
36 Minute Dumbbell Tabata Strength (HIIT, Dumbbells, Quick Rounds) - LEAP DAY 16

It’s Day #16 of your LEAP Challenge! Grab those dumbbells, and remember you can do anything for 20 seconds! In four-minute rounds, this full-body workout uses dumbbells to strengthen and sculpt in Tabata intervals of 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Alternate lower body, upper body, and core for maximum burn! 1️⃣ Subscribe HERE: (it's FREE and the best way to support my small business!!) Help me reach ONE MILLION subscribers, as this will help us reach more people and will allow me to develop many more programs for YOU! 🙏 2️⃣ Sign up for my FREE newsletter here: The newsletter allows you to get links to all the workouts in advance! Plus, keep up with my latest offerings and blogs on fitness and nutrition. 3️⃣ Need motivation, accountability, and nutrition guidance? Join the BodyFit Athletic Club (BAC) HERE: The BodyFit Athletic Club is a virtual community where we offer effortless and approachable nutrition, positive fitness, no-fuss recipes, accountability, motivation, and a supportive community for EVERY BODY - at a fraction of the cost of a standard gym membership. ➡️ Link to the LEAP Monthly Calendar: ➡️ Link to the LEAP YouTube Playlist: ttps:// ➡️ My Equipment Everything I use HERE: Discounted TRX HERE: (save 15% off your TRX with coupon code: BODYFITBYAMY) Mini Bands: Hope Fitness Gear ➡️ MY OUTFITS Grab my newest outfits on my LTK profile HERE: ➡ TODAY’S WORKOUT 0:00 Intro 0:35 Warm Up 4:33 Circuit 1 10:05 Circuit 2 15:45 Circuit 3 21:06 Circuit 4 27:27 Circuit 5 34:57 Cool Down ➡️ Connect With Me on Social Web: IG: FB Page: FREE Private Facebook Group: ➡️ Warm Up, Cool Down & Extra Stretching For an additional warm-up, start here: For some extra cooldown, go here: For some extended stretching (cause we all need it), check this out: Thanks for showing up today! Great job, everybody! Amy DISCLAIMER Please consult with your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program. As with any exercise program, if you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort at any point during your workout, you should stop immediately. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you agree to do so at your own risk. 🚨 Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel HERE:

BodyFit By Amy

4 days ago

hey everybody I'm Amy from Bodyfit by Amy and this  is your dumbbell Tabata strength workout in this workout we're going to work the entire body for  strength throwing in some cardio and some Mobility using your dumbbells and working in a traditional  Tata format of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest in 4 minute rounds of course I'm  going to give you lots of different options to work to your Fitness level so listen to your body  and be where you are today all right you ready let'
s do it let's start just by getting our body  moving so go ahead and March or jog step touch whatever you need to do to go ahead and get the  blood flowing get the energy up let's roll those shoulders right through here start them small then  we'll take them a little bigger our goal with this warmup is to get a little bit of Mobility work be  working in the movement patterns with just your body weight before we add the dumbbells the load  to that and and then of course to get our body's temperat
ure up and get that energy up and ready to  move let's take one arm at a time take it to the back for three and then we'll reverse that keep  the core nice and tight right through here I think you're going to like this format obviously many of  us love Tata it's only 20 seconds of work you know what I always say Tata it moves fast but it moves  fast right we can do anything for 20 seconds take a big step out right through here side to side  but what you're going to like about this a lot of times
we're thinking of our Tabata with our HIIT  or our cardio or lots of compound moves this is going to be your back to basic strength so just  shift your weight side to side but we're going to be adding on repeating things mixing things  up a little as we go but it's going to feel a lot like those giant sets let's take it a flat  back down and round it up like your giant sets or your cluster sets where we're stacking similar  exercises or the same muscle groups so you really feel that burn so eve
n though it's 20 seconds  then you get a quick little break we're going to be working a lot of the same muscle groups within  that we're going to have a little variety so we're doing something for the first 4 20 seconds we may  have the first two be the same and then a little bit of variety for the second two and then we'll  have the second four rounds sounds confusing but I promise you we're going to make it it'll make  sense once we get into it so taking it back most of what we're going to do
we're going to have a  Tabata circuit with just your lower body followed by a little lower and core or upper and core then  some lower body upper and core then we'll have a little bonus circuit where we put some things  together let's take it down right here you can either just hold that lunge or if it's right  for you take it down into that world's greatest stretch take that front foot out big reach through  here rotate in and open it up take it in and up you can drop that knee down or keep it
up whatever  is better for you let's switch your legs you can step up out of Ito step it back again you can  just hold that lunge Get Low open up the hips from here or take it here big reach rotate in and  up and again if it feels better to have that knee down or add a little movement through it you can  and up if you're able to take it back to that high plank that's not right for you take it down to  those knees but if you can we're going to hold it here lift up in that core little forward and 
back toes to hands a little Cross of the knees let's get a little rotational movement if you're  on your knees just hold that right through there and then let's slowly walk those hands back you  can hang hang out here for a second pedal those feet relax in that upper body and then we're going  to slowly roll it up one vertebra at a time all right team let's tap it on reach here so Tata 20  seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for most of them you can think of the first half the  first
four sets of 20 seconds of being the same exercise with a tiny bit of variety um but for  some we'll have a right side left side and we're going to start with exactly that we're going to  start with a lunge sequence don't get scared let's get it out of the way where we go all right side  for your first floor and all left side you will have options to do a tap back or to keep it super  simple and then some options to up your intensity Let's cross it over right here I think it'll go by  super qui
ck it'll be a whole four minute round but because it's the same exercise again it's going to  feel like those giant sets or those cluster sets that we did in the last couple weeks that people  seem to really like I know I did all right team so go ahead and grab some dumbbells it's all  lower body so go heavy if you can bend your knees to grab those dumbbells we're starting with  that right leg in front left leg stepping back so watch me it's going to be your reverse lunge on  the right side righ
t foot forward if that's not right for you you can do a little tap back or  you can keep it stationary your first two is your regular lunge your second two we're going  to take it to the kneeling and stand up out of it that's optional go ahead and join me right here  reverse lunge 20 seconds first two we'll just keep it regular We'll add that kneeling as an option  but it's up to you and remember you got about 10 seconds in between if you need to set those  weights down you can otherwise hang on
to them let's go one more right here boom shake it out 10  seconds to breathe same thing so we're stepping back with that left leg right leg in front here  we go breathe drop it down shoulders back chest open remember it's okay to hinge forward a little  bit we get a little extra glute and hamstring that way but we don't want to round in that back right  we want to keep the upper body open breathe and relax all right team you can keep exactly that  or from the ground you're going to lunge up ou
t of it back to kneeling I actually want you to  shift your weight if that's not right for your knees keep it up top here we go step out of it  boom oh man I know right here step up and down ah little tougher right shift your weight into it  land soft careful on the knees one more take it down all right team we got one more with that  right leg then that right leg gets a break we go to the left in three 2 one step up out of it  drop it down step up out of it remember you can just do the lunge if
you want maybe that's better  for you just like we did in the beginning reverse lunge but when we get all the way down there  feel what happens right and breathe three two one and relax all right team catch your breath  we're doing all that on the other side I know that heart rate is up start with that left leg  in front right leg stepping back regular lunge so I know it's going to be tempting you can keep  that tap back if you want but if you can drop it low heart rate I don't know about you b
