
Bob's Burgers 2024 Season 15 Ep.. 4 Full Episode - [NEW] Bob's Burgers 2024 Full NoCuts Full #1080p

Bob's Burgers 2024 Season 15 Ep.. 4 Full Episode - [NEW] Bob's Burgers 2024 Full NoCuts Full #1080p Bob's Burgers 2024 Season 15 Ep.. 4 Full Episode - [NEW] Bob's Burgers 2024 Full NoCuts Full #1080p Bob's Burgers 2024 Season 15 Ep.. 4 Full Episode - [NEW] Bob's Burgers 2024 Full NoCuts Full #1080p

Rashid Vai_01

1 day ago

[Music] [Music] so this Stormfront could change course and make landfall this weekend we're in wait and sea mode either way don't get mad at me about it just doing my best ah Scott bag seems really vulnerable right now that's hot hey Mr Fish Hello Burger lady tiny people hi hello Bob how are you Bob uh good good good good uh is this about the rent sorry Linda put a smiley face on the check I I thought it was too much was it too much is that why you're here no I enjoyed it I knew it what do you d
oing this weekend Bob nothing fun or interesting or cool right um probably not why well I need a private Chef for private cooking at a private location and yes you will need to sign this NDA NDA no dingling allowed wait are you asking me to cater an event or something yes a camping event oh camping it's actually more like fancy camping fancing I call it with let's just say a secret Club of powerful members A brotherhood really The Blood Oath was fun but messy Mr Fisher are you in the Illuminati
you can tell us we're on the wait list no those guys wish they were in The Babylon League The Babylon League Babylon like the ancient thing oh yes a bunch of powerful men letting our hair down and picking the next president over s'mores and Cocktails and naughty jokes none of that makes me want to take this catering cake sorry Bob I need you I sort of kind of forgot that we voted last year to each bring our own chefs from now on since everyone's got their dietary restrictions and the other membe
rs already picked over the best chefs in town so now I'm asking you thank you name your price a billion do no a million dollar nope a billion dollar she just said that how about $973 that's very specific it's the price for a new condensa for the walk-in which apparently we need the one we have is ready to go to that walkin in the sky right I guess ignore boring that horrible sound isn't going to fix it boring but sold really so Bob do we have a deal okay I guess I'll do it yay wait they said the
re might be a storm aren't you worried about the weather you you don't really need to worry about the weather when you know the people I know they take care of all that wait what oh and Bob whip up a custom cocktail will you it's kind of part of the whole thing think refreshing yet sour manly yet Whimsical a cocktail uh okay and gin lots of gin and call it something clever the things we'll do for a condenser I mean we'll do yep okay come aboard wait wait wait wait wait put this on all right okay
now come aboard but I have a blindfold on I I can't see you should have thought of that before you put the blindfold on okay I'll try ow I don't know why you stepped there ow you're bad at this no peeking I'm not what speed up okay no peing can I take the blindfold off I'd love to be able to see things again uh fine oh my God we're on a cliff Mr Fish owner what if I fell well that would have been embarrassing in for me I'd be the idiot whose Chef fell off the cliff so my uh custom cocktail is H
going in my mouth soon yeah it was actually kind of fun to come up with I I hope you like it it's Jen and mint and a dash of pickle juice I call it the league of exonary gentlement I think we should call it the ringing h fine yeah you know I haven't had any reception since we got to the island is there a place where there's no cell phone reception on the island we paid a lot of money for that you can make your tick tocks when you get home Bob that's not what I come come bring the ring yep yep s
ure sticky Nicki MacArthur how's the family Rich one Hubert the hammer hamers SMI how are the hearings some people are going to prison not me brother Calvin downtown Randolph Bracken Brown there he is here I am soggy yogy sharen Heimer the gang's all here Calin no chefs at the ccret Circle they're supposed to stay at the tents can I keep him the liquor pitch is all sweaty I don't want to hold it let's have a taste the cocktail will decide his fate oh uh okay EXC it he can stay why does your Chef
look so familiar was he working the omelet station at your last sex party what no Bob's a burger man well those were good omelets and a hell of a sex party just really well organized I went a bit more upscale with my private Chef I brought Sergio from Sergio heard of it me too he's making llama because I only eat llama now oh enough about the Llama more llama drama Mr I brought alive llama can't seem to talk about anything else you're going to slaughter it here no for everyone that I eat I adop
t a live one some people don't get it I'm one of those people people Sergio gets it well what do you say fell should we uh tell the chefs to start cooking we'll have our feast and let out our inner Beast feast and Beast I love that they climb not bad Burgermeister I saw Randol eyeing my dinner he barely touched his llama oh thanks what are you doing cleaning Square yep I just took a bunch of drugs Bob a bunch all mixed together in a cast iron cauldron that we heated over the fire that's how peop
le do drugs that seems to make sense for what this is you do my face paint uh sure what's this for tradition ritual make me look like Simon Leon and Hungry Like the Wolf I'm just going to do a stripe oh you're moving so that that looks good feeling strong very strong wa speaking of strong jeez this is it's I think it's about to rain uh do do you feel drops it's starting Bob it's starting so this is a storm I think the one you said wasn't going to happen I love electronic dance music great still
nothing from your father how's he even supposed to grow burgers in a storm like this when you don't listen to Scotty bags you end up with sagy buns he's on a camping weekend with rich people I assume there are Butlers that hold umbrellas over all the Buns speaking of buns why are we not eating postner pre- bedtime snacks right now my hand keeps doing this but there's nothing in it I'll go get something I'll go with you so it's not just crackers no offense what we had carrots that one time dad le
ft a lot of our things it's like we live in a nightclub now yeah your dad was Sir mixologist last night it was quite the cocktail party if you like a cocktail party where it's just you and the person making drinks are those a real thing I thought cocktail parties were just in movies and TV shows oh yeah someone invites you to their house and they made snacks and they made a playlist you have to pretend you like their music you'll go to them when you're a little old it's how adults socialize unti
l they have kids then you don't do anything I don't understand why is it called a cocktail party why isn't it called a hanging out and talking party is that what you guys are doing cuz the snacks are taking a while snacks are coming they're coming they call them cocktail parties because some grown-ups have a drink to loosen up but don't have too many cuz you don't get invited back don't monopolize the conversation don't stay too late don't get there too early whoo whoa wo should I be writing thi
s down you're freaking me out don't wear brown and black never look into someone's eyes bring your own fork and briefcase of course everyone knows that and leave one of your shoes as a gift but you got to hide it ah I don't get it how does everyone know all this stuff no no no don't listen to them they're messing with you but I can show you everything you need to know you want to have a mocktail party kids meet me in the living room in 10 minutes wear something nice how much cleavage is too much
cleavage you're a cool ooh this will probably be just as fancy as the party of dad's at right now oh my God oh my God huh [Music] what people are leaving are leaving they took the lava and they left b b you're saying too many words close this part shake that part with a hbert he's all hi and Drug Mr Fisher I'm worried that the storm is going to get worse and we're on an island and our phones don't work and and that's no that's good that's why we're here you just don't have enough face paint on
it keeps you dry haven't you noticed I'm completely dry have you asked yourself how that's possible uh-oh you are all very St okay I'm going to go pack everything onto your boat and then we should go and everyone else should go soon too I will be right back to get you and whoever wants to live tonight okay oh boy 10 not looking good a and the boats are sinking Mr Fish owner hello Mr Fisher is that blood oh my God huh turn off your light what light sh he's hunting us he took a bite out of Randolp
h's arm who took a bite Hubert he's gone completely wild he's turned into some sort of animal with Eddie Bower pants on okay well I have to tell you about your boat this is awful this is so so awful we're trapped on this island with that why did I say yes to this ah this is going to get infected shush Calvin you don't have any antibiotics do you no seems like kind of a nerdy thing to pack on a boy's weekend it hurts what's the point of taking drugs if you feel pain when someone bites your should
er should we make our way to the boats this has been fun but Bob I think you were saying something about packing up there's no boats Mr Fish Hunter that's what I was trying to tell you they're all gone or they're smashed what why didn't you tell me I did you were on drugs don't blame the drugs what boats are gone who left a lot of people the private chefs are all gone I think other people they saw the storm and they left cuz they're smart who's this guy he's sober oh shush come on you're not an
an Hubert you're an Episcopalian you know what we need couple more ringings looking nice looking very sophisticated Jean liking the shorts with dad's jackers mhm business dadel and I invented a new way to tie a tie makes the old way look stupid all right now that we have some drinks in hand let's do some role play Tina stand there you're the host I'm the host just for this just for this okay I'm the first guest to arrive you ready ding dong hello hi honey I'm 30 minutes early here's a bottle of
wine that someone gave me as a gift is that what you're going to wear tonight aren't you going to put on music can I help out with snacks or anything no okay can I see what you have in the fridge I haven't had dinner also I blocked your neighbor's driveway he's cool right and seeing dos and don'ts call them out what did I do right what did I do wrong um you showed up early that's nice no no no showing up 30 minutes early is worse than showing up an hour late just take the time they tell you to a
rrive at 30 minutes and you're good what else call them out don't be like like how you work more specifically what did I do wrong everything after hello correct let's do another one let's do another one Louise stand here we're both guests you waiting for the bathroom I come up behind you hi I'm drunk will you hold up my hair while I puke and sink she seems fun okay let's stop for a minute I can't see where we're going but I don't want to use the lamp because the B guy might see us the B guy has
a name Bob oh God I wish we had our guns not to kill him just to shoot him a little bit yeah why don't you have your guns I thought that was part of your group dynamic no guns on the island our insurance covers Us for drugs or guns but not both can we stay here are we hidden I think we're hidden found you yeah we could hear your voices all the way from over there you two get bit at all still just me stop asking that mosquitoes love me too what was that did you fart B no that was a twig snapping
farts don't sound like that some do that hurts told you stop fighting Hubert put some clothes on all right I think we have to go on offense if we keep running he's just going to keep jumping out of the bushes and biting us us have you been bitten oh hush you were pretty pissy about some of us talking about our bites just like a moment ago listen to Bob I'm nominating him for Captain what he's the least drugged up of all of us who's Bob me but I don't want to be Captain I just want to live listen
this hbert guy can can we catch him somehow trap him if we can tie him up till the drugs were off then all will have to deal with his the storm that gives a slightly better chance of surviving the night trapping hbert H not bad true good idea Captain to set a trap we need bait not it not it not it not it wait what no no no no no no no bad plan bad plan just a little more beef on the eyebrows to make him seem extra tasty and I think we're done I'm giving him a beef mustache on top of his real mu
stache clever and the trap is baited no your captain says no no human fate no human fate sorry Bob the captain doesn't have voting rights I'll never forget you Captain oh my God guys please untie me I don't like this don't worry Bob we're not going to let Hubert eat you I mean not all of you just nibble long enough so that we can grab him and tie him up 10 to 15 bytes Max it's just the not it thing I wasn't ready should we count 1 2 3 do over 1 2 3 dam it okay let's review how many drinks do you
have at a cocktail party depends on your body weight and zodiac sign your age plus one no no no two and a half first one loosens you up second one nurse it last one put it down don't finish it you don't need it but don't put it on a stereo or any furniture where it's going to leave a little ring make a big show looking for a coaster what's a coaster we don't have any but some people do some people care about their Furniture but where where do I put this I'm pouring mine in the plant no no no pl
ants don't like sweet drinks just hard liquor Tina hold on to it Pretend This a second okay let me think what's next ooh I'm going to throw my keys into the key bow I think it's something grown-ups do when they want to meet Sigourney Weaver I'm loosening my tie dad's missing a wild night how did you tie this so well you're all so stoned I had a friendship racely period Carin doesn't wear his just doesn't really go with anything I own Qui quiet he sounds hungrier guys guys let's do this different
ly maybe we dig a hole put a top across oh but who wants to dig a hole oh I should never have come here I just needed a new condenser I'm going to go uh put some more meat on him I think we missed a few spots give him a beard to go with the mustache here I am putting meat on you what are you doing I'm taking your wallet in case he kills you what kidding I'm untying you and some meat there and some more meat here thank you but why I don't know just my buzz is wearing off and someone needs to cook
breakfast in the morning no Hubert sounds horny go go run you didn't untie my feet I thought it would be funny the bait's getting away the bait's getting away sorry fellas he's my chef food before dudes let's get him we'll use both as bait yes you hear that kin you just joined the bait Club oh that's good oh boy they seem really ticked off I hope they don't vote me out of the club the kicking out ceremony is brutal so much singing sorry but also this club doesn't seem great so I can see how the
biting thing has been a bit of a downer no all of it your people and the way you are and the things you do quietly run the world really well with no problems we actually have an award party we all get trophies we're going to need a chef for that too Bob don't don't worry it's a different Island oh my goodness The Boat House What boat house the one on the other side of the island that has a boat in it you're just remembering this now yes well it's old no one uses it and there may be just a dingh
y there but still worth a shot row home get to my house tonight and time for a night cap I I don't think we should go out in the open ocean in a dinghy in a bad storm no the weather's calming down and it's not exactly the open ocean yeah it is we're like an hour away from the mainland we're like 5 minutes maybe 15 in the dinghy depends on who's rowing not it what then why did it take us so long you've never had a secret Island have you you can't blindfold someone and then go 5 minutes away I did
a few laps oh my god well do do you think we could fit everybody on the dingy yeah anyway I think I know the way should we talk and walk but quietly because of the multiple parties hunting us oh and while we're walking maybe uh you can think of a reasonable partial refund for me since it looks like you won't be cooking [Music] breakfast God hate that he does that no boat house there no boat house there I also hate when you do that it makes me think that you don't know where we're going am I thi
nking of the right Boat House darn now it's starting to seem like something I made up what well we had a nice walk anyway oh there it is oh I'm pretty sure this is the boat house with a dinghy inside wait was it a dinghy or was it a disco now that was a cool boat house hey qu it ow gez Samuel too far Oh I thought we were doing the whole wacky wacky stick thing nope okay well sorry no need I didn't even feel it you didn't get hit I did oh well then apology accepted oh my God guys I really don't l
ike being tied up I tried to express that earlier when you tied me up the first time tied up twice in the same day is that a record for you not for me and you people are not listening to me there's a boat in the boat house we can use it to get off the island the bait's trying to trick us again sorry bait might there might be a boat in there stop saying that can someone just go and look inside all the way over there I'll go it's the least bitten thing I can do I can't believe you were going to le
ave us Calin and to think I was going to let you taste my llama we weren't we were going to get everybody yeah everybody is it's here I call front wonderful I call not next to Augie hey sorry it's just you know how you are in boats okay come on Calvin and Calvin's Chef you can hop to the boat house right bye-bye Babylon Island see you next year and good luck to you Hubert wherever you are you'll be getting a bill from my dermatologist no no guys you can't leave your friend know we're calling him
