
"You Can't Do This Forever" | Inanimate Insanity S3E19

BUY NEW PLUSHIES HERE: Thanks for watching! :) See the entire INANIMATE INSANITY series here: KO-FI: MERCHANDISE: TIKTOK: TWITTER: II DISCORD: INSTAGRAM: The Inanimate Insanity Season 3: Invitational finale concludes! After learning the truth about the game's prize, the final three decide to fight for something far more precious... another chance. WHO WILL WIN THE SEASON?! LET'S FIND OUT! Inanimate Insanity created by Adam Katz. Series directed by Adam Katz, Brian Koch, and Justin Chapman. Intro animation by Niall Burns "XanyLeaves" Series inspired by Jacknjellify's "Battle for Dream Island." Featuring music by Kevin MacLeod.


4 hours ago

[Intense, ominous music] Cabby: You know what? You’re right. All of you. What we need is justice. -Is that so? -C-Cabby? -No, Balloon. After all the pain he’s put us through in this competition, he didn’t even have a reward for us at the end. It was all a scam for us to play his games. And without the Unvitationals here, it would have gone on forever. Springy: NEVER AGAIN WILL HE TOY WITH US! [Springy glitches and coughs] [Uninvitationals cheer] I’ll stand aside, right now, and let you bring him
to his… execution. [DUHN. DUHN. DUHN.] Walkie Talkie: [Laughs] Walkie Talkie: Sweeeeet! Good talk! Dr. Fizz: Whoa, whoa! You didn’t say anything about murdering the guy! Groscer: Yeah! How do you think that’s going to make us look?! Zoetrope: PLEASE, NO MORE TAKEDOWN VIDEOS! -What is all of this? -There was no way this whole group agreed to hurt MePhone! Cabby: Dr. Fizz would've fought back due to his oath to do no harm! Cabby: And Groscer needs to keep up a pristine image. Zoetrope’s a nice b
onus. [Uninvitationals shout and argue] Cabby: I don’t know what to think about MePhone now…but… I’m not letting him die. -Everyone PLEASE! For once, after everything you’ve been through, you can have your voices be heard. Really THINK about what you want. Tyler: Wow. Well I kinda wanna melt him! Unvitationals: Ooooo! Unvitationals: Melt! Melt! Melt! Melt! Groscer: No way! There’s other ways to deal with him than DEATH. Springy: Majority-rules, per the rules. To the lava with yee! Cabby: Sure.
But what’s justice, without proper education? That is what you want? Justice? -I...suppose? It’d be great to show my prized toy first-hand… …that nothing goes more hand-in-hand than corporation and morality! -What?! HOW DARE YOU?! YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS! -Aw, now is that the violent language you want to influence this little-one with? They’re no lifeless husk like the others, they’re so very special. I’ve been programming them with all of your greatest hits! Soon, you'll be one of many! Bot: No! Ba
lloon: SOOO the open-forum discussion starts immediately, haha! Everyone grab a folder from Cabby and take a seat, heh! Hah... -[Sigh] You doing okay there, Silver? -Peachy. I only fell victim to my own ego and obliterated our chances of saving the game. How about you? -Been better. If I don’t want to be complicit in murder, I have to protect the guy who has no interest in concluding the season. Balloon: Hey! We all change. -That’s very poetic, Balloon, but in reality-- -No! You get what I mean,
right? After everything you’ve been through? We ALL can. [Mephone Flashback]: Today we'll figure out the perfect winner! [Mephone Flashback]: Without losing anyone... -He said he intended to end it today. That felt real. Balloon’s right. We can talk to MePhone when this is all said and done. But for now, we need to protect his life. And do a better job convincing them than we did with the jury. -Heh, WAY better, haha. -May the gift of language be with all of us. Balloon: We will have an open di
scussion in which every member of the Unvitational Committee can speak their peace on MePhone. This will be followed by a vote for...[sigh] "Melt" or "No melt" A melt vote entails: “MePhone burning violently in the volcano, but with his eyes on, so he can watch his own scary, horrifying, and stupid end.” [Ahem] Let's get started... Groscer: My program was respected in the art world for centuries, until MePhone came along and made a mockery of it on live television! Cabby: That’s understandable.
