
Brave New World: Our Maiden Voyage with AI

Welcome to the brave new world of AI. This is the very first episode of our exciting journey, embarking on an incredible mission to implement Artificial Intelligence. Despite having no prior knowledge of AI, we're ready to learn, grow, and transform our operations. Listen to our employees as they share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas about AI. Their insights are raw, genuine, and eye-opening, offering a unique perspective on what AI means for our organization and the future of small businesses. But the fun doesn't stop here. We're also excited to announce that we'll be releasing a suite of FREE tools to help other small businesses on their journey to AI. To get your hands on these tools, visit Join us as we unlock the power of AI. Subscribe to our channel, like this video, and share it with other small business owners who might be interested in exploring AI. Remember, we're all in this together. Welcome to Welcome to the future.


9 months ago

foreign [Music] you may be wondering how to use chat GPT and other AI Tools in your job or in your business because you know if you don't learn how to use these tools you're likely to get left behind you're not alone so is everybody else here's a big problem a lot of people get started and they get vague or even lame answers from the computer and then they determine that AI isn't for them that's because a lot of the information out there right now is skewed towards really techy type stuff which
makes it boring and hard to understand since you probably have a lot of the same questions we have showing you how a real small business uses AI tools to succeed or fail can save you time it can save you money and it might give you some good ideas so you're invited to watch us here attempting to move our small business forward using AI tools along the way we're going to show you the costs the revenues and ultimately the profit of everything we try so thanks for watching and let's learn how to le
verage artificial intelligence together all right guys I figured we'd have this planning session so we could talk about what we're doing why we're doing it and kind of come up with with a game plan here [Music] you guys have you messed around with the AI at all once about a week ago Chet showed me some stuff it wrote A Blog for us and like 30 seconds [Music] that's crazy that's so what I'm seeing the last time I saw something this disruptive and by disruptive I mean something that can literally
change the game for millions of people was when Netscape came out in 1995. it was crazy I didn't realize that it was going to change the way everything in the world Works in Netscape was the first or one of the first internet browsers they ended up getting beaten by Internet Explorer but that was the first time you could get on the internet because they had Unix which was like a text base and you could email and stuff but you had to like learn commands and it was pretty challenging and nobody on
ly people at universities and really techy guys and girls were using it and when Netscape came out you could really browse the world wide web and that was a new term at that time people didn't know what www or email really was in 1995 but as we know it went on to change the world I don't know yet how chat GPT and the other AI tools are going to impact search and this is big for us right because last year about a million dollars of our Revenue I could attribute directly to internet search
whether it's someone Googling stuff and ending up on our website through the organic results or paying Google for every time somebody clicks on an ad but either way we spent about two hundred thousand dollars on internet search last year and that turned into a million dollars and there's a good possibility that a lot of that's going to go away and so we need to figure out what we're going to do to replace that Revenue if it goes away and it's kind of scary right because I've become totally obsol
ete my two skills are copywriting and seo seo is search engine optimization being able to make a web page or a blog post that somebody finds by doing a search on the internet and let's face it pretty quick people are going to be able to duplicate me either for free or for not very much money at all we've got to find a way to change the way we're getting our name out there as a company and a lot of other companies are going to have to do the same thing and a lot of them don't even realize it yet
right yeah I think I mean literally the first time that I had even heard about this was someone in our new higher class and then Chet had mentioned it so you know a month from now or two months from now or even six months from now imagine what is going to be taking place at that point it's it's really it's scary to say it's unimaginable because we just don't we don't understand what this tool really does for me to sit there and just watch a Quick Command go through I mean there was a few things
that it did but one of them just to write a blog post and it was a phenomenal blog post I was actually thinking to myself oh yeah oh I forgot about that oh yeah that would actually be a good benefit oh that's a that's a feature I didn't think about okay pretty scary right yeah and I'm like questioning okay do I become obsolete you know I'm I've seen our competitors lean on technology and watch them fail but nothing to this extent before this type of Technology this is this is right hair raising
here are the objectives the main objectives that I I'm thinking of for filming this program first objective we have an opportunity or I I should say I have an opportunity something I've always felt strongly about I've been fortunate to have had very very good mentors and throughout the show I'll talk about some of those mentors but I've in a large part failed at paying that forward right I'm the sole marketing employee in this company I want to be able to help somebody in their career the same w
ay I was helped by several people in my career and as much as possible if we can use this show as a vehicle and it it we don't even have to help a crazy amount of people to make a difference if we can just help one person I mean hopefully it's more than one person but if we can help one person find a new career or move their business forward in a significant way I will have already considered this a success right because we're here on this Earth maybe for if we're lucky 80 years or so and then w
e die and hopefully along the way you make a difference somewhere to someone other than just yourself and I think that's the most important part of giving but we are a for profit company so along the way I want to help us tell our story in a way that can move our business forward primarily or at least partly because I'm afraid of what's going to happen in search right if a chat bot can just gives one answer and people don't have to go forward and search we're going to lose a lot of that Edge Edg