a friend professional acquaint I am married to his sister but can we get going discuss it on the boat you you can't leave Hubert he could get hurt or possibly die you would all feel bad I won't feel that bad because I will be in my bed you got to make some tough decisions sometimes you got to be strong Burger guy that's what this Island's all about mhm sure you guys think a little compassion is weak a little decency it might not be easy but it's definitely strong that that's what I think can we
just start backing towards the boat house nod and step nod and step I think the self-righteous high hored burger man is right it would be wrong and not strong for us to leave Hubert behind hey oh and I have an idea that I hate but you will all like he's right I really do like it he's just good bait I know I kind of want to eat him third tie up of the day Bob you've tied my tie-up record thank you oh here he comes he's nude he's in good shape isn't he everyone ready every went ready with the tar
p you guys don't look ready where's the tarp oh right the tarp where did we put that oh my God what are you doing in here we're practicing how to get out of a boring conversation which is actually really fun you should come back I can't mom I can't I don't know how I'm going to remember all this stuff I'm never going to be able to be an adult and no one is ever going to want me at their cocktail party how am I going to remember to come a half hour late use a coaster don't double dip ask people q
uestions about themselves 2 and 1/2 drink Max make sure the bathroom door is locked before you pee thank the host and don't be the last one out it's too much I can't remember at all Tina that was everything from top to bottom you did it I did did the party move in here yeah this is where the cool kids are where are they hiding Now teach us how to make nice with the cops when they come about the noise oh yeah let's do that one I'll be the cops what's going on here hello officer does this dance ma
ke you want to join the party oh wow yeah that changes everything this seems realistic sorry again about your arm Bob is it y just send me the dark to spill like rest does anyone else want to go get ice cream yes love this my treat anyone have any extra pants I'd like to go home no you know where the secret Island is now I'm afraid we have to kill you what kidding but you do have to come for ice cream it won't be any fun without you yeah who will we fling our sprinkles at [Music] okay hello hi h
oney I'm 30 minutes early here's a bottle of wine that someone gave me as a gift is that what you're going to wear tonight I you going to put on music can I help out with snacks or anything no okay can I see what you have in the fridge I haven't had dinner also I BL you ne's driveway he's cool right he's cool right he's cool right he's right [Music] right holding hands in side by-side bathtubs is this an ad for side by-side bathtubs I want them where have you been it's :15 we have half the town
out looking for you you how was date night great all right it was great it fine it was really good yeah it was fine I'll take my doggy bag now bread sticks bread sticks bread sticks breadsticks well I'm going to sleep I'm exhausted from Painting the Town beige what's that supposed to mean I I thought you liked Rudies yeah the first 15 times Bobby we almost never get to go out next time we should try something new look we work hard so on the rare occasion we take a little break it's nice to know
what we're getting wa dad turn the romance down a notch HH Bob I'm tired of us plopping down at Rudy's and eating soup salad bread sticks and fish it's always soup and salad bread sticks and fish the type of soup changes what was it tonight cream of something thank you Tina we need Adventure where we're going to shrivel up and die right in front of the kids I call dibs on mom and dad's room I call their clothes of jewelry I call uh um wait what's left dad's DVDs dabs all the cards we've ever giv
en mom mine this is all happening so fast put your seat BS and trade tables up cuz we're about to take off okay woo sea plane flying lessons what's a SE plane I want to say it's a plane you can see but that can't be right I was at the market and I took this flyer out of a woman's shopping cart and I signed you and me up for flying lessons first lesson's free aren't you excited uh no I hate flying on big planes why would I want to go on a smaller even less comfortable plane are you doing that thi
ng where you're mean to Sea planes because you really like sea planes pulling on their hair let's just stick to good old Rudies no no no no no more boring dates we need Adventure excitement we're flying look at me come on give me a hand no I don't come on look out look out for the bird I'm not going on a SE oh there's a balloon how'd that get up here I'm not in the air oh look at the town from up here I don't see anything I'm on the ground I see it the people look like ants no wait those are ant
s and that's where Ma lives and Pa I told I didn't go in the plane I'm not with you fine then I'll go on our adventure by myself you go to Rudy's and have a canalone all alone oh my she just ryb bured you put some lotion on that YooHoo I'm here for the SE plane lesson are one of you fellas the flight teacher oh not me I'm old but if you're looking for a father figure look no further young lady a no fair enough hi there I'm Kurt nice to meet you I'm Linda this was supposed to be a couple's lesson
but my husband's being a jerk I I mean he didn't want to come I mean he he couldn't come too bad he is lost I'll go guess just kidding I know I'm not allowed to go well let me introduce you Linda this is Shana oh she's a 1968 sweeten igle that I rebuilt by hand she's 45 years old but she looks 30 and she handles like she's 18 ah if I die today I want that on my headstone I love it go ahead and grab a hold of that Yol and once that little needle reaches 60 knots we're flying no you're flying I'm
flying I am flying you're a great teacher Kurt you're great for noticing I am flying better than breed sticks woohoo I haven't heard that one but okay uh hi Mr fishot sh sh quiet Bob all right see you in hell Roger what this is the only spot I get good reception oh is someone taking flying lessons yeah our mom poor Bob I had no clue you and Linda were on the Rocks we're not you're not not on the Rocks ah denial a woman doesn't take flying lessons from upskirt Kurt because she's satisfied in her
marriage wait what are you talking about who's upskirt CT oh yeah I've heard of that guy no Macho SE plane pilot who beds Bor Housewives what do you mean beds he makes their beds now Jean CT is seducing your mommy h he's a good listener because that bird likes to chirp all right knock it off it's just a flying lesson with upskirt courage look you know what's happening right now she's cramped in a way too small space nauseous from diesel fumes and this guy's Bo you just described her life with y
ou trust me she is hating it I wouldn't be too sure Bob see uh Kurt has a certain aphrodesiac he utilizes aphrodesiac yes yes first he pretends there's a problem with the plane what's what's that sound what what's that sound are we okay that's odd we're losing altitude radio's dead what what's going on what's Happening we're okay but we're going down then a fake emergency landing on an uninhabited Island Qui acquisit Island to be precise but the locals call it Quicky kiss it why do they call it
that it's a make out Island where people go to make out that's why I want to get a kayak Quicky kiss it emergency landing that that cannot work it could Bob look at Castaway Tom Hanks falls in love with a volleyball it works ctt's a hero and the board wife is putty in his big strong hands oh I didn't know he had big strong hands going to die I've never died before and I'm not about to start now the board wife cheats death then cheats on her husband that's the power of adrenaline kids oh you shou
ld teach at my school and you should work in my Coal Mine got to go sorry about your marriage so so sorry Bob look I really don't think a professional flight instructor is going around faking emergency Landings Teddy you're probably right Linda look at me we're going to be okay I'm going to set her down nice and easy oh God the engine I don't want to die I don't want to die just got to point the nose down and do a controlled dive oh we're got to crash no we're going to flare wait for the plane t
o settle onto the water just like a duck on a pond okay duck duck duck oh duck duck duck duck duck quag quag CR quag duck duck you did it we're alive oh Kurt you saved us I did I really did guess between my training and my instincts okay oh God I got mouthwash around here somewhere upskirt CT what a nickname I mean it rhymes for one is Mom wearing a skirt I can't remember what did she wear today maybe he supplies skirts on the plane all right knock it off your mom isn't being seduced right now a
nd I shouldn't have to say that to my kids well you did get into a big fight with her earlier and shouldn't she be back by now she should oh God all right you know what let's go down and meet her at the Docks not like I'm worried but just because I we should see the docks H nothing like seeing a good dock right dad mhm uh excuse me sir I'm looking for my wife she's taking a flying lesson she may or may not be wearing a skirt oh my goodness this is awkward uh uh what why nothing so flying lesson
huh uh yes she's uh she's supposed to be back by now gosh I I just don't normally see the husband or the kids Shez real life comes up and hits you in the face uh okay uh maybe we should go check out the island you know just to be safe uh sir how do we get to the uh Quicky kiss Island it's called Qui aiset and I have no idea I guess the best way to get there is to crash a sea plane what are you doing here Bob shouldn't you be rescuing your bride uh I'm trying to get out there someone's got to hav
e a boat for hire around here what do you think this is Key West everybody's just got a boat this guy thinks everywhere it's Key West take the fery to King's Head Island maybe there you'll find this colorful fictional boat for hire that you're looking for yeah it's got to be colorful right Dad okay yeah the ferry let let's let's do it tick Tok Bob upskirt Kurt moves faster than this he's not called Kurt the long slow courtship guy she's not cheating on me okay what do we do now the radio's dead
no one knows we're here can you fix the plane maybe the engine's still too hot though we'll have to wait it out man I'm parched prco ooh I love champagne it's uh prco what oh God these bubbles make me burp you always fly with champag prco I was going to take my mother on a picnic after our lesson she lives Upstate I love her dearly and she loves piic a but since we're stranded we'll need the energy do you like cheese I love cheese almost dying really makes you hungry it does but I promise you al
l find us a way off of this rock got Ms hey let's get out of the Sun so we don't dehydrate there might be a shady Meadow over that hill and maybe go a little easy on the cheese oh it's good wow you were right about the meadow hey look a loot I always wanted to play one of these the hell's a [Music] loot [Music] you're a little flat there no I'm not you're flat no I'm if anything I was sharp because you were flat or I was perfect so long Mainland my island name will be Deary Zachary when you're n
ot pouring drinks you're solving Mysteries Quicky kiss it can there really be a whole island for kissing kiss Qui kiss kiss kiss [Music] o oh Dad what's going to happen when you see up scirt CT are you going to punch him I'm not punching anyone Louise dad's not a fighter he's a yeller an Old Yeller normally I'd agree but we're talking about Dad's woman I think it gets physical I'm sure nothing is happening on that island Mr Fisher no why did you say you had a boat I have a boat there are you hap
py no bye uh excuse me can you uh take us to Qui aiset Island AKA Quicky kissed Island where the currency has kisses and everyone is Rich that's my daughter well I can take you as far as here that's my mail route uh great that' be great no one lives on Qui acquisit so no one sends mail there just neckers and caners on Qui aiset U okay and gropers huh got it we'll uh we'll take the ride right away something about Qui aiset just makes people horny as hell okay thank you here have a grape they're j
uicy nah I got the stuff grapes grow up to be right here well I've got the stuff boys grow up to be right here okay you think the engine's cool enough to check on now hard to say there's a lot of heat on this island the heat of the engine the heat between you and me us what are you doing giving in join me giving in what we just had a brush with death our adrenaline and our endorphins are running wild let's go with it no no no no my endorphins want to go home really well my endorphin think we sho
uld take turns kissing each other's faces you go first okay I'll go first wow oh cart wrong idea cool your engines right now buddy isn't this what you want Adventure Linda you asked the universe for help and it gave you me Namaste Captain you are not cleared for landing capish kiss me Linda and we can fly lying down what the hell wow that really works why would you headbutt me I was going to punch you but I'm holding wine I can't believe you're rejecting me yeah I married you idiot so are all my
other clients everything was going perfectly what do you mean we crash landed kind of you didn't ow stop it that's for faking an emergency and since there's nothing wrong with the plane let's go now fine let me just put the loot back that there is quip acquisit good day for nein don't kiss anybody Linda not that I think you would don't get pregnant I want to be the baby no do get pregnant I want a brother or maybe get a dog first to practice you guys want to read some mail take your mind off of
things all right where'd you hide you dumb flying boat oh no no no no no no seriously where's the plane I don't know it must have floated away what how the hell does that happen the tide came in so now we're stuck here my plane oh my God oh my God my plane ow you you turn hey hey hey hey come on help someone get me up the stinking Island we're going to starve out here all because you thought I was so bored of my marriage that I would have sex with some slimy sea plane pilot unbelievable no we'r
e going to starve cuz you ate all the cheese I bet that picnic wasn't even for your mother do Linda look I'm not going to apologize for giving women what they want women do not want to be tricked into having sex well when you say it like that it sounds gross listen Buster you stay on your side of the island I'll stay online wait switch sides that side's better well this is as far as I can take you time to reeal some of these envelopes definitely a federal offense nope think you're wrong there no
t if you seal them back up right yep you're not going go telling on me are you nope we got to find a way to get a quip acquisit dingy for floor who waa but that's not ours come on dad suck it up we got to get to Quicky kiss before he Quicky kisses mom sheesh silent seen a lot of emergency Landings hey Linda what carts you got every right to hate me now that I've had a little time to think I hate me too yeah cuz you're a jerk I'm pathetic I chase bored Housewives why because I don't have any love
in my life no you don't I know I don't I know I like to think there's someone out there for everyone but uh [Music] but okay all right I know I know sh Okay shh stop it stop it all right come on all right don't be such a baby there's probably somebody out there for you some freak hey what's wrong with you your hands are soft rub my breasts no why is rowing so hard are we even moving Title Wave here comes another one what is with these waves they just keep coming there she is Linda B kids you fo
und us kids stay in the boat the dingy get your hands off her up skirt Curt huh my my hands are nowhere near her I don't understand you know what I mean easy friend we're not friends you think we're friends yes I do are you seeing how tan this guy is that's all I'm seeing careful dad watch out for his big strong tan hands he hey hey guy let me tell you something guy in a second I just got to catch my breath rowing is really hard but you make it look so easy Dad no you don't you look horrible oh
God mom's going to leave you for Kurt stay on your side ow you punched my butt what is it with you people what were you even aiming for I don't know the rowing really killed me I can't raise my hands very high ly did he try anything oh yeah couple times but I smooshed his face like this call her off call her off Hey look it's Mr Fisher Mr Fisher mom is that you you look macaroon we are help us look what I found Shana a well climb aboard if you want to ride can we ride in the plane sure okay just
wipe your feet off sorry to leave you Quicky kiss it we both know you haven't seen the last of Tina beler so how was the lesson great yeah this is way better than Rudy's huh bottomless salad bowl looking a little better now huh Lynn I'll go suck on a crouton so how many horses you got under the hood uh I think about a thousand is that a lot oh that's a lot let's see whoa that bow can really Zoom buckle your seat belts kids it's getting a little bumpy and a little fly holy crap we're lifting off
and we are airb people yay I got in the mile high club early admission hey we got to tell them to slow down Hey where's the horn on this thing there's no horn you should really lower the plane guys we know Tina I mean because of that Bri oh it's also got a stereo the plane's not lowering we're going too fast so we got to go up we got to go over the bridge C we have to cut the tow rope somehow Jean hand me that toolbox oh come on there's nothing in here but massage oil and a wine opener wine ope
ner thing thank you Louise this is no time for a wine Dad no man you're going out there yes Louise I'm going out on the wing of an airplane it's called the Pontoon pontoon shut up Jane and that's called a bridge Bobby this is crazy don't call go out there I have to okay I can do this Bobby be careful I'm trying but also hurry please yes thank you for that oh Bob I'm sorry I'm sorry I said you were boring I should never have signed up for this no Lenn I'm sorry I know we should go on better day n
