
WRONG WAY | FULL MOVIE | HINDI SHORT FILM | Latest Booywood Movie 2023 | Ullu Short Movies 2023

WRONG WAY | FULL MOVIE | HINDI SHORT FILM | Latest Booywood Movie 2023 | Ullu Short Movies 2023 Cast- Neelam, Aswant Bawa, Jatin Kumar Story, Screenplay & Dialogue- Soni Dhaliwal Editor-Team 7 DOP- Sonu Verma Producer- Babbu Dhaliwal Director- Soni Dhaliwal Soni Dhaliwal Profile :- Instagram :- Facebook :- Company Contact - +91 98726 51777

Team 7 Movies

3 years ago

Salini.. Come to me.. Are you asleep..? No.. Just like that.. I am lying down.. Really.. Then.. Why are you far away darling..? Hmm.. I have come to you.. Speak now.. What to speak..? It's not the time to speak.. Really..? Then what is the time to do for.. This is the time to do something else.. Ringing the phone.. Now do your work and listen phone.. Ringing phone.. Hello.. Dev speaking brother.. Dev.. My friend.. how are you..? I am fine.. What are you doinfg Sidharath brother..? I am sitting
with you sister-in-law.. You say.. How's your going on..? Almost good.. Okay listen.. I am coming to your city tomorrow in the evening.. To meet someone.. Wow.. Whom to meet..? Oh, dude.. There is a business meeting.. I will reach to your home after finishing that.. Sure.. We are meeting after eight years.. You know.. You didn't even come to my marriage.. Oh dude.. Leave the anger.. I was stuck in some important work.. Hmm.. Is there any important work rather than friend's marriage..? Now leave
it.. Now i am coming.. Let's meet tomorrow.. Send your address.. Okay brother.. I do.. What a thing..? You seems very happy.. My friend is from Delhi.. He couldn't come to our marriage.. He is coming to meet us tomorrow.. Take your tiffon ,i kept here and don't forget to take it while going... Okay.. I will come back from office early.. Why..? Oh Darling.. You know.. My friend is coming.. I tie it properly.. What a thing..? Today, there is a lot of goodness.. Something is secret.. No such a thin
g.. I am just.. Like this.. Why just like it..? Tell me today's demand.. Why are you feeling that i have any demand.. Oh madam.. I am living in your heart.. I come to know everything.. Yes it is.. You are in my heart.. Th en tell me.. What you want..?
