
Yamai and Nakanaka Battle for Komi | Komi Can't Communicate | Clip | Netflix Anime

Yamai and Nakanaka battle for Komi's affections. Who will win? This video is available in multi-audio. Click the settings icon then select audio track! Subscribe: About Netflix: Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 221 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries, feature films and mobile games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any Internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments. Yamai and Nakanaka Battle for Komi | Komi Can't Communicate | Clip | Netflix Anime At a high school full of unique characters, Tadano helps his shy and unsociable classmate Komi reach her goal of making friends with 100 people.

Netflix Anime

1 year ago

(發怒) 難道她們倆個性不合嗎? 打擾囉! 大家晚安! 睡著了! 這傢伙到底來幹嘛的? 那古見同學 妳就坐我旁邊吧 物理有個公式我不太懂 不行,妳應該坐這邊! 那邊的坐墊品質不好! 於是山井同學 與中中同學便開始針對 “古見同學比較喜歡誰?”進行比賽 (《野生少女 獸耳女孩電影版》) 對了,古見同學,要玩遊戲嗎? 上次玩的有點難吧? 後來我收集了一些 操作容易的遊戲哦 中中同學展開攻擊 “我是為了古見同學著想” 我們應該是來唸書的啊 誰要玩遊戲啊 -又不是臭男生 -(嘲笑) -什麼? -但攻擊被擋下來了 女生就該聊戀愛話題! 我問妳,古見同學喜歡的人是誰啊? 我喜歡妳哦 “幾乎算是告白” (山井同學展開攻擊! “幾乎算是告白!”) 但似乎效果薄弱 請問還要不要唸書啊? 這麼說來… 一進到這房間我就在想了 擺設幾乎都是黑色的 牆上貼滿動畫跟電影的海報 跟宅男的房間一樣呢! 嗚! “攻擊效果顯著!” 那妳倒說說看 怎麼樣才像女生的房間 這還用說嘛 要有一面能照自己的鏡子 還要有化妝品、香水 粉紅色小物、古典風的家具 用茉莉茶招待客人,而不是麥茶… 跟風仔 “攻擊效果顯著!” 連指甲都沒保養
好的人沒資格說我 妳的髮質才嚴重受損 誰叫妳動不動就染頭髮 妳住老家,應該也不會做菜吧 賢慧度有夠低 -賢慧? -(女生真可怕) 不要用無法數值化的東西 來分優劣好嗎? 算命結果說古見同學跟我比較相配! 跟風發言又出現了! 妳有證據嗎? 妳不覺得妳講話方式很怪嗎? 我知道了,妳沉迷於上網 說話才都這個語調對吧? 什麼啦?妳收集情報的能力 跟媽媽有得拚 -對了,妳今年貴庚啊? -古見同學她… -先冷靜一下… -什麼? 啊,沒事 古見同學,我們兩個 誰才是妳重要的朋友? 矛頭終於轉向古見同學 (妳們兩人都是我重要的朋友) (還滿高興的兩人 害羞,扭捏) 可是… 硬要分高下的話,妳會怎麼選? 那用考試成績來決定如何… 你閉嘴 這兩人好有默契啊 不能再逼問古見同學了 太咄咄逼人會被討厭 妳有哪次不咄咄逼人? 就沒有什麼能分勝負的東西嗎? 遊戲 我們還有遊戲! 好 好,來吧 -來玩遊戲! -我也要玩! 可惡,妳別在那邊放香蕉! -戰略就是一切,戰略最重要! -沒錯! 臭傢伙,不要一直用紅龜殼丟我! -很好! -那是妳的錯覺吧? 吃我這招! -妳那樣是在幹嘛? -右手的這個R鈕… 接招!可惡! 爆
炸吧! 結束! 好耶!我贏了! 跟古見同學最要好的朋友就是我! (撞) 馴染,你這人就是這樣 最後也用考試的方式決勝負了 同分?



Najimi wakes up the moment there’s a video game…relatable


These two’s dynamics are absolutely golden. Yamai and Nakanaka are both the top 3 characters honestly for me.


I love the rivalry between the 2 girls who are essentially opposites. But oddly in sync when they start arguing, those two whether their aware of it or not, are destined to become best frenemies


Nakanaka is the true winner! Why? Because when it comes to the people Komi is with, Nakanaka respects her choices unlike Ren Yamai. Plus she doesn't stalk Komi all day long! Chuunibyo or not, Nakanaka Omoharu is a WAY cooler girl than Yamai EVER was!


With this Clip one thinks that Tadano can protect Komi from the pervert but I don't think anyone can with Yamai and her true nature... Except Nakanaka who can beat her in everything.


I can't wait for the S2 English dub Tadano was really like "oh never mind!" 2:30


I like how Najimi just falls asleep the next split second they slide into the blanket.


The dub is pretty much entertaining especially for the eng va for both nakanaka and yamai. Cherami Leigh (Nakanaka's eng VA) is mostly known for her soft-spoken, & high pitch tone, and Christina Vee (Yamai's eng VA) is mostly known for her deep & ladylike tone. Just hearing their characters bickering to each other in their contradicting tones is just the absolute bomb 💯💯👌


I'm Team Nakanaka in this case because 1, Yamai is a total creep and 2, I'm a gamer so I understand her interests like no other.


Yamei and Nakanaka are scaring Komi and Tadano as they are arguing while studying. 😨😰😱.


The fact that the voice actor for Yami also voices marrinette, another teenage girl with an obsession for their love interests 😆


Also, najimi: "I'm the one who's komi's best friend!" Najimi, back at it again eh?


4:02 the way they pushed the buttons so fast and saying bastard alot😂


after bingewatching a gore video game adaptation about vampires in Castlevania, i did not expect me to crush on an anime involving schoolgirls trying to one-up eachother to find out who's the better friend yet here i am.


At the end, Tadano wons this battle


How did Najimi sleep through that whole thing?


At this time, this is the only clip of Komi Can't Communicate season 2 english dub that exists on the internet! And so far,... I LOVE IT!! I NEED MORRE!!! WHEN IS THE FULL ENGLISH DUB COMING OUT!?!?


4:16 Komi is adorable


3:23 No Tadano, there HASN'T. The fact that he hasn't already figured that out after she ABDUCTED HIM is just....well, it's kinda annoying 😓


"you live with your parents" wait she's like 15 that's normal