
A Horror Guessing Game | Spooktober

Participate in the chat for a chance to win a horror mystery box! Only available to participants in the U.S. Lisa Loves - D. Movieman - Horror Flicks With Nick - ★ Join My Community!★ Patreon - ☽○☾ ★Socials★ instagram - @deraerae // twitter - @_rainbowfright // letterboxd - email - #movie #movies #games


Streamed 1 year ago

foreign [Music] welcome fellow Stardust are you ready for a scare welcome welcome I'm so glad you all are here for our live horror game as you know I have three guests joining me and we're gonna take our time with intro so we can let people kind of trickle in before we get the game started so without further Ado let's go ahead and introduce our first guest first is Nick with horror flicks with Nick hello hello thank you so much for joining me today I appreciate you being here all right thanks fo
r having me I'm excited yeah no problem and next we have our good friend of the channel Lisa loves yes of course I'm loving your costume it's so witchy totally my vibe is it a witch or a vampire it's a witch right I have no idea it was a girl and it turned into a witch when I find a hat so yes oh okay okay awesome loving it and last but definitely definitely not least we have my Mandy movie Man hello hello thank you so much for being here as well I really really appreciate it I've been wanting u
h to do a game for a very long time on my channel so I finally uh you know thought this one up and I'm just so happy to have the three of you guys as my guests absolutely we're happy to be here so excited yes exactly all right let me go ahead and get situated here uh all right looks like we've got a few people in the chat already we've got Sean what's up Sean how you doing he's been ready for a couple of days in the chat I also got a patron over here Josie uh isn't from isms by Josie what's up w
hat's up thank you for being here um so just to take care of a couple of housekeeping things all run down you know how the game will work and like I said you know we'll um get the game started here in just a bit that way we have people you know um you know giving people the chance you know to come on in uh so yeah so it's just gonna be a guessing game basically so the three the four of us have come up with uh clues for five different kills that are our favorite kills so we'll be giving out one c
lue at a time there are five total and if you can't guess the movie after five we'll go ahead and give y'all some more uh Clues but once you figure out the movie you know we'll stop giving Clues and you'll get a point and so with each movie though uh you know they'll be uh varying difficulty so we have two movies that are gonna be easy to guess two movies that'll be somewhat you know hard to guess and then one movie that'll be really hard to guess so the green movies the easier movies will be wo
rth one point the medium movie is worth two and the harder movie is going to be worth three points so to guess obviously just put your guesses into the chat and um you know I'm gonna add everybody's name to a roster so right now I'm gonna go ahead and let y'all know just to go ahead and throw a ghost into the chat if you want to participate in the game and then I'll go ahead and add your name here to my spreadsheet and you know I'll keep track of y'all that way so I will be doing a little bit of
multitasking with you know talking to you guys and keeping track of y'all's responses in the chat um and another way to get an extra point added to your score would be to share this video and tag me on social media you have to tag me that way I know that you shared it out and after the live is over I'll go and check my social media and see who has shared it and then I'll add that to your final score and unfortunately this will only be open to us participants so if you're overseas I apologize th
is giveaway in particular would just be for folks in the US so um I apologize if you're outside of the U.S so right now if you're in the chat go ahead and put a ghost into the chat a ghost Emoji or you can just say enter me into the game or whatever you want to say and I will go ahead and add your name to the roster that way I can keep track of your points all right and let's see what else did I want to make sure you guys know before I get started here the role of course these spoilers um for al
l movies I can't really tell you what the movies are but they're all older the things from the last well there is one movie that is fairly recent um but I'm not so sure if it's a spoiler um so uh I'll just leave it at that I don't think it'll be too bad of a spoiler for you guys um all right and let's see and of course you don't have to stay the entire time for the game if you can only play for a few minutes and you take off and you still end up with the one you know as the one with the most poi
nts you can win you don't have to be here the entire time in order to win the game you just have to have the most amount of points uh let's see all right I think that is all of my housekeeping stuff here let me go ahead and throw some comments onto the screen what's up Sean just want to say hello again gang gang Josie all right we've got our first entry Miss Josie all right all right all right and let's see here we're gonna go ahead and just kick it until about 6 15. so to my guests what was the
last movie y'all just saw how did y'all did anybody see Halloween today yet I watched it yesterday oh yeah yeah no spoilers but hey commented on my video yeah I didn't get the chance to read it fully but yeah no spoilers but what did you think here comes down terrible and great I know I'm not really seeing a comment yet from anybody who says that they like it so it's kind of worrisome I was like and I was like it was so weird I was going like up and down like certain parts of the movie and I ju
st started like at a certain point just started really going down but I was enjoying it for like the first 35 minutes I was liking where it was going and it was yeah they just did stick The Landing but are you guys big fans of Halloween kills like because I also really didn't like Halloween kills I liked kills um the same thing here like yeah I mean there's so many plot lines there's so many story lines that like first what should be a very simple story it's just it's like Halloween four Hallowe
en five Halloween six level of like just zadiness okay okay yeah yes is that all Cool J in any yeah yeah he's in uh H2O uh oh okay yeah one of my favorites of the franchise H2O who didn't say evil dies tonight oh my gosh all right Neil wants to go ahead and be added to the list Neil I went ahead and add you no problem did you actually smile oh sorry go ahead go ahead no I just said did you guys see smile it was yeah yeah I mean it wasn't the best but it was uh I shouldn't say great it was good I
wanted it to be great but it was good it was so much better than I would have thought it would have been especially based off the trailers it just looked like a lot goofier and silly and I was like oh it actually took itself a lot in a more serious manner than I thought and kind of how they tied in you know mental health and Trauma and those kind of things and it actually did work it's just that you know maybe the stick in the land pounding some of that stuff out yeah yeah and I thought it was
interesting that they seemingly I've said this before but it's like they seemingly borrowed the whole smile thing from Truth or Dare and it's just like I was really worried because I hated Truth or Dare and I'm thinking oh please no but I was really pleasantly surprised with smile I really enjoyed it I still need to see Truth or Dare oh god oh I mean it's worth it I've seen it like five times I hate it but it's very bad but I love a bad horror movie yeah I was gonna say for me it's one of those
kind of like so bad is good I'm entertained if it's like if it's silly and ridiculous enough I'm like this is actually a good time Let's see we have uh neon saying he gave in four out of ten yeah yeah me too yeah maybe considering not going to the cinema to see the snow to get into the cinema here it's like six seven points which is what less than ten dollars oh I might just go to the cinema to see it yeah um peacock over there yep well if you use a VPN we can get it yeah we don't have peacock e
ither oh do we I don't think I do I'm pretty sure I'd have to use a VPN as well yeah what's up Jess doing nails thank you for joining us appreciate you I was letting everybody know go ahead and let me know in the chat by either putting a ghost Emoji or just say enter me into the game that way I can add your name to the spreadsheet that way when we get the game started and you start throwing your guesses into the chat I can go ahead and keep track of your points on my spreadsheet um so anybody wh
o's listening and watching if you want to be in the game and participate to win this lovely um what's it called horror mystery box it's pretty small back there but it's actually really big let me actually show y'all to scale real quick hold up oh I like the coat that's a big old box it is massive that's what she said I was tempted to open it to see what all the goodies are in there but I left it closed mostly because it was kind of fighting me back to get open and I don't want to rip the Box ope
n but if the winner or people want to see what's in it I can open it if you'd like oh you don't know what's in it I don't know what's in it yeah I got it straight from Amazon and I just left it as as is when it came so you have a guess that needs to do an unboxing so we can all see yeah yeah I know I hope whoever does win it I hope is a Creator and that they do do an unboxing that'd be fun objects in the Stream are larger than they appear way back there this is also actually my first time rollin
g the camera in my new studio finally even though this is my laptop I haven't shot on my canyon yet but my first time shooting in our new house so this wall took a little time to set up but I'm glad to get it all finally settled in because you know we've been here about two weeks and basically just been unpacking and preparing for us oh my goodness we've got internet already that's impressive yeah yeah we were in the Airbnb and then we signed the lease and we're like well let's not move in until
the internet is there because I can't stop work for a few days you know I gotta keep the train going so yeah so you finally feel settled kind of are you feel more adjusted than you do yeah definitely more adjusted because it's literally been months since I felt you know adjusted and settled because we were in that Airbnb for a month and then you know we were here in June just to kind of like test the waters because he's been coming here for work a lot Brandon has and we're like okay let's spend
a month in June here and um see how we like it and I liked it you know compared to Texas especially with the weather and everything and just Texas period and um so after that we've just kind of been in limbo just kind of getting things ready for the move and all that so yeah Josie what you drinking over there you said you got your little cocktail what you drinking if people pop on like later I'm assuming they can still enter if they've been there from the start yeah you can start whenever you r
eally trickle in don't they yeah yeah everybody's watching Halloween ends very difficult I just kind of thought about that too I was like hmm maybe they'll come in and we'll talk about it later if they if they if they feel like it after they're done washing it [Music] yeah oh yeah I saw it I liked it I know Nick you kept going back and forth with it right I mean no I like I mean well Hell Raiser is such a mixed bag for a series like it's probably my third favorite I think oh God yeah it's like I
liked it I liked it a lot it's like Parts I really like I love David Bruckner and yeah I like the new center bites I was really mad about uh like I have a chatter tattoo so I was pretty mad about his treatment in the movie I was wanting more chatter all right so that's uh I won't go into spoilers but he's got a limited screen time for anyone in the audience I guess yeah yeah um I actually like I it was I was kind of on the fence like I enjoyed most of it I like I like the new design it's been a
dvice I loved especially when they did the transitions where the walls would open or the strength all of that like stylistically and Visually I thought that was really great um I would say like on the like on at the same on the I guess on the same token because the original Hellraiser is so really brutal and so kind of body horror focused and really like goes there um even for its for its time and even watching it I wanted a little more of that kind of like that grit and that ugliness and kind o
f that raw nature of it even with how they looked because I kind of I kind of forgot it I had actually watched um some months ago even before I had kind of forgotten that they were doing a new one but um even their design um or with the body horror everything's very kind of slimy and sticky and very gross and uh kind of looking and I think with the center bites here everything or just even the style of it everything was a little too clean even though yeah it was kind of like kind of appreciating
both but still kind of missing everything that the original yeah like I appreciated the newness of it you know with the uh effects and all that like for example with the chains it's exciting to see the chains happen in a new more advanced way but it was kind of more gritty and exciting with the very first Hellraiser you know especially with the face being ripped open and all that with that first see or with that first kill in Hellraiser with that boy it was kind of like cool but they held back
at the same time you know it's kind of a weird balance would it be a spoiler to say I just didn't like how the Box worked like in terms of like pricking people with it like I thought I that was probably my biggest gripe of the movie yeah is that too much of a spoiler no no I like it I like well I select in the original like they're more like how neutral Pinhead and the center bites were like they just showed up they were like these explorers of like Pleasure and Pain and here it was more like th
ey were like lap dogs where like they they had no like you know control over the situation like if someone got poked they were just like you know going out even if it was one of their own whereas like it was more of like a like a straight Slasher where they're just you know killing left and right where I like the like act like the uh in the original just like being summoned by solving the box and like seeking out Pleasure and Pain like I shouldn't like that anyone that got like you're like tag y
ou're it for and then those metabolites just come after you I guess I kind of liked that helplessness of it I mean I guess solving it too in an innocent way you're helpless and you're just kind of thrown into it but um I don't know I guess it didn't bother me as much but I also haven't you know really thoroughly watched the whole series I really only paid attention to the first two movies so you're good I think that's kind of why this new one you know was a good remake a good reboot for me yeah
all of them and like what uh 36 hours or it was a little over 24 hours but it was no it was it was fun it was fun it was just like yeah like it's it's not great when like there's some like I do this with a lot of franchises and there's like something like Friday the 13th Halloween where it's like seven is really fun eight is really fun like Hellraiser is like one two and three are good and then it's just all the way down like there's no ten ten nine and eight are the worst ones oh my God I didn'
t know they were that many seriously and what you wanted to do that video you did once where you've watched human centipede and reacted to oh that was the oh my God you need to do more of those because that just cracked me up I I have those attached to like subscriber goals so once I get to 2K I gotta I get to watch uh number two which I'm not looking forward to it believe it or not I have to say me too I love it absolutely I've heard like parts of two like I know the scene with like the gas ped
al and I'm just really uh yeah I'm not looking forward to it well let's go ahead and get this game started and we'll see if we got some more people trickling in so far on the roster I have Josie and Neil if anybody wants to jump in and participate feel free you can come in in the last five minutes you don't have to be here the entire time you could be here for only five minutes that's totally cool too I'm gonna go first and then we'll go with Nick then Lisa then D so I'm gonna give out one clue
at a time you guys can type your responses and if you haven't gotten it after a few replies I'll go ahead and give you my second clue and then we'll just go through the five Clues that way all right so the first two movies I'll be talking about that we'll all be talking about will be worth one point they're the easiest movies to guess all right so in this movie all right my first clue is the setting is a clean is is clean and pristine Fit For A germaphobe can you guess the kill and movie based o
ff that one tiny clue the setting is clean and pristine Fit For A germaphobe Fit For A germaphobe I'm right and Dome what I think it is and see if I get it at the end okay okay you can I you know I I guess you could also put it into the chat uh because even though my channel one else we won't get a chance to have a girlfriend we can play at the end can't we what we think is yeah yeah all right so Josie or Neil we have no guesses yet so I'm gonna go on to the second clue there is a lot of yelling
on the phone um in this particular C scenes uh I guess well that's wrong then there is a lot of yelling on the phone and the setting is clean and pristine Fit For A germaphobe licked can I ask a question yeah are we uh are we mentioning like decades or is that just um or is this anyone's guess I think after five we'll give the decade we'll give the decade as the sixth one if it's not been guessed yet yeah foreign we still have no guesses just yet so I'm gonna go ahead with my third clue which i
s the victim is a racist and an elitist he's a racist and he's an elitist yeah but I don't know oh this must be one of the hard ones because I'm not getting any guesses from nobody hi having a bloody Club all right players here's here's clue number four Critters begin to appear and multiply Critters begin to appear and multiply oh we gotta guess interview with Kanye just I don't know what that means but okay I'm actually gonna say Interview with the Vampire but uh nope nope nope uh oh Kanye poor
