
Crazy Jeff | June 07 2023

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Gerstmann Unarchived

8 months ago

oh you want it through the AI thing you want through the you want to throw the voice yeah I can do that that's not that's actually uh well this won't be the first time someone's done that I think someone's done that [Music] [Music] [Laughter] where is this file hidden somewhere on my desktop in this folder uh soundboard no it's not there all right where is [Music] where is Crazy Frog two dot wave that's actually the the problem we need to solve there it is found it foreign we will go to this dir
ectory we will type in this we will do this we will okay that all looks good now we will push this button and wait momentarily wait wait London Baba Baba okay now that's done I guess now we should uh we should really take it all the way um and I should go here and replace this with this Lily [Music] la la la la la la la [Music] [Laughter] la la la la la [Music] right now [Music] okay this works [Music] this works about as well as you would like I think I don't know [Music] oh bubbles that's a go
od one foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] laughs [Music] yeah okay that's pretty good that's pretty good [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] yeah that's pretty good huh well that's fun I don't know I hope everybody's having a good Wednesday hi everybody hello what's going on uh no no no oven pizza now you're living I don't have any way to easy way to push that button well we're here on a Wednesday we're kind of
on the precipice here I guess um you know tomorrow uh at noon is when Jeff keeley's show is going to kick off and we will see some stuff for the very first time and that'll be good um I am wrapping up my last few appointment bookings and getting stuff ready to go check out some games uh after that happens not immediately after that happens but you know in the in the days ahead I will go and see some video games um and in some cases uh you know record some footage of the games in some cases reco
rd some interviews of the games and I don't know when that stuff's gonna go up because I'll be there I might bring my laptop if I can get my laptop to work uh I haven't turned it on in a while so it's like every time I turn it on it just seems slower and slower and the battery life is more and more dismal on that thing after sitting in a after sitting in a closet for years um but uh I may bring that and try to produce something there in the field otherwise like I'll probably get back pretty late
at night and then try to turn some of that stuff around um if I can otherwise some of the video stuff depending on how it goes you know um some of the video stuff we'll probably look at uh you know Sunday or Monday or Tuesday something like that so we'll uh I don't know we'll we'll figure out I've got the schedule for when I'm gonna go see stuff how I'm going to produce that stuff into stuff that you will see is uh we have to we have to figure that part out um but yeah no there'll be some inter
views and and some other things along uh along those lines so yeah pretty uh pretty excited about it um yeah no it's pretty pretty excited about about getting out and seeing some seeing some games seeing some folks uh probably some people haven't seen in a while I assume uh we'll be there in some capacity gosh um Patrick klepick is coming out for I trying to remember the last time I saw Patrick in person it would have to be a well either E3 or a Pax or something you know one of the one of the tw
o from probably 2019 I guess if I had to guess hopefully I'll bump into him there and uh see what's going on um among others and yeah I don't know the uh yeah it's uh it's uh you know like a little hectic uh getting things scheduled because I'm kind of down to the wire there's a few things there was one thing that a company was like hey uh we want to show you a thing but it's like not near where the thing the event is I'm like okay well then I have to factor in travel time and and whatever else
you know like that then you know the all that stuff so I have to kind of circle back around with some of those companies and be like did you figure out where you're going to be and and now do you have any slots left open because I know this thing's happening in like two days so there may be some folks that are booked up but whatever I have appointments to see the stuff that I am most interested in seeing and you know the the rest of it will figure it out we won't that's just how it's got to be b
aby um I thought it might be fun to play some video games uh boy was I wrong man those things gosh no I I don't know um you know we were talking about slayer's X on the podcast yesterday and um I thought I would take a little bit of a look at that and then I have not played The System Shock remake yet and I thought maybe I would try that out but I don't know if the I don't know if the the intro to that is super slow that maybe that would be a like a boring thing to do but but I thought I might g
et into that and I know or or I don't know it's always this Street Fighter thing I always play a little bit more of this Street Fighter thing but uh but yeah probably dip into that stuff a little you know why don't we uh let me crack this open and uh why don't we crack this why don't we crack this open and crack this stream wide open baby um it's another flavor of the pursuit energy I need to get some more drinks it turns out like we got a lot that showed up but I'm you know and it's it's it's v
ariant flavors of some of this other stuff so I guess uh I need to hit the store pretty soon sooner than I thought I would um this is grape zero or does it say Battlefield what Battlefield or Back Country if you're Wherever You Are uh regardless of if whether you're in the battlefield or in the back country you could drink one of these that's uh I don't know what the supply lines are like getting cans of pursuit energy out to the battlefield but um but hey who knows let's see what this thing's a
ll about can is opening weird there we go smells like grape soda if you remember correctly the last one of these Pursuits we tried was orange and it just tasted like orange soda it was like oh fine this is okay but like as an energy drink and I can tell you you know I did not stream the entire six hours afterwards to tell you what the aftermath was um the it was it barely qualified it as an energy drink I would say it just feels like a diet it tasted like a diet orange soda and hit you like a di
et orange soda it was not like oh also this is an energy you know so I'm I'm not expecting greatness out of pursuit energy uh I'm but you know but flavor they they did better on that than a lot of these other drinks but yep it just tastes like a grape soda that's good I hate we're in luck because I love grape soda you could like uh you drop a four in this you know speedball it um um oh thick um but as far as like an energy drink goes like it's you know the contents of it are like this drink feel
s like a scam this is like a in in multiple ways this feels like it is some kind of grift and um you know the oh gosh they don't even say do they even say there we go 160 milligrams of caffeine I don't think there's anything really else in this I think it's just like a high caffeine grape soda um and that's cool but it's not a good I I don't know I I think that uh I don't know what kind of [ __ ] weird substances are going into all this [ __ ] pre-workout and insane other energy drinks that are
on the market these days but those hit you this is like this is uh by comparison it feels like it barely qualifies as an energy drink I guess I would say that's my that's my take on it it doesn't have any um insane branded uh chemical compounds listed on the can Scott beta maxitine El fuckatore is in here um so I you know this uh if you just wanna you know and that's what jolt was the original energy drink was you know it was just here's a can of soda but it has twice as much caffeine and um and
that was enough back then when I was uh well gosh when I was 13 I don't know it's well you know when I was a child when I was a literal child your your drinks with more caffeine in it maybe made sense but uh nowadays um no thank you uh jolt was great and then you know sometime in the late 90s [ __ ] got real way too real extremely way too real as I say aloud that I was drinking uh high caffeine soda at age 12 or 13. I now think about my role as a parent and I think about um a lot of like when w
ould I allow my uh my children's to engage in these drinks when would I when would I and I you know one of the things I I uh I used to be very much like you know because you would see you'd see kids eating like Twinkies or something like like baby you know babies and strollers and stuff and you'd be like those parents are what are they doing oh my god um but I will say now I you know when you're in it when you're in it and you have kids that don't eat that will like fight you tooth and nail for
[ __ ] food and they will throw macaroni and cheese all over the goddamn [ __ ] floor and they like oh this little apple slices that's cool I'm flinging these everywhere and you're like ah I just need this child to eat I'm tired of looking at his rib cage um I think you you see you start to see a pathway where you're like I just need to get calories in this child's um and um and so uh on that front if I see you know I see something like that I got well hey that's not that's not ideal but uh some
times you got real life happening and you're like okay I just we have to figure we have to figure this out uh you have to eat something that has some kind of protein but really just we need to get calories in these children um and the nutrition thing we can we can figure it out later but that said um I did see a kid who was in a stroller the kid was old enough to walk him you know it was like four you know probably four or five something like that but um with a Mountain Dew and that to me seems
absolutely grotesque as a parent and I just look at that and go like absolutely never not in a [ __ ] million years like no no absolutely not like that's uh ah um so you know I think that's the but yes that is the question like at what age is an energy drink okay I'm gonna say late teens I'm gonna say 16 maybe that's off the top of my head if I saw a kid drinking an energy drink I'd be like ah you know but like I so I I have a weird um I think kids drinking coffee should be against the law you k
now not against the law but like um something about like people like kids under the age of 18 drinking coffee seems like a crime to me somehow and I can't really put my finger on why I think it's because like I just you know you think of coffee you think about a guy you know it's not this anymore coffee is obviously like they [ __ ] mix it with a you know they're practically milkshakes um but um you know you think about like I'm gonna have a coffee smoke a cigarette and then get to work I'm a co
