
АПРЕЛЬ 2024. Астрологический прогноз на месяц. Обзор астрологических тенденций. Гороскоп на месяц

🔥 Курс "Варшапхала. Годовой гороскоп": 🔥 Скачать Календарь: Апрель 2024 года обещает быть насыщенным на астрологические события. Планеты меняют свои знаки зодиака и формирую новые комбинации на небе. Также нас ожидает завершение коридора затмений. Как это отразится в повседневной жизни людей, а также на политической арене, разберемся в этом видео. Подробный анализ транзитов планет и их соединений. Гороскоп на апрель 2024. В этом ролике мы разберем: ➤ АстроТенденции, которые будут происходить на небе в Апреле 2024 года. ➤ Описательную характеристику положения каждой планеты в знаке зодиака в Транзите. ➤ Соединения / квадратуру планет и чем это чревато. ➤ Общую характеристику действий на Апрель 2024 года. Тайминг: 00:00 Вступление 00:43 Календарь 2024 в Сидерическом знаке 01:43 Венера в Рыбах / Венера + Нептун / Венера + Раху / Венера + Меркурий 13:06 Меркурий в Овне / Меркурий квадрат Плутон / Ретроградный Меркурий 21:25 Рекламный блок. Курс "Варшапхала. Годовой гороскоп" 22:46 Сатурн в накшатре ПурваБхадрапада 27:44 Новолуние 29:24 Солнечное затмение 32:44 Меркурий в Рыбах / Меркурий + Солнце / Меркурий + Раху 37:43 Солнце в Рыбах / Солнце +Солнце Раху / Солнце в Овне / Солнце квадрат Плутон 44:24 Юпитер в накшатре Криттика / Юпитер + Уран 47:32 Марс в Водолее / Марс + Сатурн / Марс в Рыбах / Марс + Нептун 54:40 Полнолуние 55:45 Венера в Овне / Венера квадрат Плутон 59:28 Меркурий в Рыбах становится директным * Запись на консультацию: Плейлист "Прогнозы на 2024 для всех знаков зодиака": Видео "Как построить гороскоп и узнать свой истинный знак зодиака": Ссылка на Астропроцессор Ведик Хоро: На канале ASTRO GUIDE вы можете найти: 🔥 обучающие ролики по основам Астрологии и чтению натальной карты 🔥 фишки и особенности в разборах гороскопа 🔥 важные астрособытия и их влияние на каждого из вас 🔥 ответы на сложные вопросы от практикующих астрологов 🔥 Подписывайтесь на мой канал, следите за новыми и полезными роликами, пишите комментарии и приятного просмотра! Я в Telegram: Я в Instagram: #astroguide #астрогайд #астрологалександраващилко #сашаващилко #джйотиш #джйотишастролог #астрология #астрологиядляначинающих #астрология_онлайн #натальнаякарта #обучениеджйотиш #обучениеастрологии #обучениеастрологиионлайн #планеты #знакизодиака #домагороскопа #рыбы #рыбы2024 #рыбыпрогноз2024 #гороскоп2024 #гороскопрыбы #горсокопрыбы2024 #рыбы #рыбыпрогноз #рыбыгороскоп #годовойпрогноз2024 #астрологическийпрогноз2024 #гороскоппознакамзодиака #гороскоппознакамзодиака2024 #гороскоп2024познакамзодиака #астрологияджйотиш #ведическийастролог #ведическийгороскоп #карьера #финансы #финансы_прогноз #карьерапрогноз #любовьиотношения #любовьотношения #любовь #любовьксебе #любовьизамужество #замужзаиностранца #замужество #замужзарубеж #внж #деньги #деньгипрогноз #пмж #недвижимость #покупканедвижимости #дети #беременность #переезд #миграция #здоровье #статус #власть #работа #работаонлайн #работавинтернете #работанадому #сатурн #юпитер #марс #венера #меркурий #луна #солнце #раху #кету #ретроградныйсатурн #ретроградныймеркурий #ретрограднаявенера #ретроградныйюпитер #ретроградныймарс #ретроградныепланеты #аспектыпланет #аспекты #солнце #солнце_гороскоп #апрельновости #апрель2024 #апрельгороскоп #гороскопапрель #апрельтвканалы #сатурнпурвабхадрапада