I don't want to say poor Kanye but I guess he's guessed some crittery type films you're going to get it eventually okay even though I still don't know what it is this one's supposed to be easy I know my bad I thought this might have been a pretty easy one all right I've got a kiss all right the last clue for this or the last I guess easy clue for this one is the victim's body and workspace is overtaken by the critters Slither close but no cigar American Psycho close not close at all American Ps
ycho not one of those not not not not an answer so uh not the answer uh so clean and pristine setting fit for a drummer foe there's lots of yelling on the phone the victim is a racist and elitist Critters begin to appear and multiply and the victim's body and work space is overtaken by the critters oh Critters nope I wouldn't have made it that easy dog no good guess what's up Gina welcome to the show welcome welcome cat's eye not quite okay so my sixth clue will be the decade this is from the 80
s this is an 80s movie and I'll give you another clue to go with that it's part of an anthology it's an anthology movie oh right that's wrong as well okay Gremlins is a good guess Gremlins is a very good guess like little people things doesn't it like [Music] no Little People type like actual okay Critters could also be um called uh pests pests oh okay wait um okay pets that you don't want in your home pests you do not want to see in your home was it based on a book uh shoot no I bet it's not if
you don't know right away it won't be it's the one I was thinking is like a book they can survive me um uh World disaster is okay all right so let's go ahead and play the clip from Creep Show let's see let me find it here scrolling scrolling and play I'm sorry these reaction is just making me feel terrible I just said I mean there's so many other people probably feeling the same way let me not play the entire three minute and 40 seconds [Music] no because see the thing is for me like I'm I'm su
re that's not even like my worst fear or anything it's just that like compared to like you know Blood and Guts and stabbings it's just like like a literally like a way so yeah at the end the roach end up under his skin and then the room is cockroachless but at the very very end they start protruding through his body and it's just uh so perfect creep chill is definitely one of my favorites as a seven eight-year-old and that was one of my favorite stories in that film so good yeah once you said An
thology I was like I have a feeling that because first I thought I thought positive details for the hood with the racist bigot and then the the pests with the you know yeah but that's not 80s and then and then once you once I thought about I was like I was probably pretty sure yeah what was your last guess Lisa what the hell I I started with Arachnophobia and I go oh yeah I can't even remember what the other one was that's 90s isn't it that was before she told what decade it was yeah yeah I was
thinking about phobia before when you were talking about first thing I I had alien like other than that when you said cockroaches I was thinking I'm sure there's a story and Creepshow about cockroaches but I was thinking about a movie not an anthology and yeah I should have said Anthology I guess first but I feel like that would have given away giving it away too so yeah it would have done immediately yeah all right well we've gotten uh Neil with one point congratulations Neil and we'll go ahead
and move on to Nick's first easy movie so Nick whenever you're ready you can say your number on your toes no I'm just worried now that mine aren't easy as well oh that's okay that's fine let's make them work for it and then we'll come up with you know our sixth seventh and eighth Clues the sixth one will be our decade and then maybe the seventh one can just be extra easy like uh name of the character or something like that yeah okay cool uh all my uh Clues are just describing the scenes themsel
ves so uh number one is a girl and a monster are fighting outside in the rain girl and a monster are fighting outside in the rain what's up Thiago welcome welcome if you want to be added to the roster and play along let me know in the chat and I'll add your name and keep your points in order all right say your clue one more time and let's do the second one uh a girl and a monster are fighting outside in the rain that's clue number one and then clue number two the girl cuts off the monster's limb
s oh I don't think I've seen this one I think no what a nice name what is it Diego Thiago Thiago what a nice name yeah I know that's not completely relevant but there you go definitely check out his channel too anybody who's watching check out Royal Horrors Channel as well he's got some awesome stuff on there he does some awesome dances too to some K-pop stuff and he's got it all he's awesome foreign check uh my third oh should I go okay go ahead okay uh the girl gets trapped and has to 127 Hour
s herself to escape oh that's a good one that's a good clue 127. I love that movie it's so damn good I know exactly what you mean by the color but I'm sure I haven't seen the movie this makes you realize how few movies you've actually seen when you thought you had half decent knowledge like Orange shows you just how many movies are out there because I'm sure you've seen plenty of movies you've seen tons of movies there's just more that have been made I hope this gets to number seven because I ha
ve a great seventh clue why someone came to my mind once I say after I say decade uh number four the girl gets the upper hand on the monster and delivers a quippy one-liner oh a quickie could be one life pretty yeah France and I a degree Brandon says I don't think I've seen it but I need to know I'm with you I I don't think I've seen it I feel like you guys might have seen it but it sounds very interesting you probably like I feel like you see it I feel like you have I think you've seen it uh nu
mber five or should I go five yeah yep uh five girl turns the monster into a zipper with a weapon she turns the monster into a zipper with the weapon yeah opens her up like yeah it's not a zipper she just opens her up like one yeah yeah slips the body down the middle you know it is this relatively recent sure yeah I think I know it is [Music] to recap the clues they're fighting outside in the rain the girl cuts the monsters limbs off she gets the girl gets trapped and has to 127 hours or so to e
scape she gets the upper hand and delivers a quippy one liner and then she turns the monster into a zipper with a weapon down the middle oh Josie my seventh clue is that it's literally right behind my head yeah very good Evil Dead 2014 for those who are wondering at the very end this is the last kill of the movie and it's bloody it's just raining down blood it's been able to show sorry oh yeah my bad I'm supposed to show it let's show it oh no I mean like can you like like are you able to hopefu
lly you know I don't get any uh backlash because uh I blurted as much as I could so let's see okay that is a really good kill it has a really good remake she was one of the best remakes I figured that was the newest one yeah it was tough to pick just one from there yeah there really are I remember reading the parental guide for that one when it came out I was like it's good stuff that was awesome all right Neil thank you for participating I've got your one point right now but if you can come bac
k later we'll go ahead and keep adding to it I appreciate you for being here have a good rest of your night if I don't see you all right let's move on to the next movie uh Lisa is next go ahead with your first movie I think this is going to be ridiculously easy okay so my first clue is a nurse and her patient are having a moment alone who a nurse and her patient are having a moment alone movie massacres in the highs Massacre thanks for stopping in who really enjoyed Halloween kills sorry Hallowe
en ends my third he did he loved it yeah oh okay I think that's the first one that I've heard so far I haven't seen everybody but I've seen a few and that's the first positive review so far let me know yeah let me know Massacre if you want to be added to the roster and I will add you to the roster that way you can start collecting points for the horror mystery box it's about um 10 by 10 box full of bunch of goodies that I don't even know it's awesome [Music] if you guys want at some point I coul
d open it if you want to see an item or two or just leave it completely a mystery let's see even if we use it only here for a bit you could still accrue enough points to win exactly if you're only here for 10 minutes you could still possibly win well thank you for the whole time exactly thank you okay we'll go into clue number two should we it's not Halloween two with Massacre oh okay I'll just guess gotcha the patient has just completed a big favor for his nurse oh that's a good clue the patien
t has just finished a big favor completed a big favor for the nurse or the nurse which is interesting any guesses out there any guesses out there all right Massacre I will add you my friend [Music] yep wait look I wonder is it having some Yorkshire Tea Yorkshire Tea yeah maybe Massacre's from Yorkshire so it's my husband um means hello hi do how are you hey help all right so I'll do clue number three is the nurse is forced to eat her patients words oh somebody's got it oh Josie what the hell how
the hell you do that that is good afternoon and I love misery I would not have thought that that it's my favorite it's one of my favorite movies of all time eat the words Clues such a good clue there's juicy is kicking ass tonight okay Josie you better get it yeah so far we have Josie with two Neil with one and movie Massacre with zero because he hasn't been here long enough to get a point yet so Josie is in the lead and if you want an extra point added to your final score make sure you share t
his video on your social media But be sure to uh tag me that way I know you shared it that way I can add your points to your final score at the end or when the live is over uh since I can't really check my social media right now so very good very good all right let's go ahead and play that clip right quick scrolling scrolling and where are ya hiding from you do I need to go farther my apologies for the dead air snuggles you're good I was gonna ask Lisa is that circuit or is this your favorite fo
od um I prefer the the end to the I love the hobbling obviously but I prefer that I just love the fact that he uses the book right to like shove it her mouth it's horrible I love Ellie Wilkes eyewalks is like my hero but I just love this movie absolutely adore and the fact that she bangs her head on the like statue of the pink misery at the end okay yeah there's something wrong with me I really love the way uh uh how it opens with him uh driving and it starts with the song Shotgun which is like
a complete the complete different completely different vibe with the rest of the movie because of course I grew up yes it's just beautiful it's wonderful I love it the soundtrack is just incredible as well shut up nice all right no please keep going because uh it's uploading right now I guess I missed this little upload so wait here it goes ready and go remember how for all those years nobody knew who misery's real father was or if they'd ever be reunited it's all right here she finally marry Ia
n or will it be windthorne it's all right here Paul you can't why not I learn it from you I'm not married no my misery I'm gonna tell you you like that [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] Twisted [ __ ] [Music] huh thank you yes indeed hello Joan Venice welcome to the show thank you thank you for being here hello hello and uh movie Massacre had an interesting question for you unless he deleted it you might have deleted it uh no he said are you sacrificing virgins tonight Lisa My Sacrifice and virgins
I don't know I could find one to sacrifice to be honest with you I don't know I don't see it on this and unless it's just at the bottom uh Joan if you want to join in on the game just let me know in the comment section I'll go ahead and add you to the roster you can play for as long as you want you know for as little or as you know for a lot of time as you want it doesn't have to you don't have to be here for the entire time so just let me know if you want to participate and you can go ahead an
d throw your guesses into the chat and you are so right Josie Kathy Bates is awesome in everything I've loved her you know and everything she's done especially you know lately American Horror Story hmm oh yeah hell yes let's see what else we've got going on in the chat not sure what this means I can't say but they think I'm being naughty and Yorkshire like just call each other shagger hey up sugar okay okay learn something new every day no apologies needed reasons slash uh rookie agent no proble
m no problem glad to see you here if you want to uh be added to the roster just let me know in the chat and we can go ahead and start guessing I want to make sure I keep everybody's points here on this spreadsheet so just let me know and I'll add your name uh yes they were both amazing in misery boolas what you mean and what you mean nothing said policy violation did something come up on the screen about something that shouldn't have been played or something oh what happened Jose has said policy
violation so I don't know if something has happened let us know if it has have we stopped broadcasting is that what it is yeah is everybody still seeing us yeah still on YouTube I don't know what that means somebody has written so much because something but I've seen people cursing plenty on their streams and not getting you know right spring stops because movie Master Christian is that possibly start on your channel oh Brandon said I'm back now they cut me off completely interesting because yo
u'll see that the clips are kind of choppy because I'm cutting them up for copyright reasons so I'm hoping it's not for copyright um but I meticulously edited edited these clips to make sure that didn't happen like I do normally for my reviews um so that's interesting I don't know why yeah I remember watching um the cinema Squad stream about um I think it was what the hell is that I'm getting all the Oscars the rubber duckies yeah and that he's gonna tell me it's gone off sorry are you going to
tell me the stream is cut my husband's obviously watching upstairs in bed yeah and he hung up but I answered it oh you know I guess maybe it was pretty long that could be it uh Josie's you know pointing that out I don't think people will mind if you don't show the full clips should be honest I don't think that because most people will know won't they just made them shorter instead of leading up to the kill I should have just only edited the kale part um but maybe I'll just show like at least 30
to 40 seconds even if the kill is not already there because some of these are kind of long but we'll work through it I guess it's kind of a freaking bits exactly but the best female like character we need more good female horror characters very few exist all right well let's go ahead and get these first movie in whenever you're ready say your first clue for your first movie let's see my first clue it involves a lot of glass a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of glass and a lot of windows glass and wi
ndows Kathy freaking Bates all right we don't have any guesses just yet glass and windows let's go with clue number two okay this involves a character that is is trying to retrieve some money and go about his business you've got a guess of glass house no no okay that's a good one oh my God Josie fire is that what it is yeah wow yeah she's a horror movie fan man she's a patron for a reason man she knows her stuff I'm glad mine was easier amazing I love that film and I didn't know that at that sta
ge I see we just said glass I was like yeah 13 Ghosts small glass let's see okay just to make sure I have uh Josie movie Massacre and then Neil is here do I need to add anybody else Joan do I need to add you Brandon unfortunately he cannot participate since he's the executive producer of the show completely on fire indeed Chelsea is most definitely on fire she says sweet baby Jesus yes ma'am you go what you drinking over there you never answered yes I'm looking over this way please whatever it i
s my brain's just switched off I love that movie and I didn't get that very good all right so let's go ahead and move on to the next movie here let me pull up my Clues all right this is another easy one this is my last easy one after this we're gonna move on to the medium hard ones we all got one more easy so my first clue oh sorry uh I didn't play the clip let me go back to 13 ghosts real quick and this one is pretty short so hopefully we don't get any crap from if you get any direct just don't
worry about playing the clips because I think people have seen just don't get yourself demonetized for playing clips yeah because I was thinking if I do get demonetized I can also edit the video in post and take that out um vodka grapefruit just blueberry purple I won't do it after after this time we'll see we'll see how this one goes is it fairly short let's see the cleaning dang it [Music] behind this one sorry this one didn't have sound I I couldn't find a clip on YouTube um that allowed me
to snatch it um so I had to just lay over some epidemic music over it so that's why it sounds the way it does okay I'll let it go that far I thought I had more time yeah I know you liked some guitar Lisa which is it guitar all right very good very good all right so movie number two round two so my next movie oh my gosh I just went unavailable again okay I'm not gonna show any more clips okay I'm gonna wait till she comes back I think any horrified oh yeah in these clips so I wouldn't worry too m
uch about that hey I got the I got it going live stream ended for policy violations is it back on again somebody said oh no again I'll wait I'll tell you if it goes back up um did I say maybe I said too many swear words no they won't like kick you off for swear words I got to monetize today for my review not tomorrow you won't get kicked off a live stream for swearing God knows I've sweared enough it's happened again I spent all that time on all these clips for nothing what a pain in my bum oh w
