

0:00 intro 1:39 DM follow up 19:15 reaction to new video merch: tiktok: thezacharymike insta: thezacharymike judy's insta: judylutheshihtzu po's insta: potheyorkie twitter: thezacharymike cameo - my gaming channel: my twitch reaction channel: *Want to contact me for business purposes? *Want to contact me for business purposes?

Zachary Michael

6 days ago

hey everybody it's me Zach and welcome back to my channel hey everybody it's me Zach hi hello how are you doing I hope you're doing well the dogs are both napping with null we just got back from our trip today well we didn't just get back I've been back for quite a few hours but I'm taking some time now to revisit what's happening on the YouTubes cuz I know I kind of left at a weird time not a weird time maybe An Inconvenient time well An Inconvenient time for people who really wanted any kind o
f followup from me in terms of what's going on with Amber Lyn Andor what she had to say about our DMS and what she's told me this that the other and so yeah I'm here I'm back I I do want to give some thoughts about that I typed out some stuff while I was on the plane at one point of just like my thoughts about some questions that I think were fair that people had and then also she did put out a new YouTube video called I lied to you dot dot dot parenthesis not clickbait and parentheses which jus
t like always love when she's ready to admit she's lying because then she'll act like a few weeks from now she'll act like she she's never lied before on YouTube ever so uh that's where we're at and I can try I'll try to remember I'll do my best to remember remember to leave you some time stamps in case you don't want to hear any more followup about the DM situation and you just want to skip to the reaction so I'll try to keep this succinct I did type this on my notes app while I was on on the p
lane so here are just some thoughts to answer some questions I saw in the comments before I left for my trip I just want to say first of all that I appreciate that most of y'all saw through what amberlin was saying in her video in regards to our DMS and things like that uh it reminds me a lot of the time where she like edited the the video of her reacting to me reacting to her and she edited it and chopped it up to make it look like I was like saying something rude about the way she looked but I
was really just talking about the weird camera angle that she used or whatever it reminds me a lot of that it's like purpose purposely misleading about what really went on and not really giving the full truth and and talking about what our conversations look like and so I appreciate that so many of you saw through that and you know never really doubted my credibility this that the other I do think though that there are some fair questions from people that wanted to just know more about you know
like what was happening why we were rming to begin with this that the other and so I don't mind answering a few questions or like addressing I guess no but no specific question these are just like generalized questions that I got from the comments section of my video um and so I don't mind like further clarifying or explaining a few things for youall because I'm sure a lot of you do want to know the answers to some of these things my first video the last video I posted on my channel really genu
inely was just my first reaction to hearing what she had to say about it so I hadn't considered some of these things that were brought up in the comment section and I think it's fair to elaborate so one of the big ones that I saw people kind of reiterate in different ways like it was phrased a little bit differently every time somebody brought it up but one of the things I saw was like Zack why aren't you focusing more on like it being bad that Amber Lin's doctor was doxed why didn't you talk mo
re about like what Nar alert had to do with this situation and why didn't you like make a stand on that instead of like blaming Amber Lyn and I do I do think it's like fair to acknowledge that amberin put a lot of information out about it you know like she was very bad at keeping her story straight about what was going on with the situation and she put out more than I personally would do and I still agree that that doesn't make it okay that people were like meddling in her personal life so I do
want to be clear about that um if it looks like I'm about to read off of my phone it's cuz I am so I just want to say that I didn't speak on Nar Alert in depth in the video reaction because one of the big reasons is that I didn't know the validity of the claims like I mentioned amberlin had told me that that was a thing and the DM to me and I didn't really question her on it and also like people from my twitch chat had also said it was about Nar alert I didn't really know or have the time to che
ck the validity of those things because I was getting ready to take this trip that I went on this past weekend and I was focused on just doing a reaction to a video that was 30 minutes long I do think in hindsight like I could have taken 2 seconds to at least try to see if I could find something it does seem like ner probably took too far or further than I would I guess is what I should say um you know it's one thing to say that like Abra lib put all of these things out onto the Internet it's an
other thing to like waste the time of a doctor's office and like pretend to be interested in the program and things like that so you know I I think that you can put a lot of blame on Amber Lyn for the stuff she put out there and you can still say like hey people shouldn't do XYZ thing to meddle in the personal life of amberlin Reed I'll also say the other reason that I didn't say a lot about it in that situation is that amberlin also has a history of not giving the full context of of what's goin
g on with a reaction Channel I already alluded to the time that she edited something to make me look bad and she there's been multiple times that she's not provided full context in regards to things with me and in terms of like saying things that are not true about me so I try to give people the benefit of the doubt especially if I don't have the time to go vet out the information myself but I do just want to reiterate that in general of course I'm against people meddling in the lives of YouTube
rs I've said this countless times about things regarding ABR Linn like her situation at the laundry mat even cake gate which I know is super unpopular for a lot of people or my take on G gate was super unpopular for a lot of people um and also back when people were taking pictures of wifey outside of their apartment and things like that like I've spoken out about those things time and time again I've also even SP spoken out about it when it's happened to people like Shantal who I think are consi
derably worse humans than amberlin Reed for instance as recently as when FFG went to The Dispensary that Shantel had been shopping at okay I've always stood by that when people when people have done stuff like that that they shouldn't do that stuff that they shouldn't meddle in the lives of YouTubers like that and you know unfortunately or maybe fortunately I guess depending on how you look at it people have time and time again unsubbed from me for having those opinions and I still choose to sta
