
30 Scary Videos to Fuel Your Fear

Prepare to embark on a journey into the deepest realms of fear and the unknown. Today, I unveil 30 scary videos to fuel your fear! What you're about to watch isn't just a countdown; it's a heart-pounding odyssey through the creepiest and the most unforgettable moments captured on camera! The entries in this list of the top 30 scary videos will etch themselves into the very core of your psyche, leaving an indelible mark that'll linger long after the screen has gone dark. From the eerie to the inexplicable, each video in this hair-raising scary comp will reveal a different facet of horror, guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat. But the journey doesn't end when this list of creepy videos stops playing. No, what you're about to watch will continue to ensnare your imagination, even long after you've finished watching. Each frame in this collection of scary videos is a nightmare in the making, and the horror they evoke will haunt your nights for weeks, if not months, to come! These stories etched in fear will leave you questioning every shadow you see, every creak you hear in the middle of the night, and every unexplained phenomenon you encounter! And the darkness they'll reveal will be like a void that beckons you to enter its depths, and once you step in, there'll be no turning back! As you delve into this collection of the macabre, you'll find yourself immersed in a world where the boundaries of reality are pushed to their limits. The nerve-shattering experiences captured in these scary videos will send shivers down your spine and have you questioning the very fabric of your existence. Stuff that defies any rational explanation is the stuff of the nightmares — and that's exactly what you'll find in this list! These creepy videos serve relentless chills, which aren't for the faint of heart! Especially those who jump at the sight of the faintest shadow in the dark. So, a word of caution: If you're easily scared, you might want to skip this list of scary videos. They can terrify you out of your wits so badly, you may never see the world you live in the same again! Truth be told, once you've dived into this spine-tingling collection of scary videos, you'll probably end up huddled under your sheets, hoping they'll shield you from the creepy stuff that's out to get you. But ask yourself, would it be enough to make you feel safe? These unsettling videos will make you question the safety of your own home, filling it with eerie stories that may very well stick with you forever. So, if you're up for the scares and the shivers, gather your courage, dim the lights a bit, and prepare for a night of nightmares. Just remember, once you step into this world, there's no going back. You have been cautioned. Done watching? That's great! Which of these creepy videos frightened the living daylights out of you the most? Let me know right below in the comments! Sources: 30. 29. 28. 27. @mysteriousunknownss/TikTok 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Music: Kevin MacLeod ( jdgehlert ( Entry Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:20 Number 30 1:26 Number 29 2:24 Number 28 3:29 Number 27 4:53 Number 26 5:34 Number 25 8:18 Number 24 9:01 Number 23 10:54 Number 22 12:50 Number 21 13:45 Number 20 15:11 Number 19 17:09 Number 18 19:48 Number 17 21:22 Number 16 22:22 Number 15 24:44 Number 14 27:11 Number 13 28:29 Number 12 29:59 Number 11 32:19 Number 10 33:32 Number 9 35:12 Number 8 36:09 Number 7 37:39 Number 6 39:30 Number 5 40:43 Number 4 41:43 Number 3 43:59 Number 2 45:00 Number 1


3 months ago

Coming up in this video. Is your fear tank running low? Well then, fill up here. These 30 Scary Videos will fuel your fear. 30. The Glow An illuminated figure is seen on a hillside. Is it extraterrestrial ? YouTube channel, Ufo Global, shares this  mysterious footage captured in Brazil. The still figure is luminescent. Oddly unsettling, it doesn’t move at all on the  hillside but continues to glow. Some in the comments think it’s a magic trick. While I agree that the video is too short to  come
to a legit conclusion as to what this is… I wouldn’t dismiss the celestial. 29. Possession Evil has possessed her. YouTube team, HDadam, shares footage of  what appears to be a possession unfolding. Although we aren’t given any context,  I assume a dark demon has consumed her. As they try to calm the woman, a  mirror on the floor starts shaking. The possessed woman grows frantic. And the more she screams in terror,  the more I’m fueled with fear. 28. The Dancer You won’t want to dance with this
smooth criminal. Shared by YouTube channel, KisaWeba,  this scary video is trending in the Spanish-speaking YouTube community. I was  unable to track down its original source, but the channel says the video  gave rise to the Legend of Ayuwoki. Do you think this could be the  real deal? Ayuwoki in the flesh? I think it’s quite possible. And if it is, we’d better  moonwalk our way outta here. 27. Unknown Creature Is this a sasquatch? Or just a big gorilla? TikToker mysteriousunknownss shares this 
footage of a mysterious creature in the forest. Some are convinced that this is a true Bigfoot. According to one viewer, this  isn’t the entire piece of footage. I couldn’t find the full-length footage, but from this clip, it doesn’t look like any  known animal to me. Its behavior is bizarre. I’d be fleeing this thing so quickly,  that I’d probably leave my shadow behind. 26. Seamstress Spirit This spirit is not above  taking your sewing machine. YouTube channel, Haunted it`s  life, shares this
security footage. After the sewing machine is tugged away  unexpectedly, the girls just look on in awe. Is this spirit a former seamstress? I’m sure of it. So, the least  the living could do is share. 25. Scratched Something unseen is reaching out. YouTube channel, True Horror Stories POV, shares  this scary reenactment of a true horror story. A man is delivering a package. But he runs  into some unfortunate encounters along the way. As the lifts aren’t working, he has to take the  stairs, wher
e he runs into this strange stranger. After this eerie encounter, he has another,  when he arrives at the recipient’s home. The woman magically appears on the sofa and then refuses to answer when he’s speaking to her. After a time, another woman enters the room to receive the package. And  the mute woman…disappears. Unfortunately, the delivery guy has to return to the apartment to get paid.  When he does, this happens… Fleeing the demon, he enters the  stairwell and hears strange noises inside.