e yeah it's going to be the Journey of of where our company is going and the challenges that we have with a new technology that even though it seems to be helpful it can also make a lot of our roles obsolete so it's this challenging love hate but but excited and scared about what is about to come what we know most is what we don't know right we know that we don't know what impact it's going to have and so let's help people and this is important because a lot of the stuff we do in here as part of
this show is going to fail and if you're watching the stuff we put together you can learn both from what we do that works and what we do that doesn't work right oh yeah I would say the biggest winners are the biggest losers you have to lose you have to fall in your face in order to figure out how to do it right you don't just get it right every time that's not the way that it works right you have to test and evolve and adapt to things that are changing in the in the world all the time yeah one
of our core values has always been as business transparency right so we're going to try to make money off the show and but let's take it a little bit further than that let's show how much money we spend on each part of the show like we just bought a bunch of video equipment [Applause] let's show um if we do advertising or reach out to a PR firm we'll show what we actually spend on those things and then if we're lucky enough to achieve sales or Revenue as a direct result of the show we'll show it
so people can see here's what happened here's a profit and a loss and I'm also thinking at the end of each show we do a debrief what happened what went wrong what went right and the lessons learned so all right we have some a few tasks that I was thinking of that we have to do to get ready for this the first thing is we need to watch some Television right this is a reality show and we've all watched reality shows in the past for entertainment value but I'm going to start watching a few shows li
ke with a notepad I want to see how do they move the stories forward how do they introduce themselves in the beginning right because we're filming this this is the the first thing we're filming but we're going to have to create an introduction so that people actually know what we're talking about before we show this shot right and what's the formula I guarantee you the reality and we can ask AI we can ask chat GPT what's the formula for a reality show but I also want to watch some reality shows
and see do I see a formula here what is what is the winning combo and lastly like what are the cool dealios they do what are the because they'll have sound effects and they'll have graphics and they'll have text and stuff and we want to be able to not copy what somebody else does but use that to give us an idea of what we can do the layout yeah yeah and then we can make it our own it's funny because I think that a lot of things is put off like it or shown like it's some sort of reality TV show b
ut the majority of it is really scripted when in reality no pun intended most of reality TV shows were back in the 90s that's really when this you know first started to come about so I find it really funny that you know they um you know reality TV shows that are out there yeah there's just a lot of things that are inputted into their their head and their into their mouths where this is going to be a lot more old school reality because I don't know what the heck I'm talking about I know yeah we c
ame in here no script Nothing yeah no script yeah and well what we're going to do too so you'll shows part part part of the strategy of a good show is the promotion of the show and what I think is going to be important is two things is number one we want to show how we actually promote this show because even if you're not doing a show if you have some sort of a business and hopefully even if you don't have some sort of a business what we're showing you will help you determine some sort of busine
ss you still have to promote it and there's a lot of tools that you can use and we're going to be using a lot of different tools so we're going to talk about all this in a future episode in fact there may be so much it may take up two or even three episodes but we're going to show you how we use jet GPT and other AI tools to do the work of a PR firm and get us onto podcasts and into newspapers and into the General Media and also how to level up social media promotion including you know the usual
Facebook Instagram LinkedIn and Tick Tock go to and enter your email address so we can send you updates every time there's a new show and also we'll be sending you every tool we make for the public so that you can take advantage of them yourself so I think on the show we should show how we do Facebook to promote the show and we're going to do like some Facebook ads we're going to set up a Facebook group which is fire a lot of people don't know that you can set up a Facebook group and
then sell to people within that group we're going to be doing tick tocks we're going to be doing Instagram we are going to be leveraging PR um and I'm going to try to get on some podcasts to to tell our story and tell the story of of this show and so I think it'd be cool to show in real time on the show all right we're going to be doing a tick tock video now and here are the elements of a successful Tick Tock video which I don't know I've never done Tick Tock but the cool thing is the AI will t
ell me how to do a tick tock that's what's crazy is if you leverage these tools properly you don't have to know anything because the computer can tell you and you can follow set recipes that other people have already found to be successful and it's not that this information wasn't out there before but now it's a lot easier to get your hands on it you don't have to scroll through 200 pages of internet search to try to find what's the best strategy and hopefully what the eye gives you is the right
strategy because that that's a significant concern right now is what if you're getting one answer and when you type something into the the chat you get one answer how do you know it's the right answer right so those are and we'll we'll be exploring that what what are the some of the limitations of the AI because honestly I don't know yet right I don't know yeah yeah I mean access to information right now is really just so different than what it has been year after year I think about you know me
just looking for a recipe if I'm going to cook something for someone a vegetarian's coming over my house and now all I have to do is just look up on YouTube or look up on Pinterest you know you've never had that before I I literally have probably 30 cookbooks that have been passed down in my family or or have been given to me and you know am I Really Gonna Go I I still keep them why why I don't look there for any recipes if I really needed something I'll just go online and go look for it but ye
