
Yield Guild Games Token Arrives on Ronin Network

Yield Guild Games (YGG) announced that Sky Mavis and the Ronin community have approved the launch of the YGG token on the network. The YGG token went live on Ronin on March 21, 2024. The YGG token can be bridged from Ethereum to Ronin and back. You can claim your YGG Ronin airdrops rewards. The claim window for the airdrop is open for 60 days. The final day to claim your eligible airdrop is May 20, 2024. More videos: @morphneo4921 Useful links: Yields website: Yields' Wiki: Ronin website: Sky Mavis website: YGG on Discord: YGG on X: YGG on Medium: YGG on Facebook: YGG youtube channel: YGG on Twitch Tv: YGG on Coinmarketcap: #YGG #Yield #Ronin #eth #axieinfinity #yieldguild


12 days ago

Welcome back to the MorphNeo channel, where  regular and crypto games meet. If you love regular FPS games, blockchain based NFT  and play to earn games then subscribe to the channel and click the notification bell  to watch our videos and stay up to date. In today's video, you'll see a summary  of the recent announcement from Yield Guild games (short form YGG). What is Yield Guild Games? Yield Guild Games is at the forefront of the  blockchain gaming revolution, offering a virtual world where pl
ayers can earn real income  by participating in various games within the ecosystem. YGG operates on the principle of a  decentralised community, where members, also known as guild members, come together to invest in NFTs  used in virtual worlds and blockchain-based games. If this sounds interesting then let us go  further, but before that a Short Disclaimer. I am not a financial advisor, everything  in this video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always do  your own research an
d consult several sources before making any investment decisions. All the information about the game in this video can be found on the game’s website, in the  whitepaper and several other sources on the internet. The information we gathered from  these sources is intended to be accurate at the time of recording of this video. Please  note however that the blockchain based gaming world is a very fast spaced industry and is in  a constant state of development and evolution. Let’s dive in. Followin
g a successful governance  proposal, Yield Guild Games announced the launch of the YGG token on the Ronin network, which  went live on March 21st. This strategic move aimed to bolster the network by attracting gamers  and games into its ecosystem, with YGG tokens being airdropped to wallets staking RON on the  YGG validator. The partnership between YGG and Sky Mavis signifies a commitment to advancing the  web3 gaming space together, facilitating seamless movement between Ronin games and the YGG
platform.  With the Ronin network experiencing significant growth and games like Pixels gaining traction, the  introduction of the YGG token further cements the platform's influence in web3 gaming. Who Is Eligible for the YGG Airdrop? Once it is live on Ronin, the YGG token can  be bridged from Ethereum to Ronin and back. About how to claim your YGG Ronin airdrop  rewards you can find a step-by-step guide in this article. The claim window for the  airdrop is open for 60 days. The final day to c
laim your eligible airdrop is 20th of May. That's it for today. We hope this video has helped you navigate the complex and complicated  world of crypto games. Next time, we'll look at what's new and what's being developed for another  crypto game, so please make sure to subscribe to the MorphNeo channel not to miss it and hit the  notification bell. If you like this video, please give a thumb up, we would really appreciate it. Thank you for watching and see you next time in our next game review,
  gameplay, or tutorial video. Bye.