p I'm a beat copper you know what whatever [ __ ] insane thing I've concocted in my head as to why coffee is for straight up adults uh and and like grizzled adults I don't think people in their 20s should be drinking coffee um I don't know but uh yeah I don't know friend Leaf grape flavored sodas this is why they banned flavored Vapes isn't it is because like you go it's grape kids can drink this it's just grape I don't know I don't know but like my daughter you know she'll see me drinking a die
t Pepsi around the house sometimes and she's like are you drinking a diet Pepsi yes I am she has no interest in trying it or anything like that and I go good because like that doesn't you know it's you don't need caffeine you're already already bouncing off the walls none of these kids nap and they're they have energy an almost criminal amount of it they got like we could go rob some [ __ ] banks with these kids you know they're they're alert all the time um and that's my short way of saying tha
t my my son woke up in the in the night again last night and we hung out for an hour and I gave him a little uh fruit pouch and a little something to you know kind of have that and uh and hang out and uh and then he went back to bed and went back to bed just nicely and it was fine and so we just had a little little nighttime Rendezvous a little late night hangout sesh with me and the boy just hanging out in here Little Blues Clues on the TV uh oh I played Diablo and occasionally turned around lo
oking like you're good okay great I've got a lot of demon rats to kill um which version of Blue's Clues uh the current one Blues Clues and you if you if you want to know Hyatt was not familiar with Blue's Clues at all before having kids and um so I don't have any like Nostalgia for the show and so I win it so I've seen all of it I've seen the Steve episodes and Joe who took over for Steve and I have seen Josh the current host and they are all fine they are all basically identical I don't especia
lly like the way Josh dances with his guitar but the shows are all totally fine uh in the current show Blue is now like a polygonal object uh is blue you think people always recommend Bluey we tried Bluey again over the weekend um with my daughter because we tried My Little Pony and she doesn't like you know occasionally in My Little Pony they fight dragons and stuff and and she doesn't like that uh that's a little too much for her uh right now so we put on Bluey and after about 15 minutes of Bl
uey everyone was like turn this [ __ ] off like she was not interested in it at all [Music] um and just yeah just just no zero interest in Bluey Daniel Tiger we have banned from the household because uh it was teaching my daughter she was learning the wrong lessons from it Daniel Tiger sometimes often gets frustrated and it is a means to uh for him to like learn and move forward but she would just stop at the get frustrated part so it's a lot of old Mr Rogers episodes around here um a fair amoun
t of Blues Clues and uh we have you we've fallen out of love with Peppa Pig it would seem I don't know it used to be a ton of Peppa Pig around here um my son now uh will uh CR you know when it's just me and him and I'll put on a little TV like I said you know when he wakes up in the night sometimes I'll turn on the TV for a little while anything other than Blue's Clues he does not like anymore he only wants Blues Clues it's weird um sometimes I would give him the TV remote and he would fumble hi
s way into those like it it has a bunch of streaming channels built in and so like if you flip around on it it's like all right this is just a channel that's just showing like old TNA wrestling all the time or you know like here's women's surfing and and and I came I I ran out to the bathroom and came back in and see he had somehow turned on some kind of oval track dirt track racing some kind of Open Wheel knobby Tire off-road like some kind of [ __ ] racing and he was watching that and for a wh
ile I was like yeah I'll just yeah we'll put on Races these cars will just drive in a circle for hours and he'll he'll zone out and that'll be [ __ ] awesome and I can go over here and go to sleep um and uh but no that he kind of he kind of got off uh got off that track pretty quickly so um yeah I don't know why don't we check out a little slayer's X here oh we gotta put this drink on the list we got to put this drink on the list thanks everybody for your Twitch uh subscriptions here uh shove ag
ainst no clip those Hooligans react uh lasandas ravali ravalyasa rebellious um for the ola for the old twitch Subs twitch huh a lot of people were asking this in the during the podcast yesterday and you know I hadn't really had time to read any of it but I guess they're trying to make changes around um advertising stuff on Twitch and uh in terms of like what you can and can't do around um and and yeah they kind of said like oh we've we boned it up again weird it's like the guys in suits Force us
to do this thing and we tell them that it's not going to go well and there's a better way to do it and they say shut up and do it and then we do it and then they go oh no I don't know that that's how this went I don't I don't really regularly talk to anyone who works at twitch these days but uh yeah no but yeah they're just they're going to clarify their language which to me sounds like they're not actually going to change anything they're just going to say like no yeah we we uh we are tired of
you uh using our platform to make your own ad money which I yeah I bet I bet they are um but also I don't know that that's a good way forward for a lot of people who stream on Twitch um who make the majority of their money from that type of um from that type of stuff I guess so let's see what do we got Pursuit energy grape uh you know like it it tastes fine but again it's not really it's not really an energy drink um this is where the orange one ended up and I'm gonna actually say this is where
I feel like you know we're gonna end up kind of in a similar spot here but also uh yeah I would probably rather drink a bang delish strawberry kiss so I'm gonna say we're gonna we're gonna put this right there I'll paste the updated list in so you can see it um the new number 86 Pursuit Energy Grade zero again like you know you know they taste fine but that's because they're just they're not Energy Drinks like these almost don't belong on the list but they are marketing it as an energy drink an
d it's it's like I said it's a borderline scam they do say that there's taurine in here which was the you know one of the Red Bull ingredients and there's a few other things in here that you look at and go like oh okay that's kind of energy drink type stuff but this just doesn't hit very hard and uh for a drink that they're trying to say like this is for combat soldiers and we're donating part of our this to that and you know like it's um it's [ __ ] weak what's last on the list you ask the Cond
i booster Twisted cherry so I'm sorry Twisted strawberry uh these facts of candy drinks are um just miserable just miserable beverages someone knocking on my front door right now we're gonna be quiet here for a sec take a look and see how it is the it's the the man here to spray for bugs it's the bug spray man um these I guess what were these these were Danish drinks these facts of faxy candy I really should learn how those that's pronounced one of these days um Stanley the bug man he's here Don
key Kong three is back um these are abysmal beverages these are uh this is some of the worst thing this is the the uh I think these drinks here these facts of candy drinks are the worst thing I've ever had in my mouth ever um truly abysmal uh just just the like astoundingly bad um okay why don't we play a little slayer's X and I'll show you what I'm talking about I guess with slayer's X we talked about it on the uh on the podcast a little bit yesterday [Laughter] am I uh am I coming here I am he
llo and it was awesome but then it got lost or was it [Music] I am the ex-layer so this is a you know it's a fake old video game um it is in inside of the hypnospace outlaw Universe you meet a character named Zane who is you know like edgy [ __ ] kid and the idea here is that this you know edgy kid has somehow found and you know put his game out in some capacity I guess or you know you find it or whatever um and so it's meant to be kind of this Mega edgy 90s it's you know thing um [Music] [Music
] and so you're supposed to kind of view it through this lens of like this dorky edgy kid made this super edgy thing [Music] [Music] whoa Zane if you keep doing moves like that I might let you go out with me not yet what Shannon I am supposed to be up for my job at slappos tonight I will come into work now bye I should quit they don't pay me enough for this crap ouch fun flipping Burger Stephanie breaking news the psycho Syndicate are blowing up bombs around famous CEO Zane lofton's apartment th
e cops are evacuating everyone in the city of Boise stay safe folks I'll go check it out it's funny that it's Idaho I guess my mom lives in that apartment I don't care if I'm ready or not I must fight that's just in psychos blew up Zayn's mom when she was driving her car home must Revenge [Music] thank you foreign I think that intro is is like you know and I haven't finished the game so maybe there are more cut scenes and and stuff like that but that cut scene is so much better and funnier than
anything that you're going to see this is the sludge launcher it shoots a can of big Z explosive sludge and also attracts rats to come help fight rats are the X slayer's greatest allies this is the glass Blaster you use glass from broken windows to reload it it's powerful up close are the double pistols they shoot fast and are accurate but have to reload every 14 shots only Zayn can yield these pistols this is the S blade Mikey psyche's signature weapon if the yielder has 95 or more hack blood i
t will become powerful it uses one hack blood for each powerful shot so use it wisely We're not gonna we're gonna we're gonna move on [Music] thank you so you know I I think I think it's really strange like it's funny but then but then there's a lot of very mediocre shooting which you know that's supposed to be part of the Goof right it's like oh isn't it hilarious that we made this like very bad but like foreign goes so far at some point you're still like oh but I'm still kind of playing this l
ike not it's great and I still have been playing this [ __ ] Jupiter that's not actually fun uh psychos they found the steel sewer our secret base like the idea that you know you'd name your base the steel sewer is that's really good it's a good shitty [ __ ] you know for like a kid that would probably watched some Ninja Turtles and then made a game you know like the intersection of influences that would lead to a kid that making this is like like the aspects of that are really funny hack blood
is a really [ __ ] dumb and great name for like an ability and one last thing I am [Music] oh March just kidding I meant to do that [Music] the S blade has a half blood charge [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign okay but yeah you know it's it's a phone call here I'm just looking to see I will look at that later um okay this is no this is where we came in we'll go this way James there was like a button prompt that showed up somewhere in here oh well um but yeah you know it's it's I feel like I w
