
Worst Olympics record 😲

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Shiba Cat

10 months ago

صنع هذا الرجل أبطأ رقم قياسي لسباق 100 متر سباحة حرة في الأولمبياد ، لكنه أصبح بطلاً بين عشية وضحاها! في بداية السباق ، تم استبعاد معارضي إريك بسبب بدايات خاطئة ، مما جعله يشعر بالتوتر الشديد حتى من دخول الماء! لكن في هذه اللحظة الحرجة ، فكر إريك في عائلته ، وقرر أن يبذل قصارى جهده! في أول 50 مترا ، كانت سرعته بطيئة لكنها لا تزال مستقرة. ومع ذلك ، في الخمسين مترًا الأخيرة ، وبسبب نقص تقنيات التنفس المناسبة والإرهاق البدني ، أصبحت سرعته أبطأ وأبطأ. وشعر إريك أنه لا يستطيع حشد أي قوة في ساقيه ، وي
كافح من أجل المضي قدمًا ويكاد يستسلم. في هذه اللحظة ، سمع إريك هتاف الجمهور ، احتشد وأنهى السباق قبل دقيقتين!



An Olympic swimmer that can’t swim? How the hell did he make it through qualifying?


Not only that, but he didn't have an Olympic size pool to train. This is a sad but wholesome story.


So this man had no formal trainning, went up against the world's best, gave it his all for two minutes and won. This is a Gigachad right here, this is awesome!


He got a gold medal just for swimming for 2 min


Damn i watched it back in the day live on tv, nigerian homie almost drowned in an olympic swimming pool😂 Srsly tho like 40% of people dont know how to swim, make sure you teach your kids. I thought i was a late bloomer figuring it out at 10 but recently found out my friend didnt know till 17


As a swimming teacher i can name everything “wrong” with his stroke. However this man still did something i cannot do - race in the Olympics!


For context: he was just someone who liked to swim for leisure at home in ponds etc but he had never been it any competition or proper swimming environment He qualified because there were no outstanding swimmers at the time (in equatorial guinea) so they just picked him coz he swam regularly Even if the record wasnt impressive, we should still praise him for being so brave Can you imagine someone telling you: "You will be competing with the best swimmers in the entire world, the whole world is watching and the competition is in foregin land" (you know you WILL lose) and still, youd say yes?


What a Legend!. Eric became the national swimming coach of his country.


"Eric the eel" was a sensation at the Olympics because he tried and he finished... He inspired his countrymen and many others across the globe to begin swimming too... The Olympic spirit was celebrated that day in the true sense of the word... 🇿🇦


Imagine being the only person who did not start. If I was in his place, I would have been super nervous and actually jumped in


A wise man once said: "It's okay to be slow, as long as you don't stop moving!"


How this even started was ridiculous. Not a single swimming instructor or athlete in the whole country? I feel bad for his pressure in the spotlight but, what a role model for perseverance and courage. God blessed him with 🥇.


He then was named his countries director of swimming or something like that. Then he developed an Olympic program for his people to have the necessary conditions to swim and practice. His legendary status carries on.


Fun fact: in the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, he was the coach for his country!


"I can be slow, but I still win" 💀


He’s from Equatorial Guinea. He had never even seen an Olympic size swimming pool before, but each country gets to send an athlete for each sport and he was sent for swimming because he actually knew how this was just the first heat that each country takes in order to continue to qualify into the Olympics. Obviously he lost the next heat. But he did, in fact, technically swim in the Olympics.


That proves to just do your best and keep moving forward.


After the Olympics, he went and trained and eventually got his 100m free time to a 57. While no where near as fast as he men’s world record, still decently fast.


It's not about the result, it's about keep trying and doing your best.


Audience love his spirits. He do the best, for his family. He is the real champion.