ights I maybe you should just have this conversation later I agree she's right she's right that would be [Music] B did you save us yet dad not yet Tina how about now dad no I'm trying to do it how much progress have you made it's not a real knife and I'm on the wing of a plane untone just percent a percent it's looking pretty gri dad just saying the Conant questions aren't helping wait wait almost got it oh boy bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge blenda hit it go up [Music] you still there b yes
I want to be inside now though Bobby you rescued us that was close oh you're my hero no it's okay I puked too Linda you're flying I know right wait can you land I mean did you learn that no oh oh well that might be an issue oh that's odd what never mind okay H I think I know what to do Kurt was faking it but I watched him take this thing down then do that yeah now do it now yeah just got to act like we're going to crash crash why are we going to act like we're doing that here we go ah this shoul
d work it's not working I can do this I feel like a milia air hot oh God she died I feel like a regular captain on a regular plane what the and sh oh oh oh God God [Music] God looks like Kurt's trying to land with his penis [Music] again yes how are we alive cuz your mom is incredible fly is the best why do we drive anywhere best date ever woo I have so much adrenaline pumping through my veins me too really puts me in the mood barie oh yeah me too as Landing really is an afrodesiac kids uh swim
to shore your father and I are going to have a prco picnic prco oh yeah that okay bye Tina Tina oh come back we were joking remember do your ice cream scoop oh now I'm hungry for ice cream kiss kiss kiss kissing kissing She's kissing She's kissing She's kissing so quick Quicky kissing Quicky kissing uhh quick kissing kissing [Music] kissing [Music] I hope you didn't need this jar we're getting into canning what are you going to can farts oh when you need one you don't have one and when you have
one you need more wash it when you're done wait if we freeze the fart it'll last forever it'll be all that's left to the human race when the aliens show up aliens we farted on you hey let's go down and see if we can make the walk-in cold enough to make fart cicles guess who just went to the doctor for his 5year checkup KY alley me longest I've been naked in 3 years well what'd he say doctor stuff you know your cholesterol is off the charts you absolutely must change your eating habits or you wil
l die anyway one cheeseburger and fries please maybe you should be a little concerned right you eat a burger pretty much every day that that can't be good for you yeah right don't you eat your Burgers every day not every day yeah we order off menu it's how we have fun right K me that's nice anyway cheeseburger and fries please you sure you want to ignore your doctor Teddy I'm not ignoring him I'm just not listening to [Music] him Bob's Burgers this is Teddy's doctor let's take a look at Teddy's
heart shall we okay W that's strange oh hey hey that tickles what are you doing W look at died can I bring that to show and tell see how disgustingly unhealthy it is and it gets bigger and bigger with every Burger you serve him doctor stop shoving burgers into his heart oh but I'm not Bob you are keep I'm coming BD oh God no keep I'm coming no keep them coming it's going to pop it's going to blow I'm sorry teddy what what happened what happened I'm killing Teddy what are you going to kill teddy
all right car's guessed up that's good guess I could homeschool the kids no ly the burgers are killing him what the ones I give him every day oh gotcha good God Linda you had all that ready what I'm just being supportive good night lowering the temperature a few degrees really works I should have worn my higher socks you guys call them pants is it frozen sorry kids no fart cicles just disappoin cicles well this experiment was a bust stupid patch of ice sorry you're not stupid you're just slipper
y hold on this stupid patch of ice might actually be a genius and smile the walking goes from stinky to Rinky feels weird cooking a veggie burger plus he's going to know it's not a hamburger nah nah Teddy Elite what have you put in front of him remember when he ate that receipt well I hope you're right this tastes kind of funny you don't need to look at it just eat it it tastes Burger is but not good is that what you were going for it's a v bur it's a what a veggie burger listen why would you do
that a why K get a taste out of my M look I can't in good conscience serve you a burger every day I don't see you shoving a veggie burger down Mor's throat and he eats a burger every day that's not true I often get the soup what you do soup take it easy teddy wait Teddy you eat a burger every day of course I do that's messed up you eat a lot of burgers Mike the mail B yeah but I walk 9 mes a day look at my calves wait don't look at my calves they're not that impressive okay here's the deal Tedd
y I I'll make you soup or salad but I don't think I can serve you my Burgers anymore you cut me off Bobby I guess I am you're cutting me off is this some kind of sick joke I think it's for your own good just stay the hell out of this W Bob if you take your burgers for me I will murder you and your baly wife what I'm sorry I don't know what I'm saying I'll kill you give me a burger daddy calm down you calm down oh my God waa I will replace that I don't want to be alive I don't want to be alive he
's handling this well mhm fire is fire fire no then it's the alarm clock what snooze it well you know the buttons don't work I have to unplug it no let unplug the alarm clock thank you where are you going so early I told Teddy I'd go jogging with him he wants to prove to me that he's healthy enough to be uncut off from our Burgers where are you running if you don't want to just tell your teacher you have sciatica I think it's sweet you're helping your best friend Teddy's not my best friend Teddy
thinks your best friends he does sure yep wait who's your best friend then probably Walter Russo Walter Russo when was the last time he talked to Walter ruso I don't know like 6 years ago Bob you see Teddy every day yeah but Teddy's not my best friend Lynn he's my best customer there's a big difference and I really value that 30 in of for Mica that's between us are you talking about your dingdong Daddy brag yeah well off have to take my best customer jogging so his heart doesn't explode all rig
ht have fun are you all bad with Mom covering up covering up cover Oh Our Little Seal platform what is that my alarm clock got to go oh uh we got to go check uh nothing oh yeah maybe the nothing's ready a it's perfect huh look how high my knees are i' be great shaped great enough for one Burger I don't think so Teddy should we call it cops some kind of early morning gang bro wait I think they're fake fighting excuse me what's going on over there it's called stuntman boot camp I'm in the best sha
pe of my life you're a stunt B no I just trained like one you should check it out wa grenade and another grenade got to admit that looks kind of cool sort of cool well that guy doesn't look cool all right great grenad everybody now don't forget to sign up for the Intensive weekend long stuntman boot camp in the woods where you might learn how to do this ahead now this is actually a 10-story burning building and I'm on fire oh I'm on fire so much fire I'm on fire falling and rolling like you're o
n fire burns as many calories is running people that is why pound-for-pound stuntmen are the greatest athletes in the world up top huh I thought it was golfers it's not golfers holy Frozen nips look at this place it's so slippery it yeah we like it it's all right I guess so what do you do down here well we've experimented with lots of stuff we tried curling we tried lying on the ice that was refreshing some of us didn't like it as much as others but we respect their opinions and ice fishing we d
id not get a bite in the end the most fun thing to do is this so pushing ice pushing it all makes sense hi Andy hi Aly hi Louise and Jean and Tina's mom had to say we're meeting in the basement for homework club okay have fun homework club oh my God they're doing drugs to each other push me till I feel something NE well well well Mom hey uh we were just all getting ahead of ahead of lettuce mom you didn't happen to look down did you as a matter of fact I'm looking down right now Tina and it's am
azing oh God look at it Shimmer it's frozen water they call it ice and it's going to change the world if you got to be pushing each other on the ice like this you need to be wearing helmets I know I've been a broken record about it no costumes glitzy ones with sequins I want to be the bad boy of ice pushing like Elvis sto and I want to be the bad boy of public radio like Elvis Mitchell I'll go get the costumes oh and don't tell your father we won't if you won't got to love that woman hey Lyn whe
re where you going what what what nowhere what's this stuff what what are we doing we're making Burgers let's do it let's go what's this this is to go hey buddy hatch I got this jeez Lyn here you go hey there daddy white veggie burger please I just got to use the restroom real quick hm you ever see Teddy with a briefcase before only in that one play I forgot about that put the coffee down coffee is for closes only Teddy what are you doing in there washing my hands or something I can hear you che
wing you're chewing a burger did you get that guy to buy you a burger no I'm just checking the bathroom to see that it's not leaking is it Teddy stop eating you don't know how hard this is for me I paid that guy $300 to buy me this burger come on Teddy you owe it to yourself no I don't okay well then do it for me a you just helping me because you feel guilty that's not why yeah it is admitted Bobby no it's not I admit it Teddy it's because you're my friend your best friends besties Linda really
Bob we're best friends I mean best friends till the very end he crashes on your couch when he loses his job a guy pulls a knife and you jump in front you take the blade right in the gun then he holds your hand till the medic comes Linda thank you you son of a [ __ ] get in here bestie okay you got it you got it feed him soup when he breaks his jaw you help him pee when he has that thing he's your best [Applause] [Music] friend hockey well I I guess it's time to hit the hay huh hold on hold on I
got to think hello really we got in how about that okay hey we'll see you in the morning tremendous news remember how you said that stman boot camp was cool you didn't sign us up for that did you better I signed us up for the Intensive weekend boot camp retreat in the woods what you did yep the whole weekend so I'd watch the restaurant the walkin everything in the walk-in and you'd be gone huh no nothing and it's toor C so you and me will be Ruby Kies I don't know Teddy that um doesn't sound lik
e something I want to do what you've always wanted to do stun in the wood yeah get the hell out of here yeah go for it Dad do it though you've already pulled off the toughest stun of all raising three great kids yeah come on Bobby my treat okay I'll go that's um thanks uh it's nothing well not nothing I won't have electricity for 3 months but yay he crashes on your couch where he loses his job he helps you pee when you've got that thing okay that's great he hates squirrels cuz you hate squirrels
please stop he's your best friend your best friend there's going to be a lot of exercise this weekend so take it easy okay you're not in the best shape you know I know best buddy okay now I need everybody to breathe out stress M breathe in stunts stunts congratulations you've now got stunts inside of you now we're going to get cracken and roll down these stairs here so everybody knows that falling down a flight of stairs is the same as doing 100 setups really we're doing this you're a mid-level
drug dealer in an apartment stairwell cameras are rolling B give it shot action action man go you got to go was the go what wait a minute ow ow ow wow that was terrible wait have you done any of your morning melees in the park no oh well then you could really get hurt welcome to the freezer Dome whoever wins this whole shebang takes this baby home it's beautiful a you all look so cute everyone got their pillows everyone safe that let Rubble if your butt touches ice you're dead really no no you
just out honey two kids enter one kid leaves two kid one kid leaves first up Roney versus Louise go wo wo wo wo why am I going against Rudy he's a pushover a cupcake what I'm tough Rudy I'm in your PE class I was there for the Kickball incident that was humbling yeah all right it's called weight class cool breze deal with it you can't hang with the big boys anyway I can't hang with the big boys no I'm going to hang with the big boys you'll see look at me dang all right take care buddy next that'
s Mama's girl this is sugar glass everyone fights often end with someone flying through a window it's a staple in action movies and an amazing cardio workout which you can incorporate into your daily routine my grandmother does it now Teddy you're looking for the guy who kidnapped your daughter Bob you're the guy who kidnapped his daughter you are a horrible person Teddy wants revenge go wait why am I the person who where's my daughter Punk Jen get off get off today one of you advance to the Fri
eza Dome Championship the other one will leav in shame but all the losers get stickers stickers of Shame now fight Clank Clank you're going down Zeke good luck with my low center of gravity I'm practically un push over aable we'll see about that come on told you you're going down yeah I did it I pushed a girl and not because I like her and didn't know how to show it a sorry sweetie you got to get off the ice go on get off Louise versus Jean easy win Jean I'll be waiting for you in the finals wel
l if he shows up to the finals and looks like me that's because it's me z i Mommy to both of you but let's see who wants mommy's love more sing I want mom's love pretty bad so look out oh yeah how about a little of this you're sturdier than I thought sturdy and pury hold on hold on I got something in my eye man it's really in there Jean have a seat this could take a while no problem you fell for it a she beat your fair and square unfairly here in the freeza she advances to the finals tomorrow I'
m coming for you bring it on you've got to be kidding [Music] me oh my God oh my God wake up stunt boys I'm sorry that was weird I don't have a bugle it can't be morning no no no no no big day today you're going to get chased by robots get set on fire it literally burns the calories right off freeze human we have apprehended you all right time out out what going on here you don't have the midal fortitude of someone that wants to train to not be an actual stunt man it's like you don't even want t
o be here because I don't what look guys I only came here as a workout buddy for my friend Teddy because I felt guilty I mean he's not even my friend what are your words even meaning listen between you and me I had to say he was my best friend so he'd get healthy and not eat my Burgers all the time oh I sell Burgers so he's really my best customer cuz all he does is shove burgers in his mouth but he's not my best friend oh oh my God hey Teddy Hey so uh you just heard all that and you're on fire
those words hurt more than that fire yeah he's going to be scarred inside and we should put put him out scaring he's trying to scar yeah how could you lie to me like that who says they're someone's best friend when they're not I lied because I care about you pull over here here stop the car B you're not the only guy that serves Burgers I'm going to be a regular Dusty speed bag now friend come on Teddy don't and one more thing 3 years ago you forgot a tomato on my burger and I said nothing nothin
g Teddy don't go in there you don't tell me what to do oh wait I guess this entrance isn't open it's around the back here then just come back here you got keep driving is it around the side where am I it's right there in the front the get out of here Bob I don't need your help boys and girls girls and boys future adults of America it's time for the most important thing in the world the Frieza do finals only one of you will go home with this I want that Bel and I'm not going to fall for your litt
le tricks girl I wouldn't try to trick you Zeke dang oh wait I got something in my eye hold on hold on all right I guess I'll just take a seat here in my little Knees Down just kidding hey hey you had to try you know why cuz you're tiny you're home early where' you pull a hammy no long story where's Linda downstairs I think Mike what are you doing that's weird I'm normally over there I thought you were with Teddy uh he's at Dusty's feedbag his new favorite restaurant oh that's not good why you h
aven't heard of the belt buckle belly Buster they serve that there belt buckle belly Buster it's a 5 lb burger if you eat the whole thing in a half hour it's free and you get your picture on the wall oh no no no no no no Teddy so you said it's cool to have more ice cream you're going to get destroyed throw in the towel never never never never finish her why you putting up a fight you tiny sweet angel take your medicine girl just go down I'm still totally going to win so shut your [Music] mouth y
ou might have beaten me Louise but blood is thicker than ice but not actually time to Unleash the Beast kill your chance that's what killed the dinosaurs that's awful think us down Louise you win y everybody kiss my butt everybody kiss her butt everybody kiss her butt everybody kiss her butt yeah Teddy Bob you didn't order the Bell puckle belly Buster did you maybe I did maybe I didn't but I did excuse me uh are you Dusty Dusty uh no there's no Dusty uh this is a chain pal I'm Kevin I'm the mana
ger listen Kevin you can't serve this guy your 5B burger oh okay making a note I can't serve someone a burger in my own restaurant look Teddy is well he has the biggest heart of anyone I know both because he's incredibly sweet but also because it's full of cholesterol which is why you can't serve him that huge Burger he he might not survive it well you know what big boy paid for it so order up good God look at that thing let be out you're not giving him that burger hey hey hey hey hey come on le