ould watch someone speed run this in a way that like was like here's here's all the goofs because I think generally like the writing is you know good for what the for what they're going for I think they're they're getting it done like doing it really well but like I I don't want to play this game you know it's not like there are so many other better Shooters you could be playing that like kind of you know forcing your way through this one you know it's just not foreign prompt that shows up like
for a brief second there oh I guess I can I can talk to him huh no I don't know what that is that's weird and it's hard you know like it's hard right like you're kind of you're making a game like you're trying to make this comedy thing you you want to make a retro shooter because that's the joke but like also it has to be [ __ ] good and like there are some incredible video games that came out back in these days that are still that still hold up reasonably well you know and so it's like how are
you supposed to how are you supposed to compete with that like Duke Nukem 3D is a [ __ ] hell of a game how are you gonna make a game better than that you're not you're not so and that's kind of that's that's sort of my problem with all of the kind of new games coming out that are trying to evoke the old Shooters is I don't think at best some of them you look at and go like ah you know yeah this would have this would have made this would have been cool if it had come out back then but it didn't
you know and uh you know this one I think is you know from what I have played of it I don't think this one is as good as a lot of the other newer old shooters that have been coming out you know just gameplay wise like the the comedy is a different thing right this is kind of a different a different measuring stick if you will uh and and so like it's hard because you you want to I would love to see these jokes but I don't want to see these jokes bad enough to play through this game all right let'
s go out here I guess I also totally forget where I'm supposed to be going there are enemies in this direction so that's probably a good start whoa I found a secret [ __ ] oh no whatever they're psychos okay so this is that van and then we're back here now not a Warp Zone okay we didn't miss anything there dude where am I even going like is it this swirly thing over here on the right okay see moves in the direction of his chin on the map that's the way we're facing good oh hey there was oh liter
ally Fun Zone okay and we're not going to make it across that Gap we're gonna have to go around this way somehow it's uh I found a secret yeah it's you know nope couldn't I tried to try to get fancy and try to jump across there foreign okay that door doesn't open the store doesn't go anywhere no can I no no so oh wait apparently that door does open all right oh I'm hitting I'm hitting the inner I'm hitting the E button to try to open these doors but they are just walk into them push doors that's
the problem it's a lot of potatoes I mean it's Idaho [Music] [Music] foreign wait a minute cop guns are better than your green energy idiots Boise PD yeah let's let the cops handle this one I don't think so um so was there another exit out of this place that I missed or is that it to get up there and not fall out so like I it's funny that some of the level design is shitty there were a lot of [ __ ] bad wads and bad mods and bad things made for a lot of Shooters over the years right it's toilet
dummy but it's some again yeah you know you know like it's a bummer like I don't want to [ __ ] sit here and [ __ ] on it because I I do think it's like it's [ __ ] cool that that this thing was made right but no no forgiveness okay there's the other side of that very sweet home or it used to be rip mom I don't think people were saying rip in 98 that way it's a newer joke but that's [Music] wrong we're the best mom a kid ever had I am the ex-layer like this picture here is [ __ ] perfect it's a
lmost too good for the joke of a kid made this game but like this thought this [ __ ] image of the the shoe and the just everything about it it is a little too well drawn but also stylistically perfect for the era [Music] but like yeah whatever the DS blade has a hack blood charge it won't budge I can't open it it's stuck foreign whatever whatever I was gonna say if you were making a good funny joke game you could have a lot of good funny there's a computer here what can I do with it jokes and b
ut there's there isn't anything and that's sort of a bummer like more dialogue like like more writing more like let me walk up to stuff and talk about the [ __ ] karate Trophy and and everything else like score [ __ ] scorpion shirt and these big pants with the chain already in it it's good foreign vomit spit urine feces Boop I'm glad we have separate pipes for these but that's that'd be a delicate balance too right if there's too much writing than the the voice stuff would really wear thin like
I I just like I'm not you know the I I think it's really hard to try to do this you know like [Music] I think like doing doing this really well [Music] would be really really really hard if not like impossible you know [Music] um [Music] [Music] so you know it's really easy to sit here and be like oh I should have been this should have been that but like I I think it's such a like it would be such a delicate balance that you're going for like it's [Music] I don't know how you would do it [Music
] if it was easy everyone would do it [Music] oh this is back the way we came okay foreign just drawn to death but worse that's uh maybe the meanest thing anyone has ever said about anything ever also I would say like there's nothing about drawn to death that is like Redemptive like as a video game or or otherwise like it's not funny it's not you know there's I guess I would disagree with you fundamentally you're way lame has a half blood charge yeah we don't need to waste those I'm awesome [Mus
ic] thank you [Music] the number one company in Boise [Music] I need a key to open this door I just got a key though uh was there another room somewhere because I thought maybe this secret x-slayer bathroom sexy both on and offline but uh all right well whatever well we sure did get up there stupid [Music] [Music] all right so you know yeah I don't know you know this this is slayer's x uh terminal aftermath Vengeance of the Slayer oh man [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
not a trap said it wasn't a trap so I'm sure we're good ah well how's everybody doing okay I couldn't tell if that ticking noise was the game or ah it was a trap [Music] okay I do still have the key so [Music] thank you but I guess I need to go get this key again right [Music] should I go back upstairs you know what I'm not going to do that because I don't don't care enough [Music] oh good all right just stuck that okay yes Save Right There auto save right there hack blood pool and break room I
made out with your mom last night oh [ __ ] wait this door was locked how did you [ __ ] get in here [Music] what the heck what Talisman the psycho stole it oh this is bad have I played Brutal Doom yeah yeah Brutal Doom was cool that's like gosh how old is Brutal Doom now 15 20 years or so it feels like a [Music] ouch just gonna jump into the hack blood oh I guess I just walk on it huh [Applause] [Music] oh man seepage plays here [Music] I like that these ever so slightly move to attack blood be
ans with his hands young and inexperienced but has secret powers he does not yet know of versus sloppos and blows up psychos at night with her triple Miss launcher true ex-layer I must find her rest in peace Mikey you were the most powerful hack blood master no one could defeat you until now I look good in Gray stupid [Music] [Applause] oh this is the that's that room okay I see this level's really folding on themselves in really weird ways [Music] but it's enough it's a psycho Hall maybe it loo
ks like a normal but it's a knot the S blade has a half blood charge foreign come on yeah redneck Rampage that's yeah I mean there's a lot of touchstones I guess you could you know it doesn't necessarily adhere to any one engine right it's not like exclusively like this is a fake build engine game you know or whatever like it's kind of Crossing through uh you know a Pastiche or whatever [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we can shoot these in individual uh bottle huh [Music] come o
n [Music] yeah you know kind of like your posts Duke Nuka yeah I mean you know foreign [Music] [ __ ] these guys [Music] [Music] thank you I like I really like the idea of a gun that runs on glass so every time you break a window you're getting ammo for your glass gun I think is actually like separately from this entire you know hey look at this old game like whatever like that's [ __ ] cool foreign [Music] [Music] yeah [ __ ] you shopping cart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] a
ll right well I guess we're not getting out of here that way oh let's take a phone call real quick [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] imagine what are you doing out here I thought they vacuum into town I don't know Zane I could ask you the same question I hope your mom knows you're out past your little bedtime I would fire you if I wasn't banging her shut up idiot my mom she was blown up by Cycles while driving her car what those idiots I told them not to uh well bro gotta run
by sport [Music] wait a minute [Music] thank you [Music] all right foreign I wanna play turd blast out psycho Killers it's like another ICP side project [Music] ah [Music] [Music] all right I think that's uh [Music] [Music] bouncy bouncy [Music] this way [Music] I thought I had a hack blood charge apparently not the weapon change buttons seem unresponsive at times less than ideal [Music] [Music] [Applause] I found a secret all right foreign course here real quick [Music] it's better do something
this better be cool [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign too good for your home [Music] oh [Music] [Music] soops [Music] thank you foreign are there any more maybe over here [Music] okay one more [Music] okay let's uh so uh [Music] so did it did it not does it not do anything to do that because [Music] there is an achievement called hole in one that I do have now looking at that but I don't know if that's from doing them all or if that was just from doing one of them okay well golf
everybody loves golf right off in the news lately people loving that [ __ ] [Music] I didn't realize they were debuting a new corn song in this game [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's good that I got glass from breaking the bong I don't I don't I don't like this I don't like this one bit return [Music] s that's all of that I can stand um that's slayer's X terminal aftermath Vengeance of the Slayer it is currently on a slight sale for 15 bucks you can get that and hypnospace Outlaw for 20 buck
