
You ruined her #apexlegends

Apex Legends Tier list for season 20 2024, This includes every legend and abilities. What is the best Legend in Apex in your opinion? Next video is Tier list for all the weapons! in this video you will learn every legend in apex legends gameplay cross progression. ImperialHal, SweetDreams, The Gaming Merchant, Scrappy, WeThePeople, iiTzTimmy, Aceu, ShivFPS, Itemp, Mande, Shiv, ShivFPS, Faide. Apex Legends Tier List, Apex Legends Live, Cross Progression, Apex Legends season 19, Apex Legends Season 20, Apex Legends Conduit, Apex Legends 2024, Movement, Conduit, Cheaters #apexlegends


1 month ago

this is the most complete and close to perfect tier list that I could make Valkyrie one of the most amazing legend that has ever been introduced to the game I mean I remember the first time you valkulted with the friends I was like wow how come this character was never in the game it's perfect it's so satisfying to play it and it was never op in my opinion it was never op in pubs in rank the game was that 99.9% of the players who play every day rotation doesn't play as much of a big role as comp
game like LGS so the character was never op it would never win you your 1 v one's or 3 V three's but because of that 0.1% of the players I mean after Evac tower the character was kinda irrelevant and went from s tier to go all the way to C tier let me know what you think  because I might be biased and I don't like to spread wrong information and for the full tier list like and subscribe that will help me a lot I appreciate you so much we had to nerf Valkyrie to the ground because that used to b
e my main character so comment what you think



🔥 🔥 🔥


"valkyrie was never op" is a very goofy statement


probably they nerfed her to add more variety to ALGS, with the addition of jump towers now more legends can be played (remember when gibby was in all compotisions in ALGS it was so boring). she is still usefull at the end, the scans when you are trying to reposition are lifesaving in ranked