

Last time we saw Xal'atath in the main timeline was in BFA, what does she want to take from us? Get amazing deals with my discount code 'DORON' -------------------------- ► Merchandise: ► Support the channel on Patreon: ►Join me on Discord: ► Follow me on ► Follow me on Twitter: ► Follow me on Facebook: Music: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: Xal'atath has appeared once again in season of discovery only a few weeks back this time she is doing us a favor that she hopes we will soon be able to repay. Seeing that this is Xal'atath in void elf form it is almost certainly her travelling back in time from our timeline and season of discovery is wrapping up right when War Within is about to release which means she is literally doing sidequests while waiting for War Within just like us. Remember Xal'atath was never actually in our timeline, last time we saw her was in BFA, the one glimpse we got in 10.1.5 was in a time travel scenario so she was even at that point in the midsts of time travel. Seieng that Ahn'Qiraj is likely going to wrap up season of discovery, why is she going back to pre-sword of Sargeras Silithus when C'Thun was active and what exactly is she planning to acquire that will lead to War Within in the first ever wow cross over event? All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I'd be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at


2 days ago

Xal'atath has appeared once again in season of  discovery only a few weeks back this time she is doing us a favor that she hopes we will soon  be able to repay. Seeing that this is Xal'atath in void elf form it is almost certainly her  travelling back in time from our timeline and season of discovery is wrapping up right  when War Within is about to release which means she is literally doing sidequests  while waiting for War Within just like us. Remember Xal'atath was never actually in  our time
line, last time we saw her was in BFA, the one glimpse we got in 10.1.5 was in a time  travel scenario so she was even at that point in the midsts of time travel. Seieng that Ahn'Qiraj  is likely going to wrap up season of discovery, why is she going back to pre-sword of Sargeras  Silithus when C'Thun was active and what exactly is she planning to acquire that will lead to War  Within in the first ever wow cross over event? So I've previously made the theory that  Xal'atath is gathering all the
Old Gods, she already got N'Zoth through her own blade, she  got Yogg-Saron through Galakrond so the natural conclusion was that she as getting Y'Shaarj from  Pandaria because we got roadmap hints that 10.2.7 is based in Pandaria with Pandamonium feature and  we also got Harbringer quests in the same patch, so you know Harbinger quests in Pandaria  - not exactly hard to connect especially as Y'Shaarjs heart was called the Dark heart of  Pandaria and dark heart is the name of 10.2.7. Now I'm not
so certain that is the case  anymore because first of all we learned that Deathwing's artifact itself is called  the Dark heart and because it seems highly likely that pandamonium might not be story  related whatsoever and in fact it might just be another event like 10.2.6. Personally  I'm liking that they are experimenting but I'm not liking the fact that they called  plunderstorm dragonflight 10.2.6 because it literally has nothing to do with either  10.2.5 or Dragonflight itself. So because t
hey did something like this it is entirely  possible that pandaemonium might not even be a story based in Pandaria and it might not be  related to Y'Shaarj and the old god essence. However the hints are still there. She is  gathering the children of the first flesh the nerubians that are in the lowest most layer  of Khaz'Algar and we got a Pandaria updated book half a year back that stated the mantid have  actually returned to worshipping Y'Shaarj. Most interestingly the mantid territory is in t
he  most western part of Pandaria which is literally right next door to the Xal'atath affiliated  nerubian territory we will see in Khaz'Algar. However even if this is not the case Xal'atath  is definitely plotting something big but it might even be more unpredictable than anything  before. While we are in the midsts of a crazy lore drought as we wait for the War Within alpha,  we have actually gotten new Xal'atath hints in season of discovery only a few weeks back and  I think this is 100% rela
ted to the storyline that is going to open the world soul saga. Both phase 1 and phase 2 had Xal'atath hints and the final phase of season of discovery  is set to be right around the release of the War Within later this year so it is  without a doubt going to be a connection. You have definitely already heard  about the previous Xal'atath hints, but let me just state that what they are  doing with season of discovery is completely unprecedented it really seems like the first ever  wow crossover
event that they had done. The lore itself is actually canon we had confirmation from  Chris Metzen himself and season of discovery is not actually an alternate reality but in fact  it is what they called 'found photographs'. The simplest way to describe it is that this  is lore that has actually already happened in our timeline but we are just getting  context now from a different perspective, so sort of filling in the gaps. So the 'found photograph' in question is 100% Xal'atath. In no way is t