s and so the thing I would say um and you'd also get like the full like with soundtracks which The hypnospace Outlaw soundtrack is is pretty fantastic um you can get that for 26 bucks right now you get this and that I I feel like this game in a bundle with hypnospace outlaw is easier to swallow um than um then this game on its own I don't you know I yeah uh slayer's exes is it's funny but it's not funny enough to make you play through that game I guess is is my my uh my full thought on it uh sla
yer's X is on Game Pass okay I know hypnospace was on uh like came back on Game Pass I wasn't sure about Slayers uh even appearing on Console I didn't know that but um but like I don't know that that stuff like that you know there are funny bits in there for sure and I I think like the sense of humor in hypnospace was really great like there's some amazing writing in there and uh and I I think well whatever I think hypnospace is a better game than slayer's x I guess but um foreign so it's like i
t's funny that they're taking this aspect of hypnospace Outlaw and expanding on it I don't know that that is again it's not good enough to carry that game you know like that shooter has to be better uh you know that feeling of just like or the or the jokes need to be way better right so you're like well I'm making my way through this extremely mediocre shooter but and it's funny that it's mediocre but really the good material is this this this this and this um or the shooter needs to be better s
o that if the comedy isn't hitting you're at least like I'm having fun playing this video game but like if you can't if you can't do those things then you've got yourself like a Matt Hazard situation almost well I don't know that's that's a different situation because that's a game where they're trying to use the comedy to comment on the game's low quality right they're trying to write jokes about like this game sucks and you're like yeah it [ __ ] does uh it apps yeah it does suck you're right
game this is trash so that that's a different thing than than what they're doing here um but yeah you know it's again you kind of have to it's a it's a hard problem to solve I I'm not going to sit here and be like they should have done this because I I think comedy and games on its own is really hard to do and when you're trying to make comedy in games about games in that kind of meta commentary way even you know the way this is doing it which is obviously like very separate from um Matt Hazard
and things of that nature you know you kind of have to yeah you gotta you gotta find a a pathway through there and that's a really hard thing to do so you know tough stuff I'm gonna run to the restroom very quickly and then I will come back and then we'll do something else well maybe with video games I don't know I shall return I'm gonna mute this ah my daughter has a new princess sticker book that she is very excited about um so yeah uh I saw this twitch stuff uh yesterday um and obviously they
've kind of said like oh we the language should be clearer about what we're allowing and what we're not allowing and you know it's around a lot of advertising stuff that um I you know I don't I don't really know what they intend to enforce about it or what they intend to actually accomplish um but you know I'm not I I'm not real worried about it if it's something where they decide that they you know so like the podcast I I broadcast the podcast live um because I can you know it's the the live vi
ews are fun and it's fun to do it live but like I did it's it's not the sort of thing like the podcast goes out as an audio thing and that's the primary means through which people engage with it right the um the live stream on Twitch is a relatively minor part of like that business you know to talk about the business end of it and so uh I would move you know I I like doing the show live um and I like twitch I I stream on Twitch because I like twitch like it's you know like it's it's harder and h
arder to like twitch some days because of kind of the the way that they operate um but at the end of the day if they decide they don't want that type of content on Twitch then I will put it on YouTube it's like what's whatever you know uh it's it's I'm not in a situation where uh like I especially need the show to be on Twitch you know I could do these streams on Twitch and whatever and then you know the podcast could could air Live on YouTube or whatever that would actually save me some product
ion steps honestly uh if I just went to YouTube immediately then I wouldn't have to like upload it to YouTube and do all of that sort of stuff it would just already be there so uh um so I I don't know um we'll see I don't know like all of that stuff yeah like it makes sense right because YouTube and twitch and all of these platforms have their own advertising products right and so they don't want things that intercut that undercut them that cut out their stuff and there have been whole businesse
s formed around I I get emails every you know like a couple of days from people trying to do sponsored streams on Twitch and um the money is bad for those and that's you know that's based on my viewer count I'm sure that like other people are getting bigger offers or or whatever but like the amount of money for the the sort of things they want you the Hoops they want you to jump through for a spot like you need to run it for two hours and you need to have a chat bot and you need to have this and
uh you know all of the these companies that are coming to me the stream elements of the world and whatever like the all of this [ __ ] rage Shadow Legends [ __ ] I have gotten four or five different emails specifically for that [ __ ] game it's a it's a wide variety of games but that is the one that the the joke game is still the one that you know I I've probably gotten the most emails about um and it's a situation where they're just like yeah we're gonna um we'll uh you know you'll do these so
rts of things you know you you do this for two hours and in some cases they want to say like you should plea you should be streaming for an hour beforehand and then go into the sponsored part because they know if you start with a sponsored stream people will look at it and go whereas if you were streaming for a while already they might stick with it it's it's you know it's stuff they have learned through a lot of years of doing this right and so why I get why if you were twitch and you were seei
ng entire companies forming specifically around the idea of we sell ads on Twitch but twitch gets zero percent of that money I see why twitch would be like [ __ ] [ __ ] off what like that they would have been you know that they would be like you can't do that no but for twitch to be able to do that um they should be able to offer a comparable product to streamers that allows them to make money and uh I don't think they're doing that right now I think that that's the you know there's the twitch
bounty board there are there are things built into twitch for people that want to do uh Advertising based stuff and and and whatever else but I I don't think that that stuff is especially great as a product I don't I don't I look at it and go like I it's it's like confusing whereas these pitches I get via email like the pitches are bad but at least they're like coherent you look at it and go like okay do this do this this get this the other thing I'll say is I think that there are a lot of strea
mers out there that are getting scammed by some of these Opera these opportunities that are coming to them via email um because it will it'll be a situation where it'll be like okay you're gonna do this sponsored stream for this game and then you're gonna put a QR code here you're gonna do this you're gonna do all this stuff to promote the download for the game and then if players download it you'll get this and that's the small number that they don't talk to you about instead they go like you c
ould make as much as this but that's if this many people jump through the Hoops download the game and then play the game for a while for like a number of hours within a very tight window after that stream airs not all of them are like this but the the stuff I've seen has been like okay you know yes people are going to download this game and then they have like 48 hours to grind through to level 10. and if they do that then you'll get paid and then on top of that there's a oh whoops I guess uh yo
u know maybe they downloaded it directly from the App Store and and then they didn't uh they didn't they must not have clicked on your code they must not have scanned your QR code the tracking link maybe wasn't this and that and so then someone ends up not getting paid because like oh whoops I guess the tracking link the tracking link says that this many people do this um and so like the that whole aspect of it seems really nasty [Music] um and so yeah I I know someone who did one of those strea
ms and I downloaded the game and the the stream was for and I still have the [ __ ] game installed it's terrible um and I jumped through all the Hoops to get to the high level and and all of that and I don't know that they got credit for I don't know that they got the right amount of credit for the stream I think like I'll look at it as just like okay like uh yeah just uh the whole thing seems like uh well you know like that I'm sure that doesn't happen all the time but there's enough there are
enough different points of failure in that that you're going to end up in a situation where a streamer doesn't get the amount of money that they look at and think that they should have gotten by the number of viewers the people that said like oh I downloaded it and I did this and you count that up and go like this doesn't add up and then the company goes like well that's what we saw on our tracking links uh and so you know there are enough different points of failure in that chain when you're li
ke oh well oh well if you read the fine print it was only valid for people that uh downloaded the game from the US App Store yeah if they if they and if they download they're in the UK then that you know that doesn't counter you know um and so I think there just are a lot of streamers that are out there kind of getting [ __ ] on stuff like that and so from that relatively narrow perspective I do think that that's a thing that should get cleaned up one way or the other do I think twitch coming in
and saying you can't do that anymore is a good thing no but um it's uh yeah it's a funky situation but I and so I get why um I get why twitch would try to step in and try to make changes along these lines especially because you know every move the twitch seems like they've been making over the past forever um gives the impression that they are getting the squeeze from Amazon from from corporate from you know there's there's targets that they're missing there's something going you know that they
are trying to get [ __ ] together they're trying to like okay we've got to tighten up this business we've got to make this business go um and so I I look at what their I I look at the the rules they're trying to to roll out and it it looks like rules that give them more control over the advertising landscape on the platform um and I look at that and go like well it's their platform so yeah it's totally within their I mean it's not illegal for them to you know sure I I see why they would do this
