
Can You Name The 80s Sci-Fi Movies

Try To Guess All The 80s Sci-Fi Movies [Cook Up A Quiz 2024] Welcome to Cook Up A Quiz 2024 where food meets fun and knowledge blends with flavor! Get ready to indulge in Easy Step By Step Cooking and Brain-Teasing Quizzes that will tantalize your taste buds and challenge your intellect. At Cook Up A Quiz 2024 we believe that cooking and quizzing go hand in hand, creating the perfect recipe for entertainment and enlightenment. Join us as we explore the rich tapestry of cuisines from around the world while putting your trivia skills to the test. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice cook, Cook Up A Quiz 2024 has something for everyone. So grab your apron, sharpen your mind, and join us as we cook up a storm of delicious dishes and tantalizing trivia. Subscribe now and let the culinary adventures begin! Music by:

Cook Up A Quiz 2024

6 days ago

today we're going to see how many of these  8s science fiction movies you can remember there's your first one we've got a really  good list of sci-fi movies here for you today in the first one is the [Music] explorers  if you're a big fan of the science fiction especially if through 80s you're going to  know pretty much all of the that one is Enemy Mine see how you do on this  next one that was short [Music] circuit and that's followed by Flight of the Navigator and this was definitely  a very s
trange movie but you may have seen it that's aard the [Music] dog  definitely no mistake in that character but which movie is it cuz he has made  quite a lot that one was the running [Music] M and I believe this one is a  remake of an old one that was in a space this one was a Sci-Fi comedy  called Space Balls you've probably seen that we followed that with batteries not included I think you going to get quite  a few points out of this quiz today the last star fighter this one was a really good 
film starting Rowdy Roddy Piper who used to be a wrestler and that's the  [Music] live and another brilliant movie which I've watched countless  times in past [Music] that's the this probably nobody is going to get that one  wrong brilliant films Back to the Future Part Two and I'm going to Chuck in a few  more obscure [Music] ones that's millennium and once again  another remake of a classic old movie Master blob you should be rcking up  quite a few points by now that one is life force there's
  your next one starring Sha connory that is powerland any ideas on this one that  was [Music] Starman this one was a very strange film but I'm pretty sure new  scii Buffs out there we'll know it that's Trum [Music] another one which I don't think  anybody's going to get wrong that's Star Trek 3 The Search for Spock hopefully  you picked the right one of that series and we go with the next  one and that's Invaders from Mars another unmistakable character that's Flash Gordon and the entire  sound
track to that movie was done by [Music] Queen we followed that with [Music] scanners so where's your next  one starring James Khan that's Alien Nation which I believe later on became a series another very strange movie but still  worth a watch that's killer Clans from outer space and this one starring  Tina Turner was Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome quite a young Christopher won  there but what was the movie it was The Dead [Music] Zone I know this star's Molly  ringal but I don't recall the title sp
ace HS adventures in the forbidden zone  that's probably why there's your next one that's Dune pretty sure everybody got that one and maybe a little less heard  of starring Tom selig but run away so what is your next one  let's see if you can get this that's Terra Vision I think that's a bit  more obscure than a lot unlike this next one which was really popular and also  one of my favorites That's The [Music] Wraith so following up with an early Gord  vanam movie that's Cyborg and that is actual
ly a good [Music] film we've now got another one  starring Christopher welcon that's communion followed by daram I wonder if anybody has got everyone  R so far cuz your next one is 2010 the year we made [Music] contact and there comes your  next one for this quiz that's Forbidden [Music] World then battle beyond the  stars hopefully got that as well and that's Saturn three starring C [Music] doglas just a few more to go on  this quiz that's isid or horror [Music] planet have you got this one tha
t's  space Raiders a little less heard of I believe and this is a movie version of the TV series that's Twilight Zone so hopefully you got  a good score out that and if you'd like to see more in future please hit that subscribe  button and I'll see you on the next one



I got them all! Talk about a walk down memory lane. I was surprised you didn't have Xtro, Aliens, Predator and Terminator


I missed a few. But when you named the title, I recognize a few, like Lifeforce. Nice video.🎉


All but 11 of them, I don't know how many there were in total, but I feel good about that score. Or more to the point, I don't feel bad about not knowing the schlocky direct to video ones I missed. And I think space hunters had an alternative title here in Australia.