he game calling this  character Xal'atath offcialy but we are getting a void elf called a Shadowy figure and essentially  this is like 99% Xal'atath, based on the fact that she is wielding a dagger and the way she talks as  we've spent quite a bit of time with Xal'atath in the past so it's not really hard to recognize her. Now here is the most interesting thing to keep in mind. Xal'atath is not actually a void elf despite  the fact that we know her as such. The reason she is in a void elf form i
s because that is the  body she took back at the end of a questline, but she is just a mysterious entity possessing  a void elf. This brings the question if this is a story that already happened how is Xal'atath  a void elf in classic because at this point in history she should have been inside the dagger.  Even if she was projecting herself somehow through the dagger why would she even project herself  as a void elf when that is just a random body she took all the way in BFA. My thoughts are th
at  this is almost certainly time travel and this is our timeline Xal'atath going back in time, not an  alternate timeline just our timeline a few decades back. Like this is Xal'atath post her appearance  in the portal in 10.1.5 when she took the dark heart artifact but pre-war within release meaning  she is going to jump out of season of discovery to Khaz'Algar which as I said would be a completely  unprecedented cross over event. Furthermore the last time we saw her in game was in 10.1.5  whic
h was literally a time travel scenario. Keep in mind the new model and everything is from  the future the is War Within, the only time we had seen her in Dragonflight was when travelled  back in time to see Galakrond so she was already in the midsts of time travel. She probably went  to the defeat of Galakrond took the stuff, then went to Classic and now she is going to come to  our current timeline when War Within is release. Here is further evidence that supports this.  First appearance we saw
of Xal'atath in Season of discovery was in phase 1 where she is chilling  right next to a light shard that seemingly fell out of the sky and she offers to help us.  Keep in mind this light shard is entirely new, it's not something we had previously seen in  classic and it is almost certainly related to the light shard that also fell out of the sky  that drew in those Arathi paladins to Khaz'Algar. She is definitely going to be messing with that  big light crystal in Khaz'algar as well because a
s you may know it is turning into the void  in the trailer itself, which just so happens in the exact same timeline when Xal'atath is  gathering the children of the first flesh. However here is the newest addition we got  only a few weeks back in season of discovery phase 2. We cross paths once again with the  shadow figure in the gnomeregan crafted item questline where we find a voidcore and 'luckily'  for us Xal'atath appears and offers to charge our voidcore completely free just out of  the g
oodness of heart heart. She says it will not cost us anything as she believes in the  benefits of altruism and she enjoys cultivating mutually beneficial relationships, because who  knows soon we might be in a position where we can help her with the same act of kidness. Here are a few interesting things. People started getting 'bugs' in season of discovery  where they are getting posessed by C'Thun and also Silithus minions appear as far as Barrens.  Ahn'Qiraj and where C'Thun is one of the fina
l storylines of original classic and very  likely will be what is going to wrap up season of discovery right when War Within is  going to release. Silithus is obviously super relevant as this is where the sword is and it is  going to be key to the world soul saga as that is where the announcement cinematic was based. It is very likely she may be getting something form Silitus very likely old god related with  her dark heart artifact but the reason she went back to Classic is because this is when
C'Thun  was active and this is prior to the sword, so likely she is gathering something from pre sword,  C'thun era of Silithus. My biggest speculation right now is that I think the favor we are going  to do for her later on is that we are going to help yeet her back in time to the War within  and we are not even going to know we did it. So just think about it, she is not actually  in our timeline, last time we saw her in our timeline was back in BFA. The only time we saw her  in Dragonflight w
as in a super ancient event where she took the dark heart filled with Yogg-Saron's  essence, then she probably just went back in time to get something from Classic and then she will  very likely return back to the War Within and she will obviously succeed as we had seen her wielding  the dark heart in the War within cinematic. Thank you for watching. Check out  forest trolls being playable by clicking on the screen and also  check out my video on Ancient Greek colonies in Spain by clicking on  t
he screen as well. See you next time!



