

ANGRILLY MAYS HERE, BACK AGAIN FROM THE GREAT BEYOND! My first Billy Mays video in what... over 5 years now? Alternate titles: [YTP] Billy Mays enjoys mouthwatering bodily functions [YTP] Billy Mays wants to dismember your entire family [YTP] Billy Mays discovers an aMAYSing world of questionable liquids ------------------------------------------------- - SuppuS me on Patreon: - Buy me a CoffoC: - FolloF me on TwiXer: - I don't stream on Twitch much these days, but in case I do:


6 days ago

just believe me just watch the entire thing and you'll be in no time hi Billy ma here with what the hell is this what the kind of sh do here anyway you dry your clothes and they're wet you dry them again and finally they're dry so maybe you did not dry your clothes enough the first time use absolutely more I have to hold your hands through everything maybe you're actually a little kid who doesn't know anything about real life or maybe you're just [ __ ] or something that's right Billy ma the poo
r big just get over it who cares I'm flipping up everyone including your entire family because why them help not I have nothing to lose because I've been 6t under the ground for over 14 goddamn years but you know what at least I don't have to watch the world go to help in 2024 tired of getting out of bed every morning just well let me show you how to take care of that introducing the switch and you're gone instantly but if you're still alive I'll put my hands around your throat and when you can'
t anymore that means you are absolutely screwed and when the cops are coming for me I'm going to shoot everyone who gets in my way and leave the path of head bodies behind you'll have to them all for the ground with a big giant are you on your feet all day not anymore I'm going to run over your feet with this tractor trailer because that'll be really fun for me watch has this ever happened to you uh-oh head on young lady thank you very much has this ever happened to you you're on a drug trip on
the road far from home and when you need to your giant smell you just never so maybe I'll do it for you with this paint roller so you don't have to just bend over bend over bend over right now and watch all your residue get stuck to the roller or you can do it the easy way and just whyp your with an ordinary screwdriver it's that easy one screwdriver does it all [ __ ] you just take it up the oldfashioned res door into the tightest areas without stopping or maybe you could use this or you could
take it dump in your paint tray so you could paint an entire room with your PO guaranteed and keep on painting and keep on painting and keep on fing painting I can transform my bathroom into a disaster room in no time everyone who uses my bathroom has from The Unbelievable smell wow your pal hand dog is so C but what do you do when your cute little dog sits in the washer uhoh not so cute anymore so just get rid of your damn dog and get a cat oh wait this is not a cat just get a real cat and you
could get cat you're in all over your dog instantly that's poggers because you get all kind of stains you get six different ones yours free wow whatever get rid of your Smelly Cat and get on real life yeah it's all right here it's your fingertips if you've ever busted at work just remember nothing absorbs your JY Miss quite like your boss carpet it's the best fast it's the fast and easy way to have no more job instantly like magic your Firs stop stop stop stop it's time to stop coming on your da
mn clothes because that's so Pros man wow here's the best part no more sex with that stubborn jar it's an accident waiting to happen one man one jar actually no more sex with anyone never again for life but I you were already doing that maybe you have a golden shower in your bathroom wow and watch this I'm going to take one million oh [ __ ] Billy ma giant 47 inck is stuck in the fence again maybe it's an accident or maybe it's not but don't you judge me [ __ ] Brick by Brick so my neck no matte
r how th no matter how thick hi Billy ma here for ordinary wiper blades they just don't work now you could drive around with a big mess on your windshield all day you'll be saying this life is so depressing whether you're in the garage or under the hood here in my garage just bought this you can do it all over again over 27 million times over again whether you're in the hood you're under the garage you'll have in the garage what a disaster by the way if you're able to help CS pay his monthly bil
l that would be awesome because the cost just about everything have gone up dramatically and now CS can't afford anything not even paper towels to jack off in two I just can't afford it I need help maybe CS should go back to regular [ __ ] job like a regular [ __ ] person here's the thing not every is guaranteed to be as amazing as this one because CS is trying to stay on good turns with the YouTube policy is and sometimes there's just no inspiration but CS will always try to make something wort
h your money maybe he'll finally make more music and it's but there's no guarantee so don't P your breath my ship s in the morning watch for dinner on apply directly to Theon apply directly to the one no more squishy pain is pain is pain is and you get stiff call a lot harder and longer take a look at this dick just turn the quick flow valve and instantly more liquid is released that means you drip and splatter in the palm of your hand the power of compound you can control any anywhere you can c
ontrol underwear anywhere better I love beautiful food



Sentence mixing him to basically talk about his own death is fucking wild dude. Such a dark joke lmao


With AI voicing now, sentence mixing is kinda a specialized craft. You can get Billy Mays to say whatever now, but working with the limits of someone's real recordings helps for story building... In youtube poops... Pingas. Keep the art alive.


Man came back from the dead just to roast us


Ah, the sweet sultry sounds of BILLY MAYS SHOUTING really takes me back.


"I don't have to watch the world go to hell in 2024" Billy was the lucky one.


I'm already dead with the SENTENCE MIXING 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wiping your ass with a screw driver sounds like a terrible idea.


Billy Mays the YTP GOAT




“That’s poggers” - Billy Mays, 2024


Billy isn't fucking around with this one, great as always


Sentence mixing is phenomenal as always, but this specific case is especially overkill. In the most awesome way possible! I'll even say this paragraph mixing is 100% UNSATISFYING to listen to!


I couldn't stop laughing at this video. Billy knows he won't face consequences since he's dead so he just went fully crazy. Also I loved the "floor desantis" & "here in my garage" callback jokes. They really enhanced the video.


I like how you sentenced mixed and still kept the video track above instead of separating like in the old Billy Mays YTP days.


It's unusual for a YTP to have a consistent tone or theme like this and I'm loving it. Off-the-rails Billy Mays is weirdly cathartic.


The billy poops are returning! THE WORLD IS HEALING!


Video: Has a word with (ja) pronunciation in it CS188: Now this looks like a JoJ for me...


I legit saw the mighty mend-it Billy Mays ad on TV just a few days ago, exact same ad from 08-09 it was surreal. First time seeing him on TV in over a decade. I miss Billy Mays, gone but never forgotten 🙏🌹


Is it weird that I sometimes forget Billy Mays is dead?


1:36 “If this was your child, then you’ve gotta scrape them off my driveway right now”.