nd by that like no amount of people subscribing to my channel is is worth encouraging people to meddle in the lives of of YouTubers like that and I will say it's because of those principles that I stand on that I didn't reveal that Dr Smith was Amber Lin's doctor and I just want to be clear because there are some people that alluded to you know like I Zack this comes up often to be honest with you but people are under this illusion that I have to like protect amberlin at all costs but just to be
clear that wasn't a favor to amberlin I was just practicing my own principles there and I wouldn't want that kind of stuff to happen to me personally why would I encourage that to happen to anybody else why would I want anybody else to share something about me that's personal like that so it had nothing to do with doing favors for amberlin and everything to do with just like my general principles about doxing and sharing of personal information the other general question that I I got a few diff
erent times in different ways or asked in different ways was why were you communicating with amberlin in the first place or anyways and there seems to also be a little bit of a misconception that I just like spend a lot of time talking to amberlin and I just want to let you know that's not true or the case whatsoever when I first started doing YouTube and covering amberlin I was way more friendly with her back in the day because I didn't know as much about her as I do today my relationship with
her looked a lot different I actually communicated her more on Snapchat than anything I haven't had Snapchat in literal years so it's been a long time since I communicated with her in that kind of a way and outside of the Snapchat times anything that I've ever communicated with her over time has been included in a video somewhere with the exception of the conversations with Dr Smith um so so you could go back and and fact check that I've talked about these videos uh two of the most famous ones w
as when she DMD me to ask me how to edit videos and another one was the time she dm'd me to tell me that Beck's sister was going to sue me both of those things happened prior to 2018 or somewhere around there I was living in my little studio apartment when those things happened okay so it's been a long time since I that that all happened but I did Cover both of those things in a video uh sometimes after that she blocked me and I remained blocked on all social media platforms by her until she unb
locked me in September of 2022 this was so that she could express her disappointment in me because in a video I said that I thought she lied about the way that Beck proposed to her um and then a couple of days after she reached out to me about that she asked me to react to a video that was about hater Nation or the concept of hater Nation I.E the people that react to like Amber and Chantel and I asked her at that point to stop messaging me and told her I wasn't going to engage with her again tha
t was covered in a video I think on like September somewhere around September 9th 10th 11th I looked it up the other day and and now I just can't remember of 2022 so you can go back and check that out I talked about it was very upfront about that conversation um she then the next time that we talked was when she messaged me at the beginning of 2023 to talk about about Dr Smith the first time she was very civil with me she was just like hey I've had people reach out to me suggest that you alluded
to Dr Smith being my doctor in a video I just want to say that he is my doctor and I don't want you to dox me like people have been reaching out to them it's been very difficult for me and I said hey appreciate you reaching out to me about doxing I take doxing very seriously and I also won't mention Dr Smith unless you mention him in a video I did clarify that I wouldn't mention Dr Smith in a video if it pertain to her but obviously I kept talking about Dr Smith as it related to the Slayton cuz
that was a whole different topic the second time however she reached out to me because she was um upset that I had called her out in a video I specifically it was over the location of her doctor because she as many of you know originally said that the doctor was out of state and she'd have to stay overnight at wherever this imaginary doctor was and then when she finally showed us her going to meet the surgeon it was all in the span of one day and she she left her home in the morning and came ba
ck to her home at the end of the day so I had pointed that out she was very upset about that she claimed that I had personal knowledge of knowing that she was lying and so that I shouldn't call her out for lying and that's when I read part of the the DMS from that in my last video where she was like cussing me out and and this that the other and so I just want to say that I had been calling her out about lying about her weight loss surgeon prior to her telling me about Dr Smith and I continued t
o call her out for lying about her surgeon after um she she told me about Dr Smith and so I just want to be clear about that because she made it sound like I was not being you know my normal self or inauthentic in in my videos in regards to the weight loss surgeon and in fact I was still calling her out and that's why she dm' me so upset because she felt like since she gave me that personal information that I shouldn't be allowed to speak on that in a video at all now in regards to these particu
lar messages the reason I responded to the message is because I do take doxing seriously if I went to a Creator and said hey I feel like you dox me I would want them to take that message seriously I was willing to listen and hear her out on that despite my previous messages where I asked her to stop messaging me I don't have a problem if I really was doxing her which I wasn't I never did but if I really had been doxing her I would not have had a problem and like fixing the problem taking the vid
eo down Etc but the reality is is I never doxed her in any kind of way I never doxed her doctor in any kind of way and so I didn't I just simply didn't so so there wasn't anything else to do but I was happy to listen to what she had to say about that after that the next time that we interacted was because she had said that I had something to do with like life plus Cindy receiving hate on her Channel and she said that life plus Cindy blamed me for it when actually like plac Indy said the opposite
so I had tagged her in some stories and asked her to correct that narrative and included like the clip of Life plus Cindy saying she didn't blame me for anything I think ambered sent me like one or two messages in response but then she blocked me she blocked me and I did also make a video about that um I'm not sure when that was posted but that was obviously much more recently in history I would guess probably somewhere in like April or May of 2023 just because is I I stopped covering Cindy som
