
Australia's Deadly Wildlife - Savage Australia - S01 EP03 - Nature Documentary

Embark on a harrowing journey through the untamed landscapes of Australia, where deadly creatures lurk both in the wild and in unexpected places. Witness the shocking encounters with box jellyfish, stonefish, cone snails, and the infamous taipan snake. Explore the tragic stories of those who faced the wrath of Australia's venomous wildlife, from near-fatal jellyfish stings to heart-stopping snake bites. Join us in unravelling the mysteries of the Lyssavirus, modern-day rabies, as it silently threatens lives. Brace yourself for an eye-opening exploration of Australia's lethal inhabitants. ------- Savage Australia is a thrilling series delving into the extraordinary realm of Australia's bizarre and perilous wildlife. With captivating archival footage and insightful commentary from experts, viewers embark on an exhilarating exploration of the country's diverse ecosystems, from dense bushlands to pristine beaches, bustling cities to the enigmatic outback. Local experts courageously navigate the challenges posed by Australia's untamed creatures, providing an eye-opening and sometimes heart-stopping journey through the wild landscapes. Brace yourself for a captivating encounter with the weird, wild, and dangerous inhabitants of Savage Australia! ------- Welcome to Banijay Wild, your premier destination for captivating nature and travel documentaries that showcase the wonders of the world. 🦋 🐠 Immerse yourself in the beauty of the wild with full episodes and documentaries featuring your favourite animals, insects, and birds, including Animal Park, Fishing The Wild, and Savage Australia! Subscribe to Banijay Wild for a mesmerising journey into the wonders of nature:

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Australia is a mecca for tourists each year  thousands flock to the beaches the mountains and the Outback for an up close and personal  brush with nature most return to their Homeland with a suitcase packed with happy memories  with Unforgettable experiences but beware reach into a rock pool or wander down a lonely  Bush track and very quickly things can go very bad over the next hour discover  the hidden Perils of a natural Wonderland we'll discover the strange and  terrifying array of creature
s to look out for on [Music] land and in the oceans  and what happens to those who fail to heed the [Music] warnings they  started to panic I'm going to die on Savage Australia animal attacks it's one of life's true Pleasures  to swim through clear warm tropical waters to lay amongst the Myriad of life and dazzling  color of beaches and reefs but these areas can be just as dangerous as swimming in the wide  open ocean you may think sharks are the only thing to be worried about but up here they m
ight  be the least of your concerns beautiful tropical waters we love it but so do the animals because  it's the right habitat for them the dangers along Australia's reefs and coastlines can often  be beautiful mesmerizing and potentially deadly often referred to as the most venomous  creature on the planet the biggest and nastiest version of the box jellyfish carries toxins that  attack the heart nervous system and skin cells box jellyfish they're deadly they're considered  the most deadly mari
ne animal that's out there box jellies also called sea wasps and Marine  Stingers live primarily in coastal Waters of Northern Territory and North Queensland by  their name they are box shaped they have four corners with long tentacles hanging from  each Corner they actually have eyes on each of those sides of their box so they're quite  sophisticated eyes actually so they believe that they're quite clever predators that they  can actually Target their prey and hunt them down up to 15 tentacles
grow from from each  corner of the bell and they can reach 3 m in length each tentacle has about 5,000 stinging  cells unlike most other jellyfish they have developed the ability to propel themselves  rather than just drift jetting up to four knots through the water over the years the  species has killed over 60 people in Australia and caused countless disfigurements The Sting  is so overwhelmingly painful victims have been known to go into shock and drown or die of heart  failure before even re
aching Shore survivors can experience considerable pain for weeks and often  have significant scarring where the tentacles made contact during the summer months the only  safe way to enter the water is in a stinger suit at a Townsville beach in North  Queensland 7-year-old Osborne Q was enjoying a swim with his sister suddenly  Osborne felt a sting and started screaming in pain his sister dragged him to shore where  a frantic fight to save his life began come on off-duty nurse Kim Riley happened
