicho que se quedaba fuera, que es un anglicismo? ¿es feo? ¿esto, no? Bueno, dicho está. Lo que sí ha sido un lujo es q
ue al final hemos podido tener a Matt. Ha sido una pasada entrevistarlo, ha tenido que hacer malabarismos para poder estar con nosotros y poder dedicarnos un ratito, pero ha estado super bien. Para que os hagáis una idea la agenda de Matt está más llena que el repositorio de plugins, más o menos viene a ser esto. Thanks Matt, gracias Matt. Thank you. También queremos agradeceros a vosotros, a ti que estás mirando y que has aguantado este experimento que seguramente a ratos no ha sido fácil de ve
r. Sí, me refiero a esos ratos en los que queríamos ser graciosos pero casi... pero no, pero también confiamos en que al final, como os comentaba al inicio, esto que hemos creado entre todos se parezca más al hijo de Ryan Gosling y Emma Stone que no a un hijo entre un cíclope y un chupacabras. Si es un ser mitológico adorable. Bueno, nosotros lo que queremos es dar agradecimiento a toda la gente que ha hecho esta WordCamp que es un montón de gente y en especial, por supuesto, con el equipo que h
a hecho este Late. ¡Hola equipo!Hay un montón de gente aquí para que nosotros podamos estar haciendo el loco delante de la pantalla. Muchas gracias por confiar en este formato tan fresco y tan arriesgado a la vez. Sobre todo arriesgado por nosotros. Por cierto, Nora, tú te vas a ver. Quiero decir, tú ahora mismo te estás viendo.Y esto además se emite… perdón, se está emitiendo a las diez y pico. Tú te retiras a dormir con las gallinas, como se suele decir. Entonces, ¿qué está pasando? ¿Te estás
viendo o...? ¿Me estoy viendo? Seguramente ¿no? sí yo creo que sí. ¿Quieres saludar a alguien? Sí, vale, pues me saludo a mí misma. Hola, ¿qué tal? ¿qué estás haciendo? Lo has hecho bien. Eso espero. ¿Veís? y estas son las cosas que puedes hacer cuando te dan un plato para hacer el gili. Pero bueno, nosotros nos despedimos. Nos lo hemos pasado muy bien. Volvemos a daros las gracias, pero la WordCamp continúa, Sí, como ya os hemos dicho. Como ya les hemos dicho en el monólogo de antes, tenéis el
Contributor Day mañana. Hacedme caso, ir a conocer gente y allí tenéis en el email que os han mandado toda la información. Y nada, allí os vemos. Eso es, muchas gracias. Y hasta la próxima.
