
KXAN News Today | Wednesday, April 3 morning headlines

New 3D sonar images show the wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, members of the Austin Public Health Committee are getting an update on Travis County's mental health diversion program, and Safe Horns opens today. Plus, a look at the forecast. Stay informed about Austin and Central Texas news, weather, investigations and sports on our website and social media:


2 days ago

good morning oh this is a beautiful view to wake up to this morning on a Wednesday time right now is 6:56 thanks for joining us everyone top stories now new 3D sonar images show the magnitude of that wreckage where the Francis Scott keybridge once stood wow the US Navy says the sonar device is being used to verbally guide divers underwater it says the divers are forced to work in Virtual darkness really and no underwater video exists members of the Austin public health committee are getting an u
pdate on Travis County's mental health diversion pilot program this program will include a 25 bed adult facility and a walk-in mental health clinic for adults and kids who need psychiatric emergency services eight years after University of Texas student was dis disappeared and killed Longhorns have a new place for safety it's called safe horns safe horns it's going to be open at the um Congressional Church on 23rd Street safe horns is going to honor Hada Weiser she went missina on April 3rd 2016
her body was found 2 days later it's a chilly start to the day but we recover nicely Sunny dry and warm high of 80° little warmer and sunshine continues through Friday uh heavy