etime after that and the final time she dm'd me was so she I told you she blocked me for the Cindy stuff she unblocked me back this past fall I think in like I can't remember the month specifically but it was when I was having like the chest pains and things like that that I had made a couple videos about and let people know about and she unblocked me just to say that she wished me well and I mentioned that in a video too and I remember mentioning it in a video cuz there were a handful of people
that were like Zack can't you just let her do a nice thing and in my head I was like no like this feels very manipulative like who unblocks a person that they apparently had such an issue with just to tell them that they wish them well it felt a little bit like she wanted something out of me and I simply just didn't respond to that one some people suggested that I should just block her on my end and then that way I don't have to worry about getting any messages from her I do understand where th
at comes from I Do cover her content on my channel and sometimes she posts things that are interesting on her insta story and because of that I don't feel like I want to block her just so that I can have easier access now sure I could absolutely log into a different account and get that information or see it posted elsewhere but why make my job harder my plan ever since she messaged me asking me or wishing me well for my recovery and the pain that I was feeling was to ignore her and if she messa
ges me again my plan is to continue ignoring her so yeah I said this was going to be quick and here I am still blabbing but in general I think that most of you know that this only like speaks to my credibility and you know the standards that I've set on my channel over the years that I've been doing this I'm always going to prioritize not sharing information that goes beyond the scope of the the public social media so if Amber Linn hasn't shared it publicly and it's it's really personal informat
ion such as who her doctor is then I'm not going to go out of my way to share that information I understand that sometimes this particular Nuance can't be appreciated in this community when it comes to amberlin because I think some people feel like you know amberlin is an awful person and she deserves whatever comes to her but even if that's how you feel I would encourage you to think about how this goes beyond her how potentially people on on Dr Smith's staff had their time wasted and also like
if you care about me or other public social media figures then I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen to me or one of your other favorite YouTubers and so that's that's just the philosophy I take into it you know like I wouldn't want this to happen to me I wouldn't want this to happen to my worst enemy it's not fun to be doxed or have your information shared and so I don't I don't know that I would be in a great place if I was wishing that on other people because I wouldn't want it to happen
to me I will say before I even posted my last video there was some discourse that somebody tagged me in on Twitter about how they felt like I was um they felt like I was too nice or I'd gotten a lot nicer and and they miss the old Zack and this that the other and it certainly isn't just that one person that tagged me and that that feels that way this is something that I've been seeing in my comments or other places on social media for some amount of time and I honestly think it's only this corn
er of the internet that could like see being too nice as a problem but I'd much rather be too nice than too mean if we're being honest it is interesting to me that people feel like I used to be meaner because I feel like I've always you know other people have called me this I haven't given this title to myself but people in this corner of the internet have often referred to me as one of the nicer reactors but even if you do feel like I used to be meaner like I am at so much peace if the the the
idea or perception is now that I'm too nice and that I've grown and become a nicer person because I think we should all be working towards being nicer people but I'll also say that for every comment from somebody that says I'm too nice there is a a simultaneous similar comment that says that I'm too mean so I know I'm not always going to be able to please everybody and the most that I can promise everybody moving forward is that I'm going to continue giving you my genuine feeling feel ings and o
pinions and I honestly know that's what makes my content special you know that's what makes it me is my feelings and my opinions and if it's somebody else's feelings and opinions then it's no longer unique to Zachary Michael so I'm going to give you what I got to give you and I thank you so much for all of you that have been around for so long and even those of you that are new to the channel uh because I know you're sticking around because you like who I am and you like the content that I bring
to you and and whether that's me being mean or nice or however you interpret it uh at the end of the day it is me and it is the content that I'm bringing to it and um I just appreciate that you're here anyways with with all of that set aside 20 minutes later uh should we just get to get two and watch the new video I think we should get to get two also I'm a little hot should I take off my hoodie I should just turn on a fan let me turn on a fan all right let's get to let's get to oh I'm fing I t
hought I was taking a picture that's how I back wait that's how we're starting Vlogs now a a two second accidental clip you took at maybe your grandma's question mark like 30 minutes ago I ordered McDonald's I actually drank tonight which I haven't drank in like over a month so um took some shots at tequila it was a really good night I genuinely enjoyed myself wasn't wasn't wasn't girly pop just talking about how like drinking wasn't for her or something wasn't that just a conversation we had an
d she was like talking about how great she felt cuz she didn't drink or something I guess I think she might have said in the same breath that she wasn't going to stop drinking forever but here we are I I feel like we should always anticipate that when she brings up how long it's been since she drank that that probably means she's about to drink again but I am home now I didn't Vlog like at all today actually didn't Vlog really anything today um earlier I hung out with my mom well well guess who'
s not surprised is anybody surprised that she didn't Vlog is anybody surprised at this point did some shopping went and visited my grandma again who is recovering really well from surgery that went to my friend's house yeah it was a really good today your friend's house who's your friend who's your friend I'm not going to let you just slip that in there you got a friend in Oklahoma is it your mom's boyfriend's boss wasn't that the friend that she claimed she had the last time she said oh I made
