

HORROR SHORTS PARTY (ANIMATOR): NEW MERCH LINK: MY PATREON: MY INSTAGRAM: MY TWITTER: 24KERET (ANIMATOR) ANIM SOLUTIONS (ANIMATOR) JESSE JAMES BOND (WRITER) S.M.R. Enderes (WRITER) TERRANCE NICHOLSON (NARRATOR/ VOICE ACTOR): PLAYLIST: BOUND IN IMAGERY (NARRATOR/ VOICE ACTOR): CHANNEL: DISCLAIMER: DO NOT REACT/ DUB my videos without EMAILED PERMISSION. Use of any audio or affiliated animations of these videos on YouTube or any other social media platform is not allowed as it is a direct violation of copyright law and will result in a COPYRIGHT STRIKE. The videos on this channel are intended for mature audiences only (PG-13). The videos contain graphic/mature content that is not suitable for viewers under the age of 13 (PG-13). Viewer discretion is advised. MUSIC CREDIT: Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License CO.AG Music Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Myuu Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License I own a license for all software and have the rights for commercial use for everything used in my videos. #GYM #WORKOUT #HorrorShortsParty

Horror Shorts Party

1 year ago

the next story was inspired by a viral clip of  a man at a gym who experiences something quote unquote paranormal here you can see a medicine  ball mysteriously rolling towards him but what happens next is something quite disturbing when  you see it unfold here's a dramatized version of the alleged occurrence i've never been one to  believe in the supernatural however i've learned that the supernatural doesn't care if you believe  in them or not if they've got a problem with you you've got a pro
blem there's always been stories  about the old gym i used to frequent years and years ago the same building was originally a dance  studio helmed by the most cruel and unforgiving man in all of colombian dance history as a  dance instructor he was an undeniable genius the performers he produced were beyond flawless but  those world-class results came at a hefty price as a man as a human being the old instructor was  an abusive vindictive vile monster that never should have been trusted around l
ittle girls my  mother relayed many of the stories to me always with a thousand yard stare apparently the old  instructor would starve his students if they were too heavy and would lash at them if they couldn't  get something right worse still if they talk back to him the story said he would chain them up in a  dark room and leave them there for hours sometimes even days but the worst thing of all is what he  would do to the girls he liked but i'm sure you can get the picture on that the old ins
tructor's  reign of terror over those poor dancers came to an end when one of them dropped dead in the middle of  a session legend has it that the girl who died was the most unfortunate of them all not only did  she bear all of his abuses but she also knew all of his darkest secrets some say it wasn't a  coincidence that she died that the old instructor poisoned her because he did something there is  so despicable that he couldn't chance anyone finding out about it coincidence or not his dance 
practice was shut down for good shortly after that the building he had used laid vacant for quite a  few years before anybody would use it for anything it eventually became the gym it is today but not  before that old devil of a man faces retribution slowly over the years following his forced  retirement he went crazy he became more and more tormented by the sins of his past until one  evening he hung himself from the rafters of his own former studio ever since the building became  a gym and i s
tarted working out there my mom warned me not to go people say that it's haunted  that's been cursed by the tragedy of what took place there but of course i didn't listen i went  there often and not only were there other people who felt the same as me but none of us had ever  seen or heard anything strange in the building it's hard to get spooked when there's other people  around you know i think this gym might be on it either i'm getting stronger or something  supernatural is helping me lift th
ese weights really now dude do you need a spotter you  know you shouldn't lift without a spotter what do you mean without a spotter i got a spotter  looking over my shoulder everywhere i go in here oh yeah like who dude just spot me you're asking  too many questions there used to be five or six acquaintances of mine who would frequent the gym  i'd run into at least one of them every single time i went and often there would be a few of us  there at one time but i suddenly stopped seeing all of th
em it wasn't like they had all slowly  gotten demotivated or decided to try another gym they just vanished one day they were there and the  next they were nowhere to be seen the last day i was there i was the only one there might have  been the odd stranger passing through here and there but for the most part i was alone i didn't  think this would mean anything except that i wouldn't have anyone to talk to so i set my stuff  down on my usual place and started stretching i was standing before the
mirror wall where the  dumbbells restored to my knowledge that's the same mirror that was in the dance studio and i couldn't  help but think about all the terrible things that must have happened in that mirror i stared into my  reflection absent-mindedly and that's when i heard a loud bang behind me a chill ran down my spine  i had to stop stretching for a moment and refocus myself i looked around and found myself still  alone but nothing was moving like i thought it was i stepped away from the
