
World Of Horror Episode 145 ~ Handcuffs moment

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Webweaver Actual Filler

15 hours ago

Hello, everyone. My name is Webb Weaver, and welcome back to another episode of it's Look Who It Is. This one might be a little itsy bitsy tiny late because I'm recording it post red. I didn't feel like recording anything earlier and my raid did end early, but I took my dog on a walk, so it'll it'll bled. We're on a little bit of a losing streak. Just a little. Just a little. I would never lose it. I'm feeling like since we're on the losing streak, it's time for some inconceivable sadness. Yes,
Yes. Medical history. Oh, I go medical history. Inconceivable sadness. I think we're rollin. Are we rolling? Chat. Let's see. Let's find out. Let's comprehend the situation now. Here's the deal. We're on a losing streak and we just picked misery Worm So is the losing streak going to continue? Probably, yeah, probably. Yeah. But you know what's not going to continue the Dark Souls Lunar Sitting Room World Series when they're done. I've been lazy on them, but they're still alive. There's still thi
ngs that I'm working on. I tried recording a REM world and I just. I wasn't really feeling it. I'll be honest with you. I got like 10 minutes m and I was just kind of like, All right, yeah, I'm not, I'm not feeling very good. And so I kind of just called it Nothing interesting happened, but what was I going to say? The Luna said should be up on Thursday. Same thing with the Dark Souls and then the little goody two shoes and the REM world are probably going to be back on track. I've had kind of l
ike, Oh, I have my. Oh, thank God. I took the window capture off. I was on Twitter. I opened Twitter, I went to go to my YouTube channel and not one second of halogens life was pretty drab. Half a second. So yeah, I opened Twitter. And you know what Twitter's like. You go on Twitter, you look at Twitter, there's some weird shit on Twitter. I don't have to censor it, thankfully, because window capture is gone. But yeah, the last variety episode was the Dark Souls thing two days ago. I'm not count
ing the teamfight tactics thing I did for today. That was just something where I was like, I'm going to play teamfight tactics before I go to bed, so I might as well like, you know, I might as well make it a video because I feel good enough to commentate. But the the rim world has been gone for like two weeks. That's that's totally my bad and that's about it. Like the little bull going to do. Just been on for a week. The Emerald's been gone for two weeks. That's my bad. I apologize about that. A
nd then you got a team by tactics, video and your subscription box slap in the face. But it is April. It is the month of foolery. So, you know, get it because it's April Fools, right? Yeah. Uh huh. The joke being that it's supposed to be one day, but it's actually the whole month. I'm going to play a prank on you. Every day is going to be some random ass video that you don't care about. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's a funny bit, but it is not going to be the bit here. I did
actually record a Luna said earlier, and that is one of the things that I will say is I'm just selling the library notes. I'm not even going to bother rolling on them because I don't want to discard them. I want the money more so here's the thing, right? I want to record like everything else. But the problem is, was that like, okay, I want to record Dark Souls because like, Dark Souls has like an episode in the backlog and I want to record REM world. I want to record little Goody two shoes. The
thing is, I'm just going like, absolutely insane. I'm going hollow over Luna set. It's so crazy. It's so it's absolutely goddamn unhinged and it's just I can't even begin to describe it. I, I recorded an episode of Innocent Today. I locked malformed horses in the feed drain room because I thought I was cooking. Because there's a book outside that says Transmute. And there's one of the instructions that we have which is like transmute an animal. And it's like, I thought I was cooking, I thought I
was smart, I'm not smart, I'm not cooking, I'm not intelligent, I'm fortunately, I got all four of them in there, and then I just locked them in with barrier. Uh, anyways, I thought I was cooking, but I wasn't cooking the shit. But that's just one of the many things, the many crazy, insane things that I that we do and listen because I'm losing my mind. And the thing is, I want some sort of payoff, right? Like, I want some sort of godforsaken pair of payoff for this stupid game. And I could just