ars ago was it the same as now so no but this is probably what's going to happen with chat GPT is what it is today and as we film the show it's going to be so different fast forward to five years and 10 years we're going to look back and say wow isn't that interesting you know all that extra work that we had to do where now chat GPT has accelerated itself and gotten even better and and you know we're able to possibly do the same project quicker yeah with more tools yeah or a different outcome ye
p awesome all right guys thank you for coming appreciate you um so I filled you guys in a little bit but not a lot what we're doing is a essentially a reality TV program even though it's it's not going to be on TV we hope it gets on TV but uh it's really going to be an internet show and the internet show is going to cover a couple of things so AI has come out and it's going to change the way companies do business a lot of companies don't realize yet how much their business is going to be impacte
d by AI but the vast majority of businesses will have some impact from Ai and I'll tell you guys right now one immediate impact we're going to see to our business is last year we did roughly a million dollars in Revenue as a result of an internet search and what's clear is that internet search is changing Bing has already put their chatbot into the search engine which is chat GPT Google's working on a chat bot called Bard which will go into the Google search and we don't know yet how much or how
that is going to impact our internet searches but we know it's going to have an impact and so we have to figure out how we're going to respond to that how we're going to replace that Revenue and what we're going to do about it and we don't know we just know that our business is going to change and we have to change with it we don't want to be the next Blockbuster thinking that Netflix isn't going to take away their business right and so this we're creating the show for multiple reasons number o
ne is to get our name out there number two it's going to cost some money to figure out how this business is going to benefit or change from AI so we'd like to build a war chest to spend money to try to overcome some of these challenges and we don't know what the challenge is going to be yet but we know there are going to be challenges so we're going to attempt to make some money off the show and lastly there's a lot of businesses like ours that may or may not know the impact that AI is going to
have and we want to help some of those businesses along their Journey so essentially the show is is to learn how we and others can use chat GPT and other AI tools to level up our business and this meeting is to brainstorm a few of those things so the first thing I wanted to ask everyone around the table um it will just go like around in the circle have you guys used chat GPT I will start with Mr I have done it I've used it to uh write sales scripts see what it would look like [Music] um also wha
t equipment uses just to see how it works so what would this equipment be used for how were the sales scripts horrible very worried very MBA driven like you uh the vomit all over a competitive and and just the the buzzwords that you see every grad student out of them a business school that tries to put on their resume when I try to do the job interesting that's what I've seen I don't know have you well with Chad gbt it's really in the you know the Wilder's hands [Music] how it's going to come ou
t so if it comes out like watered down in that way you can program it and say can you make this funny and more interesting yeah and then it'll make it funnier more interesting it'll change it so for me personally I've I've used it for cell scripts too um but if I don't like it I try to you know turn it around to make it more my style so I kind of just type in there like well I would say it like this can you use more urban words that I would use like this word or that word and it'll change it and
manipulate it to that and the language you put into it is just like you said it yeah it'll it'll it'll bring it break it down as if it's talking like me so I use it all the time for a number of different things not only sell scripts customer follow-up because I have ADHD and I don't like doing that so so I do too so you know it emails for me I used it for a submission report one time so we're pausing real quick because what Bobby is about to say may not make any sense to you we're not a program
ming company we're not an AI company we're a small business and what we do is we help other small businesses Finance vehicles and Equipment if they can't just go to their bank which is the vast majority of small businesses in the United States you know because a lot of times you know being in this industry I'm doing truck and trailers all day and then all of a sudden some guy comes over and he's like I want to get a tractor from my HVAC business I'm like what are you going to use a tractor for w
ell it has an attachment so I can use it for this and a forklift attachment and I'm like but I don't understand why you want to use it so I submitted it and then they got the it got pushed back immediately this doesn't make sense for using it for a tractor so I'm like there has to be a reason why he needs this for his business and not typed into chat DBT can you give me a breakdown of why this is essential for an HVAC business and it gave me a complete breakdown for reasons it's for grading resu
rfacing purposes digging trenches for gas lines and water lines and pipelines and all these different types of things that they need and I shot it over and then it got approvement I just funded it the other day so at that point at that point it gives you additional knowledge and resources that you might not have because you know there's so many things to learn in the industry but in a matter of seconds two three seconds seconds it'll give you the exact you know things that you're looking for so
I use it for a number of different things me personally what about you Seth I I use it both on a social media level and as well as like for school weirdly enough [Music] I've I've had assignments where I blank out I don't know what to write because they're asking me to write a story a short story for a class and I'll literally throw in there short story ideas and it it feels like they're broader the question they're broader the answer if you really want like a definitive answer you really have t
o kind of like like for example uh short story that pertains to daily life you know that kind of brings it down a little bit more but so it's it's kind of broad like I I also play a lot of Call of Duty and so I do like a good amount of tick tocks where I'll take like screen grabs of my like my best plays and I noticed like if I just post them and I don't throw anything with them like any context or any hashtags of any sort of tick tock I'll get like 200 views I asked chat gbt hey what's a song t