they're the ones paying the bandwidth they're the ones doing all that [ __ ] so I see why they would feel like we are entitled to get a cut of this revenue and you outlaw mud show streams out here doing your own burned in ads uh of course you can't do that but I think for that to actually work then twitch needs to be a significantly better partner to streamers big and small to make all of that stuff work like if they really want to move in this direction um then they need to provide a similar l
evel of service and they're not I don't I don't I don't believe the the products that they're offering to smaller streamers I think I think of myself as a smaller I I don't I don't know what the the twitch landscape actually looks like I don't know like am I a middling a medium-sized I don't I don't really know um and so I yeah I I look at it as it's a it's a [ __ ] up situation across the board um and I think it's going to be the the sort of this is a messy situation right because I like ow I j
ust bang my knee real hard oh boy oh that's oh that's unpleasant ah ha we're okay oh hmm long story short don't worry about the podcast it will if it has to live on another platform it will you know um for me the man that [ __ ] for me the live podcast and I felt this way ever since I started doing a live streamed podcast the whole idea is that this podcast is getting produced this is how the podcast gets produced and if you want to look in and watch as the podcast gets produced you can um and s
o that means it's It's ADS and all it's it's it's produced live to tape and so it's not a situation where concessions are generally made for the live audience it's like we're push and record on this thing and you happen to get a window into the show that's how I've always viewed it and it's a bad comparison because this guy is but like it is a member and no one's again this No One's Gonna know what I'm talking about it's like on C-Span or something Don Imus the [ __ ] cowboy hat wearing racist r
adio guy who did radio for years and years he's I think he's long since passed away um it was the most low rent [ __ ] terrible production in the world right it was just here's a camera Point like and this there were a number of these that happened for a while it was just like I don't know we're gonna broadcast a radio show how you gonna do that we're gonna point a camera at a guy that's doing a radio show and that's it there's no we're not putting bumpers in we're not doing this he's not lookin
g at the camera he's not you know like like and so so that was always when it came time to do a live podcast which was something that our business guy wanted to do at the time because he was like this would be a good like premium benefit and we'll put it up on YouTube and it was the time when podcasts were getting really big on YouTube which we did not successfully do um and so uh but it was it was generally this idea of like okay well yeah we're gonna set this up and yeah we'll dress it up ever
so slightly um we'll get a nicer table I think was the the limit of what we did let's get this nice felt table and um and we'll record this so uh so to me the the live camera was always meant to be like a a bird's eye like a fly on the wall view of a podcast getting produced and not something to be produced separately meaning I don't have a lot of interest in doing the show live and then making more work for myself to go and now I have to insert these ads into this video and edit this show and
render it out and and do all of this extra stuff because of the rules on this platform regarding advertising so if twitch decides to go forward with this and they've you know they haven't retracted it they've just said like oh yeah the thing we knew would happen the thing the thing that some people here knew would happen did in fact happen and now we are trying to backpedal away from it because the right people lost an argument the wrong people lost an argument internally before we rolled this o
ut I mean you know there's people there that I'm sure there's always people there that look at a thing before it rolls out and go like well here we go with this like I lost all the fights and now they're going to push this out and gonna [ __ ] suck but okay and then it comes out and it sucks and then they get to go into a meeting and go see I [ __ ] told you you know are you ever gonna listen to No you're not okay great um so of course you know like there are people there that are [ __ ] smart e
nough to look at this and go like this is not going to be popular this is going to be bad and then there are business people looking at charts going like yeah but uh they're streaming on our platform and they're making this amount of money and we get zero percent of that and we don't like that like okay um and so they they've you know retract it and they say we're taking a look at it but the thing is like they're like we're gonna clarify the language which doesn't sound like it's gonna actually
change the things that people would want to have changed um so you know if they go forward with that and actually try to um if that's what they want to do with their platform then you know then I will not run that program on this platform and I think that'll be a lot of people I think that'll be a lot of streams big and small that'll be like well okay I guess we have to go to YouTube with this show I guess this half we have to go to somewhere else with this program um and that'll be that you kno
w and and you know the other platforms will feel the same way by the way about that style of advertising like that's not going to um you know any platform holder that has an advertising product is going to want you to use their advertising product instead of uh pulling an end around on them and and doing that sort of stuff but again like the uh the amount of money I mean just you know speaking for myself the amount of money I make off of podcast advertising literally just the advertising is uh e
xponentially higher than the amount of money I make out of twitch so it's a real easy math problem at that point it's like okay well if you don't want it then you don't have to if you do not want this programming if you don't want these people here on your website um watching this program then okay and you know twitch can get away with this because there are there isn't really a lot of competition in the space right so um you know it makes sense why they would do that sort of stuff and uh and we
'll see where they net out you know when when this round of pushback happens and and everything else uh we'll see where it all kind of Nets out but uh you know it's not something I'm especially worried about because I do the show I the way I do my show and uh I'm not looking to add more work to my plate on a production end when it comes to producing the show and so the way I would do that is by not putting that show on this platform as I would I would run it somewhere else and so you know that's
just kind of it um anyway that's you know a lot of people ask because I know a lot of people yesterday were talking about it when it hit and and it was the sort of thing you'd read and go like they're going to have to backpedal on this at least a little bit because people are so mad about it um but you know it is what it is and uh this stuff will only get work you know this is uh the the like quote-unquote Creator economy and the you know this is it's a bad situation you see people complaining
about the YouTube policies around because it's not like YouTube is some Safe Haven some amazing like oh what a Bastion of you know like whatever whatever um people complain about the the copyright stuff on YouTube all the time and YouTube just kind of like digs their feet in and defends the bad system they've built uh for challenging copyrights and and everything else because they don't have to fix it because what are you gonna do not put your [ __ ] up on YouTube good luck with that you know it
's a limited number of people that are making good money in video somewhere else on some nightmare platform that might not be around in three months um and so on and so forth but you know YouTube is effectively a monopoly in the video hosting space that was something I actually was really hoping twitch would get into and I remember having meetings with someone at twitch years ago ancient history you know like God what is this it's at least five or six years now but I remember talking to someone
there who was you know kind of like hey there's some new product stuff that we're looking to roll out and we're looking to do this um and a big part of it was around posting videos like archive videos for you know for in in perpetuity the way a YouTube does and you look at and go like well that would be very convenient you know like I don't know if if at the time it didn't make a ton of sense because there were so many more viewers for that sort of stuff on YouTube than there was on Twitch you'r
e like well I don't know but but at the time you know it was also a sort of thing like yeah no if if you can put these videos on as many places as possible where people might see them like that's good and I think twitch's policies around archive videos and having them go away is uh not as bad is bad but at the same time I think they probably look at the number of hours of video that are streamed to Twitch that no one ever sees or like you know there's the the the person out there who is streamin
g hours of video to an audience of like three people an audience of five people an audience you know or whatever it is and and hosting that video in perpetuity costs just as much as hosting a video that people's gonna well that's actually not true at all the bandwidth costs of viewing a video is whatever but like there's so much content on Twitch that is not high traffic content um and so if you rolled out a big thing here we're going to start archiving video and letting you post stuff and and e
verything else like this storage would be a cost center for them they that would that would cost them a lot of money to do um and so instead they ended up on this weird um you know where like what twitch Partners get to their archives stick around a little bit longer then everyone else is it's like what 14 days instead of seven or 45 days like some some amount of time but all that stuff goes away and uh this is not great I don't know what you do there you know like you I think you kind of you yo
u could sort of think about it in terms of like videos that get X number of views stay up or channels that have this number of this we keep their archives because we think people will view them like the archive views that I get on the podcast and you know it's like 8 000 views on an archive podcast on Twitch which is not you know it's not nothing it's a it's a reportable number you know when it comes time to say like back to the advertising people like hey how many people heard this show he's li