t that belly bust it through please take the burger back to the kitchen ma'am it is so weird that you think you work here I just damn it I don't remember hiring a fat Bert Reynolds look this burger is not going anywhere this is just fantastic I'm going to get to throw fat Bert Reynolds out of my restaurant oh yeah well I can get tough too and I'm staying guys come on don't fight over me wait is that what's happening bad news for you Kevin I've just been through a bunch of kickass training so if
you think you can just oh no oh yeah well I hope you got trained to get your ass kicked actually I did oh God here comes the class thanks for coming I you okay Bobby oh real glass hurts so bad am I bleeding not like too much and the concrete wasn't patted it was so hard when when I landed on it before you pass out that's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me I have so much glass in myself I'll get you out of here buddy all right let's go to the hospital Teddy no Bob let's go home no no we'r
e going to go to a hospital home it is Bob here we go almost home I'll just see if someone else can take me hey even though I'm not your best friend I really appreciate what you did look I I'm sorry I said you're not my best friend because you are I am yeah I mean it depends on how you define it you technically are my best friend but I mean I might meet stop right there Bobby but I mean I don't know eventually can I carry you Across the Threshold all right ow watch your head sorry a my little be
at up Bobby where's that belt from where's all the food is the ice helping pretty refreshing right yes Tina how about this is this helping thanks Teddy yes it's good how about some smelling salt oh God come on oh you come on that F's a winner and you know it all right let me smell it again yeah you're right crashes on couch when he loses his job guy pulls a knife and you jump in front take the blade right in the gun then he holds your hand till the medic comes Fe him when he breaks his jaw help
him be when he has that thing he your best friend he bres on your coach when he loses his job he helps you be when you got that he's your best friend your best [Music] friend Festival of magic this Whole Town's going to be full of magicians turning tricks hi Jimmy junor Hi Zeke what are you wearing is it cap o clock already it's for the young magicians competition I'm in it to win it ABA yeah bro I support you I didn't know you were into magic I thought you were more into dancing well I dance a
lot during my magic like this Tada where' the hell that come from he's like a magical florist thank you oh maybe I'll come to the competition and cheer for you whatever free country he's so patriotic okay then see you at our date it's not a date yes it is not really pretty much is definitely not oh this promotion is a great idea Bob I love magic I know me too oh I'm going to stick a quarter in my ear so they have something to pull out yeah the only problem is the sun could actually attract magic
ians so Louise this will be good for business plus magic is fun magic can take you to places you could never possibly imagine like Delaware oh look here comes our first magician or a wild west wedding DJ hello hello hello um I couldn't help but notice your sign notice anything else whoops oh where'd that come from come on in Mr uh Mars Cesar boy that is a magic name hold on how do we know you're a magician show us a trick oh write my name on a piece of cake put it in a box then I'll eat it sorry
don't listen to him he's just wants to eat cake Fine write it on a piece of pizza and put it under my desk it's always going to have something to do with eating something just hiding food in places that he already knows the location of well I mean it would be nice to see something like a trick well I suppose me and my 52 friends could use the exercise oh God it's happening Miss could I ask you to be my assistant oh I couldn't no okay I'll do it oh that's right magicians have [Music] assistance
now I'll need a volunteer me me me me me me Jean me me you're already the assistant lender you win no need to shout thank you bye Jean bye okay Bob let's move you over here so the audience can see you right here perfect now you're going to pick a card and while you're doing that Linda's going to get me your biggest knife I have it right here put your knife check wa why do you have that me and J were playing Pirates mhm pick a card Bob sure to them not me okay everyone here's my card nice one Dad
okay that was not a very good trick now Linda cut the deck literally go on whack it all step back still not a great trick well well looks like we have a survivor recognize this that's not my card hit the Rex Fail deie You Had Your Shot you blew it well so much for the magician's discount in fact maybe I should pay you wait that looks like my wallet did you take my wallet slow down there Bob before you call the cops you'd better check the ID my card oh my wait how did you pick my pocket I didn't
feel anything oh I feel something I feel like I want to magically steal things too this must be what it's like when people get called to the priesthood I accept whoa I've seen cantuna but never Cantina you're such a locker stalker good one Tammy I know oh hi Jimmy junor it's like I was pad locked in a box and you set me free um hi okay how did you know my locker combination it only took a couple thousand tries allow me okay is there anything else I could assist you with uh I need to get my scie
nce book this perfectly ordinary textbook thanks you know I could also assist you with your magic act as your magician's assistant classic like a lady Butler um okay I I guess you can do that I practice after school oh okay cool all see you yes yes yes what what oh I just found a cool book been meaning to read oh it's mine oh that's his can I borrow it no I don't think so kind of need it okay I'll read it here [Music] bye um Jimmy Junior what Dana maybe I should be facing the audience too fine u
m okay there's more remember the blades I remember nobody's going to be looking at you they're talking at me stupid magic cut um hello Jimmy junor what K If This Were a dancing competition forget about it but you might want to put a little more flare into the actual Magic what makes you such an expert Tina you've only been doing magic for a day I've been doing it for nine days Jimmy junor they spilled a Catey yogurt in the cafeteria let's go slide around in it cool Zeke come on let's go wait up
Zeke okay I'll be here sweep up all the confetti okay okay Jean let's start with an easy Mark uh there we go you distract while I extract got it Andy there's something I need to ask you but you have to really focus on me while I'm saying these words oh okay I'll Focus too I've never done that that before what do you think of bacon bacon bacon bacon Andy someone's trying to steal your candy thanks Ollie you're welcome Andy damn it Ollie how did you know I felt it coming out of Andy's pocket get a
womb you wacky twins that hurt my feelings I felt it hurt your feeling you did yes a che oh I wish somebody had a really long handkerchief up this sleeve anybody H come on where's the Pim matest I thought they'd get more food they split an order of fries 3 hours ago and they haven't ordered anything since now they're just loitering they trick you Bob it's what they do so zazar can I get you and your friends anything else remember it's half off so don't hold back oh well your delicious fries hav
e left my fingers greasy bring me a huge plate of napkins well what about a burger I can get you napkins all right napkins give him a napkin hey Bob I think you got your wallet again and keys and your gas pills and your dignity great hi I'm looking for a magician's assistance costume something classy so no butt cheek well you're in luck this is my last assistance costume in your size the sequins are French Crystal well French Canadian is that good how much do you know about sequins nothing they'
re the best she'll take it rented okay what else how's your magician set for cups and balls I beg your pardon oh that looks pretty Advanced My Magician is better with his feet than his hands he's more of a Danish well for those with only the slightest slight of hand you can't go wrong with magic rope yeah great I'll take that too the only thing I need now is some magic between me and my magician whoa whoo whoo are you talking about mixing magic and romance big time don't do it it's dangerous als
o don't mix magic with taxes or Plumbing that's okay danger is my middle name but I spell it R U it spells Ruth yeah yeah it does MHM looks like there's a wait huh yeah maybe I'll just come back later oh hold on that guy's getting up no he's levitating what no he was just leaning over the fart you know what I'll handle this what you going tell yeah wait you'll see what look guys you've been here all day working on one order of fries so understood Bob let me settle my tab do you have change for t
his sorry I don't have anything smaller no you know what to be honest zazarak I don't even enjoy this anymore I don't I I honestly don't even like magic that much now because of you so you and your friends you now all pay full price no magician discount well if that's how you feel you can have your fries back oh my God oh God look it says taada that's it I don't care that that was good you and your regurgitated potatoes and the rest of your magic buddies you're banned Bob you can't just ban them
because they're magicians this isn't the 60s you know fellow conjurers let's go somewhere our craft is appreciated like my mother's oh and one last thing Bob your name goes in the book what book The enemies of magic book good I want to be in your stupid book because I am an enemy of magic well then this is the perfect book for you will this page do love it don't gasp Linda don't you gasp rest assured Bob I will never set foot in this restaurant again and yet you will never be rid of me I just g
ot chills oh my God come on J get your dance on D doing anything think my little tiny dance here we go look Jimmy Junior I got something new for our act magic rope cool rope um no that's not how it works get out magic Cowboy look you're supposed to cut the rope then restore it I can show you oh cool scissors Jimmy junor Jimmy Junior stop Tina move listen to me stop it Tina I can't dance to the sound of you telling me what to do yeah boom I'm trying to help assist me assist you you know what Tina
this isn't working that's why we have to keep practicing no this isn't working I firing you what you can't stop my dancing you can't tie me up with your magic rope holy moly tell the James je I'm not trying to tie you up you gorgeous idiot maybe I should enter the stupid contest myself just to show you an actual magic act you see La yeah she got pretty mad she's a trip her face turn purple plus you're not even a magician Tina I am now oh it worked on the store looks like tastle yeah come on let
me touch him so you and your magician split up big surprise Jimmy Junior thinks the assist should be sequined and not heard so Presto now I'm the magician so uh what do you got for this no trick pony huh set her up young lady you're in luck here's a classic of escapology the straight jacket last one in your size it just takes a little bit of practice and some dislocatable shoulders I'll dislocate Jimmy Junior's heart and my shoulders you sound like you could use the full Revenge package for jus
t $ 1995 you could get this m interesting dirty tricks When Doves Cry The Art of magic sabotage no thanks I to win fair and square keeping it clean I have just a thing ah winning clean a guide to not cheating in Magic competitions I'll just take the straight jacket it's not going to be the last time she says that it's our family motto wow this place looks pretty big without all those magicians in it oh oh wow that's never happened before that flustered the heck out of me can I get some water Bob
by yeah sure what the hell Bobby it's the curse what curse the curse of sarak Linda is Right Bob you're cursed you're in the enemies of magic book we're not cursed we're not cursed you are you're the one who's cursed yeah it's your name in the book The Black Magic death book look it's just a bunch of stupid trick someone must have snuck in and where are you going what now just if something heavy falls on you I don't want to I mean I want to be able to help you I'm not cursed want [Music] jacket
I'm not sure I can escape from my straight jacket maybe I should have stuck to being an assistant no you're really talented Tammy what are you doing I'm Jimmy Junior's new assistant you couldn't even wait until the zigzag box was cold Oh I thought I smelled your Bo in there uh-oh Battle of the training bras I feel like I'm back in diapers set Divorce Court you know what really stinks Tammy his act it's not magic is tragic don't be such a Ryman hman Tina yeah Tina you're not even good at it yeah
Tina oh Jimmy Junior you make me so mad what are you going to do about it I'll take it here you go do you have something caught in your throat that was my evil laugh I also have something caught in my throat and we're in his magic Cape won't be so magic when the hi pockets are stapled shut guys cold red hocus and dopus Tina start saing hurry done go split up miss the cap Tina oh hi Jimmy Junior we are just leaving in that direction man I wish I had siblings I could walk that close with my brothe
r's 44 there has to be something else in here that will ruin Jimmy junor this one would be great if we had 8 weeks 25 rabbits in a fireman's hose o look at this one find the heart of his act and cut it out like when Shelly Long left cheers okay Tina time to put on your straight jacket oh all this white it's like your wedding day I'm tearing up thank you mother I must prepare boy she's really in the zone huh uh I think I should stay here Lynn protect the restaurant from another sazar attack let s
attack forget the restaurant Bob you're going to be cursed no matter what you might as well come support your daughter and let's be honest Dad how much more cursed can you really get what is he going to give you an even weirder body thanks Louise you got it great sarak the MC I can't get away from that idiot so maybe I'm going to get even with him what I mean uh nothing be right back good luck Tina okay my little teeny weeny Houdini go kick some butt some butt or one butt okay we need to go too
Mom uh I'm Tina's silk scarf Wrangler and I'm the one who has to make sure there's nothing up her sleeves I love that all right team Tina go team [Music] Tina enjoy your complimentary cold cut s as a jerk the enemy's a magic book David Cassidy Larry Bird Diane Keaton H my name's not in your book anymore sazar but this is uhoh that's not good oh it's a [Music] peppercorn the heart of Jimmy J's act and put in this say that again now we cut out the heart of Jimmy Junior's act and put in this poly
rythmic syn Jazz no one can dance to that that's right not even Jimmy junr yeah here's a new music for Jimmy Junior's act um I don't see anything on my list about new music look we did a Kickstarter to make this music and now you have to play it okay okay all [Music] right oh boy I snuck into sazar dressing room and I found his stupid book and tore my name out what you did what oh oh you smell like salami thank you and welcome to the young magicians competition these kids are the magic stars of
the future well not all of them some will give up become teachers doctors I know I know I agree but come on let's hear it for our first contestant the amazing Jimmy pesto Jr and his assistant hammy Larson that's not my music Just go with it I can't dance to this damn it it looks like he's having a funky stroke if I miss you Grandpa this doesn't bother me at all watching my almost boyfriend get horribly humiliated oh yes it does I can't do this I got to save him it's not too late oh maybe it is t
oo late still I've got to try what are you doing out here trying to save you I switched your music to something with a 9A time signature that's like dance CP T night I know I'm sorry I was really mad at you for firing me and for replacing me with Tammy I'm sorry too for being so sensitive about my dancing so what do we do now we have the rest of our lives to figure that out no I mean right now oh get off the stage Tina you're not his assistant I am deal with it sorry Tammy I can't hear you while
you're rolling away so fast hi Tammy bye Tammy great magic well should I do a trick no I'll be the magician and you assist me with your dancing I told you I can't dance to this music and I probably can't get out of this but Follow My Lead anyway okay K is this part of the show yeah right do it trick and now with the help of my lovely assistant I'll will perform an Amazing Escape From the jacket of Doom huh I thought we were getting revenge more like revenge on us having to watch and now for the
master to become the [Music] mark this isn't going well to dance and now for the winner of the young magicians competition the envelope please I can't believe you got out of that thing how' you do it magic off topic would you mind popping my shoulder back in yeah sure thank you now that's what I call air mail the $500 grand prize goes to Peter Pescadero the Imp Pescadero I can't turn it off thank you and the honorable mention award for onstage chemistry goes to Tina Belcher and Jimmy pesto Jr g
o Tina what onstage chemistry it's almost as going his offstage chemistry why don't you two nerds go have wizard babies enjoy your prize a $50 gift certificate from W wans W's magic shop cannot be applied to the purchase of WS sweet thanks Kina don't thank me thank my lips thanks lips now I see him now I don't way to go Tina your trick was the best everyone was talking about it thank mom cool if we don't hug so you won the honorable mention onstage chemistry award that's something right no I've