Zoetrope: After MePhone’s black-and-white cookie destroyed my animation machine, I had to shop around your mediocre pilots for cash… I WAS DISGRACED! Tyler: He burned down my island and gave me no royalties for my starring role in a fake home makeover show special! Springy: I came all this way to have my contract ignored after I gave so many helpful ideas to save the show! Balloon: You wanted to replace us with toy replicas! Springy: And it’d save you so much anxiety, little thing. Isn’t that w
orth it? -[Sigh] ...yeah.... Cabby: NO! Dr. Fizz: MePhone turned this “safe-place” of his into a minefield of trouble! And now I’m hearing there was a MURDER? -It was awesome. Zoetrope: Someone made a scathing video essay called “What RUINED Zoetrope?” It has a million views and counting! [Barking sounds] -Quite the rich accent... Groscer: Now everyone is submitting machine-made episodes!... Including Zoetrope! Zoetrope: Including me! Camera 2: He wouldn’t let us invade his privacy! -[Sarcastic
ally] I'm so sorry. Cabby: I have my notes. Now let’s change some minds! Silver Spoon: But did you know that the Green Goddess only lives today because MePhone has recovered her life, as well as the lives of all his contestants? -Tyler: Oh dear, I’m SO SORRY I didn’t know! Walkie Talkie: Hey! Bias-alert! So you’re going to just worship the guy cause he has powers? -Aw, someone’s not so scary once she’s got the attention she needs! I understand how it feels to be alone in the world. But as drawn
as I was to playing like a villain when I first started... I figured out I’m not gonna patch up my own holes by pointing out everyone else’s! Cause believe me, [mimicks himself] I don’t sound great with a hole popped in me. Haha! -Okay, so that just leaves... Groscer: He thinks he can cheat through life! Zoetrope: He’ll kick anyone else to the curb! Camera 1: He’s fame-obsessed! Walkie Talkie: Disloyal! Springy: Dismissive! Tyler: Careless! Dr. Fizz: Reckless! Boaty: HOOOONK! Cabby: Let's take a
quick recess! -[Whispering] Do you think we’re in a good enough spot to vote? Silver Spoon: I think we still have Groscer and Zoetrope against melting. However, Dr. Fizz didn’t seem too keen after the “fake murder” debate. So uptight. Balloon: But we might’ve convinced Tyler and Sprinkles. Boaty… still eludes me. Cabby: Ugh, I was hoping I’d magically be able to come up with convincing points, but I… guess I’m still me. [Chuckle] Silver Spoon: You’ve done well guiding the discussion. You should
be proud. Best we can do now is hope. Cabby: Wait. One more thing, while I have this platform. Cabby: Springy. I know you’re feeling hurt, but-- Springy: [Mocking] But, oh no, deep down, MePhone’s a great guy and I’ve just been seeing it aaaall wrong because I’m alone! because I’m a little lost toy, because I'm wearing some mask! Well- NEWS FLASH [glitches] I wish this was a mask! You think you can sucker ME into an emotional moment?! Cabby: No, Springy. I can’t. Because you’re soulless. You ca
re for no one but yourself. Bot worked so hard to find themself, after they were trapped to live someone else’s life. And now you’re looking to do the same to this poor thing? You could never help this show. All you ever do is destroy. -I don't--[glitches] [Laughing, desperate] You--you thought I was helpful! I made you SMILE! I--[laughs] [Glitching] WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG?! YOU PUNTED ME DOWN TO HIM! [Glitching] BUT NOOO, I DON’T HEAR NO SORRY’S FOR THAT! Balloon: Cabby! Cabby:
Sorry? You want a sorry? Might as well, that’s all anyone ever wants from me! I’ve said sorry for having files that help keep things straight. For trying at anything! And for being me. But despite everything thrown my way, when I felt like everyone hated me, I still tried to listen to others and connect with them! [Sniffles] I tried... Test Tube: Cabby, I didn’t realize… Cabby: So maybe I don’t need to apologize for everything I am. Maybe, Springy, you were terrorizing my friend, so I saved them