ASTRO GUIDE | Астрология простым языком

4 days ago

what did April have in store for us and what might this month of 2024 be remembered for? spoiler the month will be very difficult friends Hello everyone, we are continuing our section astrological review of the month you supported me and I received many comments that this section is needed this section is important so we continue to analyze with you the astrological trends of April months and let's see in which signs of the zodiac Which planets will form aspects among themselves And this is the
Astro Guide channel, your guide is the world of astrology in simple and modern language, I am its presenter Alexandra Vaschilko Let's start analyzing the astro trend of April I will do based on my 2024 calendar, this calendar can be received everyone is absolutely free to do this, you need to go to the site, the link to which will be in the description under this video, go down to the bottom of the page, enter your email and receive the calendar in your mail. This calendar will be useful to ev
eryone who wants to know the urgently important trends of each month throughout 2024. this calendar is not needed then we just continue to enjoy watching my episodes every month and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so as not to miss these episodes and let’s start with you and let’s start the discussion with the planet Venus which on March 31st moves into the zodiac sign of Pisces in the March issue we they left it with you for later because its influence, accordingly, extends precisely
to the month of April, and on March 31, Venus, the Planet of love, beauty, pleasure, luxury, happiness, success and abundance, moves into the dreamy sign of Pisces and will stay there right up until April 24, and for Venus, being in Pisces is considered the most strong This is a sign of her exaltation Venus in Pisces, quite compassionate conflicts and sharp edges, conquers, as it were, removing boundaries, removing clear boundaries that otherwise could limit this love and at this time the feeli
ng of freedom will intensify and during this period you can feel more desire to love to play and have fun Get together together, Venus in Pisces is a position that adds a touch of magic and spirituality to matters of the heart, this means a deep emotional connection and a tendency to see the world through rose-colored glasses. During the transit of Venus in Pisces, we can feel But we are under some kind of dreamy love spell and everyone will want to feel in love such a deep connection with your
loved ones and perhaps even getting closer and connecting with some object of affection. Yes, somehow someone can write, for example, songs, poems, confess their feelings or use some kind of tricks and hints of various kinds and it will be easier for us communicate with our loved ones And during this period, you will want to create the mood for love and somehow decorate the house, buy some jewelry for yourself, underwear, cosmetics, update your wardrobe, do what brings you pleasure, and those w
ho are in committed relationships can take their relationship even to the extreme a new level or tying the knot, for example, Although during this transit everything seems wonderful and dreamy, there is something that should still be feared and Venus in Pisces is like an enchanted princess who loves to dream loves to fantasize Venus in Pisces can, well, let's say so causing us to lose touch with reality clouds our judgment to the point that we don't pay any attention at all to the shortcomings
of our partner lover and so on And this means that if you have been dating and you can't wait to directly take your relationship with someone to the next level, maybe you should still take a break if we haven't had enough time to get to know someone better, now is not the best time to make commitments with the transit of Venus in Pisces it is very easy to fall in love with someone at first sight and this means that we need to act slowly so as not to succumb to fantasies and illusions and not
to be, so to speak, in the state of a pasta tycoon on the ears, but Let’s still not make this period exclusively romantic because some of us don’t have time for this, and in general, Venus in Pisces can be considered as a time of smoothing out any sharp edges in relationships between colleagues between in relationships with family and friends and yes, exalted Venus wants to bring love and romance, but its main influence is still the establishment of harmony and if you are in a quarrel with a fr
iend, then of course it’s time to apply the balm of Venus to your wounds that existed and this time allows you to let new love into your life, new friendship, also such a Transit can bring a new source of income Yes, it will allow you to establish a solid foundation, for example, in foreign contacts and income, have achievements in career growth, increase expenses on some luxury items, for example, buy a car will either allow you to taste Comfort, success, happiness, or whatever, and this posit
ion of Venus in Pisces will allow you to progressively manifest yourself in creativity and achieve achievements precisely due to your innate talents; it will also increase your inclination towards Sarah and focus on your personal goals; this Transit promises good results in various areas life and It’s clear that for everyone this will, of course, be their own sphere, focusing on their personal horoscope; for some it will be a career; for others it will be extra money; for others it will be vari
ous kinds of entertainment or creative events; and for others, of course love is in full swing, however, from March 31 to April 7, the Planet of love and Venus is in conjunction with Neptune, the planet of illusions, deception, confusion, the creator of dreams, Neptune is our partner in the sign of Pisces, and if Venus enhances desire, then Neptune enhances fantasy and such a conjunction of Venus with Neptune opens up the potential for a new romance or great compassion and some kind of spiritua
l connection in an existing relationship. However, it is extremely important to remain vigilant because the line between reality and fantasy can become quite blurred and a person may find himself with the proverbial rose-colored glasses which can lead to misunderstanding or idealization in relationships at work or when performing some other daily duties may cause difficulties with motivation Yes, since there is such a tendency to sit back and daydream and if you have free time, then this is act
ually a great time to take up some creative hobbies or relax while watching a movie, reading a book or just listening to your favorite music and many will find that there is a craving for everything beautiful and will want to stay away from any harsh and aggressive situations, this connection also promotes creativity whether you take up a brush, write poetry or compose melodies, inspiration will flow freely and also During this connections And you need to be careful with excessive consumption
of food and medicine, that is, do not abuse it so as not to harm yourself in the future and remember that during this period it is still very important to remain with one foot on the ground while you are reaching for the stars and then from the fourteenth to the 21st of April Venus connects with Rahu And as you remember, Rahu is the severed head of a Demon that craves adventure and ca n’t get enough of it, and Rahu opens up new opportunities for love and all kinds of connections and also increas
es the chances of falling in love with a person who has even some distant geographical origin or himself maybe from another country, or you meet, for example, online or on vacation, and during this period an obsession with the comfort of money and love appears and a desire for a more passionate relationship appears. The conjunction of Venus and Rahu can awaken the creative potential of a person, which will again lead to a surge in artistic expression and innovation and you can feel even an inc
reased sense of inspiration for new forms of art, for new forms of music, letters, and Venus and Rahu can easily attract Fame and money, new financial opportunities may appear in some professional endeavors, but a person’s approach to solving various issues becomes uniquely so dreamy and he lacks prudence during this period. And during this transit, connections may lose some Not very pleasant moments. Rahu can create unrealistic expectations and misconceptions, especially in the field of love a