go into the room and get, like, the regular ending. But I don't want to do that. Why would I do that? Why would I do that when there's shit to do? There's things to get, you know what I mean? All right, We're going to the hardware store Monkey wrench, my beloved, at an affordable price. Oh. Oh, not at a king's ransom. You'll love to see it. I think we'll. I think we'll get Marvel versus Capcom. Dude, real quick. And it worked out. You'll love to see it. Yeah, absolutely love to see it. Sure. We
'll go to the mansion twice here. Why not get a little bonus XP, maybe shave some clear time off this mystery? I'd be pretty fun, but yeah, no lunacy is absolutely driving me insane. And it's a little, little sass, to be honest with you. I want some sort of payoff for Luna said It's absolutely driving me insane. Oh, let's eat the doomed investigation just so that we can have a safe forest. I think that's worth it, because we go up to 11 and then, like, you know, waste our time here. Because I do
n't think you get an extra doom penalty. I think it's just stamina and reason. And then you go here and then you feel pretty good about that because you've got a safe location and you can just kind of bawl now, having a safe location is not going to stop you from rolling a high number, but sometimes you'll just roll a low number and you'll feel pretty good about that. But what was I going to say? I don't know. I done this anecdote yet because I'll be honest, I'm kind of like my my brain is fried
. We finally cleared P12 s and we did Rick Larry's tonight and we cleared it two extra times. We were going to clear it another time, but like, I just I just wasn't feeling up to it. I'll admit I was weak. You know, we we killed the white woman a couple of times, and I just wanted to call it and sigh. And everybody was okay with that, mostly because they were trying to get us to call it because somebody was in like a thunderstorm and they were worried about their Internet going out and hydrate.
But I needed to call it for me. But they were probably happy to call it or maybe they weren't happy to call it and they secretly hate me. All that's crazy. Now you can't think like that. The reason why you can't think like that is because that's insanely unhealthy for your mental state, and that's like really bad for you. So I said that as a joke, but like, some people really do feel like that their friends secretly hate them. One for each act of injury. We're getting pretty lucky on these roles
. But like, here's the thing. If somebody hates you, they'll they'll either be like, mean to you, like passive aggressive, or they'll just tell you that they hate you. You know? I feel like it's it'd be very rare. Let's do it, bro. It's all an illusion, right? There was a hole here. Bass swimmer is pretty good. We'll go ahead and take strength because I do want to get strength up the air. Well, I guess we can't. We. We need to go back the fun anecdotes. But like, here's the here's the thing. Her
e's the realness, right? You if people enjoy being around you or at the very least, like people have fun being around you, right? You got to have some you have some self-confidence. You know, you got to think about like, oh, you know, maybe that you can't ever think that the, like, secretly hate you. Um, but anyways, let's pivot immediately from, like, bad vibes. All right, let's pivot immediately from bad vibes. We we finally cleared P12. This feels really good. We're going to do a bar run even
tually. Just so that we can have, like, a funny number. Because if you look at any of our app log account, well, I don't have an F logs account, but you know what I mean. Like an app has logs like if you look up my character's name on Fefe logs, you know, we've got like a number for every fight in what you might call it, but we don't have a number for this one because the Echo came out before we could clear it. So we have to manually disable the echo and then go in and it's like a whole thing, y
ou know, it's like a whole thing. It's like a whole shebang, you know, like a whole ordeal, a whole event, a whole. We got to make time for it. But I'm saying but I'm a lot. I feel like this is very 2020 Web weaver coded. And, you know, I keep making the joke, but all of the web was better, I was about to say, but again, for a joke. But oh, I started I started rewatching Avatar, The Last Airbender, and I really, really finally want to make the full trek through well, not the full track because I