thought about it and I don't think it is anything meanwhile I picked my first pocket sazer ax oh the enemies of magic book thanks Lise but I already Tor my name out and look what I put in wait what is this look on the back of the page you tore out Dear Bob I knew this is how it would end you speaking into my dressing room licking my cold cuts and ripping your name out of the book which I then let Louise take from my pocket he let me take it wow that guy is good yeah he's great there's a PS PS I
farted on the meat oh god well I hope you learn your lesson Bob you don't lick meat [Music] disagree it's not it's she'll take the stra ja he not magic he's tragic magic [Music] jacket [Music] Niagara ketchup I don't get it oh like Niagara Falls B with ketchup no oh yes kids stop you love Niagara ketchup admit it you want to get in a barrel and be part of it no Dad are you still mad about the zester yes of course I'm mad you zester gum mu Jean shoe yeah it's called being a good sister but now it
's ruined you can never unest this can't we get another zester not like this one it was perfect I had more zest for the zester than I do for life it was simply the zest too soon yeah hey Mike you got some bills and this one feels really weird if you squeeze it oh my God a letter from the community garden please let it say I'm accepted open it open it open it open it Dear Mr beler we regret to inform you damn it a oh they sent a packet of seeds consolation seeds I've been there why would they sen
d those I don't know Tina I guess to remind me of the beautiful place that exists that I'll never get to be a part of like the boy locker room or New York in the '90s cheer up Bobby we could get you a little planet box to hang from the window it's not the same Lynn it's not just about growing a few things it's about working the land growing produce for the restaurant if we had a yard I'd do it there but we don't get off your high horse why don't you grow some alley pumpkins I want land I'm a gar
dener trapped in the body of an urban restaurant tour I have ground beef under my fingernails but it should be ground beef and dirt Mike I know you're just a mailman but I can't help thinking you did this sure blame me for this but you never thank me for the letters I don't deliver thank you bye-bye there must be something I can do to get in you know what I'm going to walk down there and talk to the Garden Master oh Cynthia good luck with that piece of work whoa whoa whoa Cynthia as in Logan's m
om as in Logan my Arch Enemy yeah tell her to tell Logan he's a and his head looks like and his face sounds like he'll know what it means I uh I probably won't do that Lise do you want me to write it down then um yeah go ahead you know do what you got to do Bobby if you have to sleep with her to get in it's okay I don't I don't like her but whatever it takes way ahead of you [Music] Lyn it's so perfect can I help you oh hi Cynthia so um it's been a while since we were all in my restaurant with a
ll those dirty bikers hir to cut off my son's ears weird day but we don't we don't have to reminisce about that wait does that have anything to do with me not getting accepted to the Garden no of course not bygones well my application was rejected again and I was wondering if maybe I filled it out wrong I did make a few jokes like where it asked what are your hobbies I wrote beats me get it spelled b e e t Lan it was an accident God it's hot he probably likes it sorry Bob he's not we're working
on it no no he's a he's a great kid no he's not but he will be I'm trying to get him into this college prep summer program but he doesn't have enough extracurricular activities like uh volunteering volunteering everyone's doing that you can't throw a rock without hitting a kid volunteering at a hospice oh I hate those kids who volunteer at hospices the newest thing is crappy jobs that build character you want to stand out you write an essay about that oh what qualifies as a crappy job I don't kn
ow like sweeping stuff or mopping something just some dead-end job in a horrible place I know a dead-end job in a horrible Place say hello to the newest member of the community garden hello all right congrats dad you did it you old son of a of a [ __ ] and say hello to our newest employee Logan no dad uh-huh uh-uh uh-huh uh uh see you two already enjoying working together okay you got me it's a joke you never really Hire Logan it's just temporo louiz Logan's mom was nice enough to find me app pl
ud at the community garden because because he gave me this crappy job it's not crappy don't don't say that but if your mom asks it's it's crappy wait you're paying this butt brain my butt does have brains they're called turds and they're smarter than you no it's an unpaid internship finally we're getting a little more sausage at this party yes Jane this is a terrible idea dad you've taken the only good thing about this restaurant it's lack of Logan and you added Logan that is not appropriate for
the workplace you are not appropriate for the workplace you're not appropriate for your face I bet when you reconnect in your 30s you guys will get married Bob if they're going to just fight the whole time he's not going to be much help just let them get it out of their system it's almost like they're playing I'm okay with him I can pick his brain about mid- teen boys find out what tickles their pits that's a great attitude Tina Louise can I see you in the kitchen real fast Louise I really real
ly want this Garden plus it will be good for all of us we're going to grow fresh produce for the restaurant doesn't that sound great dad I'm nine I spit out vegetables and hide them around the house Louise please can you at least try and get along with Logan just for a little while do it for for me fine but the first time he even okay I'm off to the Garden is that my sun hat uh yeah can I borrow it I guess but you look like a British lady I know thanks bye oh my dirt my sweet sweet sweet dirt he
llo trowel you're going to be digging hello shears you're going to be trimming I was so smart to buy you guys 5 years ago everyone said you don't have a garden why are you buying gardening equipment and I said I'll grow into it TR right uh sorry I I didn't see I thought I was alone okay Logan fellow employee this is the spot I've chosen for you to stand in for the rest of the day it's out of the way we won't have to smell or hear you and when it's time to punch out there's the door oh you're goi
ng to smell me smell it take in the aroma high five wow that was hard I never knew high-fiving was so violent and satisfying my hand is a man now your hand is a bro it is let's bro again oh oh yeah Jean what everyone getting along out there you know it Linda I'm in the mile high five Club sounds great maybe I wasn't clear Logan you stand in your spot face the wall silently till it's time to go home and everything will be fine the way I see it as long as your dad wants his garden I can do whateve
r I feel like what yeah maybe I'll go back to this oh somebody order a cup of cheese that's what it smells like come on Logan let's go in the back and I'll show you how to wash the dishes we can dish about the washing so uh but High scho boys talk about follow-up question do you talk about it in the shower after you do Sports additional follow-up question how hot is the water does it produce steam I'm asking for a friend yeah that's classified top secret guy stuff so right right right right and
towels how small are they like washcloth size uh smaller I'll start folding this you say when huh huhuh huh well I can't even fold it more hey Mom how you doing good so are we really sure this Logan thing is worth it I mean dad's a family member but he's ranked like fourth or fifth Louise it's not that bad plus your father needs this and you owe him one you dester his zester let him have the garden sometimes you just got to be around people you don't like oh look at this place oh God it's her oh
it's even more depressing than I remembered how dare she oh hi Linda I'm just here to help Logan with his essay don't mind me oh I won't Cynthia what were you saying mother something about people you don't like just pretend like I'm not here oh but could I just get a chamomile tea I'm sorry we don't have that oh okay well then just bring me some hot water and a lemon and some chamomile tea oh right you don't have that that's just so weird anyway hot water and lemon would be great fine you stick
y Logan Logan what I'm starting your essay we're going to say you wrote come out here and sweep something so I can write about [Music] it well good night good night okay Bob I'm just going to say it I know you love that Garden but now Cynthia's hanging out at the restaurant ordering te hi if I could just jump in here I don't know if I can take Logan much longer before I slap that mess yeah how long is this going to last Bob uh probably just until Logan gets into that summer program thing and the
n we're home free rolling in arugula so just try and ignore Cynthia and Logan start slapping faces got it no no slapping just ignoring fine but just so you know I got this guy and this guy and they're ready to go to work look at you it's only been a few days and you're so big we know and soon you'll be ready to get eaten what nothing I didn't say anything I forgot I forgot you could understand me spoke English I'm going to tickle you now huhuh stop stop tomatoes and sweet peas and green beans it
's a dream come true I want to take a stupid neck and ring it that's what I want to do to B him the only thing greener than these plants is my thumb how did we ever get stuck with these bums of restaurants now a crappy I found my happy place I'm like a British lady in my garden and my plants are great he's the most annoying person that was ever born oh God she brought her te I'm the world's greatest farmer thanks they growing so well we're living in our own personal H restaurant now a CRA I thin
k I found my happy rest nowy crappy crappy [Music] crappy o windy in here huh stop it somebody should close the door huh stop it high school age boys they're a handful handful of this Jane sorry these simple people would doing the best they could with what little they had in their set underperforming restaurant hey don't read that simple people it's just an expression it's for the essay you know what Cynthia nope do it for Bobby do it for Bobby uh-oh we got a low pressure system moving in from t
he north and a warm front moving in from the south steak AE son of a [ __ ] take shelter you slap shop one word or too you know what you should write about a very violent event involving your computer and a simple lady who snapped kids get them up you're about to clean Cynthia's laptop off the floor oh yeah let's do this hands time to get Slappy wow wow wow wow hi everyone how are things going interesting but scary everything's going great I was just about to Pro for Cynthia's Essay with my foot
and I was just going to use my hands to make a Logan Face Sandwich okay uh good Cynthia hello Logan Hey so uh you know a few bumps in the road are to be expected this is more than a few bumps Bob this was a bad idea kiss your garden goodbye Logan we're leaving good great bye whoa whoa wait wait wait where are you going get dead don't let him go I'll uh I'll handle this look I I'm sure we can figure this out is is there anything I can do to fix this I I will do anything to make this work I love
your son look at dad he's really laying into them maybe I should go out there and hold them back nah I don't think so a big papa bear Bobby looking out for his cobs you get him I'm just glad this nightmare on Logan Street is over there's got to be something we can do that will make you happy make me happy make your essay happy all right Bob you hold him off good job well uh did you hear someone yelling please hammer don't hurt him that was me uh yeah yeah good I thought you were going to keep ta
king that doofus aside then I saw you out there and damn it if you didn't make me proud okay um a little news to share everyone um after a lot of consideration I've decided to make Logan Employee of the Month what Bob wow he hasn't even been here a week good for him no no no now hear me out Louise ow you're hurting me ow ow a bob oh my goodness so small but you're so strong him or me Dad it's for the greater good Louise okay I see all right oh thank God I quit damn it I thought the glass would b
reak anyway I quit the glass didn't break high five great Bobby great job so Louise can quit quitting is an option I want to quit it would be fun to quit if I didn't love this job so gosh darn much nobody's quitting Louise didn't quit she's just going on a sabatical great I'll do that no only one sabatical a year and I'm taking mine next this is not a big deal I'm going to go talk to Louise Louise sweetheart sweet P I know I don't call you that but we maybe we should start calling you that I'll
do that sweet pee how you doing in there perfect Louise making Logan Employee of the Month doesn't mean anything I know it doesn't because we've never done it before hey I have a great idea what if we make you Employee of the Month next month I mean Tina technically should really be next she works so much harder than you never mind we'll make an exception for you but Tina will be crushed super super great can't wait Dad okay good so good talk right oh the best good first step uh thanks for parti
cipating love you cutie pie sorry I'll think of a better one than CutiePie you're my angel dust sorry that's a drug I'm going to go bye Louise when are you coming down mom has a stain on her apron you're missing so much how'd you get this number Mom writes it on my leg every morning in case I get lost oops I better sweet this up keep talking about whatever you're talking about it doesn't have to be about changing bodies but it could be go so are you coming down or what I miss you oh I'll see you
soon Jean but you won't see me if Dad won't fire Logan Oh I'm going to make Logan wish dad would have never hired him okay bye oh my God today was supposed to be overcast no it's a beautiful day shorts weather oh no no no no what Bob I I didn't cover my beans you didn't cover your beans it was supposed to be overcast they're going to die I got to save the beans go damn it Bob you freaking nuts go I'll back in 5 minutes hey Scotty Jacob what's up you liking those fries bro on me my friends I do
whatever I want around here cuz I'm employee of the month so ow what the who did that hey damn it just spit ball in here Linda I just need one photo of him with this employee of the month plaque in the restaurant and maybe a few of him taking out the trash yeah why don't I take out the trash instead I'm taking the photo no you don't Bob and I have a deal deal with this honey my face okay we're good you guys are good right thanks Bob we were hot and scared oh I'm sorry guys tell us a joke no I I
got to get back please just one all right just one a kid's playing in a sandbox and he finds a welding mask no wait that that's not the end it's more oh okay a kid's playing in a sandbox who's hitting me with spitballs invisible spitball ninja Logan you got something on your face right there can't stop it oh and also right there Louise I know it's you where are you I'm in your mind Logan there's a lot of room in here I'm going to find you and I'm going to get you and I'm going to my UA employee
of the mouth Linda control your daughter ow hey ha good news the green beans are doing all right oh you in that Garden you smell like dirt and fresh air and it makes me sick ow your daughter's got nuts by the way she's in the cross space shooting spitballs at everybody Louise get out of there no not until you fire Logan ow hey Louise you come out of there right now I don't want to do this but you're not going to be the next Employee of the Month you're going to be the last Employee of the Month
even after Jean sorry Jean sorry for what I wasn't listening and I'm not going to fire Logan I'm keeping the garden and you're going to deal with it Louise because it's good for all of us and not to bring up the zester again but the zester you owe me and let me tell you something spending time in the garden has helped me realize a few things we need to go out side more okay why do we go on walks as a whole society people should go out on walks and people should Garden Bob I hate to interrupt you
flow great speech though great speech yeah I really got going after a while uh Dad yes we're not going on walks are we I don't know maybe anyway while you were talking to the wall Louise snuck in and took off with your gardening shears what yeah she looked ready to use them too I wonder on what what could it beans oh my God my [Music] garden Louise just stop okay I get it you're mad also I'm getting a cramp oh no better stop and stretch it out Louise you're literally Running With Scissors reall
y big scissors I know it feels great oh good it's closed Louise it's over come on let's go home oh crap oh God how small are you say goodbye to your crappy crops H don't have to you don't know which plot is mine Louise is it the one with the paper plate sign that says Bob's Beauties no no no no no you Lu you don't have to do this you didn't have to hire Logan either Louise please those are my babies what these these are your babies yes those are oh yeah why did I say that in front of my actual b
aby yeah right yeah so maybe this whole garden thing was a little selfish yeah I noticed how the greater good meant doing the thing you like to do you're right you know what do it cut him cut him down what really yeah do it I deserve it I can't watch I can't it's not their fault that's right it's my fault so I'm going to cut you what just kidding I know look I'm sorry I hired Logan I I know how much you don't like him yeah I'm pretty open about that dad plus I mean the restaurant is our place an
d I like it that way I know you do I mean sort of I had a suspicion but you do hide it pretty well thank you I'm sorry I put my sweet peas before my sweet pee is that nickname thing working at all now no can you forgive me anyway under one condition you're fired what she can't fire me right of course she can't yeah I think she just did Louise is actually our human resources person now and I'm Executive Vice President of new business oh man I've just been busting tables Logan if you need a recomm