to be  walking her dog when suddenly all her skills were called upon as she battled to keep young  Osborne alive I've done CPR before I've had good outcomes I've had bad outcomes and this  was one time I just did not want want a bad outcome I thought just breathe please  she brought him back to life not once but twice Osborne recovered although with  painful wounds to show for it be everyone for her and never be alive so thankful  like words cannot express how thankful we are these are the unbe
lievable injuries  inflicted on a young Rachel shardow after being nearly fatally stung while  while swimming in the kopy river near gladston said she couldn't see and  then she said am I going to die and then she said I can't breathe and  fell unconscious on the ground the doctors called it a genuine miracle  that Rachel is alive they had never seen anyone survive such horrific injuries  i w even go swimming at the beach just in pools and these predators are found as  far south as broke Island
which is where 15-year-old Michelle caras was severely  stung that's how my hand got like that just lost my breath couldn't breath  too I thought I was going to die or something further north in maai 5-year-old  tanil was paddling in the shadows when a massive box jelly wrapped around her legs  TI the vinegar all over she was screaming hysterically the whole time in you know acute  pain although she recovered within days there's a good chance the scars will remain with her  for Life as a stark r
eminder of her awful encounter there's another creature that's been  inflicting pain on swimmers over the years and there's millions of them Portuguese man of war  or as we call it here the blue bottle during summer months we'll see them all up and down the  East Coast of Australia and is actually a colony of animals it has a breeding section A feeding  section and a stinging section blue bottles are active Hunters dragging their tentacles through  the water in search of prey and then the main f
ishing tentacle contracts the prey towards  the mouth Yes plural of the blue bottle the prey is violently impaled by thousands of tiny  harpoons then immobilized with deadly toxins and amazingly these Armada of blue bottles have  little floats that act like sails to catch the wind they actually have left-handed and  right-handed floats so only half of the Amada will be blown on Shore and the other half will  still be able to to survive even on Shore those Stingers can still sting so there's no p
oint going  along and popping them with your heel like lots of Australian kids were taught to do in the early  70s leave them well alone blue bottles have been a menace on Australian beaches for decades for  the second day in a row Blue Bottle Stingers were washed up on beaches most of the people stung  were treated at clubhouses and some had to be taken to hospital one boy aged 12 was taken to  the Prince of Wales Intensive Care Unit after he difficulty breathing shallow Waters tidal  Rock pool
s and Coastal reefs have long been a playground for The inquisitive and the adventurous  but they can also be a highly dangerous place with deadly sea creatures lying permanently in weight  unlike sharks or crocodiles the dangers of these Marine Stingers are not visible to the naked  eye camouflaged against Rock sand and coral the stone fish can be easy to miss the most  venomous of all fishes the danger lies in the base of their dorsal fin where 13 needle likee  spines stick up and secrete pote
nt neurotoxins when threatened their highly poisonous venom  causes extreme Agony within seconds and can last for days he would have only been about  that big little little sucker he was painful is it yeah it's pretty painful pretty painful  the pain can be so strong that victims can go into shock or cardiovascular collapse causing  death stonefish antivenom is the second most administered in Australia also in Shallow Waters  around Australia hundreds of varieties of cone snails sit quiet quietl
y awaiting their prey  beneath their attractive shells the cone snails have a poisonous Harpoon like tooth which spikes  and paralyzes their unsuspecting targets once immobilized the proboscis extends and the prey  has been devoured so if you AC accidentally touch one of these snails on the Barrier Reef you can  get paralyzed or you can actually die for humans stepping on a cone snail or even picking it up  can trigger a defensive sting causing intense pain vomiting muscle paralysis and respirat
ory  failure and at least one death was recorded in 1935 more active and just as dangerous is the  tiny blue ringed octopus so named for the rings that appear when the eight-legged sea creature  feels under attack the blur ring octopus when they're provoked it will give you a very nasty  Sting the Venom is injected and it's very very toxic again it's it's a neurotoxin you've got  to get help as quick as you can death is likely caused by paralysis of the diaphragm resulting in  Suffocation they a