mirror and returned  to my bag me to check my phone for a text that would take my mind off the situation but  somehow it wasn't in the place i'd left it i started digging through all the pockets in my  bag looking for it when i heard it ding behind me i turned around and it was perched on the edge  of the rack that all the medicine balls were stored on how the hell did you get over there  i quickly snatched it before a gust of wind could knock it over and went back to my bag to  make sure it wo
uldn't be misplaced this time that's when i heard something behind me again  a thud that i felt in my feet when i looked back to the rack a medicine ball had fallen off  and started rolling along the floor towards me who's there you'll never leave never i snapped  myself out of my trance and grabbed all my things i was stunned i thought i had gone crazy the  mirror the noises the phone and now this it was all too much for me to ignore i snapped myself out  of my trance and grabbed all my things
heading for the exit as quickly as i could i just wanted to  get out of there before any other ghost-related thing could happen but i was too late i was  halfway to the door and felt something push me i slipped across the slick floor and fell on  my back i was still sliding with my momentum when something grabbed a hold of my leg  and started dragging me all over the place somebody help me i screamed for help but there  was nobody around i could feel my body literally levitate off the ground i d
id everything in my  power to yank my leg free i dropped my stuff on the floor when i fell and left without it i  scrambled in my feet and ran the hell out of there every time i tell this story the public usually  gives me the cold shoulder because it simply sounds too good to be true but unfortunately  for them the gym camera footage says otherwise the next gym story is quite relatable for any  gym rats out there you're bound to encounter individuals like these as they usually like  to show off
and hog machines as if they own the establishment here's a dramatized animation  based on these kinds of scenarios but of course gone wrong i've always been skinny as a kid my  relatives would always tell me that i would bulk up when i hit puberty but of course the opposite  happened and i just leaned out even more by the time i got into college i was sick of always  being known for being skin and bones i took matters into my own hands and started working out  at my community gym five days a we
ek of course the contrast between me and all those super jacked  meat head dudes loaded up on pre-workout at the gym always made me worry about what they were  thinking if they're judging me or not whenever i'm working out at my gym i'm never too far from  the most beautiful irresistible goddess tear woman i've seen anywhere in the world the sight of  their tight bodies keeps me motivated and into the mindset of the grind so i can get to a point  with my body where i can feel confident enough to
actually go up and talk to them one day this  is all a fantasy of course as i sure have a long way to go until i can look like the dudes those  girls are interested in for the longest time the one on top has been a man who calls himself hugo  i'm pretty sure that's not his real name because this isn't the year 1845 and i think he just likes  the sound of it because it's so close to huge as corny as it is the name is earned he really is  the biggest most muscular man who comes to the gym a legit
bodybuilder he's always flexing for the  hottest girls to get their attention and he often leaves with one of them all the other men suck up  to him but i know they're terrified of bringing their girlfriends around him because if he ever  made a move there would be nothing they could do to stop him from stealing their girl the fact of  the matter is nobody has the power to resist him for anything he does he basically owns the whole  gym he spends several hours there every single day and he alwa
ys takes forever with the machines  you'd have a death wish if you ever told him to stop hogging them though if anyone smaller and  weaker than him is using a machine he wants to get on he'll do whatever he sees fit to kick that  person off and take it for himself time's up twig it's hugo's turn but i just got on five minutes  did i stutter get off unless you want to be my punching bag okay okay i'm sorry everything about  you is sorry he made it a point to not even use the leg press after kicki
ng me off it he just sat  down in it and started flexing for some girls that were nearby you know i can deadlift six stacks  of 45s on either side of the barbell and i can bench press five plates but only for a rep or  two oh we know hugo we watch you do it every day what is that like 10 of him i bet he wishes  he could be half as strong as me i was on the other side of the room by the weight racks which  meant i could see them behind me in the mirror staring at me and gawking in my proportions
they  saw me looking back and started to whisper so i couldn't hear what they were saying but i knew it  was probably about the size dumbbell i was using i had just recently started lifting and because i  was so thin and weak i had to start on literally the smallest weight in the gym i should have known  better than to stick around after talking to hugo hey stick man yeah i'm talking to you get over  here and bring me the biggest dumbbell they got in here my heart started pounding immediately  h