nd relationships, and people can idealize their partners or set some kind of inflated standards for themselves. Which again leads to disappointment and may also result in excessive intrusiveness and control or difficulty in maintaining healthy boundaries, and this again can lead to conflicts, separation, some kind of emotional upheaval, or someone, on the contrary, will want to try various kinds of perversions and may change their partners are like gloves. And there is also a risk of being over
ly carried away by the pleasures of luxury and material goods. Which, again, can subsequently lead to some kind of financial difficulties and a feeling of dissatisfaction with these expenses; therefore, during this connection, it is still necessary to be attentive to your thoughts, feelings, actions and, if necessary, still, seek advice from friends, mentors or some specialized specialists, that is, strive for a balance between indulgence and moderation and find ways to satisfy your desires wit
hout losing sight of your values and your own priorities, and also more awaits us one conjunction that will occur from April 16 to April 22 is the conjunction of Venus and Mercury; relationships arising during this period can be potentially significant and can develop VD friendship into a romantic relationship or into some kind of working partnership; this conjunction is ideal for communication to find friends for dating and makes communication more harmonious and pleasant helps to share your
love and affection it is easier to express your emotions feelings in words than at any other time and this is a great time to again gain the courage to talk to someone close to a problem that has been persisting for some time, for example within you, this could be a positive declaration of love or the beginning of a series of some important diplomatic discussions, so this is the perfect time to tell someone that you love them, for example, to somehow express your love and gratitude with some gif
t or other manifestations of love as well. It is likely that you will find yourself in the center of someone's love or gratitude and you may also receive a compliment, a letter, an invitation, a gift or money, even Mercury with Venus unites people and encourages cooperation, it gives diplomatic and negotiation skills to resolve some conflicts, it finds a peaceful solution to disputes and destroys barriers to progress, that is, it helps to find partners in business, for example, or in some othe
r way quickly resolve various kinds of situations and conclude deals, write off documents, and this is how we get restless Venus in the month of April, but let us still Let's continue the discussion specifically about Mercury, and in the last video we said that Mercury is in the sign of Aries on March 26, when Mercury is in Aries, we are less concerned about some objective points of view and objective explanations, and more about the fact of making decisions quickly and our thoughts and innova
tive ideas, we tend to speak more spontaneously and directly, boldly and assertively, and this is the time of quick, perhaps impatient or hasty decisions, some kind of mental competition and quick, perhaps decisive or belligerent responses, and to someone’s appeals and our communication is quite honest, sharp as a bullet, daring and during this period, flashes of insight may appear that help solve problems that have been hanging over our heads for too long and it is important for a person to fi
ll his own bumps and not listen to someone’s advice and instructions, but from March 31 to April 3, Mercury forms a square with Pluto and this means a time of quite intense struggle in communication, the struggle for power and some transformative ideas, that is, Mercury is the Planet of intellect and knowledge Pluto is a planet of transformation and the square symbolizes some kind of confrontation and, accordingly, both in everyday life and in some more at the global level, various kinds of in
formation skirmishes are possible, for example, and someone can attack; they can be cunning in communication; they can impose their opinion, and disputes and conflicts arise; when, again, there are not enough facts; the fact that he recklessly and sharply expressed some of his rebellious ideas, could not resist some caustic remarks, took part in disputes and some altercations with others, and as a result, a lot of critical mistakes and incorrect conclusions were made during this period in busin
ess as well some kind of suspicion, distrust, struggle for power and struggle for influence are possible, inability for productive mental activity, irritability, sarcasticism, that is, there will be difficulties in matters of anxiety yes In connection with the receipt or, for example, the expectation of some secret information, some information, it is possible to receive even unpleasant news and There may be problems in matters related to the disposal of, for example, joint capital, as well as
issues of inheritance taxes, alimony debts, that is, in general, this is an unfavorable period for almost any type of business and intellectual activity, and unpleasant events in the team, protests may also be breakdowns of communication equipment, so beware of fraud, deception, slander and try not to get involved in anything for these couple of days. But on April 2, Mercury is already going into retrograde motion for us and, in fact, Oh, everyone’s favorite retrograde Mercury, yes, they finall
y waited so that responsibility for all their mistakes, inattention and mistakes could be throw it over and leave, let’s say, and on a mini irresponsible vacation Mercury will be in retrograde motion from April 2 to April 25. But in the sign of Aries he will be there only until April 9, and then he will of course return to Pisces in his retrograde motion, but we’ll discuss that in the video further and now let's briefly discuss the retrograde movement in Aries until April 9 and this situation c
an also lead to disputes based on some unclear information on emotions that are easily aggravated because of this fiery energy of Aries, situations can become heated The retrograde period is not just a time of some minor misunderstandings, it can be filled with full-fledged communication failures and everyone will be in such a hurry to say what they want to say that they will not take enough time to express their thoughts clearly enough for others to understand the essence stated and retrograd
e Mercury in Aries It can put a person in some kind of dead end when talking and people become more stubborn, assertive to each other and do not even want to try to find a compromise, but still try to prove their point of view and do not attach themselves to the opposite opinion, and this can lead to an even greater split in society where people will see the world in black and white, therefore, in order to avoid offence, any misunderstandings after this particular verbal flood of retrograde Mer
cury, it is still very important to find a moment of calm for effective dialogue with other people and try to express your thoughts, feelings more clearly Clearly Without going overboard or based on any assumptions and at this time you still need to work on your listening skills Before speaking and the most effective way of communication will still be email because it will give you the opportunity to think about everything and reflect before sending your letters to be read by other people, we
can also expect sudden mood swings or changes in plans. Confusion in business, all those things that were done in a hurry earlier or were said somehow thoughtlessly can plunge into this period and Mercury retrograde can make you think about some past cases of situations when some daring wrong decisions were made and hasty conclusions were made or some unfair assumptions were made about others and it can also push you to reboot and bring you back to those events and this is this period And this
in fact, the opportunity to apologize for a quarrel, make peace with your enemy, contact someone, who has been erased from your life for a long time, this period can affect the appearance of the name of the reputation, that is, managers at different levels can, for example, publicly make some wrong decisions and then not refute them For fear of falling face down in the dirt, sports matches may also be canceled or delayed in some way, and if driving rules are regularly violated while driving or
