
CAPRICORN Horoscope for April 2024 🔥

Астрологический гороскоп на Апрель 2024 года для знака зодиака Козерог. 0:00 Приветствие козерогам! 0:16 Каким будет апрель для козерога 1:21 Коридор затмений в апреле 2024 2:09 Соединение Сатурн марс в апреле 2024 2:50 Ретроградный Меркурий в апреле 2024 3:12 Что делать в ретроградный Меркурий 3:30 Козерог работа и бизнес в апреле 2024 4:56 Задачи апреля 2024 11:24 Любовь и отношения в апреле 2024 14:09 Здоровье козерога в апреле 2024 14:30 Важность спорта для козерога в апреле 2024 15:15 Итоги гороскопа на апрель для козерогов

Jennya Cher

6 days ago

good afternoon Good afternoon dear Capricorns Welcome to my channel and in this video I will tell you your horoscope for this April 2024 yes dear Capricorns it has already arrived Truly the hottest time of this year for you this month I will not say that it will be somehow difficult or stressful Yes, it will be active Yes, it will force you to make decisions, cardinal decisions, including but But for you, this is normal. This is your element, this is the time of action for you, and in general, I
would say that throughout April, Saturn, your main ruler, will be in a perfect sextile with Jupiter and Uranus is your second ruler, so here there is an excellent opportunity and good luck and luck. I would say so and extraordinary ups will also be in your activities, so the only thing you need to do is to do is to act, to make a decision, to go forward, to not sit back, not to worry, don’t wait for it to resolve, but make a decision and act. Yes, and you tell me, Zhenya, our month begins with
an eclipse corridor, the current eclipse corridor ends with all this goodness on April 8th with a solar eclipse, and you tell me that, in general, the month has already immediately started on such energy and that this corridor of eclipses takes away everything that spinning gives more incentive to development destroys some moments in people’s lives In order for this moment to finally close for them and They discover new, more promising ones Wide Horizon Yes, not all they can immediately accept t
his philosophy, but it happens and it is possible and in fact there is nothing bad, everyone comes to their realizations in their own time, but for you Capricorns everything will come very quickly because immediately after the eclipse corridor And from April 10, Saturn will connect with Mars and Despite the fact that all this goodness is in Pisces, there will still be active powerful active energy, the new lunar cycle is natural activity, actions, opportunities that will persist for the whole we
ek of the solar eclipse, boldly begin to act actively, implement a beautiful day, by the way, solar eclipse 8 April and April 10 is an even better day, a thin narrow conjunction. And when we have Saturn with Mars and until April 15 there is an active powerful bright period for action for decision making and you tell me we have a retrograde period All of April and actually from the third to the 24th April We have Mercury directly retrograde and plus three days on each side of this period, we get
the whole of April in general, Mercury is retrograde, what can we do about it guys ? Well, 100% of you are doing all the things that you started once before If you work at work then you are doing those things that you started a long time ago. If this is a new project and you started it in March, it’s great. Well done in April, you continue to act. Yes, of course, during this period, people will be a little laggy and a little stupid. And check the documents and check the deliveries, deliveries, a
greements, call people back clarify again regarding business matters, yes, but here you just understand under responsibility this period will pass, no one will notice it, I’ll say that it’s April of this year and it’s no longer about retrograde Mercury, I’ll tell you this, but there are a lot of other events and active moments on the sky which is Well, retro Mercury Well, just pay attention to those things that are associated with retrograde Mercury, be more serious and more active in order to b
e ready to be attentive, retrograde Mercury only requires us to be attentive, and if you see some kind of flaw somewhere, you need to say about it because This is the main property of retromerk - it’s not to talk, but to be silent, not to keep silent about everything that you see. Tell me if this concerns your life so that it doesn’t go into demolition, yes, but speak up, and that’s the point. When you solve problems this April, talk to people so that it would be clearer to everyone Why did you
make such a decision or something completely different Yes, that’s all What retromerk is basically responsible for this April here I have already said that the task is more global than paying attention to retromercus But this is always the case guys, corridor of eclipses, events from bone year, and here everyone is talking retromerk Yes retromerk - This is actually a bunny compared to everything that happens this spring, so here, of course, there is no need to lay too many such insidious plans o