hat like you know like if people click on the little sound icon and Tick Tock what's the song that you know it's popular and it'll come up with with my video if I were to post it without having to spend the money or what hashtag should I use to to draw in more people and I went from having like 100 to 200 views to like 780 to a thousand plus depending on the certain circumstances to use it for so just some simple chat GPT prompts allowed you to 4X your viewership on social media that's pretty co
ol yeah yeah what about you Dan so my focus with chat GPT is just growing a YouTube channel [Music] so I have a YouTube channel where it allows uncreative people that don't have a real creative mindset to have a broad creative mindset and so using the right prompts I might not know my my channel is about cars I don't know everything about the cars that are on my channel but using chat GPT and giving it the prompts to give me the information and then be able to write scripts about that car and be
ing able to use it to quickly being able to take hours and hours of personal research to learn everything about the cars that are in each of my videos to be able to use that not only to educate myself understanding what the cars are but also turn that into a script and like you said using the right prompts you can get if you're playing with chat TPT you're using generic prompts it's going to give you generic back if you prompt GPT to give you you know educational material telling it exactly how
to go about give what you want I mean I've wrote chat GPT a full paragraph on how to go about writing the script for me right and it takes that whole paragraph and I mean it was shocking the first few times when I really learned how to use it how well um it could write a script right and then by giving that script to you know my video editor and my voice over person you know I was able to grow a channel and get it monetized in 30 days and when most people take a year right so let's talk about th
at first of all what's what's the channel called blurred hello and welcome to blurred your go-to channel for all things cars word cars okay and how much how much time on a weekly basis do you spend on this YouTube channel working on it 10 hours 10 hours and uh so 40 hours a month and what is your return how much money in profits do you make from this channel in a month between 75 and 150 a day a day a day a day so that's like three thousand dollars a month oh yeah so that's like that's a pretty
good part-time job yeah I just broke it I just broke 1.2 million views I had over a million views in 90 days and a lot of it is I didn't write yeah any of the scripts I didn't write the descriptions that are on there so you can go through that YouTube channel and all the descriptions and all the script it was all written by AI now you got to be careful because it can get fairly repetitive exactly and I learned that the script got pretty repetitive and so now when I tell it what to do I'm very cl
ear with chat GPT not to use you know repetitive information repetitive sentences and then a lot of times if it is repetitive you just copy and paste the the paragraph that it wrote and paste it back into chat gbt and tell it to rewrite it in a different uh in a different tone or a different voice if you wanted to be more funny if you wanted to be more you know uh professional right it'll rewrite those scripts so you can kill the repetitiveness yeah so that's awesome you guys right because Dan i
s not a marketer right no not yet not a professional marketer and he's in 30 days 30 days it's been up since November it took me 30 days to get monetized okay I've had it for 90 days so it took me quite a while you know about three months to get to where we're at today what took us nine years to get to where we're at yeah that's pretty good right yeah and in fact you're a lot farther along in that business than I was 90 days into this business 90 days into this business I hadn't seen my first do
llar in revenue and in fact 90 days into this business I was a good six months away from seeing my first dollar of Revenue so to to be able to launch a YouTube channel and see revenue from it that quickly I mean that's that's light speed yeah that that's insane and something that quite literally almost anybody could take advantage of if given the right tools and the right blueprint and that's part of the reason why we're doing this this whole program is to kind of show that blueprint and show a
number of different ways in which people can use chat GPT because they're going to need it there's a lot of people right now that don't realize that one way or another AI may change their job and there are some people for where AI is going to make them lose their job and they're going to need to to find another way to make money and this can potentially be an Avenue for that and so hopefully I mentioned in our last meeting if we can help just one person do that I hope we help a lot of people but
if we can help just one person and change their lives then setting up this room and all these cameras and all that other stuff that's going to be worth it so I figured we now we We can brainstorm what ways can we use chat GPT in our own business right so anyone have any ideas well I already do that right now especially for an account manager um I'd have chat gbt you know pinned on my wearing Bowser and whenever I need something I go to it right away like I said as you know CRM management is hug
e I know we're getting a new system but as far as you just interacting with your clients from text messages from emails from anything as far as follow-up it's just quicker you know you can have a general right generate responses in a matter of seconds we have so many different tedious things that we have to do to slow us down especially for approval requests when you can just put use that tool and it you know basically cuts the time to like one-fourth of the time that you would have spent on it
I'm just really just copy and pasting of course you want to use it to change it to your own style and that's the thing where you get the you know the foundational information for it and then you take that foundational information and then you kind of formulate that to your own style and then you use it to your advantage you know and it can make the key is too it can make creative people more creative so that's the thing a lot of people think that if they're creative it's going to like take away
from their creativity but actually it's seeing the opposite Trend right now if you're more creative then the tool enhances your abilities rather than kind of diminishing it so I've seen it even like let's say I'm doing a video um I have a creative idea I can put that creative idea in and it enhances that creative idea and gives you more ideas so that I can utilize it as if my brain is like I'm taking a limitless pill so that's what it feels like when I take when I first discovered it now of cour