ell I should I mean I I had a feeling uh come back come back come back please I mean you have to restart this I do not want to restart it because I don't want it to have two different clips you know or two different videos Global streams suspended for policy violation poop I'm wondering what made it come back the last time maybe it's like a one strike thing I don't know I have no idea well man I would start another one because everyone knows it's on your channel don't they yeah oh let's see let
me open up stream yard real quick another you know window Ultra bastards create it's really interesting to me because I think all kinds of streams that have all kinds of stuff going and all the channels that do all kinds of stuff falls back it's back okay good I lost four well that's all good I just saw myself taking a sip of wine okay well sorry folks I'm not gonna be able to show any more Clips because YouTube is you know being a hater absolutely we're sticking around you know through the BS I
appreciate you you know not leaving so we're just gonna go ahead and keep playing without the clips so the next uh movie is gonna be for me the first clue is uh just a kid chilling in his room just a kid chilling in his room and I was gonna say after I guess whenever we uh say well I guess whoever figures out what it is you can go into detail as far as what it is we'll create the picture and the visual for you we can act it out we could just uh are we back again yes yes all right so clue number
two clue number one just the kid chilling in his room number two multitasking at its finest that was kind of a troll clue but it is what it is multitasking at its finest hang on a minute what have I missed what what's going on oh I said I called YouTube bunch of haters all right I think I got like my internet connection went funny there you weren't you weren't around present time for a minute all right I don't know what's going on so what was the first and second call yes so my second movie my
first clue is just a kid chilling in his room second clue is multitasking at its finest Rainbow's back tell a friend I love them clue number three folks is the victim's friend tried to warn him over the phone the victim's friend tried to warn him over the phone now nope nope NADA NADA come on Josie I know you're kidding all right uh-huh question number four or clue number four the victim is sucked in [Music] oh Neil got it it was a good chance but Neil he is back and he's ready to work three two
three two once you said the phone I was like maybe and then once you said [ __ ] I was like oh yeah yeah it's all about that getting sucked in so oh she said can I hear about like the the clues would have been I'm just curious like what the rest of them no Neil you're not too far behind uh Josie you've got two Josie has three so y'all are pretty neck and neck so you haven't missed too much and uh we've got movie Massacre on the board well he's not on the board but he's on the roster he's about
to get a point here very soon can you paint the picture for us and tell us why you love that kill so much uh yes yes as an adult but you know when you kind of like are on the verge of like falling asleep is still being awake and you have like that whole body sensation of just like falling off of a bed or a a roof or something I don't even know but yes you just you're completely flat and you're just chilling nothing's happening but you just get that sensation or like a baseball being thrown at yo
ur face and you just kind of like move that way and yeah and as a kid watching that that just was a manifestation of that thing that I always felt and hated and it actually ended up what my fear would be that feeling ending up as you know so that that just always stuck with me and the blood though always to me even as a kid seemed a bit ridiculous because I'm like there's no way Johnny Depp has that much blood in his body you know what I mean but it was just a visual representation of he is comp
letely obliterated it's like he almost went into space um you know it's kind of like um a Galaxy or going into like a black hole you just get sucked in you just get ripped apart instantly and then you just don't exist anymore basically but your energy has just been spread um yeah just always stuck with me yeah as he as a teammate I think I was a teenager but not Kim I kind of I was very upset at the really nice looking boy baby literally murdered very upset about that in his little midriff his l
ittle belly showing I've just seen I know this has nothing to do with the quiz hey shaved have you seen Johnny Depp since he's had a shave uh-uh that sounds cool no no it's not Chris the Queen's got back Johnny he's got a soft jawline now it is I don't know what it is he looks like I don't know it looks like someone that should be on Skid Row drinking too much living in a cardboard box to say but no he's probably drinking way too much wine doing all his drugs that they were talking about in cour
t you know I'm not surprised to be fair he was out you know when they gave the ruling you know he was out there already performing so he's living the rock star life you know bring back the bear Johnny bring back the Bears yep there's plenty of beardage here even mine look oh my gosh [Laughter] oh no all right well let's move on to Nick's uh number two movie go ahead with your first clue right now we're waiting for your number two okay all right uh number first clue a group of bullies pull a liqu
id based prank on the main characters liquid liquid centered oh yeah it's gonna be vague wait say that one again okay uh a group of bullies pull a liquid based prank on the main characters something to do with liquid oh oh it if that's it Josie you're a genius that's a good oh okay yeah perfectly so very close it actually has nothing to do with the kill I just okay I don't like the anyway sorry oh um the number two these Bullies Are yelled at by an authority figure Adventure [Music] number three
afterwards the leader of the bullies Skips a baseball game to have some private time [Music] that's good um so yeah so yeah they pull a prank on the main characters they're yelled at and the leader of the bullies uh has some private time while doing his private business the bully is trapped in a confined space this main bully is trapped in a confined space while he's doing his private business doing his private business okay this one's hard because I had to be super vague because if I say any o
f the words it's like no private business I'm my mind's gonna go in one place I have to be honest okay there okay and this main bully is killed by someone not using a weapon or any physical Force oh maybe I went too big but no okay so they're trapped in this confined space doing their private business and they're killed by the Killer and the killer doesn't use any physical forms or any weapon they use um something else Lisa I think you definitely know this one I'll probably do I'm just oh yeah r
ight it's a classic come on Joseph tell us what it is so someone's in a little room doing his business and so my mind's just going to horrible places and so much without touching it I actually yeah this one up until like a year ago I saw it about a year ago for the first time yeah sure this is an 80s film okay I figure yeah I don't know if it helps too much um what else DeRay dropped at the beginning before we went on air oh well maybe I don't know yeah because I haven't seen that one so I think
I know what it might be oh this involves much like The Kill from Creep Show it involves an insect that's why there's no physical force or any weapon so they're trapped in a space and they get killed by insects oh Josie is so freaking close it's not even funny this role is sticking out to me yeah uh uh still okay I'll just uh the confined space is a bathroom stall and then we can say what the insect is probably or anything else that's more that's obvious as well it's they're in a bathroom stall
and the insect is bees the beehive they get stunned to death well there's only one I know with bees but it's probably too obvious for it to be that one is it like one that's really associated with bees bees it's not the it's not it's not wicker man if that doesn't help oh the bees the bees yeah if you're in the chat and you're just joining us uh let me know if you want to be added uh to the roster so far we've got a few people making some guesses here we've still have a lot of points to be earne
d for this mystery box here it's a 10 inch by 10 inch maybe foot box full of stuff that I don't even know but it's got a whole bunch of crap uh Josie you are very close with Candyman but the beanies are only confined oh yeah the 80s uh but it is confined to just this one scene in this movie um it's it's Canadian s okay yeah yeah yeah it's not one that I haven't seen so yes so Neil and Josie are tied with three to three so would you recommend I watch Sleepaway come look oh my God it's like my it'
s it's not my favorite movie but it's my favorite movie I love sleepwear it's so good right I've seen it like 30 times I shall add that to my collection and once you watch it you should watch like the behind the scenes because like they filmed it in Fall because it was cheaper to get the summer camp when it's not in summer season so they spray painted all the Leafs green because it was Canada it was like cold they were like in short shorts in like October where it's freezing cold they're spray p
ainting the leaves make it look like summer it's it's a beautiful movie I love to sleep beautiful it's a beautiful movie it's it's a work of art it's the peak of Cinema shut up so good what oh my god oh I'll mail you my copy with the grand piano I've never seen it never seen it maybe my Secret's never seen it either watch number two too I have no excuse I'm old so you know I might not need to get this thing all right so Lisa's last easy uh movie okay right okay coin number one two friends are en
joying a holiday together okay two friends enjoying a holiday together come on Josie you should know it by now that's too easy I think you're going to get it on clue number two yeah same here movie Massacre with sleep away camp I think that's probably why I watched that movie they don't know the ending don't tell me don't say anything can you watch it tonight like I'm gonna hear what you think about it Professor tonight and sleep away camp at least double header come on past two in the morning I
doubt I'm watching anything tonight right the holiday the holiday was scary it was terrible no it's not well number two they take a moonlit stroll together Moon lit strong my husband said she shouldn't have put the word Moonlight in that I'll give it away I'll give you a few seconds to see if anyone comes up with it so two friends are together having a holiday and the attack and moon let's stroll together I wonder if the location would have been in a way too like the country [Music] yeah the Mo
onlight was probably yeah that's okay I'll give it away so I had should we say what we did have in case I had one of the friends has a clumsy fall and is helped up by the other an eerie Mist descends on the mirrors and one of the friends has jumped on a knock to the ground whilst the other runs for his life that was the quote Oh Josie was right behind Neil dang it Neil has pulled out in front with four and Josie with three everybody yeah go ahead it's okay yeah everybody you still have a chance
to win because after this second round the um movies are going to be worth now two points for the next two rounds the best rounds they'll be worth three points so there's still anybody's game very very important nail on three to Josie yes all right let's go ahead and move it along to D let's go to your last easy yes it involves a beautiful social Gathering okay beautiful Gathering boot spelling does not count my friend you can you can as long as I can figure it out based on what you type do good
just put it in first you good and again if you want to get an extra point added to your final score uh share this video on your social media and tag me that way when the stream is done I can go back and check my social media and add those points to your final score all right let's go with clue number two Neil imma need you to calm down over there hat hat pull it out with five already ghost ship is correct this is the oh my God they cut everyone in half with the one yes that's awesome yeah that
one as one of my favorites because I will never I love um Dark Castle horror movies in general and they kind of shaped my kind of uh I want to say middle school high school experience before um and uh I would say with Ghost Ship you know I didn't really know what to expect and I said I remember thinking I had watched I had put in the movie because it opens with you know the Ghost Ship is in pink lettering and then it's this you know ocean liner and it's I was just like uh and then all of a sudde
n you know we get the wire and I was like oh that's what we're doing okay yeah very impressive yes it was so brutal and he touched a crazy way to open up itself you are on fire I love that film I love that kill but I wouldn't have got that from that first clay you know what's funny too is that the director shoot I'm forgetting his name but I have it written down here um those were the only two movies he directed Steve Beck he directed 13 Ghosts and those ship and then he was done oh my God no I'
m terrible at no one who directs what I'm terrible at it I will admit it but I love those two movies I actually love love love 13 Ghosts as a kid but then I recently uh reviewed not really recently but I guess in my first year I reviewed um House on Haunted Hill which got me to revisit um you know 13 Ghosts and then I saw Ghost Ship I'm pretty sure it was my first time watching Ghost Ship um but 13 Ghosts kind of like was a different experience for me as an adult unfortunately I still appreciate
d the gore and the and the story behind it but there was just something about it that was just kind of like you know I needed a little bit of tweaking and then go ship I just loved the atmosphere and I loved how it was a ship and it was a different type of ghost story uh but that first scene for me was probably the best part of the movie but then I also do love when they go back at the end to how it all happened and I just wish we were back in time when when the ship had its you know event go do
wn I wish we were in that time a little bit longer than that little bit of time at the end you know yeah Neil has only seen that film once and he got the answer that's crazy well that that opening scene it was one of the reasons why I went ahead and watched it too because I was like oh the greatest scene ever and it was you know yeah it was like the the climax was at the at the beginning you know unfortunately yeah it's not like the opposite of audition it's like you start out with this stuff an
d then you don't really get as much and then yeah one day you just get a little bit exactly that's why I just love going into things completely blind like I'll watch things because people have said one thing or the other but my favorite times or when I go into something not knowing anything because I have zero expectation no trailers no reviews nothing you know um so yeah well Captain I didn't know anything I was like there's an egg and then there's everything else I heard it was just gross like
oh she's so gross and so good I was like gross and good I've got to see this it was gross and just spectacular so did you did you put both of us on hatching because that you record I watched it after your review I think no actually um Sundance Film Festival okay yeah I think I just picked you on it Nick yeah so good ugh over and over it's so good how it's full enough I like Josie's last few comments it is is am I right her her name's Josie yep Josie yep Titanic was and the horror movie it was s
he could have moved over in oh a Titanic I could have moved over on that little board she could have fit probably five people on that thing she was right on at the end that's just bad directing to be honest with you that's just terrible directing he chose that big old piece of wood and made her the freaking villain of the movie when she wasn't supposed to be you should have just had her on a freaking log or something you know come on sneaky murderer sneaky all right so that was these uh last eas
y one so now we're moving on to the medium difficulty so these are gonna all be worth two points so before I forget let me just uh color code this real quick you're not drinking anything alcohol at the moment do I I am I'm drinking some Vino and you're still keeping track of what's going on good for you spending very slowly very slowly oh dear me all right okay so round three let me pull up my movie Clues all right so my first clue is the victim wakes up in a chair the victim wakes up in a chair
um Josie you better get some more of that alcoholic uh drink that's why I used falling behind you don't run out all right uh Neil's guests saw oh my gosh pretty much wait wait wait wait wait wait you have to tell me which saw oh so you got oh I need to know which freaking saw next one which saw quickly whoever types the number first wins no I'm gonna go through the clues fast since we already know franchise who said um Josie said it first yeah it shows her first but mine ah dang it you're right
so the rest of the clues were he looks in the mirror and is frightened by what he sees you'll get an okay so Josie you're gonna get two points but you can tell me the kill anybody else can get one point if you tell me what the kill is okay he looks in the mirror and is frightened by what he sees he receives a disturbing message he must now make a decision because the victim isn't able to retrieve the key he dies foreign you'll get an extra point but Neil you get two points period or not Neil so
rry uh Josie you'll get two points but anybody who can tell me what the kill is Josie you can get an extra point if you tell me what the uh predicament is oh my gosh Golden Pond no what's up frame right frame 34 just for everyone's knowledge is my husband's thinking of Vietnamese what's up husband um does she mean like the bear trap it's very close this one is very similar to the actual answer which is what Neil got um he had to get the key out from under his eyeball to unlock his thing that was
like uh but she was very freaking close um very good and movie Massacre you also had it you were very close um so yeah there was there were numbers all on the wall that contain the combination code to unlock the thing or he could have taken the key out from behind his eyeball yeah oh that was horrible wasn't it yes yes so good okay so Neil you also got the key so I'm going to give you an extra point for that so give me a second here while I make a note of that so Nails on five and she'll say so