is shouting had gotten everyone's attention and they were all looking at me i walked all  the way to the other far side of the rack and found the largest weight it was a full 100 pounds  i could already feel the blood rushing to my face i had no idea if i could even lift the  thing let alone carry it across the room but i had to try anyway it felt like it was nailed  down i heaved and heaved but it would barely budge the snickering surrounded me and my vision closed  in finally i managed to pick
it up long enough to get it off the rack but i dropped it immediately  i didn't even have the grip strength everybody was laughing my stomach was crawling up my throat all  i could think to do was roll the weight across the floor when i finally got to hugo i could see the  prideful belittlement in his eyes are you serious this is the heaviest thing in here pathetic no no  there's got to be something better i got it how much do you weigh 120 120. well i guess i'll have  to do come here i couldn'
t even react before hugo grabbed me by the shirt and pants and lifted me up  into the air and then he started to curl me like a barbell with ease flinging me around like it was  actually a stick i struggled trying to break free but it was no use he had a vice grip he curled  me probably more than 20 times before he finally dropped me on the ground i've never been more  humiliated in my entire life and i had an entire childhood full of humiliation i felt the  embarrassment bubbling the simultaneo
us surge of impotent rage and pathetic tears i didn't dare try  to square up with hugo i knew i couldn't handle the steroid-fueled aggression so i just scrambled  up to my feet and ran outside before anyone could see me crying the next time i went several days  later i did everything i could to be unseen hugo was there of course but when i arrived  he was preoccupied with tormenting some other poor schmuck i started with some cardio on the  treadmill but i didn't get half a mile in before i hear
d him calling out to me hey yo barbell buddy  how about you come and spot me huh you like the sound of that he was acting like he was affording  me some great privilege to be in his presence but his voice was dripping with a sarcasm that  made it clear he had some other intention behind the offer i got off the treadmill and walked  calmly over to the bench he was hogging by the looks of it everyone that had been around him  a minute ago had gone off to do their own thing and it seemed like hugo
was about to pull some  sort of stunt to get the attention back he had the barbell loaded up already with five plates on each  side plus an added 20 pounds on both ends watch me hit this pr he laid flat and readied himself i put  my hands lightly on the bar for support and waited he lifted the bar off the rack and slowly lowered  it towards his chest i could already tell that it wasn't going well the whole bar was shaking  rattling the plates as he struggled he bottomed out then lifted it up abo
ut three inches right  about there he stalled his eyes suddenly went bloodshot the veins in his neck bulging more than  i've seen on a person then right as the fountain of blood began to spray from his nose the bar  dropped onto his chest i was far too weak to give him enough help to lift it off so the whole thing  slowly slid down until it was pressing on his neck hugo started choking and spitting blood flailing  his legs around in a futile struggle that was a lot quieter than you'd expect i ke
pt trying to  pull it up but it was no use i started to call out for help help help but nobody in the gym wanted to  come to the aid of a scrawny little stick like me they had no idea that i was calling for help on  the behalf of hugo it was almost a full three minutes later before anyone strong enough came by  and lifted the bar off but by then it was too late hugo was motionless and his bowels and bladder  had been relieved the bar had crushed his windpipe with ease and now he was just a big d
ead slap ever  since then the gym has been much more peaceful the death was ruled an accident and nobody  even thought to suspect me for anything little do they know i had just enough  strength to keep hugo from pushing the bar over the side to save himself i have no  idea why he wanted me to spot him on the pr attempt but it sure was a great opportunity  to pay him back for the way he disgraced me the last picture i see it right there and you're  lying so delete it right now before i'm at i swe
ar to god delete it right now that's very disrespectful this has got to be one of the most intense clips  on the net a gym creep caught red-handed and put on blast to the general public what came of  this situation was nothing short of disturbing as this was the kind of thing most females have  to deal with during their workout the female in question records the confrontation with the creep  on her cell phone here's a dramatized version animated by yours truly i worked out frequently  at my loca
l gym called planet fitness i'd like to call myself a seasoned gym rat as i had a habit of  working out till i experienced hot flashes where i would see nothing but white for a split second  the gym was known for containing mostly females since it didn't have the same heavy set equipment  that another fitness center had like la fitness though there were the occasional men that attended  which wasn't really a bad thing if they weren't looking at me during my workout so damn often one  day while i
was doing my routine at the gym i saw this man doing some warm-ups his eyes fixated  on me oh how typical i thought to myself i had encountered a lot of men before who used to flex  their muscles at an angle where i could see them or converse with me hoping they could get my  number in the end so i assumed this guy was just one of them and i went on to do a series of drop  setting which required me to lift and drop weights about 20 times moments later i could see from  my peripheral vision that
