
ZORO VS HODY - OP Episode 535 and 536 - Rich Reaction

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AJ Rich

1 year ago

welcome back Rich Nation my name is AJ  and today we're going to be continuing One Piece episodes 535 and 536. if you're  new to the channel make sure you subscribe smash that like button hit that notification  Bell you can also check out these episodes early and uncut over on ha  rich123 and let's go ahead and start that shark really is gonna explode or  something get out of the shark foreign huh she sounded like she didn't  know what a friend was but I guess being locked up for 10
years could do that wouldn't that suck if you're like  your phone or something could get sick and you can't use your phone anymore or you  like her oh no I mean I guess I guess some things could be sick because they have  viruses but like literally sick gotta go get my phone some uh you know some type of  a way to some meds I get that cold medicine we're seeing the opposite side like  the way they're treating humans is the way the humans treat the  fishmen Polar Opposites and also the reason why
they treat them  like that in the first place foreign I don't think that guy's been sober in years we still have some uh straw  hats kind of by themselves I think everybody at this point is just  used to having people trying to capture them and yeah that's what happens  when you try to capture Robin she's just trying to take  public transportation come on everybody wants to ride the bus I mean ask Luffy that you it never  stops it should be normal by now laughs might as well be like  everybody
else and scream thank you shark is barely hanging on her dear life add one you're gonna get thrown  off yep that was more like a sneeze that works for some people but  definitely not in cases like this I mean he did but um I mean Luffy wood oh so they can get in they did their  job all of that was for that foreign foreign says dan Tom's younger brother for some reason  like the way they were not showing his face and being like the music the way the music was  playing and the way it was showing I
thought he was gonna like try to steal the ship for a second  did anybody else get that feeling for like half a second there I I don't know why it was just  like the way it was presented I was like oh is he gonna actually like he was just waiting to  get shown to the ship and then like take the ship or sell it or something it was the way he was  talking I was about to say I was like oh this seems off but now now it seems otherwise so they  don't have to look you know anywhere near the same usin
g him wow it's honey and that's better ah so they're right and Luffy it's just funny because  Luffy doesn't even know jimbei is going to be there and he's just gonna  accidentally well not accidentally but they're going on a walk to go to the  same spot he has to meet him at anyway oh boy they got there super happy is definitely the biggest threat creepy that's exactly what you want to hear I like how he's going into the like into the  place and she's not even here all that effort s foreign fore
ign and it'll bring you in the direction  of where she's at yep you mean just you They're laughing about farts  while they're getting tracked yeah and that's what they call love right what  no matter what you know if you're gonna be with somebody else then I'd rather you be dead  yeah that's that's uh that's his version of love I mean you didn't think about all the  things you were throwing the entire time uh that probably she could have died from I mean  in a normal situation all the stuff you
would throw by the time you got there that normal  person would be dead you'd just be like oh where where's my love where's the princess  oh yeah I threw like 50 axes and like things over the last 10 years and you killed her like  nine years ago that would be the normal result yeah you see only food see what you like foreign yes funny faces you say laughing but I swear to  God it just seems like he's choking and dying okay what was it I mean that's how  much he prioritizes his daughter oh yeah t