a new friend and it was her mom's boyfriend's boss and a really good night I hope that you guys are having a great I mean good for her I want to show you guys you guys remember I did my diamonds right here in the last Vlog well today I did them there I think they're so cute I just really wanted to try something different oh by the way my nails are growing out so much and the matte green it's just it's not looking good she's looking kind of Dy today I already have my color picked out I'm actually
super excited I hope that they have the color fingers are crossed I do love that she's you know trying something different with the diamonds but I am kind kind of over I'm kind of over the daily update about the diamonds because she she's acting like this is like groundbreaking and and life changing and I'm just like it was cute it's cute it's cute it's cute I I would like to see some different kind of content though I would in terms of like vlogging content I don't see need to see another day
of of where you decided to put your diamonds at today you know y'all last night I took off all my oh my God they looking rough I'm actually about to go get them done today you probably should if you were if you were going if you were going today if you knew you had an appointment today why didn't you just let the like Professional Salon folks change them out for you I feel I feel like you just did so much damage to your nails cuz those look rough like how did you take them off with pliers or som
ething thank God okay so we have there but my nails look at those daggers look at those claws okay work I do like the general shape of them more for her I the the boxy ones I don't know they just looked a little weird I don't these are like literal claws so I am kind of obsessed I feel like this could bring out a sassy side of amberlin and and a way we haven't seen in a while back in the day she used to get press on and she would feel like it would give her all kinds of extra sass in fact one of
the most uh popular videos well I think it was actually a live stream for me was when I reacted to her Snapchat rant Where She Went where she said disp respectful piece of shrimp or whatever or not shrimp no disp disp respectful piece of shrimp is the Twitter user that took a photo of her at the launder at oh my God disp factful piece of she she had press on nails I think in that video and she really thought she was the it really it really influenced her to do all that so I'm wondering what the
se nails are going to bring out on her I got them done I have a bingo Dober on my hands I really want a chrome silver I do like the the color the Chrome is cool so I was shocked at how they did it actually they did two layers of just like black nail polish and then powder it's like a dip powder thing and then they just buff it on I watched a lot of nail videos I love Nails I I I'm like I'm also in my getting my nails done era so I've watched a lot of videos for inspiration and I was actually alr
eady thinking about a chrome but now I feel like if I do the next time go if I do go the next time and ask for some Chrome Nails it's kind to look like I was copying her so we might we might have to wait a little bit before I do that this glittery silver powder and they put it on a sponge and then just put it on my it's like a little makeup applicator super fascinating and I decided to do a different shape instead of like the uh Square decided to do a little bit of a stiletto shape I like I like
that look I like it I'm here for it okay so I'm about to take my hair down I want to show you guys just how much better it looks and feels in my opinion because of all the changes on me towards it but I want to show you a clip that I recently filmed that you guys saw in a vlog of when I took my hair down and how crazy it looked hello hello for a little voice over moment I remember this clip I'm not going to lie to you when I watch this clip back I'm like damn I miss my super long hair but I kno
w that if I take care of it now keep us honestly it does look really rough here I'm I'm like wondering if I thought it looked rough then I am wondering but honestly her hair had just been looking that way that I was like that's how it looks every day so let's see if it does look better than this spit in's cut stop with the heat it's going to grow back it'll be okay but look at that now that you've seen that I literally wore my hair and the same way besides it is just a little higher up this time
okay but look oh like look at howett it looks less frizzy for sure it definitely looks less frizzy calling my hair pretty yeah well frizzy or damaged in general and it feels amazing although at the bottom I feel like it does still look a little a little frazzled I still think she very much could get a lot out of like having a professional give it some love and attention and I just want to reiterate there's so many hairdressers that have been in my comments saying like yeah like I've gone to peo
ple's homes before like people with disabilities like it's easier for me to go to their place to cut their hair like people can make accommodations she could find somebody that would get I'm I'm just saying that cuz I know every time I bring up she should go to a professional stylist somebody is like she would never fit in a chair no there are hair stylists that would make accommodations for her it they they might be I guess they it's a chance that there might be hard to find but if she put a li
ttle bit of effort into vetting out some hair stylists and researching she could probably find somebody like I am overly obsessed I I do think it looks better I did that a lot of you were like that is such a blunt cut it was a blunt cut it didn't look head was tilted just a little bit like this in the clip where I showed it to you guys it's definitely even um my hair's just not tilted now she's so right though that the stuff at the top of her head is like looks a lot healthier because it's still
looking rough at the bottom and a lot of people were like oh my God that's such a blunt cut yes that is actually what I prefer um I love the look of it being super blunt like this but then when you it's what you prefer or just what you can do on your own put it in the back it kind of has like a shape to it that I really like so I want to show you guys like what it looks like from the back so you understand where I'm coming from so can you see it I hope so I just love how it lays but if you know
me you'll never see me like that in person my hair is always like this right so why do we care what it looks like in the back then and then this side is usually in the back tuck back like that like it's very rare that all my hair is Eed in the back anyways but yeah I think I did a really good job on cutting it I went from using Tres my now you all can take a I didn't mean to knock my hat off this is this is a day worth of traveling a day worth of Zachary Michael on planes and in airports how do
es she look at no I put a hat on cuz I was like oh my god I've been traveling all day you don't you don't need to see all that you don't need to see all that I just like I feel like she would also feel really good if she just had somebody do it professionally I I don't know but if this is what makes her happy who who am I to steal that from her you want this great it's clear she doesn't want to do any more work than than what she's put into it so I think it's time to move on from the hair I'm re
