
ANIMAL LIFE #history #live #news #life #пёс #смог #сдержать #слёз #найдя #свой #дом #stories

История Хатико тронула весь мир. Но он - не единственный пес, который лишился заботы любимого человека. К счастью, не все истории заканчиваются трагично.


2 weeks ago

the dog could not hold back his tears when he found his home, the story of the hut touched the whole world, but he is not the only dog ​​who lost the care of a loved one due to an absurd accident. Stevie Roger lost two four-legged friends. They ran away from the house and were invented to a neighbor, a farmer who did not spare them, one dog was gone. on the spot, but the second one managed to hide, the owners did not lose hope of posting advertisements in search of the dog. However, years passed
, they had no news until 8 years later, people called Steve claiming that they had seen his kavik, having covered a distance of 500 km, Roger finally found a friend. He was not at best, life turned out to be difficult for him, which resulted in exhaustion and dystrophy; he is still waiting for treatment; the most incredible thing in such stories is that after so many years, animals recognize the people with whom they lived and almost cry to reunite with them