sorry Nails on six and Josie's on five so three four five six you're correct with six yes and or I'm sorry hold on I I wrote that hold on hold on hold on uh two I wrote that under Josie by accident so Neil has two four five six seven eight and Josie has three I'm sorry no Joseph God Josephine has five that's that you're right Josie has five and a male has six Neil has six Thank you Lisa you are a real one thank you so much believe it or not I've actually been actually written something down her
e you're the best I don't have lots of Gins so that's quite a surprise what are you drinking I am drinking Gordon's gin and it's empty so I'm quite distressed okay I wish I was drinking something better like I was planning to make a cocktail and I just anyway yeah all right we're like a break I have some tequila upstairs but oh you can go whenever you want if you want me to turn off your camera or just leave your camera on well I've been like I was troubleshooting my things like up in the top ri
ght corner for the last like two minutes but we're good now is it my turn though isn't it my clue yes I just did all right so yeah do your first medium difficult healthy okay okay a guy gets into a fight with his girlfriend pretty yeah pretty standard horror movie event the guy goes for a midnight drive to clear his head I've had both of them 34 I think I've drunk all the alcohol in the house sorry [Laughter] [Music] he drives to clear his head did you say yeah he gets in a fight with his girlfr
iend after she cheats on him okay and he goes for a midnight drive to clear his head oh Danny nightmare almost like four nah he drives on the freeway in a white Bronco oh right I'm just going to lose Madison uh the guy spot something in the road ahead not in a white Bronco though Moto G Simpson what state of affairs when your husband tells you on a chat that there's there's like alcohol by The Kettle in the kitchen isn't it I was wondering I'm like are they talking to Nick because there's a bott
le of gin behind him or something I got it okay so he gets on a fight goes on midnight drive spots something in the road ahead the guy gets out of his car to check on the someone or something [Music] is this recent Nook is it that is it in the like 20 somethings or is it before that I mean that's I'm trying to be vague because it might be clue number six is decade yeah um it's you know she knows it she knows it go for a minute you got a joke come on some some uh should I give I'll give her five
seconds okay okay for his troubles this guy gets brutally decapitated oh brutally decapitated I guess no clip but everybody's good OJ it's just one good hour I mean you know that he got decapitated yet but no he has an argument that his girlfriend gets decapitated decapitated not by the girlfriend well yeah yeah no I okay well okay that's kind of a okay the total decapitation it's like an 80 degree okay all right maybe I should be more clear yeah it's not it's a stabbing that it stabs so brutall
y it becomes a decapitation in one shot you can see that his neck's mostly gone um and 80 decapitation right I don't think I've seen this but if I haven't I want to say this yeah I saw you review reviews yeah absolutely all right I'm waiting for the decade Chloe uh the decade is this decade was that five yeah it was five okay this decade this is it's not a Halloween no I can't even say that it's not a Halloween movie though is it no come on Neil what's that I feel like I want to clarify again it
is a stabbing but the person gets stabbed so much that they actually end up losing like 80 you can see in one shot like their next barely handing on I get stabbed so many times I believe and I know this to the conclusion that my memory is terrible for anything quizzes so thank God I'm not on the other side of this um one one more clue there's about a or should I do another clue yeah yeah there's about like a 60 to 70 year age difference between victim and killer I think D knows it Dee knows it
I can feel it oh yeah please don't for the past few Clues I could tell by his face yeah yeah a seven a year Age The Darkness close the department I haven't even seen the darkness oh bloodbath and Beyond what's going down what's up what's up thank you for popping into my life hello hello um gnarly AF this is one of the gnarlier kills on uh this whole entire list of this whole game oh no my memory is just too bad speaking of the age difference the Killer is the one that's 60 to 70 years older this
year not quite high tension either 22 20. I guarantee most of you have seen this anyone that's in the chat like it's one of the bigger horror movies this year the original movie is it like a fist where something sorry go ahead Nick uh no uh well it's turning it's turning okay another clue Texas Chainsaw Massacre that's what I thought it's turning into a franchise there's gonna be three movies yeah I was gonna say it's not two interpretation because technically yeah a third movie production curr
ently for this person what are you talking about today there's been two of this movie this year so did you say there were two movies this year there's two in this franchise this year and this is the first one right okay the third film is in prep oh close close close dang it Lisa don't type it I haven't seen pearls all right at least I need to drink less alcohol clearly all right that was a two-pointer very good meal all right yeah so I love that film and I don't even remember that or talk about
how yeah talk about it describe it act it up yeah yeah it's the kill we're after um Jenna Ortega wants to be in the porno the cinematographer gets mad has a shower her boyfriend because like there's her boyfriend's behind the scenes and she's like no I want to be like home girl yep and then he goes for a drive Pearl stops in his headlights she comes on to him uh he rebuffs her and feeling scorned she stabs him so many times in the neck it sprays on the headlights turning the entire scene red and
then it decapitates him basically honestly it's like hanging on by a thread is Pearl any good has anyone seen it I'm so excited yet I liked Pearl yeah I actually personally I prefer a little bit more to ask but that's just my expectations any kind of nice too yeah I like Pearl better too laughing when the guy was crying in the shower what bits that I couldn't stop laughing when the girl was crying it was after they were arguing and then he's crying in the shower because she participated in the
uh all right yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes and the third film that's in pre-production right now is Maxine the Final Girl of X so I'm super excited to see you both girl and or Max I didn't get so everything so much slower than everyone else's crap still haven't seen Pearl no Josie you're not thinking you're in second place and it's still anybody's game we've still got lots of uh medium difficulty uh movies to do we've only done two so far and then the last round will be worth three points so i
f you're in the chat um if you're guessing movies I'm gonna go ahead and add you to the roster and at the end of the game you know we'll see who has the most points to get an extra point added to your final score share me share this video out onto social media and tag me that way I know you shared the video and that'll get you one extra point all right so let's go ahead and move on to the next movie which will be from Lisa so go ahead and give your first medium okay so clue number one is a group
of people are hiding in an underground bunker hmm [Music] Josie needs Dexter to fetch her a drink you mean Dexter as in Serial Killer Dexter she probably should name him after that Dexter I bet she did Star Trek Search for Spock I'm still doing better than movie Massacre I have no idea what that means oh we got a yes then Cloverfield Lane let's go on to coin number two is a single right a single syllable vigilante is intent on Revenge ooh single syllable I like that but we're all underground an
d someone that's name has got one syllable my god well done Jesus good oh Josie said I was gonna say that mine just too easy I had a military employee flee the gun wielding a sealant drilling blood he tried several knobs that was meant to be my joke he tried several nerves to no avail before choosing the wrong tour and a final salute from his pursuer leaves him half the man he used to be that was a pretty satisfying kill because of just how annoying he was the entire film you know and it was the
final kill and it was just perfect go ahead and talk about why you like that that last or that kill so much special effect we all love Bob everyone loves Bob but I am a massive big fan of practical effects and the effects in that scene where they rip him in half are just incredible I absolutely love them yes and because he was an [ __ ] so yeah everything I love everything about it I love when he says uh choke on them yes yes yes yes oh that's brilliant it's great there's obviously something wr
ong with us Lord we're not right in the head so who got that one who was it oh again yeah it has two points on nails on 10 points now my goodness his guts were a chicken is that right is that some behind the scenes that probably is true because my husband's a massive fan of zombie movies he loves Romero so that probably is the case Okay Neil says I just guessed that because the whole movie is in that bunker sure yeah well done you know your stuff now yeah it sure does all right so we're moving o
n to D let's do your medium difficulty movie an Uninvited Guest hey uninvited guests I'm actually trying to figure out which of the two medium difficulty ones that is based off that first clue I don't even know okay anybody know off that first clue an Uninvited Guest all right let's go ahead with uh oh Exorcist isn't it that's a very good guess um yeah that's a good question character that is Uninvited is not new in town oh okay okay I don't want a Stranger Calls no no that's a really good film
I find that whole concept when I was I saw that when I like the original when I was really young and it was it really freaked me out the thought of the person being in the house the whole time like a Christmas not a Christmas story um was that was that Christmas Slasher um yeah do you guys like the new one I actually haven't seen that one yet I haven't seen it but there was so many like this is terrible I didn't right movie Basic got his guests Straw Dogs no I'll do I'll do my next clue um this
uh uh character um decides to nothing someone it decides to what sorry oh the character The Uninvited Guest decides to beckon someone to come back in someone second's a good word that's a great word I feel like you're too medium moving because I assigned no you you told me your five movies and then I told you two of those that were going to be medium difficulty between those two I'm like which one is it like I don't even know which of the two movies you're talking about right now all right I'm g
onna be really vulgar I need to go and have a week that's okay that's where I was foreign yeah let's go ahead and throw another one the character decides to let loose and have a little bit let loose oh okay now I know which one all right say that one again I have to let loose and and have a quick dance it this one just makes me a little sad every time I think about it all right let's say the three Clues one more time back to back the first three uh first clue um it involves yes um third clue wa
s um the care The Uninvited Guest back into someone to come near them clue number four clue number four was they decide to let loose and have a quick dance oh I'm sorry and then clue number five my bad um and then clue number five they decide to take a they decide to um break someone's heart it's not out of the Demons it's not Clockwork Orange David Beckham I can't get that he's advertising Qatar at the minute I'm sorry it's completely off really if we don't get a correct guess in five seconds w
e'll give the decade Night of the Demons Clockwork Orange I don't think I know this one I need to watch the low actually I am going to watch the loved ones soon because Josie has requested that movie so I'll be reviewing it either January or February stop honestly no okay I don't really know the answer if it were Coco would you say Dean sorry coming out after I have one more before the decade okay this character decides to set the roof on fire to set the room on fire what's KES did you say Ripa
Cass is like a Yorkshire movie about a bird and a little boy okay and we were all forced to watch in school oh okay Devil's Rejects oh no I love that movie but not Devil's Rejects can you run through them all again do you sure um so the first one is that it involves an Uninvited Guest okay um The Uninvited Guest is not new in town uh The Uninvited Guest uh beckons someone to come near them then The Uninvited Guest decides to have uh you know let loose and have a quick dance uh then the um The U
ninvited Guest decides to break someone's heart and then they decide to set the roof on fire like the song oh my God no well I guess saying roof or room roof roof right it's the building too though yeah the whole the whole building is on fire yeah that's the whole building yeah it's as far as I'm saying Ruth as far as the song like the roof is on fire oh okay okay so close very close um it's early 2000s early 2000 to 2000 so 20 so 2000 to 2010. Nick we can only see the roof we can see wow I'm tr
oubleshooting it right now sorry I didn't know this is Nick's first live stream ever my phone's dying and I just can't I can't get the charger to work no he was like he can just figure this whole thing out just just do it I'm trying my best if you're a horror fan subscribe to Nick subscribe to Nick he has two minute recommendations he's got reviews and he's just awesome I swear it's more competent than this is right now just a short concise you need to watch this and this is why all right there'
s so many recommendations from him let's get another obvious clue for this one okay it is come out come out wherever you are oh these quotes are very uh telling come out come out wherever you are and like I said Neil you were very very close you were very close From Dusk Till Dawn [Music] all right obvious clue tell us someone that was in it ah no that's real please that once and it was like literally years ago and I all I remember is there was a guy in it that was really attractive but that's
the height the guy who probably was supposed to be Tom Cruise yeah two or Stuart Townsend that's what you're talking about yeah that could be Tom Cruise it's it's you know Interview with the Vampire yeah that basically Queen of the damn was essentially a standalone sequel it was a standalone sequel okay yeah I didn't know he took Tom Cruise's part um so yeah very cool so Josie you are still in the game good deal well done Josie yeah so the thing about Aaliyah you know she's so sad because she di
dn't even get to see the movie you know release she she passed away in that plane crash right before like four to six months before the movie even came out and she was just magnificent she was a freaking Queen in real life and in that movie and um it's just so heartbreaking because she didn't even get to like really live a life because of R Kelly who was predatoring her from the time that she was under 18 and just like just had her in a prison and she just had so much ahead of her and it just ma
kes me sad like even in the movie it says in memory of Aaliyah and it just breaks my heart every time I think about it I remember being driven to school learning about that you know that death so so yeah I've seen the movie but I didn't know any of that that's shocking yeah yeah and she was done and she was on she was really on the way up and I really enjoyed her I mean I enjoyed it all right Romeo Must Die and some of her other roles too but um I really enjoyed her as Akasha and to see the thin
g is that you were going to see more of her in Egypt and and like there were other things with the character because we watch it as is it looks like she's a kind of a side character but we would have seen more of her had she you know been able to kind of complete the entire thing yeah but that moment with the where she walks in and she does the dance and she snatches the guy's heart out devours it and it just sets the whole room on fire it's like okay now I'm out what's going on I need to say th
at again it's been years since I've seen that but I think with context I need to watch it again she bites that heart you know she sucks the blood out of it and then when she crushes it it turns into dust I love it she's the first vampire on Earth and is the mother of all vampires and you know her being a black woman and you see like all these vampires basically as white people like she's kind of the only black woman in that movie and she's the mother of all the vampires and it's just interesting
seeing that um she's just beautiful and awesome yeah all right sorry I can't show the clips y'all was showing the clips earlier of each kill that we're talking about but YouTube is a freaking hater so I had to discontinue showing those clips um so we're gonna move on to my next movie which is medium difficulty which means it is worth two points and this is one of my all-time favorite movies if you know me you're gonna know this one right away so be man uh Brandon you're not allowed to comment i
n the chat all right so the first clue is authorities and civilians with guns drawn walk up to a barn oh I gotta add Nick back Nick is waiting sorry Nick I was uh let me see if I can switch y'all there we go perfect all right I thought Michael behind you Michael Myers yeah oh yeah back there yeah is this better that's okay my phone was like Lighting on fire it went from like 99 to like six percent running there sorry Jose has had a guess already with Purge uh these we are currently in medium dif
ficulty the last round was medium difficulty this is medium difficulty and then we have our last round which will be uh difficult difficult um so this is medium difficulty and Purge is not correct authorities and civilians uh with guns drawn walk up to a barn and second clue is the smell is awful the smell is awful Authorities on civilians did you say walk up to a barn a barn a barn and smell is awful nope I'm not getting anything all right clue number three uh when they enter the barn everyone