ut I'm  feeling that cardio that's what we love even though the title of this last one this is  toata of strength but do you feel it right we're going to get that cardio in as well one  more time just your lunge here we go lunge it back step it up if that's not right for you  you do a little tap back or stationary lunge split squat just dropping it low drive it up  right one more boom to the ground if you can it's optional you can keep that regular lunge  for two more rounds if you can step up f
rom the kneeling position here we go up kneel  it down take your time I know some of us have super heavy weights so really use the core  use your balance drive it up drop it back drive it up yes you can boom relax one more team  that's that's all we got and then we get a breather and we go to some upper body let's get  it done here we go up and down up and down yes breathe take it up and down last five four three  two one ah I know team set those to the side catch your breath I know grab some wa
ter yes so again  when we talk about Tabata we talk about usually we do this with our cardio intervals our hit  intervals that's how Tata started with hit cheers y'all but the reason it can keep your heart rate  up even with just strength and moves like this is because we have very limited rest short work  periods short rest periods all right join me for some upper body watch me here Team all right  we're going to start up top basic bend over row we know it we love it your feet can be parallel 
or staggered we're going to rotate into that row so Palms to the back bring it up second two we're  going to take it down to the plank and Alternate your row if that's not right for you then I want  you to stay up high then we're rolling onto our back we we got our basic chest press second to  out a bicycle I'll talk you through once we're there so starting up top into that that row hinge  wrap your core heavy weights if you got them in three two one up and down now remember with this  row I wan
t you to think oh I said we're rotating right Palms to the back then turn them in pull  the weight towards your hips so we're not up here in our shoulders we're pulling down and  pulling those elbows up and in three two one relax same thing when we pull towards our hips  we get more of those back muscles we get out of the shoulders and the upper back let's do it  here we go let's think about pulling the elbows up shoulder blades in nice flat back so again  staggered might be better for you or pa
rallel but we want to flat back not rounding pull those  elbows in squeeze H last one drop it down all right team one dumbbell or two it's up to you  you can be on your knees or on your toes it's a plank row alternating or a regular row here we  go so we're basically getting four rounds of the exercise but in this toata circuit we're giving  you an option to add some core in your second to 20 seconds second circuits so either with the  plank here or with the bicycle when we get to that press and
relax stretch it back one more for  your row I want nice strong back muscles lifting pulling and I want you to stay lifted in that  core 3 2 one elbow up you can be on your knees too still pulling towards your hip not up into  those shoulders pull strong with your back stay lifted and tucked with that core nice and light  last one and relax all right team now we're down onto our back I want you to think about that  regular press coming at that 45° angle this is not right for you you can take it
to a standing  press and then you can add a little knee raise but if you're able I'm going to give you a few more  seconds to get down into it we're here press up and in two times and then we'll add a little  bicycle to it if the bicycle is not right you can do a bridge or a little March let's start with  that press here we go up and in down and out now I've talked about this before if you have access  to a weight bench I know some of you have more equipment than others totally fine if you don'
t  but I've gotten that question before if I have a weight bench should I use it absolutely you'll  get more range of motion it'll challenge your core and relax set them down right here you'll  be able to pull those elbows down and hug the bench and you'll have to stabilize a little bit  with my core here we go take it up in it that does not mean that you have to run out and buy  a bench if you don't have the space for it or it's not within your budget it is a good tool and  I'm going to add som
e more workouts incorporating the bench if you got it breathe core is in tight  but neutral spine Co arms yes and relax all right team so optional you're going to bicycle one at  a time or Bridge with the Press here we go if that feels like too much just pick one keep with  that press or take it with the bicycle but we're adding some core to this upper body to finish out  this circuit then two Tata circuits down after this I told you they go by fast three 2 one one  more hang with me nice nice e
ngaged core wrap it in let's finish strong in three 2 1 bicycle and  press remember we tuck those elbows in at about a 45 Dee angle not only do we have better range  of motion usually take some pressure out of the shoulders even though we're getting all that  upper body push but we really activate those triceps back of the arms five 4 3 two one boom H  up onto your feet team I know breathe grab a quick sip of water Where's My Water right through here  shake out those arms we're going into this n
ext round all right team so we are starting Back  to Basics with your deadlift two rounds here second two if you want we can do a skier swing  with your dumbbells or drop it to one and do a kettle bell swing here so two deadlifts  two swings if the swing is not right for you you've never done one before I want you to  keep it with just your deadlift if you want to take it to one dumbbell or even switch out  a kettle bell take it in the center that works too so let's get that lower body then  we'
re going to get a little side lunge in our second round all right team so join me here  go ahead bend your knees to grab these let's take it right here core engage shoulders back  it's that hinge regular deadlift three two one keep it in close and drive it up you can go  heavy on this Back to Basics We Love Back to Basics and the reason we're doing it with this  is so we can really get that strong hinge it's not a fold forward it's Drive the hips to  the back and up one more relax your back so I
really want you to take that full 10 seconds  to stretch your back in between shoulders back again regular deadlift three 2 one here  we go down and up down and up yes you can squeeze 5 Seconds shoulders back activate  those lats yes Team all right remember you can do a skier swing it looks like this  drive it up you can do a single swing like this drive it up or you can keep it just  with your deadlift in three hinge it two 20 seconds drive it up so it's just like our  kettle bell swing in the