ady to move on L'Oreal thank you you've changed my life and I also did she just say L'Oreal has changed her life a really good job on cutting it I went from using Tres to now I'm using L'Oreal which L'Oreal thank you you've changed my life she act like is is L'Oreal some kind of fancy fancy shampoo and conditioner she's acting like that isn't like can't you just get that also at like a Walmart or something like what what makes it what makes it so special and like is she using a particular kind o
f L'Oreal I'm just like I okay all right yes thank you L'Oreal God bless you have been using this Garnier fru Sleek and Shine antiz Serum okay I add a lot and I love it usually in the past like when I would go to sleep I would just not really care about my hair let it do its thing but now I like purposely put it in a nice sculpted bun so that aot as well minus the hair cutting which I feel like was a big hair transformation for me because I cut a lot like my hair was like down here I cut a lot I
would say the next best thing that I did for my hair is the fact that I haven't used any heat on it at all proud of my hair transformation and I just feel like it's happening quicker than I thought it was going to okay guys so this whole see all right okay I'm so proud of you and your hair transformation let's get to whatever you lied about with like my surgeon and the reaction Channel doxing him it's a little bit bigger than I thought it was going to be I genuinely thought people weren't reall
y going to care cuz I feel like that's usually what happens like I share something that is like really big to me and a lot of people make it really small but a lot of you have been like wow that was wrong I've also received a lot of people asking me um a few questions about the situation so I figured answer them for you guys is why did you lie about your surgeon because a lot of people went back and they were like wait I thought your surgeon was in a different state wait I thought your surgeon w
as a female confused so yeah right right right okay so this is what I was saying is like first of all totally understand that she would lie about that right for for the exact reasons of like what ended up happening like like that makes so much sense to me and I even told her that whenever she was getting mad at me for pointing out the inconsistencies it's like I get why you would lie about it it makes sense to me that you wouldn't want to put information out there that would make people be able
to find out who your doctor is but also if you're going to lie about it you got to be good at lying about it and that's what she was mad at me for is that like I called out her very obvious lies in her V video and I'm just like listen girly I can't like I can't just ignore the fact that at one point you said that you had a female surgeon out of state and now all of a sudden you're going to a surgeon that's in state like I can't just ignore that yeah I did lie I did lie about who my surgeon was I
lied about where they were and it's because I wanted to steer dark alert I wanted to steer kicking geese which are the two reaction channels who did dox him well just to be clear I think I don't I don't know what the exact timeline was but she was lying about those things before before Nar alert I think said anything about it because she that was her Lie from the beginning and from what I understand of what happened Nar alert went off of this one email that amberlin shared about the surgeon to
then run with okay so I I I think that amberlin had already lied prior to that I don't know I guess my timeline could have been off about that this was all like a year ago also so like over a year ago actually in in this case cuz I think she first messaged me about Dr Smith in like February so yeah over a year ago was first Sark alert and then kicking geese decided to do that as well and in several live streams she would pull up you know his seminar pull up his name and say that this is amberlin
surgeon like it wasn't just one live stream where they they did this it was multiple I now I want to know though cuz now now I listen I the things that I'm not like the the Nancy drewer of the internet I'm usually not out here doing research but I'm like I could have sworn that H girl shared this stuff about her surgeon long before anybody presumed that it was that it was going to be like I feel like in the very first very first video that she made about her getting weight loss surgery she said
that the the doctor was out of state and was a woman cuz that was something I remember thinking like okay we'll see like okay we'll see we'll see I don't know I don't even know how to look that up quickly though while I'm here while I'm reacting to this video but I'm just I just really don't I really don't think that that could probably be true I'm sure there are YouTubers out there and you just got to go with me that this is not this is not my expertise like I don't I remember the general lore
of amberlin I could not tell you specific dates of things but I swear from the GetGo she was saying these lies about the doctor which again I totally understand why she would lie from the beginning anyways I I feel like it's like misleading to say that she's she only lied about it because she was trying to steer them off like I don't know why she wouldn't just be like I was lying about it from the beginning because I didn't want anybody to find out who and then I just sucked at lying and so peo
ple found out multiple I wanted to steer people away from my personal medical information and life because I don't think that's anyone business honestly so I was trying to I I agree that like knowing specifically who your doctor is at anybody's business but you are putting your medical info out there you you constantly are posting about your new diagnosis and things like that protect myself I stated multiple times that my surgeon was female and that it was in a different state than where I was a
ctually living I only ever did that because I was scared since I knew that he was doc I wanted to do everything in my power for people to not believe that Dr Smith was my surgeon because I did not want the surgery ruined for me because and honestly that makes even less sense because obviously at one point she she messaged me to say hey Zach Dr Smith is my my doctor please do not allude to it being him and then the thing that she got mad at me is that I called her out for not keeping her lies con
sistent cuz that's that's what the second DM was about was her getting mad that I said you lied about the location of where your doctor is because by that point she wasn't even pretending anymore she she wasn't even pretending about the doctor being out of state because the Vlog that I happened in she left her house in the morning she went to the surgeon and she came back that night so that's why it doesn't make any sense to me that she's trying to act like this all was a response to Nar alert a