stares up in awe when they enter the barn everyone stares up and oh [Music] so what were the first two authorities and civilians with guns drawn walk up to a barn and the smell is awful when they enter they stare up and oh clue number four the victim asks the people to feed her oh to feed her so I ignore my husband's answers no body knows the answer um Slither is right yeah I've never seen Slither oh my gosh so the last clue after some vowel rumbling noises the victim's skin begins to rip and I
quote this all the time she says I'm so hungry it's so good she's asking the folks in the barn to feed her raccoon that is on the floor she's like can you just or I think it's a possum she's like can you just pass me that piece of possum over there please like I'm just I'm just so hungry and before they can do anything talking about taking her to a hospital she's like a huge she's as big as the barn right she's just a big old round ball as big as the barn and when her belly like rumbles and make
s all kinds of noises you see a ring around her belly of her skin just splitting open and once the skin splits completely open and she gets disintegrates all of the slithers you know the little uh what do you call them slugs just start going into everybody who's in there and they enter your body um with an open mouth basically so if your mouth is open they're going inside and you've now become infected by the freaking slugs I think I need to see this clearly you're gonna have an amazing triple h
eader ahead of possessor we say sleep well camping oh I love it if I could watch those for the first time again poor woman she number how much she eats she's hungry and just gets bigger and bigger she's basically the host for all the Slugs for the alien invasion of you know uh the aliens and Michael worker is so good in that movie I love him yeah he uh him and Elizabeth Banks like just strangely went well so I love Elizabeth in that movie like you know she felt love for him and had he not got yo
u know uh invaded by aliens in his body like she would have loved him it could have had a relationship even though he's kind of weird like they could have had their love grow but he was still kind of weird right anyway uh I it was just good and then the other guy who's in there I forget his name but he's basically Jason Bateman I know Nathan Wright Nathan phillian oh yes he's the other Jason Bateman you know what I mean like they look so similar and they have the same you know disposition and st
uff okay so good I love that movie it's my it's one of my favorites ever in life so let's move on to uh to Nick right Nick actually let me push you up here okay go ahead with your medium difficulty movie nope okay let me see and this movie still troubleshooting oh you're fine okay oh I'm trying to figure out which one is for oh there we go okay four a creep chases after a girl outside her house or actually I don't know if it's her house it's our house I don't want to get false information it doe
sn't I think I don't think it's her house it's our house it's in the driveway he's coming on tour all right Chase is after a girl outside her house use victim I guess when you can so people know I guess right okay the creep chasing oh what well okay is out Chase is after a girl outside a house oh my gosh it's Hector good to see you the creep slash Vic victim tries to come on to the girl but she rebuffs him uh she rebuffs his advances with a punch nice a punch to the stomach so someone's coming o
n to someone in the driveway and she punches him in the stomach yeah he's being a bitter creep he's saying like well I bought you dinner kind of thing while you're into you know and she punches in the stomach the creep goes to leave but as he's going to his car here's the girl now calling to him from inside the garage kind of like a siren so she would punch him in the stomach he goes to leave and now all of a sudden she's like she's calling to him Josie said it sounds like a bad date I had New J
ersey you got it it's a it's a bad date from uh your life yeah uh Hector if you want to jump in hang on I guess we've got a gas bloodbath and Beyond have guest leprechaun she's gone but um that's it okay announce it yeah that's it's leprechaun that's awesome Beyond is on the scoreboard yeah it was even me Jersey three points to bloodbath and beyond for a leprechaun well I'm Irish and I didn't I I don't know how to announce like the scoring do you want to say which leprechaun or okay well okay ye
ah blood left well blood left got the specific kill oh does he get a point because he did it is not it's not the original leprechaun oh you know he was the one that said it originally okay so you know he gets all the points quickly somebody tell us which leprechaun It is Well I think he he got the he's the one that's giving all the gases so or they I don't know bloodbath and Beyond knows what one it is so yeah we're going two good stuff yes he's written too so that's two points for bloodbath and
Beyond because those are the difficult ones oh and he was the first to answer number two very good awesome I'm gonna say Hector you're still there and if you want to get in on the game let gray know and she can tag it in yes uh Hector was guessing okay I'm just gonna add Hector regardless if you're typing in stuff like you know guesses and whatnot I'm just gonna go ahead and add ya so very cool so let two for being bad awesome very cool did you say all five Clues oh well uh so yeah she calls th
em back in she starts undressing he goes to motorboater it's a lawnmower you see leprechaun it's a bunch of curses it's like it's trickery it's kind of like uh wish Master where it's like you know but uh yeah he thinks it's a girl it's actually a lawnmower and he gets his face cut off he's the best leprechaun there ever was too bad we can't see him uh spying on homeboy getting chopped up ah next time in another world uh maybe when uh YouTube stops being hater and they because you know with short
s I I just learned this too if you are because you know how they have the whole new monetized thing where you can now make money if you get like a million views on shorts or something like that right well they are even allowing you to use copywritten music on shorts and they'll pay the people who made the music so it's like okay we'll take that same idea and put it on our long form videos why are y'all messing with that in the first place like I don't care if you know um you know two chains if I
use this song if he takes 50 of my pay on my video give it to him he deserves it I'll take 50 of whatever I get from that like give him the money just let me use his song screw you no matter what you do it's pain in the art I know yeah I got like the straight I'm not a strike today but I got like demonetized but I know I I use like less than 15 seconds to the clip I didn't want to bother fighting it seven seconds of a clip and bendy monitor I filmed the TV once when the World Cup was on for fiv
e seconds and got demonetized for years in five seconds of the World Cup in the Vlog it's like oh piss off really I didn't want to like I already like edited the videos I really want to update upload this a day later just to it's like no I'll just whatever well uh bloodbath is saying copyright is disaster I think they are adding the music thing to regular videos in early 2023 which would be amazing because yeah how y'all gonna do that just for the shorts in uh the long form videos like I guess j
ust to try it out and see what's up but obviously videos get more views when they have more popular music on them and again I don't mind paying out people and the artists whose music I use you know I don't mind that at all it's just going to get me more views so anyhow all right let's move on to the next movie and that was leprechaun so that was Nick so let's go on to Lisa's okay so this is movie number oh hang on nope different order so this is moving up before and the first clue is a girl is c
aptured while trying to rescue someone a girl is captured trying to rescue somebody else damn that's why you don't need to be rescuing people I'm gonna go on to Clay number two a society head explains that she is seeking enlightenment I get it from that one it's like your Moonlight clue we'll give you a few seconds if you can guess so if a girl is captured while trying to rescue someone and a song I love Martyrs that's another two pointer for bloodbath and Beyond who's now on Four Points here we
go like he's just popping in the game last minute catching up to Josie and to Neil real quick nail to it yes no okay everyone's yeah everyone's saying monitors now oh yeah the girl performs better than any previous subject her birthday suit is confiscated and she has to answer to the question she has the answer to the question everyone wants to hear but wishes they hadn't uh Neil had it freaking Hector had it man everybody was so close has anyone seen Martyrs more than once I'm just curious is
that like any you've seen it more than once I love it I love it I actually quite like the Remake as well but obviously I prefer the original but the concept of what does the woman have whispered to her at the end what is it I know I never tell you I love the fact that they don't tell you because it just it lets you guess for yourself I love that clue Lisa the birthday suit is Comfort I can't take credit for that my husband come up with that one you said what what did you rate Martyrs at a scale
of ten or five so remember that conversation we just had about terrifiers [Laughter] so this falls into the read the uh read the plot summary and read the parental guide so I can let my imagination fill in the gaps but so yeah I'd give it a I'll say conceptually even though it's it's quite intense for me I will say conceptually it's definitely uh top tier okay yeah it's a one-time watch for you yeah it's extreme but uh yeah yeah it was on I'm sorry I appreciate when the film goes there that's al
l I'll say what's up Nick how would you say like it was on my short list of movies with like Cannibal Holocaust The Human Centipede movies what are some other ones uh audition I guess was kind of on there like stuff like I really didn't want to get to but I wanted to get to and missions not anywhere near a shopping list no Marvis was also not as bad as I thought it was going to be like there's some scenes really have you seen Cannibal Holocaust yet no I don't like the animal stuff I just I can't
really get past it doesn't happen there is a cop where you don't have to watch the animal stuff but for me no one it should be there is enough to not make me want to watch it okay I've seen it once I just really like animals I just can't in Britain like we have this thing called the bbfc um band list so they were referred to as video nasties um Holocaust was on it and I did this thing once where I had to watch every movie on the the bonds list and that was all no never again it's not happening
even the version without the animal stuff the fact I know what's in there is enough I don't want to say it again frame 34. who's frame 34. oh Tokyo Gore please I love Tokyo Gore police oh it's [ __ ] awful that's so good me and my me and him and my my best friend and her partner watch Tokyo Gore Place one night and me and her hated it and my husband did hit the other guy absolutely loved it they were sitting going oh this is fantastic and we were sitting on this is just [ __ ] [ __ ] all my life
I could have bought her in half turns into a crocodile and she like eats it I can't remember oh my God yeah I went to that movie pretty blind and I just watched with a friend and we were just blown away by what was going on it is mad it's a good watch I mean I know it's good bad but it's insane Tokyo or Cannibal Holocaust nail is a very good movie it's very well made it's very effective I just can't get my head around the animal stuff but if you can take that out the rest of it is such a good s
uch a well-made movie I agree it's just another one that fell into the category of I had to read the get filled in even though I have seen Clips I wish I hadn't seen yeah you think again conceptually in looking at the story of who what does what who are the real cannibals who are the real Savages here yeah I was like whoa I love that that message there I thought that was really cool it is I'm also a big I'll say I just can't watch I can't watch with those and it's a shame because I love the rest
of it I thought conceptually it was really well together it was really disturbing which is what you want from a horror you want something that's either going to scare you shitless or you want something that's going to really like make you feel very uncomfortable which that does but I don't like the fact they've got real animal cruelty in it I can't watch that at all no no yeah I feel you on that even when it's fake animals it's kind of hard to watch because I'm imagining the real thing but it's
definitely better we'll happily watch people being murdered and hung up but if there's a dog in it no we can't have that we can't have the dog oh that baby's about to be done oh it's not a baby it's actually a cat no not the cat exactly you know I mean there's so many horror cliches but by far like by Leaps and Bounds the number one thing that's my number one poor pet peeve is like well there's a whole website dedicated to it is does the dog die it's such an unnecessary and like cheap tactic to
get like audience sympathy or like oh or like raise the stakes of the movie like oh the dog died it's like I'd rather the neighbor died or like the young sister died the baby can bloody die as long as the dog doesn't die it's such like a cheap trick where it's like the dog got slaughtered the stakes are real no dogs we were talking about Marley and Me in the comments no I saw all of them yeah I'll never watch a movie ever again oh this is gonna be a really feel good movie with the movie with Ow
en Wilson and Jennifer Aniston amazed I went to the cinema to see this with my husband I had to sit and dig my nails into the palm of my hand to stop me crying to stop me sobbing there was a woman a few years few rows back was actually audibly sobbing really loud and I haven't watched it ever since I can't watch it I know it with a really old dog at the time they'll have saying nothing you know they're just babies they're forever babies no dog deaths don't like it all right so just Jesus uh Josi
e with seven meal with 10. and bloodbath with four so it is literally still anybody's game okay I've got that Josie's got nine oh who has nine Josie Scott and I Neil has 10 and bloodbath and Beyond four or am I wrong tell us in the comments I have Josie who gets Evil Dead misery and 13 Ghosts I've just written what I thought they'd got points and I thought she had nine oh let's not let me know Josie so Josie you you guessed Evil Dead misery 13 Ghosts which were all worth one and then you also gu
essed saw two and queen of the damn which were worth two points so that's um four so four plus three I'm gonna say seven then she guessed more than those five films I think you're right Lisa but I don't know what that means okay guys no you're helping me like I really appreciate you like I didn't write down who got what or she got leather as well oh Slither I don't have yeah Thank you Lisa two Buzz girls made one sober girl I'm pissed am I one of the buzzed girls score you're figuring
out uh live streaming right now you are by yourself right now oh good you know you you were part of the the buzz girls tonight in general and as part is as part of this group sure yeah dress up like a witch live there thank you for that what color is slither is slither green or orange uh let me see Slither I think it was round three okay so it was orange okay I think so too okay my Slither sleep away camp and there was something else it is nine correctly so thank you so we've got Josie with nin
e Neil at 10 and bloodbath with four very good what's a movie that made you guys cry in theaters I was interested by Lisa Taco Marley and Me I'm trying to think of the last movie I cried in theaters I don't tell for dogs I cried at that as well if you put a dog in it I'm gonna cry at it you kill as many people as you want I'm happy but if you kill a dog I'm not amused clerks three some cried in close three I've never seen that three are you saying clerks like homeboy like from Clerk's Clerks oh
or is it in the comments okay okay I got it I got it I'm like where is that coming up okay okay all right let's go ahead and move on with the game right okay so we just guessed shoot that was mine we guessed um what was mine um go right on hey what's your first clue okay this is [Music] a very heated conversation okay this is one of my favorite movies of all freaking time but great with you right who's having a very heated conversation the first clue in this movie for this kill scene yeah the pe
ople the the people the people are having a very heated conversation okay nope uh one of the main characters actually no no I'll say both both of these characters are in crisis are in crisis mode yeah okay nope yeah they're they are the admissible crisis they are questioning things in their lives and they both have decided there there is a direction that they must take to change where they are in their life yeah yep nope scream hereditary we've got two gases there no no all right um the conversa
tion then comes to a head when hands are placed around the other stroke oh okay did you save just their body what did you say that last word hands are in place around there throat okay yeah they're throat or they want to give it away Gail has gassed with Scream oh nope nope foreign one of the main characters ends up doing an alternative version of something they plan to do to that character previously we've got a guess of Insidious from Josie right so someone's doing something to a character the
y previous like an alternative version of something they previously planned to do they've been arguing we are competing for a horror mystery box from Amazon that looks small from behind but it is a 10 by 10 10 inch by 10 filled with a bunch of stuff it's big it's big thank you but Josie if you get this one right you will go into the lead so you go into the lead by one exactly yes you're correct okay I'll give another clue okay uh character finds themselves teetering over in a massive staircase a
mess of what uh the main character finds themselves teetering over a massive staircase staircase staircase argument oh it's dust Incredibles Network Los Angeles but it's up it is so good to see you here this evening you have still a chance to win I think you might not I don't know I can't really tell but if you want to play play we are in charge everything horror is hard so yeah sometimes we have all the clues again for those Incredible's Network please yes um so first clue um two people are ha