endation here's one put a bag on your face I'll put a bag on your face okay hun I'm going to have security walk you out now no well I hope you enjoyed your last trip to the Garden Bob because it was your last trip I know that's why I dug up all my plants and brought them home and I used your wheelbarrow you're not allowed to use that it already happened there's nothing you can do about it and I broke the lock on your gate which I will replace which is what you should do with your eggplant it loo
ks leggy Logan let's go you're all nuts uh-huh so if you want to shoot me your email I can just send you the rest of my boy questions absolutely not absolutely not at bye Cynthia I spilled water on your laptop ah she didn't hear me she'll figure it out looking a little cramped yeah we probably should have just planted one oh God tomatoes and sweet peas and green beans it's a dream come true I want to take a stupid neck and ring it that's what I want to do to the only thing greener than
these plants is my thumb how do ever get stuck withs the restant I think I found my happy place I'm like a British lady in my garden and [Music] my la la la going to the accountant going to do our taxes at the last minute we're adults responsible adults yeah that's a beautiful song like where's he from no tell you we really are going to the accountant to do our taxes we probably shouldn't have waited until the last possible moment on the last possible day but it is kind of our tradition oh that'
s true so special I don't know why you guys need an accountant it's fun to do your own taxes no it's fine our accountant isn't that expensive and he's really good or pretty good he's fine yeah we go for an hour we pretend to laugh at his jokes jokes then we're done for the year why do you pretend to laugh at his jokes well he's in charge of our money Teddy we have to be nice to him I mean I think he takes away a dependent every time we don't laugh well good luck with that I'm going down to the d
ocks I'm helping out with Lobster Fest ugh Lobster Fest what's wrong with Lobster Fest there's too much Lobster yeah that's this year's theme too much Lobster all right well have fun you too go to the accountant hey accountant Fest too much taxies hey okay bye [Music] Teddy whoa I contact did I just have significant EC with Joe Harrison I felt like it that's weird I barely know him H look at me again look at me look at me Joe where do you think you're going you have detention young man fine dete
ntion huh ah reading is dumb Tino what is going on your mom what it's dumb and reading is dumb you just earned yourself detention got it sorry about all that well I'm sorry too maybe you don't need detention sh it oh okay definitely need detention eyes on the prize which is Joe's eyes I can't believe Tina got detention we needed her to babysit you too Mom we've been over this Gina and I are fine by ourselves you let us babysit at gil whenever you go out of town and she's a handful H I don't know
Bob what do you think I guess I mean it is just an hour and we'll be close by all right but I'm setting a lot of rules don't open the door to anybody what if it's a guy with a gun and he really needs to pee no don't use the stove or knives or the bathtub or matches well then how are we going to have a hot knife bath and if anyone calls for us say that we're home but we're pooping no I'm saying I'm in the shower but I look good for my age guys guys we got it we'll be fine I'm in charge you don't
have anything to worry about well technically Jean's in charge he is yes he's your big brother Louise I mean big brother I think ofur is a large brother no offense yes offense it's just you don't really do the traditional Big Brother stuff you don't call me squirt you aren't good at baseball and I I have to give you a piggyback ride when your legs get tired just cuz Dad's not strong enough Louise Jean is older than you though so I guess your mother has a point yeah on large and in charge litera
lly okay don't worry I'll keep an eye on him now get out of here you crazy kids go we'll be back in an hour remember what I told you okay bye bye bye so forbidden snack time as your king I declare them unforbidden I like how you think moment of truth it's just me and Joe and all these other kids time to figure out if lightning strikes twice in our eyes I have the perfect angle don't sit down there no no no no damn it okay okay I can maybe still see Joe just a casual lean no big deal almost there
almost ah I'm okay ba belur hey guys you pumped to get these taxes done or what yep love them love taxes woo cool it's is the season that's what I always say la la la la la tax you guys want some water or anything before we get started I'll have my secretary grab some just kidding I don't have a secretary it's very funny you guys want a butterscotch cookie one of my clients made them for me they look delicioso M oh my God these are good Bob uh sure I'll have one I'll have one more good all righ
t let me just pull out my txop phone and tune it up okay let's just get started could we okay let's make sure we're on the same page here we're making 17 layer dip correct correct but we won't put in a 13th layer because it's bad luck I going to visit the proest drawers and look for Mom's hid and bacon bits that she thinks we don't know about Santa do Jean come see what is it it's softer than the tops of Dad's legs oh I know exactly what it is it's a cantaloupe remember when Mom put it under her
shirt at the grocery store and pretended she had another boob and then they made her buy it that was 3 years ago we got to throw it what what we got to throw it off the fire escape into the back alley yes wait maybe no this seems like possibly a bad idea that could get us into trouble and I guess I'm in charge so Jean don't overthink it this is a once in A- lifetime opportunity we've never been home alone before and we've never found a rotten cantaloupe before are you saying this is proof there
's a God I'm not saying it isn't Jee when life hands you moldy melons you make moldy melonade all right let's do it let's throw a melon that's a spirit there you go large BR Joe Joe Joe Joe I've never even thought about Joe that way before but maybe he's been thinking about me that way all along maybe today he looked at himself in the mirror and he said today is a day that you tell Tina how you feel he's probably a mess right now I've got to make eye contact again I I can't see him from this pos
ition though all right time to turn my desk detention is 2 hours if I move the desk an inch every 5 minutes I'll be able to see Joe's eyes in about 90 minutes here it goes Tina no moving your desk damn it I'll find another way wait for me Joe okay I just want to verify that this year your retirement contribution was Zero that sounds right oh I'm sorry I have to get that I sent Pamela home early today just remember there's nobody there I I remember hello this is Gerald oh hey Tim yeah I've got th
e cookies right here okay under no circumstances should we eat these cookies oh my God oh my what right but let's just say maybe we ate some H I had two I I only had one I had three hello okay well uh thanks for telling us bye Gerald what's happening what's going on uh it turns out the cookies I gave you have marijuana in them a lot of it oh no I I guess Tim made two batches of cookies these were for his mom she apparently ate hers and didn't get high so oh no no no no no you can't get stoned in
the middle of the day we're old we have kids oh God this is bad stupid cookies they were good though maybe I'll just have one more Len no Jean we are about to make history and here we go what the oh dude oh my God is that Logan oh wow oh wow wow wow Louise beler hide hide hide hide hide oh you just made my day I wanted to work out some of this hostility I'm feeling all the time which Dr Swanson says is totally normal but I was like how am I going to do that now I know I'm going to clear my sche
dule so that I can make your lives a living hell I think you forgot about that thing you have today remember that thing you can't miss that thing you are dead Louise beler okay look that was an accident a hilarious accident that I wish I had on video you don't have to get all crazy face mad about it okay Logan come on let's hit the park you guys go I'm going to figure out how to ruin Louisa's life for a while all right dude we believe in you well we're going to go inside and watch TV now fine I'
m just going to go around front ring the doorbell and tell your parents what you did well jokes on you because they aren't home yeah oh your parents aren't home interesting that expands my options well our boyfriend is coming over any minute and he has a bow Flex I don't I don't think I'm high me neither I feel like I'm peeing am I peeing right now B can you check so are our taxes like mostly done wow look at all these numbers oh boy what are they right how do we assign value to symbols I swear
I'm peeing Bob can someone see will you please stop stop peeing no stop saying I'm peeing am I pretty okay time to take bold action may I go to the restroom fine but no doddling and now for the slight head turn keep it casual and the briefest of glances can start the biggest romances our eyes were doing the dances and they were making advances when our eyes met I was like hey what what are you doing you're just standing there are you going to go to the bathroom or not just one second okay now I'
m going is a stalker Texas Ranger still out there it's been almost an hour he's there I wonder if maybe we should you know apologize so he won't be so mad and he won't kill us Jean relax he's down there and we're way up here with the doors locked don't tell me you're actually scared of them no I'm scared of something else it's just a coincidence that I'm staring at a really mean high school kid who's down there doing karate on a park car all right all right I'll talk to him excuse me oh good hey
Logan go home and take a shower you're smelling of melon oh God I'm never going home and I am never taking a shower until I get my revenge oh man you're going to be sorry Louise I am sorry then I'm still talking to you Louise maybe I was thinking I'd just give you a noie or maybe a swirly but I've changed my mind now I'm going to give you a reverse Norwegian stin cold oh man did he just say the reverse Norwegian stink hold you do not want the reverse Norwegian stink hold what that's a real thin
g it's the signature move of the professional wrestler Norwegian Steven since when do you watch wrestling I have a life Louise well what's a whatever whatever stinkle it doesn't even sound scary well it is when Norwegian Stevens got his opponent on the ropes he pulls them into a headlock like this and then he pinches them like this until they have to breathe in his V well I'm not going to worry about that he's never getting up here I'm going to jump up there and grab you put your hand out no tha
nk you H he'll tie himself out soon enough don't like it do Linda I can hear you guys Gerald look at me uh-uh Gerald I'm your friend through thick and through thin we'll do it together she's so loud Linda maybe don't sing to Gerald right now why why he likes it oh man we better call the kids and tell them we'll be late everyone act cool while I call hey Gerald I can French break my own hair you want to see no yeah look hi please no what they're your friends no you're you're scaring me look look
at us we're going to go into a frz rid ah who's calling if it's Mom or Dad just play it cool right that's me super cool belra residence my father is pooping my mom's in the shower and she looks great hello son Jean son pal oh hi hi Dad hi Jean I'm Dad it's Dad Jean Jean don't mention the melon everything's great here nothing to men ition no melons were thrown don't tell them we're High listen we may be a little high I mean late getting home uh the taxes keep going good job okay great everything
here is great thanks for leaving me in charge everything's good bye he totally knew I was stoned he totally knew we threw a melon hey Logan's gone see I told you we'd give up we're good H he probably dead again let me handle this hello hey Louise what do you want Logan I just wanted to tell you that I'm in your house oh yeah I don't see you and why would you call me to tell me that cuz I wanted to make it menacing like in the movies with the spooky music well that's not menacing at all it's rela
xing actually okay but if I'm not in your house then who's in your kitchen holy crap Jean Logan got in the house somehow what Logan's in the house run but you were I heard you let's just say you left the window window open and let's just say that I'm really good at throwing shoes through windows and let's just say that I'm also going to need that shoe back and now I'm going to take view to Pittsburgh get it I get it pretty good thanks run oh Jane go cash get delivery hey come on we'll lose them
at lober Fest but the festivity still begin until 5:00 if you're VIP or 6 if you have a general adition ticket and seven if you're only here to see the b52s ooh nice B holders quick quick Jean in there nothing lives aop like a scallop it's not selfish to love shelfish fantastic let's run it one more time and then we'll do the shrimp number okay Jean I have a plan great I have diarrhea huh that's weird am I crazy or is that spark we had gone is that spark we had had gone I was once so sure now I
fear I was [Music] wrong Tina Tina you're mumbling and your pencil is just an eraser now I I think you're done I don't know if I'm done but I sure have a lot to think about what a doesn't that feel good tape fingers please stop Gerald can I do it to you yes I like it there it is look at that Linda I was wrong about you I like you I like you too Gerald even if your jokes aren't funny you don't like my jokes what no I mean yeah I mean kind of I mean no but you always laugh at them everyone laughs
at them because we like you Everyone likes you and it's not at all because you're their accountant and they're scared of being audited not at all I uh I actually like them I love them no you don't Bob don't lie oh God oh God I always thought if accounting didn't work out I could quit and do standup you you could do bad standup that's really popular this is the worst day of my life I don't even feel like doing taxes no no you should do some it'll make you feel better oh my God what is that did yo
u guys hear that that's the doorbell who's here I'll go see no oh crap that's my next client he probably wants me to do is taxes we got to hide yes absolutely great plan we should build a fort with the cushions that way even if he gets in he won't see us okay but I'm still sad so I want my own room in the fort to reflect and figure out where to go from here you absolutely deserve that hey hey hey hey where are you guys going we're about to rehearse uh there's a shrimp emergency in the ocean wait
a minute aren't you too a little shrimpy to be shrimps don't you shrimp shame me okay you guys need to take those costumes off immediately Louise Ry run no no don't get the tails 30 did we lose them I think we lost them great choice a hiding place guys there's no way out oh God I think I just bis my pants well well well looks like your nose just rsvpd yes to my armpit no no way Logan just just just let us go oh I will after I've destroyed your sinuses forever no no no I I am just stop trying to
get away Louise let me give you the reverse Norwegian stink hold it only takes a minute but you'll remember it for the rest of your life no come on no are you are you crying [Music] no wait if you're going to give anyone the reverse Norwegian stink hold it's going to be me what was that little fella oh my God I think I just said If You're Going To Give if anyone the reverse Norwegian sting hold it's going to be me get out of my way no I am very scared right now but I'm not moving Jean don't oka
y you asked for it whiff it up little man whiff it [Music] up hey Linda what I think I'm okay to go home now plus I mean at some point we just have to go home but we can't just leave Gerald like this you got to talk to him okay hey hey buddy hey Bob look I'm I make burgers but I also do this little chalkboard with the burgers of the day and I think they are hilarious but they probably aren't they're okay they're bad but that's okay because they make me laugh I do it for me and you're a really go
od accountant right I hope I'm pretty good so just keep on doing that keep on accounting but also make your jokes because you like them okay but work on them more okay wait you guys can't leave what's going to happen to me you're going to be fine charal you still have the fort listen this is very important later tonight when you aren't High anymore we need you to finish in mail our taxes can you just grab them to me Bob oh my God I'm just kidding hey she laughed she did play us out with the taxo
ne it's so awkward knowing he's back there expecting me to look at him the way I've always looked at him it's not fair to him or to me I've got to show my breakup eyes like this wo wo easy teeny girl that was way too harsh no need to be mean I need to use my let him down easy eyes like this yeah that's it okay here it goes he took that pretty well he's hurting but he doesn't want to let it show that's Joe I'll never forget him how was it Jean was it bad it was painful yeah and smelly Yeah but I
been through things that were more painful and more smelly just not since my own birth what's happening thanks for doing that you're a great large brother any time shrimp yeah that was definitely our kids why are they dressed as shrimps and why are they hugging do they do that I didn't know they did that ooh hey look at that wow right a briefest of glances can start the biggest romances are were doing the dances and they were making it dances when I met I was like K now I bet that Jo could be th
e one the briefest of glances can start the biggest romances our eyes were doing the dances and they were making ADV dances when met I was like now I bet that could be the one are you the [Music] one crotch and said hello ween and that my friends was the birth of Halloween is that true a th% bob what do you think Bob what what sorry my hearing's all messed up I think my ears are still kind of clogged from that cold oh boy poor old thing's too proud to say he's going deaf just be deaf Dad it's fi