Do you think the Xal'atath in SoD is the same as the one in the portal from 10.1.5? Also get amazing deals with my discount code 'DORON'


Let me guess: she is gathering old god essences from Azeroth's history. She will use that giant light shard to help create a void portal to summon the Void Lords to Azeroth.


I see Blizz doing some type of cross over with SoD, Retail, and Cataclysm classic. Where Xalatath. Does something with C'thun in Sod, something with Deathwing in Cataclysm, then they link up to retail. That would crossover all the universes which would be awesome.


That light shard…🧐wasn’t the ashbringer made from a void crystal?? Some connections there maybe


Found photo/footage is an interesting idea of where SoD might end up and what may be getting hinted at. Found footage and found photos, as terms, lack knowledge of their origins. i.e. family album but no one knows who the family is, or for a pop culture reference, the Blair Witch Project where no one knows where the subjects of the footage are any more. So while it was used as a way to explain that the SoD events are canon and "happened" when our retail characters existed from 2004-2007, they didn't happen to our retail characters, but more importantly, the characters these events do happen to are nowhere to be found. To phrase another way, the characters we are playing on SoD are not our retail characters. Our retail characters will have no clue about the "Mysterious Figure" that is in SoD or any of the events relating to her. Basically, I think SoD characters will canonically leave Azeroth at the end of SoD's story. This bargain will either cost them their lives or their free will. Either way, the reason why none of their knowledge is available to our characters or any lore characters is because they are not around to share it. Imagine a phase in the eventual boss fight with Xal'atath in The War Within or midnight where she summons one of your Season of Discovery characters to fight you. Their name, their gear, and potentially their abilities, all the same. Obviously for players without max level SoD characters would unfortunately have generic autogenerated characters to fight against, but imagine facing off against a Healer Mage or Tank Rogue. It would be a really cool way to wrap up those new elements in SoD.


what about n'zoth looks like n'zoth is dead and defeated for now.


she could literally be the same thing as teron gorefiend, hes a DK before DKs she could just have possed a normal high elf or blood elf and because shes a void user her power made her look like what we know as void elfs


i think you are thinking about her form wrong. was she a projecting herself as a void elf or was she just a void being projecting herself as an elf? Food for though. Its like a bronze dragon projecting itself as a gnome or elf. still a dragon in elf or gnome form with hints of its dragonlike nature.


What if she went back in time to Sargeras sword before the moment we destroyed the red stuff in the eyeholder of the sword? Maybe taking some essence from Sargeras or some power of that sword 🤔


This is really cool!!!


"She was in the midst of time travel." 'Oh, OK. Cool. I hadn't really considered that." five minutes pass "She was in the midst of time travel." "...uh, yeah? You just told me that."


How could she just move around in time like the infinite dragon flight? Should they not have catched her mid-travel?


She is a combination of all the old god traits, she is their shared body, too strong so they must always stay split


my thought is all the old gods are part of Xal'atath she is collecting her body


I think by the time we finish the 3rd installment of War Within, we will go back in time, teach an army and stop the sundering/undead and this will be the start of Unreal Engine WoW where we can rock around the world with Athas and go back to warring with da horde. The graphics would be sick. Big modern day reset switch - start from scratch.


what about yogg-saron.


If there are void lords can there be light lords too?


what about y'shaarj looks like y'shaarj is dead for now.