The demon figure manages to scratch  his arm up, and he flees in fear. Does he get out alive? This is one of the scariest things I’ve  seen in a while. And although it’s only a reenactment, the fear I feel is very real. 24. In the Cover of Darkness A creepy figure appears in  the darkness of this short clip from YouTube team, Burak Doğan Paranormal. Watch, as darkness falls. In the dark, a demon is soon  seen standing over the man. What is this figure? A jinn, more than likely…or I’d  assume, so
mething else unholy. 23. Sergeant’s House This sergeant doesn’t like trespassing. YouTuber, THIAGO FURACAO, and his  partner Thais spent the worst night of their lives at the sergeant’s house. As they arrive, they find the home empty. But once they’re inside, something  makes its presence known. As they enter the room, they get a  strong reading on their K2 meter. They continue to look around…and the  sergeant does not like their intrusion. Once outside, Thiago and Thais are  safe. But the serge
ant underscores that they’re not welcome on his property. He is home. And from what I can  see, he doesn’t want visitors. 22. Randonautica Horrors Randonautica sometimes leads users toward danger. YouTube team, Proving Demons, is led on a  wild ride. And here’s where they end up. After taking the phone, the  guys return to their vehicle. But they think there’s someone  lurking in the abandoned place. From the safety of their vehicle,  they yell at whoever’s inside. Was it the wind? Watch this ne
xt bit carefully. That could have been the wind too. But  what happens next makes me doubt that. Someone just tapped on the window. Does the team have a stalker? It sure appears that way to me.  And now I’m wondering what sort of message it was trying to  send with the toy telephone. 21. Possessed Dolls YouTube channel, SS3 Paranormal, shares regular poltergeist activity around their haunted home. And it seems their resident poltergeist  is at it again in the possessed doll room. An object falls
off the shelf…or is pushed off. The object is behind Chazz, so  unfortunately, we can’t see which. But you can hear it fall. Although we could chalk this up  to an unstably placed object, I feel that the mounting evidence of strange  happenings in this home points to a haunting. 20. Jinn Would you dare face off with a jinn? YouTuber ‘Adventures jassim the dark  night’ dares, and he comes up short. As he navigates this abandoned building,  something disturbs the silence. He hasn’t yet found what
made the noise. But  as he continues his search, he sees this. There appears to be nothing there.  But are we just blind to it? Jassim turns off his light and listens closely. It sounds to me like something  is moving around in there. Is it a jinn? This rundown place certainly looks  like a jinn’s favorite haunt. I can practically see one around every corner. 19. House with a Poltergeist This house is screaming with fear. YouTuber, DARK MYSTIC, returns  to the house with a poltergeist. And he f
inds the basement is still open. Something is tapping on the window. But what? As he continues his tour through  the house, he is soon frightened. He asks the spirits here to get in  touch. And soon wishes they hadn’t. A camera in the attic captures a loud knock. And this is followed by some  spiritual communication. Is the door closing on this investigation? When the spirits or demons  start to get aggressive, it’s my opinion that you should call it quits. 18. ‘City of the Dead’ While exploring
the ‘City of the Dead’, YouTuber  TOPPI finds these lost souls are very much alive. Upon entering this abandoned place, he  starts hearing mysterious sounds…and a voice. As he continues to explore, he  hears a bang in the next room. Downstairs, he keeps hearing random  unexplained sounds that are unsettling. This next rustling is heartstopping –  but the guys think they know what it is. An eagle. But the eagle didn’t do this… They then hear a twinkling sound,  which they soon realize is a music
box. They find the music box and consider taking  it home. But before they decide for sure, something frightening happens… In my opinion, this ‘City of  the Dead’ isn’t dead at all. Something is here. And if we’re not careful,  it’ll sing us a lullaby of eternal sleep. 17. UK’s Most Haunted House Anyone up for hide-and-seek in  the UK’s most haunted house? YouTube team, TFGbro, is hunting each other on an overnighter there. And things start to get scary. Hunter encounters a terrifying  figure…b
ut it’s not what it seems. Don’t worry, it’s just a statue or doll. Meanwhile, Romell finds a new hiding spot. But as he does, something unexpected happens. Here it is again. This is no longer a game. And it’s  simply too freaky to continue. I’d say game over too. 16. Fear Sometimes the living are scarier than the spirits. YouTuber PROCURA SOBRENATURAL encounters a living person squatting in this abandoned house. After dodging around all the  junk, he finally finds him. While nothing dangerous c