ke well it was this many live this many archived on Twitch this many archived on YouTube but the actual big number is people downloading the MP3 because it's a podcast uh and uh so you know uh so it's it's not like a a big old deal 80 says I listen on Spotify I was looking at Spotify yesterday hey if you listen on Spotify I added a poll for this week's podcast I don't know how that works but I was looking at the back end of spotify and it was like do you want to put a poll in I was like sure I'd
love to put polls in and uh and so I threw that in yesterday and um Spotify has an option for video podcasts but I don't seem to have the ability to do it it's based on I I don't it's based on where you're hosting the show or something I I don't like where you're where you're you're where your show is hosted if you want to move it over to spotify's hosting service which I don't think I do um then I think I could post the videos on Spotify which is weird um yeah who's watching video on Spotify I
can't imagine that's a huge thing but that's you know you'd say the same thing about people watching archived videos on Twitch who the hell is doing that turns out not a lot of people but I think if you put a focus on it and uh and try to really get behind it as a product and and really try to focus on you know the the high viewer channels on on the site and say like hey man like how you'd almost have to go in and say like how much would it cost you how much would it cost us for you to stop upl
oading your archives to YouTube you know you go to like the top five twitch channels and and just say yo what if you uh instead only archive them here and use that to kind of kick start the process I don't know uh maybe you could do something like that that's expensive though you know then you get back into this exclusive fight and no one wants to no one wants to pay that no one wants to pay what they remember Ninja I I still do I I if I if I am scrolling through Tick Tock in the morning sometim
es it will feed you know because it'll insert live streams into The Tick Tock feed and sometimes I'll be scrolling through and it'll be like oh who is this oh that's this guy yeah look at that he's at the he's he's uh playing the fortnite look at him he's still doing it and I assume he's just I assume he's on Twitch I assume he's in other places I just but I never granted I'm not in the ecosystem you know like I'm not I'm kind of doing my own thing you know uh and so I don't I'm not really super
tapped into what the [ __ ] the the is going on on Twitch right um so I assume he's doing all that stuff for there but the only time I ever see his name come up or anything like that is literally what I'm scrolling through tick tock um same with uh the [ __ ] bathroom ass uh doctor disrespect the [ __ ] E3 bathroom Bandit himself Mr [ __ ] nft video game himself cash in it yeah what a perfect combination of [ __ ] technology and douche um same deal I occasionally see his face scrolling through
Tick Tock and I just go like huh all right that guy he's still doing it weird I'm sure like that's not that's not me saying like these guys are [ __ ] down on their luck like I'm I'm sure they're quietly off to the side making a ton of [ __ ] money um you know they still have audiences they still have their sort of stuff but it just to me I think it just goes to show that like these streaming platforms video hosting platforms whatever you want you know twitch YouTube whoever else but really just
really just twitching YouTube if we want to be honest about it um there's so many different pockets and so many different like you know this stuff is so I can can totally disappear from View and go off and quietly be huge um depending on who you roll with you know like if I if I was on a Discord server with someone who was way into watching ninja well first of all I would question my you know what am I doing here um but you know maybe I would hear about it but like I don't hear I don't yeah it'
s just I don't roll in the circles that that stuff kind of resonates with anymore um and so when they're kind of mainstream push ends uh they just kind of quietly go off and and do their thing I'm sure like I'm probably in a similar pocket right you know like I'm over here I'm I'm pretty happy with how things are going good things be going better they always could that's the that's the dark the dark truth about being in this line of work in a Solo capacity is even when it's going great and you'r
e like this is [ __ ] awesome I'm having the most fun there's always that thing in the back of your mind where you're just like it could always be going better or will it turn worse tomorrow or will it be this like you know you really get connected to the numbers in a way that is not healthy um but uh yeah I don't know it's uh it's very weird that's it yeah uh that's that's true uh octocron says that's every job honestly for me like yeah yeah you're right you're absolutely right uh it really do
be like that um but yeah no it's uh it's just a very interesting space and that's been kind of the one of the most it's fun actually you know the last year of doing this alone is I'm kind of coming into this with like a decade plus of um some kind of experience adjacent to the space right like you know we ran a premium subscription service and so you're kind of used to those sorts of the other ups and downs that come with that um and and all of that so you know you're kind of used to just like w
ell you know like I'm on camera all the time anyway so it's it's not a you know it's not like a thing of like oh I can't believe I'm art I'm out here all the time it's so weird it's like nah you know this has been 20 years of [ __ ] being on camera and and whatever else right you know like so so I'm used to that end of it for sure as well and uh and so I was already pretty well prepared for um you know what some people I think view is like the oh people get burned out people get this people get
that you know it's like oh yeah I don't know I've I've been at this in some way shape or form since before it was video and so you know I've been kind of doing this uh well since I was like 16 again if you know if you [ __ ] if you're listening to Game Boys to Men the patreon exclusive podcast uh over at Jeff gerstmann uh then you're you're hearing a lot about my kind of uh mid to late teens I think we're getting into a point now we're getting it I'm about to turn 20 in the in the st
oryline of the uh of the the podcast because we're talking about 1995. um and you know the the video aspects of it but you know I don't know like Glenn and I did Public Access television uh when I was 16 and when he was 15 and so we've been doing dumb [ __ ] in front of cameras for a real long time real long time uh also on the patreon yeah if you're if you're if you're a member you can get access to bonus content ad free podcast all that sort of stuff but if you uh just want to read some review
s I put some of those up for free uh Street Fighter 6 and Diablo 4 I wrote I wrote big long reviews of those um and posted them over there as well so you can you can check that out but yeah I don't know I guess like long story short I think to you know twitch and YouTube are incentivized to keep people happy up to a point and um but also they're running a business and the the push and pull of that is always going to be a factor you know this is not yesterday is not the last time that people that
post videos to Twitch will be mad at twitch it just kind of comes with the territory you hope that everyone does right by everyone but it never quite works out that way in the end um and such is capitalism or you know whatever you want to chalk it up to um and so uh yeah I don't know I will I will make adjustments and as needed and we'll we'll see where twitch Nets out on this stuff like again if if you know if they if they don't want me I'll go somewhere else and do something else uh over ther
e and it'll be fine um let's see here ah let's check out System Shock I'm I'm like hesitant to play this I like I I kind of wanted to check this out separately um instead of just kind of jumping into it on a stream here but but so like I don't really have a lot of um I don't have a lot of history with the System Shock franchise uh at the time when the first game came out I was primarily covering console games and so System Shock was something you heard about but wasn't you know it just wasn't re
ally on my radar because other people in the building covered PC games separately from us it was an ERA back before everything came out on every platform and so it made sense to be like oh well we're covering console games and then we're covering PC games and then as time went on not too far past the original release of System Shock all of those things kind of came together and you know the the same games started appearing on all the platforms and um and I started playing a lot more games on PC
but really you know I got you know I always I I've got my first PC in 1993 and um you know so I always was playing PC games but I was very narrow once I started reviewing console games all the time the types of games I played on PC kind of narrowed a little bit because all the multiplayer Shooters came out and they were huge so I started it Gamespot in 96 and one of the first things I remember doing there once I was coming into the office and working out of the office was they would play Quake e
very day and it was the first time I had played Quake on a lan because I had been playing Quake at home on a dial-up modem and um it was so mind-blowing to play Quake the way it was meant to be played uh you know and there was a guy I forget who it was it was one of the engineers everyone mapped their keys differently right because you know the wasd wasn't even a thing yet the the kind of common mouse and keyboard controls didn't exist and so he had he had mapped the space bar to run forward and
then he took his coffee cup and set it on his keyboard so that it was always pushing down the space bar so that he was always moving forward and that was how we played quick crazy everyone had their own different [ __ ] configs and all this crazy [ __ ] um and uh also Command and Conquer Red Alert was the other big multiplayer game that everyone played uh and I had played through the campaign of that game by that point but I had never played at multiplayer and so it was it was fantastic to you
have to play those games with people so what I guess like what I'm saying is like I've always played PC games but I really focused on specific game like I played so much Quake online like that was when I wasn't working I was playing quake and then when Quake 2 came out I started playing Quake 2 online all the time and then Quake three you know like like Unreal Tournament mixed in there along the way kind of as needed and um and that's what I was really into all of those multiplayer Shooters gene
rally speaking um and I would pick up some PC reviews here and there if they needed someone I think I reviewed I want to say I reviewed one of the Soldier of Fortune games on PC but um yeah anyway uh I even earlier than that I want to say I reviewed like there was a port of last Bronx to the PC and another Sega fighting game like there's maybe one or two other ones that had like 3D accelerator support back when that was a very rare thing to have uh and I maybe reviewed one of those I remember Ba
