
Your Actions Show The Depth Of Your Words! (TikTok Collective TIMELESS Reading)

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5 hours ago

I feel a person that is trusting  everything is going according to plan that you could be in a little  bit of a roller coaster part and a roller coaster moment with a a person  you deeply care about and spirit wants you to remember misunderstandings  are opportunities to further grow or if you choose a moment of having  to go ahead and relearn a lesson this video has attracted to you you have  already gone ahead and decided to rise above the cycle repeat you would have done in the past  we only
have control over our own reactions to things and even if we do something and we  know hey I could have said that better I could have been more understanding I could have been  more self-reflective but you don't fall into a woe me mindset of it and I wish I would have  done this I wish I would have done that blah blah blah waste your time thinking about things  that have no benefit to you like what you could would have done when you decide okay hey I  did that I made that choice how am I going t
o go forward how am I not about talking what  I'm going to do how do I show what I'm going to do and that doesn't mean to one specific  person that means to yourself and then like a Trinkle effect to others let me tell you a  big thing when you do things for yourself it trinkles for others when you take care of  yourself for when you take care of you for yourself AKA eating food that's healthy that's  going to fill you instead of entertain you when you decide to not neglect your self-love your 
selft talk when you decide to not neglect what needs to be done for you to understand yourself  therefore then other people you are a safe space for and give them nothing but motivation  to choose if they would like to follow your path or deflect and look outwards and look at  things in a pessimistic way nobody is perfect I sense you are in what that roller coaster  moment with somebody the person connected to your reading does not think everything's over  your parasite or I would like to even s
ay your paranoia would like you to think it is  this but you deep down can see you and this person dive into a farther part of the mind  and understandance of like opinions mattering of each other than most people I just received  a download from what I was seeing when I was talking is two people who can take so much  like corrective criticism two people that can really also filter out and remember  who's trying to tell me about my life or if I'm doing something right or wrong when  they can't r
eflect inwards people like that when they would Express things to you of of of  not agreeing with what you believe or see or do Etc it didn't affect you because you're  like I'm looking at the source this is not somebody that's opinion matters to me  in that mindset and that matter you're different you see your opinions and Etc  actually do affect this person just vice versa because you both see each other as  wise and strong independent and real so it does Shake when two people are activating 
each other it feels like a shake it's not just smooth Spirit wants you to remember whatever  you're going through right now is not destruction it is a roller coaster moment what can I F  to get you for that yeah you're good when you two met each other there was so much it  was like fast fast fast movement all these synchronicities all these connections  you felt like you knew each other from the very beginning there was compliments and  gifts and and love being sent left right and center and som
ebody really really got triggered by that like  it was like I feel the switch I feel when that person was like like oh [ __ ] I've never  received all this type of love before I don't even know what to do with it it's is it real if  this person decides to leave me am I going to be able to like recover from this one because  I've never felt this before and it definitely hurt to lose other people that's for damn  sure so how bad will it hurt to hurt this person how bad will it hurt to hurt this  p
erson but be left by them maybe I should just go ahead and cut it off right now before  that happens there was a person that truly did that it was fear-based it was a being afraid of  things happening it was not due to anything you did this person they're going to come back around you'll have your choice at that point  if you'd like to hear their universal truth and and proceed forward or make the decision to to  separate that is yours to make and spirit wants to remind you there's left and righ
t path choice  choice does not mean right and wrong they could both be right I'll never say they're both wrong  because if there's at least one road presented to you though there's a positive cause and  effect from it sometimes it's it's obvious yo that's right that's wrong that's that's  wrong that's right whatever and sometimes it's just I can go do that or I can go and do that either outcome is not going to lead  to my downfall is what I'm trying to State this person's realizing this about  t
heir own personal life I'm telling you during this separation it's hard for  them to not think about you it really is and they don't have low thoughts of  you it all it was all to do with self trust I already sense this person being in a  sense of realization and wanting to fly back home is what I'm hearing and show you the strength  they were able to build during that separation and and and what I sense is somebody giving an  offer and saying hey here's a new beginning but if you don't want to
accept this I [ __ ]  understand but it's here and I sense that you are welcoming this person in with open arms  and that's going to drastically drastically change your I have know how to put it exactly in  words when I say change it's more just a sense of realization and shift of this person and how  they see giving you more effort I sense a person that for so long just was like reaching their  hand out to people that pulled them down the well and you're not that you're somebody they  reached t
heir hand out to you're going to use it for stabilization but you're going to hold  Ste your own body weight and they're used to other people dragging them down almost  to like like they fell in the well and and they got rid of that energy and they  are definitely used to people who are not loyal it's been a while since  they trusted somebody the way they trust you and the way you will  welcome them in with open arms I see somebody going from hey I gotta  I got to like just space this out more t