've skipped a couple of episodes, but I've already well, I've seen all the episodes before. It's a rewatch, but I skipped some of the episodes that I didn't want to watch, but I finally want to, after watching Avatar, The Last Airbender finally go through and fully watch Korra. Because the thing is Avatar discourse from like the stupid live action thing that nobody cares about because it's bad or whatever that made me want to be like, okay, I got I got to engage in that in the Avatar discourse,
you know what I mean? But I can't because I've never watched chorus. I'm not like, knowledgeable enough to talk about like literally anything on Korra. So it's like I finally want to go through and watch Korra just so that I have like, Hello dog, Hi, Hello. I'm scratching her and then she's like, How do I put it? She she was like doing that thing where like dogs scratch their collar, you know, and it makes it jingle. And so I thought, I'll just scratch you instead. And while I was doing that, sh
e just kept doing the motions. So she was basically scratching my hand and that was kind of cute. But what was I going to say? Oh my God, I did it again. Oh, it's coast. It's caused. This is the but episode of Real and True. I think we've said that more than anything else. We do need to hurry though. I will ignore the tent and we will just run it down mid as it were, because like I think Korra, at least from what I've heard, because like I've heard a lot of shit about Korra, like I've heard so m
uch shit about Korra because there's been so much online discourse about it forever, you know what I mean? It's kind of rancid, actually. There's been so much online discourse about Korra forever and ever. That was a knowledge check. Oops. Oh, that's an active injury. Hold on, hold on, hold on. We're going to go here. We're going to get that taken care of real quick because it's an active injury and then we get badly bruised. And that's still an active injury, isn't it? Now it's not. It's a stat
us and we're clean and we're good and we're out. So like I've heard a lot of the spoilers for Korra, so like, I know a lot of what happens just because like people like talked about it online, like forever. So I just want to see like, is it well done or not? Because like I every time Avatar discourse comes up and then every time Korra's mentioned, I just got to like, shut up. I can't say anything because I don't I literally don't know anything about it. But speaking of things, Oh God, I said, bu
t again, oh, I'm so hyper. I'm so hyper aware of every time I say. But speaking of things, a people who do not know what they're talking about, I got accepted into community notes on. Well, I mean, you know, is is Twitter is Twitter, but, you know, it's like X or whatever. So I got accepted in the community notes and it is the funniest OC Sometimes it's the funniest shit imaginable, all right? Sometimes it is the funniest shit imaginable. And I can't believe, like, there has to be something. Lik
e, I have no idea what it is, right? Because everybody knows the meme of like community nodes violating people, you know, it's like community notes. Somebody says something stupid. Community notes comes in like a wrecking ball and they just, like, beat. Somebody is asked, You know what I'm saying? Everybody knows that. But what people don't like, I've never heard of this before. So it's like, at least for me, nobody talks about this. But Community Notes is so funny because it's like a second pri
vate layer of Twitter. So when you go on a tweet, you see like the replies to it and then the people who pay for it, you know, they get the priority reply or whatever, some stupid thing like that, right? But you got like your replies. The person who originally Opie original poster original tweeter, they original X the original x poster. You know, if they reply to themselves, they get like priority. It's like a chain. It's like a chain of tweets, you know, a thread, if you will. But in community
notes, it's it's like you can press you can press this button on a tweet to go into the community announce mode and you can just see anonymous people just arguing with each other. And it's so funny because there are some people who take it really seriously is like, I have to be unbiased and I have to be a legitimate, unbiased source of community notes information. You have people who are just using it to make jokes and to like try to get on community notes, like making fun of people, Twitter acc
ounts or whatever. You have people who are extraordinarily partizan. It's so funny. And then you have the Stans who are a part of Community Notes, which is which is probably the funniest part of it. You know what? You know, you already know what we're doing out here. You already know what we're rolling. So like, what ended up happening was there was somebody who, like posted and we're okay, we're going back into the bummer topics, but like, I swear to God, this is like, at least to me, it's funn