from you. And I won’t be apologizing for that. Silver Spoon: OKAY. Let’s vote! Walkie Talkie, Camera 1, and Camera 2: MELT! MELT! MELT! MELT! MELT–! [MePhone vibrates in protest] Groscer: Get excited, everyone! I am about to tally-up all ten Unvitational Committee Members’ votes. Done. And--with five votes "melt"... and five votes..."not melt"... we are tied! -Gasp. Walkie Talkie: I guess that means we stick to the original plan, then! Yay! Silver Spoon: OR! Maybe since we swayed so many, that
should be enough for you melt-weirdos. Camera 1: Weirdos?! I knew you didn’t care for our movement! The Floor: MURDER! ISN’T! A “MOVEMENT!” Boaty: [HORN] Groscer: Oh, I am so sorry. How unprofessional of me... There’s still one vote left. This will determine the fate… of MePhone4. The final vote is... NOT MELT. MePhone is saved from execution! [A few members of the Uninvitationals, and the Contestants cheer] -Hm...B-P? -Ballpoint? Tyler: Well he was invited to the committee. The Floor: Then the
re we have it! MePhone is saved! [Cheering continues] [Somber music] Walkie Talkie: NO. Walkie Talkie: MePhone has taken everything from us, and we’re just going to keep celebrating him?! Walkie Talkie: Hah, they’ve done the hard work for us already. We never needed them for the rest. Spring-toys, let’s bring him up! [Thud] [Vroooom] The Floor: MePhone, no! Come back with him! Springy! You know we can’t do this without him [Boing] Cabby: We need to hurry! [Thud] [Bang] Silver Spoon: Hm, Sorry, h
andsome. Cabby: Think you can stop them if you go full Inner-Flame? Balloon: WHAT? It’d go haywire again! -Well. Gold does look good on me. Got any thorns? [Deflating sounds] [Scary, triumphant music] Springy: WALKIE! Walkie Talkie: Oh, hey! You want the honors? Springy: He deserves pain, but not like this. He gives so much life to the show in a way that we… can’t. [Glitching] And I feel this want to… help! Don’t you too? Walkie Talkie: OF COURSE! That’s why I’m going to keep this season ALIVE.
I was built to. I thought you understood! You were thrown away when you were at the height of achieving your purpose! Springy: My old one. But that’s business, baby. Let’s hop to the next thing! Walkie Talkie: I DON’T QUIT! I don’t bow down. Walkie Talkie: I still have MY purpose! Walkie Talkie: H--wh--oh no--how are you in control of it?! Walkie Talkie: SPRING TOYS! Stick to your purpose! Walkie Talkie: NOT another step! Or he GETS IT! [Step] Walkie Talkie: Uh--I mean it! [Step] Springy: Aw, w
hat’s wrong, Walkie? He just wants to play. [Thud] Walkie Talkie: You don’t need to do this! [Unplugs] MePhone: AHHH! I know who sent her here! Walkie Talkie: You SURE? Walkie Talkie: I was programmed just for you, MePhone! Walkie Talkie: You're my voice on the other side! That’s all this show is, isn’t it? Whether it’s the ones you’ve built, or the ones you can recover. WE’RE ALL FOR YOU, MEPHONE FOUR-! [BZzzt] [Powers down] -Heh, can't bluff a bluffer! [Calming music] [Shine] Sprin
g-Bot: My...purpose. -Huh? AHH! Spring-bot: MY. PURPOSE. [Running] -Ahh! AUGH! [Crash] [Triumphant music] You're finally free! [Zip] [Thud] [Unnerving music] MePhone: No...powerless again. We've lived this before! Why? Why does everyone keep risking their lives for me? All I do is screw up! ?: Haha! ?: Sure. You've made your mistakes. MePhone4S: But we all realize sooner or later, with all that you've been gifted... ...there's no happy ending without you. MePhone4. [Coding, rattling] MePhone: NO
T. AGAIN. [Burning] -Augh... Balloon and Cabby: MEPHONE! -Are you still powered down? MePhone: No. It’s just I... put in a few days of work… ...over the course of a few seconds! Y'know, computer stuff! Phew. [Thud] [Sigh] Okay! Now! [Ding!] -What?! Since when could you? MePhone: Computer-stuff. Since I have a gift, I might as well use it. Spingy: I'm...back! I'm back to-- [glitches] NORMAL! [Sigh] Springtastic... You’re right. They can be whoever they want. We're square. [Boing] -AUGHHHHH!! I ca
n’t do this forever! I can’t! AUGHHHHH! Balloon: MePhone! MePhone. It’s okay, you don’t have to. It’s not like it’s too late to turn things around. Cabby: We’re here for you. Silver Spoon: That is… so long as you’re not going to ditch us for a shiny new season. -GRR! -What? We were all thinking it! -That season four file was mine. I got scared, and instead of fixing all my garbage I looked into a replacement for the replacement. But that’s exactly what Cobs would do to us. Thanks for trusting I’