han they even want to so I don't get  attached whatever to to being somebody who's like hey how are you I'm I'm what  can I do for you I'm here for you making effort for communication for seeing each  other for knowing what's going on in your head not spending any time questioning your  your motives again I sense you already knew this but you didn't want to feel like you didn't want to feel like you  were making this connection up in your head your guides are stating that  it really does seem li
ke I have two people I had two people growing up who in some  sense must have been the little guy or the little the belittled one somebody that was an escapegoat and it's taken so  they really built them both of you have built yourself from  the ground up everything you have Etc I sense two people that truly don't want to  call out and state I don't need your help I want your soul I need you not what you have they're ready in Divine timing to call you to message you I sense you just continue to
remember never  h never be hyper analyzed or focused on did I make the right decision did I do the right  thing blah blah blah and just trust whatever you did was right and even if it put you a few  steps forward a few steps behind spirit always makes sure time will go as it is according  so sometimes when you go too fast they'll give you a few stop lights to slow you down  and sometimes when you gone a little slow they'll make there be no traffic you see it  it levels out everything when you ju
st trust the signs and the guide you're in control of  your environment and they want me to state that even if you two aren't  physically in front of each other signs and telepathic connection  and messages out the Wahoo when it comes to your energies to your emotions  that's one thing about your mood swings of course there's very there there  is times it's such Etc that it's all about self but you can feel when it's like this  really like why am I feeling this exact way I am happy within this m
oment  moment I can acknowledge I'm happy but I still feel this deep longing  or sorrow or something that almost feels like my mind is watching  a movie I feel my mind I feel my subconscious like watching a  movie and being affected by that movie that feeling even when it's double High  vibrations or double happy or just a standard feeling and then that drop or Etc when when  you can feel it's just chemicals and mood swings because of your own life Etc versus this  is something that's that's par
t of me but not me what I see is the two people connected to  this reading combining their light and dark sides and you're allowed to process things as  long as you need as well meaning if this person brings you some form of universal truth or Etc  that makes you feel triggered at first but is actually activation you need time to process it  explain that to them and they will know they can trust you will come back to them because they came  back to you I do sense to people that are healthy both
people have unconditional love for each other  and are the farthest from being a bully you both no matter if you were in each other's lives or  not would love each other and send High vibrations there's nothing to worry about it's all happening  as supposed to be to release what no longer serves and gain the emotions the feelings the people Etc  that are pushing you and propelling you forward that's what I have for you today and something  I like to go ahead and talk about is a spiritual Colorad
o Retreat August 11th through August 16th  I am hosting a spiritual Adventure in the Colorado mountains that is going to be paired with going  to three National Parks biking and so much more spiritual workshops are in place every single  one of the days that will dive into spiritual work involving manifestation techniques reading  tarot divination light work inner child/ inner healing or inner child/ inner teenager healing and  so much more every single person that's coming on the retreat is bei
ng gifted my first prince of  my tarotoracle cards it's going to be a while till they're available for purchase so every  single person that comes on the trip is going to be the first that see them have them in their  position and get to take them home if you have any questions do not hesitate to send me an email  at contact offprint the link to the trip is on all my social media platforms and all over  my website also while you're on the website why don't you go ahead and see my availa
ble services  on the available Services Tab and see if anything calls to you again any message any questions send  me a message at contact offprint if you go to the website you can shoot me a message directly  from there and lastly but not leastly I'd like to promote my twitch Channel over on Twitch at Uncle  bronze official I give away a free tail reading every single stream all you must do to enter  the giveaway is be following me on Twitch and watch that active stream to see the keyword
of the  stream you simply get the keyword by logging into the stream and it's on the top right hand corner  of my screen if you would like to be entered in you go into the chat bubble you type that word in  it automatically adds you to the draw after that at the end of the stream before we log off we go  ahead and see who's picked together I message you if you're not uh in the in the the live stream  anymore and let you know you were picked to get the reading and to send me an email and we go f
rom  there with the scheduling instructions if you are interested go ahead and make sure to follow me on  Twitch at Uncle bronze official during the live streams we play We during the live streams we play  video games we talk we exchange knowledge and so much more it's really cool it's about it's about  collectively being able to not only learn lessons together but relax and find the Simplicity and all  these connections we've been able to beautifully restore as what I like to call it because of
  using social media and online and technology for the right influences your the power of how you  choose to live how you choose to receive to give is a trinkling effect for your own specific  reality to really everything that is around you you have an extreme deep power within  you so remember you were gifted that responsibility for a reason you were  gifted that responsibility because you're somebody that will use it for the right reasons all right that's what I got for y'all  today and I'll s
ee you when I see you let's get [Music] it [Music] [Music]



