
Write your first data loader in an Observable Framework project

Follow along to write your first data loader in an Observable Framework project, access the loader output in a project page, and see data loader edits reflected automatically in live preview. This demo follows the example in our Getting started tutorial: Learn more about data loaders in our Framework documentation: Explore data loaders in our live dashboard examples:


13 days ago

Hi, everyone, I’m Allison. I'm a developer marketing manager here at  observable in observable framework projects. You can write data loaders in Python, JavaScript, R or any other language to generate static  files at build time. With data loaders, you can minimize file sizes and reduce client  side data processing for faster page loads. In this video, I'll demo how you can create  your first data loader in a Framework project, then access the output from  a data loader in a page, and see change
s to data loaders  reflected in live preview. This video follows the example  in our Getting started tutorial, which we’ll link to below and where you  can find the code you see added here. So let's get started here. We're looking at an existing Framework project. We've already added a new markdown  file, in the docs directory. That'll be the project page where we  access the output of the data loader we create next. Let's add our new data  loader in a data subfolder within docs. Data
loaders have double file extensions  indicating the output type with the first extension, then the loader type with the second. We'll create a JavaScript data loader that  generates a JSON file named forecast.json.js. With the data loader file created, now we'll  add JavaScript code to access weather forecast data for a specific location in the US from  the National Weather Service’s free API. First, we provide a latitude and longitude from which the API will find  the nearest weather station.
We'll start with a weather station  near San Diego, California. Then we'll add a custom function  that checks the API response status. When we try to access the data  that will either return the data if everything works as expected, or  an error message if the fetch fails. Using that function will access  the station data from the API, interpolating the latitude  and longitude in the URL. Then we'll just pull out the  weather forecast data. And finally, we'll write the data in JSON format to  st
andard output using process.stdout.write. That last piece is a requirement for all data  loaders. No matter what language you write a data loader in the output needs to be sent to  standard output to work in your Framework project. Ok. So with our data loader created, how do  we see and access the generated data snapshot? Well, one option is to manually run the data  loader here, we can run node then the path to our data loader in the terminal, which  will print out the entire generated output.
That's a nice way to see if  your data loader is working as expected and can be useful for debugging. But often you'll be iterating in a data loader  while watching updates in a page preview. Let's access forecast.json, the output  of our data loader in We’ll add a JavaScript code block, then use  FileAttachment to read in the data snapshot. With Framework’s file-based routing, we’ll point  to the static file served by a data loader using the same relative path we'd use to get from 
our markdown file to the data loader itself. We'll point from docs to data/forecast.json. Let's also add a line in  to display the forecast data. We can see our page content by starting  a live preview using npm run or yarn dev. Now we can see the forecasted weather  data for our station near San Diego, closest to the latitude and longitude  that we specified in our data loader. A really nice part of working  in Framework projects is that live preview also works with data loader updat
es. Let's change the latitude and longitude in  the data loader to a location near Fairbanks, Alaska. On save the updated loader runs again, generating a new data snapshot that is  automatically reflected in live preview. So we can now see the colder  weather forecasted for Fairbanks. This is one small example of writing a data loader  then accessing the output in a project page. But the possibilities really are limitless. You can write data loaders in  whatever language you want to wrangle and
analyze your data, then  generate snapshots at build time. See the links below to learn more from  our framework, documentation and see data loaders in action in our live examples  and come back again soon in future videos, we'll cover page layouts, project customization  and deploying projects to Observable.