sense that we're just driving our hips to the back we're  using the back of our body to drive it up breathe five four three swing and relax  yes team I'm going to go to just one on this last one you do you take it right  here core engag again you can keep just your deadlift one weight or two or  skier prep it three two power Let It Drop so you're still getting that hinge you're  driving the hips to the back but you're not lifting with those arms you're getting the  lower body to drive that weig
ht up blck it out of the top then let it drop it's it's  rare that we do three two one just a regular dumbbell swing right usually that's an option  in a Kettlebell workout but why not so we get the back of the legs all right team so now we're  taking it side lunge two times to the right two times on the on the left if on the second one you  want to take it to a transverse and open on the diagonal you have that option right for two left  for two let's do it side lunge step up out of it so we're
keeping the step in it so we won't get  very many but listen you can keep it stationary too you can take it body weight I know that  heart rate's up after that swing yes and up breathe burn and relax you can keep exactly  that for the next 20 or if you feel comfortable open up on the diagonal same motion but  transverse plane here we go 20 seconds drive it up 20 seconds that's not right for  you keep your regular side lunge but we're opening on the diagonal so we get that hip  mobility we shift
our weight back into that hip yes you can one more right here boom all  right team other side side lunge transverse if you want it or side lunge again here we go  here drive it up yes you can and I know boom breathe shift your weight into that hip remember  remember that's the point of the side lunge we really want to get in that outside hips and  glutes breathe 10 seconds to breathe one more you can keep what you just did or take it on that  diagonal in three 2 one transverse same motion but yo
u're shifting your weight to the back on that  diagonal yes you can I know breathe drive it up can we get one more boom and relax set those  weights down roll through those hips I know grab some water how are we feeling team  heart rate is up I hope so I know mine is cheers all right back to some upper body same  idea as before we're going to start start with one thing then we'll add on second two exercises  or second exercise with some tries we'll add some core at the end join me over here Team
all right  so we're starting with our curl here's what I want I want you to make a circle curl Circle back curl  Circle in we got two of those then we got a curl we got a w press and down it's going to be tricky  then we're down on our back we have a line tricep and and then we'll add a little leg drop I'll talk  you down once we're there grab those weights here we go Circle curl around now if this does not feel  right for you you can just do a regular bicep curl just think that you're drawing
a circle so what  are we doing here we're also getting back of the shoulders we're also opening up through the  chest what I don't want is for you to arch your back so if you need to stagger stagger and relax  all right team hang on to him if you can we got one more just like this so this one's going to be  a little lower heart rate but a little more burn let's do it up and here boom up yes there we go  up through yes last one give your hands a break all right team watch me here really quick Ham
mer  curl out to the side W press in and out if that's too much pick one here we go hammer curl wide W  pull them in drop them down in W your W is more right here right but look at what's happening  we're getting biceps and shoulders but do you feel your back muscles too we're sneaking in the  back the chest everything together yes relax we got one more of that team and then we're down on  the back I told you he was going to pack a burn let's do it up out and down up and breathe so so  much of y
our upper body is working on this core to engage we got those biceps those shoulders back  Core last one boom shake them out set him down all right team so lying triceps if you want to stay  standing you can stay standing otherwise join me down right through here I want you to bring those  weights up we'll start with here shift them back just a tad triceps 3 2 one here we go and listen  you don't have to come all the way up above the chest you can shift those shoulders back a little  movement is
from the elbows if you're you're not comfortable with this just take it to a close  press press with those elbows in yes last one relax we're going to get that one more time then  we're going to add a little core when we get to the core you can just do the core or you can do  both here we go shif and back a tad here and up neutral spine so you don't have to be pressed  into that mat but you don't want to be arching that back so much that you're feeling pressure on  your low back oh feeling the
pressure in the back of my arms maybe you are too yes all right team  so here's your leg drop you can either just drop them down here bent legs or straight legs or just  tap one at a time or just do the tries here we go together and up boom little core feeling  it all over I don't know about you turn yes take it down and up last one boom listen if  those arms are tired and you need to switch to one dumbbell you can that's what I'm going to  do and I'm going to straighten those legs either way te
am let's finish it out tries and abs so you  can do the leg drop straight you can do the leg drop bent or you just take the leg drop out you  just do the arms again shift those shoulders and elbows back just a tad feel the difference in your  tries three two one boom stretch core and upper I know let's get that heart rate up again all right  team you know what we did those swings and those deadlifts within a full circuit but why not do  another swing cuz usually in a workout I like to have a cou
ple swings so so it's up to you if  you want to take one heavy you can either just do your swing here drive it up or we can do a little  handoff only do this if you're comfortable with it if you've done it before but single swing  hand it off at the Top If that doesn't feel comfortable to you I know the hand off is a little  tricky just keep a regular swing or just take it with a deadlift one dumbbell or two all right I'm  going to do the hand off with one dumbbell you can do the swing or the de
adlift with two dumbbells  or one let's take it here hinge it 30 seconds 3 two one up hand it off you still want to drop  in the hips and drive it up sometimes being in the single hand it's going to you're going to  be forced to use your lower a little bit more but again do what feels most comfortable for you  I don't want anybody to feel like they're going to drop the weight or that they don't have  good form form is the most important five 4 3 2 one swing and relax pedal those feet team  grab