Uncle you are truly one-of-a-kind, best of the best, stalwart rescuers to reveal the higher realms of truth that sweeps away the cobwebs. Thank you. Bless you.


The way you validate the occurrences in my life and my experiences ,is more than I could express my gratitude for! Such grace! Thank you from my heart and my soul.🙏🏼💜🕊️


Everything you've said is SO accurate! The connection we have is unlike anything I have ever experienced. I'm quite advanced in awakening and he is learning and growing constantly. It's SO beautiful & loving!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts! ❤


This situation is big to me. It was a constant struggle and l am getting slandered by a bunch of couplings. I am tired of being blamed for everything and lied to constantly. I got used big time. This never seems to end, these people are just beating me up all the time. I want this over. I thought my family would never betray me. Then l found out, that l was betrayed by my family members. It gonna take me so long to get back to my normal self.


Thanks for helping me understand! Our relationship has been rock and roll for sure! Exciting times for us both! I had fun!!


Thank you spirit. I'm so full of love and understanding with my person. We talk everyday and I feel so much peace with him


I know he has insecurities because of his past I know the emotions he goes thru because I do go thru them to but I've learned my lessons I will be that step he needs to propel him upward in the right direction and I'll also be the cushion when he falls.


Yes Matt I don't wanna to feel like I'm making this connection up in my head. I do wrote it to him, in one of my attempts to reach him " I just want you and not what you have!" Thank you, I'm always overthinking...Did I devalued myself doing it ? 'Cause I never did it before for anyone else but my person. That feeling of "It's part of me but it's not me" when I'm a mixed of emotions is real. Amazing reading ! Cheers from 🇧🇷 my friend!


Hi UncleBronze. I wait patiently for my true love (soulmate) to come in Devine timing. I love him unconditionally. I’m grateful and I trust the Devine and the universe for what they are planning for my life. God bless you for your gifts and how you share them.👍🏼👏🏼❤️🤙🏼🙏


seeing the pattern, cycles in life, over & over, break the cycle, doing a breakthrough higher goals


Thank you Matthew. Much love and Blessings 🌹 ❤


You are amazing. Thank you for being you. Your vibe is 💯


I trust the universe. I love this person and welcome him . He is my best friend and twin flame.❤❤❤❤❤


Thank you ❤... This message is 💯....


Amen, so it be


We cannot disconnect from each other; we're connected electrically.❤❤


Fast. Fast. Fast. Shook me to the core. He left suddenly. Me? Shaken but not destroyed. Returned to Source. I'm good. We're good.


❤And so it is said❤Trust & wait❤


Thank you Uncle Bronze for this beautiful message it resonates with me completely! 💯❤️


Thank you for your time and effort. Bless you and your lovely family AMIN. NAMASTE