
Bloodywood - Yaad - Indian Folk Metal - Reaction & Rant with Rollen (First Listen)

Music Reactions, First listen & Free Flowing Opinions, Rollen takes a listen and filters it back through his own unique lens. Looking to start a conversation but will settle for a like and subscribe. Thanks for joining me at Reactions, Rants, and Rabbit Holes. Clip used for Reaction: Patreon - Ko-Fi -

Rollen Green - Reactions - Rants & Rabbit Holes

8 days ago

good morning everyone not even 8 o'l my  part of the world so we are starting out I mean Dawn just broke it's uh G to be a  cold snowy beautiful day bloodywood Yad now uh straight out of requests out of the  comments uh out of uh my some right out of the comments uh I've enjoyed what I've heard  I do have a little uh inside knowledge on what it's about so I think I'm going to just  check it out and see what it brings out of me as a uh admitted more than once pet  owner appreciator I mean you kno
w I love my dog do you remember when I said I would love you  forever and you thought it would only last as long as we were together for the p theast l  but it made me better had to love to Lost feel that more than this is where my channel gets  complicated uh because I talk about all kinds of crazy stuff that seg we into this reaction  so I am literally I mean literally bringing a bunch of feelings from the last reaction just  went 20 minutes on another subject that ends up uh starting out my d
ay over on patreon uh  not a solicitation it's just a matter of fact um I was reflecting on on having to leave a dog  home alone and go I I'm starting a full-time job uh mostly I've been here on the channel but you  know it's a tough grind so you do what you got to do and I'm starting back to 40 hours least you  know or more away from the house and I'm you know 13-year-old dog thank goodness the one-year-old  cat brings so much energy to the house that I think he going to be oh Poncho is going t
o be cool  Hunter's going to keep Poncho just uh uh fired up inside joke to feel lost you feel that now  more than ever you're never going to be lost your fire burns beneath the frost and Empire bu  between my thoughts crisscross across line that can be cross a million memories in this melody  singing to me smile this is the way it's me to be I see you coming as a gift not even as a cousin  even though it hurts and makes me feel like I'm one with the universe steady more than ready to  ride the
angel and my guide a part of this spuck in the poweride so I go DET attack and I'm  G little back for a bit but I'm still moving on to a story in a canvas yet to be dawn of a  child of the night but I fight for the dawn on and on on and on in the way uh before he goes  on and on and on and on the song is super good I I am admit I admit that it's connecting to  other ideas so uh if you wait all the way to the end I I'll even it explained because I I  they have notes about it right here uh I I I g
ot I found I was watching a movie and someone  made a uh the most asinine reference to um uh animal enslavement and um I thought the line  was so repulsive because it completely ignored the history of uh the relationships of humans  animals and and if you wait to the end I'll get to it because it's it's a little well it's  it's a kind of a bloody warlike story about war elephants so to be of a child of the night but I  fight for the Dawn and and on singone but what we have yeah I'll leave it at
this for the song uh NE oh [ __ ] next to my mom on  the Shelf are the pets I love as well to see every day we have me May B me the baby are cookie and do you remember when I said I would  love you forever and you thought it would only last as long as we  were together do you remember when I said I would love you forever  and you it as long as we were together how me B me do baby Cookie wait hi guys this is Cen  I want okay [ __ ] shoot H I'm I might need it yeah whatever I  don't care I do uh I
do because uh it' be a lot easier to make jokes but  all that did that was really good and uh the painful memories are mixed with  the positive memories the the pain is good uh I think the pain is  good because the pain means it's real uh I think uh you know at the same time uh so much lack of care and I can only reflect  upon myself I I don't have that I I I'm on I believe I'm I'm GNA be on the you know  let's take care of animals side and uh it kind of makes me  mourn inside that so many uh c
ruel individuals that cruelty is so easily dealt out I'm I'm very interested want to thank you  for watching this video Yad which is Hindi for in memory or remember is a song about overcoming  the loss of a loved one as a dog owner or a pet owner it's a certainty that at some point of  time in your life you will be faced with the loss of your bit along with that loss has  accompanied a lot of emotional trauma but also a huge sense of guilt where you'll find  yourself asking whether you did the r
ight thing whether what you did was enough whether I  think this is very interesting but I need to share I don't mean to interrupt but I I think  because of the simple nature of mortality alone that our connection to animals and the fact  that their longevity is um something we have to right we go through it more than once uh uh  some pet owners have lost three four five dogs if they built or whatever the animal of choice is  please don't think that uh the moment because I'm a cat person I mean
my ex feed is conspiracy  theories and cats I like kitties too I think you know the noble wolf and the great lion uh  got domesticated down to some awesome awesome friends but my point is is that I think it's a  test I think it's to prepare us for the truth of our existence that we are going to be  asked to love and lose and then have to go on and that's the thing is is loss is something we all have to engage in we all  have to embrace uh uh reluctantly the least or Worse um it's going to happen
experiencing it and and I guess just  from listening this short little bit lessening the trauma by learning and understanding and  realizing that um our guilt is did did you do what was right and did the the animal have a life  well then the simple fact that their timeline and our timeline aren't the same should relieve you  of guilt and the lesson should be more about well I you know just not guilt um now that's this is a  personal personal thing I'm not taking a shot at what's being said here
and I definitely want to  go on you could have done something differently and if you're going through something like  this through this song we want to let you know that even though there's a void that they  leave behind when they go they also leave you with a gift that very rare exceptional gift is  knowing and experiencing unconditional love and forgiveness and we want to tell you that the  only way to honor their time in our lives is by imbibing those values within you and giving  back as mu