in other areas of life, then of course the risk of being punished increases and this is not the best time for some cosmetic procedures, for example. for permanent makeup since most likely these services will then have to be redone and also during retrograde periods, all Mercury’s affairs develop quite slowly and Confusion often arises and an increase in the number of errors, as a rule, new projects are slowed down and transport and postal services are also disrupted difficult to learn difficul
t to do what some kind of intellectual work And to conduct, for example, negotiations and in such periods, well, as we know, during periods of Mercury retrograde, equipment can fail, telecom operators have some problems and this is definitely not the best time to accomplish some especially expensive things purchases because defects may appear in them and, again, for signing contracts for transactions, opening a business, employment, making some important decisions and also an unfavorable time,
otherwise you won’t end up with hassle and preparing documents, analyzing something, adding clarifying details, the very fact of transactions can be better postpone until the month of May and now, friends, there will be a small advertising blog, so don’t switch because there are still a lot of astro events waiting for us in April, and if you want to learn how to analyze the trends of your personal month and make a high-quality forecast for the year based on your personal natal chart I invite y
ou to the varshaphala annual horoscope course and in this course you will learn to analyze the forecast for key areas of life such as personal life career finance moving real estate birth of children parental problems and I will share with you my tricks and a step-by-step algorithm for analyzing the annual horoscope with which you can immediately you will begin to successfully consult your clients and not be afraid that you will suddenly say something is wrong to complete the course. You must ha
ve basic astrological knowledge. And by the way, a couple of days ago I published a new lesson in which I tell you what strategy you should follow and what actions you need to take to increase your income in the year under review, a link to a website with information about the course will be placed in the description under this video and in a pinned comment. And I’m waiting for you all on the course. And we move on and on April 6, Saturn passes our nakshatra, or in simpler terms, the constellat
ion purva bhadrapada and will stay there right up to October 3, 2020 of the fourth year since Saturn is a slow planet, so we are considering its movement along the nakshatra, including now, many thought Well, of course, it’s a so-so nakshatra, because its symbol is the facade of a funeral hearse, but again, it depends on what kind make a cut therefore Let's understand on the one hand Saturn is an indicator of the death of serious illnesses, chronic diseases, disabilities of the Old People, and
of course, superimposing the symbolism of the constellation, we can say that all these themes will become more manifested and this is possible both as a result of some political decisions and as a result of some then, for example, viral tests and a person will definitely have to fight this both himself and provide help to other people in need, but nevertheless, each of us will face these questions face to face And each in his own form Saturn in r in Abha dr pata for the last time we were from
March 1995 to March 1996, so if anyone is interested, read the world summary of incidents for that year. Because there actually were terrorist attacks and missile tests and some military clashes between countries, and the announcement of new commonwealths tightened borders among the leaders of some countries had health problems, that is, almost everything is the same as what we can observe now, and such a Transit can essentially give a loss of absolutely any nature and cause damage of both a ma
terial and deeply spiritual nature. But you and I know that everything in life is not accidental and difficulties are given only to those who are able to cope with them, plus, indeed, the period teaches us to be resilient to various types of both physical and moral litigation, and it is important to note that this constellation pu Quadro Pada is still ruled by Jupiter, so encountering these unpleasant events, on the one hand, expands the worldview a person, on the other hand, allows you to dev
elop some kind of new philosophy, become wiser, learn to accept the situation, look for, well, some deeper meaning, sympathize, help others serve society. Although, if you consider how many people on our planet are overly financially dependent, we must admit this fact, then for them, of course This Transit will be very difficult and of course the initial entry will still be Anger and impulsiveness. But still, people learn life lessons only from their own bitter experience, overcoming difficulti
es on their own and it is important to be patient and learn to withstand adversity in the name of a bright future because decisive and constant efforts are definitely can ultimately lead to long-term success, this is also a good Transit for scientists, inventors, historians, judges, astrologers, psychologists, doctors, that is, areas where you need to get out the most, let’s say, hidden skeletons from the closet of someone or something, expose something, be tough but fair, and help the poor, an
d so on and since we are still talking about the monthly horoscope, I would like to draw your attention to the pads. That is, these are the chalk quarters of the constellations we are considering; in each constellation there are four pads that also add their own characteristics to us, and just in the first pad Saturn will be from April 6 to May 12, additionally on the slide, let’s just say this, looking ahead a little. I wrote down when Saturn will return to us again in the first pada and try
not to plan anything serious at this time and be extremely careful, because the first pada is the maximum the position is uncomfortable for Saturn and during this period there may be rigidity, cruelty, anxiety can be very nerve-wracking, conflicts may arise that will lead to psychosomatic diseases, or some kind of waste of energy will be manifested and all efforts will not be justified But this, again, is also experience and Let's go further, otherwise, as usual, we started for health with a b
eautiful, exalted Venus and ended up talking for the peace of Saturn. So, on April 8, a new moon in Pisces awaits us. New Moon As you know, this is not such a rare astrological phenomenon; they happen here every month and each time in different signs of the zodiac. So, the new moon in Pisces is filled with emotions and some kind of creative impulses, and being in the emotional and yet understandable sign of Pisces, the Moon, of course, can help you think deeply about your life about your goals
about yourself, listen to what it tells us the heart is what intuition tells us and if there is a feeling that you have been dragging something behind you for too long, for example some kind of relationship project or goal, and apart from difficulties you have nothing and success may not be looming on your horizon at all, then it is best to use it on the new moon in Pisces to let go of the situation to destroy the internal barriers that slow down the situation and prevent you from realizing you
r plans The new moon is always a New beginning that is renewal and we can start all over again free ourselves from old patterns of beliefs and energies that we no longer need the new moon in Pisces inspires a imagine the future we want And this is the time when we overcome our fears and can begin to realize something that we dreamed of. This is a great time to listen to your intuition and take actions in your life that will bring your dreams closer to reality and this is the New Moon with us a
lso closes the eclipse corridor, that is, on April 8, you and I will have a solar eclipse that completes the Spring eclipse corridor, but nevertheless from the first to the eighth and approximately 3 more days after it, we can be subject to the energies of this eclipse and someone is afraid of these during eclipses, someone, as it turned out, on the contrary, says that make a wish, this is the best time of the year and everything will come true for you 100%, but I want to explain that every yea
r, twice a year, you and I live through the corridors of eclipses, the spring and autumn corridors of eclipses occur according to your karmic points Rahu and Ketu and each will have their own sphere of life, and in the forecasts for 2024 for the ascending signs, I told who and in what sphere the eclipse will be manifested - this is essentially the period of summing up the results of the lunar eclipse and the period of making plans for the solar eclipse there will be an eclipse for the next six