re responsible for at least two deaths in Australia before 1960 in Darwin back in  1954 a 21-year-old sailor placed a small blue and yellow octopus on his neck while waiting back  to shore after spear fishing with a friend the friend noticed a tiny trickle of blood from where  the creature had been the Sailor was unaware of being bitten but soon complained of a dry mouth  and difficulty breathing and he was taken to hospital the distraught friend said the sailor's  last words were it was the Lit
tle Octopus it was the Little [Music] Octopus when it comes to  dangerous creatures size definitely doesn't matter just ask Sam canaz they're interesting  looking creatures while the 16-year-old was icing his leg leg at Brighton Beach in Victoria  recovering from a football match the pint-sized piranha prawns were feeding on his flesh for  half an hour they chewed away his legs numb from the freezing water until he got out by the  time I'd walked across the sand uh about 20 M to put my thongs on
I looked down and noticed that  I had blood all over my ankles we just thought oh we better clean off this bit of blood and  then realized it wasn't washing away I made the call immediately that he needed to be in  the hospital doctors were totally stunned with hundreds of pin Pricks appearing on his ankles  and no idea what caused them confirmation that the culprits were flesh eating sea fleas only  came after Sam's father decided to investigate by scooping out some seawat and adding a  piece
of meat results were immediate marine biologist say they are arthropods scavengers  of the sea similar to leeches there bugs are pretty small uh they were just obviously  thousands on Sam's legs in order to do the damage that they did they've been known to um  bite people before but I've never seen anything like what happened to this boy I certainly  won't be going icing my legs again anytime soon but some Stingers can kill in the most  unexpected ways and with the most unexpected victims closel
y related to the shark there are 60  species of sting rays spread throughout tropical and subtropical Waters they love it in the  shallows and spend much of their time half buried in the sand which make them practically  invisible to humans lacerations to the feet and lower legs are the predominant injuries stingrays  are a fairly docile creature unless they're feeling threatened by you several species have  a very strong Barb in their tail with Venom in it which can often result in a lot of pai
n this  only adds to The Surreal nature of the death of one of Australia's best known and loved Wildlife  experts a man very much at home with the most dangerous of animals it was the last thing anyone  expected when on the 4th of September 2006 Steve Irwin and his crew set out from Port Douglas  Bound for bat Reef near the low ises to shoot some footage for his daughter bindy's TV show on  dangerous marine animals if ever he was going to go it would have we always said it was going to  be the o
cean on land he was quick thinking quick moving the ocean puts another element in there  that you have no control over Steve was on board Croc one heading for the reefs the creatures and  his fate Paul Henley a local architect took this last photo basically the whole office uh went to  the back deck and gave him a wave and I'm just amazed that I was able to capture that perhaps  one of the last shots taken of Steve Steve and his cameramen had got some great footage of a  massive Stingray they we
nt down for one last shot basically he came around over the top of it  camera was ahead of it of the Ray and Steve came in over the top and that's when it happened then  without warning the creature attacked it started stabbing wildly with its tail hundreds of strikes  within a few seconds it all happened so quickly no one immediately realized something had gone badly  wrong the huge Barb hadn't just stung him it had ripped a gaping hole in Steve's heart it's just  like a knife wound into the he
art but then on top of that there would be a significant amount of the  cardiac toxin Steve was brought to Shore by boat a rescue helicopter was dispatched but he died  in the hands of the paramedics all the animals that Steve IR is known to wrestle and Wrangle and  carry on on with to go by Stingray is just almost ridiculous the man it is the most Sinister  the epitome of evil but anyone attempting to argue a case for their preservation runs  up against one of our most instinctive fears Austral