nd kicking geese like putting his info out there because the LIE started from the beginning I don't do you understand what I'm saying am I going crazy am I going nuts because if if she was lying because of them then by the time that she yelled at me for pointing out said lie she would have actually been lying about it but she clearly wasn't lying about it at that point because she she fully just showed herself going and returning all in one today I feel like I'm losing my mind maybe I'm just lik
e jet legged it was a 2hour time change between here and Vegas maybe I'm just jet lagged at the time it was everything like I wanted the surgery more than I ever wanted anything sure clearly some went through a lot in that you clearly really wanted it you put a lot of effort into it like constant tests and it was stressful it was a lot of money but at that time that is what I wanted and what I needed I didn't want anyone to ruin that for me because I could tell that that's what was happening and
that goes into the next question of why didn't you tell us about Nar alert doxing your surgeon way sooner than this like why didn't you tell us while it was happening because if I did that that would have confirmed who my surgeon was sure I yeah absolutely this is why I also said like I I get that she didn't talk about it even when she was still living in Kentucky I think like a general recommendation if you're ever going to be any kind of like public figure in any kind of way it's not usually
a great idea to confirm to people that they were correct about something in your personal life um I made the mistake of doing that a long time ago in my my Channel History when it happened and after it happened I was like I should have just never confirmed that people were write about that thing you know because it just made everything way worse and it's possible that there was still bad stuff that would have happened anyways but when I like confirmed it like it really it really got bad so that
makes 100% like sense to me I get why I don't understand why she waited until now like if she was going to say something period like she could have said something months ago I would think I would think the earliest she could have potentially said something was when she just stopped going there to begin with but also that coincided with like a lot of other chaos in her life like breaking up with wifey and moving and things like that to me it would have made sense any time after she moved to Oklah
oma she could have shared this obviously she can share what she wants whenever she wants but I don't understand why she waited until now I really don't I didn't want anyone to know and I'm not going to lie to you this isn't the first time I have had issues with the Nar alert and I didn't even say anything about it like another really good example of that is like a lot of people think that I go on Reddit and like I get my subreddits taken down I have never in my life done that I'm telling you lik
e hand to the universe hand to everything that I love you got to be careful with them subreddits cuz you say the wrong thing and they'll BL they they blamed me before for getting their subreddit taken out I'm like I don't they were like in my comments because I sent the name of a subreddit once and I didn't even know that was something you weren't supposed to do I I will never in the future do it just cuz I didn't like dealing with them in my comments but oh my God they're like Zach you got and
the thing is is I didn't even like the the subreddit to my knowledge kept existing after I said the name of it but they really do be thinking that amberin is out here trying to get them taken down every two seconds I'm like have yall just tried not breaking the rules over there this is going to have them in my comments again I really should shut the up but but you know what I'm saying I have never done that I'm not a Reddit glyp and I truly don't care if people are on other websites talking abou
t me on forums and things like that like I don't care about that like deep down I don't but the Nar alert actually got one of my subreddits taken down she ended up bragging about it on her Discord saying like I'm the one who got it taken down she was saying how how wait how does amberlin know what's happening in Nar alert's Discord I maybe maybe there'll be more context cuz like why do you know what's happening in her Discord Maybe maybe she got this information from some other reaction Channel
or something well everyone thinks it's amberin but little do they know it was actually me and I never said anything about it because I personally don't want to put my energy into this woman I don't like her her whole channel is very reflected around the fact that she thinks I'm a narcissist while she is continuously showing narcissistic Tendencies like she can't even admit to them while I'm over here where it's like yeah I do have my narcissistic Tendencies I am able to pinpoint them for if you
wanted me to but for you to like dox my surgeon and like act like it's totally fine take down a whole ass subreddit brag about it and say ha haa everyone thinks it's amberlin but little do they know it was actually me well I'm getting constantly constantly harassed oh my God I can't believe you would take down the subred like how lame are you like like I just I can't with this woman personally so well well I I am kind of fascinated that you're giving her this much attention as it is but I guess
it makes sense because at this point like everybody knows that this is about her so I guess it's like hard to not bring it up but I feel like this is just going to fuel the fire and and honestly again I just want to reiterate like I'm never for people meddling in people's personal lives no matter how harmless they might think it is like I'm I'm just not I'm just not here for it like I I do not cosign anything that the naral art did let me reiterate that if it wasn't clear enough like we don't ne
ed to be doing all that amberlin will inevitably be her own mess on her own without people from the internet meddling in it you know that's that's always been also My Philosophy taking down the subreddit it was actually this reaction Channel I honestly don't know why she got the subreddit taken down but I would like more context about that because one how do you know what she's saying in her in her Discord and two and like what like you you just said like I have no context for why she did it or
anything so it sounds like you you only have part of the story I would love to hear the whole story just cuz I'm curious now I am kind of curious not curious enough to go look at other reaction channels commentary on it but amberlin since I watch your channel and comment on your channel I would love if you could give me that context that would be so lovely knowing her is probably because they said something about her but regardless of the reason it would have been very nice for her to like maybe
