
Zoonomaly : horror puzzle gameplay walkthrough

This time, i played [Zoonomaly], a horror puzzle game. In [Zoonomaly], monsters from another dimension have taken over the zoo. To turn off the device causing the problem, you must obtain a master key. The master key is divided into 20 pieces and hidden throughout the zoo. The protagonist jumps into the zoo to solve this problem. Personally, I played [Zoonomaly] for about 10 hours and saw the ending twice, but I think it is a pretty well-made game. The bizarre-looking monster was creepy at first, but it had a charm that eventually made me think of it as cute without even realizing it. Before I knew it, I was immersed in the fun of solving various and unique puzzles one by one. The recharge time of the gun used in this game is rather long, so the game lags a bit, and there is a bug where you die infinitely when you are accidentally caught by a monster. Still, I personally recommend [Zoonomaly] to those who like puzzles to play it. [Zoonomaly], a horror puzzle game, can be played on Steam below. steam - dev channel - #horrorgaming #zoonomaly


12 hours ago

This game is zoonomaly. Find a light bulb for your Bloom o'Bang. Use your Bloom o'Bang to destroy the barricade. use your bloom spectrum screen to find which lever opens the gate.. now enter the zoo and find the shards! It is easier to proceed by moving the monster to the left passage. locked.. find the key nearby.. and we are here.. Just follow the pipe and you will find a key. Key is here. Thank you. Goodbye, cute friend. Our next destination is this building. I like this place the best. and w
e are here. Hello, big cute friend. We teleport here. It was fun, buddy. Thanks for watching.



Still, I personally recommend [Zoonomaly] to those who like puzzles to play it. Sorry for the delay in the video. steam - dev channel -


I find it quite sad when you play psychological/misc horror games or games like these (that aren't similar to Banban or Poppy) it gets a small amount of views.


jubok abrita te paso el enlase de mi juego es de terror


The enemmy scared me....




Hey you should make a second channel you react to things


i cant plaly the game since it is not free and iam broke on my steam wallet :(


jubok aki esta el enlase de mi cnal a my juego creo que mañnana te dare el enlase por que ademas tengo que ir abisitar amy ermano que esta enfermo sypuedo pasarte lo aoy serya mehor