ne it's natural for your age stop oh Tina isn't today the day you class dissects those fetal Piggies oh yes don't remind me Tina dissecting a fetal pig is like the one cool thing you have going on right now okay can we move on to more important stuff guys tell me honestly do I look like someone who would be fun to have on a haunted hay ride what haunted hay ride Honey Tammy invited a bunch of eighth graders to go on haunted hay ride on Halloween I asked if I could go too and she said sh and walk
ed backwards away from me that jir Lan isn't that hay ride for like little kids and farmers and people who like to say hey yeah but Tammy's cousin who's in high school she went on a last year with a bunch of her friends and things got kissy and Jimmy junor will be there probably in denim overalls with no shirt underneath and one of the straps down cuz that makes sense given the situation and we'll sit next to each other all night our pumpkins bumping together Tina I don't think dad caught that l
ast part oh sorry I said our pumpkins will be bumping together yep great got it so I said you owe this to yourself Teddy so I did it I bought the tissues with the lotion in them the end I told you that story would be worth it huh Bob Bob oh yeah I I I definitely heard all that Bob I need a burger of the day for had pickle Bob hello huh oh um hi hi ah I really need you to hear things Bob maybe you just need to say more exciting things like my lotion tissue story Teddy sh okay here's an old trick
to clear you is I learned from my uncle Donnie who learned it in prison now hold your nose and swallow and try to goggle like this okay well I don't want to be the only one not doing it it's not working oh my face oh my god did that just come out of your ear yes wow Bob are you dying I don't know maybe it's so big and waxy I'm going to keep it it's not brain right let's say no so who should I make out with on the hay ride Jason kazlowski or Davey Russo well Davey rhymes with gravy so maybe Jason
oh my God good point hey Tammy any word on availability Visa the hay ride cuz I don't have to take up that much space check this out is she trying to fire okay class I'm going to start passing out the fetal pigs Tina Angela is sick today so no partner for you I'm afraid probably got swine flu all right yeah oh God sorry I joke when I'm nervous about dissecting pigs it's good Z it releases attention Excuse Me Miss Jacobson I have a note from my mom that says I don't have to do this cuz it seems
gross and I can forge a note right now that says that as well you're all dissecting a pig and there will be a test on fetal pig anatomy tomorrow a he's so cute he's sleeping thank you whoa ew Tina's pig is nasty and it's scaring our Pig who's trying to rise yeah that little piggy went to the market and everybody there threw up and died he's got weird ugly hairs on his chinny chin chin right J yeah Z it feels good to laugh jeez guys I know he's dead but I feel like it's not very nice to you know
G making fun of things where people is always fun it's right there in the name we do not need that kind of energy on the hay ride um I mean look at this dead idiot talk about a PUK chop am I right more like wham bam no thank you ham I mean whatever okay enough everything okay Tina uh yep let's get dissecting hey Tina crazy how gross your pig was huh uh yeah crazy yeah then you called him puke off and I was like nails it uh sure yep hey you should come with us on the hay ride people say it's for
little kids but we're making it an a great thing having that F fun girl so Tammy can ca come H I guess we have an opening now that found out she's allergic to hay for some stupid reason she should just stop eating it so fine Tina can come oh great thanks Tammy thanks a whole lot what tin what tin what is it oh nipple I mean nothing guess who's going on the haunted hay ride it's me Tina a that's great Tina my little hay seed it turns out all we had to do to get invited was impress the other eth g
raders by making fun of my fetal pig huh teenagers are odd and I feel totally fine about it cuz it's just a dead Pig and I'm a human girl going on a romantic hay ride aren't those the lyrics to a Taylor Swift song all right all right right enough about your day a giant ball of wax fell out of your dad's ear W dad are you dying why does everyone keep saying that I took pictures of it there's the wax next to a quarter there's the wax next to a tomato and there's Teddy pretending the wax just said
something really funny what else do you think is inside dad right now well I'm betting there's something in that other ear there is I think that's why I want to go in with the ear syringe but here's the problem stop I'm doing the garle thing I'm telling you it's not working on that ear we got to go to the syringe level I don't like stuff near my ears unless it's wax or hair or a Juicy Secret you'll see you'll all see when you get old and your body starts to make weird balls of things that fall o
ut of you I'm going to be there laughing at you a honey we'll be dead but we can laugh at them from Heaven I look forward to [Music] it let just stop it stop it okay okay I'm sorry good night I love [Music] you I'm hogging the cover get it hog ah yes I get it oh you okay Tina you were shouting uh yeah I thought there was a scary Pig in here but there's not well there's one in my room he named your dad just kidding now go back to bed I'm going to go pee ah good for you [Music] sweetie I'm your to
ilet now Tina this the Piggy's going crazy Louise Louise oh cool you're up so you want to hang out what's new with you Tina what are you doing here go back to your bed your boobs are taking up all the room I can rearrange them what's with all the angry Whispering I'm trying to have a nice midnight shark Cuttery I had a nightmare that the fetal pig I dissected is trying to get me uh-oh sounds like someone's getting haunted what oh no h haunted by a dead pig why does that sound familiar I wasun Ed
by a red wig after I saw Annie ah auno cetto volume 10 there's a sa dutu a demon spirit that can possess dead animals to attack people who wronged them sounds like my ex-wife just kidding she's great is this cuz I made fun of him can't you take a joke oh yeah sure you demons are known for being really cool about everything what do I do I can't go back to sleep those dreams are so real oh God how do I know I'm not dreaming right now ow did you feel that yes so you're probably awake ow and one mo
re time ow the system works hey hey hey everyone go to bed this isn't a family slumber party those are Friday nights and I'm invited go bed now oh [Music] jeez Tina breakfast wa honey rough night is it cuz your dreams of being haunted by that pig Goblin Louise told us Pig demon Mom I'm sorry about your nightm Tina I didn't sleep that well myself I was so worried your mom was going to attack me that I tied a t-shirt around my head you just wait Bob I'm going to catch you Linda please I'm going to
cat you I'm moving out got to stay awake got to stay awake just picture yourself on the hay ride with Jimmy junor and hay is going everywhere oops I brought my pencil okay this could work there it is oh no let's shakeing bacon go away oops there goes the liver small intestine I don't even know what that is do you no I don't Sween [Music] maybe oh my God she's a really bad tester we got to figure out how to get rid of this thing okay okay save the drama for when you're in your pajamas ooh fation
dutu appeasement rituals clicking let's see so first you got to make sure the whole animal is intact oh that's great cuz I took out all the organs then you got to put a drop of your blood inside the animal as an offering for your wrongdoing well that just makes sense then you bind it with the strongest twine and you bury it in the woods like hikers do with their poop we'll do it after school and you'll be sleeping like a not haunted baby tonight oh saan deu haunting huh that's my 20's in a nuts
hell what you brought it I brought it brought what my otoscope so Linda can look in your ear butos for doctors you just mess around with dead bodies all day no offense I just want to know what I'm dealing with check all the holes don't want any surprises you know what comes out of the holes that no well nobody's sticking anything in my ear Bob I just want to see what's in there it'll be just like at the doctor but we've both seen each other naked now come on fine wait has your ear doctor seen yo
u naked come here oh yeah look at that it's a beast oh let me see let me see uh is it pulsating oh I want to see oh God get out of there get out of my friend and go back to hell all right I I want to see it you do well uh uh we could take a picture M hold the thingy okay here we go brace yourself oh dear lord it's not your fault it's not your fault okay I want it out yes let's get that son of a [ __ ] yeah no no no no not here uh later in the apartment yes apartment's better thank you thank you
for that okay apparently the fetal pigs and organs and stuff are in that dumpster so uh just pop on in find your pigs shove the organs back in real quick there you go won't the organs be all mixed around How will I know which ones are his Take Your Best Shot the important thing is as he knows we're making an effort but you know try to get it right now scoot uh I feel good about this ah I'm okay okay you're the big organs there's a heart the kidy I think oh oh God you're going to smell so cool af
ter this well I'll just say it that pig makes a really fun clutch purse okay Tina let's prick that finger cuz it's getting to be trick-or-treat o'clock it's getting to be hey o' clock ride hey right time for me soon I'm so tired now give me your hand going to prick your finger get some blood out kind of weird when you think about it okay did I do it n oh let me push a little harder did I do it n let me push a little harder did I do it n uh maybe there's no blood in that one let me try this okay
now bind them and bury them all right worst Pig Ro ever hey Dina what are you doing why am I wrapped in this twine I mean it is slimming and I appreciate it but why ah shut up shut up shut up shut up you're burying me this is not cool Tina you are being a total turd right now you're being a turd you're being a turd you're being a turd I feel like I should slap her awake but I also want to see how this argument plays out you're being a turd and I'm getting rid of you for good Tina no turd we did
it I'm free yeah hooray congrats yeah let's go home okay Mama's hungry time to eat some nugget and then make some nuggets trick or treat move those feet costume fashion show for me Louise is going as A well-dressed person who can't find their Baby G no Mom I'm the beorn identity oh got it got it got it and Jean a jaw lady close I'm Fiona applesauce Fiona apples Saucy ant a you must be so proud of your niece and Tina is going ass someone about to slip into a coma Tina your mom's right you should
go like down go lie down and miss a hay ride hail no wa okay fine go everybody go have fun I've got something special plan for your father you're a lucky man dad isn't this nice Jimmy junor you me the hay look a skeleton on a tractor spooky he must have died of excessive crop dusting right you I bet he didn't think I heard skeletons are inside all our bodies every day okay kids let's just have fun appreciating all the work that went into this can I have some of your blanket Jimmy junor uh sure I
mean you're already one also maybe you should have dressed better for the weather hey there's a skeleton turning butter go to the store skeleton yeah this haite is so stupid let's all make out well should we take a whack of this whole kissing thing huh oh okay sure all my hayri dreams are coming true what nothing we're making a magical memory sorry T did you say something sh jimy junor you have more whiskers than normal and more nostrils than usual is the form the height smell me or you what th
e hell you're supposed to be gone well now I'm back baby back ribs I got you Didu I got you [Music] boy I don't know we were going to kiss and then she just fell sleep hm we should probably write Dingle booby pooby butt on her forehead anybody have a pen no seriously who doesn't bring a pen on a hay ride okay let's just make out okay Bobby come on in whoa I put a bowl of Halloween candy outside for the trick- or- Trea so we won't be interrupted why are you wearing your night go it's like 7:30 I
just wanted you to be relaxed come lay on the bed come on lay on the bed okay first I'm going to put some drops in your ear and then we're going to wait 15 minutes and then we're going to flush your ear out with the syringe okay are you turned on no you are a little bit do I need a safe word no maybe wake up wake up wake up I need some help here allow me nothing yeah you're on a snooze Cruise you guys the pig is back we didn't get rid of him what if you can't trust the internet for pig demon app
easement rituals then what's the point wait does this mean we're in your dream yeah yes I think so I thought there'd be more horses oh there's one so if we're in your dream can't we be like anything I don't know maybe like I could have nine arms sticking out of my back and also two arms for legs um okay sure nice this feels right Jean what about you ooh I want some applesauce really you could do anything and you want applesauce yes ever since I put on this outfit but fine just make my whole body
applesauce that's badass yeah yeah Tina if you can make Jean applesauce then why not just dream the pig away great idea Louise don't you think I'd do that if I could okay okay let me and all my arms think for a minute H seems like the only way to go is to trap them and then turn them into pork chops oh i' go great with that I mean trapping him sounds good but what would we use huh is that supposed to be scary that's kind of the vibe of this whole place a lot of skeletons doing helpful things ar
ound the farm okay Tina I need you to use your dream powers to make me a wig that looks like your hair a shirt that looks like your shirt and glasses that look stupid I mean that look like yours and Tina's trademark tangle hat it's time to show this sausage who's the bage okay Bobby up up till you head to the side let's see what kind of ugs we got I just want my life back huh there should be way more oh it's still in there it outweighed the oil now it's laughing at me oh no I'm coming for you yo
u wax bastard don't you laugh at me Linda you're scaring me this is my white wax whale I'll be in dick Bob so demon Pig comes along and sees wait for it a perfect replica of Tina he jumps in the coffin the lid closes we run over sit on the coffin Pig trapped done then we trap the pig's parents Pig Parent Trap there he [Music] is now ha we got them how do you like them apples sace and you're welcome okay but we should probably put a big rock on top just to be safe I'm fussing you out wax I'm comi
ng for you oh I'm Tina bang bang bang ah stop right there skeleton Bano Tina attack damn it why won't you just leave me alone wait a minute wait a minute you think I'm doing this to you no no no you're doing this to you you gave into peer pressure and made fun of me and you felt really guilty about it and this is what your brain did ow huh I guess that sounds like something my brain would do uh I'm sorry we were mean to you can I make it up to you somehow want to hang out like socially yeah like
boyfriend girlfriend oh I I mean just kidding how about you just give me that hat okay oh it looks good on you yeah it does you're a good kid Tina goodbye goodbye Mr fet welcome back sleeping Tutti and yes that was Tina farting before Not Me farting and blaming it on Tina I don't know Telly you kept waving the edge of your blanket i f one on my leg that was a ghost that ghost needs a doctor okay kids that's the end of the line you take care bye now skeleton arm surprise and scare oh my God that
is so in so great uh it's great tractor driver guy your skeleton arms great all all the skeletons doing farm tours are great no I'm saying it's D you know who else is great my fetal pig yeah the one I made fun of to seem cool well I was wrong because that fetal pig is the one who's cool he's he's a really cool dude who looks great in hats oh and one more thing okay now I'm done oh hell yeah now that's a hay ride that was jlyn I haven't been chewing for like 10 minutes just swallowing like a pel
ican ding my warm Snickers is ready how was your night Tina well Mom I learned a little about life and a lot about myself Mo lot of drool like immediately dad what about you is your ear still full of strange well we did onst but we couldn't beat the beast but I think it brought us closer you know as a couple yeah reignited the passion that's not not what I oh almost sneeze oh my God it's out it's out we win we win candy candy candy I don't recognize you tasty little candy Baby Jane no no no no n
o no no no Jane give it no an in the night and it gives you such a fright he's got a tail that's curly and it's coming for you girly you got big trouble big trouble little tetina you can try your best to shout when you Smooch in on that snout but you kissed a fetal pig and now you two are boyfriend girlfriend you got big trouble big trouble little te history project about ancient Greece i h had some big plans there was going to be a musical component there was a graphic novel in the works and wh
at can I say some projects just uh don't get off the ground so without further Ado I present the Acropolis made out of popsicle sticks the popsic oh wow who's Miss twitchell to accuse me of giving up when things get hard she's the divor not me not yet well you do give up like all the time I mean you're a starter not a finisher which the world needs without starters how would we um finish anything exactly you know what I need a little chocolate pickme up fortunately I think I might have some cand
y in my backpack what that's impossible no he probably does uh-oh last one all right little chunky blast off a lot of pressure on you come on now do what you do to me don't be nervous you're going to be great ready to blast off uh yeah sisters won't you join me as I stop at the store to purchase another box of this Timeless classic you get so Charming when you eat chocolate what the new look new Great Taste they B sunglasses on the astronaut guy and gave him frosted tips what about the new Great