months, that is, until the next corridor, and if you really want to make a wish, then you need to do it on April 8, because there will be a new moon as the beginning of everything new and a solar eclipse, which gives this start. Our desires, as a rule, are still connected more with material and social realization, that is, with this external realization, and just on April 8, the sun is in conjunction with Rahu. What gives this impulse to expand precisely the outer boundaries of experiments in cr
eative realization, and most importantly it gives motivation and some kind of a direct inner desire to act and snatch, let’s say, a note of one’s Glory and somehow express oneself. Because if you just make a wish and, let’s say, sit like that and do nothing, then of course nothing will happen, but here they seem to support the energy to deliver you want to come to a specific point where you want to come, write down a plan to achieve your goals and start acting, but you need to act a little lat
er when the eclipse corridor ends because in the eclipse corridor itself it is better to sit quietly and below the grass If you want everything to be in your life is more or less stable and favorable, yes And it’s better not to do anything overly important and a series of important events there, trips, purchases of expensive things during this period. And at some master class or training, I’ll still tell you about the eclipse in more detail and tell you my story about how I decided to become a
shoemaker and came face to face with the energies of eclipses, that is, I intentionally and consciously performed some action Yes, to check How these eclipses work and what will come of it In the end, of course, I I will never sign up for such checks, once was enough. Well, that’s actually why I’m telling you that if you sit quietly and do nothing, then everything will be more or less normal, and if you also come to me for this Varshaphala course, then in general everything will be great for y
ou because you will be able to make your forecasts right down to the smallest details according to your personal horoscope for every month, week and even day, and information about the course, as you remember, is in the description under the video. And we move on and on April 9, Mercury is in retrograde motion back is already returning to the sign of Pisces, as we remember Pisces - this is the weakest position for Mercury This is a sign of its fall And in addition to the fact that it is in its
fall, it is also retrograde, so we put such a minus in the square of this position of Mercury and definitely critical thinking logic is everything thought processes can be very disturbed and there seems to be a struggle between them and such confusion appears in the Information between people, misunderstandings are also formed, confusion in thoughts in behavior plans related to the same trips, contracts, finance technologies may encounter some complications and some delays and you should pay as
much attention as possible to the details when signing documents because the perception will not be accurate, that is, double-check absolutely everything that you write and publish Subscribe Agree There will definitely be a lot of mistakes and during this period it is better to avoid starting any major projects purchases, especially if these purchases are related to equipment or, for example, vehicles, because in the future they will break down more often than you expected, that is, until May
10, in general you need to be extremely careful and pay attention to all the smallest details, this does not mean that nothing you can’t do it You can only be attentive and in general during this period some kind of isolation may be more manifested; intractable, maybe because everyone was scared of this transit. But the desire, for example, to be alone with one’s thoughts will also manifest itself and there is such a tendency that the person will get what he wants wishful thinking and some kind
of grievances doubts may emerge in relationships Nostalgia However, this is a favorable time for psychotherapy, drawing, astrology, Tarot, esotericism, studying the course of varshaphala, and engaging in some kind of creativity, and so on, and in addition to all this, from December to April 15 Mercury in retrograde movement connects with the sun, which means there is a reassessment of yourself and how you project yourself from the inside out. Yes, how you say, how you think, and so on, this is
the moment to reconsider how you behave and position yourself in society. Although during this period some problems may arise let's say brilliant ideas and a feeling of impatience and desire to move forward will appear. However, it is better to wait a little until the retrograde phase of this Mercury ends. Yes, before you start acting in this direction, vigilance during this period may also be slightly weakened. Therefore, it is better to focus on listening twice as much as usual If you don’t wa
nt to miss information that will also affect your worldview in the future, let’s say it’s also important to think carefully before you say anything and any Little lie told during this transit may come back to haunt you later when Mercury becomes direct, but from April 15 to May 5, Mercury is already in close conjunction with Rahu and again some kind of information surge and not very favorable news may occur that will spread directly at instant speed, including via the Internet, as it happened w
ith us since the 16th until March 22, plus there will definitely be a lot of fakes, some illusory information, some disguised false messages with excessive exaggeration, deception and, accordingly, fraud will worsen, and also through some kind of information technology and due to the absent-mindedness and inattention of the people themselves, and concern will also be shown and there may even be some kind of mental pressure, and of course, with such a Transit, it is important to finish what you
started and finish the training. If you are going through something, concentrate on some very important tasks and not try, let’s say, to embrace the immensity and then drown in the streams It’s best to engage in this information noise, of course, by studying esoteric directions with some spiritual practices, yoga meditation, which will help you calm your mind and these thought processes. Further on April 13, the sun moves into the sign of Aries. So until April 13, the sun is in the sign of Pis
ces and let us Let us briefly remember what the sun promises. We have the sun in Pisces and on the one hand, this is, of course, compassion, spirituality, selflessness, helping other people, when someone takes care and patronage, some kind of philosophical view of the situation is actively formed over someone The creative principle of imagination is manifested, but also the sun in Pisces can give an inflated ego antlers when someone tries to show himself better than he really is and somehow el
evate himself above others through some kind of deception, and here it is also important to be wary of scammers and those who, let’s say, prey on the weak and vulnerable and try to exploit the compassion or good nature of other people for their own purposes, and in addition, from March 30 to April 13, the sun connects with Rahu. And the sun and Rahu are direct enemies, they cannot tolerate each other since they have the same ruler and the other is a criminal and during such a connection they t
end to create duplicitous work, but the rakhta makes its way to power and Glory through deception and hiding the truth at any cost. And this can be manifested both at the global level and at a smaller and everyday level when someone -he is dishonestly trying to get, for example, a new position, that is, this Transit is being played out on absolutely different levels and as a result there are a lot of ambitions and strained relationships. And on the one hand, ambition is still good, but on the o
ther hand, we remember that in parallel a corridor of eclipses is approaching us. Therefore, it is better not to be naughty and not to openly demonstrate your ego so as not to, let’s say, invite trouble, although it is possible that already in the first week of April, and a very strong desire will manifest itself in order to declare oneself, to show this Rebellious spirit of character, to disobey for example leadership to dominate to be a rebel and so on yes And as a result it can happen but s
