
You'll Hate It, But It Will SKY ROCKET Your Motivation

People always tell me they don't have the personality, motivation or ambition to do great things...I think they are wrong, here is why.

Alex Becker's Channel

9 months ago

So people always tell me they can't do this. I posted my schedule on Twitter the other day, and to some people, it seems excessive, but let's look at the results. It's generated me hundreds of millions of dollars a year round, six pack, and crystal clear focus and clarity in my mind, allowing me tons of time and energy to stack my data to the brim with everything I love. If you look at my schedule, yeah, it seems excessive, but this is everything I love squeezed into one day. It's a blast. Every
day is awesome. And the number one thing I get from people when I say, you can do this, too, or you can go and chase whatever you want to do in life, whether building a business or picking your nose and finger painting with it, I don't care. Just chasing and being the absolute best at something. And people always say, well, that's just not me. That's not my personality. That's not who I am. I don't have the energy. I don't have the motivation. I don't have these things. And basically, people te
ll me who they are as a person, their personality. It's just not going to work out. And instead of yelling at you Andrew Tate style and telling you you're a piece, everybody hates you, and you're going to stay a virgin for the rest of your life. I want to actually diagnose something by telling you a story, because I don't think people actually see what's truly going on here. So listen to my story. It's going to be a really good one, and it has some nudity. You're going to love it. So people look
at me, and I'm not trying to brag here. I don't want to be like, look, people look at me like I'm some type of guy. That's not what I'm doing here. But people see me on Twitter. I'm literally one of the types of people who's posting, like, the cringe you can do it. And posting my health routines and all sorts of stuff like that going nuts at 04:00 A.m. Every single day, talking about dreams, total cringe mode. I'm one of those guys, all right? And people think I just wake up and feel like that,
and I do that. So I went on vacation a while back ago. Now, right now, I don't drink. I don't eat sugar. I don't game. I don't do any of the nonsense stuff, and I've complained about that enough videos, so I'm not going to touch on it here. You should stop, though. But when I was on vacation, I drank. I ate a lot, okay? I did nothing all day. And I would also play video games the entire time. So I was just complete piece of like, what is wrong with this guy? This is disgusting. Me, I'd look in
the mirror and get physically ill. That being said, when I came back from this vacation, I felt no motivation. My personality was literally I want to eat sugar. I want to go out and drink, and I feel absolutely no motivation to work on my business. Now, let's look at what's going on here. My personality completely changed, completely changed how I feel about the world, how I view things, simply by my habits that I re enabled during vacation and after the sale of my business. When we originally a
greed on the $110,000,000 exit that we've talked about on the channel, I also got into a state where I didn't have anything to do when I was really just bored, and I would again be drinking, eating bad food, and kind of being a degenerate. And my entire personality during that time shifted from being motivated, let's go crush the world, to slow lethargic. And most importantly, I didn't want to do anything. I didn't want to be motivated. So if you had asked me at that time who I was as a person,
I'm thinking to myself, well, this isn't really my personality anymore. I just don't have the fire. I don't have it inside of me. And that's what I get from people so often. They think their personality is set in stone when it's truly not. I can go from being cringe Lord motivational, get up at 04:00 A.m., rub olive oil on my six pack, and do red light therapy and throwing weights through the ceiling of my gym. I can be that guy. At the same time, my personality can completely shift into a perso
n who feels like a loser, who doesn't want to build businesses, in fact, is disinterested in it and has to force himself in the gym. And so what you need to realize is that your personality can radically shift based on your habits more than you actually understand. And what most people have going on in their life is they've spent so much of their life in a state of brain fog, and to sum it up, without going over my rants body poisoning, that they haven't really ever seen the light. They've never
actually seen their true personality. I would assume, like a lot of people watching this channel, I can tell you this because from probably 18 to 25, I was in the same exact spot. And even still, from 25 to probably 34, I was in and out of this constantly. However, most people have never really met their true self. They've never met what happens and who they are when their body is completely okay, when all the fog, distractions and nonsense is gone. You might be shocked to discover that you're
one ambitious, crazy, cringe lord like myself, because you really need to look at this. People don't really understand what they've done to their bodies their entire lives. And then again, this gets reinforced in your personality times ten. So if you really look at it, let's look at the big four things, really, that get people in trouble. All right? It's going to be drinking. It's going to be sugar. It's going to be video games for a lot of men, and then it's going to be drugs, usually pot, okay
? And so if you look at all these things right here, you have to look at the state of repair they put in your body. All these things do. And not to sound like your elementary school drugs are bad teacher, but you have to understand the damage each of these does individually. So, for example, when you drink, I have an entire hour long video on that. I'm not going to touch on it. It takes about three to four days for your brain to even come back online. I encourage you to measure and do the test I