ving a heated conversation these two people are in the midst of a crisis they are they are figuring out how to deal those that crisis in a very specific way um [Music] um the conversation comes to a head when one person places their hands around the other's throat uh this one character [Music] in the lead with 11 points she got it all right so yeah such a good scene that's awesome yeah I literally thought when I was two say between that I had been like two or three I was working when that movie
came out that's how old I am [Music] like literally literally a couple of days ago we just saw that they're making a new one with her daughter with um with homegirl's daughter [Music] not Meryl streaks but the other one home store or the really pretty one with the long blonde hair that was in so famous or something famous this is probably a movie where I would be like oh don't make a remake don't don't touch Death Becomes Her Like I probably would say that but yeah I'm like well I'm intrigued I
'm down it's her freaking daughter it's Lady Gaga oh I think it's Anne Hathaway Ann Hathaway too oh my husband will watch it then he quite likes it on Hathaway sorry can I take my turn of being the person that says I've never seen that movie [Music] I'll stand the test of time too you can watch it now and it could have been made today it's really the effects are good the story is good it's relatable it's just funny as hell I'm excited right now came out and I have like we're gonna write this dow
n so right take my previous comment back I wasn't working when that come out I'm not quite that old Jesus Christ I thought it was but I wasn't 19. no yeah it is just it's so witchy and I I really was attracted to like the hand things of it because I've always been like a hands person hence my like nail videos and things and it was just a beautifully not that's a beautiful movie sleep away camp I can appreciate but definitely promised her is a beautiful movie we don't have to put them Head to Hea
d they're both beautiful movies they're both beautiful they're both I'm excited I'm gonna watch that maybe tonight bro like I've never seen Bruce Willis in this type of role before I've never seen it I gotta watch this right now like I watched I watched it as a kid so many times and I grew up and I was like oh that's Bruce Willis and then watching it again I was like oh snap that's Bruce Willis and freaking Death Becomes Her Like This is so so weird so yeah I was gonna say I've seen it so many t
imes but even though I know it's him I don't know it's him because exactly it's like nothing like him and I was like that and this I was like Death Becomes Her and then the first two Adams Family uh films that was kind of my earliest kind of like oh this whole dark dark humor that was my first like I really really like this even though I was so young I didn't find any of that scary it was actually really interesting yes just intriguing and like it's so relatable because we all just want to stay
young and it's just beautiful world and you you see this either you live it or you witness this bitterness or this you know Battle of like love and a partner and stuff and it's just it's just so relatable and just so beautiful you know it's it's all about the ladies and that when it's all about Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep isn't it yeah [Music] yeah they look like like yep they look beautiful okay so we're about to get into our hard round which seems pretty good to be honest with you so I'm gonn
a start off our last round and so this last round is worth three points so if you get this answer correct that means you get three points added to your score again if you share this video out on social media and tag me that gets you an extra point um to the end of your um deal you know what that's an easy Point folks get it shared what if you share it to several different social media yes I'm gonna actually check really quick to see if anybody has shared yet and if nobody has shared I'm gonna ma
ke it worth two points instead of one just to be fun because Facebook Instagram YouTube get it shared and you can get yourself a load of points yeah what's the score again Josie is on 11 and oh Jesse There You Go more yes we got 11 10 and four Josie Neal and bloodbath respectively so we got this last round so bloodbath could win if he got three six so if you got six and then one of them got three that would be ten so he'd love that half bloodbath has to get all four in order to win bloodbath get
it shared on social media yeah yeah if you got two and then shared on social media that would be six plus two which would be eight so if you got eight that'd be 12 and then they got one he's he's got this yeah he's got it I feel bad I'm not like calling you bloodbath and Beyond what's your name so I can call you by name no but yeah if you share so if you share and tag me you'll get an extra two points but other people only use one social media I don't want to be like oh this person has four soc
ial medias but okay okay yeah only one social media but it's still two years social media and getting extra two points but yeah my face is it your turn let me see I think we're on me right I think we're in the last one right yeah it was surprised let me come back here first one aren't we clear like moving the hardest of all the hardest movies and I'm gonna go first in this movie is a really good new commenter I think trash Dash oh it's Danny Danny hey so Danny please you need to give Neil anothe
r two points if you O'Neill what did Neil do he's tweeted it oh he tweeted I did say Myspace I also said LinkedIn can you share it on LinkedIn remember if I share it on Bumble can I get two points grinder what's what's the EXT what's the limits of social media as long as you can tag me I guess or if you could just bumble you can't tag me on Google LinkedIn my space probably is tagging still I'd assume so like this to my space I remembered there's bloodbath and Beyond has retweeted your pinned co
mments so if you've got two points after we get through everything that way it's all right so my last movie my last movie is okay the victim leaves the group upset the victim leaves the group upset hmm all right okay b-man okay thank you thank you thank you Danny appreciate you I I didn't even say yet but I am basically like a dead doll like I'm a creepy doll I'm a creepy doll I was gonna be like oh maybe I'll be you know just a dead person who's you know who looks like this but uh because I did
creepy doll last year and I was like I don't want to do a creepy doll again but I like creepy doll like it's it's cool and it's easy yeah and I got a wig this time last year I just did pigtails with my regular hair but I was like well I'm gonna do creepy doll with a wig this year and you over here you were just a dead person who turned into a witch who's kind of both now right there's no idea what the hell it is it's just loads of messages he's just looking hot as hell the creepy dolls are awes
ome meeting with the cinema Squad go [Music] I'm so excited about the whole thing yeah it was a it was a great great experience and it's kind of one of those things where like you you know you're a part of the community and when you start to Journey you don't think you're really gonna I mean you think maybe you'll have people will follow but you don't think you're gonna like have a community and things like that and even when it comes to that it's like oh we just comment on each other's stuff an
d so on and so forth in your mind like it would be cool in theory if we could go watch a movie or in theory yeah but you don't always think that'll happen but it was it was crazy and I was I'm being so like nervous and like oh but man it's just like the time like flew by I mean I mean everyone that I know that knows she loves you and the cinema Squad just for me I have such nice guys every single one of them are lovely and I saw those photographs come up it was like oh my God I was so I wanted t
o be there I was so jealous I was like oh my God this is awesome so I was waiting on like seriously through you all yeah where was everybody centralized at again when y'all were all together yeah it was early and then so I know uh I know John lives there and who else lives there good thing I need something else lives there no they all came quite a ways oh okay oh yeah California Illinois and then I want to say New York I thought Dan was close by I think Dan is in New York if I'm not mistaken oh
okay okay but yeah but I think he's New York very cool it was awesome yeah it just like every time I saw you I was just like oh like I just it just made me think of all of my YouTube friends like one day I just hope to meet all of y'all in person like every single one of you imagine if they have like a massive eye dream list you would not believe I dream that there's a massive YouTube movie Community or just a party every year where everyone turns up from all over the place oh my God that'd be s
o much fun wouldn't it be yes indeed and Ray you already know I'm gonna have to be in your neck of the woods because you the way you uh you sold out with that Papoose you know I saw that theme come out oh my God no she didn't I have to have it you make me very jealous about food in the U.S this is I've been to America once and it was to Florida a few years ago and it just made me think oh crap must it be when people from the US come to the UK or Ireland and they're like going to a restaurant or
a pub and they get put down with a meal like you must think what the hell is this [ __ ] the thing is is there in like two for two or three days because I want to go everywhere and eat those meals like even if you might think it's [ __ ] or whatever for those two or three days that's something different than I am I would love to go to Ireland Scotland you know anywhere anywhere just eat the food there even if it's [ __ ] to the people who live there just because you know it's probably delicious
because y'all keep eating this [ __ ] it's nice but I mean when you go to America it's like even things like Coke or Pepsi there's like 20 different flavors of it right here you're lucky if you get Cherry Coke I think they've just brought in Vanilla Coke everything else doesn't exist true yes so I'm going back to Florida next year and I cannot wait oh yeah it's just your American destination like it's Disney it's Disney World yeah yeah because we've got a kid obviously Star Wars land all that st
uff so that's why we're going back yeah where are you exactly in Canada Nick just next to BC yeah cool and then I don't know if you've shared it on your channel yet Dee where are you from you don't have to share if you don't want to what's your IP address this town is shy town in Gary Indiana so oh okay oh Erie Indiana yes very cool yeah I escaped Texas as y'all might know by now and I am in the free land of Denver even though America Claims to be free I'm more free than I've ever been in my ent
ire life so it feels good you're in Colorado aren't you yes yes I have to because that that's just one of those places that's on my list to visit and even the eclipse you've shown I'm like it looks great yes it's the weather and everything okay let's move it all along did we just do right now I forget what did we uh we just did oh God I don't think I think I I haven't gone yet so let's do Nick Nick is doing his oh I did uh no okay what are we doing are we starting or no I I guess I didn't do my
last my last hard film so we're doing the hardest right so with the writing Instagram okay so the first clue for this one okay is sorry let me just double check something real quick never mind Hannah Montana oh wait I just I just saw that Brandon okay yeah this is a Canadian sweater you think I do have a lot of sweaters it is it's cold here it's already cold here it's chilly you know in the UK we call sweaters jumpers jumpers everybody says what the hell's a jumper a jumper as a sweater I'm thin
king of like a onesie that's in case you ever wondered in Ireland and the UK a jumper is a sweater okay here we go y'all last or first clue of the last movie the victim already said this part yeah I know you did last summer the victim left the group upset the victims a voice into a room the victim follows a voice into a room a voice right you've got a few guesses there a I Know What You Did Last Summer Cruel Intentions on Disturbing Behavior nope nope nope Josie keep going keep going keep going
the victim tries to leave but the door locks behind her so she leaves the group in a huffy she follows a place into a room she tries to leave the room but it locks behind her oh I'm always waiting for the decades it is not Barbarian I wish it was Network I really want to say Barbarian but it hasn't reached the cinema here yet oh you're gonna love it yummy I think you're gonna like it I didn't love it I loved it I loved it Nick loves it terrible if you're in the UK or Ireland we get everything so
much later than the us we have to watch all these different reviews the group carries on as normal when the victim leaves the group carries on as normal when the victim leaves the group as I mentioned in clue one of the group upset b-man lived in Canada for a hot minute has the movie got a one word title um I'm not going to say that until after five thank you even though you're not really playing but like I can't really say for the viewers you know I'm thinking it might be one of the Saw movies
maybe so too I think we have sorted two Saw movie or two saw scenes yeah [Music] um um the group carries on as normal as they continue to train or oh sorry so the new clue is the group carries on as normal as uh they continue to train so the victim leaves the group upset the victim follows a voice into a room the victim tries to leave the room but the door locks behind her her is another clue I should just say them but I said her or you know the person uh the group carries on as normal and they
continue to train you have two more guesses there Annabelle and Texas Chainsaw Massacre Annabelle is incorrect I still have not seen that and Texas Chainsaw is a really good guess oh okay not a really good guess it's a good guess it's a good guess just because like those things happen aliens aliens no not aliens Danny the last uh easy clue is the victim soon or the last hard clue is rather the victim soon begins to feel with the group is singing the victim soon begins to see what the group is s
inging very stumped I messed up feel what the group is seeing my bad this is the hardest one so this is our last clue so these will be difficult Nightmare on streets three we have a guess I'm gonna say them one more time okay the victim leaves the group upset this is the hardest one of my five the victim follows a voice into a room the victim tries to leave but the door is but the door locks behind her the group carries on as normal and they continue to train to train t-r-a-i-s trains okay the v
ictim soon begins to feel what the group is seeing [Music] um if we don't get it in the next 10 seconds I'll give you the decade we've got Hostel 2 as a guess Nightmare on Elm Street no no that's a hard one I don't think I've seen this one yeah I don't know if I have even um become one of my top 100 films of all time oh so we're waiting for the decades did we get yet I don't know three seconds three two one two thousand tens oh okay 2010. is there any element of a oh strange days so that's a rea
lly old movie though wasn't it that's what Juliette Lewis saying this is um Angela Bassett I think in um the train is important yeah I've talked about train train so why can't I just think of Rocky it's not Rocky but I'm thinking about Rocky seventh clue my seventh clue is it's a remake slash reboot so someone's training for something and it's a horror movie wait can I get can I get like the base level of the clues again yeah I'll say the clues one more time let's see another guess on there of s
now piercer train uh snow piercer I love snow piercers so much conspiracy theory but that theory that uh snowpier series uh sequel to Willy Wonka's or to um what's it called it makes so much freaking sense if you watch multiple videos on that it's not just one it's just a lot but you need to do a video about that I think because I need to understand yeah it's us I love snow piercer uh Green Room training and music okay music is a yes the victim leaves the group upset this is pertaining to music
the victim follows a voice into a room the victim tries to leave as soon as she enters into the room but the door locks behind her the group carries on as normal and they continue to train musically oh bloodbath got it first okay is that what the bones is that what we're talking about we're breaking up her like she's not even doing it but like yeah the home girl who's replacing the best of the best is dancing for tilde and the other girl who is kind of like accusing the elders to be witches is k
ind of getting punished for accusing them and when the new lead takes over is getting her body crushed in that room and it's just so beautiful and I'm just all about the witch environment and idea and just it being just a new age Suspiria because the first one was just beautiful and amazing and this new one just it was a completely different story but is what he would have done Dario Junta would have done had he had the resources that he had today what I mean just beautiful you guys watch dark g
lasses I do need to watch that though I thought that came out it came out like on like the screeners thing but I don't know if it but I don't know what day it came out on shutter sorry the bloodbath got that correct yes he did Lisa you haven't seen either one yet I haven't seen either Suspiria because I don't really like you know like the Italian um who the director is but you know all that kind of like oh it's red light it's blue light it's just not Argenta was it yeah yeah maybe I would like i
f I hadn't seen it my husband is like three ages ago but I never looked at my phone so I didn't know I feel like generally like when a person is in like when a person comes across that type of filmmaking they're not gonna automatically be inclined to it but then they'll find that one film that'll trigger them and like oh now I get it and then they'll see the other film that they didn't like so much in a different light I feel like sometimes I just don't think I'm intellectual enough for it no it