make a video and say y'all it wasn't Amber Lin it was actually actually me but of course she's not going to do that and of course she's not going to admit uh the wrongdoing of doxing a surgeon instead she wants to blame her audience and she wants to blame kicking geese and everyone else around her she even wants to blame me sh my journey to get weight loss surgery on YouTube and I purposely was being very very aware of the fact that like people could figure it out who it is so I'm going to make
sure to say things that would steer them in a different direction and I know that it be lying but I was doing it to protect my medical personal life for well I also just feel like just lie better like like that's notoriously been her problem in General on on YouTube is she she wants to come on here and lie and she thinks she's so good at it but the lies about her her surgeon were bad like she was doing a real bad job and that does not excuse anything that the dark alert was saying or did or who
ever whatever I'm just saying like I told her this also in in messages I was like I I wouldn't have called you out for lying if it wasn't so glaringly obvious if me Zachary Michael person who who is not a Nancy drewer of the internet can notice you lying and remember you lied like you told a different story than way you told earlier that then certainly other people came to that conclusion without my help without the Nar alert's help without anybody's help you know those of you that I have hurt b
y lying about this I'm very sorry because that is never my intention to hurt anybody but I had to choose myself and that situation and the reason why I'm talking about it now is because I finally feel comfortable like I no longer see Dr Smith I don't live in Kentucky anymore just at the time I'm not going to sit there talk about it and that's the confirmation of yeah drct Smith is my surgeon I couldn't do that I wasn't going to do that I was very I guess if I'm if I'm reflecting I guess I could
see maybe a world where she would be upset that like cuz I I did acknowledge to her like I've said many times at this point even in today's video that I understand why she lied about it I guess I could see her being like well if you understand why I lied about it then why are you pointing out that I lied about it and to that I say because I react to your videos and I I have a history of calling you out for lying about things that knowledge of you lying had nothing to do with you telling me that
it was Dr Smith that was your doctor the knowledge of me knowing you lied about it is that I remembered what your story was before you told me that it was Dr Smith and what your story was after in fact after you told me it was Dr Smith I would think that you would just double down on your original story I would think like I said I would think that once people started saying that Dr Smith was your doctor I would think you would just continue double in down on the story you already told and that's
what was so confusing about it to me at the time um I guess though I will say like I guess I could maybe understand where she's coming from the reality is that she put me in a in between a rock and a hard place because she came and told me this information that I had not had confirmed for me and then she was like and now you can't talk about my weight loss at all essentially is what she said so which like I think she just wanted me to shut up about her in general it's all just so frustrating to
me I'm glad she's out of this situation I will say I'm glad that you know like hopefully she has learned from this and when it comes to like any kind of doctor situation she won't put out as much information I'm certainly not trying to blame her for like the bad behavior of Nar alert or anybody else or like the people who reached out to her surgeon but I do think that like most of us as social media figures public figures whatever you want to call it like I think most of us know that there's li
ke some level of like protecting yourself you have to do and like she just wasn't doing that and I hope that moving forward she thinks about that because she's able to think about that in so many other aspects of her life right like she she thinks about that when it comes to like whether or not like Partners or family members are on camera and things like that so I think she just needs to constantly continue think about that just for her own safety very very upset about it for a very long time a
nd yeah I am actually still upset about it because it sucks that that happened but I finally am feeling like better about the situation where it's like I'm going to move on like it is what it is it happened now I'm ready to move on but I did want to share the story with you guys because I told you that I would I do want to thank everyone for the support during this time and for people like who even really dislike me they're like I might dislike amberin but this is not right like I appreciate you
know all of us standing together in that regard I know no one's probably going to listen to me but just don't harass Nar don't harass kick and geese there's no reason to harass people because that is like what was what I was going through and it doesn't feel good so I definitely don't want anyone else to experience that because it's just it's not a funny absolutely it happened it sucked oh and that's it that's the video thank you for watching well there we go hopefully uh hopefully that's it ho
pefully we could we could move on and move past it you know hopefully hopefully we're on to new things I guess let me know what your thoughts are down below what I will say I guess is just like one final wrap up is like I think to be honest to maybe try to give amberlin some level of credit is that like I think she also was probably in a difficult place I think she could probably have handle things I don't know with me specifically differently but if I if I try to be some level of empathetic to
her situation I could understand how that was a stressful situation and where the anxiety comes from for sure and I could understand why that might have resulted in her being uh a little less than nice with me when she felt like I had done her dirty or done her wrong I'm always willing to to have some level of understanding I also don't think she handled everything great is that fair is it fair I don't know that if it's not fair that's fine that's just what my my feelings and thoughts are on it
at this moment so here we are that's all I got anyways thanks so much for hanging out with me wow another long video for y'all I know some of y'all were like oh my God Zach it's been so long since you posted like an hour long video let's go and here I am giving you another don't get too used to it especially she keeps posed the like 11 minute Vlogs cuz they will not always be this long but today that's what you got anyways thanks so much for watching if you're brand new to my channel consider su
bscribing down below hit the Bell button so you get a notification every single time I post a new video make sure to leave me a comment hit like Click Share and follow me on all my social media I love you all so much and I'll see you all next time bye