n this weak and kind planet, no, but Pluto is this planet that can do a lot of things, but at the same time, but at the same time, for you, my dear beloved Capricorns, this will not bring you any problems of work and worries Yes, but there is another planet called Uranus, which can bring you outstanding opportunities in work successes, finally takeoffs of your projects that have been sitting on the bench for a long time, and here, of course, I will say again that it is necessary to act, implemen
t, be implemented. I would say flash through the wall of everything that you have for a long time. If you change jobs this April, then Guys, understand that check the documents if this is some kind of new activity, yes of course this is a new Employment contract This is a new activity, this is a change of team, then yes, retrograde Mercury will have more of such an influence on you because this is something new in your life. Be sure to check carefully everything and everything that's all no cons
piracy theories just be careful Yes it will require a lot of such Well energy costs and what else guys Well what else but nevertheless If you decide to change your job this April you need to look at what exactly you have in your the natal chart has aspects to this because I would not advise everyone to change jobs, but if you directly feel that you really, really need it, then of course yes here As they say, which astrologer will stand and wait Because everyone needs to go through certain period
s in their life in your time Yes, even if these are difficulties, but difficulties are needed, difficulties they build character, everyone, of course, is used to thinking that difficulties are when I did something bad, no, as a rule, difficulties always arise when, on the contrary, we don’t finish something, we don’t do it, we don’t go there where do we need we think Damn, well, why bother and then difficulties arise in order to raise us to a new level, understand that if April begins to create
a little difficulties for you, speed up, speed up, make a decision And act as I always like to say, you know what to do but for some reason, don’t do it, and you, dear Capricorns, know 100% what needs to be done, but I’ll say that the moment in mid- April will actually be very active and powerful, people are starting to come together, a very cool sextile of Saturn with Uranus is starting to come together and Jupiter and this is the moment of active actions and actions for the general public, pow
erful PR investments, including making a profit, this is the very powerful Aspect that will give such actions powerful results and expanding your not just such material consciousness Yes, expanding your level of actions of permissibility When you can directly understand that activity is your own, you understand that you can do more , that you are capable of more Yes, such an expansion of your inner horizons of what you want to achieve, what you want because I know dear Capricorns, your horizon i
s far away and this is actually normal. Here the main thing is to clearly understand that your Horizon is wide and in no case should you say Yes, I’m content with little here and there, I just want it like this, you don’t need to tell me this Yes, you want expansion, you want beautifully, you want powerfully, you want cool, you want a lot of ae so that everyone understands who is here As they say, the boss Yes, and go strive to conquer yourself in this world, this is normal, of course, if you wa
tch the wire, the first half of April she is much brighter, active, productive, ambitious, and as for the second half of April, she is more calm, she is no longer emotional outbursts Yes, without any such strong experiences in terms of work Yes, of course, the first half of the month is so stressful, but at the same time it will give a lot of energy for action for work for a systematic I would say steps Yes towards your goals and here it is understand that the EU if you have such a big global pl
an, then the first half of April Despite all the corridors of the eclipse, retro measures are starting, and it’s great to act actively the second half of April, continue to do what you are doing, yes guys, we now live in a time when a lot of different events are happening around us from there is no escape from this, the events they are and will be the twenty-fourth year in general, the year when we begin to live our lives in many events, but the twenty-fifth year will be even brighter in events,
so here Yes, understand keep track of how you react to them, you should quickly learn to live in this, maneuver among all these events. Yes, because whether we like it or not, if something happens in one part of the planet, it affects another part of the planet in the same way. Therefore, yes, dear friends We dependent on any events, no matter where they occur, this naturally spoils our mood, our motivation, our general perception of the world in principle, but I have said more than once that a
t least our world is in our hands, our work, our life, our family here too. Of course, if we run into the love Sphere, then April and I won’t say that it will be some kind of difficult month for you in your personal life, here you understand that of course world events will influence and will unsettle you, but understand the situation, talk to your soul mates Be on VKontakte because, and even retromerk imposes relationships such that if you are a strong partner Yes Capricorn then your partner is