Taste Park I'm so scared here it goes no no no why why why why why why so not great or what's the verdict hey hey hey hey kid you got to pay for that why would they do this to me why would they change Chucky blast Ops and where's Ronnie I want my usual Convenience St checkout guy Ronnie join the Beast Corp no no hey guys how you doing you mind if I use your dishwasher mine's busted uh yes cuz we're a restaurant great Teddy those are golf balls good eye Bob good eye why are you washing golf ball
s cuz they're dirty I got them at the bottom of the lake at the municipal golf course I clean them and then I sell them back to the golfers I make a quarter each that's about uh 75 bucks a day wow that's sort of impressive but keep that to yourself I'm not exactly on good terms with management at the course right now okay wait why guys at the pro shop wanted to cut but I'm the one risking my life right diving into a murky lake at night with nothing but a garden hose for air I've said too much I
can trust you right Bob right I don't got to worry about you right take you're not going to tell anyone right just keep it to yourself I won't tell anybody I know how you get they're just things to talk about and then next thing you're telling everybody that comes in here about what I got there no reason to insult me when you're using my dishw here you know what just keep your mouth shut okay uh here's a little taste buy something nice for yourself they changed Chucky blast off they changed Chuc
ky Blast Off what what happened what happened they changed chunky blast offs butter chunky blast offs the best thing this country's produced since ankle socks they messed with jeans candy and now he's a big old mess aw I hate it when they change candies I hate it so now I'm going to get the Geniuses at Sprat sweets to change it back Sprat and click live chat sure what can we help you with today hm chain chunky blast offs back you idiots sorry for the you idiots part Margaret is typing cu
rrently there are no plans to Chang the formula of chunky blast offs but your comments have been noted have a delicious day well I'm shocked that didn't work ah I gave it a shot time to give up that's the spirit no time to unive up the factory tour factory tour they have free factory tours every day except Christmas which is fine because I'm busy on Christmas we'll go to the spratz factory tour and I'll get my day in Dandy cart you're talking crazy Jean no I'm not I'll take you on the tour wait
what yeah I'm proud of Jean for taking his St and you little Aaron chakov you but they're probably not going to listen to a kid Lyn of course I know but we should support Jean's cause oh it's a cause now it's a cause support it I think you just want to go on the tour what I don't even like candy cavities cavity creeps look as you can see we still make our candy the same way that our founder Ferdinand Sprat did over 80 years ago but with robots excuse me Michelle is there going to be like a Q&A w
ith the boss man or boss woman of this place at the end of the tour yeah but brother's got some some cues but need a sprad sweets is governed by its board of directors and unless you're a stockholder little fella they're just a bit too busy to answer questions but we came all this way so my brother could talk to someone in charge hey anyone ever wonder how we keep all the rappers organized kind of sorry CH we'll get you something nice at the gift shop unless you're too SAR to enjoy it and then w
e'll just get me something at the end of this Hall we'll all take turns looking through a window into the accounting office the fance spr are you Ferdinand Sprat as in Sprat sweets yeah you're talking to the last living Sprat who are you my name's Jean and I'm a huge fan of Sprat sweets did you peel off from the factory tour how'd you know herette yep it's an awful tour so awful who's your tour guide Michelle yep figures she's the only one look I came all this way to talk to someone in charge bu
t now I've met you the most InCharge person in the whole place technically speaking Yeah so what can I do for you your company chained chunky blast offs that I really really really want you to change them back let's say bye Monday at the latest that's it that's it done wait really yeah oh wow great so it's done well not done it's going to be like a whole thing with the suits but from one Mega spratz fan to another I promise to help yes thank you Freddy but first I need your help I want to tie li
corice whips to the ceiling fan to make a licorice tornado but I'm scared to go to the top of the ladder without someone holding it uh licorice tornado yeah so while we're stuck on the tour learning about how humidity affects nougat Jean sneaks off and becomes BFFs with the Founder's grandson and if you thought noua likes lots of humidity you'd be wrong dead wrong and we're all sure this guy's actually who he says he is I'm just saying he is a stranger giving Jean candy the best kind of stranger
and he's going to put the old chunky blast offs back in orbit because it's space I get it well Freddy said it's not entirely up to him he has to convince someone called the board of directors so how how is he going to do that that's what fdy and I are going to figure out tomorrow tomorrow yeah I'm going back there after school to work on our plan really Lyn you're going to take him there again yeah he's fighting for something he believes in and he can put it down on his resume someday fought th
e man save candy cute as a button no that's not a great resume is there any other reason you want to take him well no you didn't want to maybe buy more candy in the gift shop Lynn what there's a gift shop okay let's see how are we going to get those suits upstairs to listen to us good question oh hey I haven't given you the cool tour want to do that before we get cracking uh so I get to drive these whenever I want they go up and down back and forth whatever you're into yeah cool so should we sta
rt coming up with ideas I feel like our meeting got a little sidetracked okay yeah let's brainstorm real quick uh H oh hey so they just let me come in here and throw these up against the glass they love it want to make sure I showed you this what a tour thank you but now let's figure out how you're going to going to talk to your office business people well nowadays business isn't done in offices business is done walking really fast down long hallways and at urinals haven't you seen aash is it a
show about people peeing and getting stuff done yeah more or less then do that do the urinal plan uh but what about the lady board members we'll have to convince them to use the urinals leave that to me all right how's this for a urinal opener look what's coming out of the business end of that thing speaking of business and then you speak of business I like it that's good hey call it a day okay but we haven't really figured out much besides my great opening line yeah I know but I usually try to
knock out a nap around this time and so I just feel like you know it's right time to do it and wow you are going to sleep I will show myself out after taking one Uncle nuts bar off your desk so you come up with your plan sort of it seems like ferdy doesn't really want to put in the work like at all wow it's weird to hear those words coming out of my mouth he says we'll nail it down tomorrow sure sure you'll get it tomorrow BR hey this will be our after school SN activity this week so you sold al
l your balls sold all the balls you don't sound happy I just keep thinking about the sunken treasure that I left behind in the deeps in the what the deeps it's what I call the Deep part of the lake 9 ft deep mhm No Light No Life no sound man's alone with his starts down there Bobby except for some tadpoles there's plenty of tadpoles down there what's the sunken treasure thousands of balls but uh I can't get to them I'd be diving deeper than I'd ever gone before I need someone to feed me the hose
keep a lookout but uh who could I get you know what do I do what do I do probably never go back call it quit team up be you and me no not team up yeah come on Bob one last score and then we're done we're out we're set for life no looking back I don't think so what do you want to do Bob work in this dead end job the rest of your life flipping burgers you didn't exactly light the world on fire Bob you know what I mean no it's great you got a restaurant here but come on all right I'll do it what r
eally I don't have to go in right you go in I just have to hold the thing sure that's all you want to do I mean if you only want to live life that much you just could hold the thing I suppose you really don't want to go in the water no I will not go in the water that's why you were going to do it you want to go in the water with me oh I don't want to dive into the H I don't want to dive into a scum Pond you got no Jau sto in you huh Bobby I've eaten you I've eaten you I've eaten you oh you're ne
w what's your situation be loving the new de no nothing's changed it's the same de it's different maybe you didn't watch it birdie Jean's here again hey Jean Hey fdie ready to brainstorm perfect our PB pitch yeah listen I've been thinking I'm not so sure that you're in a plan is going to work why not because I almost tried it and it was like awkward I couldn't even tell you if that guy was a board member I mean he had a suit on he had a penis you look familiar okay we'll come up with another pla
n I don't know we've already put like a ton of work into it let's face it it's going to be way too hard to convince the board to change Chucky blast off's back wait you're giving up not exactly wait yes exactly first your company betrays me and now you what is it with this place maybe the next candy you make should be called betrayal brittle or something that has the word betrayal in it cuz you're all experts at betrayal betrayal mix you're the betrayer what Beatrice who's betraying who sorry wh
at's going on that's right she's on my side I think Jean needs to go and he's not allowed in my office anymore so you want me to call security that won't be necessary I'm leaving FIS please Paige my mom and the gift shop teller I'll be by the car and then I'm not cry at all I'm sorry Ferdinand turned out to be such a Turan but jean we're proud of you you gave it your best shot yeah Jean you got closer than any of us thought you would okay we'll leave you alone and let you have farty time on the
couches if Ferdie had just stuck to the urinal plan it would have worked well maybe someone else needs to step up now you started this crazy candy ride now finish it you son of a [ __ ] wow I love motivational speeches now I know what it must be like to play basketball here's what you're going to do you're going to go into the boardroom and convince them yourself but I can't get in there I'm not allowed on the executive floors but you can still take the factory tour why would I want to do that i
t was terrible the mail room was nice no the tour is just our cover we'll peel off from the group and sneak jean into the board meeting really you do that for me if it means watching you barge into a board of directors meeting half coocked then yes I will I think we're good Bobby I think we're finally good to go we'll enter by the 16th and then we'll cut across did you bring a ski mask no did you uh you brought gloves though right no no no did I not say this I told you to bring a ski mask I told
you to bring gloves no you definitely I definitely didn't say that oh my God okay you're frustrated you're scared that's okay but listen don't let the dog smell that fear on you you know dogs what dogs wait you have padding on your arms yeah but uh is that for the dogs no it's just from another thing from rollerblading but yeah no now that you say it it's probably going to help with the dogs you're probably right wait have you been bitten by these dogs no I mean yes once but that's why I got th
e padding yeah but I don't have the padding you didn't say bring padding no but I also didn't tell you that I got bit by a dog oh my God why did I do this all right light me up here you [Music] go you okay I'm got to be fine this always happens the first time I know but you were like down there for like just like 2 seconds you barely went down I just got scared okay are you okay you're choking breathe in through the hose I am I'm using the I'm trying Ted you're vomiting it's making me G you said
you've done this before G maybe I try it once without the H no you can't go that's why I'm here just go down gag down Teddy all right did you get any yeah I got like three in a couple in my pocket but go back down I don't I'm telling you what to do Bobby I'm not leaving it with three balls I can't get that extra foot that's why they call it the deeps teddy go back down and get more all right I'm going I'm going just uh give me a second you said there were a thousand balls down there all right I
'm going down one more one more time great go so how you going to spend your share sh skall sh why we can be loud at this point hey who's over there go go go go go go go go go oh my God you I oh my [Music] God stairs stairs I got to take them no no I got to take him buddy if we don't make it I love you I freaking love you I love you too yeah let's do it I will that was great we did it good luck breaking into the candy boardroom I'm going to break into a giant bag of the formed candy that only co
st a buck hey you three look familiar didn't you just take the tour last weekend we're kids we like candy now tour us W now let's go have a look at the candy making equipment getting cleaned and dry okay so where's this display we're going to Cho and horse you in with there's a room full of those dumb new chunky blastoff displays right through here all right just get me in the elevator and up into the boardroom the meeting's about to start hey you're not supposed supposed to be here busted oh no
we got separated from the super interesting factory tour it happens come on I'll get you back before you miss too much oh no you don't have to do that yeah you probably have to patrol no no it's no trouble at all no sounds like a lot of trouble yeah it does it's really not we don't want to bother you hey did you see how they print the boxes yet we did not uh we did and we did believe me if you saw it you'd remember it that's for sure you got your hair nuts where's your hair at uh I got a couple
in my pocket here here you go you can keep those you know what no come on let's go oh no it's pleas come on all right all right all right what's happening you got to get to the boardroom we'll meet you there oh sure that'll be easy well here goes [Music] nothing bringing the promotion items down here huh they're always coming up with new things those guys and the peanut light in Puerto Rico really was a blight on this fiscal quarter as you can see from that I don't care why is that rocket comin
g in here what's going on is it someone's birthday Jean give me a sec what are you doing here I came here to say the stuff that needs saying that you didn't have the guts to say so I'm going to I know he's just a little boy but I'm calling 911 no hey you are going to listen to him Jean's my friend and I betrayed him and he's going to talk and we're all going to listen and if I tune out a little it's only because I know most of what he's about to say all right fine you you've got 2 minutes thanks
feddie look I really care about chunky blast offs and you people change them and now they taste gross and the astronut guy looks creepy I'm sure you have your dumb reasons but the original chunky blast offs used to taste so good and meant so much to me and now that they're gone I feel like a part of me went with them are you trying to say a part of your childhood went away huh oh uh I don't know hey man I was on a roll all sorry sorry just continue you you people bring happiness to millions of
kids but then it's like you gave up on us and I know a little something about giving up until a few days ago I was known as a chronic giv uper are you trying to say quitter please don't you people remember what it's like to care about your favorite candy or have you been dressing up in business suits and drinking business water for so long that you don't even remember this just water just normal water I don't know what business water is yo guy with the glasses when was the last time you even ate
one of the kid cies you make I I don't know a year maybe two a year that's crazy what about you lady with a turtle pin oh uh couple months ago maybe what's your favorite candy I don't know I haven't given it any come come on just think back when you were a kid before you were this soulless watch it come on you know the answer I go darn it bar good what about you freckles crackles go on dig in wa wow this is really different than the accounting office come on be a k again sorry I just hit someon
e in the head it was me it's fine it's not not a big deal your eye is bleeding so host when they let CH Chucky BL back I second it I third it changed my opinion all right well it looks like we'll be changing back to the original chunky blast offs after all it's unanimous woo yes yes I can't believe it out wa Jean did Jean really just do that looks like it Al get me a cost breakdown in a timeline for putting the old formula and the packaging back online ah sure I can estimate that it's going to b
e uh somewhere between 15 and $20 million oh then forget it that's no all right you did great in there Jean you should feel proud you saw it through you kept with it yeah but we failed no Jean you failed huh no no you totally nailed it you reminded those suit bags what really matters to a candy company kids and money and money hey we've got like 20 30,000 old formula chunky blast offs in the warehouse you want them yeah I feel good do you guys feel good oh my heart's beating like crazy I'm sure
it's fine let's go I'll try look at that thing it's going to last you into your 20s I'll give it a month I give it a week and I will spend that week in this box please forward my mail to this address G give me one no give me one [Music] no [Music] rocket so good so chunky ready to blast off Blast Off blast off chuny chuny [Applause] BL chuny [Music] Chun for no foreign spee delete recording though delete all recording delete recording to recording the setting story