ia is famous for its deadly  snakes approximately 20 of them are the most venomous snakes in the world so we're  doing really well on an international level 550 people are admitted to hospital annually  with snake bites resulting in approximately one to two deaths per year you would expect  that most snake bites would happen out in the bush actually a lot of snake bites from  venom snakes happen inside the home like this redbelly black snake found in a wardrobe or  these carpet pythons discovere
d mating in a city roof and about 70% of people have been  bitten were actually trying to handle the snakes or kill the snake  at the time oh hey fella watch out these Brisbane snake wranglers are kept  busy as the temperatures soore a juvenile redbelly black snake was found next to a busy bike  path and we got a result we've done a lot out of the CBD here but yeah not many people know they  are here in just one day this team bagged nine deadly eastern brown snakes and four redbelly  black snake
s it's okay D settle down right near major playgrounds and tourist spots in the CBD  fast moving aggressive and known for their bad temper eastern brown snakes together with other  Browns are responsible for more deaths every year in Australia than any other group of snakes the  brown snake is the second most venomous snake in the world they thrive in populated areas this  1 M eastern brown male was caught in a Suburban Garden net that Wildlife surfaces carefully  extracted and weirdly there are
even Beach loving Browns one bite's enough to kill seven  men we just came back from a swim came back to dry ourselves and it's few snakes came about that  close to me but in the bush they can be hard to spot there he goes there goes there it goes what  have we got here mate if disturbed the eastern brown raises its body off the ground winding  into an S shape mouth gaping open and ready to strike its venom causes paralysis and stops the  blood from clotting which may take many doses of antiven
om to reverse victims can collapse within  a few minutes by the late 1980s antivenoms had long been proven as Lifesavers but the snake  identification process still had issues in bban Adelaide this almost led to a tragedy in the  case of 3-year-old Josh Harper who was bitten by a brown while he was taking a drink in the local  park his mother Lorraine rushed him to emergency as we walked through the door Josh's heart stopped  um partial paralyses had said into his body he was unconscious of cour
se didn't know who I was  or anything I was starting to panic because I looked at them and I said is Josh going to die  and the doctor just glared me he didn't answer me just sort of shrugged his shoulders he explained  then what they were doing and why it seemed to be taking so long that they really needed to identify  this snake because nothing can be done until it is I think it's that one the doctors were standing  there with a snake and books and trying to identify the snake and I would come
in and look at  him and just sort of shrug their shoulders at me and say well you know we're trying um But as time  was going on you could see that Josh was losing we were losing him with just minutes remaining before  certain brain damage snake expert Dr Julian white arrives and Dr White just he walked in and as he  walked past the doctors he said that's an adult brown snake this is the type of Venom this is  the amount now get on with it if Dr White hadn't walked in and at the very moment tha
t he walked  in Josh would be dead he would not be alive today and brown snake venom can cause some alarming  symptoms safety Bay is a pretty Coastal suburb of Perth Western Australia and home to Janine Taylor  who's also lucky to be alive she looks like this because of a snake bite but she wasn't Bitten on  her face she was Bitten on her foot horrifically scared I didn't know what had happened I didn't  put it to the sting on the toe it happened outside her local Bowling Club felt like a sharp
prick I  actually thought maybe a spider had got me or a bee my head was spinning my brain was spinning I  couldn't move my legs she was rushed to hospital where the doctors first thought it was a heart  problem until several hours later when her face started bleeding because the Venom was thinning  her blood then they started to panic I'm going to die 7 hours passed before the doctors realized  she hadd been bitten at 5:00 in the morning they said to me do you want us to call your kids um  beca
use we don't know where you'll be talking to them in 20 minutes doctors took a punt on the type  of snake giving her antivenom for a brown snake people have died you know irrespective antivenom  they die but Janine pulled through and doctors couldn't believe it quite dramatic signs of active  bleeding into into the soft tissues suggests that she was very lucky to survive if you think that's  a lucky Escape how about this in Alis Springs in 1994 Carol Matthews was just back at work after a  kidne