omes from the encounter, under different circumstances,  it definitely could have. This just goes to show that  when you’re urban exploring, you’d better come prepared to protect yourself. 15. Haunted Texas Jail This former jail in Texas has  locked up some phantom inmates. YouTube team, HauntRowTV, spends a  night in the Old Lavaca County Jail, and the spirits here quickly show  a willingness to communicate. They then seem to identify themselves. Their communication is shockingly direct. The te
am starts hearing more noises offscreen. As they investigate where the noise  is coming from, they hear more. In another room, they ask the spirits  to show them a sign. And they get one. The spirit then reaches out to touch them. She says she felt something grab her leg. Is it a phantom inmate of the County Jail? That would be my best bet. And if that’s the case, they’d better hope it’s  intentions are not nefarious. 14. The Warren House Ed and Lorraine Warren were American paranormal investiga
tors. The Conjuring is  based on their real-life experiences. YouTube team, Moxleys Paranormal World, investigates the Warren house which is  so haunted that nobody will live there. And it’s clear why. Down in the  basement, they start hearing noises. Back upstairs, they hear something  else…but Mox finds nothing. He also starts hearing footsteps. Shortly after, he hears them again. Next, they hear a male voice EVP. What does the spirit want them  to raise? Maybe the cellar door. They head back
down into the darkness. And down there, they get a response. There’s something in this house with them. And considering the Warren’s history, I’d imagine  whatever is haunting this place is pure evil. 13. Hunter’s Lodge Motel Located in Chorley, England, Hunter’s  Lodge Motel is reputedly haunted. And the YouTube team, Explore Beyond,  is here to uncover its secrets. They quickly start hearing things in the darkness. Shortly after, they hear footsteps. Then, knocking is heard. Although they don’
t capture a glimpse of  what is causing all these subtle noises, I think it’s safe to say they’re not alone here. But whether they’re being tracked by the  living or spirits is anyone’s guess. 12. Abandoned Farm While investigating this abandoned  farm, the YouTube team, Is It Haunted?, is apparently contacted by  something extraterrestrial. Early on, they hear some subtle noises and EVPs. And throughout the house, they continue  hearing unexplained sounds and voices. But it’s when they communic
ate through a spirit  box that they receive an all-too-direct answer. The team asks about the Unidentified Flying Object sightings, and this is the spirit’s response. Are they speaking with a spirit…or  something extraterrestrial? I believe this could be an  extraterrestrial contact. And if so, it sounds like they want only the best  for us. I guess that’s sort of relieving. 11. Most Haunted House in Britain This YouTuber is asking for trouble. YouTuber, Andrew Duffy, taunts  the spirit in the m
ost haunted house in Britain. And he soon  finds he’s playing with fire. When Andrew shuts the door, the  banging immediately starts up again. Andrew continues to taunt the spirit. He calls John weak, and John retaliates. If you ask me, the provocation isn’t helping. Andrew heads upstairs for a breather, but then returns to taunt John  again…and he’ll soon regret it. Andrew’s been bit. It seems to me that John is  like a child throwing a fit. But then again, Andrew pushed  him for more. So, he p
rovided. 10. Poltergeist Activity The resident of this home has been  experiencing major poltergeist activity. YouTube crew, The G Team Paranormal Investigators, quickly gets a reading on their rempod. The camera has also gone bizarrely out of focus. Later, while using a spirit box, some viewers  caught a male disembodied voice through the noise. They then do a cleansing of the  house to rid it of its poltergeist. Did they get rid of it for good? It looks to me like they did all the  right thing
s. But only time will tell. 9. Woodpecker Hill During a solo investigation  of Woodpecker Hill Cemetery, YouTuber Rusty-Knut Paranormal  captures an apparition. The cemetery was used for a nearby prison  and has plots for its former inmates. Through a spirit box, he receives this message. She says, “They’re coming to get me.” Who is coming? Using Ghost Tube, he pans the area and captures what he believes is an apparition on camera. This is what he saw. While I’m not sure that was an apparition, 
I do hear this voice clear as day. He hears it too in the  moment, and it freaks him out. You can hear more murmuring,  but the words are indistinct. Is somebody really there? Or is  something channeling him from the beyond? Whatever it is, I think it needs help. 8. Mythical Creature Did YouTuber SAMAL SHADOW HUNTER capture a real mythical creature on camera? Watch closely near the curtain. Did you see it? Here it is again. Something scurries past, and it  looks like a figure standing upright.