imply an overestimation of one’s strength due to the obsession with some idea and there will be a failure or problems at the legislative level Well, either for someone with the tax office, for example, but then on April 14 the sun We have still passes into the sign of Aries And this is the strongest position for him because Aries is a sign of exaltation for the sun in astrology Aries is associated with courage and bravery And one might even say with recklessness there is impulsiveness ambition c
ompetitiveness the desire to win at any cost And when the sun we are in Aries, it brings a surge of this energy and desire for action, this Transit makes us feel very brave, courageous, encouraging us to resolutely confront challenges Yes, the challenges of fate of some situations and this is a time of new beginnings and testing different things which, again, can be very exciting This is a great time to change and change something and achieve your goals. However, you should remember to be pati
ent and not make impulsive decisions that you may regret later and conflicts or other kinds of heated situations may arise; more time to think about it before reacting violently and impulsively and subsequently get yourself into trouble, and this Transit reminds you of the need to be, let’s say, brave, but also patient and compassionate, and during this period, in order to release this accumulated energy, you should still, for example, engage in physical activity or some of your creative activi
ties and, of course, ascendant the sign will perceive this Transit differently depending on its personal natal chart, but all signs will feel this need for Victory And most of us will feel more courage than usual and so it would seem that everything is fine, but still from the sixteenth to the 27th of April the sun forms a square with Pluto And this is a very tense axis, so some shocks will definitely be manifested; some difficulties and obstacles may arise that a person absolutely did not expe
ct and will have to face precisely his own internal anxieties with his uncertainty; this is the energy of struggle and oppositional sentiments. Or you are in opposition to something or this opposition will be directed against you and this is a period of struggle for your flatness and for your authority, for example, this may be a period of some significant changes in work in relationships in health. As an option, yes, that is. Well, for example, a person I moved to a new job there and there wi
ll be both a personal struggle with my fears and an external struggle and disputes for this power with other people, competition Yes, this need to spread one’s influence can lead to stress, conflicts and some kind of self-doubt and respect and reputation may be supportive to defend your position or change significantly. But these difficulties are an incentive for personal development for progress for self-development and at this time it is extremely important to maintain this determination and
concentration and treat obstacles as an opportunity to improve your knowledge and skills and in During this period, the need for control may intensify, or, for example, the fear of losing it, and in a relationship a person may become an object or culprit of manipulation, jealousy, dominance, or even some kind of espionage. Therefore, you need to remain persistent and purposeful and maintain this concentration on your goals and not be disappointed because for difficulties because everything wil
l pass and this too, on April 16, Jupiter walks in the nakshatra of critics and will stay there until June 14 of the twenty-fourth year and Jupiter in this nakshatra can become a teacher or mentor who selflessly shares his knowledge with others and takes care of others through knowledge wisdom that he has and to some extent There is even a manifestation of the idea that I will save this world from injustice. The Sun as the ruler of criticism and Mars as the ruler of Aries are both Fiery. What ca
n make people quite tough and fanatical about knowledge and beliefs; analysis and criticism of what -things of people, actions of situations can be manifested Propaganda of some kind of struggle or attack even in the relationship between ordinary people, that is, in our daily life there can be strong anger and aggression and sometimes people can speak quite harshly without knowing how these words will affect other people However, later, when they realize this, they really feel guilty and can t
ry to make amends for their guilt. Although, nevertheless, confidence in their own rightness here still gains a greater degree, and it’s even interesting on the basis of what all this will happen and it should be noted that throughout throughout April, we have a conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter, these are two such slow planets, so their conjunction is also quite long. And as we discussed, in addition to the information struggle, there is also an ideological struggle at the global level, heads
may roll, there may be reshuffles in countries, a new vector of development is being established. rules, goals, laws, that is, some kind of reforms are being created and so on, plus, of course, the spirit of rebellion is manifested, which reinforces all those trends that we have already talked about in this video and there is a possibility that people will protest, argue, prove something, criticize like -they actively disagree with others’ opinion. But what good can such a situation bring is,
of course, some kind of revolutionary scientific breakthroughs. For example, how a flight into space has now taken place and the crew members are clearly faced with certain tasks and perhaps some new ones will be made discoveries, technological and educational achievements can occur during this period; at this time, there may be a desire, for example, to break out of routine or go somewhere new for yourself. Adventures await someone; Sudden financial success; promotion or new romantic relations
hips; and for some, this Transit can open the doors to new career opportunities, or, for example, inspire some new idea and desire to explore New horizons, and on April 23, Mars moves into Pisces, which means that he is in Aquarius for most of April, and in the last video we discussed that such a Mars can show feelings of Independence desires for Freedom, there may be some kind of rallies, revolutionary sentiments that manifest themselves both at the global and local level, so again this is a
confirmation of everything that was said earlier in the video that some kind of rebellious sentiments are possible and this is again about the desire for justice. But what kind and where after all Time will tell and on social networks there can be many different kinds of statements and people can resist, for example, some kind of injustice, express their disagreement, fight for collective Freedoms, convince others of their own beliefs and try to somehow influence the masses, but again, someone
this will be done at the factory, someone will do this on the world stage, and also this enthusiasm and desire for innovation, the growth of evolution, there will be a desire to do something Against the rules or without asking permission and not really understanding what this will ultimately lead to the best or to The worst thing about Mars Aquarius is to be in the Vanguard of technology. This is a great time for innovation, team work, but if processes move slowly and not as you would like. Be
prepared, of course, for harsh sarcastic moods because especially from April 17 to April 17, Mars connects with Saturn is a meeting of two powerful and contradictory comrades Mars - the Planet of perpetual motion and instinctive impulses meets Saturn, the planet of checks and restrictions, so there will be, let's say, a reality check, and Saturn always brings clarity and makes it possible to see events or experiences more Clearly from a mature point of view, uh in to some extent, even for the l
ong term and perhaps someone will gain a new understanding of what works and what does not work in your life, put an end to something, get rid of what no longer works and start something new, for example, start a new partnership or begin to understand how to cope with new responsibility Well, for example, in a new job, issues of social justice will be of particular importance and people will be very sensitive to perceived injustice and all issues of a humanitarian nature. Aquarius also rules so