y operation when things took a bizarre turn I felt the first Prim prick and didn't think  anything of it and just kept looking but when she felt a second prick it made her look down she  couldn't believe what she saw a snake suspended in a spider web it wasn't just any web it was home  to a redback spider and the snake was a deadly Brown she was rushed to hospital where there  were doubts about her story well I don't think they believe this M walked in with the jar with  both of them in it docto
rs say it's a miracle she survived the red belly black snake is somewhat  less venomous than many other Australian snakes its bite is certainly no picnic it can still  knock you off your feet if you are bitten by a redbelly black snake it is very serious you  will need hospitalization you will need the anti Venom and they are very dangerous this  is Marie enza meeting a black snake for the second time in a fortnite she was nearly killed  by one at her Sydney home and it left a painful souvenir i
t literally felt like bwire being  pushed into your into your body um and you trying to walk against it it was pulling you  back a far more serious snake is the aptly named Death Adder unlike other snakes that  flee from approaching humans crashing through the undergrowth common death adders are more  likely to sit tight and risk being stepped on making them more dangerous to the unwary bushw  Walker the Venom contains a type of neurotoxin which causes loss of motor and sensory function  includi
ng respiration resulting in paralysis and death in can's 2012 Alicia stepped out into  the backyard and was attacked by a Death Adder I screamed she screamed you know in pain  obviously and I came running out I was very scared quick thinking Mom applied pressure  bandages so well Alicia didn't suffer any symptoms until the doctors took them off within a couple  of hours she started showing classic symptoms of a snake bite that's when they did the Venom  kit test after a good dose of antivenom Al
icia pulled through having stared death right in the  face yeah be careful in 2001 7-year-old Anthony Duca was attacked by a Death Adder in his home  on magnetic Island luckily his quick-thinking grandmother June was there to save the day by  the expression on his face I thought well he has been bitten by a snake I raced inside and  saw the death at so I grabbed his foot sucked as fast as I could I knew it was wrong but it  was Instinct and I did it just I wanted to save him Grandma quickly wrap
ped to tnic and he was  airlifted to hospital when the Venom took full effect he was on to his fourth dose of um the  antivenom he still couldn't swallow he could see me but there were two of me um his arms were  still flying around in the air he couldn't move other than involuntary reactions with that  last dose of antivenom he's just miraculously recovered this is the coastal taian you  don't want to make an enemy out of one of these guys extremely nervous and alert they  put up a ferocious de
fense when surprised or cornered freezing before hurling their  lightweight body forward to inflict several Lightning Fast snapping bites the taipan  is one of Australia's unique species of Wildlife and certainly its most deadly  before the introduction of an anti venom in 1956 Taipan bites caused many human deaths  of a snake of this size to kill something like 232,000 laboratory mice it's one of the most  potent Venoms in the world the Venom affects the nervous system and the blood with nausea
  convulsions internal bleeding destruction of the muscles and kidney damage in severe cases  death can occur in just 30 minutes the coast of tyan has up to 1 cm long fangs they can grow  to 9t long and they have the third most powerful Toxin and they're a fairly serious snake  when it comes to defending themselves so meet Eli Campbell the toddler who in September  2016 had Australia holding its breath when Eli was collecting eggs in the family chicken Coupe  in queensland's Agnes water he was a
ttacked by a coastal Taipan the third most deadly snake in the  world the 2-year-old Was Bitten three times which for a boy his size should have been fatal within  seconds I hear ow ow ow I could see the snake it was you know probably pushing 2 m long knew right  away this is very serious ears were starting to kind of go Bluey purple um losing his color losing  kind of Consciousness quite quickly mom Britney applied a pressure bandage in the ambulance Eli's  heart stopped he was considered dead
for 6 minutes my partner's telling me like you you've got to you  got to se body your boy cuz he's gone but after a week in a coma little by little Eli recovered  much to the Delight of his parents and the entire country with almost $100,000 donated to help with  his recovery sadly he will have to live with some long-term health issues but the fact that he's  still with us is truly a miracle just rooting for him you know every little thing he does he just  like yes keep going keep going [Music]