's not it's mental like doesn't Diallo come from like the Italian word for like yellow where it's like like yellow paperbacks yeah exactly it's just visual it's like this whole like low it's like soap opera it's like mystery like District of Thrillers I've seen them bread did you like 10 o'bri I haven't seen it yet but I know that's a good example have you seen that and liked it or not supposed to rewind watching the things why have I even seen that I've seen it but I don't remember anything abo
ut it my memory shocking that's what happens when you get old you forget everything you've watched like you I've seen you talk about in several or however many videos but I just I know I feel the same way I'll sometimes get 30 or 50 minutes 50 minutes into a movie and be like oh I already saw this and yes that's why I started using letterboxed because often say oh I've seen this already my memory is terrible movies you know two months yes I was completely blown away I'll tell you something recen
tly that what's the movie that's come out it's called Dead stream is terrible I loved it I loved player absolutely I'm excited because it is going to be because the comments that I have here I'm gonna either love it or appreciate it everyone is saying the first half hour is terrible and then it gets good the first half hour was my favorite I loved him I I'm laughing my ass off I'm thinking this guy's hilarious I love it yeah I've actually heard good things about it there was two people's review
I wrote I watched it must have been eunuch and someone else that said the first half hour I really wanted to switch this off because I thought it was terrible but I persevered in the last three quarters was much better I loved the first half hour more than any of the rest of it I just adored it but I liked all of it I thought it was really good I really enjoyed it it's really fun like the last five hours very evil dead it's like really flocky it's it's very yeah like everyone like there's like o
ne specific shot that really reminded me like the POV shots in Evil Dead it's just a lot of fun yeah it was fun I loved it it's a good time all right I'll be right back I'm gonna pop out real quick um Suspiria is not a cello no it's true it's not as yellow it I often gets like lumped in there because of Argento yeah explain to it why while doray has to nip off to explain to us why it's not a Jello because I I'm not bright enough more of like a detective like Thriller it's like a mystery it's lik
e a black glove you're trying to guess who the Killer is um you know you get kill after kill after kill into the ultimate reveal experience about witches it's really not a giallo it's just Argento most of his films tend a very deep red the orange yellow so like it gets lumped in just because it's Italian but it's it's I guess it's just more like a supernatural horror that's exactly what blocked us and Beyond a sin exactly what you've just said I like the sound of a chair a little bit I know who
done it I like it they're very fun like with the dubbing with like the um but yeah they just uh they're like slashers but like like the dubbing just adds like an extra little bit of energy to it it's just like a little bit more uh well a lot of the diagos were like dubbed over by English voice actors so it's just I have to have the original language that the actors speak to enjoy something yeah we do have the original actor like it's just like we're made to be dubbed over so they're just like th
e original print is dubbed over because that's what they were they were they were made for like a North American release I know I've seen gianos specifically what was yellow I know I haven't seen cesperia what annoys me is and this is just a personal thing is when something is rt42 for Arctic 46 and it's like I'm trying to work out what the symbolism is on something and I've lost all interest and that's always what I thought what Italian gialos oh we're on our own I just sometimes I just don't w
ant to think too deeply about what I'm watching and I just always thought yellow was very I'm not saying I'm thick but I'm saying I don't want to watch something that I need to be sit and thinking constantly about the symbolism of what is meant to be what the lighting means or what a specific camera angle means um that's what I've really found with yellow but that could just be ignorance I maybe just need someone to say rightly so you need to watch this this and this because I'm not very up on G
lo at all no and I understand that because I was going to ask actually you've seen um last night in SoHo I love that yes yeah did you there's actually some Suspiria inspiration like with the colors and colors yeah yeah and some of the shots in the way they do that there which I thought was really cool and I did see Suspiria recently um I I a lot of what drives it for me is the Aesthetics and the score and kind of like the tension in the mood I think things you know some things I guess feel more
dated than others and I think that so much of it like works because of the tension and because of the Aesthetics because I'm not used much like mid-summer I'm not used to certain like horror yeah colorful aesthetic you know like saying Midsummer everything's bright and colorful with all these horrible things are happening yeah I love it yes that's kind of my same kind of appreciation for it um been in the new Superior it was kind of the opposite it's very gritty kind of ugly almost but yeah but
no I think there's there's room for both there even for me you know I love a deep dive and Analysis and all that but there are times where I just want to and I just I just watched um America's Sweethearts I remember that when I was in Middle School and that's just because it was a real life and I love that feeling and that Vibe you know that moment so it just kind of depends on the mood you're in so I totally get it very much so yeah yeah the last matinee everything Horus there's a recent film t
hat really that really Jello inspired is the last one tonight I think I've seen that yeah you're back sorry sorry for a second I got a black screen on my I love last matinee getting my audio back oh here I am okay oh Hector I I love last marinade too so good I need to watch magello I think I had in my mind that it was a very intellectual no you must thank you behind everything that you're being presented um the gel style is like we are pretending to be R2 but we are sleeves and I can get on boar
d with that last part of that hungry I don't say that don't say all that I need to watch foreign [Music] paperbacks you could buy like in a grocery store at a corner store where it's just like it's sleaze it's like it's like um the kind of stuff like not Fabio on the cover but it's like very low level detective Thrillers and I think like the actual worry comes in like the color it's like Pulp Fiction what's the name of it right I'm not complaining about Fabio on the cover it has to be said [Laug
hter] it was just kind of like his style that people kind of yeah trash Dash yeah people like Pulp books I'm loving the comments this is a class I'm the killer classic is the Killer all right well we have three more uh answers that are worth three points so let's get three points real quick let's go back to who we've got plain so we've got Josie at 11 is that right Lisa have you the last one that you did was that worth three points yes who was it that got the last one there because I only gave t
hem two for Xperia who got the last one you've got Suspiria let's scroll back in the old let's go back and see who got the spirit is a bloodbath I think it was a podcast if we're wrong let us know so I need to add an extra one yeah what's happened to the Beyond have seven agility has eleven um and if we're wrong please tell us because we've all had and bloodbath has seven so the bath is still yeah all right so Lisa or I'm sorry Nick Neil no not Neil Jesus Christ last round mask let's do this on
my nose I can't hear anyone okay now you're extra loud I like that I like a loud a loud voice go ahead with your legs the last movie clue go ahead Nick no keep it on Nick keep it up no keep it on I can't I can't breathe I don't care if you can breathe keep it on sacrifice for your art next time I'll die before the end of my clothes like she said put your art I think it's so tight damn it oh I'll hold it up okay here from the Black Lagoon mask there you go it's beautiful it's a really well made m
ask though it's good actually I should use it more often uh hold on all right your first clue okay number five okay a girl makes out with her lover in a public place yeah a girl makes out with her mother it is a dope mask it's an awesome mask Nick it is it's like really really good actually honestly do you know that Peterson pledge is meant to be on a new I know this is nothing to do with your mask it's meant to be in a new version of the Toxic Avenger and I'm very excited I love toxic Adventure
I didn't read that much more into it but Peter Peter rude actors Seven Doors movie or me I think he said something about small people oh God you have to be so careful what you say small people shouldn't be being like because it's like dude they were small people they're supposed to play small people yeah it's like oh you're you're you're exploiting them but it's like no no they are little people playing little people it's okay you're exploiting them and it's like no uh-oh that sounds acting wei
rd and y'all I can't even tell you how much I love to Peter Dinklage I adore the man I've watched as much as I can get my hands on that is in but he's like issue with small people playing some old people I don't really understand because a lot of them can't get work unless they're doing these specific things I have a question is anybody using wireless headphones right now no okay I'm suddenly getting an echo from me yeah I'm getting the same Echo Lisa I've had one the same I've got my YouTube mu
ted and I've got stream yard open so nothing else has Nick gone to get a dirt y are you are you okay he left okay D wasn't moving at all I can see Frozen oh I don't know Dinklage is always about breaking the mold I can't even begin to tell you how much I love pretty Dinklage it all started with Tyrion right he's he's a great actor I love him especially in Step Brothers oh my God Step Brothers is one of my all-time freaking funny isn't it it's hilarious I Love Will Ferrell did you see Will Ferrel
l in uh the series he did uh I forget what streaming service was but uh what was the freaking other person my freaking headband keeps falling off but it was a true story where the psychiatrist uh therapist who takes advantage of this Rich Jewish dude and it's a real story and would you really like Will Ferrell oh man um a drink can I use I drink and I know things bloodbath and Beyond it's certain oh yes oh Dee's typing in here Cyrano I can't even begin to tell you I've seen like the old versions
with uh Jared Depardieu the shrink next door is what it was I fell in love with Peter Dinklage I am in love with the man I have to admit it everything I could tell I love him I mean what's his name from Game of Thrones what I'm I'm sorry Tyrion I love Tyrion I think he was like the main to me the main draw of Game of Thrones but when I saw Cyrano I'm like oh my God please like let me be that character you don't deserve him you're not good enough I want to have this Marty's mind I just love him
I can't I can't say anything wrong about Peter ding even though I do think he was a bit Ott about the whole Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs thing I don't know why he's getting so well I know that's still weird it's like let people live it's especially when it's the role maybe how many small actors don't get the chance yeah the thing was he would never take a little person role and to be quite honest I get that you know if I was trying to be a quote unquote serious actor in a movie I understand b
eing a little person and saying I will only take normal sized rules but to then butt your head into something where the roles are for little people it's like why just leave it alone I agree complete and it kills me because I love him but yeah not everyone is as good as he is which is another reason why I keep his mouth right some people will only get to do pantomime or they will only get to do and they make their living doing this you know give them the child if they are happy doing it exactly y
eah but I think the man's just incredible I love him I'm ever got a little bit of a crush I have to admit on people I can tell my friends do a musical podcast I love Sarah now okay I'm one of these hideous horrible people that streams everything that everyone really hates that you stream but I bought so I don't know I bought it because I just I can't wait and they are constantly my husband's like oh Christ not this again and I'm I'm singing away I love it brilliant it's so good Nick your second
or third clue for your food okay my movie actually is Sierra now so um just to refresh everyone's memory we're still alive yep a girl makes up with her lover in a public place that was clue number one number two she gets mad when she tries when he tries to turn their twosome into a threesome did you say he gets mine so she gets mad when her lover a male tries to turn their twosome into a threesome I was gonna say because he would never get mad if someone was trying to turn a tooth into a threeso
me no exactly you're right you're right yep she he gets mad because no she gets mad because he oh and she gets mad when he tries to turn their twosome into a three threesome okay it is a Wonderful Life frame 34 got it I got so much I have so much waiting to this I really need a wee but I want to know what you're okay uh clue number three she storms off and gets lost in a Labyrinth of LED screens I the reason why this was the I do the reason why I chose this film as Nick's hardest film to choose
or to to guess is because not many people have seen this or if they did see it it's they're gonna forget it just to be real which oh snap and we got somebody else I've never seen what I have as soon as you said the screens I'm like I'm pretty sure it's Valentine is that a three-pointer direct it is a three-pointerest at one point in it folks you'll see you're in the lead by one point right yes eleven ten ten exactly so now with this window I honestly did re-watch it and I was like again this was
one where I was like oh yeah I did see this when I was like how when did this come out like 20 something and forgot all the hell about it but I really just loved Denise Richards for whatever the hell reason yes she's beautiful you know but she's just also just good at her crap she's just got good at it and the acting all around while it was good I just feel like honestly it was um just to be completely honest I will watch the movie again and show it to friends but the directing which is wasn't
where it needed to be for me but it's just it's just a fun like urban legend I know we did last summer era like early 2000s kind of like slasher movie it's just it's just fun Denise Richards is really like she's giving her all On It Kevin Hagel is pretty good in it stupid it is stupid and the guy who directed it also directed urban legend which I've not seen yet but I know everybody raises I need to see it but it's not been on like my actual radar and I'm not a teenagers grave or uh storm warnin
g um but what this particular movie it was just I don't know like I like it I do like it and I'll watch it again because it it is kind of like Death Becomes Her but Death Becomes Her is kind of just taking up a couple of notches with this one it just it was almost like Valentine tried to be a sort of Death Becomes Her or like a uh scream but just kind of fell short but also passed at the same time in a weird way for me in a sense um Valentine though like I really do love the ending because I lov
e endings like that where it seems like it concludes or we wrap things up and just not to give I mean we did say spoilers at the beginning of this but not to give it away too much because even though I do say spoilers I still want you to be anticipatory and want to look forward to things but I don't know why I don't watch it anywhere I I do like how it's not so good it's okay good I I mean I do like how the Killer got away with it and the killer was who they were and um I just love that whole id
ea of the idea it was like oh I want to be like scream or I want to be like uh teaching Mrs tingle but I'm just a little bit less lesser than I don't know apparently it's from the same director as urban legends everything horses yeah Nick I'm sorry I'm so sorry go ahead go ahead I just want to say like I think it should be like in terms like there's so many movies to get remade for no reason like a child's play a fire starter I think this would be make for such an amazing modern remake with like
Tinder Bumble like modern dating apps in fact the main character is kind of like an in himself I didn't know that oh no there hasn't been no there hasn't been done be like a movie that's fine for a remake with the water with the modern dating scene okay okay yeah yeah I mean I know I like that because I get that um because I watch I watch a lot of trash reality TV and 2022 people are still speed dating I went on a speed date about a decade ago you know where you sit down and you just have dudes
kind of coming through the [ __ ] or you know the carousel or whatever the hell and I don't know maybe cool I've done that before and uh so anything that I can like connect to I grab onto really easily and quickly so yeah um uh with Valentine I get it because you had your girlfriends who you met in college and you become close with and for me I and that's and and I feel like might have been playing on that whole thing and I'm not really filling in my blanks here but the whole girl jealousy thin
g I think kind of gets under my skin not to spoil it but we are going to spoil it because we did say spoilers from the beginning of the movie um but the whole thing of oh I have a man now and you've always had a man and I grew just jealous that I have a man scenario just kind of got under my skin and then with the addition to like we have great actors but then the directing is kind of off because while it is realistic it's just um what's the word it's it's not annoying but it's just like I can't
think of the word but anyways it's a movie that I would I would watch with people just to be like let's watch this because I love happy death day and happy death day was totally inspired by this movie plus three to four or five other movies they were totally inspired by this one um on that roster but you know I'm not gonna put it on my top lists you know I don't I don't I don't love it I think it's a Good Times Capsule like a month like urban legend and all those of the early 2000s yeah um it's
