
Would you rather CHASE A MOUSE OR A BIRD AROUND THE HOUSE?? | Family Feud South Africa

Chasing children around the home is one thing, but have you EVER HAD TO CHASE A WILD ANIMAL OUT OF THE HOUSE?? South Africa is home to a lot of wildlife - So what can we expect to FIND PEOPLE CHASING OUT THE HOUSE?? Baboons are known to sneak into homes and trash the place up, HOW DO YOU CHASE THAT OUT!? Welcome to The Official FAMILY FEUD AFRICA YouTube Channel! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Go to our website: #FamilyFeudAfrica

Family Feud Africa

2 years ago

- Give me my Cindy. Give me Khabonina. (exciting music) Love you ladies. Top six answers on the board. We've doubled the points. We've surveyed a hundred people. Name something a parent might say to a child, starting with the word, "be". (buzzer ringing) - Beautiful. (audience cheering) - Beautiful. (buzzer buzzing) - Be quiet. - Be quiet. (audience cheering) - We're gonna play. - You're gonna play. Nathi, name something a parent might say to a child starting with the word, "be". - Be respectful
. - Be respectful. (audience cheering) (buzzer buzzing) - Deliwe. - Deliwe. - Deliwe. It's okay. Don't worry about it. We've been here a long time now. (Deliwe laughing) - Once I get it right, doing the intro, they all bits is off after that. (Deliwe laughing) Name something a parent might say to a child starting with the word, "be". - Be kind. - Be kind. (audience clapping) (audience cheering) Bonani, name something a parent might say to a child, starting with the word, "be". - I would say, be
teachable. - Be teachable. (buzzer buzzing) - Hi big guy. Listen to me man, we got two strikes. We've got to be careful now. The Ramaru family can steal. Name something a parent might say to a child, starting with the word, "be". - Be careful. - All the time. (audience cheering) Number one, be careful. (audience cheering) Hey, back down here again, guess who? - Hi. - You ready? - I'm ready. - Name something a parent might say to a child, starting with the word, "be". - Be on time. - Be on time.
(audience clapping) (buzzer buzzing) - Ah.. - Alright family, name something a parent might say to a child starting with the word, "be". - Amala always says to us, be honest. (audience cheering) - Be honest. (buzzer buzzing) (Mona Family cheering) (lively music) - That was a good one though. Number six. - [Audience] Be strong. - Four. - [Audience] Be yourself. - What's number two? - [Woman] Be good. - Number two. - [Woman] Behave. - [Audience] Behave. - And welcome to Family Feud South Africa. I
'm your man, Steve Harvey. Yeah. (audience cheering) - Woohoo! (indistinct) Boy, you pimpin'. - Thanks. - Them pass is pimpin'. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, so you can salsa. - Yeah. - Let's show us something. - Ah! (salsa music playing) (audience cheering) - That's how you do it with me. What? (woman singing) - Do you tag? - Yeah. - So now, let me see you blow the kiss. Hey man. (audience clapping) (contestant speaking foreign language) May I have some (indistinct)? We do not have it. Oh m
y God. - [Male Contestant] We're going home. (audience cheering) - I'm Steve Harvey. We'll see you next time.