kid over the years there have been some strange and unlucky  encounters with snakes he's coming right out now we're not sure if the driver recovered after this  close encounter with the hitchhiking red belly black it might be the heat of the engine  but snakes do like a road trip it's going up on top of the tank so looks like he goes  in that sit this freeloading red belly black caused Chaos on a busy Main Road the wheels  of Commerce were halted when a tiger snake was discovered in a Victorian
Bank staff were  quick to down tools while a snake handler was called to rectify the situation yeah it's just  a baby tiger snake that I've just removed from the kitchen but one man snake encounter gives  new meaning to the term up close and personal the man Was Bitten on the penis by a brown  snake during a roadside toilet stop in remote North Queensland I found a little tree to get in  behind and I went to do me business and actually just sat down and and started started up you  know like and
um yeah I must have been right on top of him seen the Fang marks and and a bit  of blood come out and yeah pretty much knew I was in trouble it actually started to give me a  bit of a burning sensation so I shoved the cold rum can down there just to try and cool it  down and after such a traumatic episode did he and his member recover yeah it's all  good mate yeah it's been um tested so sh [Music] right it's estimated that there are  10,000 species of arachnids or spiders in Australia although o
nly around 3,000 have been  identified incredibly considering their reputation less than 50 are harmful to humans but we wouldn't  recommend getting this familiar as the dangerous ones are very very dangerous Sydney Australia  a city of over 5 million people this suburban sprawl grows every year into Bush and grasslands  pushing Wildlife much closer to home found in all regions of Australia the iconic redback spider has  a bad reputation with thousands of bites recorded every year although nobod
y has died since 1956  when a redback antivenom became widely available the Sydney funnel web is the deadliest arachnid  in Australia it is the most dangerous spider you can find its fangs are larger than a brown snakes  and so powerful they can Pierce toenails from the fangs a lethal quantity of Highly toxic venom is  injected that attacks the human nervous system this is an aggressive capable killer the funnel  web Burrows in moist cool and Shel Ed habitats often turning backyards into dangero
us playgrounds  these small holes were home to a cluster of funnel webs upon Discovery they were killed with an  insecticide sprayed into their Burrows at least 138 people have been attacked by funnel webs with  outdoor laundries a frequent location of bites in 1978 after her husband Albert Was Bitten on the  finger by a funnel web Dorothy striver recalls how a washing basket held more than just socks  I heard him saying Dory quick Dory quick and I come out and he just um just troll on it and  I
said is it f away and CU he we was running many circles he said found in the hospital found  in the hospital and so I just got lamp of string and just TI to T on it that's all that's all  I know what to do I didn't know what else to do Dorothy's action saved her husband's life the  toric a prevented the poison from traveling deep into his system but it turned out Albert was lucky  the female spider on the right is the one that attacked Albert had it been this much larger male  things could have
been a lot worse Ryan mccristal and his family also escaped a potential danger  in 1979 they were shocked to discover dozens of funnel web holes beneath the grass their children  were playing on Ryan poured gasoline down the hole to kill the spiders and at least 15 crawled to  the surface to die how do you supposed to feel you just feel upset and worried about the kids  and uh you know just have to get someone into exterminate the place and you know just go from  there the wife's not too happy
and the kids won't be playing for a while that's for sure and in 1982  high school student Don Raymond could have been the next fatality were it not for a newly invented  antivenom well I was doing rugby training for the school and I was just started doing some sit-ups I  felt a bite I thought it was only an ant and I got up looked around I saw the spider there and M just  grabbed me and laid me down and they ran up called an ambulance got a stretcher out and I just waited  till the ambulance ca
me at the time the antivenom cost $166,000 per dose the cost has since been  reduced but no value can be put on its life-saving capabilities there are so many dangerous spiders  snakes and Stingers in Australia that researchers had to work for decades to find foolproof cures  against these deadly creatures to create the antivenom a small amount of the Venom is injected  into another domestic animal such as a horse or a rabbit the antibodies the animal creates in  response to the Venom are harves