ch as you can okay now don't skip this video there's something really important I want  to talk to you about India has a huge homeless animals population literally everywhere you look  you'll find less dogs on every street and every corner they end up suffering Road accidents  extreme starvation diseases and unfortunately a lot of human brutality there's not much that's  been done in terms of Animal Welfare so it's up to us to do as much as we can now amongst us  live Heroes who really champion
this purpose they're basically not for-profit non-government  organizations that are run by animal lovers and one of those organizations is the Posh Foundation  where we are at today POS Foundation deals with rescue Rehabilitation adoption and animal birth  control of these homeless animals very recently the van that they used to rescue these animals  broke down due to overuse and became completely unusable so from the money that we made on  Rage Against the Machine toour last year and through p
atreon we funded this new van to the  porch Foundation now this one which they'll be using as the new ambulance will take a total  of 10 to 15 calls each day and it's going to run for at least 5 years so that's a total of  27,000 animals potentially saved that's a huge number it's by far the purchase that we're most  proud of we want to thank our patrons for sticking around with us and making it possible for us  to do this and that's it from us if you like the video if you like what we do please
share  this video it really helps us go a long way and if you really want to support us the best way to  do that would be through patreon uh you can head over to and donate any monthly amount  that you would see fit uh and join the amazing family that makes all of this possible so we'll  see you very soon with the upcoming documentary and the next song until next time we love you  all thanks once again for watching till the end of the video we'll see you next time bye-bye we're  beh
ind behind the scenes behind the scenes behind the scenes behind the scenes and I'm expecting  any day to oh [ __ ] I needed that I needed that bad electric pants static I'm go like this uh I think out of respect I  just want the credits to run but at the same time I I I really don't watch it first  so I got really lucky there uh I did I got I got really lucky and I believe  uh that is it it it is a universal toll ah the the power to nurture life or take it and condemn it and no matter what our
peers  think the universe knows the truth and and uh any any energy uh to give back for what's been taken I I I respect ah yeah gonna go with that wow  that really was uh uh on the verge um ironically enough it it really bring me  back to to some of the big dogs I had relationships with boy that sounds weird  but I think we know better by this point um jealous jealous of big dogs I can't I can't  have a big dog no more I like big dogs oh okay oh [ __ ] so I was trying to watch uh Ghostbusters  3
to see if it was actually funny or if the haers were just mean and this is what happened at the  one minute 39 Mark they make a joke about PT Barnum enslaving animals or elephants now you  do I think the circus has a poor track record with animal attractions hell yes but that's not  what I'm here for I went over to uh Wikipedia which I hate but it's a source of information  that I can access and I pulled it up and uh we got uh 338 BC record of war elephants and so on  and so forth so I wondered
to myself the person who wrote that line was that just complete  ignorance or was it self-loathing because our relationships with uh animals from loving and  rescuing them to enslaving them to cross the Himalayas or whatever I'm no history buff but  goes back a little bit farther than the this generation of self-loathing uh Progressive idogs  it just it just irritated me because I I think if we're gonna make these jokes why don't we tell  tell the truth not just hate ourselves because I want to
love every individual that works for  the betterment of let say the animals life and I would instantly use natural law against a person  hurting an animal if I saw it I I wouldn't have a choice it's that cruelty is is the sign of  the psychopath and um one of our first steps is accepting the fact that not all our peers  are good people and this idea that everyone is as equal value nah the person spinning the dog  around beating it is not equal value no and we've come too far we come too far and
decided that  somehow everyone no the cruel The Psychotic the incapable of feeling love they are not my peers  they are not my equals they are not as worthy I'm sorry but it's just true cruelty exploit all that [ __ ] has  no purpose except for other people Empower to impose their will on other lives being  it the animal kingdom or human other human themselves it's all [ __ ] and there's  one of our first starting points not pretending 30 years ago when I was  a criminal I wasn't worthy I didn'
t deserve to be around regular decent  people because I took from them well technically I didn't I only took from drug  dealers but that's another story uh yeah I think crime against criminals I thought  there was a moral loophole there there wasn't and giving out all those  moral loopholes is one of our biggest problems so this was very I I  I needed a little righteous anger to clear up that emotional uh uh uh well I was  slipping into I didn't want to drown in dog feelings bloody wood y um I r
emember many of my furry friends later



My furry friend of 13 years just passed away a few weeks ago and I'm still not OK with it. As much as I love Bloodywood, I couldn't even listen to this song for the first week or so after he died. I still cry every time I hear it. But, it's healthier to deal with the sadness than to stuff it away.


❤❤❤ Oddly I had a dream about my dog that I lost 4.5 years ago. Thanks!


Great reaction, Rollen. Thoughtful as always. One thing I love about animals is how they can show a person's true nature. I love seeing guys who are tough as nails (or who LOOK tough as nails) just melt with the presence of an animal. It's a good reminder that yes, evil people can look 'normal', and scary-looking people can be some of greatest friends you could ever find. Anyway, that's just what came to mind this time watching this video. Good luck with the new job and the changes it brings.


This one got me in the feels.


Henry Lau Believer (begin again) Moonlight loop station Live in Melbourne writer, singer 12 instruments, dance, producer, 2 tv shows