definitely weaker and here you need to emotionally help your other half to pull them out a little Yes from these situations when it is difficult for them to survive some events when it is difficult for them to survive because in fact this is April For many zodiac signs, it’s quite complex for you. Capricorns, it’s complex, but you’re just used to living in complexity, so it won’t seem so complicated and stressful to you; it’ll seem generally Lucky, lucky, and cool to you. And in general, you’ll
feel like you’re on a horse, yes. Compared to other zodiac signs therefore, understand that you should spend time with your significant other and understand that it is really difficult for them because many zodiac signs this April will be really stormy and it all depends on what zodiac sign your partner is and that same support must be provided, that is, or there with a word to help Yes, either just hugs or tasty food or just take you somewhere for shopping, here of course you understand, but b
asically you just need understanding and acceptance, talk Meet and spend time with your significant other, including this April, go on a date, beautiful weather, nature, and you’ll get health, eat energy in nature, take a walk, including because you, like true Capricorns, love to be in nature, it charges you, but with that same energy, so walk until you know it’s normal and good, it will give so much there I would say so relaxation and motivation to just enjoy life Open your heart If you feel Wh
at kind of Sukharev are you Capricorn yes but here there is nothing like that because being actively involved in business involuntarily you become such a cracker so here open your heart warmer spring after all, I came, take a walk in nature, relax, spend time in order to improve your health, including because Health is such an active part of your life that allows you, among other things, to earn money. Therefore, dear Capricorns, if your health has begun to deteriorate a little here, you underst
and perfectly well what is necessary you need to relax, relax, or add sports to your life, especially in the first half of April, add sports because Saturn will be in conjunction with Mars and Mars is always that Lively person who forces us to be more active. Therefore, yes, here to provide motivation for achievements for actions and in in the first half of April there was more here Lead your life sport such a beautiful favorite sport that will strengthen you every day motivate and lift you up A
s they say for new achievements in the second half of April of course go for a walk relax relax and see what you are missing spend time with your significant other and you will be happy, my dear, beloved Capricorns, this is the horoscope for your April. I won’t say that it will be a difficult month. The month will be one of the simplest for you. But this month you need to spend yourself actively expanding your horizons and do whatever you want at work; implement business projects if you need to
go to business trip Go if you need to, of course Be careful and check everything because we remember that in retrospect there may be some stupid mistakes in the documents for which some problems and incidents may happen, so check all the documents If you are going on a trip somewhere, including a business trip exactly the same but it's beautiful time for travel for the purpose of work increasing business projects is an amazing time for work and time to strengthen relationships with loved ones in
order to improve health to bring in your life sports I will say so figuratively yes And if you look at all the signs of the Zodiac then Capricorn this is a great month, a great month to prove yourself, to express yourself, to advance, to make some maximum leaps in work, but here the guys need to act, the most important trump card of this April is to act for everyone. Those who don’t act, of course it will be difficult, the month will crush Capricorns, of course it’s difficult to crush them. The
refore, yes you have such a reserve of mental and physical strength, including therefore, yes, dear Capricorns, you are like people who are seasoned in difficulties, even the problems that will arise will be like such a waste for you, so experience the difficulties and implement in life whatever you want because the conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus this April will have a simply amazing effect on you and will give you those very explosive results that you have been waiting for a long time, do n
ot neglect this time, use it productively and fruitfully in order to get all the profit that you have long wanted and all your status, buns and chips for which you've been going a long time ago guys Thank you for being here Thank you for watching this video to the end in con on the classics current videos that you can watch to rely on and make the right decision if you have any questions, ask them under this video Well, I’m waiting for the bravest ones at a consultation if you have personal ques
tions they are powerful and so big I would say this is the purpose of the guys Thank you for being here for watching until the end and we will see you in the next video bye bye





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