talked about in the drinking video. It's true, but it really takes you about 1.5 weeks to really be at full power. Okay? Like I said, a drinking video in the past, one time, I went two weeks without drinking. I took a picture of myself and then just a document, and I wanted to see what happens when I get messed up. And then I got drunk, and it took me about two weeks to get back in that state. My face, appearance, brain, everything, it took two weeks to get back there. So if we look at other th
ings like sugar, sugar is going to keep you in a constant state of brain fog, but also an addictive state where you're constantly hungry and craving, okay? And that's extremely distracting. That really messes with your personality. If we go look at video games, what that does is it's going to for example, when you play video games, I'm going to make a video on this, and I have another one on the channel. What happens is you start thinking about the game more than your career, because the video g
ame gives you more dopamine than your career or any business could ever do. Why? Because it's literally an algorithm triggered to give you dopamine to keep you playing, okay? It's built way better at life than giving you dopamine. Dopamine makes you life makes you work for the dopamine. That's the only way you can get it. Video games drip feed it to you in a very specific way to get you hooked and make it better than life. So when you should be thinking about the gym, you should be thinking abou
t work. You should be thinking about growing as a man. You're going to be thinking about games. And this will happen to me, too. If I touch Diablo Four, if I touch World of Warcraft, I touch any of those, I'm not going to think about work. I'm running 100 million dollar plus businesses. I'm not going to be thinking about that. I'm not going to want to do a startup. Heck, I'm like, do we want to go to the gym, or do we want to get that purple item that's going to mess up your brain for weeks. Tha
t that's why I try not to even touch these things. The second I touch it, that little addiction starts coming back. You start negotiating like, okay, this is going to be a permanent hobby. Now, when can we work this in? What can we take out of our life for the video game? It's really bad. And when I talk about the video game itself on my next video, you'll kind of get that. And then drugs, pot, same exact thing. I think these three right here are the worst ones. But marijuana is pretty bad becau
se it just ruins your sleep, messes up your focus, gives you brain fog, and makes you really just an unmotivated person. We could go into all the science behind it. We can make a Hooverman video that's 2 hours long. But that's the gist of it. You know it is. And so why even do it? Plus, it lowers your testosterone, which makes you just a weenie baby. Do you want to be a weenie baby? Do you want to be a guy running around with an inverted dick trying to talk to girls because your testosterone is
out your butt? No. So you do all these things right here. When you look at the impact all these have over time, drinking takes about almost two weeks to come back from sugar. Takes a long time to get of your system for the craving. Stop. Video games will hook you until you beat them. So, like, you can actually have a distraction in your head at all times from a video game for weeks. And then pot and everything like that won't let you go until you stop smoking pot for about two weeks. So all thes
e things are just really messing you up. And so if you look at this band, it takes about two to three weeks to fully be clean of all these things. And if you look at the span of your life, you've probably never been clean. So when people tell me they don't really have it in them, I'm like, let's back up a second. If you take away my sleep, you put the effects of an alcohol hangover, the actual long two week one, not just the initial one. You get me on sugar. You get me playing video games. I don
't have it in me either. I don't have it even close. There's been times when I've been gaming. There's been times when I've been drinking. I'd go out on a Friday night, Saturday night, Wednesday night, and then Saturday night if I'm doing these kind of things right there. I didn't even want to look at my business when I was playing Monster Hunter super hardcore. I would, like, find ways to put my business on the side, put my relationship on the side so I can play F and Monster Hunter. I don't ha
ve it in me either. And so I want to emphasize to you, if you're watching this video and you look at what I'm doing, you look at someone, you admire what they're doing, you think, Well, I wish I had what they have in them. I must stress, you will be wildly surprised how your personality changes and how much stronger of a person you become if you just simply remove these things from your life, you'll be shocked. You'll be into things you didn't think you were into. If you told me a year ago I'd b
e doing jiu jitsu every single day and I'd be in the jujitsu, I would have laughed at you. I'm like, I don't like sports. I'm uncoordinated. If you told me I've been working on another startup, I would have laughed. I'm like, no, I'm just going to travel the world and go F off with my girlfriend. But when you take all these things away, your brain has to find new ways to fuel itself, has to find new hobbies, and you're going to be shocked again by the things you really get into and enjoy. You mi
ght build a business you might really love that, you might get into some physical sport, or you might just start really excelling at the things in your life because you suddenly don't have all these things dragging your brain into Hades and turning you into a pile of crap. If you look around, go to the grocery store, everyone's walking around puffy face, tired, sweaty all the time. It's really bad in America. Nobody's true personality is coming out because it's underneath a mountain of trash and
you got to clear away that trash. So that's the video. I just wanted to nip this one in the butt because I see it all the time on Twitter. Your real personality, unless you are crystal clean like I describe right there, your ambition, your drive, your happiness, your fulfillment. You're getting up in the morning going, wow, it's buried under a bunch of trash. You need to clear the trash, you know?