se I've been using it in this business one I know that's the main topic but it's already helped me with also several other side hustles that I'm doing as well as far as YouTube is concerned and you know just searching like for instance marketing there are certain keywords that are high usage keywords right right and have low competition you just type in what are the keywords for this specific industry and give me a list of them and it just gives you a list of them you can even say wow can you ma
ke a script for this video and add keywords so they can increase the likelihood for it to go viral and it'll say this is this will help you increase the likelihood for it to go viral for these reasons use that so so if we say Market if we do it from a marketing standpoint you say as far as internet marketing what are the top five internet marketing tools that people are using today and it'll give you those top five and I've done that already so if we say in our business for marketing our busines
s we can use it for those reasons we can increase the likelihood for us to be searched just by asking it give me words that will increase the likelihood that will increase our search the volume for for all those things and for for us as account managers it just makes our time easier for instance our day-to-day task I think that it's like my own personal secretary so so that's how I look at it personally well it really helped me with just coming here as I put chat gbt on my on my desktop right aw
ay yeah exactly but it really helped us with my follow-up is I think I'm pretty good at writing an email I couldn't imagine if I wasn't very good but as soon as I copy and pasted my email and write this in a friendly more professional laid-back Manner and I give chat GPT the right prompts and I copy and paste the email that I was going to send my customer it spits out an email where I'm like why didn't I think of that well the reason I didn't think of that is because AI I mean in those scenarios
normally going to spit out something more intelligent than what we have the ability to think of and it gives you a really good base so now my email templates my follow-up templates um I think it's a real reason why I've you know I haven't got deal done yet but I feel like I'm moving toward being pretty successful here quickly right and a lot of that is because my follow-up my communication with my customers much more professional and I can make it faster more professional um more interactive fo
r our clients and I think that that's really just so people struggle with that use it that's a really good point right because a lot of people that have heard about Ai and but aren't necessarily worried about being disintermediated disintermediation is a word that came out when the internet just came out and people were talking about what the effects were going to be and you see I got a little gray I'm old enough to remember those days disintermediation means a reduction in the use of intermedia
ries and intermediaries are people in the middle of a transaction that make it happen think about buying a shirt at Macy's for example in order for that shirt to get on the Shelf you need a shirt wholesaler you need cotton wholesalers You Need the Macy's buyer you need the the people that are going to design displays so that the the shirts look pretty there on the rack but this shirt I'm wearing today I bought off of a Facebook ad what that means is there was a reduction in the amount of people
needed to get that shirt into my hands and as a result of that some people no longer have jobs there are less people needed to get shirts to people and that's going to be the case as more and more people get comfortable buying their clothes off of the internet and you can expect the same things to happen as AI rolls out because they say well I'm I'm in sales but in fact it can help you leverage your time in a much more efficient manner and if you're in a job where you only get paid for what you
accomplish well number one if everybody else is using these tools you're going to be left behind but more importantly most people aren't even really using these tools yet and this can give you a big leg up is what I'm hearing exactly yeah it can make everybody extremely good at their communication outside of verbal communication when it comes to emails and social media and those kinds of things chat gpts just gives you the talent that you didn't have you now have it which at gbt by giving it the
right prompts and understanding how to use it that's the thing with prompts too so there's certain features where you can have it act as okay so this is something that's kind of sweeping the industry for Chad gbt because instead of just asking it a question you can prompt it to say act as this type of professional so you can say act as a physical trainer and give me a detailed uh regimen with a diet and a plan and it'll give you a detailed resume you know regimen as if it was a trainer you can
say act as a Tax Advisor and give me a breakdown for this these taxes specifically it'll give you a breakdown so it changes like it starts to think as that type of professional if you tell it to act as that type of professional because is going to give you two different answers if it's acting as a sales representative and it gives you a script versus you asking it to write this script based off this criteria it's going to give you two different answers the act as becomes more efficient if you're
trying to fine tune it now can you add adjectives to act as a salesperson could you say act as an aggressive sales person yeah you can say act as an aggressive salesperson act as a charismatic funny witty and clever salesperson you're Obsolete and a really good example is to improve myself exactly when I make a script about a classic car or whatnot I tell chat GPT act as a classic car historian or and I'll even go as as strict as like Classic Ford Mustang historian and so now what it does is it
specifies exactly tells chat be GPT where to focus at and then and then I tell it to write you know a script in a friendly funny manner right but very professional and so you know in one script can be totally different than the next script depending on the prompts that I give it if I didn't tell it to act as a Ford Mustang you know historic vehicle historian classic car historian my my script would be completely different if I just wrote write a script about a 1965 Mustang that's interesting so
like I was saying too it's all in the Wilder's hands like the more creative you are then you can make it really creative and you give some uh responses you can also correct it like I've had like I'm a history buff myself so I look into a lot of things of History so I'll tell it to break down this history for me because you know I study the Bible things like that and if it'll be wrong about something so I'll say actually that's wrong this is correct and I'll say you're right that was 100 correct
