
AI technology may be able to generate our mind’s images

Researchers are developing artificial intelligence technology they say generate the very images in our brains. NBC News’ Jacob Ward shares more on the extraordinary research and the concerns about what mind reading technology could mean for the future. » Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch more NBC video: NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse and engaging news stories. NBC News Digital features,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline, and the existing apps and digital extensions of these respective properties. We deliver the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism and segments from your favorite NBC News Shows. Connect with NBC News Online! NBC News App: Breaking News Alerts: Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Get more of NBC News delivered to your inbox: #AI #Technology #ArtificialIntelligence

NBC News

11 months ago

on the campus of the National University of Singapore Professor Helen Zhao and a team of researchers say artificial intelligence is letting them see well a version of our thoughts this subject demonstrated the process our colleague Eric right now is inside the scanner using a database of fmri scans the AI first got to see what people's brains looked like as they viewed more than 1 000 photos then it was shown only brain scans as the subjects looked at new photos using a special language of brain
activity the team developed an image generator called stable diffusion then trying to recreate what each new photo had shown wow so as long as I have seen it and you know the patterns of my brain then the AI will read that out of my brain yes yes yes exactly scientists have pursued this for years but AI makes the difference here's a giraffe shown to a subject now ready here's the image the AI created and it is sometimes very different between people here's the original image of a grassy field n
ow here's three different versions generated from three different people's brain activity now what you're seeing is a recording of previous scans not a real-time demonstration and this process is slow it requires an expensive machine and it has to be individually tailored so unless you have taken a long time to train the model on an individual it doesn't work yes at least at this stage but we're trying to generalize across subjects in the future and that future is upon us at the University of Te
xas another team is learning to pull word sequences using a similar technique and a multi-university team last year founded in fmri tests these regions of the brain reliably predicted whether a subject leaned liberal or conservative it is all part of a grand scientific ambition to decode and maybe even transmit thought to restore lost sight and hearing to observe Consciousness itself but research is one thing I worry that it quickly leaves that realm of well-meaning scientists to commodification
of deeply personal information about people the last 30 years have seen an explosion of new brain tech companies and patent applications now as AI makes the text smaller and more powerful Duke law professor Nita Farah honey worries it'll be used to not just read minds but judge them this is a world in which not just your brain activity is being collected and your brain States from attention to focus is being monitored but people are being hired and fired and promoted based on what their brain m
etrics show even for the team leader in Singapore the prospect of a corporate use of this technology without privacy laws in place is too risky are you the kind of person that would want to wait for better governance before you let somebody decode your brain I might be the person who want to try I think once it is a commercialized product for example then we I would like to wait on the script mind reading with all its Unthinkable promise and Peril made real Jake Ward NBC News thanks for watching
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Someday this could wipe out privacy in the most invasive way possible.


So I won’t even own my own thoughts in the future.


Politicians should be well scanned


wow. so grateful to be alive in the age of real life thought broadcasting. this surely wont be a total privacy disaster in the future


Yes because nothing could go wrong in a society where every thought is monitored...


Things are gonna get really really advanced here in a few years


That's right. They're training AI technology to read our minds. This is feeling very dystopian...


Imagine taking an MRI to pass a rechapcha


In my humble opinion, I would engage the A .I. to decode and translate the communication of animals. When we are fully able to understand every animal on this planet then we can say that we have achieved something and are on the way to higher understanding of the universe.👍👍


"At least im safe inside my mind" 😂


Imagine wearing a device on your head that is like a smartphone that's capable of projecting information into your head as well as sending information based on your brain waves.


Just imagine our young kids today what they will see and experience throughout their lifetime. They have over 50 years of tech to live through.....


People who can draw already have this skill .


Her: Honey, what are you thinking about? Me: SHUT IT OFF DOC!! NOW!!


In the future people can read minds


Still not convinced it works like it supposed to. Try to make it read memories and thoughts without the use of images.


this is so freaky. combined with VR, it can be used to generate a duplication of someone's reality and then immerse them in that duplication as though it were the real thing. the switch could occur while sleeping. the person would wake up in their simulated world and be none the wiser going about their everyday life. makes you wonder if mental illness involving visual and auditory hallucinations are really just side effects of living in a simulated reality.


This will turn out great


This tech has been around for longer than you folks think. It’s just the projections are much more accurate due to our recent advancements in generative Ai. The process of being able to do this real-time is still a bit far away


I'm pretty sure I saw this on an episode of House many years ago. It's actually why I stopped watching the show because I thought to myself " this is getting way to dumb ". Christ man, maybe I was wrong!