
Chapter 00/20 - The Introduction Of The Documentary | Knowledge Of 40,000 Years | Documentary Series

Knowledge Of 40,000 Years ... Is a research-based documentary series on Science, Religion, Ancient History & Archeology. The purpose of this series is to talk about ... #quranandscience #islamichistory #prophetmuhammad #evolution #quranpak #hazratadam #cosmos #universe 01. The Universe 02. The Existence of God 03. The true Religion 04. The Creations of The Universe 05. Creations of Humans 06. Creatures other than Humans 07. Kings, Prophets & Nations And to talk about such topics, I shall take you on a journey through the available knowledge of 40,000 years.

Rumi Blogs

11 months ago

in the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful assalamu alaikum my name is Anna's Iqbal and from today on I'm going to tell you a tale a true story of 40 000 years this story will also be about the birth of earths and skies and also the beginning of Life where did the human come from what has happened in past what is happening now and what will happen in the future starting from today one by one I will present this story to you which starts from the very beginning of everything and
will go the end of everything and I will present this story from every angle the angle of religion the angle of Science and from the angle of all that useful knowledge that will help us to understand this true story to understand this story our biggest source will be a book in which there are no lies a person who had never lied we will talk about those scientific sources that are confirmed and are not just theories or guesswork our story will include the archeology evidences excavated from the
ancient past through which I will paint a picture of forty thousand years in front of you we will study the books and tablets written 5000 years ago which will help us to understand all those eras and periods and the purpose to tell you this story is to use all the knowledge and reach him who has written this beautiful story every chapter of this story will be an attempt to know him whose order will be visible spread through these forty Thousand Years and if after listening this true story you a
re able to realize his presence please pray for me my parents and my brothers and sisters thank you



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Keep up the good work 👍