I was wrong about that because of something I said you're actually right about that and this is the correct message and I've actually wrote in there please rewrite rewrite paragraph due to verify the facts given in in in this um you know three paragraphs yeah where'd you get those things yeah and it'll go through and say I'm sorry but this is a mistake and then I'll rewrite it without that mistake exactly the correct interesting so that's a pretty important point because depending on what you d
o this may or may not matter right if it's a an entertainment people looking up stuff about classic cars I mean you want to be right but it's not that big a deal if somebody is looking up what's wrong with my liver right right there's some pretty pretty deep ethical concerns that we've got to be careful of with with these chatbots right right yeah because some people do act as a health professional actually they've already experimented with that so they can try to see if they get diagnosis yeah
but of course there's problems that because there's different generated responses and then a lot of the ones that we use are pulling from old databases like from 2021 we're in 2023 so it's two years behind so the newer ones um the newer one of course would have the updated information so all the information we get from chat gbt is not like the latest information it's two years backwards so that's where it's pulling from gbt caps out after 20 at 2021 2021 exactly that's the year you know like gbt
is is good for like it's like you're on the internet and say you're trying to figure out how to work you know a program like Excel use Excel freaking every day at work here and you Google that and you go down this Rabbit Hole trying to figure out what the hell you got you you need to do because of all the filler that's in that content when you're reading it you're like this pertains to none of the stuff that I want to find out hashtag gbt an exact question regarding Excel yeah one of the challe
nging things in the office for sure is uh you know people come in yeah they they can definitely sell but to use computers to use that type of software and to have somebody walking around trying to show you how to use that stuff it's a little challenging especially with a ton of us program like chat GBC because you have to be really a lot of self-education yeah you can self-educate by asking like hey this is what I'm trying to do on this program how do I do it right and you know you save time as
opposed to asking a question oh wait I'll get to you as soon as I'm done with this next person you're talking to an AI that can tell you how to do it and you can try to figure it on your own right but then again you know it always comes down to the person how willing they are to learn it of course sure right it's a good training tool for sure speed and efficiency is important as well I mean just like optimizing things that's going to take you 30 minutes to stare at your screen trying to figure o
ut when it takes you three seconds which igbt just like on a daily basis I can't find this property on the tax successor I'm like where is it on this tax assessor I'm tired of New Jersey I'm like Chad gbt where do I find this property on the tax assessor it says go to Ocean County click this box click that box then what do you do next and then you should find the search box there and you can find it I'm like thank you then I go find it so it's just like cutting down a lot of that time or you can
spend like I'm trying to come up with a good pitch to try to sell to this underwriter of this guy's usage being two percent and trying to break down the fact that he has a seasonal business so he utilizes his credit cards uh during that time frame for three months and then it picks back up you know during the um warmer seasons and so I'm like I can't figure out how a good way to pitch this can you break down reasons of why this would be good and break down in detail why this client has this muc
h utilization but has this Revenue coming in gives me a whole breakdown and then you know credit is content with that to send that up so so I'm just like I'm not spend 40 minutes trying to think of why I should be able to justify this when in three seconds it can justify it and give me a whole additional breakdown and points did not even think about so okay now let's pretend pretend we went out of business tomorrow let's hope that doesn't happen um and you had to use chat GPT to make money becau
se again your rent is due yeah well let's come up with um just off the top of our head and there's no wrong answers how could someone make money right now using chat GPT I mean they can do a number of different businesses the social media front if you're getting anything in social media this that's the main thing that you're gonna do from YouTube to Twitch streaming to anything that you can think of as far as social media that thing is optimizing it and if they're not jumping on chat GPT with th
at right now then it's kind of foolish for them not to I would immediately start a social media yeah exactly so you meet me the first thing I did Instagram whatever it is uh influencer and just to be clear they don't have to be successful make money on social media you don't need a full-time camera person and all this video stuff that we have right no you just need a modern day iPhone look it's the quality of an iPhone camera is is completely uncomfortable it's way better than a lot of it you do
n't even need that I mean if you have you can go to you can go to Fiverr you can hire Freelancers and so if you're going to start a social media marketing agency you can Outsource most of work and use chat GPT to come up with you know the formula for the company and then I mean there's so many companies that don't do any social media marketing at all you can go to them hey I'm willing to do this for free if I can bring you some business then you hire me after you know two weeks or whatever let m
e let me do this for free and I can prove to you what I can do I mean I'd be offering my services for free everybody I could until I started making some money and make some waves right right and it's a lot easier now right because with the AI it's a lot less work and so you don't have to put in 80 hours to try to create some results for a company you could put in a couple of hours show them some results and then say do you want more of this then you then you have to pay me that's that's a great