hat could uh make her angry pretty quickly and now you have your pills and that's what made them the way they are  now is Pirates doing whatever they want are all humans in particular ly yeah years of that eventually it  shapes people for better for worse that's probably why our long became the way he was  too we might have admired the wrong person though I don't know I was gonna say uh you weren't there I don't understand so you're gonna destroy the palace Jesus that's him without the steroids
well you would think they would  want to give themselves an advantage certain move you must have like learned that from him I don't know well you would you would think so if he wasn't stronger than our long then  this wouldn't be a threat whatsoever so oh yeah he's gonna use his people I  mean that's definitely that fits into who he is uses own crew members  or whatever as Shields which is the opposite of what Neptune was doing  using his own body to protect his people not even a foot in there w
hat  did she ask her though oh maybe to get somewhere I really like usop's new attacks compared to what  he used to have pretty big difference more dumb ways so zoro's gonna have to 1v1 him what is she took the bus and got there I don't think she really cares looks  like they're playing in the water oh I mean anybody is gonna have a disadvantage  in the water compared to the fish men foreign I mean he took a lot of arrows oh yeah that douchebag is still  in the background somewhere why did you s
ay it like that then hahaha you're you're gonna dig yourself a hole there you know what's really sad think about like  Chopper having things thrown at him or names being called because he wasn't human and then they're  throwing things and uh like things because they you know hit him and being associated with humans  so either side he's getting things thrown at him foreign ER nope he's gonna throw up foreign and uh she might be in there hold it in oh no hold it in yeah that was inevitable where's
Sanji I don't think  sanji's gonna be able to take this oh no no don't pay attention seriously is anybody else worried for Sanji but at the  same time I really want him to turn around because that's like all he wanted it's like his  dreams coming true but at the same time that could literally kill him so I it's just so funny that  like Chopper is just having to be his doctor like like literally his life is on the line  because of his blood loss because of his sickness because of his lust it's j
ust I don't  know that that's just this entire Arc that being like the deciding factor of how they even get  like in the trouble in the beginning is just hilarious all of it's like all in itself  but um Zorro having but also going back to um the fights like at the palace like Zorro having  the 1v1 that kind of makes sense he's probably the only one like out of them that were still there  that could have like a proper fight in the water I guess uh compared I mean obviously Brooke couldn't  do it
um and then I don't know where Nami is going like I I wonder what her idea is like they're  they're going somewhere in there maybe there's maybe she's trying to find some type of advantage  or something I don't I don't know I was like I was thinking about that I can't really think of  um like obviously maybe uh maybe there'd be like I don't know a book you can read or maybe  maybe a weakness can you find out what's the weakness to roids like not being able to have  like to get more roids like I
don't know uh anyway thank you for watching if you're new to  the channel make sure you subscribe smash that like button hit that notification Bell you can  also check out this uh these episodes early and uncut over on ajrich123 thank you for  watching and I will see you guys next time bye living in disguise