cial circles, technology networks, so this is a great time to sort out your own, including social Contact, weed out and eliminate those who do not correspond to your values, and also try to meet new people, unite in some new groups, and technology can create some difficulties and failures, especially when it comes to communications. You may have to make a choice between What do you want now and what will benefit you in the future and then on April 23 Mars moves into the sign of the sensual and
emotional Pisces there will be a tendency to feel less motivated to achieve some goals and more motivated to achieve spiritual and emotional impulses as the energy of Pisces can be The vague and confused ambitions of Mars are here, of course, They can very quickly go somewhere to the side into the shadows And stubbornly pursuing completely wrong goals for the wrong reasons, and the kind gentle energy of Pisces, it still softens the sharp corners of Mars, so the general Atmosphere is less aggre
ssive during this transit and more peaceful people will not be prone to confrontation, and the needs of other people will be placed above their own, and this idealistic side will still come to some foreground; there is a possibility of becoming more accommodating during this period, but still with hints Martian aggression The results will most likely be variable than unambiguous and our energy will move in the same way, up and down, good and bad. During this period, achieving what we want beco
mes less simple, more complex and will not be so great Progress. as always, in addition, immediately from April 23 to May 5, Mars will be in conjunction with Neptune in Pisces; the conjunction of Neptune with Mars can lead to a decrease in physical activity and motivation and there will be a feeling of greater fatigue than usual; a tendency to illness may appear and a person may become despondent for example, in desires and ambitions there will be lethargy of confusion and in addition, self-co
nfidence will also be much lower and it will seem that you are still trying to do something but it all ends in failure, that is, Neptune will interfere quite strongly for a person to achieve some kind of success and a person does not feel competitive during this period and is not inclined to start any even complex new projects. Neptune can make a person more, or let’s say, passive aggressive in approaching some conflicts of competition, while there may not be direct confrontation, but instead th
ere will be some indirect passive methods of self-affirmation at the expense of others have been chosen; this Transit can create confusion in desires; you can wonder what really motivates you and what you want to achieve; clarity in your thoughts can be absolutely elusive, and just after such a rebellious period. the question will arise: Why did I do all this? And what did this lead to in the end? And here we should consider more specifically what situation the person will be in because if he
spoke out very vehemently and actively, then how punishment will follow the need for this humility and the person can be to even subject himself to some kind of manipulation, it will be difficult for him to defend his own boundaries, his own needs, and also, of course, deceptions, scandals, some dishonest actions are possible, and on these dates it is extremely important to distinguish between wishful thinking. But on April 23rd we have You will also have a full moon in Libra; the full moon is
the end of the lunar cycle; during the full moon, many feel very emotional, or as some say, it turns out that their heads are so crazy, and the point is not that the person himself is crazy, but he can feel everything, all these accumulated feelings. It’s quite uncomfortable, and during this period it’s still important to let go of everything old and outdated, and the full moon will be in our sign of Libra. And this is a sign of partnerships, and as you and I said, there may be a cleaning of co
ntacts on Mars, so during the full moon, let go them with a pure soul and don’t regret anything at all. And if you need new friends, then attend some event and meet new people or think about how to attract balance and harmony into your life, which by the end of April many of us will certainly miss and from April 24 to May 19, Venus moves into the sign of Aries and this is the very first sign in the zodiac circle and Venus in this Transit offers us all the opportunity to start all over again wh
en it comes to issues of love, affection and attraction, and there is no place for boring relationships when Venus enters the sign of Aries, on the contrary, we are blossoming thanks to new encounters, some bold impressions and we are more free In search of this happiness of love and so on, but Aries is an Independent zodiac sign focused primarily on oneself and one’s needs. Therefore, things related to love and they may even seem romantic in some way. And in childhood, this can be a great time
to realize their true needs and Venus in Aries gives them that very fire that makes people more confident when meeting and in personal communication with each other for those who are in relationships, understanding the needs of your partner and gaining new experiences together is, of course, a sure way to kindle such a new fire between you. And despite the fact that Venus looks quite vain on the outside, in fact, we are talking about improving your romantic life through understanding yourself,
but unfortunately this the time is not suitable for somehow falling deeply in love or starting a long-term relationship, that is, consider it more like a stage on which you have the opportunity to try A variety of different tastes of love and this is about life Here and now in the present without fear of the past or worries about that and what will happen next is the opportunity to follow what you want and not settle for less and also from April 27 to May 4, Venus is in square with Pluto and P
luto is the planet of transformation of tests and of course they will take place on the topic of Venus, that is on issues related to love, relationships, values, aesthetics and in relationships, problems may arise due to excessive control, strong feelings develop into some kind of negative emotions and behavior unreasonably changes from Kind and gentle Yes to some kind of envious, obsessive or even possessive and can Manipulation, jealousy, and you will definitely want to constantly demand some
kind of evidence of love and affection in your address, and this behavior is based on feelings associated specifically with past wounds, fear or uncertainty that a person does not feel loved or valuable, and this is how the relationship will be as a result exhausted by these trials of such a period and the partner may somehow even pull away or leave completely, that is, perhaps some threats and ultimatums, unhealthy relationships will definitely fall apart, which will be even more painful and
dramatic, and strong relationships, on the contrary, will withstand this Transit but will undergo some kind of transformation New Relationships are, of course, possible and may seem like some kind of instant attraction. However, you still need to understand that such a hobby can lead to an offensive or cruel attachment. And the last astro event of April is when on April 25 Mercury returns to duty again, that is, its direct position but he is still in our Pisces in conjunction with Rahu. Theref
ore, the fact that he becomes direct actually does not in the least cancel all the previous Promises that we discussed in this video, anyway, in Rahu there will be an information riot, a lot of communication, fakes, a desire to communicate a lot in Pisces this will be absent-mindedness, a problem in communications, communication about everything and nothing in particular, but to talk about yourself, show yourself, express your opinion and not somehow remain on the sidelines, that is, everything
that we have already discussed with you and using the time code you can move to these moments but in general, the month of April will be so interesting and in places very difficult for us, although at first glance it seemed absolutely harmless, but it is quite possible that some of you have a varshaphala in your personal annual horoscope and there are completely different periods that will protect you from all these well, let’s say transit trends, so I invite you to my training so that you ca
n learn how to make your own personal horoscopes for the month. I wish you all strength and patience. And Sasha Vaschilko was with you and see you again