idea it would help you make a whole business plan and everything I mean you could go out there step by step how do I start a social media marketing agency how do I go after my customer base what do we do all day cold calls that's not going to hurt us I'm on the phone calling people hey I want to do social media marketing agency we're offering it free for two weeks get in the door get your foot in you know and start building from there but that would be the first thing called cold calling it's ca
lled Prospect yeah you call whatever you want another ding though that I would like to mention as far as any business like you can ask Chad gbt what would be the most successful top 10 business to start in uh 2012 in this time period and it'll give you a list but then you can ask it can you make me a business plan for this business industry can you tell me a step-by-step detail on how I can get the LLC filed how I can get it started where I can find CPAs and how I can get this up and running and
it'll give you a business model people spend a significant amount of time time trying to figure out how to just get started in their business who are the right people to talk to where they go what type of CPA should they use all those different types of things completely condenses that into a matter of like three days so you have all those steps already done and then you just have to get going most people don't start their own business because of fear yeah and traged GP really helps you with th
e understanding how to use it is taking away the fear because it gives you a just like you said a detailed breakdown game plan on how to move forward um most people don't own business 99.9 when we're too afraid to start yeah so that that's an interesting point because a lot of one of the tools that a lot of people use to start a business is alone from the small business administration it's called an SBA loan and one of the biggest things that keeps a lot of people from applying for that type of
loan is you you have to provide a detailed business plan and especially uh for somebody who's not from the world of mbas right that can be pretty intimidating but if Chachi PT can just write your business plan for you now you can go get a loan right absolutely that's exactly what it is yeah it's just like that I mean they plugged in this is how how intelligent it really is they literally just put the questions of the bar exam into chat gbt and it's been on the answer for every single question in
the bar exam and passed that's insane yeah so what happens if you ask chat GPT well I guess we should probably show this on one of the shows the last GPT chat GPT how can I make money using chat GPT and we'll see what GPT says it gives you 25 answers I already did it it gives you answers yeah yeah I mean I mean you can like you can be specific you can be broad if you the more broad you are um the more broad the answer so you want to be more specific because the broader the broader you are the h
arder it is to use the platform the key the trick of chat gbt is the specificity so the more specific questions that you ask then you get what you're looking for and that's what people are failing to utilize it for yeah you got to be specific you got to be very specific on what you're asking for okay yeah the more spec the more specific you are the better your answer is going to be obviously but that's with everything yeah exactly I asked it to do like an XR laser for a medical device and it sta
rted saying well XR laser but I was like all right stop yeah you just like stop generating response I didn't know what it was doing it just kept going in circles because I didn't provide enough info exactly so it sounds like the key is specificity multiplicity uh but also iterations right because it's the GPT is going to spit out something and then you're going to have to ask it to refine whatever it spits out and you may have to do that multiple times yeah maybe you would punch it up in your ow
n words too because it's you know once you become familiar with it then you know what to ask it the simple is that like the first time you're trying to figure out see kind of how it works because there's some questions it won't answer for you like this is not for this platform all right but you ask it in a different way and it gives you what you look for interesting and there's actually a ton information that you can do research on in how to use chat GPT exactly and so you get on YouTube and the
re's just Channel after exam and now there's channels dedicated to teaching people how to use chat GPT better to be more successful I've used chat you PDP to put posts on LinkedIn Facebook and Instagram for commercial leasing and financing and it works pretty well interesting and do you get engagement off of these posts yep wonderful yep I don't I I should I don't have a tremendous social media influence I don't Market as much as I should but I'm learning I started tackling LinkedIn last month i
t's been good interesting yeah it's the same with me I um I do a lot of other things uh but I don't have a big social media presence but I mean if you're not going to utilize it for social media then you're just wasting your time that's like the best thing to use it for I mean I don't see because because right now you know this is the biggest talk that's going on attention is currency now yep so since attention is currency the people who are the yeah the people who are the most successful are th
ose who are leveraging attention whatever people's putting their intention into is what's making the most money right now every social media platform from IG to Twitter to YouTube to all these to Twitch all these social media platforms these people are raking these kids the 21 year old kids are making in stupid money from these social media Outlets there's a 16 year old kid who became a million millionaire from YouTube channels right now just list videos so if you have a top 10 list let's say to
p 10 cars you say write me a script and break down the facts and then you just read off the list hire a Fiverr person to edit the videos yeah that's exactly what I did I have a friend that makes seventy thousand dollars a month he owns 11 YouTube channels and he plays video games all day and he spends about about 20 hours a week maintaining his channels makes 70 grand a month 70 grand for him yeah so he's 20 26 years old good for him and if you talk to him you'd be like what in the world exactly
he doesn't spend it and so it's uh but there's the nine to five job is going away guys I mean yeah so you know there's the there are not there you're going to go get food at a fast food restaurant you're not going to talk to people anymore you're going to go to a grocery store you're not no one's gonna be checking out your stuff in your heart everything's you know I mean there's going to be a point in time where I think that most grocery shopping is going to be done online and delivered to your