"VS" is a big word here lol, Zoro was so clear of that bum 🔥🔥🔥


I love your opinion here : Chopper got thrown before because he is not human, and gets thrown now because he is (with) human.


The anime added a lot of filler here. In the manga, he pretty much one-panelled him.


Seeing the Arlong tattoo must be a nasty blast from the past for Nami.


Fun Blowfish Facts "Turn around..." - Bonnie Tyler This episode features the best kind of content: mermaid reverse vore. Anyway, we see one of Usopp's new ammo plants, the Rafflesia. This is a completely real plant, the genus Rafflesiaceae, and odds are, the specific type of rafflesia is R. arnoldii. Rafflesias don't have any roots or stems or leaves, which may leave you wondering, wait, so how does it survive? Well, it has something similar to roots called a haustorium, which grows inside of other plants' vines and parasitically sucks nutrients out. The largest flower ever discovered was a rafflesia, being 111 centimeters in diameter (3146 point font) and weighing as much as 11 kilograms (about 1/2557 the weight of the copper in the Statue of Liberty). The trait we see Usopp use is the rafflesia's most well-known characteristic; the fact that it smells freaking awful. A lot of fruits and flowers smell good, to entice animals to eat them so their seeds can be pooped out far away and thus spread out, but a rafflesia's scent is meant to smell good to flies. You know, the things that swarm around decaying meat. And if you've never seen a rafflesia before but it still looks familiar to you, you're probably thinking of the Pokémon Gloom and Vileplume. This episode is particularly bad when it comes to padding. The whole Fishman Island arc is much slower than is typical for the series because the anime was almost caught up with the manga at this point (for numbers, this episode came out in February 2012 and was based on a chapter from March 2011), so they added a lot of extra scenes to fill time. Many are inconsequential, like seeing Franky and Den's taxi ride or Robin's brief arrival at the Sunny. But this episode has a couple added scenes that snarl the story somewhat. First, Zoro's fight against Hody Jones is much longer in the anime than it was in the manga. In the manga, Zoro made one slash underwater and it was over, emphasizing just how powerful he's gotten; the more involved fight we see in the anime kinda makes Jones without his steroids seem stronger than he's supposed to. More importantly, the backstory scene of Dosun being attacked by human pirates, Jones trying and falling to save him, and Arlong coming to the rescue is entirely anime-only, with no equivalent scene in the manga. I'll explain much later why this is an issue, so please try to remember it. Perhaps the defining scene of this episode is Jones using his own subordinates as human sh- I mean, fishman shields. It's noteworthy because, as I pointed out a long, long time ago, Arlong was the first antagonist of the series who actually was a good captain to his subordinates. Like, as awful as he was to Nami and the other humans, he cared about Choo, Kuroobi, and Hatchan, he got angry at Zoro and Luffy for hurting them. Arlong's one redeeming quality was that he was just as attached to his crew as Luffy is to his. That gives us a very clear message: Jones does not have Arlong's sense of honor, and for all his self-righteousness about humans being bad because of how they treat fishmen, Hody doesn't actually care about fishmen either. Lately, YouTuber Th3Birdman has had me thinking about coincidences in storytelling, and why they're sometimes a problem and sometimes not. This episode gives two great examples of coincidences being well-written in a way that doesn't detract from the story. First, the fact that even though Luffy didn't get Jimbei's message, he still just happened to be going to Coral Hill for completely unrelated reasons. While that is a bizarrely improbable coincidence, we still know that the normal, non-coincidental version of the story is just... Luffy gets the message and goes to Coral Hill to meet with Jimbei. The only real change that arises from Shirahoshi's involvement is that the same event happens in an unexpected and more interesting way. Second, the even more bizarrely unlikely occurrence that Neptune was able to guess the means by which his daughter was spirited out of the palace. That one works because, as nobody believes him, it doesn't have any impact on the plot and is just hilarious. I'm still working out my thoughts on coincidences in storytelling in general, but this was a couple cents on this episode. What havoc is Decken about to wreak to find Shirahoshi? What are Nami and Robin up to? Is Sanji about to forfeit his life by turning around? Until next time, Rich Nation.


I can't wait for the flashbacks of this arc.


Man, i love your reactions… especially one piece.. the post time skip is going to be wild, I hope you enjoy it.


Sanji facing death for one glance at the mermaid princess is peak One Piece goofiness. I love it.


It’s funny how one little scene can undercut the intended message of an arc. That whole part with Hordy’s flashback about humans was filler it’s very very non-canon. Not going to spoil anything but it gets contradicted later.


That big stinky flower is a real flower, bro🤣😂👌👍


Why your reactions are so perfect? Is like, you are really enjoying the series content.


They are pirates bro, they do not care if they get a bad reputation👍


At the very least, Hordy's forces did succeed in bringing Hordy in You should feel bad, poor Megalo has to hold a whole Princess in his insides, and he couldn't contain her forever, unfortunately though he had to spit out Shirahoshi right in front of a crowd of Fishmen accusing the Straw Hats of kidnapping mermaids...In addition, Decken is in pursuit, going Mercenary Tao on a coral branch. Robin meanwhile is off Poneglyph hunting, meeting with Franky in the Sea Forest also, where Jinbe waits and the Sunny has been found. Hordy though has come into fortune with the Straw Hats doing the heavy lifting, but he still sees them as lesser - thanks to an upbringing of humans trying to kidnap Fishmen and Merfolk to sell often being thwarted by Arlong, who also grew up in the Fishman District - and plans to get the environment advantage by flooding the palace in water. In battle Hordy does imitate moves Arlong used, but there is a key factor that differs the two: when Zoro fires a slice his way, Hordy is happy to put his own Fishman kin in the way of the strike, at the very least Arlong would never do such a thing to his 'brothers'.


The simp is strong with Sanji, to the bitter end...


Wasn't it Hody?


Vander Dekken flying using the coral could be a Dragon Ball reference (flying nimbus)🤔👌


did u stop reaction to tokyo revengers?


Hordy has got to be one of my least favorite villains in the series.