d figure it out. This is our home. At least till the job is done. Balloon: Soooo, there IS a prize, then? -Heh... I'll work on it! I promise. [EXAMINATION TIME: TA DA!] MePhone: …And, I wanted to apologize to you all. This unanimous voting thing wasn’t my best idea. Everyone deserves a voice, and will have their own vote. But first, the final three will give their closing remarks. Who wants to get us started? -I think, the way I spoke earlier, kinda insulted the art of poetry. [Chuckles] I feel
like so much of what I’ve accomplished has been with someone else by my side. But that doesn’t mean the game was easy. Alliances take time to nurture. For a while I felt I’d never figure it all out. But now that I’ve made it to the top, I can look back down on everything I did to get here. And, for the first time. I’m proud of myself. Even when my social-game wasn’t perfect, it was mine. I feel like a winner no matter what anyone says… BUT I STILL WOULDAPPRECIATE YOURVOTE! [Chuckles] Cabby: Ri
ght. Okay. I thought, after I gave the wrong first impression, I needed to explain these, or hide them. I started drowning in this false perception about them that everyone believed- that I started to believe. But… I can’t be me without them. So, instead of laying down my sword and becoming what everyone wanted me to be, I marched forward. I helped form a new alliance, and stuck with it till I was the last one left, because nothing’s more important than the friends you find out here. So, no more
sorry’s. Just… thanks for listening. -I believe I’ve already explained myself well-enough to the jury. But. There is one out there who I believe I should’ve listened to better along the way. Now, I won’t name names, but even though I’m aware I don’t deserve her vote tonight, I hope after I, or whomever, is crowned-- We can try again. -Oooh, do you think he means me? -Sure, hon! MePhone: That was wonderful. Shmaltzy, but hey, it’s the finale. And I’m so grateful for you all. No matter who wins,
you’ve earned it. But it’s not my choice, it’s theirs. Fifteen votes. One winner. Let’s get started. Go ahead, and line up outside the Calm Down Cabana. [Pop] But MePhone, I counted only fourteen jurors. Uh, you okay?... OH! What- no! That’s so unfair, I’m an assistant, I can’t-- In theory, sure. But in reality, you were not only a contestant, but you also did the hardest thing of all: standing by my side, through everything. A good assistant deserves the world. Now go get in that line! [Pop] [U
pbeat montage music] [Music turns serious] [BOOM] Alright. Everyone here has officially voted for either Balloon, Cabby, or Silver Spoon. For the final time this season, I’ll read the votes. First vote... Cabby! Silver Spoon! Balloon! That's one vote each! Cabby! Silver Spoon! Balloon! Two votes each! Cabby! Cabby! That's four votes Cabby, two votes Balloon, two votes Silver Spoon! Balloon! Balloon! That's four votes Cabby, four votes Balloon! Two votes, Silver Spoon. Cabby! Balloon! That's five
votes Cabby, five votes Balloon! Three votes left! Balloon! Cabby! We're tied again! Balloon and Cabby both have six votes! The next vote will declare a winner! As long as it's not for Silver Spoon. -Heh, as if. MePhone: And the winner of Inanimate Insanity Invitational is... [Intense music] CABBY! WOOOO! [Party horns] -I...what? No--I-- -YOUR WINNER, EVERYONE! WOOO! -WINNER PARTY! [Cheer] [Spitting noises] -HooRAY! What did you win, Cabby? -I- heh. I don’t know. But for now, I just want to rem
ember this feeling. -Heh, you look like you just lost a big game! Nickel: I was just about to come ask you how you were feeling, promise–. -It's okaaaaay! Ya’know, when the votes were being read, I realized MePhone forgot a vote. Nickel: WHAT? We gotta tell him! -Mine. And I finally care about that the most. Took long enough, right? -Heh, you're telling ME. Also. He “forgot a vote?” Really? That was so lame. -Uh-uh-uh, poetic! Nickel: Uh, yeah, that’s what I said! * [Laughter] Candle: I didn’t k