home yeah 90 of it and so a lot of kids these days don't want to do the nine to five thing that's for old people they're looking for other avenues to make money and they're going to be using these sources in them faster these sources become bigger the more they're going to help people get away from nine to five if you're not on social media in 10 years then you're you're broke for a reason exactly yeah tools were around when I was a young adult I wouldn't have had the inconvenience of a career
there are so many unique ways to make money with these tools in a week we couldn't cover them all right I would say not necessarily a sense of making money but some things that are becoming obsolete like copywriting so we say copywriting is huge I mean I remember when we were doing stuff when I was building sales funnels we're paying you know fifteen hundred to five thousand dollars a month on one photo for one copywriter a really good copywriter sure yeah so it's just super expensive and you kn
ow we're doing High ticket sales so we got to sell these things a little bit higher just to break even to pay that copywriter but you know with Jazzy BT if you're doing those type of things where you're doing a social media marketing or you're making funnels or you're doing these things copyright just become obsolete the AI is going to generate better copywriting than whatever that copywriter was going to be able to do in the years of their training which is that's pretty scary right yeah becaus
e when I was building this business um and I was spending a lot developing the marketing assets and I had no money coming in the way I paid the bills was I freelanced as a copywriter and I was I was going to say I am but I now can say I was a very expensive copywriter now I you know I charge several hundred dollars an hour for copywriting that's what a good copywriter actually costs exactly not anymore oh right and I also outsourced SEO Services search engine optimization which is something I'm
also very good at well not anymore not anymore you don't need me you know and I'll tell you what we're talking about programming if I was a computer programmer making three hundred thousand dollars a year right now I'd be scared to death yeah yeah you better be scared to death because it I mean I mean most companies are paying millions of dollars a year for computer programmers you know working for them that they're going to become obsolete because they're just not in need for them I mean or at
least a limited amount of them because you can literally go on chat GPT and you can tell it to and if you give it all the right prompts it will build you an entire phone app that you could turn around and sell and put it on an app store well so that's another way obviously you can make money right just just make an app like some of these apps make a fortune yeah there's people making a ton of money creating apps using chat GPT right now yeah and this is important because um I've seen a lot of on
line discussions about the AI tools and people saying well the government needs to protect people's jobs and so forth believe the government is not going to help you right there's uh because you shouldn't done aliens yes yeah but one thing I can guarantee you is that when government gets involved that's never a good thing and this the toothpaste is out of the tube right yeah the the AI is here it exists it's already being used and so if you're not figuring out how you're going to use Ai and how
you're going to leverage it and take advantage of the opportunities you're just going to be left behind so that's the end of our show but there's one last thing one of the tools we use in our own business for our sales team is called a debrief sometimes at the end of a sales call A salesperson will go over four things with their manager what happened what went right what went wrong and the lessons learned and it's a good way to Think Through how you can do things better the next time and I thoug
ht we would do that at the end of every episode of this show so first let's talk about what happened we filmed three segments the planning segment a brainstorming segment and the segment where we named our show what went right we got a ton of great ideas from the brainstorming segment from picking the brains of the people around us that we're already using chat GPT and also getting their ideas on other ways that somebody could use chat gbt or other AI tools to make some money here's what went wr
ong we filmed this segment where we used chat GPT to name our show and we went over that and it was a pretty good segment except we ended up not using chat GPT to name our show I came up with a better name the Trek or just Trek GPT but what we don't know yet is did I come up with a better name because I don't know how to use the III tools yet or in certain creative instances are people better than Ai and we don't know the answer to that yet and in fact what I think we're going to do is as
we get better at these chat GPT prompts or these AI prompts maybe we'll try to name the show again to see if it would have come up with a better name than I came up with Lessons Learned the biggest lesson of this episode is specificity and we'll get into this more in episode two that's going to show you some pretty wild things but the more specific and descriptive you can get with your AI prompts the better results you're going to get and lastly there's an article on Bloomberg that AI prompt Wh
ispers And that's that's literally what they're calling them but people who really understand how to leverage prompts in AI tools to massage the AI and to giving you really useful results are very valuable and they're getting jobs at companies paying three hundred thousand dollars a year or more and remember AI is brand new so nobody has more than a few months of experience so to be able to make as much money as a doctor or a lawyer by putting prompts into the computer is pretty good so if you c
an get good at these tools there's a great job waiting for you one more thing go to it's going to ask you for your email address any and your name on certain episodes where we've developed special workbooks and tools we're going to send those to you for free and also I want you to pay attention to how we set up that page because it's also part of how we're going to make money from the show remember I said we're going to sell you some stuff maybe at some point you will get an email fro
m us and it will tell you about something that you may or may not want to pay for in fact what we're banking on is 99 out of 100 of you won't buy it we only need one percent and you're under no obligation to buy anything but we are using this show to build an email list so we can sell people stuff I know who's honest about that well we're going to be honest about that and I hope that doesn't offend you I mean it cracks me up that companies aren't upfront about that because if you think we can sp
end all this money to make a free resource and not try to sell you anything to recoup some of that cost well I've got a bridge to sell you [Music] [Music] thank you