Lots of people have posted about the technical definition of "doxing" in the comments, and I get it and I hear you. I also do think that intentionally seeking out information, such as who Amberlynn's doctor is/was when she didn't explicitly state that, is too far and weird. Obviously Dr. Smith's website, instagram, etc. is public info because his business is public... but trying to match up that public info with bits of info you saw in Amberlynn's video is taking it to another level. So call it whatever you want, but that's what I'm referring to when I say that people went too far. It's also true that Amberlynn should have been smarter about the lies she told and things she shared, as I pointed out in the video as well :)


For the record, the one who TRULY wasted the weight loss clinic's time was Amberlynn. She even said that the "doxxing" was NOT the reason for not getting surgery. She decided she wasn't going to do it. The Narc Alert thing is just a distraction from her not taking responsibility. Again.


I don’t even care about the WLS stuff. She skipped right over lying about Wifey and while we all knew what was really going on, I want her to address that


She was the one who said her surgeon was SUPER famous!! That narrowed it down to Dr Now or Dr Smith lol


“please don’t attack any of these channels!!!” proceeds to call them out by name and gaslights her audience into thinking sharing public info in doxxing yeahhhh…. whatever you say, amber.


The way you accidentally said "Dispektful Piece of Shrimp" really had me screaming in my car on my lunch break. 😂


Zach: "I feel like I'm losing my mind." That's gaslighteen, bestie.


Amberlynn needs to take several seats with this tomfoolery


She went from using drugstore shampoo to drugstore shampoo and acted like she did something

I wish I had the "💃I DID THAT 💃" attitude, about anything, that ALR does after chopping her hair off with dirty kitchen scissors and switching from Treseme to Loreal 😭😭


She is blaming the reaction channels but doesn't talk about taking personal responsiblity. She twisted the whole BED diagnosis and also didn't do the recommended diet for the surgery. Being dropped as a patient potentionally saved her life if she wasn't going to take everything seriously.


So, her "Why I lied" is just her gaslighting with, "I share something big to me, and a lot of people make it really small." 🙄


I don’t believe for a second that Amber is upset about her doctor being doxxed for his sake. She was mad because people told his team that she was lying about still bingeing. Which is NOT OKAY but I wish she’d admit that’s the real reason.


1- She shouldn't have shared so much personal information. 2- Specially seeking out who her doctor is and sharing that information was wildly inappropriate. 3- Why does she hyper focus on certain words, like doxxing, and continuously use them AND in the wrong context???


Love how the title of Amber's video was supposed to be about herself lying but talks for five minutes about the Narc Alert lying and taking down the subreddit. Amber knows nothing about any of it and blames the Narc Alert but then says don't send them hate? She is purposefully trying to manipulate her audience and put ALL the hate and blame on others. I believe she is hurting for views and wants to create drama.


You can’t “undo” damage to hair. The only way to get healthy hair is to cut the bad parts off. You can buy products and stuff to smooth hair but it will still be damaged and will go back as soon as the products are washed out


I find it pretty delusional of Amber to think she’s this incredible person, the most honest and truthful person there is. When she has multiple videos over the course of her time on YouTube, showing she’s lied time and time again.


And no one doxxed her damn doctor.


She admits to the least important lie as a way to “hold herself accountable” but skips over the actual lies that really matter so she can feel better and move forward. Classic


Narc Alert found out the surgeon's name bc ALR made it easy to do so. The line was crossed by those who personally contacted him about ALR. That's on them.