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Спасибо! Как всегда - очень приятно слушать астрологически грамотного человека❤


Саша,вы прекрасно выглядите. ! Благодарю за прогноз!


20:40 Прекрасная подача. Спасибо❤. Подписка, лайк.


Александра,ВОСХИЩАЮСЬ вами🌹 Потрясающий формат💫✨ Благодарю,за ваш труд🙏


Какая красотка ❤️какой фон чудесный! Просто эстетическое удовольствие, точно Венера в экзальтации 😊🎉🎉


Саша, благодарю Вас❤


не стану говорить цитатами, я скажу своими словами – ты прекрасна!


Благодарю, суперский подробный прогноз👍🩷


Благодарю!!!отличная работа❤


Благодарю 🙏🏻


Какая суперская красотка! Макияж 👌🏻👍🏻😍 подача информации идеальная . Такое ощущение что вы попадаете в инфо/астро энергетический поток 😁


замечательно выглядите, оч. доступно и приятно изложены транзиты, спасибо


Саша, спасибо за прогноз на апрель! Месяц обещает быть действительно "жарким". Как говорится - Предупрежден, значит вооружен. Когда знаешь влияние Планет, то и реагируешь по другому. Интересно наблюдать за влиянием Планет на людей. Благодарю за Ваш труд ❤


Красивая какая вы❤


Саша, благодарю Вас, очень информативно, все законспектировала❤


Сашенька спасибо. Как всегда все четко и по делу. P/s/ прослушал до конца 😂


Спасибо, Саша! 👍💜❤💜 Я тоже как в этой истории про сапожника без сапог☺. Примерно на втором году обучения Астрологии решила на затмение не отменять важное дело и оно было срочным. Но всё пошло не так как хотелось. Потом всё заново переделывала. С тех пор тоже такие эксперименты не ставлю. Если есть возможность перенести, то так и делаю💥.


Спасибо) у меня в карте варшапхал на 2024 будут в соединении марс и сатурн в пурвабхадрапада обе планеты. Сатурн еще и 8 управляет в этой карте (в раси тоже), а марс в варшапхал гнати карака. И мунтха в 8 доме). Как говорила моя бабушка "пора діставати празнічну хустку на смерть"😂