Thanks for all the kind comments everyone, really enjoying making this type of content for you! Take the day! -Becker


Loving this self improvement version of Becker 💪🏽


What would you do if you were a GAMING YouTuber, I've been thinking of quitting for a while now since it's the only way to quit video games. Would have to figure out another revenue tho.


“Your personality can radically shift based on your habits” beautiful statement that more people need to hear


This is what someone who is actually trying to help looks like.


Dude, this is absolutely where it's at. I quit drinking, pot, sugar, porn, TV, video games and hanging with people that are shit, stream lined my routine and only do what is truly essential like working out, good sleep, diet and reading a few books that actually teach me something. And my entire life has changed, it was hell for a while, but now I have massive inspiration and drive to start a business and escape this poor mentality matrix I have been sleeping in for the last 33 years. Thank you Alex, your a godam BEAST.


i saw this video when u released it, and now i rewatched, i think its the greatest video that most people must see, clear the trash


Love it man! No Drinking No Smoking No Video games Working on cutting out sugar. Overall a successful life is more about what you DON'T do. It's all subtracting the negative habits and adding in those positive healthy ones!


Sleep is the biggest for me. If I haven't been sleeping, I lose all motivation and don't want to do things I LIKE let alone things I DON'T LIKE. Then it becomes cascading system failure as no sleep leads to caffeine, nicotine, sugary sweets, apathy, depression, etc.


I came back from a two month vacation in Asia a month ago, only exploring drinking etc. and I actually came back super motivated from to take on my life and I've been working out 2 times a day and creating videos every day since I came back from it. I love both, and I think you kind of need both, extreme relaxing for a period of time just to enjoy the most of life and then extreme hard work and "suffer" through becoming a better person.


Hey Alex, I have been following you for the past 4 years. Seriously, do not stop unless you feel purely authentic and intrisincly making videos with such content. I have been into self-development, psychology, philosophy, etc. for the past 10 years or so and your simple straight to the point videos are amazing. I do hope you will continue and grow this and you know for a fact that you are helping a lot of young and adult people including myself. Thank you for existing!


Sometimes it takes someone explaining something you already know, but in a certain way you hadn't quite thought of before, to really shift you into gear. This was motivating as hell.


Gold right here. Tested it myself and this stuff works. Change your habits, remove bad ones, add good ones, fix your food, add sports, good sleep at the same time and movement = you would have a perfect version of you with lots of energy and ready to achieve all of your goals.


Whether you hate it or love it this lesson is the truth. When you give yourself these “highs” it makes normal struggle and normal life feel so much worse.


In retrospect I can 100% say that I am slothful, introverted, lazy, unmotivated, and always hungry when Im consuming sugar. And once I go off of it I get back to being an outgoing, motivated, hard working, and dedicated person. Im glad I came across this video as a reminder.


Never getting to meet your true self is a great way to put it. I didn't meet my true self until I was 26 and I was unrecognizable from the person I was even 2-3 years prior. Just start by cutting out the trash and you'll be surprised how much better things will get. Loving this content Alex, stay hard 💪


1 out of 10 of your videos should be motivational like this. We need motivation more than anything right now. I like your straight to the point with no bs approach. Kudos to you.


Every since you started posting this sort of content, you have changed my whole routine and I feel amazing. A daily life vlog would be a great video. Be very interesting to see your day to day life.


Alex, this video will change everything for me. All the time I was thinking that I lost my passion and felt awful because at the time my passion for business, entrepreneurship kept me going through hard times and now I realized it's not that I lost my drive or goals , I just have shitty habits. Going to change this shit. thank you Becker!


Thank you, Alex. You've been the older brother to me that I always needed. I never really had anyone who's older than me and has more life experience to teach me. You're an invaluable resource to my education.