ku Baku came out to the PC Sega was releasing some [ __ ] on PC that was really [ __ ] weird but uh but yeah uh I think it was last Bronx one second brought last Bronx to PC um if not last Bronx it was one of those other like adjacents games like it obviously it wasn't Virtual Fighter I would remember if it was [ __ ] Virtual Fighter but uh besides that are fighting vipers and I don't but I know I know last Bronx came to PC which was a weird choice in a lot of ways um that's my long-winded way o
f saying like I've never seen I've never really seen System Shock before I have installed the original game and tried to play it a couple of times over the years but never really spend a ton of time with it um and I'm really only familiar with it through other people's coverage of it yeah I was always the controls that made it hard to go back to you know it was just kind of it was a very specifically a very specific window for old games where a lot of old PC games were just [ __ ] strange yeah a
fter 80 says Mortal Kombat PC Port was the best it was Mortal Kombat one two and three was also very good on PC but like those were the best ports of those games absolutely okay what do we got here medium medium not here to play games on medium dang it give me the best fog quality you've got man why does this look so [ __ ] uh let me see if this is a like all of that weird uh the the Top Line there right below Graphics like that's not happening in the real world over here on my other monitor Let
's uh there we go an HDR thing a color space issue that we have solved oh look at this different difficulties for each thing get ready to think [ __ ] you are you out of your mind get ready to think no thank you this what this seems illegal I want the hardest cybering you've got but I don't want to die in real life that's a this actually sounds nice uh oh my thank you well I you know I don't know enough about the game to know what I want to choose is any of this stuff so we're going to leave it
at the default was that in the original the uh was the Unreal Engine logo in the original game yeah right yeah right now foreign Celsius uh metric uh the metric system eventually going to win out I wouldn't mind that I'd have to relearn everything but uh for example they said it was 28 degrees Celsius I have no idea what that means is it warm okay I it sounds low 28 sounds like a low number double it now I know that you can go and do the math to do it but but when you when you immediately just h
ear it I'm just like well that was jarring I didn't push anything but now here we are in human history we have achieved an entire decade I'm just gonna sit here and look at this battle Hogs poster for a while staff working tirelessly Around the Clock oh we've got some q and E lean action here hello my uh this is my CD player it plays MP3 CDs so it's it's a lot cooler than it might initially seem got over here uh my game pig buy all the Pig stuff huh why battle hogs in a game pig what uh what's g
oing on in what is System Shock really about it's more than just a great professional environment as a corporation try Optimum has given me a place where I can feel safe I have right clicked on this and now I'm accessing the computer and a chance to write your name into history cool gloves people choice those are weird fingers to not have oh my God I didn't have a choice about the finger had I known that accessing the computer would Advance the story I would have looked around a little longer re
member gentlemen what I say stays here I'm currently attending to other Affairs on the station but I have a job for you if you do it you'll be rewarded refuse and you won't be leaving the station in a shuttle I see the Silent Night remove the hood ah I'll make you a deal you cooperate and I'll give you the influence you tried to steal Symmetry and all considered the gift besides what surgeon would you prefer try abdomens Elite or some black market capture take the black market hack job I think f
antastic this is sodan the station's AI she controls just about every system on Citadel station I need you to sounds nice they've been a bit of an issue of light I feel like there's been a real lack of interactivity so far I thought when the compute when I accessed the computer that I was gonna do stuff how did we know that guy's password not bad I may have other work for you you could have done this except you're a computer man I guess why didn't you come over here and type this you know your p
assword oh [ __ ] glad to see that uh the computer chip in my head posts the same way an old computer does that's how honestly if I had to chip in my head I would uh configure the boot up sequence to look like an old PC posting anyway so foreign the Fidelity of these items are really interesting because like at a glance it looks just like a good modern video game and then you get up close to something like this and you see that like you know the textures and everything are you know parking back
to a different time picking up stuff must be a big part of this game because they've mapped it to right Mouse oh look at this inventory we get two scrap for vaporizing it hold right alt for description well left alt also works is small red bag I want to hit someone with this bedpan I did not realize that this and again you know you have to forgive me I'm just not super familiar with the original game but the idea that it's got like this almost text Adventure style you can't carry this too heavy
to bring with you like like those sorts of text things at the top is really [ __ ] neat laughs got a PDA I got our meta patch uh okay well do I need that I guess I guess I'm a little low on health so we'll I really like the look of this window that makes no sense now we're talking navigation and mapping units okay that seems useful okay now we can oh good I can get email that's not email ing laser that seems bad happen it's alive he'll bring the situation under control all contact if he's not we
ll yeah I just realized you know just you mentioned a biological outbreak I don't know what the enemies are in this game I always I guess I'm assuming that they are crazed robots run by showdan but I guess I don't know oh here we go a crazed robot probably run by Shodan my health is already full right this is a waste of time oh that's right boys Mondo cool [Music] right he is not a use button it's no matter how many times I hit it hi hey what's up oh okay I was wondering if you were crazy turns
out oh hey what's up buddy they said it was a biological outbreak but oh we need these wipes you need this PDA uh tech specs do I not have enough inventory space for this medical tray I guess uh is any of this useful thank you what if my contacts get dirty oh it's empty okay well 90 huh okay well I mean that's great now I can pick up this medical tray and then I can vaporize that too oh stacks of a hundred okay I have an inventory full of scrap by the time we're done uh I didn't take a bunch of
damage there so let's just go [Music] all right a berserk patch pewter of some kind there hello oh no you didn't see me oh it's the camera I was like why is this why is there a thing on the mini map pointing me right here because of this [ __ ] thing continue to suck on it security camera I guess there's no way to avoid getting spotted well all right level security down to 92 percent so is that how we go around bashing things until Showdown can't see us anymore is that how this works what's up w
hat could it possibly be ah that's a you're not I get why the robots are trying to kill people can I plant this on this dude can I plant grenades on his body head mounted Vision unit okay well that's very convenient every building front door sneaky ducked enemies to shoot immersive Sims that dude plugged a USB stick into his [ __ ] hand [Music] oh it's 451 you say foreign button pressed is a good prompt let's go heal up you know we did take a little bit of damage here let's go uh before we move
on this I this is neat I like the look and the vibe of this I mean it's like the way they're splitting the difference of like hey this is an older game and we're remaking that and we want to honor that look one way or the other like the again kind of the way when you get up close to stuff you see it in that kind of pixely way that old PC games used to look like um foreign like that's it's the yeah this up close [ __ ] looks [ __ ] great but then at a distance it looks like nice and sharp and man
that's cool station we hope your sominal and healing stage went well today is the sixth day of November located on the on the fall well two contains three houses the department of Maintenance and the storage cells are on level four the flight deck is on level five okay is this do I need to retain Ed executive suites okay level seven systems engineering level 8 houses the department of security Bridge okay R is not a number I mean is it do you mean roof oh what's oh hey what hey I will say I don
't think this combat feels like great at the moment that guy had a nice soda on him let's uh we're gonna okay what was the other thing oh another drink that soda oh it's like that that's like full on just right here huh wait a minute so I can't just okay so I can why can't I rotate this piece is it oh because those pieces only rotate with that and they look like they are probably a different color and that maybe I'm just not seeing that different color okay so let's try that is that going to her
e okay well [Music] where am I trying to get the juice to go uh thank you oh probably up here huh no that's not gonna work go that way oh see you later all right well let's go see uh the spot where this guy came out of see if there's anything else in here stamina do I have a stamina meter let's just leave this door open you know and second thought level [ __ ] 35 scrub bot here I'm gonna [ __ ] me up in world tour mode I'm gonna shoot Fireballs at it but they're gonna go right over its [ __ ] he
ad uh you guys still got this [ __ ] guy here huh this is pretty all right uh is this door open oh look at that man there's a lot of you [ __ ] huh oh uh yeah this you know just a better hit reactions better audio or something like that like more of a thunk on some of this melee stuff would be better tube rack uh this it's starting to seem like this game might also benefit from a vaporize all junk biological systems monitor oh is this going to give me my stamina meter something what do we have h
ere okay so this is like our log of stuff uh based on the floor we found it on what about my Wares you spelled where's wrong okay that's our flashlight you turn off the is this like a power thing if you're like is there like a hay or using too much energy so turn off your compass yes give me all of this metal yes I'd want all this [ __ ] [ __ ] perhaps I don't want this [ __ ] but what if I need a bunch of scrap later right oops [ __ ] come on nine millimeter rounds thank you it belongs to my sc
