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3 weeks ago

Astagfirullahalazim uh ah Good morning friends, we were caught by a python, friends. Here it is. Wow, it's quite long. This is about 1 2 3 me, friends, Niar 3 me. But my friend, there's no one, I'm afraid he's going to kill me. long friends H, I'm only a meter away ha wow hey Watch out We want to pass be careful be careful quickly We want to pass Woi wow wow nah asalamualaikum matullah wabarakatuh Greetings Seobi friends wherever you are May your health always be smooth and your sustenance amen
ya rabbal alamin nah okay friends, today until tonight we want to go to bed and we want to sleep in a tree house, friends, it's been an hour since we came here but it was raining really hard, friends, it looks like it's all wet. Well, why haven't we stayed overnight for so long? in the tree house because our tree house is a bit haunted, friends, yes, it's been proven by Radi, I've also experienced it being very haunted, friends. Well, the two of us, Radi, want to stay overnight again, because if
it's just the two of us, who knows, it won't be like that, Ee It's very mystical, isn't it? Hopefully there won't be any disturbance. Well, here is our way to the tree house. Well, here it looks like there's a lot of wood, this is wood that has been processed in the forest, well, if we wear shoes in this forest, friends, it's very slippery, friends . except for the special shoes, they're new, like Radi, he doesn't wear any shoes, he just wears sandals and they slip. If I prefer it like this, my
feet are more sticky because I'm used to being in the forest, it's nice like this, but it's also dangerous. -it's dangerous, like if you lose scorpions, there are centipedes, that's dangerous too, but I hope it's not L because we 're used to going wild in the forest like this, right? Yes, let's first review that direction a little, don't let us go from there, friends, let's see- look first Wow yesterday here were the bones there were traces of this Bear here and here when was this fallen wood Y
esterday at night we heard the sound now now because it has been felled you can't see the red wood anymore right Wow this will be possible later this is the scabs This was earlier what does Bas Bas make? Yes, it's like this, a lot of this is what that person uses, right? He makes a solid bass, it's great, wow. This is the forest, friends, but a lot of it has been cleared, maybe using the land, maybe, right? Yes, what is this wood called, I don't know? I'm a bone, look at the types of wood becaus
e it's red, right ? Heeh, that's the texture, heeh. Wow. Oh, on the wood, here's the bone. Well, here's a scratch mark, what's a bear, what's that? Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, that's the nail mark, oh, this, this, this Heeh that's because it's already dry, that means it's still new, this is on top. Let's check yesterday if I'm not mistaken. Lots of oh yes, this. Oh yes, friends. H can be seen from the camera . Oh yeah, this is it, keep going Oh, this is the clearest thing, so what is he going to do u
p there? Go to sleep, you can sleep at night if you don't look for food, right ? It's only been about a week. Oh wow, when we were at the forest cabin there, if we met a human, we would chase him, that's how dangerous it is, but people say that if we don't startle him, don't chase him, avoid him, but if he's startled, we'll chase him. That's Wow, that's how dangerous this bear is, guys, it's extreme, but that's our adventurous spirit, is n't it? He's like that, it feels exciting, right? But we h
ave to be careful too, right? But don't let him meet you, I'm afraid he's still around the forest here, okay? Maybe we'll continue Just for now, friends, okay, okay, let's continue, so we have to be careful, friends, we have to look up too. I'm afraid that the bear will sleep on top of us, it's dangerous, friends, if this bear, let alone the honey bear, wants to chase him. he chased us, friends, yes, let's check first, but it looks like it 's safe for us, let's continue our journey to the tree h
ouse. Wow, but it's a bit clean now, okay, okay, friends, we've arrived tree house Thank God there are no disturbances there are no sightings on the road nothing is safe Ah it's like this friends yes This is Down there the ravine is very far there and then there it is a dense forest he hm Wow our house is at the top of the tree house Hopefully we will relax well. Later there, mukbang, eat, sleep soundly, we will raise our bags first, okay, okay, friends, in the rainy season like this, there are
lots of plants that have different shapes, friends, they are like this This is a mushroom. In our language we say lopek mushroom, well, this is it, friends, it's like a lopek, it has a hole in the middle, ah, that's what it's called a lopek fungus . Okay, friends, we're not going to climb into our tree house from the ladder, friends, yes, the ladder is slippery because It was raining, it was hard, I was afraid we would fall Oh, it's so high, friends, it's this high. OK, let's continue, now it's
