
Caught On Tape: YouTube Personality Shot By Security Guard Outside LA Synagogue

The security guard has been identified as Edduin Zelayagrunfeld. The YouTube personality, Zhoie Perez, was treated at the hospital and later released. Dave Lopez reports.


5 years ago

Oh shot me shot me the late-breaking news a youtuber was shot right outside a synagogue in the Fairfax district the victim was live streaming at the time and now the LAPD is involved in CBS 2's Dave Lopez is here now with more of the video Dave well it happened right here in the fair fast district right next to Beverly and Fairfax 7600 block to be exact the name of the places of the synagogue is X Jacob Torah Center combination synagogue and school we will tell you that school was in session but
all of the students were well aware from where this a well away form where this happened many of them weren't even aware that it did happen all of it captured as you mentioned on live YouTube and according to the person who was shot she says all she was doing was minding her own business taking shots of the exterior when a security guard pulled a gun and shot her on this YouTube video shot by a woman who identified herself as Zoe Perez and said she is a transgender she said all she was doing wa
s shooting the outside of the synagogue because she liked the design of the doors it's day there you can see the security guard get into a confrontation with her the YouTube video which was streamed live shows the security guard holstering his weapon and then you hear the gunshots who shot me Perez was taken to a hospital treated and released for what she says was a Grey's womb and she said this about the entire episode you think he fired at the sidewalk and the ricochet hit you or did the bulle
t hit you no doctor said it was a graze was he aiming the gun at you when he fired yes where was he aiming there was like kind of the belly area you have any connection to the synagogue no never III live in like Orange County area and when I asked her if she was doing anything at all there could be you know taken as though you were suspicious any kind of peculiar activity she's bristled and said no it's in the eyes of the holders her words and she says I wasn't doing anything wrong all I was doi
ng was having my camera out and taking pictures now the security guard has not been arrested but he is being questioned by the LAPD he has not been released yet he has not been identified and as you can see by the video he was already behind that gate he never came out from behind that gate and Zoe was always on the sidewalk never on the property of the synagogue she has been released completely the LAPD said they have watched all the entire 40 to 45 minutes of this video that they have decided
that she did nothing wrong whatsoever has a graze wound on her leg and is now on her way home to Orange County reporting live from outside the synagogue here in the fair fat district I'm Dave Lopez CBS 2 News