rap pile now [ __ ] okay that's uh all right yes that's our map here pretty much just the same map oh hey an actual thing broken data stick did it break because I used it new mystery virus Dr Stackhouse boy when I get to the Quest for the guys like bring me ten two bracks I'm gonna be really bummed out aren't I all right as for you security cameras enjoy watching this I'm putting on a show where'd that thing where is that [ __ ] thing It beeped thank you there it is [Music] might as well hit thi
s random switch this is nice lighting this looks very nice this is cool man what's this over here this is the thing uh hey man this game full of jumping puzzles I guess you eventually get a gun so you just shoot the [ __ ] cameras out right but spark beam I'm guessing that's low and that this is high no I well I don't know what I've got as well this one has a bunch of [ __ ] electricity all over the place and then when I turn it off it doesn't so I'm guessing this is low yeah it snacks this card
all right she knows it's a multi-pass thank you thank you oh he's on with the yeah the air quality in New York yeah uh ooh cyberspace huh okay we'll do that in a sec yeah I mean you know when I lived in the Bay Area and there were the fires there in 2020. I guess that was the last set of fires was 2020. or is there more now I don't know there were a lot it was bad it was [ __ ] bad so seeing people talk about New York is like giving me these weird kind of flashbacks yeah fires in 2020 um kind o
f kind of broke me honestly like it was sort of the the moment I had where I was like I can't I have to get out of here I can't I don't I don't want to live here anymore you know um and so we started thinking more seriously about moving right after that um initially the idea was let's move somewhere where there are no fires and then through uh you know a process of elimination of like where do we want to live and where where it was actually a good idea for us to live for the family for the kids
and everything else we ended up in Southern California which is not away from the fires um but uh but yeah a grenade we were talking about Denver for a period of time like Colorado area and uh then they had super bad fires too and this is like all right so the cyberspace spot is back this way so that probably means that's where we need to end up so why don't we explore the rest of this spot here oh you you seem like someone I'm gonna need to [ __ ] shoot okay so we have our different quadrants I
suppose hey oh [ __ ] you hey what set phasers to [ __ ] you oh try to get out of the way of it and failed foreign dead cyborg drone so uh oh that goes away huh does it actually come back is it like a timer thing foreign oh what's up man oh that's uh okay yeah we'll just you you hang out in there oh I'm still [ __ ] up huh just I guess this is a little bit of a leaks out huh audio logs why are you what are you pointing me to is there an audio log over here somewhere uh okay this thing does pop
back up we're gonna go back to the spot where you get your health back thank you yeah you know it was just this uh now my daughter was one uh my my son hadn't been born I said I've been conceived at that point um and it was just this feeling of like yeah we gotta [ __ ] not be here [ __ ] that thing hey well there's a picture of a grenade here huh foreign you know like we couldn't be in our own home because the air quality had gotten so bad and it was also you know hot end of the summer August S
eptember October you know really hot time of the year just like it was just like [Music] but you know I think the lesson to maybe be learned there is I I don't know that there's any place to hide from what's [ __ ] happening you know to the to the planet right in the ass oh y'all got a transderm dispenser foreign you blew that guy in half you can't see what he's got on his body anymore ah young love I think These Guys these enemies these humanoid mutants don't look awesome well hello group one a
ccess card God all right battery pack well that's useful that's not vaporize this dirty rag you all right homie I see [Music] handsome at this rate we're dead in hours rather than days spray paint can that's good okay don't I'll make sure there isn't enough of me left to be used to spare parts I wish I could use the spray paint can to write my own [ __ ] immersive Sim graffiti on the walls really burning through energy here I probably should uh set this to a lower setting but I'm just assuming I
can always go back and find that charger and charge back up again or that there will be another one eventually there are two of them three four okay [ __ ] this oh hi you're a guy in a robot suit it's cyborg mantis what about a dead psychomantis foreign [Music] look at all this stuff encyclopedia for nerds didn't I pick up another so do I okay two in the corner means that's weapon two duh okay here's my I was like I for whatever reason I was not seeing that I had to I knew I picked up another o
ne of these but didn't know I had in my inventory I was like where the hell's the oh these do more damage this is a higher armor penetration and power oh is that just because this one is flipped to high and that one's flipped to low are these actually different weapons no not a drop I guess I can't can I not vaporize the spare guns Oh weird laptop suck it you know what I'm gonna run back and do the cyberspace thing here before I gotta I gotta take off in a little bit here um that wasn't there it
was back this way I'm back this way no was not back this way hello friend gotta go not an efficient use of ammo no we do uh was it this way yeah here it is uh okay so there's that door that's blocked and then the cyberspace thing was over this way if I remember right yep 5 55 a.m that's like I'm playing Tempest 2000. okay we got some combat software oh hi uh where are we okay I didn't realize they put descent in here foreign can't go that way apparently all right dude where am I going why thank
you recall Escape so that's just like a jack out function or or what can I no I can't pull up my inventory to read about it so I shouldn't have gotten that help in didn't need it okay I shot that and then this line changed color so I'm assuming that means we go back that away let's look around a little bit yeah no okay thank you I keep wanting to get that ball that comes out of those guys when they blow up foreign and I know that there have been all these efforts to try to make more and make mo
re of that style of game and I don't I just don't know that anyone ever really did it you know we'll see there's that one game it's like still in Early Access or something right but all right okay medical Armory unlocked does that mean I'm done here and I should jack out do I hit the T key here and recall Escape does that does that pull me out or am I still going still some [ __ ] here to shoot so foreign I think I did try out overload I think overload is one of the games I'm talking about when
I say like no one's really well this looks promising this is [ __ ] cool this is a cool [ __ ] game it's no forsaken yes I mean forsaken is a cool game it's like descent but [ __ ] hover bikes and then the ad campaign for it made no sense uh medical Armory is what it said we unlocked is that just like a theoretical like when I get to an elevator I get to go to a different floor now or is there something in this room that I should be looking for or is it this room I'm gonna say it's probably this
room on kind of this room has a a gun in it uh forsaken I remember thinking The Forsaken on the Nintendo 64 was not too bad when it comes to trying to do that type of game on an N64 it worked out okay press T to pump a second round into the chamber hell yeah why stop it too these guns ever wear out is there a river reason for me to want to keep more than one probably not right this is a good looking future shotgun foreign oh [ __ ] this is not at all what I thought it was gonna be oh is [Music]
is fast it's sort of a weird thing to have happen at the end game screen before you've really established Shodan as full on evil uh but at this point so many years have passed it's not exactly a spoiler um this is [ __ ] cool man [Music] this is really neat yeah it's uh kind of wish that the you had a mass vaporize um for some of that [ __ ] you're always picking up but um but yeah I don't know like it looks nice you know it doesn't this doesn't necessarily immediately you feel like an old game
it's got the cyberspace stuff I thought looked great just like stylistically I I really like the look of this um and it like like I said it does this doesn't feel purely like an old game reissued you know like this this feels like relatively modern um maybe like I said some minor quality of life stuff around like you know Mass vaporizing but maybe there's an option in there somewhere that I can turn on or who knows um but yeah this seems great this seems really great how much they want for this
thing this is a is this coming to consoles or is it actively on cons of 40 bucks then they push the console releases back is that what it was I forget [Music] um or if it actually did come out or the same time across the board yeah no date yet okay but it is coming I don't know I don't know I don't know that I would want to play that game with a uh controller I'd ask controller support here but I you know I just I don't know something about the idea of playing a new uh new old system shot game
where the controller seems wrong and I say that even as someone who did not play the original game they're still like yeah I'm not gonna Bioshock I will happily play with a Gamepad that's a goddamn Xbox game but uh but System Shock that seems like a mouse and keyboard kind of deal anyway um that's gonna wrap it up for me here thanks everybody for hanging out um tomorrow we will be back uh you know a little bit before noon that is when the The Big Show will start Thursday noon Pacific time and uh
so I'll be on a little bit early to get things set up and hang out a little bit before we go uh and then we will watch some Alan Wake 2 and some Mortal Kombat 1 and whatever the heck house is uh is going on at uh at keeley's show and uh yeah I'm really looking forward to it really looking forward to it so come on back bye we'll hang out we'll do our thing we'll show some uh we'll we'll I don't know look at the future of it we'll we'll see how many times we get World premiere World premiere it's
a world premiere tomorrow I'll say at least four if not six that's my guess anyway have a world premiere kind of day and uh I will see you tomorrow bye-bye okay that's it for the recording and uh I don't know is there anyone anyone else on the internet today Abby's playing some catamari I need to download this I know the yeah the new the new old Katamari came out and like I could really go for some more of that right about now I could really go for some more of that right about now so I gotta d
ownload that oh man I have yeah not getting the best sleep lately and drinking these energy drinks that are not energy drinks is not [ __ ] helping tell the [ __ ] cops that make this drink they put they need to put more drugs in it damn it all right see everybody tomorrow have a good one
