

Meet Major Update “Alpha Strike”: We’ve added several interesting ground vehicles, some of which include five rank VII premiums, the formidable Fox light-tank, to the interesting looking 120S and Zerstörer 45. Hungarian aircraft have now made their way into Italy’s tree, where you’ll be able fly a range of fully-capable aircraft in air and ground battles. The nimble Alpha jet has arrived for Germany and France, plus the warmly welcomed Wessex for Britain. Additionally, IJN Mutsu — featuring the largest guns in the game — is now ready to sail for Japan. North Holland is a new ground forces map, featuring a town and plain terrain, perfect for different combat engagements. And lastly, you can also enjoy several Roadmap additions, one of which is an aircraft fuel slider! 🔘 Site: 🔘 Twitch: 🔘 Telegram: 🔘 Twitter: 🔘 Facebook: 🔘 Forum: #WarThunder

War Thunder. Official channel.

5 days ago

玩家朋友们!欢迎来到 2024 年度首次版本更新!新版本带来了 诸多机制重制、全新视觉效果,以及海量新载具!让我们来看看吧! 本年度更新路线图内容已经开始逐步实装,今天我们将为您 展示其中首批优化内容!玩家呼声最高的机制优化莫过于 战机出击燃油量系统配置,您现在可以方便地滑动调整 战机与直升机的出击油量:无需在最低油量或满油箱之间抉择 拖动滑块调整到合适油量即可,如果您更偏好之前的系统 当然也可以照常选择对应的油量配置选项 另一项实用变动是击杀纪录显示信息自定义功能:玩家可自由选择 显示元素的多寡:如是否双方玩家联队名或使用弹种等信息 在先前的冬季更新中,我们为游戏加入了制导武器教程任务 原先只包含两类空对空武器,但现在教学范围获得了极大扩展 新教程将主动雷达弹与各类空对地挂载也纳入教学范围 如采用激光、电视以及热成像画面进行制导的各类炸弹与对地导弹 开发团队还为回放功能添加了独特的传感器视角,将所有尖端 武器系统如雷达传感器与制导武器导引头的工作流程进行可视化 传感器视角还为所有对象添加了信息标注,标出如距离、 速度、飞行轨迹等参数。希望新系统能够为您的战后复盘助力! 这一机制对于充
满各类新武器机制的高级房可以说相当实用了 我们也计划进一步打磨其他机制,帮助玩家进一步上手: 战机改装件页面新增动画演示各改装件的增益效果 海战模式也焕然一新:远洋舰艇战斗中的火控界面进一步升级 让这些浮动堡垒能以更高的精准度倾泻火力 本次春季更新还加入了全新的空战分支! 匈牙利支线正式加入意大利空战科技树。新分支的主力战机 主要由匈牙利战后装备的苏制战斗机、攻击机与轰炸机构成 而线末则以瑞典出口至匈牙利的鹰狮收尾! 新版本空战新势力还有阿尔法喷气,一款由法国达索与 德国道尼尔联合研发的武装教练机。其结构轻巧紧凑 操控性能优秀,作战能力更是有弹道计算机加持 另一款新战机则是诺斯罗普对 F-5 深度升级打造的 F-20 虎鲨 该机换装有全新的翼面布局,最重要的是还有 更加强劲的发动机配置。F-20 与前代 F-5 相比 飞行性能大有改善,空中格斗和对地支援能力也有提升 深受直升机玩家们追捧的 AH-1W“超级眼镜蛇”也加入游戏 载具在科技树上位于百战老兵 AH-1Z“蝰蛇”之前 其挂载配置为经典美式三板斧:火箭弹、机炮吊舱与空对地导弹 地面载具部分自然也没有落下,比如这款顶着 M1A1
脑袋的 M60 缝合怪,这款混装坦克配备有 120 毫米滑膛炮 能够发射强力次口径穿甲弹,以及方便索敌的热成像观瞄系统 另一辆新来客则是 FV721 狐,这款英国侦察车搭载 30 毫米机炮 用于吓阻敌人,但主要还是倚赖高机动性和低矮的车体隐蔽求生 苏维埃的天空迎来了新的弹炮合一保卫者,ZSU-23-4 M4. 在外接针式防空导弹的助力下,其对空效率相比石勒喀河略有提升 陆奥号战列舰也在新版本加入游戏海战 其 410 毫米主炮创下了新的口径纪录,还有多门副炮与防空火力 新版本更新内容绝不止这么多!还有更多载具内容 等待您前来体验。具体更新内容请参阅官方网站完整更新日志! 别忘了订阅官方频道,我们将在第一时间为您带来最新的节目内容 与其他变动消息,欢迎前往评论区互动。下期节目再见!



oh god,here comes the lv 11 f20s


give the People who make the Trailers a Raise!


Thanks to the F20 for supplying my top tier jets with some new food!




Update is heavier than Caseoh .


I was wondering why there's already an update on the game client but no post on their youtube channel, and here it is 😅


those 6 naval players are stoked right now!


The Hungarian Air TT is so copy-paste that they can only highlight the Gripen that is a slight modification, which is just the ordinance it carries anyway.


that fuel slider has been necessary for years, well done.


As a Japanese person, I am confused but happy that Thailand's F-5 was added to Japan.


WT went a long way from 2014 when i started playing! Keep up great work!


Update is heavier than Caseoh 😢


Was really hoping for some revisions on how post-pen damage works once a round enters a vehicle. A lot of ammo types really don't act how they should post penetration of armour, therefore unless using rounds with HE filler, it can make for some very frustrating experiences with unrelastically minimal spalling of some fairly big rounds. Maybe in the next big update 🤞


No way you actually changed the leclercs' reload speed, best update ever, I've been waiting for this for a while.


Here to remind people that war thunder was initially supposed to be about world war two, look how far we've come!


the opening music was pretty good ... dunno where I've heard that one or rather similar to that one before tho


We'll gonna grind naval with this one🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💀


that fuel slider will be so useful on every plane I fly


More premiums than new unique vehicles, says enough about the patch.