a sip of water all right this last toata circuit let's get it done team we're going to  take it with a few compound moves so I want you to start with one dumbbell and here's what you've  got regular squat cuz we haven't done it yet squat rotational press you know I love this move two  on the right two on the left then we're taking it down we're going to finish with some planks  so join me here if you have a heavier dumbbell you can be between two hands or one here we go  Squat and press Squat an
d press we're going to do our first one with that regular squat second  one we're going to step it out and in if you want breathe and push yes relax what do I mean step it  out step it in Step It Out totally optional you do you same side one more round three two one step it  out step it in and rotate step it in and breathe you might find that you feel better with to get  the power from there or again two hands works as well three two one boom same thing other side  opposite press we can add that
little step out if you feel comfortable with that one hand or two  here we go high heart rate compound move I know I told you most of this workout is Back to Basics  this adds a little bit of power and I know it's at the end of the workout out so we're already  tired and breathe and up yes breathe all right same thing little step out step in you're going  to rotate as you step in so be careful use your core three two one step out step in step out and  in and up or here to here or again if you n
eed two hands especially for these last five four 3 two  breathe heart rate Team all right let's take it here we're coming onto our elbows so this is our  first two sets watch me here I'm going to give you a second to get into it 20 seconds driving the  knees in with a little Pike if you're modifying just tap it back then we're up on our hands 20  seconds cross climb cler to get that rotation are you with me of course you are elbows Pike  and knee 3 2 1 now notice on this we're not keeping our h
ips up the whole time we're using our  core to lift as we bring the knee to the chest so that's going to require you to do that little tuck  tilt the hips in zip up the core button up that rib cage and relax little stretch back one more  here on the elbows exact same thing nothing fancy stretch for three two back up here we go knee in  little Pike little Pike Drive it up and in yes you can take it up and back take it up and back  boom yes and relax all right team if you need to take this standin
g a standing climb you  can do that too otherwise drive those knees across push up through the hands to get that  upper body let's do it here we go 20 seconds two times through is all we need you don't  have to go fast on this I want the rotation in the core so drive the knees across I want  you pushing up strong through the arms tuck in the pelvis let's get it done finish it out  three two stretch one more set of 20 and then this Tata circuit is done let's do it three  two one yes team you've g
ot it boom right through here yes 10 seconds hang with me three  two one stretch it back okay catch your breath team come up onto your feet you know what you know  what I think we got time for a bonus move listen if you don't have time and you need to be done  that is okay but if you can I want you to hang out with me for one bonus move one heavy here's what  we got team we're going to take it in a kickstand position we're going to hinge row and then we're  going to swing press and squat or Squa
t and press swing and clean all right so watch me here hinge  row swing cling and squat we're going to take that 30 seconds on the right 30 seconds on the left now  I know that's a lot and the swing is going to be hard to get into so if that's not right for you  deadlift row Step Up curl and squat all right so we got to pull we got to push pretty much and then  we've got that hinge and that squat getting it all in core engage 30 seconds here we go hinge and row  then prep it swing and clean and
squat back down row prep it swing and clean and squat obviously  you can feel it if you want and press up yes boom let's get one more drive it up yes Team  all right let's good same thing other side right that was so quick it's almost like a little  Tabata for our bonus move hinge and row swing and clean squat it's a lot but it's not a lot  again if the swing I know it's a little tricky to get into the swing from here so if that  doesn't feel right you just take take it up with a curl let's get
it done last 30 in three  kickstand two one hinge row clean yes row swing clean breathe and down if you want you  know what's coming breathe and press sh boom last one and up yes team we did it set it to the side  water if you need it shake it out with me right here listen we're going to keep this warm up  no this warm down this cool down pretty short because we did it and I know that you're going  to get some stretching and some mobility and flexibility work on your own of course you will  let'
s take it up right here Big Stretch to the side yes team I hope you're feeling it after all  of that I know we did Ito it is not easy but it is worth it you are worth it you are worth the work  that you put in today let's get a little hamstring stretch right here I know it's so hard to find the  time it drives me crazy when you see and trainers are often the guilty parties saying well we all  have the same 24 hours in a day we all have the same amount of time we just have to commit yes and  no l
isten our lives are busy we have a lots going on whether for you it's your family or maybe it's  your job maybe you have other commitments maybe it is lack of time or money or resources whatever it  is it is not easy to get in here and and then do the work to let's roll through the back right  here sing cat Cow get in here and do the work to feel better to be better to be healthier but  you did it you showed up today and I will always remind you that that is the important thing it's  not about h
ow many reps did we get on that how much weight did we lift how many calories did we  burn who cares it's about showing up and moving and Contin continuing to show up for yourself to  show up for those you love and to show up here and move and I'm so grateful that you decided to show  up with me today check out all the links in the description below get all the information please  like this video leave me a comment subscribe to the YouTube channel check us out in the body foot  Athletic Club in
the body foot by am app and of course follow me in all the places so you don't  miss a beat thank you so much for joining me here today remember you are worth it you are worth  the work that you put into today let's take one big deep breath in and out you did it that was  your dumbbell Tada strength workout great job everybody