now you had it in you. Silver Spoon: The inner flame? Candle: Restraint. I saw someone took the immunity cookie. Silver Spoon: Y'know, I… really wanted my majestic hero moment, but… I felt so… unworthy of… -The inner flame? Or of… Knowing you don’t deserve, is the first step towards deserving. So let’s celebrate. [Silver Spoon laughs] [Pop] You ready? [Remix of III theme plays] -I'm so sorry! [Remix continues] [Candle and Silver Spoon laugh] -Cheese! [Remix continues] -Hi Yin-yang! Looks like we
're suddenly next to each-other. Yin: Oh yeah? I didn't notice... [Violently shaking] Yang: YIN QUIT TRYING TO PLAY IT COOL! Candle, Yin was very upset by you leaving us in the game and, and, did you not care at all about how Yin feels? Candle: Of course I did. And that guilt is what drove me to keep my distance. I’m sorry that I made Yin feel bad. As well as… anyone else. Yang: …Yin would also like a giant motorcycle for the emotional damages! Yin: Yin would like to speak for himself please! [C
andle laughs] -Golly, congrats! -Oh, hey! Thanks for the vote. -It’s the least I could do. No one cared more out there. …And we punished you for it. -It’s okay. You cared, too. I get wanting to protect the ones you care about. -I protected my ideas of them. But they’re more than that. We all are. You are. I’m really sorry. -Smart alliance? [Smack] MePhone: Hey, everyone. Sorry to interrupt the fun… I thought it over, and I think I need to start giving everything an ending. I left an old, slight
ly-intimidating project behind, so I’m heading out a little early. Paintbrush: What? I mean, I get it, but… I don’t think this is done. Fan: I mean, yeah. Where’s her prize? MePhone: Oh- I guess most of you don’t know. I don’t really have… I haven’t thought out–. Cabby: MePhone and I are going to figure it out together. THEN we’ll be done. So, until then, let’s keep the fun alive! -Cabby, I’m sorry, I still haven’t… -I have some ideas! [Upbeat, happy music] Cabby: It was a face-off. Silver had c
laimed to have the most vile photo of me. I had no choice, but to SHOOT. Goo: AHH! -Ah, but it missed. Then Silver came RUNNING AT ME, full-force! Camera 2: NO WAY- you fought the Inner-Flame? Bot: She rammed into him and I got a great photo! He was a mess. [Cabby and Bot chuckle] Cabby: Our mess. So, the challenge continued through the night… -I don’t think I’ve ever felt this relaxed before. Walkie Talkie: Ever consider retiring? MePhone: Walkie, I’m like, a few years old or something. Walkie
Talkie: Way older than I am, grandpa. Hey. I appreciate the new home here. I’m finally doing some good– NO RUNNING IN THE LIBRARY!!!! … some good work. You too. I guess. MePhone: Yeah? For a while, I didn’t think it was possible. And I’m responsible for a lot more than just these guys… I can help them, too... Walkie Talkie: You better get to it, then. Make some more happy endings. [Emotional music] -Watch over them for me. Walkie Talkie: I can do that. Walkie Talkie: And thanks...for giving me..
.another chance. [Music continues] [Whirring portal sounds] -Good luck. [Clears throat] Okay...where was I? [Upbeat music] Balloon: ADAMATION! I hope you all enjoyed the finale. Thank you so much for watching the show, it means the world! It may be cold out here but in my heart, I am very warm. I appreciate you all. -Thank you for watching everyone, I'm here to present Cabby with her reward! YAAAAY! -You are all the best fans in the world. This show has changed my life genuinely, it has given me
more happy memories than could possibly fit in Cabby's library, so, thank you so much. -Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you so much for watching season three! -Thanks for watching--SPRINGY JUMPSCARE! SPRINGY JUMPSCARE! -Thanks for watching! -Thank you! -Thank you for watching! -Thank you! -Thanks for watching, guys! -Thank you guys so much for wa-- -Thank you! -Thanks for watching guys! -Thank you! -I know I was a late addition to the show but I just wanted to say, thank you for welcoming me w
ith open arms. It means the world to me! -Say thank you, Bart! -Grazie per averci seguito -Thank you guys! -Thanks for watching! -Thanks for watching! -THANK YOU! [Music continues]



