
Words have NO MORE Meaning | Part 1 - A Deeper Look at Modern Day Society | FBE Capital

In today's society the meaning of words is changed frequently and new normals are created every single day. ► What do you think? ___________________________________________ PREVIOUS VIDEO: Why Men ARE NOT COMMITTING ► ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Check Out FBE on IG ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ✔ Instagram ► ✔ Twitter ► #dating #moderndating #hookupculture #mentalhealth #onlinedating #datingadvice #datingtips Wokeness is all about acceptance no matter how far outside the normal, possible or even logical, the suggestion lies. Video Structure: 00:00 Intro 01:59 Wonderful world of Woke 03:02 The key word is Silence 04:00 Basic Logic 06:01 Not every feeling is true 08:23 Serious consequences Being woke has become very important in today's society and many people are encouraging others to be more woke in their everyday life. The question that remains however, is there actually room for alternative opinions in the world of woke? New York 2023/2024

FBE Capital

1 year ago

there was around like 10 as well when I started questioning if I was bi and then since then it was kind of like a a slippery slope because I kept I was like am I bye Omni lesbian and then I I'm kind of like came to the point and on the now recently I've been like in My Pan but then I like I think now I'm starting to realize that I'm queer these meat emojis that you see on the screen right now are offensive to trillions of vegans myself included I feel like it wouldn't be unreasonable to ask a wh
ite millionaire that made their Fortune through probably corruption to house some immigrants I did a brand deal for tampons I personally would not be willing to let a bunch of people stay in my studio apartment day 61 of being a girl what do you think what's your name my name's Blair Elaine what do you pronouns you still identify as a baby or a toddler that's totally okay I've gone back to being a child I don't want to be an adult right now if you really want to prove to black people that you lo
ve us and you care about us you buy your ticket you give it to a black person or a black family who can't afford to go and then you go sit at that theater in front of the doors all hail black women this little cutie is my son Bennett as you can see my son is a white male so here are some books that I bought to help prevent him from growing up to be you've referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy would that be women so I want to recognize that your line of questioning um is transphobic do
you identify as Slack [Music] no it's a serious question can you please put the mic thank you happy International women's day do not talk to men today do not look at men today dead bodies of animals are not food this is the Emoji I'm talking about right here the meat emoji Apple ban it wow there are so many words I want to use right now but unfortunately I'm currently being targeted heavily behind the scenes here though I have to keep things absolutely pristine and I'll expand more on this in a
nother video when everything is sorted but for now let's just focus on the wokeness in all of its magnificent Glory the earth looks looks flat it is it is not one that I have been misgendered so much more than usual white women love black men because of the power dynamic because white women have never had any power over men and their lives so white women have whiteness over black men is Marin she fell in love with James I'm a masculine presenting planner and I am a feminine presenting straight m
an today I'm going to show you how to use fat rats pronouns excess pronouns and today I'm going to show you how to use zombies pronouns Forest pronouns camels pronouns and sentences if you are a man the greatest gift you can give a woman today on International women's day is silence yes silence that's really the key word here isn't it since it's basically all that matters because it's not about acceptance or protecting certain individuals it is simply about forcing you to agree with certain idea
s and if you don't since you know you have a brain and you can see that these things are absolutely crazy because now she's dating a black man so you know she's got to be a little transphobic right because you know what black man brings if Adele was with a white guy when that happened yeah like that for instance then saying anything about this will get you into serious trouble and they will try to silence you you dressed the class and you said Well Done girls it was a small working group yeah it
was just a small working group the head teacher addressed me and he he you know there's an investigation that's going to take place now you can learn a lot from history by just looking at which group tried to prevent other groups from thinking spoiler alert is usually not the good guys that try to do this and to make matters worse it's not as if they have great arguments or even just basic logic on their side so happy to have transitioned from British to Korean I'm now going to be identical to
jimin even more identical than I already was so right so if you agree that this whole identifying thing has gone way too far and that we now are simply sacrificing common sense just so we can be woke and please drop a like on the video and comment down below what you think since it's mostly just based on emotions and feelings that they want to get validated and matter more than potential babies foreign what is it what do you mean if it's a potential baby what is inside of a woman it's a fetus is
it living no no no how can it grow if it's not living when does the fetus become living um you see that mean lady over here just used evil magic also known as logic and science to upset this perfectly rational activist that was not driven by emotion at all and if you just look past you know the lack of logic or any coherent thoughts then the activist actually made perfect sense really denying science to validate you you actively you actively deny science man how am I what science did I deny Dar
by um okay so let's look at some posters over here I need you to tell me what sign you just made an accusation that I denied science what science did I deny that now most of these guys believe that logic and science are somehow rigged against them so the culture of How We Do Science in the western world was shaped by white men as a black woman who's a scientist my question is what parts of science culture are necessary to doing good science um how about the science part maybe just focus on that