the man was no longer stretching but staring dead at me i was used to  guys glancing at me every now and then but there was something about this man's gaze that made me  feel uneasy so i decided to transfer to the other side where i could no longer see him however when  i transferred it didn't take long for him to find me and continue oogling when i turned my gaze  towards him he smiled and began waving his hand revealing crusty yellow teeth thinking that he  might come close if i waved back i
simply averted my gaze and approached an instructor pretending  to inquire about the sessions he offered however this man was adamant he stood as he  watched me converse with the fitness trainer and when the coach noticed him he too was creeped  out prompting him to step forward then facing the creep he asked is there something you need buddy  his face began to sour and after gritting his teeth in frustration he shouted at the instructor  you're interrupting my workout mr steroids can't you see
i'm trying to work out how about  you leave the young lady alone so we can all enjoy ourselves i couldn't help but feel disgusted  it is leave the young lady alone so we can all enjoy ourselves remark nonetheless i immediately  left and decided to transfer to another planet fitness location the following day when i finally  arrived at the new gym it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and i'm not talking about  dumbbells i began to immediately lift weights freely without having to wor
ry if some creep was  eyeballing me i felt like i was finally able to push myself to my max and began experiencing hot  flashes that i attributed as my body telling me to take it easy however to my horror i saw the same  guy from a distance staring right at me i couldn't believe my eyes as i was literally convinced i  had a psychotic stalker on my hands disgusted i transferred to the other side of the gym and  somehow it was just like yesterday however this time there were no fitness trainer and
there were  a lot more women than men doing sit-ups and yoga he did follow me as i anticipated and he angled  himself so that i was still in his line of sight then moments later when i gave my protein shake a  jiggle i saw the creep oogling me once more as he curled his fingers around those dumbbells and even  when i wasn't supposed to look i couldn't help but notice all the mess he created from drooling and  wetting his shorts even the women next to him moved to another area apparently frighte
ned  bothered by this i transferred once more luckily this gym was much more spacious than the  last one however moments later as i was filling up my water bottle i was startled at the sight of  a man crouching next to the fountain licking him passionately like he was a dehydrated dog with  his eyes in contact with mine stop licking your lips at me you freak i jolted in fear and threw  the bottle at the creep fleeing the area then as i approached the elliptical machine i noticed  the man still f
ollowing behind me pissing me off moments later while doing some squats he came to  the bench and i could feel him pressing behind me so i moved to another squat rack where the freak  followed me pressing behind me once more there was no way in hell i wanted to work my glutes and give  this creep a front row seat what's your deal huh i asked infuriated but instead of saying something  in return he chortled in a condescending way that pushed me to my limit all right that's it i'm  calling the cop
s on this one he grabbed my arm tightly and whispered come on don't ruin the fun  just play along let go of me i scowled as i yanked my arm away from him okay okay you win no cops i  promise i'll leave he turned his back and went in another direction when the coast was clear i went  back to squatting my mind finally at ease however just when i thought everything was smooth sailing  from here i saw a bright flash of light from the corner of my eyes and a creep was there with a  cell phone in his
hands when he noticed me glaring at him he pretended to be talking to someone on  the phone and i completely lost it this time i yelled amidst everyone in the gym letting them  know that there was a creep in our presence were you just taking a photo of my butt you creep the  man's confidence diminished as the other women in the gym glanced at him with abhorrence hey answer  me when i'm talking to you in an attempt to save face he replied what are you talking about  don't be full of yourself woma
n i was talking to someone on the phone don't you dare lie to me  you pervert i saw that camera flash on your phone i grabbed his phone and started browsing through  his gallery which contained candid photos of different women working out in the gym then  among the latest images were pictures of myself squatting delete these photos right now do you  understand me right now i exclaimed as i pushed him frantically okay okay i'm doing it sheesh  so sensitive show me you've deleted all of them show
me he displayed an empty gallery cussing me  for being a killjoy and finally left the gym i cried as some of the other women approached me to  offer some comfort but what really bothers me was how my hot flashes were probably just flashes  from that creeped cell phone the whole time and i can bench press five plates but only for  a rep or two oh we know hugo we watch you do it every day what is that like 10 of him yeah i  bet he wishes he could be half as strong as me