Watch closely. I think we can be sure it’s not a mouse…but I don’t know if it’s a dwarf or  some other mythical creature. It looks too small to be a dwarf  - maybe a fairy or a duende, as some are suggesting in the comments. This one has me on the fence.  What do you think it is? 7. Abandoned Hospital The past is present at this abandoned hospital. YouTuber Connor from The Explorer Returns returns to this haunted abandoned hospital at 2 AM. He goes it alone…but maybe,  he’s not alone after all…
He concludes that it’s water dripping…but  that doesn’t sound like water to me. In another room, he hears more noise. He moves onto the next building but,  again, hears unexplained sounds. I thought I heard voices talking. Is it just the wind playing tricks on us? It might be. But I doubt it.  This place gives me bad vibes, and it doesn’t feel at all natural.  I’d be getting out of there ASAP. 6. Real Exorcist House A shadow creeps through this haunted home. YouTuber Jasko and his team  are at t
he real Exorcist House, and they quickly find that  it lives up to its name. Outside, they start hearing noises. But they soon discover that  it’s not in their heads. Inside, they find an array of dolls, one of  which is possessed, as it soon demonstrates. After taking some selfies, Jasko sees  for himself what’s haunting the place. Here’s what he captured. It looks like a shadow figure to me. And after hearing that earlier hiss, I’m positive that it’s pure evil. 5. Abandoned Military Base This
abandoned military base  is hiding some dark secrets. YouTuber Adam Ghost Trapper discovers  them on an investigation gone wrong. While searching the barracks,  several odd things happen at once. As he sees something, his  light suddenly shuts off. Then, you can hear a creepy voice. Adam races away. And who can blame him? Do you see the shadow moving? I don’t know what that shadow could  belong to, and I think we’ll never know. Unfortunately, this military secret has been kept. 4. 30 East Drive
Located in the UK, 30 East Drive is purportedly  haunted by a spirit known as the Black Monk. The YouTube channel, Ghosts Are Real!,  shares this video captured inside the place. In the clip, one of their devices is triggered. Then, they hear something unexplained. It wasn’t the sink. Listen again. I’ve seen and heard enough activity in 30 East  Drive to be convinced that this place is haunted. But this video serves as one more proof. 3. House of the Devil Something lurks in the basement of this
House of the Devil. Franko of the YouTube channel, FRANKO TV, searches for a reading on his  K2 meter when this happens… The door opens on its own, as  though to welcome Franko inside. Or to lure him… A voice is heard from below. And it  succeeds at luring Franko down to it. In the underground, he finds an offering. He makes it safely back upstairs where he  comes across more evidence of dark magic. After the giggling is heard, he hears walking. I wouldn’t be walking toward it; I’d  be running
away from it at this point. But Franko completes his investigation, and what he’s uncovered here convinces me that  this place is haunted beyond a reasonable doubt. 2. Static Cam Poltergeist This spooky poltergeist activity was captured on  a static cam by YouTube team, Tropical Haunts. Keep an eye on the desk. As the person moves past, a headset  on the desk inexplicably starts to slide across the desk and  then falls to the ground. According to the team, it’s a  wireless headset. So it’s not a
matter of the wire getting caught up in  something and yanked off of the table. Do you think this is a poltergeist at work? Without any other logical explanation,  that seems the only possibility to me. I’ve got a challenge for you, since  you’ve made it this far, why not like this video and hit subscribe in the next  5 seconds, because I upload 4 new scary videos every week. If you’re curious about  what I look like in real life, then go to my Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt and  tap that follo
w button to find out. 1. Scariest Dark Web Box When you order something from the Dark Web,  you’d better prepare yourself for some surprises. YouTuber, Crypto NWO, shares  his scariest unboxing yet. Inside one box, he finds a camera. And on it, he finds something mysterious. Who are Samantha and Philip? We may never know. As he continues his unboxing,  he starts hearing things. Later, he opens what looks like a piece  of raw meat. The footage is censored, so I don’t know what it is exactly. What
ever it is makes Kevin sick. I think this would be the end of  dark web mystery boxes for me. None of it makes sense…but that  makes it even more deeply unsettling.