right because if you calculate the angle of this triangle right here that really has nothing to do with what skin color you have or what your beliefs are but hey that's just my crazy opinion now I would never tell people what they can't or can believe you can make up whatever you like all I'm saying is that it doesn't make it true you can identify as a bird all day long that's not going to make you fly now is it on all levels except physical I am a wolf oh now some people would argue but what's
the harm if it makes them happy why not just humor them it costs nothing right well to that I say do whatever you like believe whatever you want to believe however why do I have to participate in your Madness because at that point you go from living in your own make-believe world to forcing me to join you and acknowledge that what you are saying is true even when it's not that is not something I'm willing to do and I'm pretty sure a lot of people think the same way this type of making people bel
ieve something or use words that do not align with reality really makes you wonder what's the point of knowledge anymore or even teaching something as basic as the English language I mean does spelling and grammar really matter when large part of society are happy to go along with this type of propaganda here's a gender inclusive tip instead of referring to someone's at Birth as biologically male or biologically female instead use assigned male at Birth or assigned female at Birth my room does n
ot have a flag it used to be there but I took it down because my kid today goes hey it's kind of weird that we just stand and then you know we say it to nothing and I'm like oh well you know I gotta find it in the meantime I tell this kid we do have a flag in the class that you can Pledge Your Allegiance to and he like looks around he goes oh that one English teachers will lose their minds if you incorrectly use the words there there and there while at the same time completely ignoring centuries
of Medical Science basic biology and simply common sense so God the reason why I use it is because as an a gender person I don't have a gender um so it's like I'm existing and I'm not existing at the same time right so yeah that's the kind of clown world we currently live in but you know what in the past I really wouldn't have cared this much about that because people saying weird and crazy stuff is nothing new and normally you would just laugh it off however what you can live off are the massi
ve consequences that this is having tell you what he was doing to me whether you like it or think or not someone then this veteran who's chosen to remain anonymous reposted it and then had several visits from police officers saying that he couldn't do this because he'd cause anxiety to someone who would complain subjective anxiety cause to someone now gets you arrested this constant need of telling people how to live what to eat how to breathe or think is truly disgusting and it's sad to see Soc
iety go down this path we are living in an entitlement nightmare where people simply want to be handed whatever they like without any Merit and not even able to adequately argue for why this should be the case now the problem with entertaining these ideas and giving into this behavior is that you're basically opening Pandora's Box I mean there's a reason why you can't impersonate a cop or shout fire in a building for no reason even the most die-hard free speech Advocates support this however in
this new age of Simply claim whatever you like and making others play along with that you're leaving the door wide open for a whole host of problems that are obviously going to be utilized by anyone looking for a loophole you still identify as a baby or a toddler that's totally okay I've gone back to being a child I mean you can't possibly think that allowing people to identify as a young person is not going to lead to several issues I obviously can't go into detail here but it's not hard to ima
gine how this could go terribly terribly wrong next to this we have the very strong over correction when it comes to accepting people from all walks of life that we see in Clips like this if you really want to prove to black people that you love us and you care about us and you are down for the cause do not go see that movie opening weekend you buy your ticket you give it to a black person or a black family who can't afford to go and then you go sit at that theater in front of the doors now a fe
w years ago you would think that these were just jokes of people trying to be sarcastic but today you know that these people are actually serious and they are standing behind these statements they actually see this as helpful Solutions but in reality it only makes things a lot worse by alienating people this whole ecosystem of just make up with every nonsense you want and just silence the people that disagree with that leads to more and more crazy statements like these I'm gonna prove to you why
white people are the reason I'm fat today I mean talk about zero accountability this person literally traveled back in time several centuries just to find a reason for why she is fat today if white people didn't go looking for spices then various cereals to Indian subcontinent and Africa and other places of the world would not get discovered and if they didn't come then the fertility of the land would not get destroyed that is insane and it shows the very obvious which is that Society is consta
ntly looking for an excuse for why things are not going their way it's not that you don't want to exercise properly and maintain a well-balanced food intake no it's clearly something from 200 years ago which is keeping you fat right now it's it's just unbelievable man and when you run out of silly excuses to blame for your own failures then you try to be as deep as you possibly can as if you are channeling Plato himself when I'm talking about the distinction between existing and living I'm also
talking about the distinction between what ought and what is so many are living in the realm of ought now you can't just say something incoherent then pause and hope that people think it's deep oh wait in today's clown world you actually can now people try to make it as complicated as possible when they talk about these things since there is no logical basis for it and any simple explanation falls apart in a second however the real problem here is that in today's society it is slowly being turne
d into law this was part one of a dive into workers please drop a like on the video and subscribe to the channel for more videos who and what are the enemies of Freedom here in the United States well I don't think you can say who in the United States I don't think there are any Sinister person deliberately trying to rob people of their freedom but I do think first of all that there are a number of impersonal forces which are pushing in the direction of less and less freedom