my turn, friends, let's take our things first , wow, we've arrived , but it looks like someone is coming here, friends, because this was yesterday, that's what we were Fold this, the mattress is now spread out and wet because of the rain. Why is it wet because the water fell to the side because of the wind, friends? Wow, this is wet, we won't use the mattress anymore . OK, let's mount the attack first, OK, friends. Thank God, we have prepared all of this, our mattress is wet because someone was
staying here, he spread out our mattress even though we had already folded it yesterday, so we folded it, so the rain came in because of the strong wind, it was wet. So we didn't use the mattress tonight and it's still wet inside. Even though it's still wet, friends, yes, there are still parts that are wet, Heeh, so we have to dry this first, then we can sleep, OK, let's have a coffee first, friends, our things are here, the Drone, there's a bag in the bag, it's filled with things like -There ar
e lots of animals we hunt, such as birds, we'll cook them later. Okay, let's continue drinking coffee, our friends make coffee first. OC, our friends make coffee first. Let's drink coffee. Hopefully it won't rain tonight because last afternoon. It's been raining heavily. Looks like it's still dark, friends, let's use milk so it's thick W, what is this milk made of? Radi is made from flour milk, flour milk, flour milk Wow Hm , you have to squeeze this in a ball, right? Squeeze it a lot, it'll be
sweet, okay? okay uh the window is cold after the rain Ah Okay guys let's have a coffee first the weather is very cold it's really nice to have a coffee hmm here are the wrecks that we hunted yesterday so here are three of them yes three of them but fil-ya they're broken friends they're broken in The memory card has an error so it can't be transferred to your cellphone, friends, but we have cleaned this earlier Astagfirullahalazim ya Allahah What is Radi Wow, broken wood or is it broken wood but
there is no rambing wood, what is it here, the green King, ah, broken wood, maybe right? Where's the flashlight? Ahah, I forgot the flashlight. Stay downstairs when I tied this stuff up. Don't be alone. We both want Maya to come down later, right? He It's right under the tree house. If I'm not mistaken, I missed it. I'm sorry if there's a mistake. We're going to stay there. Here, actually, friends, we're staying here. We're staying at their place. The forest is a place for gentle people who are
wrong. Astagfirullahalazim, Kanwat is also here . It's about to rain again, friends. Yes, the weather is dark, it's normal for the moon to be bright, sorry, if we're wrong, don't disturb us . We're looking for Reski here, OK, guys, we want to cook first, cook the hunted food, it seems like there are no more disturbances, we've been waiting for a long time, it's been almost S an hour, there's nothing but noises like the sound of animals like this , I'm afraid they'll burn their fur friends. It's
already curlybaun. The only sound that's been heard since before hasn't gone away. Other than that, there's no more tem. I hope it's cooking oil. Well, it's there, but we don't know if it's an animal or whether it's a bird. It's a bone. birds, so this time we'll just have a simple dish, friends, just keep it simple so we can eat quickly because we're already hungry, because when the weather is cold, our stomachs get hungry really fast, okay? OK, let's wait for the heat to get messy, friends [Mu
sic] okay? [Laughs] hey what was that bone from earlier okay well okay guys Here it is, the boncah ruak-ruak is really great, friends, wow, the ruak-ruak balado is tempting and here we have our vegetable, namely instant m, which is so tempting and great Ah okay, that's it. ready to mukbang That's it uh let's go mukbang friends let's go coincidentally I just ate another meal in the middle of the night k here's the skinny one, add more sauce first, add more sauce, add serot , uh, I'm also the big
one, if I run out one more, just finish it, Wow, that's great Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Come on friends, let's eat, come on, if you want to eat, don't disturb me. Eat bismillah Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Let's eat friends, ah he's okay, friends. Now we want to sleep. It's already .30 because the network is here, we can still play games, friends. Yes, so here we use Autan Lavender Autan Lavender mosquito repellent so that we will be safe from being bitten by mosquitoes . The weather is cloudy or rai