ted purified and stored for injection the Australian reptile Park  north of Sydney is the only supplier of Venoms in Australia these are some of the spiders that  have come in recently and staff regularly milk more than 300 snakes and 500 spiders oh look at  that huge squirt this isn't the anti venom this is snake venom so this is what sent away uh they  process this and turn it into an venine to save lives Australia is famous for its deadly creatures  in the ocean and on the land but there are
other dangers and they come from the skies bats can be  found in every Australian state in many cities and towns tens of thousands fill the night skies as  the massive colonies search for food at dusk but some bats and flying foxes now carry the deadly  Lissa virus Australia's rabies so far the virus has killed three Australians and every case has  occurred in tropical Queensland this peaceful Resort of Long Island is nestled amid the pristine  beauty of queensland's wit Sundays a paradise for t
ourists and for 8-year-old Lincoln Flynn it was  an idelic childhood playground he was an image of health of this beautiful taned body and these  blonde locks and big blue eyes he was yeah he just looked amazing in 2010 Lincoln's mom Michelle  took over as Long Island resorts general manager stepdad Colin became maintenance supervisor he  was a mad fisherman he would uh swim people would paddle on the paddle boards anything really  outside he wasn't a typical modern city type kid I guess who who
spends too much time in front  of the TV and the Xbox and the PlayStation he was actually out there doing it and he loved his life  he really did these loving parents thought they knew all the potential dangers that could harm  their three children certainly SN akes and spiders Marine Stingers perhaps yeah the irangi but uh  a bat never knew that uh there was even such a thing as Lissa [Music] virus Australian bat Lissa  virus is a modern name for an ancient disease and as with other types of r
abies it spreads the same  way through a bite or scratch its victims turn violent and froth at the mouth and when the Lissa  virus struck Lincoln Flynn on Australia Day in 2013 he displayed another classic rabies symptom  you know and he said to me Friday night he had a temperature when I gave him some water and Panadol  he thought I was trying to burn him and scold his throat overnight Lincoln developed seizures he  was admitted to hospital the next morning but doctors were baffled a barrage of
tests failed  to find any answers he just really wanted out it at that point and um that's when he he knelt  up on the bed and ripped out the high V lines and um you know obviously nurses and doctors come  running and he literally threw them off like they were tiny weny people it wasn't Lincoln it was the  Lissa virus the virus can lay dormant in the body for years before becoming active once it does  it's Unstoppable it creeps from nerve cell to nerve cell towards the brain there it begins to 
replicate causing irreparable damage and driving its host to seek out and attack new victims  it then makes its way to the saliva glands to await transfer to the next host the strength  that came through with this virus and he had a lot of um mouth secretions at that time because  the virus was trying to escape and impart itself to as many people and now you know it it's it's  just like it all looks back and it was horrific Lincoln's seizures became so violent doctors  placed him in an induced
coma and continued tests as the family also searched for an  explanation Lincoln's sister recalled that he'd been scratched by a flying Fox  2 months prior to his hospitalization okay come back to me if Lincoln had told his  parents about the scratch he might have been alive today a rabies vaccine administered  at the time during the 2-month incubation period would have stopped the Lissa virus in  its tracks but once symptoms appear it's too late doctors knew with the second round of tests  foun
d Lissa virus it meant a death sentence for Lincoln briefly awoken from his coma Lincoln  confirmed that he had been scratched by a bat on Long [Music] Island the tests came back  positive and a few days later his brain stopped functioning he became the third person in  history to be killed by Australian rabies the main point here is that any flying fox any  microbat in any Colony could potentially carry these uh deadly diseases uh we constantly put the  message out there that if you come in con