What if a 10 year old walks into a bar and identifies as a 21 year and wants a beer 🍺?🤔


Saying " I identify as" is the same as saying Im pretending to be!!


100% agree with the host. Why are all of us, out here in the real world, required to go along with your madness? I don’t, and WON’T!


It's never HATE SPEECH. It's speech they HATE.


WTF is going on!?!? This is truly the movie Idiocracy becoming reality...🤡🌍😟😢😭


As an asian, i found these so hilarious, may god save us from these idiots


My first wife took a job at a psychiatric hospital. Inside of 13 months, she was on Ativan; and telling our shared personal care doctor that she wanted me on MAO inhibitors (lithium). She also determined that she was depressed due her father giving her a horse when she was a teen (“he validated me wrong”) and that I suffered from Borderline Syndrome. Neighbors….mental illness IS….contagious!!


Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter


As a foreigner it just seems like when people no longer have struggles they start to create them I truly hope this is does not trickle down to the rest of the world


I never thought things would get this insane. Its just sad.


A great Chinese philosopher once said: "Just because you're unattractive and have no friends doesn't mean you are another gender." ---- Wing Phat, 12th.Century


I see now why I've been advised to stay away from social media. Because no I'm 35,black,female and single, but still I prefer to go to work, home and never interact with anyone 😔


I confess, I used to be woke.The slightest thing would get me triggered. I protested everything that offended me, and demanded it all be cancelled. Eventually I outgrew it, and went to preschool.


This is why I live in the woods. There is no politics here among the insects and wildlife. My roosters crow and my hens lay eggs. My plants flower and make ready for pollination. Fish make baby fish. All is as it should be. No politics or gender re-assignment here. ❤


This was exactly how I countered a trans. True story. Me to Trans: “I didn’t even realize I misgendered you. You’re acting like I did it intentionally.” Trans to Me: “How can you not see that I’m a woman? You just assumed that I wasn’t.” Me to Trans: “I didn’t assume anything. My natural instinct was that you’re a male and I instinctively referred you accordingly. Trust me, it wasn’t even something that I had to think about especially when you have a full face beard on.” Trans: Proceeds to shout in my face and then calling for a manager. Trans to Manager: “HE assumed my identity and misgendered me which I don’t appreciate.” Me to Trans: “So basically what YOU just did to me. You assumed my gender by referring to me as a “he” based off the way I look to you… what YOU considered to be a male from YOUR perspective but when I refer to you as the how you look to me… you get offended and accuse me of being transphobic.” Mmmhm. 🤨


I was born in 68, I look at the youth and find it hard to take them seriously! When did we start teaching youth that they are going to grow up and never feel offended or hurt? Grow up… life isn’t a picnic! It’s tough… so toughen up! As for all of the rest of the craziness.. 🙄 we definitely need to start dishing out more psychiatric appointments


This is terrifying. Im from Denmark and I would say we have a rather conservative stance on these things, but normally the trends from the US pick up pace in my country after a year of two . I really hope this does not happen here.. I honestly think these people need to travel more and realize that the world does not revolve around them and that perhaps some of the problems they experience could have been solved in other ways...


I lived overseas for 23 years in 40 countrys. The more developed the country the more the insanity.


Confusion and illness is rampant. Its always been there. People just have the ability to share and infect others on a grand scale.


As a human being, I think people who have to identify as something that they are clearly not makes me feel better for my sons who are are A students and respectful. I raised them with morals. No competition for them 👍