ning. You can see lots of mosquitoes, friends. Yes, you have to smear this well, then you will feel like the whole forest is empty or deserted. Hopefully tomorrow morning the weather will be good so we wake up in the morning, wow, this is the ear and neck habit that mosquitoes like the most. If we don't use our Autan, our ears will get hot from being bitten by mosquitoes. OK, let's save this for now. I brought a blanket. Radi also brought a blanket. That's great. Basically there are changes of c
lothes if you want to change them, there are also these clothes, you just have to change them later, but just feel like it, L first, if it 's not too cool, let us cut it to our taste Wow, so let's head over there Yes, let's just go there L OK, let's go to sleep first, O Allah This is what's great, isn't it, Allah, hm, this is just what's great, it's called pillowuh Uh, great, Antung OK Astagfirullahalazim Astagfirullahalazim ad woi woi hm, it's like something's bothering me uh [Music] Huh, I can
't sleep, friends, because it's like the branches are breaking, right? It was just a fight or some fruit was brought to the bat. It fell onto the roof but I can't sleep so now it's showing the time. There's Radi's cellphone. I'll take it first, Radi, ah, I'm asleep. Oh, it's almost time, friends, I was looking for it. .3 it's almost half an hour. Oh, yes, half an hour has passed, but my sleep is a bit drifting, I'm almost going to sleep, was there something wrong, maybe fruit was taken to the se
a or something, I don't know, I hit it from our roof, I was immediately shocked, right? Wake up Radi, apparently he's already asleep. Maybe he's tired from work. I smoked a cigarette first, these friends, actually, huh, actually. The eyes are very sleepy, but the feeling isn't good, maybe it's just the bat, friends, sometimes because of our feelings, there's a possibility that like when we were drinking. Maybe there was a piece of wood that broke like that, right? Like me, I was about to fall as
leep earlier. Maybe there was fruit brought by the volunteer. The voice is very calm, friends. The weather is cold. There are sounds of animals calling down there in the forest. OK. I 'll continue to complain first, my friends, then I'll try to sleep again . This roof, Pang's friends, is like that, isn't it? If you say bats, there are no bats in sight [Music] Friends, this is the forest, friends, because we are in a tree house that is about 20 meters high. from under the ground, friends, yes, we
can see together here, there are trees with flowers, it's possible that there were bats carrying fruit, I don't know, we can assume that whatever the feeling is, it's positive, it can't be negative, and we can see the height. friends, very far down there for a moment, I Zoomed because I was holding a flashlight, I bit the flashlight first. Oh, it's also difficult, friends. Anyway, if you already know what I'm used to, I'll Zoom first. Well, look far below. There, friends, 20 me, okay? look arou
nd, you heard a sound coming from there, friends, Wow, just a moment, I pulled the zoom again, there was a sound coming from there, the forest, from this direction, what the sound was like, friends, something like this, but I feel very scary, friends, because At this height, if we throw it from down there, it probably won't reach here , friends, it won't reach more than 20 m, so if Aun is a nosy person, it's impossible, friends, why is he in the middle of a forest like this, right? Maybe he'll l
ast until the hour there. If anyone wants to cheat on us, it's scary too, friends, thank God, the weather has one bat, friends. It looks like a bat, there's a moon just visible there among the wood. So it's less visible. Well, here, sis Radi was very sound asleep Hm If I didn't want to sleep earlier friends , thank God our roof is still safe, OK, my friends, just continue sleeping, go back in first, go to sleep, Wow, that's normal, huh HH ah Good morning friends, I woke up earlier e Radi is stil
l sleeping there, he hasn't washed his face yet. If you want to wash your face down, friends, Wow, he slept very soundly, but he only slept for a while, ahah, before that he didn't sleep, so my eyes looked a bit wrinkled, his eyes were a bit wrinkled because of lack of sleep, friends, they were sound asleep. but it's not enough, it's still not enough because there are all kinds of unpleasant sounds , okay, friends, this is what the tree house looks like in the morning [ Music] [Music] the weathe
r is a bit cloudy, friends [Music] fog and just now I heard there the sound of partridges crowing, but it's not far away, friends, yes, in the rice fields there, there are rice paddies, friends of rice, people there. Well, I've moved there again, friends. Yes. Moved again there. The sound just now is crowing again, OK? Or are there really two or two in a pile, I don't know, right? Well, this is the condition of the tree house in the morning, it's very high. Wow , I'm still sleeping again, Radi.
OK, friends, thank you for watching our video wabillahi taufikah wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