“ It’s a lot but it’s not a lot” 😂, brilliant longer tabata version, time flew by super fast, love it 😍👍🙏


I LOVED this tabata format! They were all CHALLENGING especially the lunge to knee. Kept my HR up and this was TOUGH but feels so good and I’m tired Amy but ready to start my day! Thank-you!!


Fabulous. This is how you reach 900K. Efficient workouts and tons of "snacks" for those that want more.


This workout was absolutely awesome!!!! Back to basics working the entire body in my most favorite Tabata format!!! I was in heaven 😇!!! Love, love, loved it!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐!!!!!


I loved this workout! Tabata is one of my favorites! I we love to see another tabata with more compound moves! I was able to use my heavies since it’s only 20 seconds! Feel great! I loved the bonus move! Thank you!


Love Tabata in any form. ANother tough Monday but a great way to start the week.


Yes Amy! Thank you for the encouragement at the end of the video. I'm a busy, homeschooling mom of 3. I have a lot of commitments inside and outside of the home. Still, 6 xs a week I exercise with you. I am a better person since I've made exercising a priority. It's gone beyond a reason for weight-loss. I am mentally more clear and less stressed after. Plus, I know I am setting the example of health for my kids. I can't thank you enough for making these workouts they're versatile for everyone on every level and every age. I recommend you to everyone!


Love these back-to-basic workouts, and I also love that your warm ups are real warm ups! Too many instructors consider 50 squats (or 100 jumping-jacks, or some other large number of relatively intense movements) a warm-up - that's not a warm-up, that is part of a workout. A true real warm-up is slowly warming up your muscles through a series of progressively bigger movements, which is what you do and that is a big reason I come back to your channel time and time again....keep it up!!!


I didn't have time to leave a comment here yesterday but I'm going to say it again I LOVE YOU MONDAY workouts!


Anyone else’s arms feeling it?! Excellent workout, Amy! Congrats on 900K— you’re changing the world! 🫶🏼


Love all things tabata 😅😅 great, challenging workout. Thanks Amy 💛


Really fun one to start the week!!! I love tabata!


This was terrific! And a day later, my arms are sore, which feels great! I have loved the Leap challenge!


It had been five days since my last workout with weights. Woo gal! This was perfect. Hard and and I felt the burn, but I loved those quick 20 seconds because your'e right, we can do anything for 20 seconds. Thanks Amy!


Another great Monday burner! Thanks for putting lunges first to get them out of the way - haha!


You get me to want to show up whenever I can. Thanks Amy! You are inspirational 😍


I love love, love that work out. Specially that last compound move and then doing the shoulder as well at the end. Awesome. More like these definitely!!!❤❤❤


Congrats to 900k, Amy! I’ve been working out with you since the pandemic and you are the best! Tabata is my favorite format. Love this video so much…challenging but so fun! 🥰


great workout for a monday! love it! thanks amy!


Bench workouts - yes please!