y. So there was somebody who was like, you know, I raised my kid on Harry Potter books and then their kid is trans. And so, you know, J.K. Rowling is an M.D. We'll say she she's an and the politics and the why not? She's not a great person politically. And they were basically saying like, oh, you know, I raised my kids on these books. It feels really bad. And in the in the community notes, there's like eight people who are just like, I don't even know what they're trying to pull, but they're lik
e putting links to J.K., like really old J.K. Rowling tweets where she's like, I'm not transphobic and saying like, the user above is an idiot and doesn't know that J.K. Rowling is not transphobic. And then below that, you have the RN. So the and men's are the whatchamacallit. They're like the there no note needed. Okay. So no note needed. RN no note needed. And so below like the eight people who are just like linking really old J.K. Rowling tweets back when she was pretending to not be a terrib
le person. You just see like you see the and Sue are like, Hey, this is a personal opinion. Like some people are going like, Hey, this is a personal opinion from the user we don't really like do community notes on personal opinions that aren't stating facts, you know, And then other people are like, what? Like other people are just like, Oh, like, what the hell is happening in the community? Know, it's it really like it really just okay, imagine a tweet that it goes viral and it's on a lot of tw
eets that go viral. Right? And just imagine a anonymous people with stupid usernames like Golden Gaming, Ocelot and gregarious angle Gary are just like arguing with each other about, like, opinions or like the the Kim star April Fools joke where he pretended to be dead all of the came you had like ten community notes like community members adding context they think you need they there was like ten notes that were just like, let's F’ing go. And then you had one guy in the and then then who is jus
t like, Hey, this is an April Fools joke. It's just it's horrible. Like, it's awful. You should not be a member of Community Notes. If Twitter randomly asks you to apply. I got like a notification like a year ago that was like, Hey, do you want to join Community Notes? And I hit Yes. And then it just gave me access like a week ago. You should not join community notes if holy shit, you should not join community nodes. If they give you access to because all a lot. Well, not a lot, but more than I'
m comfortable with because it feels like getting like random Skype messages with links that you definitely shouldn't click. But like a lot of them are, are like there's community notes on a few more photos and there's no filtering on community notes either. Like there's no spoilers or hidden or sensitivity things or whatever. It's just like you see the tweet immediately. So like some of them are videos and you don't have to watch them, but like some of them are just images and it's not. I feel l
ike I played somebody in Dota and then they like looked up my username on Skype and then started spamming me with images. So but that's, that's how I'll be sometimes I don't have to use a different username for everything. Basically, if that thing is tied to personal information, like if something, if I have something that's tied to personal information, it's got a different name. Then like every single account. But if it's like a public online account, I'm usually either web weaver or at this p
oint, net or penny. I don't want to do this. Not really. I don't really know. I mean, we could. It'd be funny. We took hot bath. I'm actually okay with this. Let's do it. Because what we're only going to get, we're basically losing one, essentially, and we're gaining too stamina and we're still getting minus doom. So that's nice. Now we're going to immediately lose that stamina. But you know, it is what it is. Just kind of how it do is just kind of how it goes. That's a pretty good curse to get,
though. I'm not going to lie. Now, is that worth 1% doom? I mean, here's the thing. The curse could be not helpful. The curse could be detrimental, but it's not. It's actually useful. So it's just an extra penalty that we're not used to. Oh, I don't remember. This area was safe or not. But also, I could take the healing. I could definitely take the healing. There's nothing I can do to play around this, right? Because it's just two curses. Like I don't have any allies, I don't have any injuries.