tact with a bat or a flying fox you need to seek medical  assistant the reality is this could happen in any of a number of locations around Queensland  and so the message clearly is that if you come in contact with any bat any flying fox please  seek medical assistance as soon as [Music] possible right across Australia it pays to look  out for attack from the air a survey has revealed that 90% of Australian men and 75% of women have  been attacked by magpyes this amazing native bird is highly in
telligent with very complex social  behavior and for a few weeks of the Year while the chicks are nesting the males can turn very  nasty indeed magpies are extremely Territorial and it's all about being good parents in 2015 in  Gosford New South Wales little aah hang is lucky to be able to see at 10 months old he underwent  surgery to save his eye after he was attacked by a magpie at a park near his home it never crossed my  mind that a magpie would Peck my baby in the eye and he could possibly
lose his eye um so yeah it  is pretty scary soon after 6-year-old Peter Adam Berry came close to losing his eye he was attacked  by the same Angry Bird along with three other children the man place with me right here there's  a cut right there opthalmologist Dr Michael Jones says the injuries can be devastating we've had  cases where people have had to unfortunately have an eye removed but the site can be damaged and  when you damaging the central part of your eye you can lose your vision to the
point of being  legally blind four-year-old Seth mcginness was tragically one of those cases he was attacked  and left blind in one eye the male birds for some and they get this huge boost of testosterone and  they get super aggressive and it's not just kids who are the target the magpies are particularly  fond of terrorizing push bike riders magpyes are very intelligent they recognize people if they  swoop on you you can go home and change clothes and they still will remember you and still swo
op  on you again the aerial Ambush on cyclist James Musgrave happens every morning a couple of people  have said I what you know he he should be shot but I'm on I'm on Maggie side but there is no one that  Ruffles the bird's feathers more than the magpie's prime target the posy I saw in the corner my  this little black dot looked like a little meteor Just Wings back it was just like doing  this massive dive on for years Australian post workers have been attacked from the skies by  these territor
ial troublemakers but now the posties are hitting back with a battle plan if  they're going to hit you they'll hit the helmet at the back keep your bike under control so we  just need you to be careful and Vigilant out there posties are being briefed on defensive  techniques before donning their Armory and rolling out the defense methods against  the Maggie are many and varied including eyes in the back of the head and scary  masks but do they work from my experience no Australia's most deadly i
nsect is found right  across the country from the Outback to the densely populated cities on this Sydney Railway line a  swarm of bees began building their nests on the tracks as Rush Hour approached passengers were  guided away from the active bees disturbed by passing trains be experts tried smoking the bees  to calm them but they simply moved on to the next platform it is this instinctive capacity to move  as one that makes bees so dangerous The Sting of one bee if disturbed or swatted inject
s Venom into  the victim and also releases alarm pheromones that signal The Hive to attack of the whole list of  animals that are dangerous to Australians the two top animals that kill people are horses and  bees everybody's surprised by this the bees in particular sting people we know this and people  die from anaphylactic shock it's the toxins in in their venom that stopped the heartbeating and  people die from that situation The Sting of the honey bee can cause anaphylaxis in roughly 3% of  t
he population with at least 25 deaths recorded in Australia since the year 2000 and on average is  responsible for two deaths every year essential to Australia's farming and agriculture Industries  the introduced European honeybee are known to aggressively defend their nests it was a lucky  Escape for one-year-old Nathalia sa she was stung more than 200 times by bees kept in a hobby Hive  at her Sydney home nathalia's mother died in the attack after shielding her daughter from the Swarm  and suf
fering a severe allergic [Music] reaction Australia has dangerous animals everywhere  they've got Stingers in the ocean we've got things that can bite you and eat you and  we've got snakes and spiders when traveling in Australia the risk of encountering a dangerous  animal is real but mitigating that risk is the key there're some beautiful creatures deadly  but beautiful leave them alone they'll leave you alone but come and enjoy the beautiful  amazing animals that we have here in this country