got like so many flaws it's fun I just I think it's right for a remake with like so many other movies that are getting their remakes yes like with the modern dating scene there's so much you could do with Valentines Day's comment now that you're talking about Remax Dee says doree do you think a remake would work well if it was done well oh yeah there's so much you could do you could do in sales yes go ahead Nick online dating there's so much that has evolved since 2002 or whenever it came out i
n the date modern dating scene there's so much you could do with a slasher centered around in the cupid Center like like nose bleeding in cell I mean he's on the insult background but he's he's an Intel but there's so much you could do with that where you can make like two or three movies based on the about like the cupid killer or the Cherub I think is what it's called gosh yes the Cherub Angel like little little baby butt but you know with love in general I've just realize that I'm infatuated
with that like I didn't really realize that because with the fly or you know uh yeah the fly is a loves Horror Story Candyman is a good love horror story and just this whole idea of love and horror is like Warm Bodies is also another good example because for me I didn't really like care for love stories but if it was funny or if it was just really good drama or a thriller or horror I was into it but like now I'm realizing well if there's a good love story I'm actually probably more intrigued tha
n I realize um and so speed dating and things like that and just dating in general is always going to be relevant because there will always be people who are just not I don't want to say single or taken because whether you're single or whether you're taken both those groups of people are interested in that in that in that uh Trope because either they're in it and they're enjoying it or they're seeking it or not even if they're not in it you don't have to be seeking it you could be outside of it
and not want it and just love to see it if you're in any of those kinds of Worlds it's just an awesome thing to see and then when you have a horror thrown into that and you got the best of these two different worlds because for me the best worlds are horror comedy love action adventure which is one thing action adventure is one thing and then anything outside of those three things or kind of just extra and just like contributatory to that and it's like awesome okay I'll take it and even though I
love everything under all umbrellas Hora is my favorite so now I'm just thinking like if you can bring action if you can bring love if you could bring this and that and whatever into the game I'm just down and love has just always been a top tier for me which I didn't even realize until honestly sorry I took over for so freaking long um I was going to ask um Nick was your um clue up next no no my name is that one I was about the I was the I was Valentine all right get it good is it me is it me
right okay so my last one is um coin number one is this is quite a hard one two best friends are staying together for a weekend to study when the doorbell rings let's put it in the private chat I'm curious to know this in the beginning uh D just because you said that put it in our uh yeah put it on our private chat I'll give it kind of a clue that's not a clue this has two titles like quite often when something's released in the US and in Europe it gets given to titles so this movie has two titl
es oh I know it is okay wait I've been trying to chat private chat private chat yes you're right d moving on that's exactly what it is well okay okay I typed it all okay do you know what killer is clue number two dad goes to answer the door as his daughter sleeps on her friend is busy amusing herself oh we'll give them a few seconds so amusing herself may be quite rude let's just put it that way I would love to see more Hector Hector bug is like literally my top five of all freaking time do not
talk about bug too much because I will go off please watch bug wolf bugs it's a play they had adapted into a movie with Michael Shannon and Ashley Judd I like Michael Shannon oh my gosh I've added bug you know half the time you must watch this and I add it and then when I start watching it's like oh [ __ ] I've seen it yes William Friedman he you know exorcists I'm good oh yeah he's awesome isn't it I'm gonna go to clue number three so we've had the two best friends are staying together for a we
ekend to study yeah they're one of their dads has gone to the door to answer the phone while the other friend is busy amusing herself yes um clue number three dad's visitor gives him two cloves of a shave [Music] so think about what you might use to give a shave and it's a bit too close too close we've got two left it's pretty gross kill it's an awesome movie but it's probably not a standout one that like a lot of people would be aware of should we give clue number four yeah dad is helped into a
tight space on the stairs in his floral dressing room you gotta get it on this one y'all if you've seen it you know it okay so you've got two friends who are together in a house they're studying they've gone to bed for the night want to sleep in one is amusing herself let's not put it any other way it's not Cabin Fever um the doorbell rings and one of the girl's dads has gone to the door to answer the phone and return to the door he's helped into a tight space on the stairs and and he's wearing
a floral dress and gray so have we got it yet nothing yet carbonating yeah so the last koi I've got is Dad loses his head over some furniture so we should definitely say now that we're at five right we've already said five Clues it's definitely a foreign film and then after that we'll say the year or the decade it came out in it's a foreign film is the two thousands 2000 foreign and it's a slasher I think one of the biggest Clues is it's got two names so if you're in the US you might know it as
a difference before trash starts they got it up they both got it at 4 12. wow my time it's ten past four in the morning ah pay attention yeah switchblade romances what I watched it as when I first saw it everything horror is a new scorer so that's three okay so you just took some points from the people in the lead so you might not win but you at least made it even that much more competitive for those who are in the lead which I do appreciate so you're you've got three if you haven't seen switch
blade romance or high tension please watch it but honestly three six nine if you got the next three answers Hector you would be third place which is pretty freaking cool if you ask me to be third place in the competition game with all these know-it-all I played Saboteur you did you did trash dad Danny was right behind Hector just for the record he was it looks like you know they both chimed in at 9 12. so you both you know get the point in life that's so close isn't it all right you'll see you'r
e still in the lead with 11. gee let me double check that yep she is in the lead so yeah actually yeah Neil and bloodbath are tied so are we at the last round where either it's Josie or like the other two if they get this one that's pretty crazy yeah you can get this and he wins bloodbath get this gets gets this and then he wins or Josie straight up gets it if you ever gets this win so Dave it's up to you yeah whoever gets this wins like out of the three then like honestly they've all been here
at different points of the game and it's really literally come down to this last question or this last guess and any one of them can freaking win all right so here we go this whole thing up so D I hope I really hope your guesses or your Clues are um really vague let's make this extra this centers around a really bizarre relationship I like it I like it I'm not sure don't say your answer out loud because you might actually have the answer well that's not hard but that's not it thankfully Lord hav
e mercy don't say your words [Music] all right clue number two in this relationship one person goes to the extreme to display their affection for the other person oh that's a good one extreme [Music] or everything horror yeah all right clue number three [Music] I know I got you at 14 minutes Nick we're about to wrap this up bro no Hector just sent me a DM he said who are you calling Oh I thought you were talking about the time I was like don't worry I'm gonna get you out of here real quick this
um this display of affection comes through Revenge oh this is the last clue everybody this is the uh point or the round that's gonna bring it home for everybody who has been playing not you we're only doing movies you is an amazing show that I was surprised that I loved as well yeah it's incredible the last season I thought was going to be garbage because they had a baby and they were like in Suburbia and stuff but I was pleasantly surprised they did I love you yeah it's like a modern Baxter alm
ost yeah okay I need a watch Doctor still I know I watched an episode or not even a whole episode but I think I was just on the wrong TV and I just didn't like the way that it looked you know I watched half of season one and wasn't fully invested but I stuck with it and it's one of my favorite TV shows of all time now I think it will be if I just give it the chance give it the chance definitely stick with the first season and if you don't like it then give up but give it one season okay all righ
t next clue or let's recap and then go to the next clue yes the centers around uh very bizarre relationship um the person goes to the extreme to prove their affection for the other person yeah um this form of affection uh comes in the form of Revenge and an aspect of this Revenge involves someone submerged in water foreign [Music] oh [ __ ] that's it we're done actually my bad that was the last round oh man I feel like I want to do bonus questions right but then it's like we got to the end we sh
ould do bonus questions I'll pick a DVD off my shelf and I'll just describe it and find it pass out what's up I said Lisa are you about to pass out no um she said no way to work it's what is this 20 past four in the morning and I'm wide awake oh no no I think Josie wins just because we've been just so neck and neck this whole time so the final score was Josie 11. Neil had 10. freaking blood death and beyond had ten they both had ten bro and bloodbath came at the end of the game with his few answ
ers so that's pretty freaking amazing and then Hector he had two answers and came in with six and six is a lot because uh Neil he had one two three four he had his first six points were the first round so he had three or he had six green you know six easy uh guesses and so it was just a tight race the whole entire time but congratulations to Josie who freaking just won the whole game congrats your freaking lace oh wait actually she probably did win I'm not gonna take that away from her but I'm g
onna check my social media right now and I was gonna check it once I cut the broadcast off oh yes now because I have not added points um so let me I'm gonna so uh I'm gonna let y'all have a second real quick D go ahead and take over for me and then I'm gonna calculate and use the lee yeah ask for something really interesting day what do you usually do okay thank you um I was just gonna say really quickly I love um actually left the right one in was probably one of the earliest films I ever watch
ed on Netflix when it was in the early days of streaming um it was probably my first possibly first foreign horror film I think that might be accurate um and I had to choose that scene because it is so it just comes together comes together perfectly um the bullies and what our main character is subjected to how frustrating it is how toxic it is you know all of that and then you know that you know his friend has run off on him and now what are we gonna do and I mean it gets really sadistic he bas
ically is saying like Okay you hold your breath for three minutes or I'm gonna stab your eye out and it's like okay these kids are not wrapped you know rap too tight and then as he's under the water we already have the tension of him dealing with this and then all of a sudden you see see all these things happening and falling into the water as he is still holding breath and then you realize oh wait a minute is this and just I don't know the way it plays out is like perfect because it's not you d
on't even need to see everything that's happening to know what's happening it's such a great thing sometimes it's best not to see everything and it's horrible and not you're watching it and they're kids but you're still wanting the revenge against those kids you're still thinking oh just do away with these children and it's children at the end of the day but you still want to see the revenge for your main character it's amazing it's such a good movie so you're making me feel really old by saying
that's the first like that you saw on Netflix it's like oh my God I was like very much an adult when I saw that really yeah well see the thing is it came out because I didn't know that at the time because it came out in 2008 but you know I saw it on Netflix I was it wasn't for like maybe 2011 maybe 2012. so it was like we've got a ways after the fact oh good yeah but it was it was great even the moments where uh the one woman gets a bit accidentally and then things go awry for her to see that's
and that I have a full shocked but I have everything focused as a matter of fact even the remake of that wasn't that bad I'm trying to shout out those comments they were talking about it yeah the Remake is great everything yeah let me in that's one of the few because I know when it comes to americanizing remakes it's like but let me in I think they both work really well decent yeah funny games is another good one um do you think other ones that's a great oh it's a shot for shock remake by the s
ame director though I think the Remake although it's nowhere near as intense but I quite think the remake of the Ring isn't too bad to be quite honest with you I don't think it's amazing but I don't think it's awful it doesn't have the same amount of intensity and fear but it's not too bad what did you think of the second ring because all I remember are those CGI Deer uh on that road not a big fan of the second no no the first one is one of my I absolutely adore the first the actual original rin
g I I love it but not such a big fan of the second one at all every time I oh and it's just and and I don't even think I really knew anything about CGI then but I was just like Facebook like like video game oh please I prefer all day long if you give me not fantastic practical effects all day long I prefer I don't like CG sometimes it's okay but for the most part when it comes to horror especially it has to be practical effects I'll forgive like just as an example that recent movie deadstream wh
ich does have some practical horror effects that aren't particularly good I don't mind that at all it's fine but if you give me something [ __ ] that's CGI I just I hate it I don't mind I hate it So Lisa double check me here I'm gonna go ahead and just list off the movie movies and sources of points that these folks got so right now I have Josie who has 13 points she got Evil Dead misery 13 Ghosts which were all worth one she also got saw two queen of the damn Slither Death Becomes Her and then
she also got a social extra two points which gave her 13. yeah that's what I've got 13 yeah and so then Neil he got Creep Show Nightmare on Elm Street sleep away camp American Werewolf in London Ghost Ship saw two which were all worth one then he also got X Day of the Dead and a social credit which brought him to 12. yep go upstairs [Music] bloodbath got let Leprechaun 2 which I was gonna say left to uh martyrs um and he also got a social uh two point credit and then he got Suspiria and Valentin
e which gave him 12 which tied right up with Neil okay as well yeah yeah and then Hector got six points and I didn't write down his movie for some reason but he also does social and he got a movie which gave him six points and those Incredibles shared me out and he got two points I have everything horror on eight points if he put a social out as well as this I'm on eight points okay eight I'll take your word for it so Hector got eat which puts him at third place and Neil and bloodbath are both I
wish I would have had a second please so you've got like one clear winner and second and third are tight yeah I know right but next time I'll have a second freaking Nick yes Josie has been here I think Josie was one of the first people that was all she's been here since the beginning she's been just going off since then I love it Well Done Joseph congratulations yes and thank you Nick for this amazing mask at the end of the show oh yeah can you hear me if you're a word you're saying but it's fa
ntastic [Music] uh well you guys I appreciate my guests I appreciate my viewers thank you so much for just being here and having a good old time with me this is my second Halloween special my very first horror game and I just appreciate everybody's participation and until the next one because I feel like I'll probably be doing this again um there goes my headband once again I'm just gonna go ahead and leave that off with the last uh 30 seconds you know you know you know um and yeah congratulatio
ns to Josie you were a rock star awesome job in Josie is also a patron so very you know awesome to that too she's just you know in for the long run and I just love that she's just a horror friend who just knows her freaking horror we said maybe one or two Clues we said one and a half Clues and she just knew the freaking movie I really sucks but I love that girls one because I think so many more men love horror than women yeah they do the things even though now there's more women on the planet uh
we're just now becoming more vocal and just being more visible in the world Nick I freaking love it Nick I don't know if you can hear me yeah it's so hot in there have you seen Joseph's last comment what's in the [ __ ] laughs well it doesn't work I love to see an unboxing oh man so yes just thank you thank you and Josie you the real MVP and until the next one I hope I see y'all in my next live stream which will be next week on Friday we'll be talking about psychological thrillers and thank you
I appreciate y'all until the next one peace thank you