I can just get out of here. Poles kind of sucks. I'm not going to lie, but it is what it is. We actually do have a medical camp, by the way, so we can definitely play around that Noisy Nails and Medusa. I don't really like any of these. And the problem is that our stamina that sucks. But I Medusa's the more threatening Fae. So we'll do noisier nails now I don't have a spells. I don't care if I learn a spell, I'll probably just forget it. But yeah, no. So I ended up talking about two things that
were bummers and an example of trying to bring up why I think community that's funny actually. Three things that are bummers that kind of sucks. But on a brighter side, you know, I'm going to hopefully get back into the swing of like recording more often this week. But the problem is I just really want when I record, I want to record, Luna said. Like, I'm not I'm not joking. Like, I don't even want to record world of horror at this point. I just want to record Lin. I said, And I know that feels
bad from y'all's perspective because it's a weekly delay, but I just I want to see the game's ending. I want to see the real ending. I want to I want to see it. I want to see it so badly. I, I, I'm craving it me and alerting the woman read su minus one stamina. Like for real? For real. I just it's such an interesting game. It hasn't. The problem is, is that I guess is this is actually not a problem. If I was doing a regular video on it, I would just have to like basically do a podcast episode o
f me running around the world checking every wall for like illusory walls or whatever. But because it's edited by Josephine, I can probably just like, you know, on Mango me in mangled hand root soup, not on my goddamn watch. I could probably just like, be completely silent and just walk around. And then if I find something interesting, Josephine can just like, you know, edit it in or like, cut to it. That could probably go kind of hard. Are we dead here? No, no, no, no. I would. I would never be
dead here. I would never lose. I would never lose a fight against homeboy. All right, we're dead. It's over. It's over. Hold on. Can I do it? Can I hit the gritty? Can he do it, Chad? Can he do it? I mean, I can't really think of anything else besides getting lucky, I guess. But let's go. Let's go, Let's go. No, I miss clicked. No, I miss clicked it. Oh, I hate it here. I hate it here. That was such a good run. Oh, I could have tried. Like, I need to get better at that. I need to get better at
moving the mouse cursor. I really hate doing that. I hate that technique so much, bro. All right, I'll give you a lightning round the pokey, Doku, because I do have to get this episode rendered like, a.S.A.P. Now I turn on window capture when Twitter isn't on. That's the wrong button. The lightning round of Pokey. Doku thank you so much. Fighting psychic delayed Psychic Fire. The Fox Fire Fox Crap. I know what it is, but I don't know what its name is. It's the that one starter Pokémon. Oh sorry.
First partner Pokémon. I know what it's called. Is it like, uh uh, I, I it's, it's the evolution of proxy and it's the evolution of proxy. And then they can proxy in proxy in. No, no. I know what it is. I know what it is, Chad. I know what it is. I'm not stupid, I swear. Um, boxing in real, real, real fun. Guess Bixby in back scenes and I know what its name is. Chad. Oh, no. And Center Roy, that's a that's a psychic type. When he punches you really hard and you fly through the air. Uh, wait, ho
ld on. So now I'm going to get a snow check in a second. No evolution line. Legendary. I mean, this should be insanely easy, right? Like, should be absurdly easy. I could just type a grout on. Grout on doesn't involve fighting. No evolution line, punch punching, punching. You think that Ursula thing or is a Luna? Do you think that's. I think Blood moon is an evolution. Do you think that counts as an evolution? Fire No Evolution line. Um, that should be easy right there. Reggie Fire! Reggie Fire.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Gouging, fire. Yeah, Gouged gouging. Fire. Um, um. Is that correct? Is this fighting? So that's. That's a fighting type, right? Fighting. Reggie. Reggie, Punch wrap. Okay. Raging bolts. Do you think the. Do you think this is a fighting type doing? Zap Those galore is a fighting type. All right, let's get a snow check real quick. What is snow? Probably need to end this in like a minute or two. Snow is gen4. Okay. So a gen for legendary Althea, a gen for fire type inferno. A wai
t a minute. Inferno is a fire fighting. That's not the question. Snow fighting type crap. What the hell? Fights in the snow. We will toxic croak psychic fire. It's the it's the fire fox. I know what it's called or I know what it is. Then. Ben Akin. Roxanne The hell is it called? Oh, no, Fenech Ken, I would really just love like you. Like if you type a name of the evolution line, it just shows the whole thing. I know why it doesn't, but like Fox and is the Braxton of frickin does Braxton get the
psychic type or does it get the psychic type at the very end I'm I'm washed, I'm washed. You know what that those guys are, baby. Oh, my God. It is a fire. It's right there at the Delfonics. Oh, how was I supposed to know it was Fox with the H you piece I could have also done I'm a Rouge. Yeah. How could I be so stupid? It was amateurish the whole time.