"You can't do this forever" changing into "You can do this" hit harder than springy's glove.


Fun Fact: I think cabby is one of the only winners who had been eliminated and rejoined and still won




I am going to type my favorite lines, "HE WOULDN'T LET US INVADE HIS PRIVACY" "I'm, so sorrry." Also Springy knowing what Cabby is going to say, it creeps me. "You're soulles." "Gasp" "NO RUNNING IN THE LIBRARY"


My girl!!!! I'm so happy she won. Her speech to Springy about not apologising for who she is made me cry. Her arc in general means so much to me as a neurodivergent person, and I'm so happy she's gotten the happy ending she deserves.


Seeing all of the rivals make up to each other, heal friendships, and patch up alliances made me cry. And the fact that everyone are on good terms and volunteer in a library is wholesome. Well done Animation Epic. I am proud of your work and your journey! NOW WHO'S READY FOR SEASON TWO? BECAUSE I AM!!!!


I’m so happy cabby won. She was by far my favorite character and seeing her win despite all of the odds stacked against her was incredible. Thank you guys so much for this season, here’s to finishing season 2.


12:00 Is it just me, or... does Silver look like a certain CEO in this shot?


13:12 man the nostalgia when rewatching this scene from 2012 I believe




24:41 that phrase from balloon always cracks me up for no reason


I love how the contestants are clapping at Cabby when she was winner. IT’S SO AMAZING!!!




this is beautiful the references to other episodes,, the references to season 2,, the season 2 portal at the end really got me


20:21 I'm ok




This show has gone for so long, and this season was a big one I remember around the middle episodes where things started to change, and its so nice to see this show come to an end after this entire journey. I cant wait to see the backtrack, and thanks to the crew for producing S3.


15:23 silver spoon's legs shape💀💀💀 flashbacks tho


I’ve been watching II since i can remember. Never have I cried over objects, until now. Amazing job to everyone who worked on this. I never thought I could relate to/ understand inanimate objects, but yet, here I am. Bravo! ❤


Wow. Just, wow. What an end to a season! Bravo! This really made my evening, and MePhone4 changing the note from "you can't do this forever" to "you can do this" is just so sweet. I wish him luck on hosting the rest of II2. I'm so glad you guys managed to finish this season, and I'm looking forward to seeintg the rest of II2!